Book Awards
Boomers to Millennials, Moving America Forward
Gold Medal (Current Events/Social Change Category) "GOLD INDIE"
Independent Book Publishing Professionals Group/Next Generation Indie Awards
Gold Medal (Social Change)
American Book Fest/International Book Awards.
Silver Medal President's Award , Florida Authors and Publishers Association
Finalist - National Indie Excellence Award.
How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say
Gold Medal (Politics, Economics, Law and Media). Florida Authors and Publishers Association President's Award.
Gold Medal (Education/Current Events). Florida Authors and Publishers Association President's Award
Finalist, Silver IPPY- Independent Publisher Book Awards
Finalist, Silver INDIE -Independent Book Publishers Group, Next Generation Indie Awards.
Boomers to Millennials, Moving America Forward
Gold Medal (Current Events/Social Change Category) "GOLD INDIE"
Independent Book Publishing Professionals Group/Next Generation Indie Awards
Gold Medal (Social Change)
American Book Fest/International Book Awards.
Silver Medal President's Award , Florida Authors and Publishers Association
Finalist - National Indie Excellence Award.
How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say
Gold Medal (Politics, Economics, Law and Media). Florida Authors and Publishers Association President's Award.
Gold Medal (Education/Current Events). Florida Authors and Publishers Association President's Award
Finalist, Silver IPPY- Independent Publisher Book Awards
Finalist, Silver INDIE -Independent Book Publishers Group, Next Generation Indie Awards.
Due to higher than anticipated demands for my time, I am unable to continue writing weekly summaries of the Political News of the Week. I apologize and invite you to read my weekly blog instead. Many thanks to my loyal readers!
June 18, 2013. Just a short note to remind you that I was working for the College Board all of last week in Salt Lake City scoring Advanced Placement United States Government and American Politics Free Response Questions ("FRQ's). I will be traveling to Columbus, Ohio tomorrow and will be making a West Coast "swing" beginning in Portland, Oregon to Seattle, Washington and down the Pacific Coast and then back to Florida on July 4. I promise to return to my regular posting of Political News of the Week on July 7. Until then, stay safe and be well.
June 2, 2013. *Before addressing the political news of the week, I would be remiss to publicly thank the Independent Publishers and the Independent Book Publishers Group for their very kind recognition of my book for a National Silver IPPY and a Next Generation Indie Book Finalist Award. Now that I have had a "taste" of such national recognition, I think I like it and would like to return to NYC again next year! I guess that means I have to get to work on finishing my next book! Many, many thanks to those two great organizations for the tremendous book award honors!
*The big news in New York City was the candidacy of Anthony Weiner for mayor. Despite the vast field of potential jokes associated with this guy's candidacy ("I will work hard for my constituents" to "I'm ahead in the biggest polls") I wonder how anyone can take this guy seriously. Anthony Weiner flat out lied about his sexting habits by claiming innocence and that his twitter account was hacked. What would it say about New York if Weiner won the mayoral race? I will leave that opening for you (fill in the blank for joke here ____________).
*U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder remains in the hot seat for the Justice Department's snooping into Associated Press and Fox New's James Rosen's telephone records. It appears the snooping into AP journalists' phone records was limited to accessing telephone numbers involved in phone conversations, but the snooping in Rosen's records actually included conversations. As a result of the "outrage" from the press, Holder invited members of the media to meet and discuss ways to protect their constitutionally protected rights. Despite this effort, many in the media refused to meet with Holder and have begun to politicize the entire matter in order to make Holder's life miserable. Gee folks, isn't it nice the media now finds it "despicable" for the DOJ to snoop into private conversations when it affects them directly, but remained moot when private individuals are snooped upon? Since the passage of the Patriot Act, snooping under the guise of "National Security" has been given carte blanc approval. Again, Congress needs to re-visit the authority of the government under The Patriot Act, but that might require them to actually go to work instead of screaming "Scandal" everyday!
*Speaking of snooping, Judge Illston of the United States District Court (9th Circuit) has ruled Google must comply with Department of Justice demands for information relating to internet based communications from certain individuals based upon "National Security" concerns. Ironically, Judge Illston ruled this past March that the government must meet significant compelling interest burdens of proof in order to demand such electronic communication providers. According to The Associated Press, Judge Ilston ruled in the Google matter that "After receiving sworn statements from two top-ranking FBI officials, Illston said she was satisfied that 17 of the 19 letters were issued properly. She wanted more information on two other letters." As long as the Courts are involved in determining the constitutionality of such searches, I am satisfied. Unfortunately, a growing number of Americans are beginning to mistrust the judiciary, which is a serious threat to our democracy! Are more "nullification" movements on the horizon?
*In a classic partisan move, GOP House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) publicly labled White House Press Secretary John Carney a "Paid Liar" who is " still making up things about what happened." Isn't it nice to know adults (NOT) are in control of the United States House of Representatives!?
*Speaking of partisanship, according to Politico, GOP House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (VA) has bought into former Tea Party Senator Jim DeMint's Heritage Foundation's previous policy memo directing Congressional Republicans to avoid all legislative issues and instead push talking points and narratives against the White House. According to Politico, Cantor issued a memo this past Friday to fellow House Republicans directing that "During June and the coming months, the House will continue to hold the Administration accountable,” Cantor wrote. “We will continue our work to determine who directed IRS employees to target conservative groups, why it was done, and who knew about it.” So much for doing their jobs in Congress! Despite the infrastructure, the environment, tax code and education reforms screaming for attention, Republicans are sitting pat on their continued strategy to do nothing but cry "scandal" from dawn to dusk!
*On my flight back to Florida from New York, I must have appeared to suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder to those sitting next to me because I was changing channels every minute between Fox News, CNN, CNBC and MSNBC. While the Presidents speech on student loan rates was televised on both CNN and MSNBC, Fox was hammering away guessed it...Benghazi! Seems Benaghzi has become the "non-scandal" Fox and the Right Wing believe will become a real issue if they scream about it everyday and night. Perhaps what is worse, is their continued effort to pin the entire tragedy on Obama with wild accusations they know cannot be substantiated. As long as their viewers tune in, why should Fox change from being a profitable entertainment site to a real news channel?
*Speaking of "over the top", Right Wing Oriented For-Profit Media has been caught in a distortion they are quickly attempting to cover-up with "corrected" stories. Seems the Daily Caller took security logs indicating former IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman visited the White House at least 147 times between 2010 and 2012. From this information, the Daily Caller decided Shulman had lied when he claimed he had very few visits between 2010 and 2012 to the White House and The Blaze, Fox News, The Drudge Report and Politico jumped all over the report as proof Shuman and the White House lied about their roles in the IRS scandal. Unfortunately, The Atlantic pored over the very same records and found security logs (used whenever a visitor comes into the White House or the "OEOB" - Old Executive Office Building which houses many executive agency offices) indicated that Shulman had a grand total of 36 actual visits to the White House during that same time frame, not over 147 as reported! Oops. Politico revised their story, but not until page 2 of their on-line article, yet kept the salacious title "Doug Shulman's White House Visits Reflect Expanded IRS Role." In reality, there is nothing to substantiate these claims, but journalistic integrity seems to have become an oxymoron these days! And the beat goes on.
*I would be remiss if I did not comment on Michele Bachmann's public announcement that she will not seek re-election to the House! Thanks Michele, now I have to revise my book! I wonder if any pharmaceutical companies would be interested in hiring her as a spokeswoman? Nah, probably not!
*If you are looking for my weekly installment of How The Voted, you will be disappointed. Between the Memorial Day break and the need to publicly attack the President, nothing was voted upon this week in the United States House of Representatives or the Senate. So much for addressing America's real needs!
*Last But Not Least - I will be addressing the Nations Group of Sarasota this Thursday at 10AM at the Selby Library. Just a heads-up, I will be flying to Salt Lake City, Utah next Sunday for a ten day stint working for the Educational Testing Service grading College Board's Advanced Placement United States Government and American Politics exams. I will try to post next Sunday from the airport (if possible).
See Press Release from the College Board:
News from the Advanced Placement Program® June 2, 2013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
NEW YORK-- Venice High School teacher and resident Daniel R. Rubin, author of “How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say” has been selected to participate in the College Board’s Annual AP Reading in AP United States Government and American Politics. Each June, AP teachers and college faculty members from around the world gather in the United States to evaluate and score the free response sections of the AP Exams.
AP Readers are high school and college educators who represent many of the finest academic institutions in the world. The AP Reading is a unique forum in which an academic dialogue between educators is both fostered and encouraged. “The Reading draws upon the talents of some of the finest teachers and professors that the world has to offer,” said Trevor Packer, Senior Vice President, AP and College Readiness at the College Board. “It fosters professionalism, allows for the exchange of ideas, and strengthens the commitment to students and to teaching. We are very grateful for the contributions of talented educators like Dan Rubin.”
The Advanced Placement Program® (AP®) enables willing and academically prepared students to pursue college level studies with the opportunity to earn college credit, advanced placement or both –while still in high school. Through AP courses in 34 subjects, each culminating in a rigorous exam, students learn to think critically, construct solid arguments, and see many sides of an issue –skills that prepare them for college and beyond. Research indicates that students who score a 3 or higher on an AP Exam typically exams typically experience greater academic success in college and are more likely to earn a college degree than non-AP students.
In 2012, more than11,000 AP Readers evaluated more than 3.7million AP Exams.
That's all for this Sunday. Have a great and safe week!
*The big news in New York City was the candidacy of Anthony Weiner for mayor. Despite the vast field of potential jokes associated with this guy's candidacy ("I will work hard for my constituents" to "I'm ahead in the biggest polls") I wonder how anyone can take this guy seriously. Anthony Weiner flat out lied about his sexting habits by claiming innocence and that his twitter account was hacked. What would it say about New York if Weiner won the mayoral race? I will leave that opening for you (fill in the blank for joke here ____________).
*U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder remains in the hot seat for the Justice Department's snooping into Associated Press and Fox New's James Rosen's telephone records. It appears the snooping into AP journalists' phone records was limited to accessing telephone numbers involved in phone conversations, but the snooping in Rosen's records actually included conversations. As a result of the "outrage" from the press, Holder invited members of the media to meet and discuss ways to protect their constitutionally protected rights. Despite this effort, many in the media refused to meet with Holder and have begun to politicize the entire matter in order to make Holder's life miserable. Gee folks, isn't it nice the media now finds it "despicable" for the DOJ to snoop into private conversations when it affects them directly, but remained moot when private individuals are snooped upon? Since the passage of the Patriot Act, snooping under the guise of "National Security" has been given carte blanc approval. Again, Congress needs to re-visit the authority of the government under The Patriot Act, but that might require them to actually go to work instead of screaming "Scandal" everyday!
*Speaking of snooping, Judge Illston of the United States District Court (9th Circuit) has ruled Google must comply with Department of Justice demands for information relating to internet based communications from certain individuals based upon "National Security" concerns. Ironically, Judge Illston ruled this past March that the government must meet significant compelling interest burdens of proof in order to demand such electronic communication providers. According to The Associated Press, Judge Ilston ruled in the Google matter that "After receiving sworn statements from two top-ranking FBI officials, Illston said she was satisfied that 17 of the 19 letters were issued properly. She wanted more information on two other letters." As long as the Courts are involved in determining the constitutionality of such searches, I am satisfied. Unfortunately, a growing number of Americans are beginning to mistrust the judiciary, which is a serious threat to our democracy! Are more "nullification" movements on the horizon?
*In a classic partisan move, GOP House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) publicly labled White House Press Secretary John Carney a "Paid Liar" who is " still making up things about what happened." Isn't it nice to know adults (NOT) are in control of the United States House of Representatives!?
*Speaking of partisanship, according to Politico, GOP House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (VA) has bought into former Tea Party Senator Jim DeMint's Heritage Foundation's previous policy memo directing Congressional Republicans to avoid all legislative issues and instead push talking points and narratives against the White House. According to Politico, Cantor issued a memo this past Friday to fellow House Republicans directing that "During June and the coming months, the House will continue to hold the Administration accountable,” Cantor wrote. “We will continue our work to determine who directed IRS employees to target conservative groups, why it was done, and who knew about it.” So much for doing their jobs in Congress! Despite the infrastructure, the environment, tax code and education reforms screaming for attention, Republicans are sitting pat on their continued strategy to do nothing but cry "scandal" from dawn to dusk!
*On my flight back to Florida from New York, I must have appeared to suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder to those sitting next to me because I was changing channels every minute between Fox News, CNN, CNBC and MSNBC. While the Presidents speech on student loan rates was televised on both CNN and MSNBC, Fox was hammering away guessed it...Benghazi! Seems Benaghzi has become the "non-scandal" Fox and the Right Wing believe will become a real issue if they scream about it everyday and night. Perhaps what is worse, is their continued effort to pin the entire tragedy on Obama with wild accusations they know cannot be substantiated. As long as their viewers tune in, why should Fox change from being a profitable entertainment site to a real news channel?
*Speaking of "over the top", Right Wing Oriented For-Profit Media has been caught in a distortion they are quickly attempting to cover-up with "corrected" stories. Seems the Daily Caller took security logs indicating former IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman visited the White House at least 147 times between 2010 and 2012. From this information, the Daily Caller decided Shulman had lied when he claimed he had very few visits between 2010 and 2012 to the White House and The Blaze, Fox News, The Drudge Report and Politico jumped all over the report as proof Shuman and the White House lied about their roles in the IRS scandal. Unfortunately, The Atlantic pored over the very same records and found security logs (used whenever a visitor comes into the White House or the "OEOB" - Old Executive Office Building which houses many executive agency offices) indicated that Shulman had a grand total of 36 actual visits to the White House during that same time frame, not over 147 as reported! Oops. Politico revised their story, but not until page 2 of their on-line article, yet kept the salacious title "Doug Shulman's White House Visits Reflect Expanded IRS Role." In reality, there is nothing to substantiate these claims, but journalistic integrity seems to have become an oxymoron these days! And the beat goes on.
*I would be remiss if I did not comment on Michele Bachmann's public announcement that she will not seek re-election to the House! Thanks Michele, now I have to revise my book! I wonder if any pharmaceutical companies would be interested in hiring her as a spokeswoman? Nah, probably not!
*If you are looking for my weekly installment of How The Voted, you will be disappointed. Between the Memorial Day break and the need to publicly attack the President, nothing was voted upon this week in the United States House of Representatives or the Senate. So much for addressing America's real needs!
*Last But Not Least - I will be addressing the Nations Group of Sarasota this Thursday at 10AM at the Selby Library. Just a heads-up, I will be flying to Salt Lake City, Utah next Sunday for a ten day stint working for the Educational Testing Service grading College Board's Advanced Placement United States Government and American Politics exams. I will try to post next Sunday from the airport (if possible).
See Press Release from the College Board:
News from the Advanced Placement Program® June 2, 2013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
NEW YORK-- Venice High School teacher and resident Daniel R. Rubin, author of “How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say” has been selected to participate in the College Board’s Annual AP Reading in AP United States Government and American Politics. Each June, AP teachers and college faculty members from around the world gather in the United States to evaluate and score the free response sections of the AP Exams.
AP Readers are high school and college educators who represent many of the finest academic institutions in the world. The AP Reading is a unique forum in which an academic dialogue between educators is both fostered and encouraged. “The Reading draws upon the talents of some of the finest teachers and professors that the world has to offer,” said Trevor Packer, Senior Vice President, AP and College Readiness at the College Board. “It fosters professionalism, allows for the exchange of ideas, and strengthens the commitment to students and to teaching. We are very grateful for the contributions of talented educators like Dan Rubin.”
The Advanced Placement Program® (AP®) enables willing and academically prepared students to pursue college level studies with the opportunity to earn college credit, advanced placement or both –while still in high school. Through AP courses in 34 subjects, each culminating in a rigorous exam, students learn to think critically, construct solid arguments, and see many sides of an issue –skills that prepare them for college and beyond. Research indicates that students who score a 3 or higher on an AP Exam typically exams typically experience greater academic success in college and are more likely to earn a college degree than non-AP students.
In 2012, more than11,000 AP Readers evaluated more than 3.7million AP Exams.
That's all for this Sunday. Have a great and safe week!
May 26, 2013. *Before reviewing the news of the week, let us all pause and give thanks and respect to those that have lost their lives or put them on the line fighting for our great Nation this Memorial Day weekend! As my family will tell you, many years ago I would stare and stare at my uncle's uniform bearing the Lieutenant bars and "The Bloody Bucket" insignia of the 28th Infantry Division. Although my uncle (who was wounded somewhere in the forests of Europe) would not reveal any stories about his military experience, I found the Division prominently displayed at the Battle of the Bulge Museum in Clervaux, Luxembourg for their heroism. Perhaps this uniform is what started my interest in American history? My uncle has been gone a while now, but I always remember him and all other veterans for their service to America. May they always stand strong in our memories and receive the respect they, all current and future members of our military deserve.
*Speaking of our military, President Obama gave a speech this week defining the role of America in the Post-9/11 era. According to The New York Times, Obama will "radically reorder the power centers in Washington: emboldening the State Department, gradually refocusing the C.I.A. on traditional intelligence gathering, and handing primary responsibility for lethal operations to the Pentagon. The military’s elite commandos would carry out raids or drone strikes only in exceptional cases; more likely, scores of Special Forces troops would train and advise indigenous forces to combat militants on their soil so large American armies would not have to." Now if we can get a handle on how to defend against Cyberwarfare, then we can possibly see a more stable Geo-Political future for the World.
*For the second time in less than a week, a highway bridge collapsed. The first collapse occurred along the busy I-5 route over the Skagit River near the border with Canada when a truck bumped into the steel framework. Now, hitting the side of a bridge might be enough to cause a bridge to "go down" but investigators have revealed that due to the obsolete design of the bridge, it did not take much to cause its ruin. According to the National Transportation Safety Board, the design of the bridge is no longer approved for such use, despite the political rhetoric that there was nothing Congress could have done to avoid such an accident. According to the NTSB, thousands of similar bridges exist across America and action must be taken to avoid similar accidents from occurring. Not more than a few days later, a bridge collapsed in Chaffee, Missouri when one of the bridge's pillars was struck by rail cars after a train collision. No one can claim the collapse was due to a "weak" bridge, however, designs from the past are proving to be unreliable for sustaining such impacts. New innovations in bridge design make such events less likely, yet our Nation continues to avoid dealing with the necessity we face to repair our crumbling infrastructure. Although politicians speak often about wasteful spending, we should begin to demand they "invest" in America! If we engage in some sort of "Nation Building" we should be doing it here at home first! Oh that's right, it's the ECONOMY right? Sure....
*Moore, Oklahoma continues to dig its way out of the debris created by one of the worst tornadoes in American history. Thanks to an efficient Early Warning System, citizens of Moore were forewarned of the tornado 16 minutes before it struck their town. Clearly, modern meteorological science has improved enough to give efficient warnings to those in the path of destructive tornadoes, however, why some in Oklahoma do not have underground "safe rooms" is beyond me. More importantly, why doesn't Oklahoma require all schools to have such underground "safe rooms"? Considering Oklahoma has been known as part of "Tornado Alley" for decades, one would think providing safe havens for school children would be appropriate, let alone mandatory for all public and private structures. I know, too much government interference right? Sometimes it takes governmental "interference" to save people from themselves, and living in "Tornado Alley" should require mandatory provisions to save lives. Having lived through a few tornadoes in my life, being underground has always seemed like a "no brainer" to me!
*Boy Scouts of America voted this week to allow Gay youths. According to The Washington Post, the Scouts' National Council passed a resolution ending the 100 year old rule that openly Gay scouts "were not morally straight." Now Gay Rights Activists are pressuring the Council to allow Gay Scout Masters as well. And the beat goes on...
*Predictably, the alleged "scandals that would destroy the Obama Administration" have failed to resonate with a majority of Americans, despite the concerted efforts of the Right Wing Oriented For-Profit Media. Evidence linking Obama to Benghazi has not materialized, despite the best efforts of the Darrell Issa (R-CA), GOP Chairman of the House Oversight Committee. Similarly, no evidence exists to tie Obama to the IRS targeting of Conservative groups using the terms "Tea Party" or "Patriots" in their names. Ironically, many liberal based groups suffered the same scrutiny under the Bush Era, but Conservatives had no problem with the action then. Regardless, the IRS is perhaps the most despised bureaucrat agency of the Federal Government, so attempts by the Right to politicize the IRS actions crumbles under its own weight. Democrats hate the IRS just as much as Republicans. Now can anyone get the Republicans off their butts to start the work to reform the tax code (which they are required under Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution). Oh that's right, Americans love the Constitution but cannot tell anyone what it really says.
*How They Voted (according to The Associated Press) - It was a "busy" week in Washington, so busy that it is the topic of today's blog posting. See it there! In the GOP-led House of Representatives, a Bill requiring the immediate construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline was approved along party lines with a vote of 241-175. Amendments to the Bill requiring the products from the refined Canadian Tar Sands be sold exclusively to American consumers was rejected by Republicans, as was an effort to ensure the oil companies benefiting from the refined products pay into the Oil Spill Liability Fund. The House also passed a Bill (HR1911) set variable interest rates for student Stafford Loans. The interest rate set by the House is 2.5% above the 10 year Treasury note rate, or currently 8.5%. Current Stafford student loan rates are capped at 6.8%. The GOP measure passed the House by a vote of 221-198. Next time voters strapped with student loans go to vote, remember which members of the House voted to raise student loan interest rates! In the United States Senate, Sri Srinivasan was confirmed to sit on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. Srinivasan has served as principal deputy Soliciter General. Srinivasan was confirmed by a vote of 97-0. In other action, the Senate voted 54-45 against an Amendment to the pending farm bill allowing for market forces to be considered before federal sugar subsidies be provided. The Senate also voted down a Bill (58-40)that would trim an additional $30 Billion over 10 years to the $800 Billion Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The program related directly to Food Stamps. In further action, the Senate rejected a Bill proposing granting states the authority to label genetically modified foods. The action devolved the auhtority to the States from that currently possessed by the FDA. The Amendment to proposed Senate Farm Bill S 954) was defeated. Another effort to cut subsidiez to tobacco growers also went down to defeat in the Senate by a vote of 52-44. The proposed Amendment to the Farm Bill prohibted federal subsidies of crop insurance to tobacco farmers which currently costs taxpayers $3 Billion annually. So much for cutting Federal spending! According to The Associated Press, nothing except more work on the Farm Bill will be discussed this week due to another Congressional vacation for Memorial Day!
*Last But Not Least - I will be heading to New York City to attend the 2013 Next Generation Indie Book Awards ceremony at the Harvard Club of New York City and the Independent Book Publishers IPPY book awards ceremony at the Providence NYC Hotel during BookExpo America, the largest literary convention in the World. I will let you know how it went when I return. Until then, have a great week!
*Speaking of our military, President Obama gave a speech this week defining the role of America in the Post-9/11 era. According to The New York Times, Obama will "radically reorder the power centers in Washington: emboldening the State Department, gradually refocusing the C.I.A. on traditional intelligence gathering, and handing primary responsibility for lethal operations to the Pentagon. The military’s elite commandos would carry out raids or drone strikes only in exceptional cases; more likely, scores of Special Forces troops would train and advise indigenous forces to combat militants on their soil so large American armies would not have to." Now if we can get a handle on how to defend against Cyberwarfare, then we can possibly see a more stable Geo-Political future for the World.
*For the second time in less than a week, a highway bridge collapsed. The first collapse occurred along the busy I-5 route over the Skagit River near the border with Canada when a truck bumped into the steel framework. Now, hitting the side of a bridge might be enough to cause a bridge to "go down" but investigators have revealed that due to the obsolete design of the bridge, it did not take much to cause its ruin. According to the National Transportation Safety Board, the design of the bridge is no longer approved for such use, despite the political rhetoric that there was nothing Congress could have done to avoid such an accident. According to the NTSB, thousands of similar bridges exist across America and action must be taken to avoid similar accidents from occurring. Not more than a few days later, a bridge collapsed in Chaffee, Missouri when one of the bridge's pillars was struck by rail cars after a train collision. No one can claim the collapse was due to a "weak" bridge, however, designs from the past are proving to be unreliable for sustaining such impacts. New innovations in bridge design make such events less likely, yet our Nation continues to avoid dealing with the necessity we face to repair our crumbling infrastructure. Although politicians speak often about wasteful spending, we should begin to demand they "invest" in America! If we engage in some sort of "Nation Building" we should be doing it here at home first! Oh that's right, it's the ECONOMY right? Sure....
*Moore, Oklahoma continues to dig its way out of the debris created by one of the worst tornadoes in American history. Thanks to an efficient Early Warning System, citizens of Moore were forewarned of the tornado 16 minutes before it struck their town. Clearly, modern meteorological science has improved enough to give efficient warnings to those in the path of destructive tornadoes, however, why some in Oklahoma do not have underground "safe rooms" is beyond me. More importantly, why doesn't Oklahoma require all schools to have such underground "safe rooms"? Considering Oklahoma has been known as part of "Tornado Alley" for decades, one would think providing safe havens for school children would be appropriate, let alone mandatory for all public and private structures. I know, too much government interference right? Sometimes it takes governmental "interference" to save people from themselves, and living in "Tornado Alley" should require mandatory provisions to save lives. Having lived through a few tornadoes in my life, being underground has always seemed like a "no brainer" to me!
*Boy Scouts of America voted this week to allow Gay youths. According to The Washington Post, the Scouts' National Council passed a resolution ending the 100 year old rule that openly Gay scouts "were not morally straight." Now Gay Rights Activists are pressuring the Council to allow Gay Scout Masters as well. And the beat goes on...
*Predictably, the alleged "scandals that would destroy the Obama Administration" have failed to resonate with a majority of Americans, despite the concerted efforts of the Right Wing Oriented For-Profit Media. Evidence linking Obama to Benghazi has not materialized, despite the best efforts of the Darrell Issa (R-CA), GOP Chairman of the House Oversight Committee. Similarly, no evidence exists to tie Obama to the IRS targeting of Conservative groups using the terms "Tea Party" or "Patriots" in their names. Ironically, many liberal based groups suffered the same scrutiny under the Bush Era, but Conservatives had no problem with the action then. Regardless, the IRS is perhaps the most despised bureaucrat agency of the Federal Government, so attempts by the Right to politicize the IRS actions crumbles under its own weight. Democrats hate the IRS just as much as Republicans. Now can anyone get the Republicans off their butts to start the work to reform the tax code (which they are required under Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution). Oh that's right, Americans love the Constitution but cannot tell anyone what it really says.
*How They Voted (according to The Associated Press) - It was a "busy" week in Washington, so busy that it is the topic of today's blog posting. See it there! In the GOP-led House of Representatives, a Bill requiring the immediate construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline was approved along party lines with a vote of 241-175. Amendments to the Bill requiring the products from the refined Canadian Tar Sands be sold exclusively to American consumers was rejected by Republicans, as was an effort to ensure the oil companies benefiting from the refined products pay into the Oil Spill Liability Fund. The House also passed a Bill (HR1911) set variable interest rates for student Stafford Loans. The interest rate set by the House is 2.5% above the 10 year Treasury note rate, or currently 8.5%. Current Stafford student loan rates are capped at 6.8%. The GOP measure passed the House by a vote of 221-198. Next time voters strapped with student loans go to vote, remember which members of the House voted to raise student loan interest rates! In the United States Senate, Sri Srinivasan was confirmed to sit on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. Srinivasan has served as principal deputy Soliciter General. Srinivasan was confirmed by a vote of 97-0. In other action, the Senate voted 54-45 against an Amendment to the pending farm bill allowing for market forces to be considered before federal sugar subsidies be provided. The Senate also voted down a Bill (58-40)that would trim an additional $30 Billion over 10 years to the $800 Billion Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The program related directly to Food Stamps. In further action, the Senate rejected a Bill proposing granting states the authority to label genetically modified foods. The action devolved the auhtority to the States from that currently possessed by the FDA. The Amendment to proposed Senate Farm Bill S 954) was defeated. Another effort to cut subsidiez to tobacco growers also went down to defeat in the Senate by a vote of 52-44. The proposed Amendment to the Farm Bill prohibted federal subsidies of crop insurance to tobacco farmers which currently costs taxpayers $3 Billion annually. So much for cutting Federal spending! According to The Associated Press, nothing except more work on the Farm Bill will be discussed this week due to another Congressional vacation for Memorial Day!
*Last But Not Least - I will be heading to New York City to attend the 2013 Next Generation Indie Book Awards ceremony at the Harvard Club of New York City and the Independent Book Publishers IPPY book awards ceremony at the Providence NYC Hotel during BookExpo America, the largest literary convention in the World. I will let you know how it went when I return. Until then, have a great week!
May 19, 2013. *Before I get to this week in Politics, I have to congratulate Coach Craig Faulkner and his Venice Indians Baseball Team for winning their third Florida State Baseball Championship. For those of you that may not know, Venice Baseball is what originally brought me to live full-time in Venice, Florida. My son came down to try out for the Indians and when he made the team, we officially moved to Venice. No one could write a better script for my son as he not only joined an ascendent program, he was part of a team that swept its way to a Florida 5A State Championship in 2007. The skills developed by the coaches and the program elevated his game enough to be actively recruited to play college baseball (and he played four years at Macalester College). Now the Venice program boasts over 11 Seniors accepting college offers with several Juniors already verbally committed to play college ball as well. Even though they have proven themselves to be a top notch baseball program (ranked in the top 5 in the Nation coming into the State Championships), they also are a top notch group of young men off the field. Hat's off to the 2013 Class 7a Florida State Champions and their now legendary coaching staff led by Craig Faulkner! Way to go guys!
*As we all know, the week was frought with investigations and sensationalized stories about the alleged Benaghzi "cover-up" which was not a cover-up at all, plus the idiocy of the IRS targeting Tea Party groups applying for exempt tax statuts as "Social Welfare Groups" to the Associated Press crying foul over Department of Justice reviewing all telephone records (not conversatons, just numbers called) in an effort to identify a leak of sensitive information. The week led to a "perfect storm" for Republicans! Instead of being cautious not to make the matters appear "overtly political", the Republicans (as usual) could not contain their glee and have already begun to overreach. Does anyone really think these actions willl have legs by the 2016 Presidential election cycle? Really?
*With the Associated Press too busy covering all of the Investigations into the Obama Administration, they forgot to cover How They Voted This Week. No worries, according to the U.S. Senate, the Democratically controlled Chamber voted to confirm the nominations of
Ernest J. Moniz to be Secretary of Energy by a vote of 97 - 0. Moniz is a physicist and professor at MIT. He also had served as Under-Secretary of Energy during the Clinton Administration. The Senate also confirmed the nomination of Marilyn B. Tavenner to serve as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services by a vote of 91-7. Tavenner is a former Virginia health official and is a nurse and will head the massive department vested with overseeing the Medicare and Medicaid programs. She becomes the first confirmed leader of the Agency, as Republicans have blocked all previous nominations from Obama in retaliation for Democrats blocking President Bush's nominee in 2006. In the GOP-led House of Representatives, nothing other than a show vote to repeal Obamacare was voted upon this past week, as the chamber was far too busy mugging for the cameras and leading a third of its Committees in their investigations into the Obama Administration. And the beat goes on.
*In other news conveniently ignored by some in the Media (especially Fox News), CBS reported that some of the emails produced by the White House had actually been altered by Republicans in an effort to accentuate their polticial talking points. According to CBS,
" leaked versions sent out by the GOP last Friday had visible differences than Wednesday's official batch." Can anyone honestly claim they have respect for either political party in Washington when this crap is going on? What about the scandals in Congress? Why can they engage in Insider Trading of securities that is otherwise illegal for average citizens (see Martha Stewart)? How can they continue to ignore Climate Change by claiming it is a hoax when over 93% of leading scientists now say we are at a critical crossroads for the health of the Earth? How can Congress continue to ignore real changes needed to improve Obamacare? How can Congress continue to ignore the harsh impact Student Loans have on young Americans? How can Congress ignore dealing with initiatives needed to assist those needing gainful and meaningful employment? Who will Americans blame when our infrastructure begins to become too hazardous to citizens? The real scandal is Congress and their collective failure to work on real problems. Is anyone willing to calculate how much taxpayer money is being wasted in Congress? Will we ever learn?
*Last But Not Least - Am I the only one getting tired of commenting on the same old things, week in and week out? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to write about Congress and the President making real progress on initiatives that benefit all Americans? Isn't it time to stop complaining and start doing something about the morass in Washington? I'm ready! Are you? "Sweep Them Clean in 2014!" Have a great week (if you can).
*As we all know, the week was frought with investigations and sensationalized stories about the alleged Benaghzi "cover-up" which was not a cover-up at all, plus the idiocy of the IRS targeting Tea Party groups applying for exempt tax statuts as "Social Welfare Groups" to the Associated Press crying foul over Department of Justice reviewing all telephone records (not conversatons, just numbers called) in an effort to identify a leak of sensitive information. The week led to a "perfect storm" for Republicans! Instead of being cautious not to make the matters appear "overtly political", the Republicans (as usual) could not contain their glee and have already begun to overreach. Does anyone really think these actions willl have legs by the 2016 Presidential election cycle? Really?
*With the Associated Press too busy covering all of the Investigations into the Obama Administration, they forgot to cover How They Voted This Week. No worries, according to the U.S. Senate, the Democratically controlled Chamber voted to confirm the nominations of
Ernest J. Moniz to be Secretary of Energy by a vote of 97 - 0. Moniz is a physicist and professor at MIT. He also had served as Under-Secretary of Energy during the Clinton Administration. The Senate also confirmed the nomination of Marilyn B. Tavenner to serve as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services by a vote of 91-7. Tavenner is a former Virginia health official and is a nurse and will head the massive department vested with overseeing the Medicare and Medicaid programs. She becomes the first confirmed leader of the Agency, as Republicans have blocked all previous nominations from Obama in retaliation for Democrats blocking President Bush's nominee in 2006. In the GOP-led House of Representatives, nothing other than a show vote to repeal Obamacare was voted upon this past week, as the chamber was far too busy mugging for the cameras and leading a third of its Committees in their investigations into the Obama Administration. And the beat goes on.
*In other news conveniently ignored by some in the Media (especially Fox News), CBS reported that some of the emails produced by the White House had actually been altered by Republicans in an effort to accentuate their polticial talking points. According to CBS,
" leaked versions sent out by the GOP last Friday had visible differences than Wednesday's official batch." Can anyone honestly claim they have respect for either political party in Washington when this crap is going on? What about the scandals in Congress? Why can they engage in Insider Trading of securities that is otherwise illegal for average citizens (see Martha Stewart)? How can they continue to ignore Climate Change by claiming it is a hoax when over 93% of leading scientists now say we are at a critical crossroads for the health of the Earth? How can Congress continue to ignore real changes needed to improve Obamacare? How can Congress continue to ignore the harsh impact Student Loans have on young Americans? How can Congress ignore dealing with initiatives needed to assist those needing gainful and meaningful employment? Who will Americans blame when our infrastructure begins to become too hazardous to citizens? The real scandal is Congress and their collective failure to work on real problems. Is anyone willing to calculate how much taxpayer money is being wasted in Congress? Will we ever learn?
*Last But Not Least - Am I the only one getting tired of commenting on the same old things, week in and week out? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to write about Congress and the President making real progress on initiatives that benefit all Americans? Isn't it time to stop complaining and start doing something about the morass in Washington? I'm ready! Are you? "Sweep Them Clean in 2014!" Have a great week (if you can).
May 12, 2013. * HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to every mom out there! My wife (thankfully) and I have both of our Mom's, each other, and our daughter who is expecting her third child. Happy Mothers day to all of them and to all of the moms we all love everywhere!
*This past week, my parents celebrated their 63 Wedding Anniversary! I guess there are two major factors in achieving such a milestone. You either simply marry young enough and live long enough and you actually love each other. Way to go mom and dad!
*And when it rains it pours! Our son (and youngest), Nathan celebrated his 23rd birthday this past week as well. A Macalester College Graduate, a Championship baseball player and now a Graduate student at NYU-Poly, we are very proud of him! Happy birthday boy!
*To top it all off, while preparing to head to bed Tuesday night, I received an e-mail notifying me that I have been awarded a "Finalist" Next Generation Indie Award in the category of Education/Academics. That makes an incredible two national book awards for my book. When I questioned my publisher what this all means, he essentially said not to question but to accept. So I will be heading to New York City to accept the awards at two separate ceremonies on the eve of BookExpo America. I am very grateful for the recognition my book is receiving! Thank you to all of my supporters and to the Independent Book Publishers Professional Group ("(IBPPG") for this wonderful award!
*Speaking of my book, I saw a new comment from a reader giving my book three stars on saying the book "...Was not well written..." I guess everyone's a critic. Thankfully, the ones that actually count like it.
*As most of you now know, this was the week the GOP led "Benghazi Hearings" was going to "blow the roof off the coverup" which many on the Far Right (aided and abetted by Fox News) proclaimed would "bring down the Obama Presidency" (see Mike Huckabee, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and other Fox talking heads). At this point, how closely are American paying attention? Other than the GOP Base that is inclined to hate Obama for everything and anything, not many. Yet, the GOP is collecting solid points with it's base as it continues to make the Mid-term Elections their priority instead of dealing with the many problems facing America.
* This week the Defense Department revealed a new effort to crack down on Sexual Assault and Abuse in the military. Why this has not been the custom all along one will never know, but now they are taking it seriously. Where is the outrage in Congress about the long-standing tradition of serious sexual abuse in the military that has been routinely covered-up for years? Priorities folks, priorities. Attacking Obama on Benghazi is more important than jobs, the economy, abuses in the military, environmental problems and... you catch my "drift."
*This week it was widely reported that the concentration of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere has risen to the highest level ever and has crossed the "red-line" of 400 parts per billion. According to Bloomberg News, the threshold now being reached has not been met in over three million years (and Earth was not too hospitable then). According to the article interviewing Bob Ward of the Granthham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics, "We are in the process of creating a prehistoric climate that humans have no evolutionary experience of." According to most scientists, the increase in atmospheric temperatures "will lead to a sea level rise of as much as 5,6 feet." I knew I would one day own ocean-front property!
*The Internal Revenue Service has officially apologized for scrutinizing applications of Conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status as 501(c)(4) interest groups. According to the Internal Revenue Code ("IRC"), to be eligible for the status, groups must be dedicated primarily with "promoting social welfare." The IRS Action has been a focal point of protesting Right Wing groups claiming the Obama Administration has used the IRS of "Thuggery" and "Intimidation." Now if the IRS would only use those techniques to weed out tax cheats in U.S. Corporations! More importantly, does engaging in political hate speech really fit the IRS criteria of "Promoting social welfare?" Hell, those folks oppose welfare of any kind (unless they are receiving it).
*According to The Associated Press, 1 World Trade Center has reached the height of the old World Trade Center at 1,776 feet. A spire comprising two parts was placed atop I World Trade Center and will serve as a TV and Radio antenna highlighted with LED lights. The building is expected to open next year and reminds us all that America will always recover from attacks by its enemies!
*Despite the Obama Administration's plan to appeal a ruling of a Federal District Court allowing for "Morning After" pills to be dispensed to females of any age, a Federal Judge has lashed back stating the appeal is based upon political "motivations" and not upon actual legal argument. Gee, did anyone think the Obama Administration was appealing the decision for any other reason?
*Seems federal officials have a suspect in custody that may be tied to the fertilizer tragedy in West, Texas. After an initial splash in the media, it appears the suspect's arrest has already taken a "back seat" with the Media because the suspects name is Bryce Reed instead of Mufstafa Bin Blowup. Oh the outrage!
*Time again for How The Voted (as reported by The Associated Press)! In the GOP-led House of Representatives, a Bill was passed (221-207) giving bondholders priority to be paid in the event the government defaults on its debts (from a GOP-led refusal to raise the debt ceiling) See HR807. After paying bondholders such as pension funds and foreign governments, other debts might be paid like Social Security and thousands of other responsibilities. A Democratic Bill allowing for Social Security and other domestic programs to be paid first before paying debt interest to China and Iran was defeated by a vote of 207 to 200. Another GOP sponsored Bill proposing to allow employers to give "comp" time instead of overtime pay to employees was passed by a vote of 223 to 204. Instead of paying "time and a half" for overtime work, the Bill (HR1406) would allow employers the option of granting employees "Compensated" time off. A Democratic Bill was proposed to amend the Bill to ensure the "Comp" time would be of the choosing of the employee, but the GOP killed that Amendment by a vote of 207 to 200. Seems the GOP only wants employers to decide when employees would get the "Comp" time. What enforcement would exist if the employer conviently refuses to give ther employee the "Comp" time earned? Once again, the GOP led House is working to embolden the power of employers over the rights of workers (so who needs Unions anyway?)! In the United States Senate, a Bill was passed by a vote of 69-27 to require online retailers to collect state sales taxes on Internet sales (if the State has a law demanding the collection of said sales taxes). A Senate Cloture vote failed to reach the required super-majority on a Bill to advance a gun rights amendment to a water-resources bill (S608). The Amendment was to allow concealed carry of firearms by visitors to any Army Corp. of Engineers projects. Why in the World this is a priority is anyone's guess (unless you are the NRA)?! Voting for the measure? You guessed it, GOP Senator Marco Rubio (FL). According to the AP, the GOP-Led House this coming week will be considering making it tougher to regulate Wall Street and Banks along with an additional attempt to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act ("Obamacare") knowing full well the measure will never be entertained by the Democratic-led Senate. Once again, Congress wastes time while our nation's problems are left unaddressed!
*Last But Not Least - Due to the Holiday of Shavous (the giving of the Torah by G-d), I will not be posting on Tuesday or Wednesday night. Please enjoy the week and may it be blessed, happy and safe one for you all. Once again, Happy Mothers Day!!!
*This past week, my parents celebrated their 63 Wedding Anniversary! I guess there are two major factors in achieving such a milestone. You either simply marry young enough and live long enough and you actually love each other. Way to go mom and dad!
*And when it rains it pours! Our son (and youngest), Nathan celebrated his 23rd birthday this past week as well. A Macalester College Graduate, a Championship baseball player and now a Graduate student at NYU-Poly, we are very proud of him! Happy birthday boy!
*To top it all off, while preparing to head to bed Tuesday night, I received an e-mail notifying me that I have been awarded a "Finalist" Next Generation Indie Award in the category of Education/Academics. That makes an incredible two national book awards for my book. When I questioned my publisher what this all means, he essentially said not to question but to accept. So I will be heading to New York City to accept the awards at two separate ceremonies on the eve of BookExpo America. I am very grateful for the recognition my book is receiving! Thank you to all of my supporters and to the Independent Book Publishers Professional Group ("(IBPPG") for this wonderful award!
*Speaking of my book, I saw a new comment from a reader giving my book three stars on saying the book "...Was not well written..." I guess everyone's a critic. Thankfully, the ones that actually count like it.
*As most of you now know, this was the week the GOP led "Benghazi Hearings" was going to "blow the roof off the coverup" which many on the Far Right (aided and abetted by Fox News) proclaimed would "bring down the Obama Presidency" (see Mike Huckabee, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and other Fox talking heads). At this point, how closely are American paying attention? Other than the GOP Base that is inclined to hate Obama for everything and anything, not many. Yet, the GOP is collecting solid points with it's base as it continues to make the Mid-term Elections their priority instead of dealing with the many problems facing America.
* This week the Defense Department revealed a new effort to crack down on Sexual Assault and Abuse in the military. Why this has not been the custom all along one will never know, but now they are taking it seriously. Where is the outrage in Congress about the long-standing tradition of serious sexual abuse in the military that has been routinely covered-up for years? Priorities folks, priorities. Attacking Obama on Benghazi is more important than jobs, the economy, abuses in the military, environmental problems and... you catch my "drift."
*This week it was widely reported that the concentration of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere has risen to the highest level ever and has crossed the "red-line" of 400 parts per billion. According to Bloomberg News, the threshold now being reached has not been met in over three million years (and Earth was not too hospitable then). According to the article interviewing Bob Ward of the Granthham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics, "We are in the process of creating a prehistoric climate that humans have no evolutionary experience of." According to most scientists, the increase in atmospheric temperatures "will lead to a sea level rise of as much as 5,6 feet." I knew I would one day own ocean-front property!
*The Internal Revenue Service has officially apologized for scrutinizing applications of Conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status as 501(c)(4) interest groups. According to the Internal Revenue Code ("IRC"), to be eligible for the status, groups must be dedicated primarily with "promoting social welfare." The IRS Action has been a focal point of protesting Right Wing groups claiming the Obama Administration has used the IRS of "Thuggery" and "Intimidation." Now if the IRS would only use those techniques to weed out tax cheats in U.S. Corporations! More importantly, does engaging in political hate speech really fit the IRS criteria of "Promoting social welfare?" Hell, those folks oppose welfare of any kind (unless they are receiving it).
*According to The Associated Press, 1 World Trade Center has reached the height of the old World Trade Center at 1,776 feet. A spire comprising two parts was placed atop I World Trade Center and will serve as a TV and Radio antenna highlighted with LED lights. The building is expected to open next year and reminds us all that America will always recover from attacks by its enemies!
*Despite the Obama Administration's plan to appeal a ruling of a Federal District Court allowing for "Morning After" pills to be dispensed to females of any age, a Federal Judge has lashed back stating the appeal is based upon political "motivations" and not upon actual legal argument. Gee, did anyone think the Obama Administration was appealing the decision for any other reason?
*Seems federal officials have a suspect in custody that may be tied to the fertilizer tragedy in West, Texas. After an initial splash in the media, it appears the suspect's arrest has already taken a "back seat" with the Media because the suspects name is Bryce Reed instead of Mufstafa Bin Blowup. Oh the outrage!
*Time again for How The Voted (as reported by The Associated Press)! In the GOP-led House of Representatives, a Bill was passed (221-207) giving bondholders priority to be paid in the event the government defaults on its debts (from a GOP-led refusal to raise the debt ceiling) See HR807. After paying bondholders such as pension funds and foreign governments, other debts might be paid like Social Security and thousands of other responsibilities. A Democratic Bill allowing for Social Security and other domestic programs to be paid first before paying debt interest to China and Iran was defeated by a vote of 207 to 200. Another GOP sponsored Bill proposing to allow employers to give "comp" time instead of overtime pay to employees was passed by a vote of 223 to 204. Instead of paying "time and a half" for overtime work, the Bill (HR1406) would allow employers the option of granting employees "Compensated" time off. A Democratic Bill was proposed to amend the Bill to ensure the "Comp" time would be of the choosing of the employee, but the GOP killed that Amendment by a vote of 207 to 200. Seems the GOP only wants employers to decide when employees would get the "Comp" time. What enforcement would exist if the employer conviently refuses to give ther employee the "Comp" time earned? Once again, the GOP led House is working to embolden the power of employers over the rights of workers (so who needs Unions anyway?)! In the United States Senate, a Bill was passed by a vote of 69-27 to require online retailers to collect state sales taxes on Internet sales (if the State has a law demanding the collection of said sales taxes). A Senate Cloture vote failed to reach the required super-majority on a Bill to advance a gun rights amendment to a water-resources bill (S608). The Amendment was to allow concealed carry of firearms by visitors to any Army Corp. of Engineers projects. Why in the World this is a priority is anyone's guess (unless you are the NRA)?! Voting for the measure? You guessed it, GOP Senator Marco Rubio (FL). According to the AP, the GOP-Led House this coming week will be considering making it tougher to regulate Wall Street and Banks along with an additional attempt to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act ("Obamacare") knowing full well the measure will never be entertained by the Democratic-led Senate. Once again, Congress wastes time while our nation's problems are left unaddressed!
*Last But Not Least - Due to the Holiday of Shavous (the giving of the Torah by G-d), I will not be posting on Tuesday or Wednesday night. Please enjoy the week and may it be blessed, happy and safe one for you all. Once again, Happy Mothers Day!!!
May 5, 2013. *It has been one exciting week for me as I learned late Tuesday night that I have been awarded a 2013 National Silver Independent Publishers Book Award ("IPPY"). See blog posting explaining this tremendous honor!
*It was revealed earlier this week, that the Boston Marathon terrorists had originally planned to detonate the bombs during the city's famed July 4th celebrations. According to The New York Times, the plot was "sped up" because the bombs were manufactured "more quickly than they had anticipated." According to news reports, the younger terrorist has admitted being a participant in the bombings and that he and his brother were planning on additional attacks on Americans in the future, including those planned for New York City.
*Republicans in Congress this week used the Boston Bombing to link President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the tragedy at the consulate in Benghazi. Unfortunately, most rational Americans recognize the GOP efforts for what they really are - attempts to discredit Clinton before she runs for President in the 2016 elections and to weaken Obama's efforts to support her candidacy. Will ther GOP ever learn that their supporting base is literally dying out and their hopes to win the White House are dying with them? Until they act sensibly about national issues and include folks like minorities (they currently disregard), their prospects to win the Presidency are "slim" at best!
*Tea Party Favorite Senator Marco Rubin (R-FL) has been running into interference for his proposed Immigration Reform Bill from his own party! Seems the Conservatives will not agree to provide real immigration reform until after a major commitment is made to reinforce border security. Isn't it true that illegal immigration over the past few years has actually dropped? Isn't it true that under the Obama Administration, more illegal immigrants have actually been deported than ever before? Isn''t it true that Conservatives demand tighter border security, but never include our Northern border with Canada in that concern? Will they ever learn?
*The Stock Market's Dow Jones crossed the 15,000 mark for the first time in our history this past week before settling in at week's end at 14,973.96. Anyone recall the alleged "Critical Warning #6" being aired repeatedly on the radio warning us that if Obama is reelected, the stock market would be doomed? Anyone recall they were selling us on the notion that gold was the only way to prepare for the eventual crash designed by Obama himself? Gold prices per ounce sits at $1,469.30 down 12% since the election. So much for "Obama's Crash!"
*Speaking of "Obama's Crash", the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that over 165,000 net non-farm related jobs were created during the month of April. The report came as a surprise to many economists that point out that although the economy is sputtering along, unemployment has dropped to 7.5%, the lowest in four years! More importantly, the report indicates that an additional 2.2 Million new job openings have been listed. So where do "tax cuts" come into this equation? They never have and never will.
*It was widely reported last Friday that Israel launched a massive airstrike against a warehouse of Iranian missiles intended to be shipped to Hezbollah from Syria. According to U.S. Officials, Israel launched the air to ground attack to ensure none of the weapons reached Hezbollah for possible use against Israel by the Lebanon based terrorist group. Although Israel has not officially commented on the strike, they have repeated their intention to make sure none of the weaponry, including chemical weapons is obtained by Hezbollah. Even the U.N.("United Nothing") concurs on Israel's right to initiate measures to properly defend itself. Israel has also reportedly moved troops along the Golan Heights bordering Syria to ensure the civil war there does not spill into Israeli territory.
*Speaking of Iran, it was revealed this week that the United States Military has "perfected" its "MOAB" ("Mother Of All Bombs") capable of penetrating even the deepest underground facilities. According to Fox News, "It gives us a far greater capability to reach and destroy an enemy's weapons of mass destruction that are located in well protected underground facilities... to a magnitude far greater than we have now," Pentagon Spokesman Capt. John Kirby said." Is there any coincidence that in 2011, President Obama approved the transfer of 55 MOABs to Israel at that only recently the MOAB has been "perfected?" Think the Israelis had anything to do with this significant "upgrade" to our MOABs? Hmm, I wonder!
*The NRA hosted this week their national convention in Houston, Texas with a theme of "Stand and Figtht" designed to challenghe President Obama's call to take away citizens' guns. Except Obama has never made such an effort! Regardless, according to The New York Times, NRA President Wayne LaPierre claimed that Obama, Mayor Bloomberg, and media supporters in the media elite are "Conspiring right now, regrouping, planning, organizing" to exploit "the next horrific crime." Speaking at the NRA conventi0n in support of gun owners rights were none other than GOP Senator Ted "Friends of Hamas" Cruz (TX), GOP Governor Rick "Secessionist" Perry (TX), GOP Governor Piyush "Bobby" Jindel (LA) and Tea Party favorite and Reality Show star, Sarah Palin, as well as video appearances by GOP Representative Paul "Voucherize" Ryan (WI) and GOP Governor Scott "Koch Lackey" Walker (WI), all members of the NRA's "Leadership Forum." Enough said, right?
*Now to our weekly, Associated Press reporting How They Voted! They didn't! Seems committee work was all they could muster this week, so NO Bills were presented for a vote and no vote was undertaken. So sorry our representatives are too busy to finalize any important bills. The House voted Thursday to adjourn until Monday, May 6 and the Senate did the same. Must be nice to have a four day work week. Hopefully there will be Bills to report next week.
*Last But Not Least - I have been asked to participate in the development of a national curriculum relating to Veterans of Color, the impact of discrimination on African Americans in the Military since WWII. Between Advanced Placement testing coming up (May 14) and the need to finalize my part of the curriculum planning, I will not be able to post daily on my blog. I apologize and hope to be able to continue to at least post every other day. I greatly appreciate you all following along this path I have chosen and I thank you. Have a great week!
*It was revealed earlier this week, that the Boston Marathon terrorists had originally planned to detonate the bombs during the city's famed July 4th celebrations. According to The New York Times, the plot was "sped up" because the bombs were manufactured "more quickly than they had anticipated." According to news reports, the younger terrorist has admitted being a participant in the bombings and that he and his brother were planning on additional attacks on Americans in the future, including those planned for New York City.
*Republicans in Congress this week used the Boston Bombing to link President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the tragedy at the consulate in Benghazi. Unfortunately, most rational Americans recognize the GOP efforts for what they really are - attempts to discredit Clinton before she runs for President in the 2016 elections and to weaken Obama's efforts to support her candidacy. Will ther GOP ever learn that their supporting base is literally dying out and their hopes to win the White House are dying with them? Until they act sensibly about national issues and include folks like minorities (they currently disregard), their prospects to win the Presidency are "slim" at best!
*Tea Party Favorite Senator Marco Rubin (R-FL) has been running into interference for his proposed Immigration Reform Bill from his own party! Seems the Conservatives will not agree to provide real immigration reform until after a major commitment is made to reinforce border security. Isn't it true that illegal immigration over the past few years has actually dropped? Isn't it true that under the Obama Administration, more illegal immigrants have actually been deported than ever before? Isn''t it true that Conservatives demand tighter border security, but never include our Northern border with Canada in that concern? Will they ever learn?
*The Stock Market's Dow Jones crossed the 15,000 mark for the first time in our history this past week before settling in at week's end at 14,973.96. Anyone recall the alleged "Critical Warning #6" being aired repeatedly on the radio warning us that if Obama is reelected, the stock market would be doomed? Anyone recall they were selling us on the notion that gold was the only way to prepare for the eventual crash designed by Obama himself? Gold prices per ounce sits at $1,469.30 down 12% since the election. So much for "Obama's Crash!"
*Speaking of "Obama's Crash", the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that over 165,000 net non-farm related jobs were created during the month of April. The report came as a surprise to many economists that point out that although the economy is sputtering along, unemployment has dropped to 7.5%, the lowest in four years! More importantly, the report indicates that an additional 2.2 Million new job openings have been listed. So where do "tax cuts" come into this equation? They never have and never will.
*It was widely reported last Friday that Israel launched a massive airstrike against a warehouse of Iranian missiles intended to be shipped to Hezbollah from Syria. According to U.S. Officials, Israel launched the air to ground attack to ensure none of the weapons reached Hezbollah for possible use against Israel by the Lebanon based terrorist group. Although Israel has not officially commented on the strike, they have repeated their intention to make sure none of the weaponry, including chemical weapons is obtained by Hezbollah. Even the U.N.("United Nothing") concurs on Israel's right to initiate measures to properly defend itself. Israel has also reportedly moved troops along the Golan Heights bordering Syria to ensure the civil war there does not spill into Israeli territory.
*Speaking of Iran, it was revealed this week that the United States Military has "perfected" its "MOAB" ("Mother Of All Bombs") capable of penetrating even the deepest underground facilities. According to Fox News, "It gives us a far greater capability to reach and destroy an enemy's weapons of mass destruction that are located in well protected underground facilities... to a magnitude far greater than we have now," Pentagon Spokesman Capt. John Kirby said." Is there any coincidence that in 2011, President Obama approved the transfer of 55 MOABs to Israel at that only recently the MOAB has been "perfected?" Think the Israelis had anything to do with this significant "upgrade" to our MOABs? Hmm, I wonder!
*The NRA hosted this week their national convention in Houston, Texas with a theme of "Stand and Figtht" designed to challenghe President Obama's call to take away citizens' guns. Except Obama has never made such an effort! Regardless, according to The New York Times, NRA President Wayne LaPierre claimed that Obama, Mayor Bloomberg, and media supporters in the media elite are "Conspiring right now, regrouping, planning, organizing" to exploit "the next horrific crime." Speaking at the NRA conventi0n in support of gun owners rights were none other than GOP Senator Ted "Friends of Hamas" Cruz (TX), GOP Governor Rick "Secessionist" Perry (TX), GOP Governor Piyush "Bobby" Jindel (LA) and Tea Party favorite and Reality Show star, Sarah Palin, as well as video appearances by GOP Representative Paul "Voucherize" Ryan (WI) and GOP Governor Scott "Koch Lackey" Walker (WI), all members of the NRA's "Leadership Forum." Enough said, right?
*Now to our weekly, Associated Press reporting How They Voted! They didn't! Seems committee work was all they could muster this week, so NO Bills were presented for a vote and no vote was undertaken. So sorry our representatives are too busy to finalize any important bills. The House voted Thursday to adjourn until Monday, May 6 and the Senate did the same. Must be nice to have a four day work week. Hopefully there will be Bills to report next week.
*Last But Not Least - I have been asked to participate in the development of a national curriculum relating to Veterans of Color, the impact of discrimination on African Americans in the Military since WWII. Between Advanced Placement testing coming up (May 14) and the need to finalize my part of the curriculum planning, I will not be able to post daily on my blog. I apologize and hope to be able to continue to at least post every other day. I greatly appreciate you all following along this path I have chosen and I thank you. Have a great week!
April 28, 2013. *Somewhat of a slow political week on the national level. President Obama spent time along with former presidents Carter, Herbert Walker Bush, and Clinton at the dedication of the new George W. Bush Presidential Library in Dallas, Texas. The dedication included remarks from all former presidents, including Mr. Obama. I could not help but think that the kind comments from Obama about President George W. Bush will be quickly forgotten come the time a library is dedicated to Mr. Obama. I fear the double-standard will still apply to the man long after he completes his presidency. I guess we shall see.
*Following the Bush Library Dedication, President Obama traveled to West, Texas to play the role of "Consoler in Chief" telling the victims of the fertilizer plant blast they will not be forgotten and that federal disaster relief will come to them. Obama also reminded them that Americans come to each others aid when disaster strikes. Ironically, residents of West, Texas are solidly opposed to Mr. Obama and his policies. In fact, their very own political leaders politicized Emergency Hurricane Sandy relief, framing it as another "Obama hand-out." Now that the shoe is on the other foot, perhaps their view of Mr. Obama and disaster relief will change? Fat chance!
*Speaking of the fertilizer plant, it has been widely reported that it warehoused a huge stockpile of dangerous ammonium nitrate. In fact, the plant stored over a thousand times the limit imposed by federal standards. So much for Texas Governor Rick Perry's beliefs that all federal regulations kill jobs. In this case, the owners of the plant allowed a situation that potentially led to the deaths of 18 West, Texas residents, let alone the total devastation of over 80 buildings surrounding the plant (most of the town)! Now critics of Rick Perry have been posting memes on social media pointing out Perry's campaign efforts to attract businesses from other states with the mantra that Texas has no stringent regulations. The comments? "According to Rick Perry, your company will have a blast being in Texas!"
*Many intelligence agencies have begun reporting that Syria may have used a limited amount of the Sarin gas against its citizens. In the civil war that has been raging since March, 2011 with upwards of a 75,000 killed, the Obama Administration is slow walking their review of the alleged use of chemical weapons. Why the slow walk? Not too long ago, Obama proclaimed Syria would cross a "Red Line" in the event they used chemical weapons in the civil war. The "Red Line" would then trigger direct U.S. Military Action. But reports indicate "small" amounts of Sarin have been detected and no one can be sure whether the chemical was in fact used by the Syrian regime or by militant groups attempting to suck the US into the conflict. At this time, despite repeated calls by GOP hawks to intervene militarily, the United States must be careful not to align itself with groups affiliated with Radical Islam. We do not want to repeat the same mistakes made in Afghanistan where we trained and armed the Mujahideen when fighting the Russians only to have them turn against US.
*Based on a report from The Associated Press, it appears the Russian Spy Agency, "FSB" contacted both the FBI and the CIA that the Tsarnaev brothers may have been radicalized by not one person, but two...including his mother. When pressed for more information, the FSB provided nothing more. According the AP report, the person cited by the FSB has now been identified and will be apprehended. As far as the mother, let's hope she does come to America, so we can arrest her as a co-conspirator and get to the bottom of this crime. The more the mother claims her "angels" have been "set up" the less we should believe her. Normally, I would want to see her side of the claim, but her brother-in-law living in the U.S. has repeatedly stated to the authorities that the boys were radicalized by their mother. Hmm, what to think?
*So now it's time for HOW THEY VOTED, as reported by The Associated Press. In the House of Representatives, the GOP led-chamber voted 361 to 41 to pass a Bill (HR1765) ending furloughs to air traffic controllers created by the Sequestration Act. According to the AP, the Bill reallocated over $253 Million to the FAA. The Senate unanimously approved the measure and President Obama immediately signed it into law. Seems the Sequestration cuts affecting Medicare recipients in need of expensive Cancer fighting drugs, or the children cut out of school breakfast and lunch programs are just not as important as delays at airports because politicians, airlines and air passengers just simply have to travel without any hassle. Now if Congress could just figure out how to make the planes and all of our baggage leave and arrive on time! The House also passed a Bill by a vote of 394 to 1 to avert the closure of the Federal Helium Reserve originally scheduled to take place on October 1. The United States Senate passed the Bill eliminating the furloughs of air traffic controllers, but also voted 63-30 to advance a Bill (S743) requiring online retailers to collect state and local sales taxes and to send them to the communities where the purchaser lives. The Bill exempts online retailers with annual sales under $1 Million. The "advancement" of the Bill ensures it will go to full debate and then be voted upon instead of being tied up in a filibuster. The Senate quietly voted to confirm President Obama's nominee to be the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. By a vote of 96 to 0, Sylvia Mathews Burwell was confirmed to lead the OMB. Before being nominated, Burwell served as president of the WalMart Foundation and as an executive with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Now if only the Congress would agree to matters of real importance, but with an election right around the corner we should not expect anything to get done, right?
*The pessimistic view that little will actually get done in Washington is news from The Washington Post. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) will actually be sitting out of the budget and tax discussions in the US Senate for fear any position taken might further jeopardize his upcoming 2014 re-election bid, and he is not alone. Ducking important issues in favor of improving re-election odds is what plagues our Congressional leadership, on both sides of the aisle. It's time to send them all home and return citizens more concerned about solving our collective problems rather than ensuring a career in politics. "Sweep Congress Clean in 2014!"
*Last But Not Least - It has been reported by The Washington Post that Republicans in Congress have begun to re-focus their political strategies towards revising the tax code. Isn't it a bit ironic that the GOP has been in a position to effectuate change in the tax code since 2011 and have done nothing about it? According to Article I, Sections 7 and 8, "all revenue bills shall be initiated in the House..." It's time to quit ducking the issue and start fixing it. Only then can we see which interest groups go on the offensive to preserve their existing exemptions, deductions and loopholes. You can bet lowering the effective tax rate will be easy, closing the deductions, exemptions and loopholes will not. Let's make sure the revision of the tax code does not unfairly shift more of the tax burden away from the wealthy to the average American. Have a great and safe week.
*Following the Bush Library Dedication, President Obama traveled to West, Texas to play the role of "Consoler in Chief" telling the victims of the fertilizer plant blast they will not be forgotten and that federal disaster relief will come to them. Obama also reminded them that Americans come to each others aid when disaster strikes. Ironically, residents of West, Texas are solidly opposed to Mr. Obama and his policies. In fact, their very own political leaders politicized Emergency Hurricane Sandy relief, framing it as another "Obama hand-out." Now that the shoe is on the other foot, perhaps their view of Mr. Obama and disaster relief will change? Fat chance!
*Speaking of the fertilizer plant, it has been widely reported that it warehoused a huge stockpile of dangerous ammonium nitrate. In fact, the plant stored over a thousand times the limit imposed by federal standards. So much for Texas Governor Rick Perry's beliefs that all federal regulations kill jobs. In this case, the owners of the plant allowed a situation that potentially led to the deaths of 18 West, Texas residents, let alone the total devastation of over 80 buildings surrounding the plant (most of the town)! Now critics of Rick Perry have been posting memes on social media pointing out Perry's campaign efforts to attract businesses from other states with the mantra that Texas has no stringent regulations. The comments? "According to Rick Perry, your company will have a blast being in Texas!"
*Many intelligence agencies have begun reporting that Syria may have used a limited amount of the Sarin gas against its citizens. In the civil war that has been raging since March, 2011 with upwards of a 75,000 killed, the Obama Administration is slow walking their review of the alleged use of chemical weapons. Why the slow walk? Not too long ago, Obama proclaimed Syria would cross a "Red Line" in the event they used chemical weapons in the civil war. The "Red Line" would then trigger direct U.S. Military Action. But reports indicate "small" amounts of Sarin have been detected and no one can be sure whether the chemical was in fact used by the Syrian regime or by militant groups attempting to suck the US into the conflict. At this time, despite repeated calls by GOP hawks to intervene militarily, the United States must be careful not to align itself with groups affiliated with Radical Islam. We do not want to repeat the same mistakes made in Afghanistan where we trained and armed the Mujahideen when fighting the Russians only to have them turn against US.
*Based on a report from The Associated Press, it appears the Russian Spy Agency, "FSB" contacted both the FBI and the CIA that the Tsarnaev brothers may have been radicalized by not one person, but two...including his mother. When pressed for more information, the FSB provided nothing more. According the AP report, the person cited by the FSB has now been identified and will be apprehended. As far as the mother, let's hope she does come to America, so we can arrest her as a co-conspirator and get to the bottom of this crime. The more the mother claims her "angels" have been "set up" the less we should believe her. Normally, I would want to see her side of the claim, but her brother-in-law living in the U.S. has repeatedly stated to the authorities that the boys were radicalized by their mother. Hmm, what to think?
*So now it's time for HOW THEY VOTED, as reported by The Associated Press. In the House of Representatives, the GOP led-chamber voted 361 to 41 to pass a Bill (HR1765) ending furloughs to air traffic controllers created by the Sequestration Act. According to the AP, the Bill reallocated over $253 Million to the FAA. The Senate unanimously approved the measure and President Obama immediately signed it into law. Seems the Sequestration cuts affecting Medicare recipients in need of expensive Cancer fighting drugs, or the children cut out of school breakfast and lunch programs are just not as important as delays at airports because politicians, airlines and air passengers just simply have to travel without any hassle. Now if Congress could just figure out how to make the planes and all of our baggage leave and arrive on time! The House also passed a Bill by a vote of 394 to 1 to avert the closure of the Federal Helium Reserve originally scheduled to take place on October 1. The United States Senate passed the Bill eliminating the furloughs of air traffic controllers, but also voted 63-30 to advance a Bill (S743) requiring online retailers to collect state and local sales taxes and to send them to the communities where the purchaser lives. The Bill exempts online retailers with annual sales under $1 Million. The "advancement" of the Bill ensures it will go to full debate and then be voted upon instead of being tied up in a filibuster. The Senate quietly voted to confirm President Obama's nominee to be the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. By a vote of 96 to 0, Sylvia Mathews Burwell was confirmed to lead the OMB. Before being nominated, Burwell served as president of the WalMart Foundation and as an executive with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Now if only the Congress would agree to matters of real importance, but with an election right around the corner we should not expect anything to get done, right?
*The pessimistic view that little will actually get done in Washington is news from The Washington Post. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) will actually be sitting out of the budget and tax discussions in the US Senate for fear any position taken might further jeopardize his upcoming 2014 re-election bid, and he is not alone. Ducking important issues in favor of improving re-election odds is what plagues our Congressional leadership, on both sides of the aisle. It's time to send them all home and return citizens more concerned about solving our collective problems rather than ensuring a career in politics. "Sweep Congress Clean in 2014!"
*Last But Not Least - It has been reported by The Washington Post that Republicans in Congress have begun to re-focus their political strategies towards revising the tax code. Isn't it a bit ironic that the GOP has been in a position to effectuate change in the tax code since 2011 and have done nothing about it? According to Article I, Sections 7 and 8, "all revenue bills shall be initiated in the House..." It's time to quit ducking the issue and start fixing it. Only then can we see which interest groups go on the offensive to preserve their existing exemptions, deductions and loopholes. You can bet lowering the effective tax rate will be easy, closing the deductions, exemptions and loopholes will not. Let's make sure the revision of the tax code does not unfairly shift more of the tax burden away from the wealthy to the average American. Have a great and safe week.
April 21, 2013. * This certainly is not a week Americans will soon forget. On Monday, the Boston Marathon was interrupted by two explosions, one close to the finish line and one right next to the finish line. Over 150 spectators have been hurt, many suffering grave injuries including the loss of limbs. Three people were killed, including an 8 year old boy. Instead of running away from the devastation, many bystanders ran to assist those injured and provided necessary triage to those injured. Based upon a review of their heroics, many lives were saved. Instead of offering medical assistance to dehydrated marathon runners, stationed doctors, nurses and paramedics provided "on the spot" medical assistance. The images of the "Boston Massacre" will forever be embedded in the Nation's psyche.
*Following the bombings in Boston, authorities began a sweeping investigation of the incident in an effort to identify who was responsible for planting the bombs. As indicative of modern forensics and security, cameras dotting the streets recorded the events as they unfolded. With a very public plea for citizens to review their personal photos and videos taken during the incident, authorities were able to piece together the identities of two suspects, Chechnya born brothers Tamerlin Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Although the FBI suspected these two culprits, the objective of publicly releasing security camera video of the two walking to the bombing sites during the race was to force them out of hiding. And it worked. Unlucky for them, they were near a gas station while security cameras were recording an actual carjacking. Once authorities began to review the carjacking videos, they were able to identify and locate the Brothers Tsarnaev. When sighted by an MIT Campus Police officer, one of the Brothers shot and killed him and then eventually shot and wounded a Transit Officer. Clearly, the two had no intention of being taken alive. After a shootout with police, Tamerlin was killed and younger brother Dzhokhar became the subject of a massive manhunt that shut down the Boston metropolitan area. Eventually, a badly injured Dzhokhar was apprehended thanks to coordinated law enforcement between the FBI, Homeland Security, Massachusetts State Police and local law enforcement. Hopefully, the suspect will be able to tell authorities more about the motivations behind the terror attack at the Marathon. Once again, America has sent a message to the World. When attacked, we always pull together. One can only wish that united feeling remains long after the disaster, but unfortunately, it has been proven it will not.
*Now that the second suspect has been apprehended, conspiracy nut cases are again out in force with photo shopped pictures and allegedly videos claiming the older terrorist was in fact apprehended alive and well and not shot to death as claimed by authorities. Unfortunately, conspiracy theorists conveniently use only the facts that fit their claims and ignore others that make their theories outrageously false. You have the right to remain stupid, but the Internet allows a platform for nut cases, and unfortunately, many will fall prey to these theories created by armchair experts. Even if the younger terrorist admits everything, many will believe he has been brainwashed by the government. The media must stop pushing paranoia about our government, including hatred and mistrust of the President!
*Just as the horror of the Boston bombings was settling in, a horrific blast in West, Texas, at the West Fertilizer Company plant which killed 14 and destroyed over 80 homes. Those killed all appear to be volunteer fireman rushing to stop the plant fire, only to be consumed by the blast that followed. Not surprisingly, Governor Rick Perry (R) has declared a Disaster Emergency for West, making it eligible for disaster relief. Ironically, both Texas Senators and area Congressmen have called for an influx of immediate Federal relief. Why so ironic? All of these members of the Texas delegation to Congress voted "NO" to emergency relief to victims of Hurricane Sandy, claiming the Federal government "could not afford it." As you may recall, House Majority leader Eric Cantor (R-Virginia) also publicly stated that no relief shall be granted to any disaster area unless an equal sum is reduced from the spending budget. And now they all say emergency relief must be given to the Texas town and their previous "NO" vote was not against all relief, but against 2/3 of it claiming it was "bloated in size." Perhaps the citizens of West, Texas should receive only a third of what they are asking for? Nah, that would be "UnAmerican!" But wouldn't accepting Federal relief make them "Moochers and Takers" under the definitions previously provided by GOP Leadership in the 2012 Fall Election Campaign? Of clourse it would, but hypocrisy is something the American people have to pay attention to in order to appreciate, and political leaders (on both sides of the aisle) bank on Americans either having a short attention span or not caring to pay attention at all. Instead, politicians cynically know Americans believe whatever their Ideologically Oriented For-Profit Media outlet tells them to believe.
*In the follow-up to the West, Texas fertilizer disaster, an investigation is underway to determine what caused the plant explosion. In the event it can be shown that the plant was not in compliance with safety or environmental regulations, Governor Rick Perry and the owners of the plant should be charged with Criminal negligence. Why? Because the plant owners will collect their insurance and either walk away or rebuild the plant. Governor Perry claimed during the GOP Primaries that "Job Killing Regulations" must be eliminated along with the Environmental Protection Agency ("GOP"). In fact, seeking to eliminate "Job Killing Regulations" has been the mantra of the US Chamber of Commerce and a plank in the Republican Platform for decades. Whatever happened to worrying about "People Killing Jobs?" You see, although the plant employed an overwhelming number of local residents, it also caused either their death or destruction of their property and lives as they knew it. What part do folks not understand that "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" is universal to all Americans, not just "Job Creators" and Business owners? Now who will be paying to restore the lives of the living in West, Texas? You guessed it, the American Taxpayer.
*North Korea slowly and quietly slid to "the back pages" as a result of the twin domestic disasters. One thing positive on the foreign policy front did come out of the disastrous week - Russian President Vladimir Putin has extended condolences to President Obama and has pledged cooperation in identifying any possible ties between the Boston terrorists and Chechen separatists terrorist groups. Perhaps a "reset" can be obtained with Russia after all?
*China has reported they will put their first aircraft carrier out to sea. Despite the fact China is at least a year away from having their carrier capable of launching aircraft, the sea maneuvers appears to be a reaction to American vessels in Asian waters, along with additional naval maneuvers by Japan in response to the threats made by North Korea. Hopefully, the history of WWI will be remembered and calmer heads will prevail instead of allowing the "dominoes" to fall and push us into another regional/World conflict.
*It's time for HOW THEY VOTED (according to The Associated Press)! With both chambers of Congress actually in Washington, some work was done, or rather was "undone." In the House of Representatives, A GOP Bill was passed to expand data sharing between private businesses and the government in order to allegedly "bolster U.S. defense against cyberattacks." The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) eases privacy and anti-trust laws enabling Internet service providers to share customer emails and data with authorities. It also grants immunity from prosecution to companies sharing the personal information with the government. President Obama has threatened to veto any legislation that does not exclude the sharing of personal information that is not an actual target of any intelligence investigation, but the GOP passed the Bill anyway by a vote of 288-127. Obviously, some Democrats voted for the Bill as well. Now we shall see if CISPA heads to a veto.
The GOP also defeated a Democratic led Bill to protect the privacy of citizens social media passwords. By a vote of 224-189, the GOP led the defeat of the measure designed to "prohibit employers from requiring employees to divulge passwords to sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin as a condition of employment". Really, the GOP believes employers have a right to have unfettered access to employee's social media accounts? I thought the GOP was the party in favor of less government intrusion in our lives? Guessed WRONG! I can only hope the Democratic-led Senate kills this Bill before it goes any further. Constitution? Who needs it when we have "Job Creators!?" In the Senate, action to require universal background checks, commonly known as the Manchin-Toomey Bill was defeated by a GOP led Filibuster. Even though the Bill had as many holes in it as Swiss Cheese, laden with exceptions, the NRA successfully "convinced" (aka "bought off") 46 Senators in order to block the measure from getting to a floor vote. Recent polling has indicated time and time again that 90% of Americans support universal background checks, including 88% of NRA Members! When 90% of Americans want something and our Senate denies it based upon support from special interests, our democracy is in trouble, unless we take the trouble to remove these losers from office by using the weapon known as The Ballot Box! The Senate also saw the defeat by a GOP-led filibuster of any effort to outlaw the sale, manufacture, possession of 157 specific semi-automatic assault weapons. 60 "brave" Senators voted against that measure as well. In a similar Bill proposing to limit ammo magazine clips to ten rounds per clip, it too was defeated in a cloture vote of 46-54. Now you ask, how can the minority defeat the majority in all of these votes? See Cloture in "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say." Another Bill was introduced restricting the sale of firearms to anyone adjudicated "Mentally Ill" and an appeals process for any veteran denied the right to purchase a firearm. It too was defeated in a Cloture vote, 44-56. Seems the NRA did a great job of purchasing just enough Senators to not allow any Bill to advance to the floor of the Senate for debate! Voting to keep all of these Bills from reaching the Senate floor? You bet, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)! Reports indicate that the House will be entertaining possible bills next week involving pre-existing health conditions (a 38th attempt to repeal "Obamacare?") and issues relating to the Federal Helium Reserve! Perhaps they should investigate the amount of HOT AIR coming from their chamber. It certainly has replaced getting anything done that satisfies our collective needs. Where are they on the Deficit? The Budget? Jobs? You catch my drift. In the Senate, a debate on Internet Sales Taxes is planned. Considering sales taxes are a State issue, is someone proposing a Federal sales tax? Let's hope not!
* Last But Not Least - Although hopefully domestic news will "settle down" a bit, you can bet Foreign events will move back to center stage, especially with the escalation of violence at the Lebanon-Syria border. Israel is keeping a close eye on the civil war in Syria and the firing of missiles from Sinai into Eilat, but Israel will not be distracted by proxies of the Iranian Regime. Israel will maintain a critical eye on Iran's production of atomic weapons. Iran continued this week with their rhetoric to "wipe Israel from the face of the map." No one can expect Israel to stand idly by and allow Iran to go nuclear. As recently reported, Pakistan and India will one day end the World with the use of atomic weaponry. There is no reason to ignore Iran's threats to do the same with Israel once it has the atomic capabilities. Israel will not use its nuclear arsenal to destroy Iran in an effort to keep it from "going atomic." They will though, use every conventional weapon at its disposal to keep Iran in check before they get the "Bomb." The World is a dangerous place. We must do all we can to limit the spread of atomic weapons from the hands of people that believe death is preferred to life. Try to have a peaceful week!
*Following the bombings in Boston, authorities began a sweeping investigation of the incident in an effort to identify who was responsible for planting the bombs. As indicative of modern forensics and security, cameras dotting the streets recorded the events as they unfolded. With a very public plea for citizens to review their personal photos and videos taken during the incident, authorities were able to piece together the identities of two suspects, Chechnya born brothers Tamerlin Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Although the FBI suspected these two culprits, the objective of publicly releasing security camera video of the two walking to the bombing sites during the race was to force them out of hiding. And it worked. Unlucky for them, they were near a gas station while security cameras were recording an actual carjacking. Once authorities began to review the carjacking videos, they were able to identify and locate the Brothers Tsarnaev. When sighted by an MIT Campus Police officer, one of the Brothers shot and killed him and then eventually shot and wounded a Transit Officer. Clearly, the two had no intention of being taken alive. After a shootout with police, Tamerlin was killed and younger brother Dzhokhar became the subject of a massive manhunt that shut down the Boston metropolitan area. Eventually, a badly injured Dzhokhar was apprehended thanks to coordinated law enforcement between the FBI, Homeland Security, Massachusetts State Police and local law enforcement. Hopefully, the suspect will be able to tell authorities more about the motivations behind the terror attack at the Marathon. Once again, America has sent a message to the World. When attacked, we always pull together. One can only wish that united feeling remains long after the disaster, but unfortunately, it has been proven it will not.
*Now that the second suspect has been apprehended, conspiracy nut cases are again out in force with photo shopped pictures and allegedly videos claiming the older terrorist was in fact apprehended alive and well and not shot to death as claimed by authorities. Unfortunately, conspiracy theorists conveniently use only the facts that fit their claims and ignore others that make their theories outrageously false. You have the right to remain stupid, but the Internet allows a platform for nut cases, and unfortunately, many will fall prey to these theories created by armchair experts. Even if the younger terrorist admits everything, many will believe he has been brainwashed by the government. The media must stop pushing paranoia about our government, including hatred and mistrust of the President!
*Just as the horror of the Boston bombings was settling in, a horrific blast in West, Texas, at the West Fertilizer Company plant which killed 14 and destroyed over 80 homes. Those killed all appear to be volunteer fireman rushing to stop the plant fire, only to be consumed by the blast that followed. Not surprisingly, Governor Rick Perry (R) has declared a Disaster Emergency for West, making it eligible for disaster relief. Ironically, both Texas Senators and area Congressmen have called for an influx of immediate Federal relief. Why so ironic? All of these members of the Texas delegation to Congress voted "NO" to emergency relief to victims of Hurricane Sandy, claiming the Federal government "could not afford it." As you may recall, House Majority leader Eric Cantor (R-Virginia) also publicly stated that no relief shall be granted to any disaster area unless an equal sum is reduced from the spending budget. And now they all say emergency relief must be given to the Texas town and their previous "NO" vote was not against all relief, but against 2/3 of it claiming it was "bloated in size." Perhaps the citizens of West, Texas should receive only a third of what they are asking for? Nah, that would be "UnAmerican!" But wouldn't accepting Federal relief make them "Moochers and Takers" under the definitions previously provided by GOP Leadership in the 2012 Fall Election Campaign? Of clourse it would, but hypocrisy is something the American people have to pay attention to in order to appreciate, and political leaders (on both sides of the aisle) bank on Americans either having a short attention span or not caring to pay attention at all. Instead, politicians cynically know Americans believe whatever their Ideologically Oriented For-Profit Media outlet tells them to believe.
*In the follow-up to the West, Texas fertilizer disaster, an investigation is underway to determine what caused the plant explosion. In the event it can be shown that the plant was not in compliance with safety or environmental regulations, Governor Rick Perry and the owners of the plant should be charged with Criminal negligence. Why? Because the plant owners will collect their insurance and either walk away or rebuild the plant. Governor Perry claimed during the GOP Primaries that "Job Killing Regulations" must be eliminated along with the Environmental Protection Agency ("GOP"). In fact, seeking to eliminate "Job Killing Regulations" has been the mantra of the US Chamber of Commerce and a plank in the Republican Platform for decades. Whatever happened to worrying about "People Killing Jobs?" You see, although the plant employed an overwhelming number of local residents, it also caused either their death or destruction of their property and lives as they knew it. What part do folks not understand that "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" is universal to all Americans, not just "Job Creators" and Business owners? Now who will be paying to restore the lives of the living in West, Texas? You guessed it, the American Taxpayer.
*North Korea slowly and quietly slid to "the back pages" as a result of the twin domestic disasters. One thing positive on the foreign policy front did come out of the disastrous week - Russian President Vladimir Putin has extended condolences to President Obama and has pledged cooperation in identifying any possible ties between the Boston terrorists and Chechen separatists terrorist groups. Perhaps a "reset" can be obtained with Russia after all?
*China has reported they will put their first aircraft carrier out to sea. Despite the fact China is at least a year away from having their carrier capable of launching aircraft, the sea maneuvers appears to be a reaction to American vessels in Asian waters, along with additional naval maneuvers by Japan in response to the threats made by North Korea. Hopefully, the history of WWI will be remembered and calmer heads will prevail instead of allowing the "dominoes" to fall and push us into another regional/World conflict.
*It's time for HOW THEY VOTED (according to The Associated Press)! With both chambers of Congress actually in Washington, some work was done, or rather was "undone." In the House of Representatives, A GOP Bill was passed to expand data sharing between private businesses and the government in order to allegedly "bolster U.S. defense against cyberattacks." The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) eases privacy and anti-trust laws enabling Internet service providers to share customer emails and data with authorities. It also grants immunity from prosecution to companies sharing the personal information with the government. President Obama has threatened to veto any legislation that does not exclude the sharing of personal information that is not an actual target of any intelligence investigation, but the GOP passed the Bill anyway by a vote of 288-127. Obviously, some Democrats voted for the Bill as well. Now we shall see if CISPA heads to a veto.
The GOP also defeated a Democratic led Bill to protect the privacy of citizens social media passwords. By a vote of 224-189, the GOP led the defeat of the measure designed to "prohibit employers from requiring employees to divulge passwords to sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin as a condition of employment". Really, the GOP believes employers have a right to have unfettered access to employee's social media accounts? I thought the GOP was the party in favor of less government intrusion in our lives? Guessed WRONG! I can only hope the Democratic-led Senate kills this Bill before it goes any further. Constitution? Who needs it when we have "Job Creators!?" In the Senate, action to require universal background checks, commonly known as the Manchin-Toomey Bill was defeated by a GOP led Filibuster. Even though the Bill had as many holes in it as Swiss Cheese, laden with exceptions, the NRA successfully "convinced" (aka "bought off") 46 Senators in order to block the measure from getting to a floor vote. Recent polling has indicated time and time again that 90% of Americans support universal background checks, including 88% of NRA Members! When 90% of Americans want something and our Senate denies it based upon support from special interests, our democracy is in trouble, unless we take the trouble to remove these losers from office by using the weapon known as The Ballot Box! The Senate also saw the defeat by a GOP-led filibuster of any effort to outlaw the sale, manufacture, possession of 157 specific semi-automatic assault weapons. 60 "brave" Senators voted against that measure as well. In a similar Bill proposing to limit ammo magazine clips to ten rounds per clip, it too was defeated in a cloture vote of 46-54. Now you ask, how can the minority defeat the majority in all of these votes? See Cloture in "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say." Another Bill was introduced restricting the sale of firearms to anyone adjudicated "Mentally Ill" and an appeals process for any veteran denied the right to purchase a firearm. It too was defeated in a Cloture vote, 44-56. Seems the NRA did a great job of purchasing just enough Senators to not allow any Bill to advance to the floor of the Senate for debate! Voting to keep all of these Bills from reaching the Senate floor? You bet, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)! Reports indicate that the House will be entertaining possible bills next week involving pre-existing health conditions (a 38th attempt to repeal "Obamacare?") and issues relating to the Federal Helium Reserve! Perhaps they should investigate the amount of HOT AIR coming from their chamber. It certainly has replaced getting anything done that satisfies our collective needs. Where are they on the Deficit? The Budget? Jobs? You catch my drift. In the Senate, a debate on Internet Sales Taxes is planned. Considering sales taxes are a State issue, is someone proposing a Federal sales tax? Let's hope not!
* Last But Not Least - Although hopefully domestic news will "settle down" a bit, you can bet Foreign events will move back to center stage, especially with the escalation of violence at the Lebanon-Syria border. Israel is keeping a close eye on the civil war in Syria and the firing of missiles from Sinai into Eilat, but Israel will not be distracted by proxies of the Iranian Regime. Israel will maintain a critical eye on Iran's production of atomic weapons. Iran continued this week with their rhetoric to "wipe Israel from the face of the map." No one can expect Israel to stand idly by and allow Iran to go nuclear. As recently reported, Pakistan and India will one day end the World with the use of atomic weaponry. There is no reason to ignore Iran's threats to do the same with Israel once it has the atomic capabilities. Israel will not use its nuclear arsenal to destroy Iran in an effort to keep it from "going atomic." They will though, use every conventional weapon at its disposal to keep Iran in check before they get the "Bomb." The World is a dangerous place. We must do all we can to limit the spread of atomic weapons from the hands of people that believe death is preferred to life. Try to have a peaceful week!
April 14, 2013. *This week's big story has been North Korea and their efforts to be noticed as a real threat in the World. As far as that objective, North Korea has succeeded, as the Pentagon's intelligent wing confirms the "Hermit Kingdom" may have one nuclear warhead capable of being delivered by a missile. One thing their leader Kim Jong-Un did not count on th0ugh, is the thorough rebuke it has received from not only Russia, but also its main benefactor China. China has agreed with the United States that any belligerent actions that include the firing of any missile at any nation, will be met with swift military action, and no one will come to North Korea's defense. Perhaps this unfortunate action is inevitable? Perhaps it is necessary? We can only hope North Korea shows rare intelligence and backs down. If they don't, China may have a very large parking lot for all of the new cars they are manufacturing and selling.
*President Obama's proposed budget plan has hit some unusual pot holes this week. Everyone expected the GOP leadership to set it aside as nothing more than "Political Rhetoric" but very few knew that the political Left would take such offense to the proposed cuts to Social Security and Medicare proposed by the President. And the beat goes on....
*According to The New York Times, the Pentagon has announced a new policy to implement Character Evaluations for all high-ranking officers in the U.S. Military. Led by General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, character has been seriously lacking in the military's executive staffs, so much so that sexual assaults appear to be at an all-time high as well as questionable disciplinary guidelines. The evaluations are to be conducted by a team of inspectors trained to observe officers acting in their daily capacities as executive officers. The program would also make existing military guidelines and regulations clear to all officers so that there can be an enhanced observance of said regulations by all military personnel. At least it is a start!
*According to all news sources, the Senate has reached Bi-Partisan agreement on the basics of an Immigration Reform Bill.
According to the Associated Press, the proposed Senate Bill would make "legalization and ultimate citizenship" available to those that arrived illegally in the U.S. before December 31, 2011. Amazingly, this "cut-0ff" date has infuriated immigration advocates, claiming it cuts-off "hundreds of thousands" that have entered the U.S. since the end of 2011. Really? They should be embracing the reform they are getting instead of demanding everyone be included. Even I think the compromise cut-off date is more than fair!
*The Senate this week also passed a Cloture Vote to end GOP threats of a filibuster to block a floor vote on Background Checks on firearms. Now that the basic Bill can move forward, the National Rifle Association ("NRA") has jumped in to demand it be watered down or killed in its entirety on the Senate floor. You can bet the Bill has an uphill battle in the NRA "rich" GOP-led House of Representatives. What does the proposed Bill do that is so distasteful? Is requires background checks for purchasers of all guns, regardless of the seller, including gun shows or private sales. It would though expand gun sellers rights by allowing the sale of guns across state lines. And the usual argument? "The government is trying to take our guns away!" I for one am getting tired of this rhetoric. 92% of Americans polled, including NRA members agree universal background checks are mandated. We need to keep felons and the mentally ill from purchasing a gun. We need a better system that allows mental health professionals to coordinate with law enforcement to ensure sick folks do not legally obtain firearms. And the argument that criminals will get around these restrictions is inane. Why have DUI laws? We all know folks that drive while tipsy. Does that mean we should not have those laws on the books? Like I said, background checks are a responsible start.
*Since they are back from vacation, let's get to How They Voted! In the United States Senate, a Cloture Vote (see above) was passed by a a vote of 68-31 to silence a GOP threatened filibuster against instituting universal background checks for gun purchases. Voting no on the Cloture vote? GOP team player, Marco Rubio (R-FL). Perhaps Rubio should stop thinking about running for the White House and start worrying about his re-election in 2016? The Senate also voted 87-11 to confirm President Obama's nomination of Sally Jewell to serve as his new Secretary of the Interior. Jewell, a favorite of many in the filed of conservation and business had their overwhelming support to serve as the new Interior Secretary. Among the 11 GOP Senators voting against her confirmation? You guessed it, Marco Rubio (R-FL). In the House of Representatives, the GOP leadership again controlled the agenda. The GOP-led House voted along party lines (219 to 209) to stop all pending actions by the National Labor Relations Board, claiming that appointments by President Obama are void as one Washington Appellate Court has ruleds the President does not the authority to make recess appointments. Even though the matter is on appeal (and does raise serious Constitutional issues...every president since Washington has made Recess Appointments), the GOP has passed a Bill making the NLRB essentially "inactive" and unable to proceed on any matters it normally would confront per its authority. The NLRB has been existence since 1933 and was put together as part of FDR's New Deal. Seems the Republicans have finally figured out another way to tear apart FDR's legacy. When the Democrats attempted to pass a Bill that would allow the NLRB to deal with employment disputes involving veterans and workers alleging sexual harassment at the workplace, the Republicans killed that Bill by a party vote of 229-197. When they want something dead, they mean it. Just another Bill that will go nowhere in the Democratically controlled Senate. And the games in Washington continue. The House did though acheive Bi-Partisan support for relaxing Environmental regulations that made it difficult to install new electrical generators at all of the canals, aqueducts and water pipelines controlled by the Bureau of Reclamation. That Bill passed easily by a vote of 416-10. And that is all Congress got done their first week back from a two-week vacation! Hurray for them!
*Last But Not Least - It has been reported that the House is scheduled to confront issues relating to Cyber-security this week while the Senate refines its Gun control Bill. Does anyone else find it strange that there appears to be no rush to deal with the Budget and our deficit? What are they waiting for? Ah, another election? Can we expect to get a Bi-Partisan budget bill? Will hell freeze over? Have a great week!
*President Obama's proposed budget plan has hit some unusual pot holes this week. Everyone expected the GOP leadership to set it aside as nothing more than "Political Rhetoric" but very few knew that the political Left would take such offense to the proposed cuts to Social Security and Medicare proposed by the President. And the beat goes on....
*According to The New York Times, the Pentagon has announced a new policy to implement Character Evaluations for all high-ranking officers in the U.S. Military. Led by General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, character has been seriously lacking in the military's executive staffs, so much so that sexual assaults appear to be at an all-time high as well as questionable disciplinary guidelines. The evaluations are to be conducted by a team of inspectors trained to observe officers acting in their daily capacities as executive officers. The program would also make existing military guidelines and regulations clear to all officers so that there can be an enhanced observance of said regulations by all military personnel. At least it is a start!
*According to all news sources, the Senate has reached Bi-Partisan agreement on the basics of an Immigration Reform Bill.
According to the Associated Press, the proposed Senate Bill would make "legalization and ultimate citizenship" available to those that arrived illegally in the U.S. before December 31, 2011. Amazingly, this "cut-0ff" date has infuriated immigration advocates, claiming it cuts-off "hundreds of thousands" that have entered the U.S. since the end of 2011. Really? They should be embracing the reform they are getting instead of demanding everyone be included. Even I think the compromise cut-off date is more than fair!
*The Senate this week also passed a Cloture Vote to end GOP threats of a filibuster to block a floor vote on Background Checks on firearms. Now that the basic Bill can move forward, the National Rifle Association ("NRA") has jumped in to demand it be watered down or killed in its entirety on the Senate floor. You can bet the Bill has an uphill battle in the NRA "rich" GOP-led House of Representatives. What does the proposed Bill do that is so distasteful? Is requires background checks for purchasers of all guns, regardless of the seller, including gun shows or private sales. It would though expand gun sellers rights by allowing the sale of guns across state lines. And the usual argument? "The government is trying to take our guns away!" I for one am getting tired of this rhetoric. 92% of Americans polled, including NRA members agree universal background checks are mandated. We need to keep felons and the mentally ill from purchasing a gun. We need a better system that allows mental health professionals to coordinate with law enforcement to ensure sick folks do not legally obtain firearms. And the argument that criminals will get around these restrictions is inane. Why have DUI laws? We all know folks that drive while tipsy. Does that mean we should not have those laws on the books? Like I said, background checks are a responsible start.
*Since they are back from vacation, let's get to How They Voted! In the United States Senate, a Cloture Vote (see above) was passed by a a vote of 68-31 to silence a GOP threatened filibuster against instituting universal background checks for gun purchases. Voting no on the Cloture vote? GOP team player, Marco Rubio (R-FL). Perhaps Rubio should stop thinking about running for the White House and start worrying about his re-election in 2016? The Senate also voted 87-11 to confirm President Obama's nomination of Sally Jewell to serve as his new Secretary of the Interior. Jewell, a favorite of many in the filed of conservation and business had their overwhelming support to serve as the new Interior Secretary. Among the 11 GOP Senators voting against her confirmation? You guessed it, Marco Rubio (R-FL). In the House of Representatives, the GOP leadership again controlled the agenda. The GOP-led House voted along party lines (219 to 209) to stop all pending actions by the National Labor Relations Board, claiming that appointments by President Obama are void as one Washington Appellate Court has ruleds the President does not the authority to make recess appointments. Even though the matter is on appeal (and does raise serious Constitutional issues...every president since Washington has made Recess Appointments), the GOP has passed a Bill making the NLRB essentially "inactive" and unable to proceed on any matters it normally would confront per its authority. The NLRB has been existence since 1933 and was put together as part of FDR's New Deal. Seems the Republicans have finally figured out another way to tear apart FDR's legacy. When the Democrats attempted to pass a Bill that would allow the NLRB to deal with employment disputes involving veterans and workers alleging sexual harassment at the workplace, the Republicans killed that Bill by a party vote of 229-197. When they want something dead, they mean it. Just another Bill that will go nowhere in the Democratically controlled Senate. And the games in Washington continue. The House did though acheive Bi-Partisan support for relaxing Environmental regulations that made it difficult to install new electrical generators at all of the canals, aqueducts and water pipelines controlled by the Bureau of Reclamation. That Bill passed easily by a vote of 416-10. And that is all Congress got done their first week back from a two-week vacation! Hurray for them!
*Last But Not Least - It has been reported that the House is scheduled to confront issues relating to Cyber-security this week while the Senate refines its Gun control Bill. Does anyone else find it strange that there appears to be no rush to deal with the Budget and our deficit? What are they waiting for? Ah, another election? Can we expect to get a Bi-Partisan budget bill? Will hell freeze over? Have a great week!
April 7, 2013. *President Obama has returned 5% or $20,000 of his $400,000 salary to the United States Treasury in a symbolic move to reflect his solidarity with Federal employees facing furloughs as a result of the automatic cuts from the recent Sequestration. Although many have scoffed at this gesture (and in my opinion he could have done more, like return $100,000 if he really wanted to make a "statement") but very few Congressional leaders have offered a similar "voluntary pay cut" - in fact, none of them have. And the beat goes on...
*North Korea seems to be pondering how to extracate itself out of the hole it dug for itself by issuing bellicose rhetoric about attacking perceived enemies. In one of their latest mistakes, Pyongang issued letters of warning to all nations maintaining embassies in the "Hermit Kingdom," advising they should consider leaving the country because their security might not be guaranteed in the near future. No one took the letter seriously as a warning of an imminent war, but several countries confronted North Korea for the warning, including Russia who interpreted the effort as a warning of an attack not against North Korea, but by North Korea. If North Korea can't even get their Public Relations folks to script warnings right, how close to a nuclear mistake are they capable of making? Even China has begun to publicly clamp down on their North Korean "friends." The World is a very strange and dangerous place...indeed.
*Speaking of strange, Fox News actually came out and supported President Obama this week! During a recent speech, Obama mentioned his praise for California Attorney General Kamala Harris, saying Harris “brilliant and she is dedicated and she is tough,” adding that “she also happens to be, by far, the best looking attorney general in the country." Immediately after the comment, Obama was hit with a barrage of criticism ranging from his comment reflects a "good old boys attitude" towards women to his comment being "sexist". Fox News "Fox and Friends" came to his defense by pointing out that Ms. Harris, is attractive! For the record, I agree with them (and so does my wife)! Much to do about nothing? Perhaps the only one with a reasonable complaint against Obama would be U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder? I did happen to see three self-proclaimed feminists attacking the president for his "insensitive" remarks yet I could not help but notice every one of them wearing cosmetic make-up. If these women truly believed being attractive can be a potential sexist distraction, then why do they apply cosmetics and instead appear in public without them? When they stop wearing make-up, I will start listening to their arguments. Until then, I won't. Although everyone has beauty, being attractive means to be able to attract attention. The Far Left has just shown again why they too are a bit nutty.
*I would love to tell you How They Voted this week in Washington, but yet again, Congress spent the week on vacation. House Speaker Boehner (R-OH) did though take the time out of his vacation schedule to respond to President Obama's repeated offer to put Chained CPI onto Social Security in exchange for revenue, by claiming Obama's offer a signal of "poor leadership." It appears the GOP Congressional Leadership does not appreciate how badly this offer offends the Democratic president's base. Now perhaps Obama will be able to step back from his offer and blame Boehner without taking any lasting heat from his own party? Pretty smart move for Obama and fairly typical for Boehner. The game continues in Washington, but not all of the players seem to know that to win they must be able to work together. Unfortunately, some think this is all about the 2014 Mid-Term elections. If the American Voters have anything to say, it WILL be! "Sweep Congress Clean in 2014!"
*Last But Not Least - I was honored to be featured in a headline article in yesterday's Sarasota Herald Tribune. The article covered my background, my book "How Government Really Works, Despite What They Say" and my views on the current state of American politics. Not coincidentally, sales of the book shot up to #10 (for the day) on Amazon's Best Seller List for the tag word "Elections." Even though sustained sales from the article is not anticipated, the many now reading the book will hopefully spread the word that not all hope is lost and that Americans are concerned enough to re-engage in our long neglected democratic-republic. It is all I could ever ask for. Have a great week!
*North Korea seems to be pondering how to extracate itself out of the hole it dug for itself by issuing bellicose rhetoric about attacking perceived enemies. In one of their latest mistakes, Pyongang issued letters of warning to all nations maintaining embassies in the "Hermit Kingdom," advising they should consider leaving the country because their security might not be guaranteed in the near future. No one took the letter seriously as a warning of an imminent war, but several countries confronted North Korea for the warning, including Russia who interpreted the effort as a warning of an attack not against North Korea, but by North Korea. If North Korea can't even get their Public Relations folks to script warnings right, how close to a nuclear mistake are they capable of making? Even China has begun to publicly clamp down on their North Korean "friends." The World is a very strange and dangerous place...indeed.
*Speaking of strange, Fox News actually came out and supported President Obama this week! During a recent speech, Obama mentioned his praise for California Attorney General Kamala Harris, saying Harris “brilliant and she is dedicated and she is tough,” adding that “she also happens to be, by far, the best looking attorney general in the country." Immediately after the comment, Obama was hit with a barrage of criticism ranging from his comment reflects a "good old boys attitude" towards women to his comment being "sexist". Fox News "Fox and Friends" came to his defense by pointing out that Ms. Harris, is attractive! For the record, I agree with them (and so does my wife)! Much to do about nothing? Perhaps the only one with a reasonable complaint against Obama would be U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder? I did happen to see three self-proclaimed feminists attacking the president for his "insensitive" remarks yet I could not help but notice every one of them wearing cosmetic make-up. If these women truly believed being attractive can be a potential sexist distraction, then why do they apply cosmetics and instead appear in public without them? When they stop wearing make-up, I will start listening to their arguments. Until then, I won't. Although everyone has beauty, being attractive means to be able to attract attention. The Far Left has just shown again why they too are a bit nutty.
*I would love to tell you How They Voted this week in Washington, but yet again, Congress spent the week on vacation. House Speaker Boehner (R-OH) did though take the time out of his vacation schedule to respond to President Obama's repeated offer to put Chained CPI onto Social Security in exchange for revenue, by claiming Obama's offer a signal of "poor leadership." It appears the GOP Congressional Leadership does not appreciate how badly this offer offends the Democratic president's base. Now perhaps Obama will be able to step back from his offer and blame Boehner without taking any lasting heat from his own party? Pretty smart move for Obama and fairly typical for Boehner. The game continues in Washington, but not all of the players seem to know that to win they must be able to work together. Unfortunately, some think this is all about the 2014 Mid-Term elections. If the American Voters have anything to say, it WILL be! "Sweep Congress Clean in 2014!"
*Last But Not Least - I was honored to be featured in a headline article in yesterday's Sarasota Herald Tribune. The article covered my background, my book "How Government Really Works, Despite What They Say" and my views on the current state of American politics. Not coincidentally, sales of the book shot up to #10 (for the day) on Amazon's Best Seller List for the tag word "Elections." Even though sustained sales from the article is not anticipated, the many now reading the book will hopefully spread the word that not all hope is lost and that Americans are concerned enough to re-engage in our long neglected democratic-republic. It is all I could ever ask for. Have a great week!
March 31, 2013. *Other than the activity before the Supreme Court of the United States, nothing can be written about this week in politics as far as Congress goes because once again, they were on "vacation." In fact, both the Senate and the House are currently on a two week break from the difficult work they seem to routinely avoid when they are in Washington. So there will be nothing to report for this week's "How They Voted" segment.
*President Obama did make a trip down to Miami to celebrate the public-private ventures at the Port of Miami and his pledge to seek additional millions for the Port of Miami and the Post of Tampa. With Florida officials' support, the ports stand a decent chance of receiving additional needed construction funds that will assist in modernizing the valuable ports.
*Last but not least - With the remaining two days of Passover falling on Monday and Tuesday, I will not be posting to the blog until next Wednesday night. Once again, I thank all of my loyal readers leading to just over 4,000 "hits" to this website for the month of March. Many thanks and see you back for a blog posting this Wednesday evening. Until then, have a great week!
*President Obama did make a trip down to Miami to celebrate the public-private ventures at the Port of Miami and his pledge to seek additional millions for the Port of Miami and the Post of Tampa. With Florida officials' support, the ports stand a decent chance of receiving additional needed construction funds that will assist in modernizing the valuable ports.
*Last but not least - With the remaining two days of Passover falling on Monday and Tuesday, I will not be posting to the blog until next Wednesday night. Once again, I thank all of my loyal readers leading to just over 4,000 "hits" to this website for the month of March. Many thanks and see you back for a blog posting this Wednesday evening. Until then, have a great week!
March 24, 2013. *Wow, what a week we've just had! President Obama's trip to Israel, the West Bank and to Jordan was applauded by virtually everyone in the world except two groups, Palestinians and Republicans. Gee, did you ever think the Republicans would ever be linked with the Palestinians? From the minute Air Force One touched down at Ben Gurion Airport outside of Tel Aviv to his return to America, Obama stunned his opponents by reaffirming his complete support for everything Israel stands for on both domestic and foreign fronts. Not surprisingly, Right Wing Media have downplayed Obama's successful trip, but not the media in Israel (on the Right or the Left). Bravo to Obama and Israel!
*The effects of the Sequestration continue to be felt throughout the nation, despite previous republican claims that the cuts would not be as harsh as President Obama had warned. Just this week, it was revealed that the air traffic control tower at a regional airport will be shuttered and airline flights to the area will be cancelled until further notice, affecting thousands of local air passengers. Perhaps the Republicans can now suggest Obama did this on purpose to promote his wife's "Get Fit" initiative and suggest they walk to their planned destinations instead? Geesh!
*Although the decision to close down all public tours of the White House has been repeatedly explained to the public, it appears Right Wing Media has conveniently forgotten to pass the word along. By the accounts of angry letters to the editors in local newspapers, bent on hating Obama, a certain segment of the public has been convinced the canceling of the tours is due to Obama being "spiteful" and "arrogant" to prove his point that the Sequestration cuts will be painful. In reality, a decision was made to halt all public tours of the White House not based on symbolism, but based on the hard economic fact that public tours require significant staffing of Secret Service and to continue tours, certain members of the Service would be placed on furlough. Instead of engaging in costly furloughs t0 members of the Secret Service, a decision was made to shift their duties to remaining more important tasks. Amazingly, the public has become fixated on the White House tours being cut instead of the cuts actually being made to air traffic controllers, teachers and aides in Title I schools for 2013-2014 and cuts to police and fire recruitment. Again, media has let down the American public!
*So, how did they vote this week in Congress? According to the Associated Press, the House of Representatives passed a budget with new and improved strategies to balance our budget...NOT! This week, the House passed the very same "Ryan Budget" it has proposed in the past, with its hallmark being the 36th repeal of The Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act, aka "Obamacare!" Despite the flat out rejection of the GOP agenda in the 2012 elections, the GOP continues to push for the repeal of Obamacare (as if the Democratically controlled Senate would ever agree, let alone the President would somehow forget to veto the proposed legislation). So why the effort then? Because the GOP will never learn that their interests do not outweigh the interests of the majority of Americans. No wonder they can't figure out why they will continue to lose Presidential elections, and it does not take an "autopsy Report" to figure that out! The House passed the Ryan Budget by a total of 221 for and 207 against (hardly a mandate for passage huh?). The Democrats attempted to propose their own version of a Budget in the House, but their alternative Bill was defeated by a vote of 253-165. The House did though agree to a Continuing Resolution to fund the government through the end of September (fiscal year), by a vote of 318 to 109, but added cuts that would eviscerate the Dodd-Frank Regulations. The Senate on the other hand, passed their first proposed budget since 2008. In their budget version, which barely passed by a vote of 50-49, the Senate agreed to add new taxes over ten years, mainly by reforming the existing tax code and increasing taxes on the wealthiest Americans, eliminating across the board Sequestration cuts and replaces them with "targeted cuts." The Senate also proposed adding $100 Billion in infrastructure spending and protects Medicare. The GOP proposed an alternative budget in the Senate along the lines of the Ryan Plan, but it was defeated along party lines by a vote of 53-46. In other words, not much was really accomplished in Washington this week. So much for the claim by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's (R-VA) excuse for GOP leaders not going with President Obama to Israel because they were "too busy."
*Last but not least - Due the observance of the holiday of Passover, I will not be posting to my blogs on Tuesday and Wednesday. I apologize to my loyal readers, but I do have priorities (unlike our "leaders" in Washington). Have a great week!
*The effects of the Sequestration continue to be felt throughout the nation, despite previous republican claims that the cuts would not be as harsh as President Obama had warned. Just this week, it was revealed that the air traffic control tower at a regional airport will be shuttered and airline flights to the area will be cancelled until further notice, affecting thousands of local air passengers. Perhaps the Republicans can now suggest Obama did this on purpose to promote his wife's "Get Fit" initiative and suggest they walk to their planned destinations instead? Geesh!
*Although the decision to close down all public tours of the White House has been repeatedly explained to the public, it appears Right Wing Media has conveniently forgotten to pass the word along. By the accounts of angry letters to the editors in local newspapers, bent on hating Obama, a certain segment of the public has been convinced the canceling of the tours is due to Obama being "spiteful" and "arrogant" to prove his point that the Sequestration cuts will be painful. In reality, a decision was made to halt all public tours of the White House not based on symbolism, but based on the hard economic fact that public tours require significant staffing of Secret Service and to continue tours, certain members of the Service would be placed on furlough. Instead of engaging in costly furloughs t0 members of the Secret Service, a decision was made to shift their duties to remaining more important tasks. Amazingly, the public has become fixated on the White House tours being cut instead of the cuts actually being made to air traffic controllers, teachers and aides in Title I schools for 2013-2014 and cuts to police and fire recruitment. Again, media has let down the American public!
*So, how did they vote this week in Congress? According to the Associated Press, the House of Representatives passed a budget with new and improved strategies to balance our budget...NOT! This week, the House passed the very same "Ryan Budget" it has proposed in the past, with its hallmark being the 36th repeal of The Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act, aka "Obamacare!" Despite the flat out rejection of the GOP agenda in the 2012 elections, the GOP continues to push for the repeal of Obamacare (as if the Democratically controlled Senate would ever agree, let alone the President would somehow forget to veto the proposed legislation). So why the effort then? Because the GOP will never learn that their interests do not outweigh the interests of the majority of Americans. No wonder they can't figure out why they will continue to lose Presidential elections, and it does not take an "autopsy Report" to figure that out! The House passed the Ryan Budget by a total of 221 for and 207 against (hardly a mandate for passage huh?). The Democrats attempted to propose their own version of a Budget in the House, but their alternative Bill was defeated by a vote of 253-165. The House did though agree to a Continuing Resolution to fund the government through the end of September (fiscal year), by a vote of 318 to 109, but added cuts that would eviscerate the Dodd-Frank Regulations. The Senate on the other hand, passed their first proposed budget since 2008. In their budget version, which barely passed by a vote of 50-49, the Senate agreed to add new taxes over ten years, mainly by reforming the existing tax code and increasing taxes on the wealthiest Americans, eliminating across the board Sequestration cuts and replaces them with "targeted cuts." The Senate also proposed adding $100 Billion in infrastructure spending and protects Medicare. The GOP proposed an alternative budget in the Senate along the lines of the Ryan Plan, but it was defeated along party lines by a vote of 53-46. In other words, not much was really accomplished in Washington this week. So much for the claim by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's (R-VA) excuse for GOP leaders not going with President Obama to Israel because they were "too busy."
*Last but not least - Due the observance of the holiday of Passover, I will not be posting to my blogs on Tuesday and Wednesday. I apologize to my loyal readers, but I do have priorities (unlike our "leaders" in Washington). Have a great week!
March 17, 2013. *With all of the political gamesmanship being played about, it is no wonder very little is getting done in Washington these days. Instead of working on real issues that demand attention, Senators Rubio, Paul, Ayotte and Representatives McConnell, Ryan and King spent valuable time politicking the CPAC Conference. And what did they do when their "Conservative All-Stars" were not addressing the adoring throng? Holding workshops on a variety of topics. Those topics? 1. Benghazi and its aftermath: US Middle East and Southwest Asia policy. I wonder if they ever held a workshop on WMD's and their magical disappearance act? 2. Should we shoot all the consultants now? Really? I bet half of the folks at the Conference are Conservative pundits and "Consultants." Speaking of Consultants, another workshop was led by none other than Dick Morris (so much for shooting used up Consultants!). Morris spoke to the group as an "Author and Political Commentator." I wonder what the gig paid? Morris now has a losing streak that rivals Indiana Basketball against Wisconsin. Morris, the disgraced "commentator" at Fox News still gets the ear of the Conservatives looking for "new directions." 3. Stop THIS: Threats, Harassment, Intimidation, Slander, and Bullying from the Obama Administration. Who led this intense workshop? None other than Breitbart's own Ben Shapiro, of the hoax known as "Friends of Hamas."
"Slander" is something they wish to stop? How about outright lying? and 4. The Making of America: The Substance and Meaning of the Constitution. Sounds great, except the guy leading the workshop, Bill Norton believes the Founding Fathers were direct descendants from the Lost Tribes of Israel. Huh? The crowd at CPAC certainly got some informative sessions in. I wonder if Sarah Palin will be invited to lead a workshop next year on "How the Progressive Grinches Stole Christmas?"
*Speaking of Breitbart, it is currently challenging a lawsuit filed by former Department of Agriculture official, Shirley Sherrod, in which she seeks damages for wrongful defamation and infliction of emotional distress. As everyone other than Conservatives recall, Breitbart widely reporting Sherrod engaged in racial discrimination while at the Department of Agriculture by posting heavily edited videos to prove their point (which were all later established as purely false). It was only later learned that Breitbart had altered and manipulated the original video to score political points. And score they did on Fox News and the other purveyors of half-truths and outright lies. Bretibart is alleging the lawsuit infringes on their First Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech. Really?
*Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) made big news this week revealing that he has changed his public stance against Same Sex Marriage now that his son, Will has come "out of the closet." Seems now that Portman admits his son is Gay, he can now push for equal protection for the LGBT Community. What most folks don't know though, is the ferocious campaign Portman engaged in against Same Sex Marriage during the 2004 General Election in Ohio. Karl Rove made the issue a centerpiece of President Bush's re-election campaign in order for Fundamentalist Conservatives to flood the polls in favor of Republican causes....and one of them was to vote against Same Sex Marriage. What is more amazing, is the stance Portman took on Same Sex Marriage during the recent 2012 campaign...he was opposed! Is Senator Portman's new political position on Gay Rights a real change to his political ideology or just another example of being a hypocrite of the highest order? I'll leave that question for Dick Cheney to answer.
*This week President Obama proposed moving $2 Billion in revenues obtained from oil and gas leases over to scientific research for alternative fuels. Not surprisingly, many Conservative groups lambasted Obama because they perceive the losses at Solyndra to be representative of all government supported research labs. Obama's proposal enjoys Bi-Partisan support, however, Tea Party Conservatives view this as a use of revenues gathered in the form of taxes and G-d forbid the government actually gain any revenue from taxes!
*It's time again for How They Voted in Congress this week (according to The Associated Press). In the GOP led House of Representatives, a Bill was passed by a vote of 215 for and 202 against, proposing to consolidate 35 federal agencies under one roof to coordinate "job training, adult and literacy education". The Bill proposes to allow each State to independently administer the programs under a $6 Billion Block Grant (for more on Block Grants, see "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say"). Under the Bill, groups "such as dislocated workers in search of new skills, the disabled, returning veterans, the poor and migrant workers would compete against one another for available funds" (per AP). In other words, support for these folks would be limited to $6 Billion out of a total budget of about $1 Trillion and each State would be free to administer the program any way it sought fit (without Congressional oversight). As part of this proposal, House Democrats tried to add an amendment that would allow the Federal Minimum Wage to rise from the existing $7.25 to $10.10 per hour. Voting along Party Lines, the amendment lost by a vote of 233 against to 184 for. The Democrats also sought to amend the original GOP Bill that would extend membership on State-wide supervisory boards to include representatives from unions and community colleges (whose members and students will be directly affected by the Bill). The GOP instead proposes that the supervisory boards be represented instead by representatives from the Business Community. This Democratic proposal was defeated by a vote of 227 against to 184 for. Gee, beginning to see a pattern? The GOP led House also voted to eliminate any waivers to states that sought to waive requirements that welfare recipients work in order to receive benefits. As you might recall, President Obama endorsed the idea that some states waive immediate work requirements for welfare recipients in order to allow recipients to continue their "new skills education" when asked to do so by several Governors, many of whom were Republicans. That Bill also passed the House along Party lines (246 to 181). And the beat goes on in the GOP led House of Representatives. In the United States Senate, two Bills were proposed. One was designed solely to embarrass GOP Senators by forcing a vote to repeal Obamacare. The GOP measure lost by a vote of 52-45. Voting in favor of the repeal? You guessed it, Tea Party Darling Marco Rubio. The other GOP Bill proposed in the Senate was the initiation of a Hiring Freeze for all "Non-essential" federal employees. This failed again by a vote of 54 -45. Voting for the hiring freeze? Again, Mr. Rubio.
And there you have it, our Congress doing as little work as possible by initiating measures strictly along political party lines aimed not at helping all Americans, but solely to establish party battle lines. Aren't they due for another vacation?
*Last But Not Least - It is official! I will be sitting on a panel to discuss State and National political affairs with State Senator Nancy Detert (R) at the Venice Book Fair and Writers Festival on April 6! I will also present on another panel dedicated to first time authors and the difficulties encountered in getting a book published. Have a great week!
"Slander" is something they wish to stop? How about outright lying? and 4. The Making of America: The Substance and Meaning of the Constitution. Sounds great, except the guy leading the workshop, Bill Norton believes the Founding Fathers were direct descendants from the Lost Tribes of Israel. Huh? The crowd at CPAC certainly got some informative sessions in. I wonder if Sarah Palin will be invited to lead a workshop next year on "How the Progressive Grinches Stole Christmas?"
*Speaking of Breitbart, it is currently challenging a lawsuit filed by former Department of Agriculture official, Shirley Sherrod, in which she seeks damages for wrongful defamation and infliction of emotional distress. As everyone other than Conservatives recall, Breitbart widely reporting Sherrod engaged in racial discrimination while at the Department of Agriculture by posting heavily edited videos to prove their point (which were all later established as purely false). It was only later learned that Breitbart had altered and manipulated the original video to score political points. And score they did on Fox News and the other purveyors of half-truths and outright lies. Bretibart is alleging the lawsuit infringes on their First Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech. Really?
*Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) made big news this week revealing that he has changed his public stance against Same Sex Marriage now that his son, Will has come "out of the closet." Seems now that Portman admits his son is Gay, he can now push for equal protection for the LGBT Community. What most folks don't know though, is the ferocious campaign Portman engaged in against Same Sex Marriage during the 2004 General Election in Ohio. Karl Rove made the issue a centerpiece of President Bush's re-election campaign in order for Fundamentalist Conservatives to flood the polls in favor of Republican causes....and one of them was to vote against Same Sex Marriage. What is more amazing, is the stance Portman took on Same Sex Marriage during the recent 2012 campaign...he was opposed! Is Senator Portman's new political position on Gay Rights a real change to his political ideology or just another example of being a hypocrite of the highest order? I'll leave that question for Dick Cheney to answer.
*This week President Obama proposed moving $2 Billion in revenues obtained from oil and gas leases over to scientific research for alternative fuels. Not surprisingly, many Conservative groups lambasted Obama because they perceive the losses at Solyndra to be representative of all government supported research labs. Obama's proposal enjoys Bi-Partisan support, however, Tea Party Conservatives view this as a use of revenues gathered in the form of taxes and G-d forbid the government actually gain any revenue from taxes!
*It's time again for How They Voted in Congress this week (according to The Associated Press). In the GOP led House of Representatives, a Bill was passed by a vote of 215 for and 202 against, proposing to consolidate 35 federal agencies under one roof to coordinate "job training, adult and literacy education". The Bill proposes to allow each State to independently administer the programs under a $6 Billion Block Grant (for more on Block Grants, see "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say"). Under the Bill, groups "such as dislocated workers in search of new skills, the disabled, returning veterans, the poor and migrant workers would compete against one another for available funds" (per AP). In other words, support for these folks would be limited to $6 Billion out of a total budget of about $1 Trillion and each State would be free to administer the program any way it sought fit (without Congressional oversight). As part of this proposal, House Democrats tried to add an amendment that would allow the Federal Minimum Wage to rise from the existing $7.25 to $10.10 per hour. Voting along Party Lines, the amendment lost by a vote of 233 against to 184 for. The Democrats also sought to amend the original GOP Bill that would extend membership on State-wide supervisory boards to include representatives from unions and community colleges (whose members and students will be directly affected by the Bill). The GOP instead proposes that the supervisory boards be represented instead by representatives from the Business Community. This Democratic proposal was defeated by a vote of 227 against to 184 for. Gee, beginning to see a pattern? The GOP led House also voted to eliminate any waivers to states that sought to waive requirements that welfare recipients work in order to receive benefits. As you might recall, President Obama endorsed the idea that some states waive immediate work requirements for welfare recipients in order to allow recipients to continue their "new skills education" when asked to do so by several Governors, many of whom were Republicans. That Bill also passed the House along Party lines (246 to 181). And the beat goes on in the GOP led House of Representatives. In the United States Senate, two Bills were proposed. One was designed solely to embarrass GOP Senators by forcing a vote to repeal Obamacare. The GOP measure lost by a vote of 52-45. Voting in favor of the repeal? You guessed it, Tea Party Darling Marco Rubio. The other GOP Bill proposed in the Senate was the initiation of a Hiring Freeze for all "Non-essential" federal employees. This failed again by a vote of 54 -45. Voting for the hiring freeze? Again, Mr. Rubio.
And there you have it, our Congress doing as little work as possible by initiating measures strictly along political party lines aimed not at helping all Americans, but solely to establish party battle lines. Aren't they due for another vacation?
*Last But Not Least - It is official! I will be sitting on a panel to discuss State and National political affairs with State Senator Nancy Detert (R) at the Venice Book Fair and Writers Festival on April 6! I will also present on another panel dedicated to first time authors and the difficulties encountered in getting a book published. Have a great week!
March 10, 2013. *Not a busy week in politics, but the highlight was certainly Republican Senator Rand Paul's (R-KY) almost 13 hour filibuster seeking to delay the confirmation vote of John Brennan to serve as President Obama's Director of the CIA. According to some, Paul is now the "star" of the Senate for allegedly obtaining an admission from Attorney General Eric Holder that the President does not have the constitutional authority to kill any U.S. Citizen on American soil. The vote then was held after Paul relinquished the Senate floor and Brennan was confirmed. Strange enough, Brennan served as a trusted adviser to then President George W. Bush. Ironically, Republican elders in the Senate chastised Paul for his actions leading some to question whether they already knew the answers Paul was seeking? And the games continue.
*Along those lines, President Obama invited several Republican Senators to dinner last week to discuss the potential to reach a "Grand Bargain" on the deficit and a budget. Amazingly, several Republican Senators reported after the dinner that their GOP leaders had not informed them of the offers previously made by the President to cut Entitlements as part of the bargain. Perhaps someone should inform the Right Wing Disinformation Machine at Fox News because Bill O'Reilly lost his composure and screamed at Alan Combes on the air that his claim Obama had indeed offered cuts was a lie. Now who has been lying to whom?
*According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 236,000 non farm related jobs were filled in the month of February, bringing the unemployment rate to 7.7%, the lowest since 2008. According to several prominent labor economists, the economy is building certain momentum towards recovery, however, the effects of Sequestration may have as much as a negative 1% impact on the growth of the nation's job sector. In other words, the economy would be soaring by the end of 2013 if Congress would simply get out of the way and allow a budget to be negotiated. Same old, same old.
*Speaking of "old", it is getting tiresome each week to report How They Voted (as provided by The Associated Press) this week in the House of Representatives and the Senate. In the GOP controlled House (as predicted weeks ago), the Republicans promoted a Bill to weaken the Sequestration by allowing post-sequestration cuts to remain in place through the end of the 2013 fiscal year, provided additional spending on Defense and veterans' benefits are allowed. Knowing Democrats would wish to restore some of the spending for social programs, the GOP passed the Bill even though it will have a difficult time passing the Democratically controlled Senate. Nonetheless, the Bill passed the House by a vote of 267-151. The Democrats in the House proposed an alternative Bill to included softened cuts to social programs, but it was defeated by s vote of 231-188. The Democratic Bill also included provisions for tax code changes so that revenue might be achieved by adding a provision calling for a 30% tax on annual incomes of over $2 Million. And the GOP claims it is not the Party of the Rich? Amazingly, that is all that was accomplished in the House during their first week back from a long weekend (a week removed from a previous "vacation"). Remember folks, the House will be "off" for 239 days this year! The Senate did not do much better, as they confirmed John Brennan to lead the CIA by a vote of 63-34 but could not overcome a GOP filibuster on the nomination of Caitlin Halligan to the US Court of Apeals for the District of Columbia. The vote was 51 for and 41 against. Once again, a Super Majority is required to defeat a filibuster according to Senate Rules. For more on Cloture, see "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
*Last But Not Least - As I may have mentioned, Robyn Davis has decided to leave WWPR in order to establish her own independent Internet based Podcast. Until more information is available, I will not be appearing on WWPR. Please note that I have downloaded my presentation to the Venice Literacy Council on this website. I will also be presenting to the Venice Book Fair on April 6 and hope to download that presentation when it becomes available. Have a great week!
*Along those lines, President Obama invited several Republican Senators to dinner last week to discuss the potential to reach a "Grand Bargain" on the deficit and a budget. Amazingly, several Republican Senators reported after the dinner that their GOP leaders had not informed them of the offers previously made by the President to cut Entitlements as part of the bargain. Perhaps someone should inform the Right Wing Disinformation Machine at Fox News because Bill O'Reilly lost his composure and screamed at Alan Combes on the air that his claim Obama had indeed offered cuts was a lie. Now who has been lying to whom?
*According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 236,000 non farm related jobs were filled in the month of February, bringing the unemployment rate to 7.7%, the lowest since 2008. According to several prominent labor economists, the economy is building certain momentum towards recovery, however, the effects of Sequestration may have as much as a negative 1% impact on the growth of the nation's job sector. In other words, the economy would be soaring by the end of 2013 if Congress would simply get out of the way and allow a budget to be negotiated. Same old, same old.
*Speaking of "old", it is getting tiresome each week to report How They Voted (as provided by The Associated Press) this week in the House of Representatives and the Senate. In the GOP controlled House (as predicted weeks ago), the Republicans promoted a Bill to weaken the Sequestration by allowing post-sequestration cuts to remain in place through the end of the 2013 fiscal year, provided additional spending on Defense and veterans' benefits are allowed. Knowing Democrats would wish to restore some of the spending for social programs, the GOP passed the Bill even though it will have a difficult time passing the Democratically controlled Senate. Nonetheless, the Bill passed the House by a vote of 267-151. The Democrats in the House proposed an alternative Bill to included softened cuts to social programs, but it was defeated by s vote of 231-188. The Democratic Bill also included provisions for tax code changes so that revenue might be achieved by adding a provision calling for a 30% tax on annual incomes of over $2 Million. And the GOP claims it is not the Party of the Rich? Amazingly, that is all that was accomplished in the House during their first week back from a long weekend (a week removed from a previous "vacation"). Remember folks, the House will be "off" for 239 days this year! The Senate did not do much better, as they confirmed John Brennan to lead the CIA by a vote of 63-34 but could not overcome a GOP filibuster on the nomination of Caitlin Halligan to the US Court of Apeals for the District of Columbia. The vote was 51 for and 41 against. Once again, a Super Majority is required to defeat a filibuster according to Senate Rules. For more on Cloture, see "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
*Last But Not Least - As I may have mentioned, Robyn Davis has decided to leave WWPR in order to establish her own independent Internet based Podcast. Until more information is available, I will not be appearing on WWPR. Please note that I have downloaded my presentation to the Venice Literacy Council on this website. I will also be presenting to the Venice Book Fair on April 6 and hope to download that presentation when it becomes available. Have a great week!
March 5, 2013. *Once again, the Right Wing Media has been exposed for pushing a fake-story as real. As mentioned a while ago, the smear campaign against U.S. Senator Robert Menendez (D-NY) has been exposed as a hoax. Unfortunately, some damage has been suffered by Mr. Menendez and many followers of the Right Wing Communication Machine will still believe the accusations, even though the very people allegedly making the claims have fessed up and made it very clear the allegations are groundless. Once again, Faux News strikes again! Anyone forget yet about the "Friends of Hamas" nonsense?
*The Senate Intelligence Committee has cleared Obama Nominee John Brennan to serve as head of the CIA. The nomination now moves to the full Senate where some Republican Senators are (again) threatening a filibuster to stop a Floor Vote (and the beat goes on). For more on Filibusters and Cloture Votes, see "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say." *March 5 is famous for being the anniversary of The Boston Massacre, a key event in American History. It also represents my Brother's birthday and he would have been 61 years old today had he not succumbed to Colon Cancer approaching 10 years ago. Colon Cancer can be prevented with scheduled colonoscopies. Despite the negative impression the test has with the public, it is worth it if it saves your life, and Colon Cancer can be detected and cured if found early. If you have not had a colonoscopy, schedule one and rest easy that you will not be killed by Colon Cancer. It is one of the most important lessons learned from the death of my Big Brother! With apolgies to Nike, "Just Do It!"
*The Senate Intelligence Committee has cleared Obama Nominee John Brennan to serve as head of the CIA. The nomination now moves to the full Senate where some Republican Senators are (again) threatening a filibuster to stop a Floor Vote (and the beat goes on). For more on Filibusters and Cloture Votes, see "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say." *March 5 is famous for being the anniversary of The Boston Massacre, a key event in American History. It also represents my Brother's birthday and he would have been 61 years old today had he not succumbed to Colon Cancer approaching 10 years ago. Colon Cancer can be prevented with scheduled colonoscopies. Despite the negative impression the test has with the public, it is worth it if it saves your life, and Colon Cancer can be detected and cured if found early. If you have not had a colonoscopy, schedule one and rest easy that you will not be killed by Colon Cancer. It is one of the most important lessons learned from the death of my Big Brother! With apolgies to Nike, "Just Do It!"
March 3, 2013 *Sequestration was officially reached last Friday. Some news outlets erroneously stated that it came into effect when President Obama signed an Executive Order. Sequestration was passed by Congress in 2011 and the President merely signed it into law. Amazingly, the Democratically led Senate offered a Bill to avoid the deep cuts in the Sequestration, but Republicans in the Senate filibustered the Bill and Cloture was defeated. For more on how Filibusters and Cloture votes work, see my "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say." Efforts to pass the Bill would have been fruitless anyway, the House had already left for the weekend.
*Lost in the shuffle of the Sequestration was the Senate confirmation of former Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE) to be Secretary of Defense and Jack Lew to serve as Secretary of the Treasury. After "much to do about nothing" from our tirelessly working (or tired of working) Senate, the two men assume their position in the Obama Cabinet. Now let's see how long they go in their offices before Darryl Issa (R-CA) demands they come before his Congressional Committee for "oversight" interrogations.
*In a new twist to the BP Horizon Gulf oil spill of 2010, Transocean, the owner of the rig that blew up, has officially claimed BP purposely misled the public and governmental officials as to the extent of the spill, which ultimately led to delays in plugging the deep ocean leak. According to court files, the catastrophic leak could have been halted at least two months earlier had BP accurately disclosed the extent of the damage. Seems BP officials felt it was more important to try to limit potential liabilities rather than deal with the disaster head-on. Once again, corporate concern for money trumps concern for the environment. If corporations are people too, they too should be forced to spend time in jail or be terminated for willful corporate misdeeds.
*The misinformation continues as it relates to the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline. Conservatives have railed against President Obama and environmentalists (codeword for Liberals) for their opposition to the pipeline, claiming that constructing the line will improve access to Canadian tar sands oil and help reduce our energy costs. Lost somewhere though is the fact that NONE of the oil to be refined from the Canadian tar sands is to be used for American consumption. The sole purpose of the pipeline is to transport unrefined tar sands oil from Canada to refineries in the US, so that the finished fuel can be exported. By exporting every drop of the Canadian oil, how in the world is that supposed to increase supplies of fuel in the United States? Now The Washington Post reports that waiting for clearance to build the pipeline is no longer slowing the movements of the tar sands oil to the US, as rail companies have begun constructing rail lines and terminals to haul the tar sands to the refineries instead. Seems most folks welcome the use of rail to ship tar sands, but experts predict the pipeline will still be needed to handle the enormous amount of materials needed to meet world demand. Pipelines and rail, probably not a bad way to go anyway. But still, let it be made clear to those that continue to make arguments for the pipeline... It is NOT meant to provide oil for domestic consumption. It is only meant to transport Canadian tar sands for ultimate export.
*As a result of Justice Anton Scalia's comments that the Voting Rights Act of 1965 merely "perpetuates racial entitlements," folks as ignorant as George Will have come out officially to praise the statement with claims that it is no longer needed to protect folks "categorized by race." As I have repeatedly mentioned, "Be careful what you wish for" because within the next 50 years, Whites will be in the minority and will then bemoan the loss of protected status it now is attempting to take away from minorities. Once those protections are gone, who is to say that in, oh, 150 years, Whites are not discriminated at the voting booth? Racism is alive and well and George Will and his ilk can't stand that minorities overwhelmingly support Democrats. Instead of trying to figure out ways to keep those minorities from voting for the Democrats, Republicans should start working on why minorities vote Democratic? Only then will they begin to figure out ways to extend their party's political base. Until that time, the GOP will continue to "step on land mines" that have already been clearly identified.
*In yet another sign of Right Wing hypocrisy, President Obama recently signed a waiver allowing aid money to be given to the Palestinian Authority, despite a law forbidding money from going to the P.A. According to Politico, the waiver was given in order to provide security funds to the P.A. in the West Bank as efforts to maintain order recently has been increasingly dangerous in the West Bank near Israel's Security Border. Right Wing media is having a field day blasting Obama for funding "Hamas", but the funds are to be exclusively used by the P.A. solely for West Bank purposes. Israel recently agreed to expedite the payment of P.A. tax funds in an effort to prop up the Abbas Administration, as Hamas in Gaza has slowly been eroding Fatah's authority in the West Bank. Israel and the US have taken the position that the uptick in West Bank violence must be curtailed and with the aid, Fatah and Abbas can no longer claim it is unable to provide the security needed to quell the border violence. Ironically, during the final year of President George W. Bush’s Administration, President Bush issued waivers providing $300 million in direct budgetary assistance to the PA, but THAT fact seems to have been conveniently forgotten by the Right Wing Oriented For-Profit Media or their Blogging supporters throughout the Internet.
*And now to How They Voted This Week according to the Associated Press. In the Senate, Confirmations were approved for former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel to the position of Secretary of Defense by a vote of 58-41 and Jack Lew as Secretary of the Treasury by a vote of 71-26. The Democrats in the Senate proposed a Bill that would alter the severity of the Sequestration by reducing the cuts to defense and domestic spending by offsetting them with targeted reductions, including farm subsidies. The measure failed due to a GOP filibuster and Cloture failed by a vote of 51 for and 49 against. Typically, Tea Party favorite Marco Rubio (R-FL) voted against Cloture. In response to this Bill, Senate Republicans proposed that all decisions for cuts under Sequestration be ceded to the President by giving him "the power to the purse." Ironically, this has already been ruled to be impermissible under the Constitution (see Clinton v. City of New York). Regardless, the Republican measure failed by a vote of 38 for and 62 against. Rubio also voted against this Bill. In the House of Representatives, the previously Senate approved version of the Violence Against Women Act was passed in the House by a vote of 286-138. Not surprising, all opponents to the Bill were Republicans. Think anything else was accomplished in Washington last week? Nah, of course not. With Sequestration was looming, Speaker Beohner's GOP Led House took Friday off (again).
*The legislative calendar for the House of Representatives was published recently. Seems the GOP led House still doesn't quite understand how fed up Americans are with them not being in Washington to do the jobs they were elected to do. According to Majority Leader Eric Cantor, the GOP led House will be in session only 126 days of 2013. With pay at $174,000 per year plus benefits, Congressmen will earn at least $1,400 per day of actual work (if you consider them even working while in session). That's 239 days off in 2013 for the House! Why so many days off? Allegedly, so they can "best serve the needs of their constituents." Does that include fundraising? Sweep Congress Clean in 2014!
*Last But Not Least - I was privileged to serve as a "Social Studies Expert" Judge for the Sarasota County Academic Olympics Championships. Having never served in such a capacity, I was a tad anxious, until I caught an error in the answer sheets relating to Alexander Hamilton. Although I was not called into action to resolve a challenge to an answer, I did have the Social Studies Bonus Question revised and it was accurately used in the competition! I was impressed with the number of strong students that were involved, and the tireless work of volunteers in the County that support the Academic Olympics! I hope to be asked to return as a judge again next year! Have a great week
*Lost in the shuffle of the Sequestration was the Senate confirmation of former Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE) to be Secretary of Defense and Jack Lew to serve as Secretary of the Treasury. After "much to do about nothing" from our tirelessly working (or tired of working) Senate, the two men assume their position in the Obama Cabinet. Now let's see how long they go in their offices before Darryl Issa (R-CA) demands they come before his Congressional Committee for "oversight" interrogations.
*In a new twist to the BP Horizon Gulf oil spill of 2010, Transocean, the owner of the rig that blew up, has officially claimed BP purposely misled the public and governmental officials as to the extent of the spill, which ultimately led to delays in plugging the deep ocean leak. According to court files, the catastrophic leak could have been halted at least two months earlier had BP accurately disclosed the extent of the damage. Seems BP officials felt it was more important to try to limit potential liabilities rather than deal with the disaster head-on. Once again, corporate concern for money trumps concern for the environment. If corporations are people too, they too should be forced to spend time in jail or be terminated for willful corporate misdeeds.
*The misinformation continues as it relates to the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline. Conservatives have railed against President Obama and environmentalists (codeword for Liberals) for their opposition to the pipeline, claiming that constructing the line will improve access to Canadian tar sands oil and help reduce our energy costs. Lost somewhere though is the fact that NONE of the oil to be refined from the Canadian tar sands is to be used for American consumption. The sole purpose of the pipeline is to transport unrefined tar sands oil from Canada to refineries in the US, so that the finished fuel can be exported. By exporting every drop of the Canadian oil, how in the world is that supposed to increase supplies of fuel in the United States? Now The Washington Post reports that waiting for clearance to build the pipeline is no longer slowing the movements of the tar sands oil to the US, as rail companies have begun constructing rail lines and terminals to haul the tar sands to the refineries instead. Seems most folks welcome the use of rail to ship tar sands, but experts predict the pipeline will still be needed to handle the enormous amount of materials needed to meet world demand. Pipelines and rail, probably not a bad way to go anyway. But still, let it be made clear to those that continue to make arguments for the pipeline... It is NOT meant to provide oil for domestic consumption. It is only meant to transport Canadian tar sands for ultimate export.
*As a result of Justice Anton Scalia's comments that the Voting Rights Act of 1965 merely "perpetuates racial entitlements," folks as ignorant as George Will have come out officially to praise the statement with claims that it is no longer needed to protect folks "categorized by race." As I have repeatedly mentioned, "Be careful what you wish for" because within the next 50 years, Whites will be in the minority and will then bemoan the loss of protected status it now is attempting to take away from minorities. Once those protections are gone, who is to say that in, oh, 150 years, Whites are not discriminated at the voting booth? Racism is alive and well and George Will and his ilk can't stand that minorities overwhelmingly support Democrats. Instead of trying to figure out ways to keep those minorities from voting for the Democrats, Republicans should start working on why minorities vote Democratic? Only then will they begin to figure out ways to extend their party's political base. Until that time, the GOP will continue to "step on land mines" that have already been clearly identified.
*In yet another sign of Right Wing hypocrisy, President Obama recently signed a waiver allowing aid money to be given to the Palestinian Authority, despite a law forbidding money from going to the P.A. According to Politico, the waiver was given in order to provide security funds to the P.A. in the West Bank as efforts to maintain order recently has been increasingly dangerous in the West Bank near Israel's Security Border. Right Wing media is having a field day blasting Obama for funding "Hamas", but the funds are to be exclusively used by the P.A. solely for West Bank purposes. Israel recently agreed to expedite the payment of P.A. tax funds in an effort to prop up the Abbas Administration, as Hamas in Gaza has slowly been eroding Fatah's authority in the West Bank. Israel and the US have taken the position that the uptick in West Bank violence must be curtailed and with the aid, Fatah and Abbas can no longer claim it is unable to provide the security needed to quell the border violence. Ironically, during the final year of President George W. Bush’s Administration, President Bush issued waivers providing $300 million in direct budgetary assistance to the PA, but THAT fact seems to have been conveniently forgotten by the Right Wing Oriented For-Profit Media or their Blogging supporters throughout the Internet.
*And now to How They Voted This Week according to the Associated Press. In the Senate, Confirmations were approved for former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel to the position of Secretary of Defense by a vote of 58-41 and Jack Lew as Secretary of the Treasury by a vote of 71-26. The Democrats in the Senate proposed a Bill that would alter the severity of the Sequestration by reducing the cuts to defense and domestic spending by offsetting them with targeted reductions, including farm subsidies. The measure failed due to a GOP filibuster and Cloture failed by a vote of 51 for and 49 against. Typically, Tea Party favorite Marco Rubio (R-FL) voted against Cloture. In response to this Bill, Senate Republicans proposed that all decisions for cuts under Sequestration be ceded to the President by giving him "the power to the purse." Ironically, this has already been ruled to be impermissible under the Constitution (see Clinton v. City of New York). Regardless, the Republican measure failed by a vote of 38 for and 62 against. Rubio also voted against this Bill. In the House of Representatives, the previously Senate approved version of the Violence Against Women Act was passed in the House by a vote of 286-138. Not surprising, all opponents to the Bill were Republicans. Think anything else was accomplished in Washington last week? Nah, of course not. With Sequestration was looming, Speaker Beohner's GOP Led House took Friday off (again).
*The legislative calendar for the House of Representatives was published recently. Seems the GOP led House still doesn't quite understand how fed up Americans are with them not being in Washington to do the jobs they were elected to do. According to Majority Leader Eric Cantor, the GOP led House will be in session only 126 days of 2013. With pay at $174,000 per year plus benefits, Congressmen will earn at least $1,400 per day of actual work (if you consider them even working while in session). That's 239 days off in 2013 for the House! Why so many days off? Allegedly, so they can "best serve the needs of their constituents." Does that include fundraising? Sweep Congress Clean in 2014!
*Last But Not Least - I was privileged to serve as a "Social Studies Expert" Judge for the Sarasota County Academic Olympics Championships. Having never served in such a capacity, I was a tad anxious, until I caught an error in the answer sheets relating to Alexander Hamilton. Although I was not called into action to resolve a challenge to an answer, I did have the Social Studies Bonus Question revised and it was accurately used in the competition! I was impressed with the number of strong students that were involved, and the tireless work of volunteers in the County that support the Academic Olympics! I hope to be asked to return as a judge again next year! Have a great week
February 24, 2013 *My apologies for not posting recently, but a hectic schedule including coming down with a chest cold did not help. But I am on the mend now, and hope to get back to my regular schedule, although that too can become problematic. Instead of heading to the radio studio on Tuesday, I will be attending a Sarasota County Teach American History Cohort meeting at the Sarasota Historical Society. I will then be with Robyn Davis and the Robyn Report on Wednesday. So I will be making every effort to return here when I can. Many thanks for being patient.
*As predicted, the allegations against New York Democratic Senator Robert Menendez have suddenly fallen off the charts, after the FBI determined there was no evidence to support the published claims. So much for real journalism on television.
*In my weekly How They Voted portion, it is impossible to list votes undertaken in the U.S. Congress since they have been on vacation (again) this past week. The only thing I can report is certain members of Congress are trying to pin responsibility on Obama for the March 1 Sequestration instead of doing anything to avoid it. And the beat goes on..
*In somewhat of a surprise, Florida Governor Rick Scott (R) has announced he will be expanding Medicare in Florida under the terms of Obamacare. Now this would not be a big deal except Rick Scott, former darling of the Tea Party in Florida, fought tooth and nail against Obamacare, and even led the case opposing Obamacare all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States, which ultimately affirmed its constitutionality. Scott's move is seen as many, as an effort to move "back to the center" of the political spectrum in an effort to paint himself as more moderate. Why? Because he has declared himself a candidate for reelection in 2014. For the record, according to the latest Quinnipiac poll, Scott's approval ratings are so low, anyone could defeat him in 2014. As a result, we have seen recent efforts by Scott to not only move to the center, but also his public declaration that he intends to spend upwards of $100 Million on his reelection campaign.
*Last But Not Least - Spring Training has come to Arizona and Florida and fans throughout the nation look forward to the "Boys of Summer" returning to the diamond. With cold temperatures reflecting the reality that Spring is not being felt everywhere yet, perhaps Spring Baseball will be enough to warm the hearts and minds of baseball fans everywhere that warmer weather is just around the corner! Now if we can get our leaders in Washington to simply, "PLAY BALL" we would all be better off!
*As predicted, the allegations against New York Democratic Senator Robert Menendez have suddenly fallen off the charts, after the FBI determined there was no evidence to support the published claims. So much for real journalism on television.
*In my weekly How They Voted portion, it is impossible to list votes undertaken in the U.S. Congress since they have been on vacation (again) this past week. The only thing I can report is certain members of Congress are trying to pin responsibility on Obama for the March 1 Sequestration instead of doing anything to avoid it. And the beat goes on..
*In somewhat of a surprise, Florida Governor Rick Scott (R) has announced he will be expanding Medicare in Florida under the terms of Obamacare. Now this would not be a big deal except Rick Scott, former darling of the Tea Party in Florida, fought tooth and nail against Obamacare, and even led the case opposing Obamacare all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States, which ultimately affirmed its constitutionality. Scott's move is seen as many, as an effort to move "back to the center" of the political spectrum in an effort to paint himself as more moderate. Why? Because he has declared himself a candidate for reelection in 2014. For the record, according to the latest Quinnipiac poll, Scott's approval ratings are so low, anyone could defeat him in 2014. As a result, we have seen recent efforts by Scott to not only move to the center, but also his public declaration that he intends to spend upwards of $100 Million on his reelection campaign.
*Last But Not Least - Spring Training has come to Arizona and Florida and fans throughout the nation look forward to the "Boys of Summer" returning to the diamond. With cold temperatures reflecting the reality that Spring is not being felt everywhere yet, perhaps Spring Baseball will be enough to warm the hearts and minds of baseball fans everywhere that warmer weather is just around the corner! Now if we can get our leaders in Washington to simply, "PLAY BALL" we would all be better off!
February 17, 2013 *In an age of tired political intrigue and gamesmanship, an "anonymous" tipster created a firestorm for New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez (D) when they claimed he was engaged "patronizing prostitutes" in Dominican Republic. Fox News and the Right Wing Communication Machine went into overdrive in an attempt to frame the allegations as "serious" and requiring "immediate investigation." Seems Senator Menendez's comments about the slow Republican response to Hurricane Sandy Relief got a bit "under the skin" of some Republicans in Congress and voila, a scandal brews! Regardless and most likely not to be widely reported by Fox News, The Washington Post reveals that the FBI has "found no evidence to support the claims." What? No evidence? According to the FBI, they have followed all of the leads provided by the "anonymous tipster" and have come up with nothing. So much for the Senator's reputation. So much for Fox News and their "fair and balanced" approach to spurious and politically based allegations.
*Naturally, many folks were shocked when Pope Benedict XVI announced he was resigning at the end of February. Although I teach Political Science and History, I am not a student of Vatican politics. I am sure it is amazing, but not "my cup of tea."
*Although I usually comment in my blog about George Will and his off the wall political ravings, today's article entitled "Annual Pomp and Nonsense" is worth mentioning (but not reading). Will's article alleges State of the Union Addresses are nothing more than ego boosts to already ego-driven presidents and wiser men used to opt instead to send "messages" to the Congress rather than address it in person. His chosen "wiser man" to make his point? Thomas Jefferson. Anyone that knows the real history behind Thomas Jefferson knows he maintained an ego the size of North America and his reluctance to address Congress while president had a lot more with his unwillingness to disclose his actual ambitions as president than his alleged "dislike of his high pitched voice." Do Americans know that when the British were about to overrun Virginia, Jefferson as Governor and leader of the Militia ran away? Do Americans know Jefferson openly gave financial support to French Citizen Edmund Genet in an effort to undercut the foreign policy of George Washington? Do Americans know Jefferson predicted America would be a nation ruled by Farmers....forever? So much for Jefferson's "wisdom." Will reasons that as long as the State of the Union exist, "presidents will be omnipresent, and politics is going to be infantile." Thanks George for the heads-up, but I doubt presidents addressing Congress once a year is the cause for our politicians acting like little babies! As I recall, you supported Texas Governor Rick Perry (R) for president. Me think Mr. Will's judgment is the one that should be considered "infantile."
*The Associated Press has reported that at least $120 Million has been spent lobbying the Florida State house in the past year. Money from Interest Groups ranging from Casino owners to telecommunication firms have piled up in Florida in an effort to influence legislation in Florida. The sad part is obvious. Who is lobbying in behalf of the citizens of Florida? How much influence do interest groups exert by supplying the almighty dollar versus the influence of the uneducated voter who gets their shot at influencing elected officials only during run-ups to elections? If this number does not seem very high to you, multiply it by the number of states and you will begin to see who really "calls the shots" in this country, and how little influence average American actually have over their elected leaders when it comes time to legislate public policy. Will we ever see a public demand to eliminate money from influencing elections and policy decisions? Not until we collectively demand it. Based upon current realities, I would not hold my breath that this will happen anytime soon.
*Okay, let's get to How They Voted! Each week, The Associated Press publishes the votes cast in Congress. So here goes! In the House of Representatives, a Republican Bill was passed along Party lines to freeze all Federal workers pay through December, 31, 2013. Sounds great right? Federal employees have had no step increase in pay since 2010 and were set to receive 0.5% increase march 1. Oh well, as long as Congress gets their pay, benefits and pensions right! What else did the House do this week before taking another week off for vacation? Nothing! In the Senate, we all know by now efforts to stop a Republican filibuster of former Senator Chuck Hagel's (R-Neb)nomination as Secretary of Defense in a cloture vote failed by a vote of 58-40-1. Isn't it important for the public to know that a majority in the Senate is no longer required to pass anything into law or to confirm appointees? With the threat of filibuster, any Senator may put a hold or filibuster anything, thereby requiring a Super-majority of 60 votes to force the measure to a full floor vote, where THEN only 51 votes are needed to pass or confirm. Just for background, the Republicans are concerned Hagel might not be the right choice to head our military. After all, Hagel served as an infantry leader in the U.S. Military in Viet Nam, received two Purple Hearts, and then served two terms in the U.S. Senate. Something tells me even John McCain's (R-AZ) nomination to the position would have been filibustered (McCain himself publicly stated in 2008 as a presidential candidate that Hagel would be his choice to lead the Pentagon). So who filed for the filibuster? John McCain! Which tells you a lot about the current state of our political discourse in Washington. It is dysfunctional because of personal vendettas and a new wave of McCarthyism practices by certain grandstanding and demagoguing Tea Party Senators (ie., Ted Cruz, R-Texas) have become vogue. Those voting against Hagel's confirmation moving to the Floor for confirmation, include none other than Marco Rubio (R-FL)... because he knows so much about what it is like fighting for his country (not). The Senate also approved extending the Violence Against Women Act, designed to prevent domestic violence, stalking and sexual assaults. It also extended protection for homosexuals who are also victims of similar assaults. It further approved funding to local police authporities to reduce backlogs in laboratory testing of DNA evidence taken from rape victims. Voting against this Bill? You guessed it, none other than Marco Rubio (R-FL)! So why does this guy get so much "press" as the future of the GOP? Because he still represents their political values, even though fewer and fewer Americans agree with them. Could it be a classic case of pandering? In a separate action, the Senate defeated a Republican sponsored Bill to strip a section of the Violence Against Women Act that allowed Tribal Courts from handling domestic violence cases involving non-Indians that occur on reservations. Voting to strip the Tribal Courts of their existing jurisdiction? Right Again...Marco Rubio! Believe it or not, that is ALL Congress accomplished last week. Our Nation needs a budget, a plan to reduce the deficit, tax and entitlement reform, and this is all they get done? Why? Because a one week recess is in order (how else can they go back home and fund raise for their next election)? Pathetic!
*Last but Not Least - Tomorrow is Presidents Day, a day set aside to honor the birthdays of George Washington (February 22) and Abraham Lincoln (February 12). I like to treat it instead as a good day to celebrate my wife Shellie's birthday (February 10) and my daughter Aaryn's birthday (February 20). Let us all enjoy time tomorrow to commemorate two great presidents' birthdays, along with my wife and daughter's! Happy Birthday George and Abe...please come back to us, we need real leadership again! Happy Birthday Shellie and Aaryn, you are two of the things I actually did right in this life!
*Naturally, many folks were shocked when Pope Benedict XVI announced he was resigning at the end of February. Although I teach Political Science and History, I am not a student of Vatican politics. I am sure it is amazing, but not "my cup of tea."
*Although I usually comment in my blog about George Will and his off the wall political ravings, today's article entitled "Annual Pomp and Nonsense" is worth mentioning (but not reading). Will's article alleges State of the Union Addresses are nothing more than ego boosts to already ego-driven presidents and wiser men used to opt instead to send "messages" to the Congress rather than address it in person. His chosen "wiser man" to make his point? Thomas Jefferson. Anyone that knows the real history behind Thomas Jefferson knows he maintained an ego the size of North America and his reluctance to address Congress while president had a lot more with his unwillingness to disclose his actual ambitions as president than his alleged "dislike of his high pitched voice." Do Americans know that when the British were about to overrun Virginia, Jefferson as Governor and leader of the Militia ran away? Do Americans know Jefferson openly gave financial support to French Citizen Edmund Genet in an effort to undercut the foreign policy of George Washington? Do Americans know Jefferson predicted America would be a nation ruled by Farmers....forever? So much for Jefferson's "wisdom." Will reasons that as long as the State of the Union exist, "presidents will be omnipresent, and politics is going to be infantile." Thanks George for the heads-up, but I doubt presidents addressing Congress once a year is the cause for our politicians acting like little babies! As I recall, you supported Texas Governor Rick Perry (R) for president. Me think Mr. Will's judgment is the one that should be considered "infantile."
*The Associated Press has reported that at least $120 Million has been spent lobbying the Florida State house in the past year. Money from Interest Groups ranging from Casino owners to telecommunication firms have piled up in Florida in an effort to influence legislation in Florida. The sad part is obvious. Who is lobbying in behalf of the citizens of Florida? How much influence do interest groups exert by supplying the almighty dollar versus the influence of the uneducated voter who gets their shot at influencing elected officials only during run-ups to elections? If this number does not seem very high to you, multiply it by the number of states and you will begin to see who really "calls the shots" in this country, and how little influence average American actually have over their elected leaders when it comes time to legislate public policy. Will we ever see a public demand to eliminate money from influencing elections and policy decisions? Not until we collectively demand it. Based upon current realities, I would not hold my breath that this will happen anytime soon.
*Okay, let's get to How They Voted! Each week, The Associated Press publishes the votes cast in Congress. So here goes! In the House of Representatives, a Republican Bill was passed along Party lines to freeze all Federal workers pay through December, 31, 2013. Sounds great right? Federal employees have had no step increase in pay since 2010 and were set to receive 0.5% increase march 1. Oh well, as long as Congress gets their pay, benefits and pensions right! What else did the House do this week before taking another week off for vacation? Nothing! In the Senate, we all know by now efforts to stop a Republican filibuster of former Senator Chuck Hagel's (R-Neb)nomination as Secretary of Defense in a cloture vote failed by a vote of 58-40-1. Isn't it important for the public to know that a majority in the Senate is no longer required to pass anything into law or to confirm appointees? With the threat of filibuster, any Senator may put a hold or filibuster anything, thereby requiring a Super-majority of 60 votes to force the measure to a full floor vote, where THEN only 51 votes are needed to pass or confirm. Just for background, the Republicans are concerned Hagel might not be the right choice to head our military. After all, Hagel served as an infantry leader in the U.S. Military in Viet Nam, received two Purple Hearts, and then served two terms in the U.S. Senate. Something tells me even John McCain's (R-AZ) nomination to the position would have been filibustered (McCain himself publicly stated in 2008 as a presidential candidate that Hagel would be his choice to lead the Pentagon). So who filed for the filibuster? John McCain! Which tells you a lot about the current state of our political discourse in Washington. It is dysfunctional because of personal vendettas and a new wave of McCarthyism practices by certain grandstanding and demagoguing Tea Party Senators (ie., Ted Cruz, R-Texas) have become vogue. Those voting against Hagel's confirmation moving to the Floor for confirmation, include none other than Marco Rubio (R-FL)... because he knows so much about what it is like fighting for his country (not). The Senate also approved extending the Violence Against Women Act, designed to prevent domestic violence, stalking and sexual assaults. It also extended protection for homosexuals who are also victims of similar assaults. It further approved funding to local police authporities to reduce backlogs in laboratory testing of DNA evidence taken from rape victims. Voting against this Bill? You guessed it, none other than Marco Rubio (R-FL)! So why does this guy get so much "press" as the future of the GOP? Because he still represents their political values, even though fewer and fewer Americans agree with them. Could it be a classic case of pandering? In a separate action, the Senate defeated a Republican sponsored Bill to strip a section of the Violence Against Women Act that allowed Tribal Courts from handling domestic violence cases involving non-Indians that occur on reservations. Voting to strip the Tribal Courts of their existing jurisdiction? Right Again...Marco Rubio! Believe it or not, that is ALL Congress accomplished last week. Our Nation needs a budget, a plan to reduce the deficit, tax and entitlement reform, and this is all they get done? Why? Because a one week recess is in order (how else can they go back home and fund raise for their next election)? Pathetic!
*Last but Not Least - Tomorrow is Presidents Day, a day set aside to honor the birthdays of George Washington (February 22) and Abraham Lincoln (February 12). I like to treat it instead as a good day to celebrate my wife Shellie's birthday (February 10) and my daughter Aaryn's birthday (February 20). Let us all enjoy time tomorrow to commemorate two great presidents' birthdays, along with my wife and daughter's! Happy Birthday George and Abe...please come back to us, we need real leadership again! Happy Birthday Shellie and Aaryn, you are two of the things I actually did right in this life!
February 14, 2013 *For the first time in American history, a President's nomination for Secretary of Defense has been filibustered in the Senate. Amazingly, Republicans admit they will allow a floor vote and Hagel's confirmation after they return from next week's recess. Recess? Isn't that something elementary children get? Figures!
*Fallout from Marco Rubio's (R-FL) "big gulp" has been widespread. Is anyone willing to bet against Saturday Night Live featuring the water guzzle this weekend? They did a great job reminding us how silly Paul Ryan looked drinking several sips of water during the Vice Presidential Debate, so I can't wait to see what kind of spin they put on the Rubio "dash for a splash!"
*Wayne LaPierre and his National Rifle Association seems to have gone off the deep end. Claiming Obama is manipulating the public on background checks for gun purchasers is outrageous. His further call for all Americans to arm themselves from "Latino Drug Gangs" in urban centers when our economy implodes and our "Government abandons American citizens." Huh? Is he suggesting we all should be armed in order to protect us when our government collapses? Is he saying we might need to use those guns to cause our government to collapse? Perhaps LaPierre should be looking for drones outside his home? Paranoia is contageious. It also can be red.
*Fallout from Marco Rubio's (R-FL) "big gulp" has been widespread. Is anyone willing to bet against Saturday Night Live featuring the water guzzle this weekend? They did a great job reminding us how silly Paul Ryan looked drinking several sips of water during the Vice Presidential Debate, so I can't wait to see what kind of spin they put on the Rubio "dash for a splash!"
*Wayne LaPierre and his National Rifle Association seems to have gone off the deep end. Claiming Obama is manipulating the public on background checks for gun purchasers is outrageous. His further call for all Americans to arm themselves from "Latino Drug Gangs" in urban centers when our economy implodes and our "Government abandons American citizens." Huh? Is he suggesting we all should be armed in order to protect us when our government collapses? Is he saying we might need to use those guns to cause our government to collapse? Perhaps LaPierre should be looking for drones outside his home? Paranoia is contageious. It also can be red.
February 10, 2013 *Although not relating to politics, I wish to take this opportunity to wish my wife, Shellie Fay a very Happy Birthday! We have enjoyed many together and look forward to many, many more! Words cannot express my love for this woman, so I will not even try here.
*Winter weather struck the New England states Friday leaving citizens the task of cleaning up from mountains of snow. Having lived many years in a "Snow Belt," I can appreciate the beautiful views of snow spiraling down from the sky and piling up softly on the ground. In my early years, I believe I wished what many still do while in their youth, "More Snow Means Less School!" Now I think back to its beauty and how much I appreciate living in Southwest Florida (with our 80 degree temperatures and sunshine). One look out my back window takes care of all of my nostalgia for snow. Perhaps "Wish you were here" would be the better dream these days.
*With the Secretary of Defense confirmation hearings for Chuck Hagel stalled in the Senate, all eyes have now shifted to President Obama's State of the Union speech scheduled for Tuesday night. News agencies have begun receiving portions of the President's speech and they report there will be a heavy emphasis on job growth. I wonder if members of Congress will recognize that the American people reelected Obama for a second term and expect everyone there to start working again? I doubt it.
*Speaking of working, its "How They Voted" time again, as reported by The Associated Press. In the House of Representatives, a Bill was approved along Party lines (HB 444) demanding President Obama specify when the federal budget will be balanced and how he is expecting to do so. Amazingly, the Constitution requires the House under Article I, Section 7 initiate all budget matters, so to require the President to identify future budget specifics is well, nothing more than Political Theater. Don't expect this Bill to even be entertained anytime soon in the Democratically controlled Senate. House Democrats submitted their own version of that Bill which included outlining measures to reduce spending without slashing programs as required under the pending sequestration requirements. Not surprising, the GOP publicly claims sequestration was brought about by President Obama and he deserves all of the blame for the negative impact required cuts will bring. But when measures are suggested to avoid sequestration, the GOP in the House refuse to budge. Seems they would prefer Obama get blamed for sequestration regardless if it is not in the best interest of America. So they chose to sit idly by and let it happen. Does anyone else find this "irresponsible?" Instead of working on avoiding sequestration, that is all the House did for the week. In the Senate, it was overwhelmingly agreed to start debate on a bill (S47) to renew the Violence Against Women Act through 2016. You might recall the GOP led House allowed the previous law to lapse without taking any action on it in 2012. It appeared they were confused in 2012 when they said there was no "War against women" while allowing the penalties for violence against women to lapse. Is the word "Confusion" appropriate for GOP leaders these days? Anyway, the Bill adds protection to gays, lesbians and transsexuals while extending protection to Native Americans should they become victims of violence on reservations. Voting NO against this Bill? None other than Tea-Party favorite, Marco Rubio (R-FL)! And the beat goes on.
*Last But Not Least - Former Florida Republican Chairman Jim Greer will be going to trial this week for money laundering and fraud while serving in his capacity as Chair. According to news reports, Greer plans on calling several top Florida Republicans in an effort to "take them all down" for questionable practices, including former Governor Charlie Crist and those once in the inner circle of former Governor Jeb Bush. Greer, famous for calling for a national school boycott of President Obama's first address to school children in 2009 under the guise he would be "spreading socialism" is now planning to expose the Party for illegal practices, as well as questionable political strategies designed to bar minorities from voting and to gerrymander the Democratic Party from ever obtaining power in the Florida Legislature. Keep an eye on this trial folks, some dirty laundry is bound to be aired out.
*Winter weather struck the New England states Friday leaving citizens the task of cleaning up from mountains of snow. Having lived many years in a "Snow Belt," I can appreciate the beautiful views of snow spiraling down from the sky and piling up softly on the ground. In my early years, I believe I wished what many still do while in their youth, "More Snow Means Less School!" Now I think back to its beauty and how much I appreciate living in Southwest Florida (with our 80 degree temperatures and sunshine). One look out my back window takes care of all of my nostalgia for snow. Perhaps "Wish you were here" would be the better dream these days.
*With the Secretary of Defense confirmation hearings for Chuck Hagel stalled in the Senate, all eyes have now shifted to President Obama's State of the Union speech scheduled for Tuesday night. News agencies have begun receiving portions of the President's speech and they report there will be a heavy emphasis on job growth. I wonder if members of Congress will recognize that the American people reelected Obama for a second term and expect everyone there to start working again? I doubt it.
*Speaking of working, its "How They Voted" time again, as reported by The Associated Press. In the House of Representatives, a Bill was approved along Party lines (HB 444) demanding President Obama specify when the federal budget will be balanced and how he is expecting to do so. Amazingly, the Constitution requires the House under Article I, Section 7 initiate all budget matters, so to require the President to identify future budget specifics is well, nothing more than Political Theater. Don't expect this Bill to even be entertained anytime soon in the Democratically controlled Senate. House Democrats submitted their own version of that Bill which included outlining measures to reduce spending without slashing programs as required under the pending sequestration requirements. Not surprising, the GOP publicly claims sequestration was brought about by President Obama and he deserves all of the blame for the negative impact required cuts will bring. But when measures are suggested to avoid sequestration, the GOP in the House refuse to budge. Seems they would prefer Obama get blamed for sequestration regardless if it is not in the best interest of America. So they chose to sit idly by and let it happen. Does anyone else find this "irresponsible?" Instead of working on avoiding sequestration, that is all the House did for the week. In the Senate, it was overwhelmingly agreed to start debate on a bill (S47) to renew the Violence Against Women Act through 2016. You might recall the GOP led House allowed the previous law to lapse without taking any action on it in 2012. It appeared they were confused in 2012 when they said there was no "War against women" while allowing the penalties for violence against women to lapse. Is the word "Confusion" appropriate for GOP leaders these days? Anyway, the Bill adds protection to gays, lesbians and transsexuals while extending protection to Native Americans should they become victims of violence on reservations. Voting NO against this Bill? None other than Tea-Party favorite, Marco Rubio (R-FL)! And the beat goes on.
*Last But Not Least - Former Florida Republican Chairman Jim Greer will be going to trial this week for money laundering and fraud while serving in his capacity as Chair. According to news reports, Greer plans on calling several top Florida Republicans in an effort to "take them all down" for questionable practices, including former Governor Charlie Crist and those once in the inner circle of former Governor Jeb Bush. Greer, famous for calling for a national school boycott of President Obama's first address to school children in 2009 under the guise he would be "spreading socialism" is now planning to expose the Party for illegal practices, as well as questionable political strategies designed to bar minorities from voting and to gerrymander the Democratic Party from ever obtaining power in the Florida Legislature. Keep an eye on this trial folks, some dirty laundry is bound to be aired out.
February 3, 2013 *If you thought I would be continuing my commentary on the gun control debate, you are correct, but it is the focus of today's blog post. Check that out for more on how the entire subject has devolved into a mass misinformation campaign.
*According to the New York Times, a group calling itself the Conservative Victory Project (which is actually an off-shoot of the Karl Rove supported American Crossroads Super PAC), has been formed to ward off Tea Party Primary opponents. Seems the conservative group has finally realized that Right Wing Fringe groups wielding their electoral prowess during primaries, assures losses for the GOP come the Fall elections. I guess being a little late to the party is better than never. Incredibly, the folks on the Far Right previously embraced by the GOP have somehow fallen to the wayside. With the loss of Jim DeMint in the Senate, self-inflicted wounds by Michele Bachmann and the loss of Sarah Palin as their media darling, the Tea Party's influence is finally beginning to fade. But don't count the Tea Party out just yet! They still have the ability to cast votes and one thing we learned from the most recent elections is that voting counts more than the big buck$ being spent by Super PACs. Don't forget, they still have Sen. Marco Rubio (Fl) and Grover Norquist pandering for their support!
*Each week I break down How They Voted directly from the Associated Press summaries. In the House of Representatives, NOTHING happened....they are still on some sort of vacation break. So far, the 113th Congress is doing just as much as the 112th Congress did....NOTHING. In the Senate, Senator John Kerry was confirmed to be our 68th Secretary of State by a vote of 94-3. The three voting against Kerry? None other than Tea Party favorites, Republican Senators John Cronyn, Jim Inhofe and newly elected Texas "Boy Wonder" Ted Cruz. Amazingly, during the confirmation hearings, each of them voiced ridiculous and uninformed opinions about Kerry's nomination. Like I said, the Tea Party is still represented in the Senate. In a vote running virtually along party lines (64-34), the Senate extended the Debt Ceiling until May 19, allowing the Treasury to borrow until that date without requiring Congressional re-authorization. For the record, Tea Party favorite Marco Rubio (FL) voted NO to the extension. The Senate also voted 79-19 to kill an attempt to end military assistance to Egypt. Now that Egypt is in serious political turmoil, the Administration believes we have more leverage on Egyptian President Morsi to move in ways prudent to our interests and by extension Israel's. By eliminating the support, Morsi could stand to be ousted and more radical elements could step into the void (like those that overwhelmingly support Hamas in Gaza). Voting against the aid, you guessed it, Marco Rubio! The Senate also voted to approve Hurricane Sandy Relief Aid to the tune of $50.5 Billion. Included in this spending, are measures dedicated to researching ways to prevent the extent of damage from future storms. Voting against the Aid package? Marco Rubio...who represents a state vulnerable to hurricanes! See a pattern here? Rubio did support a Bill though that would off-set the Hurricane Aid by cutting military and non-military spending over the next nine years. Amazingly, Rubio does not overtly support cuts in the budget for the military. Go figure?
*Last But Not Least - I have been invited to speak at the Second Annual Venice Book Fair on April 6 at the famous Venice Theater. Proceeds from the Book Fair are pledged to support construction of the new Venice Museum under the auspices of the Venice Historical Society. I will post more specifics about this event as they become available. Until tomorrow, be well!
*According to the New York Times, a group calling itself the Conservative Victory Project (which is actually an off-shoot of the Karl Rove supported American Crossroads Super PAC), has been formed to ward off Tea Party Primary opponents. Seems the conservative group has finally realized that Right Wing Fringe groups wielding their electoral prowess during primaries, assures losses for the GOP come the Fall elections. I guess being a little late to the party is better than never. Incredibly, the folks on the Far Right previously embraced by the GOP have somehow fallen to the wayside. With the loss of Jim DeMint in the Senate, self-inflicted wounds by Michele Bachmann and the loss of Sarah Palin as their media darling, the Tea Party's influence is finally beginning to fade. But don't count the Tea Party out just yet! They still have the ability to cast votes and one thing we learned from the most recent elections is that voting counts more than the big buck$ being spent by Super PACs. Don't forget, they still have Sen. Marco Rubio (Fl) and Grover Norquist pandering for their support!
*Each week I break down How They Voted directly from the Associated Press summaries. In the House of Representatives, NOTHING happened....they are still on some sort of vacation break. So far, the 113th Congress is doing just as much as the 112th Congress did....NOTHING. In the Senate, Senator John Kerry was confirmed to be our 68th Secretary of State by a vote of 94-3. The three voting against Kerry? None other than Tea Party favorites, Republican Senators John Cronyn, Jim Inhofe and newly elected Texas "Boy Wonder" Ted Cruz. Amazingly, during the confirmation hearings, each of them voiced ridiculous and uninformed opinions about Kerry's nomination. Like I said, the Tea Party is still represented in the Senate. In a vote running virtually along party lines (64-34), the Senate extended the Debt Ceiling until May 19, allowing the Treasury to borrow until that date without requiring Congressional re-authorization. For the record, Tea Party favorite Marco Rubio (FL) voted NO to the extension. The Senate also voted 79-19 to kill an attempt to end military assistance to Egypt. Now that Egypt is in serious political turmoil, the Administration believes we have more leverage on Egyptian President Morsi to move in ways prudent to our interests and by extension Israel's. By eliminating the support, Morsi could stand to be ousted and more radical elements could step into the void (like those that overwhelmingly support Hamas in Gaza). Voting against the aid, you guessed it, Marco Rubio! The Senate also voted to approve Hurricane Sandy Relief Aid to the tune of $50.5 Billion. Included in this spending, are measures dedicated to researching ways to prevent the extent of damage from future storms. Voting against the Aid package? Marco Rubio...who represents a state vulnerable to hurricanes! See a pattern here? Rubio did support a Bill though that would off-set the Hurricane Aid by cutting military and non-military spending over the next nine years. Amazingly, Rubio does not overtly support cuts in the budget for the military. Go figure?
*Last But Not Least - I have been invited to speak at the Second Annual Venice Book Fair on April 6 at the famous Venice Theater. Proceeds from the Book Fair are pledged to support construction of the new Venice Museum under the auspices of the Venice Historical Society. I will post more specifics about this event as they become available. Until tomorrow, be well!
February 1, 2013 *If you missed the first day of the Senate confirmation hearing with Secretary of Defense nominee, former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel, you missed some great political theater. I have to give Mr. Hagel a ton of credit for his demeanor because if I was in his shoes, I would have let Senator John McCain know how little I appreciated his inane and asinine questions and commentary. Amazingly, McCain had publicly stated in 2008 that if elected, Hagel would have been his choice for Secretary of Defense. Has McCain really slipped into dementia? If his antics were for the camera, they certainly satisfied Right Wing nut jobs. If he did not apologize to Hagel behind the scenes, he should be ashamed.
*Former Senator Scott Brown (R-Mass) has announced he will not be seeking Senator John Kerry's Senate seat recently vacated when he was confirmed to be Hillard Clinton's replacement as Secretary of State. Brown, previously elected in a special election upon the death of Senator Edward Kennedy, lost in his effort to retain his seat to Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren. Many Republicans had banked on Brown seeking Kerry's seat, so his announcement shocked many supporters. Most pundits predict Brown will use his political capital to seek the Governor's seat in 2014 as current Democratic Governor Deval Patrick has announced he will not be seeking reelection to the post. Instead, Democratic Representative Ed Markey is predicted to be the frontrunner to replace Kerry in the Senate.
*Republicans are lining up to oppose any possible nomination of Richard Cordray as chair of the Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Due to a recent Appellate Court ruling, President Obama's recess appointment of Cordray as Chair of the consumer financial watchdog may be in jeopardy and as a result, his nomination may be required to be confirmed by the Senate - hence the opposition to him. Cordray is running the bureau tasked with the mission to protect citizens from financial abuses by banks and Wall Street firms. What is so wrong about this? The Republicans oppose the Bureau's ability to actually enforce consumer protections! Once again, the GOP has made it obvious they are the party of Big Business, Banks and Wall Street, even if it comes at a high price to American consumers!
*Former Congressman and New York Mayor Ed Koch has died at the age of 88. Koch had been suffering from respiratory problems and only recently had been released from the hospital. Koch, best known for cleaning up Manhattan and bringing the Big Apple into the mainstream as a tourist and business mecca. Including in these changes, were improvements in police, fire and mass transit. So Mr. Mayor, "How "ya Doin?" You did FINE. RIP.
*Last But Not Least - Have a great weekend filled with joy! #3 Indiana hosts #1 Michigan in a national and Big Ten showdown and Super Bowl XLVII will pit the San Fransisco 49ers against the Baltimore Ravens. Enjoy the games and the commercials.
*Former Senator Scott Brown (R-Mass) has announced he will not be seeking Senator John Kerry's Senate seat recently vacated when he was confirmed to be Hillard Clinton's replacement as Secretary of State. Brown, previously elected in a special election upon the death of Senator Edward Kennedy, lost in his effort to retain his seat to Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren. Many Republicans had banked on Brown seeking Kerry's seat, so his announcement shocked many supporters. Most pundits predict Brown will use his political capital to seek the Governor's seat in 2014 as current Democratic Governor Deval Patrick has announced he will not be seeking reelection to the post. Instead, Democratic Representative Ed Markey is predicted to be the frontrunner to replace Kerry in the Senate.
*Republicans are lining up to oppose any possible nomination of Richard Cordray as chair of the Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Due to a recent Appellate Court ruling, President Obama's recess appointment of Cordray as Chair of the consumer financial watchdog may be in jeopardy and as a result, his nomination may be required to be confirmed by the Senate - hence the opposition to him. Cordray is running the bureau tasked with the mission to protect citizens from financial abuses by banks and Wall Street firms. What is so wrong about this? The Republicans oppose the Bureau's ability to actually enforce consumer protections! Once again, the GOP has made it obvious they are the party of Big Business, Banks and Wall Street, even if it comes at a high price to American consumers!
*Former Congressman and New York Mayor Ed Koch has died at the age of 88. Koch had been suffering from respiratory problems and only recently had been released from the hospital. Koch, best known for cleaning up Manhattan and bringing the Big Apple into the mainstream as a tourist and business mecca. Including in these changes, were improvements in police, fire and mass transit. So Mr. Mayor, "How "ya Doin?" You did FINE. RIP.
*Last But Not Least - Have a great weekend filled with joy! #3 Indiana hosts #1 Michigan in a national and Big Ten showdown and Super Bowl XLVII will pit the San Fransisco 49ers against the Baltimore Ravens. Enjoy the games and the commercials.
January 28, 2013 *60 Minutes aired their interview with President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to a huge audience. One of the comments being picked up by most folks is the President's comment that Hillary was "not that much older" than he is. Perhaps this should be recognized as a potential endorsement of Ms. Clinton for the 2016 Presidential elections?
*Speaking of Secretary Clinton, anyone watching her fielding questions in the Senate hearing had to come away with the impression that Ms. Clinton is certainly capable of being President. Now the GOP has to really question whether they have anyone to compete in 2016 if Clinton decides to run!
*Amazingly, Rush Limbaugh claimed on his radio program that the "Main Stream Media has shirked its Constitutional responsibility" when reporting on the Obama Administration. Earth to Limbaugh, there is NO such Constitutional responsibility on the Media. The First Amendment protects the Media, it does not require anything from them. Geesh!
*Last But Not Least - I will be back on my regular routine Co-hosting The Robyn Report on WWPR tomorrow night between 5-6pm. Check us out at Until then, see you on the radio!
*Speaking of Secretary Clinton, anyone watching her fielding questions in the Senate hearing had to come away with the impression that Ms. Clinton is certainly capable of being President. Now the GOP has to really question whether they have anyone to compete in 2016 if Clinton decides to run!
*Amazingly, Rush Limbaugh claimed on his radio program that the "Main Stream Media has shirked its Constitutional responsibility" when reporting on the Obama Administration. Earth to Limbaugh, there is NO such Constitutional responsibility on the Media. The First Amendment protects the Media, it does not require anything from them. Geesh!
*Last But Not Least - I will be back on my regular routine Co-hosting The Robyn Report on WWPR tomorrow night between 5-6pm. Check us out at Until then, see you on the radio!

Florida Supreme Court
January 27, 2013 *It certainly has been a busy week for me and I apologize to my loyal readers for not posting anything the past seven days! Tuesday evening I spent the evening with the Venice Literacy Council presenting on my book. The questions from the audience were awesome and I appreciated their hospitality. Wednesday, I had the chance to speak to about 900 students, split between two periods. I altered my presentation to emphasize government and history in one session and literacy in the other. In between, I had the opportunity to dine with members of the Literacy Council and local volunteers. The experience was tremendous! Immediately afterwards, I headed to Tallahassee, Florida with over 20 colleagues in the Sarasota County Teach American History Cohort. After a long bus ride (in luxury, of course), we headed to the Florida Supreme Court on Thursday morning to meet with the folks at the Florida Law Related Education Association ("FLEA"). The group discussed the Court and the relationship between State and Federal Law. On Friday, we enjoyed discussions with Justice R. Fred Lewis and Justice Harry Lee Anstead (Ret.) relating to current efforts by legislatures to interfere with the functions of State Courts and legal education. We also had the chance to meet Martin Dyckman, former Editor of the St. Petersburg Times and author of "A Most Disorderly Court." As you can see, it was a busy week! Apologies again for missing so many days here.
*In a classic case of hypocrisy, Colorado's Catholic bishops have made a legal claim that an unborn fetus is not a person under existing Colorado law, even though they continue to claim a fetus is deserving legal protection in their anti-abortion, pro-life platforms. According to The Associated Press, a case was filed against St. Thomas More Hospital in Canon City, alleging medical malpractice in the wrongful death of twin fetuses at the hospital. In what can only be described as monumental chutzpah, the Church is claiming it is not liable to the parents of the dead fetuses because under State law, they are not recognized as humans until they are actually born. Duh what? You read correctly. The Church, regardless of its efforts to claim religious grounds that human life begins at conception, has filed a brief disclaiming liability under a claim they are not actually humans until born, all in an effort to escape legal liability for their wrongful deaths. The age of the unborn in this case? Seven Months (fully viable). Why hasn't this been widely publicized?
*Admittedly, I did not have the chance to hear or see very much of the recent Senate hearings on Benghazi and the interrogation of Secretary of State Clinton, but from what I could discern, some of the Senators looked childish in their questioning and Hillary Clinton looked downright presidential. This must be a shared observation for many Republicans, as the critical anti-Clinton talking points and narratives have already begun to show up in local commentaries. Too bad for them if Ms. Clinton decides to run in 2016! Could a ticket of Clinton and Warren seal the deal? The Democrats better start finding a comparable candidate should Ms. Clinton choose not to run. We all know Mr. Christie is far ahead of his rivals on the GOP side!
*President Obama made his selection to replace Jack Lew as his Chief of Staff this week. Obama publicly named his Deputy National Security Adviser David McDonough to the vital post I like to consider the Nation's Chief Operating Officer and key advisor to the President. In a rare showing, Republican Senator Lyndsey Graham applauded McDonough's appointment, stating "I think he will serve the nation well."
*Naturally, confirmation hearings are pending for John Kerry at State, Jack Lew at Treasury and Chuck Hagel at Defense. Despite the rhetoric, historically, presidents have their Cabinet nominees confirmed and we can expect the same in the Democratically controlled Senate.
*Despite all of the hoopla over positive changes coming to the Senate's Filibuster Rules, nothing much came out of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). For those clamoring for substantial changes to current Filibuster Rules, political realities rushed to the surface, as there is no guarantees that the Democrats will remain in the majority of the Senate and some tools are needed to keep the opposition party relevant.
*A Federal Appeals Court has sustained arguments by opponents that three recess appointments made by President Obama to the National Labor Relations Board were improper. The Court stated evidence existed to show the Senate was not in recess on January 4, 2012 and therefore, no presidential recess appointments could be validly made. Incredibly, the Court ruled the "pro forma" gaveling in and out for the Senate was a legitimate method to keep presidential recess appointments. The Obama Administration has already begun the process to appeal the Lower Court's decision to the United States Supreme Court. In the event the Supreme Court upholds the Lower Court's ruling, several Obama appointments will be vacated and will require additional submission to the Senate for formal confirmation. Before Republicans celebrate this decision, they might want to recognize that this would have negated several Bush appointments as well.
*In an obvious display of the vacuum at the GOP, Chairman Reince Priebus was recently reelected to Chair the GOP for another two years. It is customary for Party Chairs to be replaced if the Party loses the White House, but there currently are not too many current takers for the spot. You can bet the position will be coveted by more in 2014 as we approach the next presidential election cycle.
*A veritable Who's Who's list of politicians have publicly announced they will not seek re-election in 2014. Thus far, five term Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), five term Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), and Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) have all annoucned they will not stand for re-election. With these decisions, Democrats will be forced to defend 20 Senate seats in 2014 as opposed to Republicans, who have to defend 13. It will certainly make the 2014 Mid-Term Elections interesting!
*So how did our Congress vote this week? In the House of Representatves, it was decided to extend the debt ceiling waiver until May 19, allowing Treasury to borrow above the current ceiling of $16.4 Trillion. The House also defeated a measure proposed by Democrats that would prevent any Congressional action to privatize Social Security or to push medicare into a voucher program (both favorites of the GOP). Included in this Bill, was language prohibiting cuts to veterans or active-duty personnel. I wonder if this has part of the Bill defeated by the GOP in the House ever was mentioned on Fox News? The House also renewed and extended for five years programs to "develop and deploy" vaccines in the event of a biological, chemical or nuclear attack on America. You can guess the Bill passed overwhelmingly by a vote of 395-29!
In the Senate (as mentioned above), changes to the Filibuster Rules were approved. Such changes include retaining the Super-Majority of 60 "Cloture" votes to overcome an announced Filibuster, but listed opportunities to limit their use as an obstacle to inhibit the flow of proposed legislation and nominations to the Senate floor. No real changes have been made except that the announcement of a Filibuster must be presented in person to the Senate and not by mere mention in writing. It does restrict filibusters in conference reports and grants the minority party more authority to propose amendments that otherwise might have caused the entire Bill to be filibustered. We shall see how well this new rule will be executed, if at all. It should be noted that the Senate is expected to hold a Confirmation vote this week on the nomination of Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) to the position of Secretary of State.
*Last But Not Least - It has certainly been a busy week for me. Now that I have an upcoming week filled with just a few meetings, I plan on returning to post on my blog daily. I appreciate all of my loyal readers checking in frequently. I am honored to have so many dropping in even when they know the odds were not great that I would have the time to post this past week. I thank you all for your loyal support!
*In a classic case of hypocrisy, Colorado's Catholic bishops have made a legal claim that an unborn fetus is not a person under existing Colorado law, even though they continue to claim a fetus is deserving legal protection in their anti-abortion, pro-life platforms. According to The Associated Press, a case was filed against St. Thomas More Hospital in Canon City, alleging medical malpractice in the wrongful death of twin fetuses at the hospital. In what can only be described as monumental chutzpah, the Church is claiming it is not liable to the parents of the dead fetuses because under State law, they are not recognized as humans until they are actually born. Duh what? You read correctly. The Church, regardless of its efforts to claim religious grounds that human life begins at conception, has filed a brief disclaiming liability under a claim they are not actually humans until born, all in an effort to escape legal liability for their wrongful deaths. The age of the unborn in this case? Seven Months (fully viable). Why hasn't this been widely publicized?
*Admittedly, I did not have the chance to hear or see very much of the recent Senate hearings on Benghazi and the interrogation of Secretary of State Clinton, but from what I could discern, some of the Senators looked childish in their questioning and Hillary Clinton looked downright presidential. This must be a shared observation for many Republicans, as the critical anti-Clinton talking points and narratives have already begun to show up in local commentaries. Too bad for them if Ms. Clinton decides to run in 2016! Could a ticket of Clinton and Warren seal the deal? The Democrats better start finding a comparable candidate should Ms. Clinton choose not to run. We all know Mr. Christie is far ahead of his rivals on the GOP side!
*President Obama made his selection to replace Jack Lew as his Chief of Staff this week. Obama publicly named his Deputy National Security Adviser David McDonough to the vital post I like to consider the Nation's Chief Operating Officer and key advisor to the President. In a rare showing, Republican Senator Lyndsey Graham applauded McDonough's appointment, stating "I think he will serve the nation well."
*Naturally, confirmation hearings are pending for John Kerry at State, Jack Lew at Treasury and Chuck Hagel at Defense. Despite the rhetoric, historically, presidents have their Cabinet nominees confirmed and we can expect the same in the Democratically controlled Senate.
*Despite all of the hoopla over positive changes coming to the Senate's Filibuster Rules, nothing much came out of the negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). For those clamoring for substantial changes to current Filibuster Rules, political realities rushed to the surface, as there is no guarantees that the Democrats will remain in the majority of the Senate and some tools are needed to keep the opposition party relevant.
*A Federal Appeals Court has sustained arguments by opponents that three recess appointments made by President Obama to the National Labor Relations Board were improper. The Court stated evidence existed to show the Senate was not in recess on January 4, 2012 and therefore, no presidential recess appointments could be validly made. Incredibly, the Court ruled the "pro forma" gaveling in and out for the Senate was a legitimate method to keep presidential recess appointments. The Obama Administration has already begun the process to appeal the Lower Court's decision to the United States Supreme Court. In the event the Supreme Court upholds the Lower Court's ruling, several Obama appointments will be vacated and will require additional submission to the Senate for formal confirmation. Before Republicans celebrate this decision, they might want to recognize that this would have negated several Bush appointments as well.
*In an obvious display of the vacuum at the GOP, Chairman Reince Priebus was recently reelected to Chair the GOP for another two years. It is customary for Party Chairs to be replaced if the Party loses the White House, but there currently are not too many current takers for the spot. You can bet the position will be coveted by more in 2014 as we approach the next presidential election cycle.
*A veritable Who's Who's list of politicians have publicly announced they will not seek re-election in 2014. Thus far, five term Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), five term Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), and Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) have all annoucned they will not stand for re-election. With these decisions, Democrats will be forced to defend 20 Senate seats in 2014 as opposed to Republicans, who have to defend 13. It will certainly make the 2014 Mid-Term Elections interesting!
*So how did our Congress vote this week? In the House of Representatves, it was decided to extend the debt ceiling waiver until May 19, allowing Treasury to borrow above the current ceiling of $16.4 Trillion. The House also defeated a measure proposed by Democrats that would prevent any Congressional action to privatize Social Security or to push medicare into a voucher program (both favorites of the GOP). Included in this Bill, was language prohibiting cuts to veterans or active-duty personnel. I wonder if this has part of the Bill defeated by the GOP in the House ever was mentioned on Fox News? The House also renewed and extended for five years programs to "develop and deploy" vaccines in the event of a biological, chemical or nuclear attack on America. You can guess the Bill passed overwhelmingly by a vote of 395-29!
In the Senate (as mentioned above), changes to the Filibuster Rules were approved. Such changes include retaining the Super-Majority of 60 "Cloture" votes to overcome an announced Filibuster, but listed opportunities to limit their use as an obstacle to inhibit the flow of proposed legislation and nominations to the Senate floor. No real changes have been made except that the announcement of a Filibuster must be presented in person to the Senate and not by mere mention in writing. It does restrict filibusters in conference reports and grants the minority party more authority to propose amendments that otherwise might have caused the entire Bill to be filibustered. We shall see how well this new rule will be executed, if at all. It should be noted that the Senate is expected to hold a Confirmation vote this week on the nomination of Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) to the position of Secretary of State.
*Last But Not Least - It has certainly been a busy week for me. Now that I have an upcoming week filled with just a few meetings, I plan on returning to post on my blog daily. I appreciate all of my loyal readers checking in frequently. I am honored to have so many dropping in even when they know the odds were not great that I would have the time to post this past week. I thank you all for your loyal support!
January 16, 2013 *My apologies to you all for not posting news for the past two days. Last night I was with Robyn Davis and The Robyn Report and tonight I spent my night attending a preliminary meeting of a community group preparing to create primary source cross curriculum lesson plans on a topic to be disclosed when the project becomes "official." I promise, I will get back "at it" tomorrow night (after I attend two meetings). Until then, be well.
January 14, 2013 *According to the Associated Press, President George H.W. Bush, 88 has been discharged from the Houston Hospital he has called home since November, 2012. According to sources, President Bush has recovered from his respiratory illness and related complications. Per a statement issued by his staff, Bush said; "“Let me add just how touched we were by the many get-well messages we received from our friends and fellow Americans. Your prayers and good wishes helped more than you know, and as I head home my only concern is that I will not be able to thank each of you for your kind words.” Glad to have you well Mr. President!
*According to Politico, certain members of the GOP House of Representatives are actually preparing to call for the Nation to default on its financial obligations and along with it, a governmental shut-d0wn. The last time the GOP played this game, the GOP suffered huge losses by the next election. It will be interesting how President Obama deals with this threat, let alone Mr. Boehner.
*Politico reports that Texas GOP Congressman Steve Stockman has declared he will file Articles of Impeachment against President Obama if he uses his Executive Order powers to regulate gun rights. According to Stockman, such executive action would be an "attack on the founding principle of this republic." Is there any chance, any chance at all that Mr. Stockman could be impeached for stupidity?
*Evidence of actual work has surfaced indicating the House Rules Committee is actually going to meet to discuss completing the proposed Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill. The Bill is being broken into two parts with Appropriations handling $17 Billion for one part and another $33 Million for another. It should be noted this is far less than the aid package previously approved by the Democratic controlled Senate. Why is the House Rules Committee involved? They will determine the scheduling of the bill for a full House floor vote.
*Public Policy Polling has revealed the latest results of their polling on the popularity of Congress and to no one's surprise, most people (56%) preferred having a root canal to having to deal with Congress. The only two folks that polled worse than Congress? Lindsay Lohan and Ginghas Kahn (although I am not sure Mao or Hitler were polled).
*As promised, Vice President Joe Biden turned over his committee's recommendations on new proposals relating to gun possession. According to President Obama, he will disclose the details of his gun possession policy initiatives "sometime next week." You can bet the NRA has already prepared their advance of what Mr. Obama actually says.
*Last But Not Least - I will be joining Robyn Davis and Joe Newman tomorrow night between 5-6pm on
The Robyn Report! Check out the broadcast at! See you on the radio tomorrow night!
*According to Politico, certain members of the GOP House of Representatives are actually preparing to call for the Nation to default on its financial obligations and along with it, a governmental shut-d0wn. The last time the GOP played this game, the GOP suffered huge losses by the next election. It will be interesting how President Obama deals with this threat, let alone Mr. Boehner.
*Politico reports that Texas GOP Congressman Steve Stockman has declared he will file Articles of Impeachment against President Obama if he uses his Executive Order powers to regulate gun rights. According to Stockman, such executive action would be an "attack on the founding principle of this republic." Is there any chance, any chance at all that Mr. Stockman could be impeached for stupidity?
*Evidence of actual work has surfaced indicating the House Rules Committee is actually going to meet to discuss completing the proposed Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill. The Bill is being broken into two parts with Appropriations handling $17 Billion for one part and another $33 Million for another. It should be noted this is far less than the aid package previously approved by the Democratic controlled Senate. Why is the House Rules Committee involved? They will determine the scheduling of the bill for a full House floor vote.
*Public Policy Polling has revealed the latest results of their polling on the popularity of Congress and to no one's surprise, most people (56%) preferred having a root canal to having to deal with Congress. The only two folks that polled worse than Congress? Lindsay Lohan and Ginghas Kahn (although I am not sure Mao or Hitler were polled).
*As promised, Vice President Joe Biden turned over his committee's recommendations on new proposals relating to gun possession. According to President Obama, he will disclose the details of his gun possession policy initiatives "sometime next week." You can bet the NRA has already prepared their advance of what Mr. Obama actually says.
*Last But Not Least - I will be joining Robyn Davis and Joe Newman tomorrow night between 5-6pm on
The Robyn Report! Check out the broadcast at! See you on the radio tomorrow night!
January 13, 2013 *Amazingly the Obama Administration has ruled out minting a Trillion Dollar coin to help pay off the national debt! Okay, it is not really amazing, but it is when you consider so many folks petitioned the White House's "We The People" site asking for such a coin! According the The Associated Press, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney pointed out that our debt has to be paid off or we have to take the country into default. Now that is wisdom....Doh!
*Along those same lines, the Obama Administration formally rejected the petition demands that we put a "Death Star" into space. The "Death Star" is an idea originated by the Star Wars series, capable of destroying planets in their entirety. Why this would even be a subject worthy of debate escapes me, but the White House was required by the terms of the site when 25,000 petitioners sign up with the demand. The direct answer" "No Death Star!" They estimated such a machine would cost us somewhere in the range of $850 Quadrillion. Could someone please explain to me what a Quadrillion is and whether all the nations on Earth could accumulate that kind of cash? Perhaps it is a sinister method of making the Trillions we owe look puny?
*Along those same lines of absurdity, petitioners also have asked that Obama deport Piers Morgan for his "Anti-American" stance on guns and their owners. True to form, the petition was rejected on the grounds that Morgan was exercising his First Amendment Rights! Typically, many in favor of his deportation claim the rights claimed do not apply to Morgan, a citizen of Great Britain. But it does. For more on Equal Protection under the 14th Amendment for all "persons" and not just "Citizens", see Yick Woo v. Hopkins (or check it out in "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say").
*According to The New York Times, President Obama is pushing his agenda to include blanket immigration reform with the objective of granting pathways to citizenship to an estimated 11 million "illegals." Amazingly, even after the election that included overwhelming Democratic electoral support from Hispanics, the Republicans in Congress prefer to "slow walk" immigration reform and handle it in bits and pieces. Not surprisingly, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) is taking the lead on all GOP oriented immigration measures...considering he was already supposed to have a comprehensive immigration plan back in 2012, but never seemed to let anyone know what was actually in the plan. For what it is worth, I called Rubio out many months ago for claiming to have this plan knowing full well it was nothing but rhetoric. But why the latest "slow walk" strategy from the GOP? Probably so they can gradually convince its base that reform is both needed and best for our Nation. For more on "Incrementalism" see my book (as well).
*According to the Associated Press, Former GOP Senator Scott Brown (Mass) is being pushed to run for Senator John Kerry's (D-Mass) seat once he becomes confirmed as Hillary Clinton's successor at the State Department. According to the article, Brown has lost the support of the Tea Party, who had helped him win a special election to the Senate in 2010. According to Amy Kremer, National Chair of the Tea Party, "It's a different race" (than in 2010). My bet is on Brown attempting to secure another seat in the Senate. It will up to the Democrats to push hard to win Kerry's seat back.
*Last But (Not) Least - Grandpa Joseph Newman turns 100 years old today! For those of you that do not know Joe, he is an intellectual who has always been interested in making our Nation the best it can be. Joe is an inspiration to everyone that he encounters, and that inspiration will continue in the days, weeks, months and year ahead. So Happy Birthday Joseph Newman, a great American, Philosopher, Mentor, Intellectual, Activist, Grandfather and Human Being! From my family to Joe, we love you!
*Along those same lines, the Obama Administration formally rejected the petition demands that we put a "Death Star" into space. The "Death Star" is an idea originated by the Star Wars series, capable of destroying planets in their entirety. Why this would even be a subject worthy of debate escapes me, but the White House was required by the terms of the site when 25,000 petitioners sign up with the demand. The direct answer" "No Death Star!" They estimated such a machine would cost us somewhere in the range of $850 Quadrillion. Could someone please explain to me what a Quadrillion is and whether all the nations on Earth could accumulate that kind of cash? Perhaps it is a sinister method of making the Trillions we owe look puny?
*Along those same lines of absurdity, petitioners also have asked that Obama deport Piers Morgan for his "Anti-American" stance on guns and their owners. True to form, the petition was rejected on the grounds that Morgan was exercising his First Amendment Rights! Typically, many in favor of his deportation claim the rights claimed do not apply to Morgan, a citizen of Great Britain. But it does. For more on Equal Protection under the 14th Amendment for all "persons" and not just "Citizens", see Yick Woo v. Hopkins (or check it out in "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say").
*According to The New York Times, President Obama is pushing his agenda to include blanket immigration reform with the objective of granting pathways to citizenship to an estimated 11 million "illegals." Amazingly, even after the election that included overwhelming Democratic electoral support from Hispanics, the Republicans in Congress prefer to "slow walk" immigration reform and handle it in bits and pieces. Not surprisingly, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) is taking the lead on all GOP oriented immigration measures...considering he was already supposed to have a comprehensive immigration plan back in 2012, but never seemed to let anyone know what was actually in the plan. For what it is worth, I called Rubio out many months ago for claiming to have this plan knowing full well it was nothing but rhetoric. But why the latest "slow walk" strategy from the GOP? Probably so they can gradually convince its base that reform is both needed and best for our Nation. For more on "Incrementalism" see my book (as well).
*According to the Associated Press, Former GOP Senator Scott Brown (Mass) is being pushed to run for Senator John Kerry's (D-Mass) seat once he becomes confirmed as Hillary Clinton's successor at the State Department. According to the article, Brown has lost the support of the Tea Party, who had helped him win a special election to the Senate in 2010. According to Amy Kremer, National Chair of the Tea Party, "It's a different race" (than in 2010). My bet is on Brown attempting to secure another seat in the Senate. It will up to the Democrats to push hard to win Kerry's seat back.
*Last But (Not) Least - Grandpa Joseph Newman turns 100 years old today! For those of you that do not know Joe, he is an intellectual who has always been interested in making our Nation the best it can be. Joe is an inspiration to everyone that he encounters, and that inspiration will continue in the days, weeks, months and year ahead. So Happy Birthday Joseph Newman, a great American, Philosopher, Mentor, Intellectual, Activist, Grandfather and Human Being! From my family to Joe, we love you!
January 9, 2013 *As predicted by many, President Obama formally nominated his Chief of Staff, Jack Lew to be his next Secretary of Treasury. It is doubted that Mr. Lew's nomination will run into any interference in the Senate Confirmation process. Obama's nomination of Former GOP Senator Chuck Hagel is predicted to face a potentially rocky confirmation in the Senate, however, it is doubtful Mr. Hagel will not obtain confirmation.
*GOP Representative Marsha Blackburn (TN) introduced her first Bill of the 113th Congress. It's contents? To ban all federal funding of Planned Parenthood under the guise that the group engages in an "Abortion machine." Remember when Republicans once claimed that assertions they were waging a war on women was scurrilous? I guess they consider anti-choice legislation to be minor "skirmishes" rather than all out wars?
*The Associated Press published a story revealing the National Rifle Association's (N.R.A.) efforts to influence the appointment process of Federal Judges by lobbying Senators to vote down judges with a history of upholding gun regulations. Just like the Grover Norquist's Conservative shop known as Americans For Tax Reform, no one elected these folks, they wield tremendous influence on members of Congress. Once again, I believe it is time that members of Congress should listen to the American Majority and not Interest Groups pushing a minority held public policy agenda.
*According to a new Gallup Poll, most Americans now identify themselves as Democrats than Republicans. The poll reflects a change in political attitudes as the Country was evenly split 50-50 in 2010. The Gallup numbers now indicate 47% of Americans lean to the Democrats while 42% lean towards the Republicans. The margin of error for the poll was only 1% as the sample polled was large. I wonder how those polled fall into dem0graphical categories. Either way, the Poll might be something the GOP starts paying serious attention to.
*Last But Not Least - As predicted, Pro Gun Advocates are campaigning by instilling fear that President Obama is planning to sign an Executive Order taking away all guns from Americans in defiance of the Second Amendment. How many times do these folks have to claim "the sky is falling" before Americans brush their efforts to the side of the road. Enough is enough with these lame arguments. The First Amendment is the most important of the 27 and even it is subject to interpretation and restriction. You can't legally yell "Bomb" in an airport, so where do these folks get the notion that gun rights under the 2nd Amendment can't also be subject to interpretation and restriction? Nowhere is the actual answer. THAT dog won't hunt!
*GOP Representative Marsha Blackburn (TN) introduced her first Bill of the 113th Congress. It's contents? To ban all federal funding of Planned Parenthood under the guise that the group engages in an "Abortion machine." Remember when Republicans once claimed that assertions they were waging a war on women was scurrilous? I guess they consider anti-choice legislation to be minor "skirmishes" rather than all out wars?
*The Associated Press published a story revealing the National Rifle Association's (N.R.A.) efforts to influence the appointment process of Federal Judges by lobbying Senators to vote down judges with a history of upholding gun regulations. Just like the Grover Norquist's Conservative shop known as Americans For Tax Reform, no one elected these folks, they wield tremendous influence on members of Congress. Once again, I believe it is time that members of Congress should listen to the American Majority and not Interest Groups pushing a minority held public policy agenda.
*According to a new Gallup Poll, most Americans now identify themselves as Democrats than Republicans. The poll reflects a change in political attitudes as the Country was evenly split 50-50 in 2010. The Gallup numbers now indicate 47% of Americans lean to the Democrats while 42% lean towards the Republicans. The margin of error for the poll was only 1% as the sample polled was large. I wonder how those polled fall into dem0graphical categories. Either way, the Poll might be something the GOP starts paying serious attention to.
*Last But Not Least - As predicted, Pro Gun Advocates are campaigning by instilling fear that President Obama is planning to sign an Executive Order taking away all guns from Americans in defiance of the Second Amendment. How many times do these folks have to claim "the sky is falling" before Americans brush their efforts to the side of the road. Enough is enough with these lame arguments. The First Amendment is the most important of the 27 and even it is subject to interpretation and restriction. You can't legally yell "Bomb" in an airport, so where do these folks get the notion that gun rights under the 2nd Amendment can't also be subject to interpretation and restriction? Nowhere is the actual answer. THAT dog won't hunt!
January 7, 2013 *President Obama signed into Law the emergency Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill authorizing the payment of $9.7 billion in flood claims. House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) promised a floor vote on an additional relief package worth $51 billion. You can expect serious additional blow back from political leaders representing New York and New Jersey should GOP members of the House object to the aid package.
*Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has promised there will be no additional tax increases or revenue raisers in further budget negotiations, including closing loopholes and eliminating tax deductions currently available in the Tax Code. Ironically, it was GOP presidential ticket nominees Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan that campaigned on a program to close those deductions and tax loopholes as the key revenue producing strategies. Guess now that the election is over, it's back to regular hypocrisy and the hope Americans conveniently "forget" what the GOP pledged not much more than 8 weeks ago!
*As reported earlier, President Obama has publicly nominated former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel to serve as his Secretary of Defense. Now the confirmation games shall begin in the Senate. Ironically, even when Obama nominates a Republican to a Cabinet position, the Republicans can't be happy. Go figure?
*According to The New York Times, a late breaking settlement offer of $10 Billion has been communicated to Federal Regulators overseeing a lawsuit against five of the largest mortgage lenders for abuses in foreclosure actions. Regulators are reviewing the offer as it is much less than they had hoped to recover, however, a quick settlement is expected to expedite the payment of damages to those Americans victimized by these unlawful lending practices.
*Last But Not Least - I will be on the air tomorrow night between 5-6pm with Robyn Davis and Joe Newman on The Robyn Report on See you on the radio!
*Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has promised there will be no additional tax increases or revenue raisers in further budget negotiations, including closing loopholes and eliminating tax deductions currently available in the Tax Code. Ironically, it was GOP presidential ticket nominees Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan that campaigned on a program to close those deductions and tax loopholes as the key revenue producing strategies. Guess now that the election is over, it's back to regular hypocrisy and the hope Americans conveniently "forget" what the GOP pledged not much more than 8 weeks ago!
*As reported earlier, President Obama has publicly nominated former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel to serve as his Secretary of Defense. Now the confirmation games shall begin in the Senate. Ironically, even when Obama nominates a Republican to a Cabinet position, the Republicans can't be happy. Go figure?
*According to The New York Times, a late breaking settlement offer of $10 Billion has been communicated to Federal Regulators overseeing a lawsuit against five of the largest mortgage lenders for abuses in foreclosure actions. Regulators are reviewing the offer as it is much less than they had hoped to recover, however, a quick settlement is expected to expedite the payment of damages to those Americans victimized by these unlawful lending practices.
*Last But Not Least - I will be on the air tomorrow night between 5-6pm with Robyn Davis and Joe Newman on The Robyn Report on See you on the radio!
January 6, 2013 *According to The Washington Post, the Obama Administration is considering options as they relate to new gun regulations. With Vice President Joe Biden leading a team engaged to develop acceptable restrictions, is reported to be endorsing a plan already widely supported by law enforcement officials which requires universal background checks, engaging a firearm tracking system, stronger mental health background checks and stiffer penalties for carrying arms near schools or allowing them to fall into the hands of minors. So let's look at these objectives from the eyes of a gun advocate. 1. Universal background checks would require gun sellers at gun shows to provide checks and hence, delays in instant purchasing of firearms. Will the National Rifle Association ("N.R.A.") allow this? Isn't that the point for these gun shows, to buy guns without any delay caused by background checks? Seems reasonable to me, but you can expect gun show operators and sellers to be opposed.
2. Having a firearm tracking system will be opposed on the ground that it violates the privacy of gun owners (even though these same folks advocate voter registration "tracking" and ID's). No one ever claimed they were not hypocrites! It would be a good idea to know where guns are sold, when they are sold and where owners are taking them. Not sure the NRA will stand for that. 3. Creating stronger mental health checks will surely eliminate gun show sales. But will it have any real affect on the mentally unstable obtaining firearms? If we can stop them from obtaining guns legally, what health services will be offered to them if they are found to be "mentally unfit" to buy a gun? Frankly, how many of those with mental illness acquire guns through gun shows versus simply walking in and legally obtaining a firearm at a gunsmith? What other measures will be engaged if this aspect is added to the new regulations? 4. Increasing criminal penalties for carrying firearms close to schools or allowing them to be obtained by minors is the weakest of the provisions being considered. If someone is hellbent on shooting up a school, additional years in prison for the act of carrying the firearm will not deter them. I guess it goes back to the Mental Health issue anyway...who in their right mind would take a gun to school in the first place? Either way, you can bet the N.R.A. and Congress will be "Up in Arms" when these objectives are proposed by the Biden group.
*According to The Associated Press, President Obama will be naming two new members to his Cabinet and is expected to name a third within the next week or so. With the anticipated departures of Hillary Clinton at the State Department, it is known that Obama will formally nominate Massachusetts Senator John Kerry (D) to the position of Secretary of State. His confirmation appears to be a "slam dunk" in the Senate. On the other hand, Obama is poised to nominate Chuck Hagel (R) to the position of Secretary of Defense as Leon Panetta is stepping down. Hagel's nomination may run into rocky waters in the Senate due to his previous stance on Israel and Gays, however, historically Presidential Cabinet appointments are typically confirmed. The "show" in the Senate might be fun to watch though. The third potential appointment would be to replace Timothy Geithner as Treasury Secretary. Many names are being floated as a possible replacement, however it appears current White House Chief of Staff and former Director of the Office of Management and Budget Jack Lew is the leading candidate. His confirmation should also be routine if offered the position by President Obama. Look for these events to occur this week!
*According to The New York Times, Congressional Republican leaders are now re-assessing their political positions as they relate to the Economy, taxes and the debt ceiling. With the Party reeling from its recent defeats in both the elections and the "Fiscal Cliff" negotiations, many are fearful the Party will "Sell Out" and actually cooperate with the Democrats and President Obama instead of maintaining the obstructionist strategy it employed during Obama's first term (which I believe assured Obama a second term!). With this looming problem comes the trouble the GOP has in defining its brand as a national party, including its appeal to a shrinking electoral demographic. According to Ralph Reed, "If the party were to retreat on core, pro-family stands and its positions on fiscal responsibility and taxes, it could very quickly find itself without a strong demographic support base." Gee Mr. Reed, nice of you to offer an obvious opinion about the GOP you personally took advantage of along with Grover Norquist and Jack Abramoff some years ago. Too bad you too did not go to jail for your immoral involvement in that scandal! But, the GOP lives and loves anyone wrapping themselves in faux patriotism and religion. And they cannot fathom why the American Electorate is tired of their same games and rhetoric? Guys like Ralph Reed and the folks that support him are the problems with the GOP, and that is obviously NOT going away anytime soon.
*Each Sunday I give you all a breakdown of Congressional action for the prior week as provided by The Associated Press.
With the opening of the 113th Congress, the House of Representatives voted on the following Bills; 1. The House passed a Bill authorizing $9.7 billion in emergency funds to shore up the Federal Flood Insurance Program so that Federal aid may begin to flow to the areas hit hard by Hurricane Sandy. Amazingly, 67 members of Congress voted NO on this Bill. It is expected that an additional $50 billion plus will be needed to clean up the devastation left behind by Sandy. You can bet those 67 opponents will vote "NO" on that Bill as well. I wonder how many of those opposing the Bill represent districts that have previously received disaster relief? Perhaps next time they will be explaining to their constituents why Congress "drags their feet" when their state is hit hard by a natural disaster? 2. The House renewed its established Rules which have been in place since 1789! Sounds great right? Except they added some additional provisions that most Americans would not be happy about. See today's Blog for more on this subject! Just know this....The House went on recess again and it not expected back in Session until January 14!
The Senate did not act on any Bills this week. Perhaps they are too worn out from the "Fiscal Cliff" negotiations that ultimately will lead to only more headaches a couple of months down the road! Always fun in Politics, isn't it?
*Last But Not Least - U.S. Senator Michael Crapo (R-Idaho) recently plead guilty to Driving While Intoxicated in Alexandria, Virginia. Although this is a serious matter in of itself, Senator Crapo is a Mormon who is prohibited from drinking alcohol by his religious beliefs. Apparently, those religious beliefs are not too strong (despite his public claims...typical). Seems Crapo admitted to the offense and when asked if he had any previous drinking experience, he admitted he had "tried alcohol" about a year earlier, but "couldn't remember the details." What kind of bender was he on that he cannot remember the details? Just goes to show our Congressional Leaders are many faceted Humans, none better than any other. Perhaps the Senator can afford a driver next time he "experiments" with the demon firewater?
2. Having a firearm tracking system will be opposed on the ground that it violates the privacy of gun owners (even though these same folks advocate voter registration "tracking" and ID's). No one ever claimed they were not hypocrites! It would be a good idea to know where guns are sold, when they are sold and where owners are taking them. Not sure the NRA will stand for that. 3. Creating stronger mental health checks will surely eliminate gun show sales. But will it have any real affect on the mentally unstable obtaining firearms? If we can stop them from obtaining guns legally, what health services will be offered to them if they are found to be "mentally unfit" to buy a gun? Frankly, how many of those with mental illness acquire guns through gun shows versus simply walking in and legally obtaining a firearm at a gunsmith? What other measures will be engaged if this aspect is added to the new regulations? 4. Increasing criminal penalties for carrying firearms close to schools or allowing them to be obtained by minors is the weakest of the provisions being considered. If someone is hellbent on shooting up a school, additional years in prison for the act of carrying the firearm will not deter them. I guess it goes back to the Mental Health issue anyway...who in their right mind would take a gun to school in the first place? Either way, you can bet the N.R.A. and Congress will be "Up in Arms" when these objectives are proposed by the Biden group.
*According to The Associated Press, President Obama will be naming two new members to his Cabinet and is expected to name a third within the next week or so. With the anticipated departures of Hillary Clinton at the State Department, it is known that Obama will formally nominate Massachusetts Senator John Kerry (D) to the position of Secretary of State. His confirmation appears to be a "slam dunk" in the Senate. On the other hand, Obama is poised to nominate Chuck Hagel (R) to the position of Secretary of Defense as Leon Panetta is stepping down. Hagel's nomination may run into rocky waters in the Senate due to his previous stance on Israel and Gays, however, historically Presidential Cabinet appointments are typically confirmed. The "show" in the Senate might be fun to watch though. The third potential appointment would be to replace Timothy Geithner as Treasury Secretary. Many names are being floated as a possible replacement, however it appears current White House Chief of Staff and former Director of the Office of Management and Budget Jack Lew is the leading candidate. His confirmation should also be routine if offered the position by President Obama. Look for these events to occur this week!
*According to The New York Times, Congressional Republican leaders are now re-assessing their political positions as they relate to the Economy, taxes and the debt ceiling. With the Party reeling from its recent defeats in both the elections and the "Fiscal Cliff" negotiations, many are fearful the Party will "Sell Out" and actually cooperate with the Democrats and President Obama instead of maintaining the obstructionist strategy it employed during Obama's first term (which I believe assured Obama a second term!). With this looming problem comes the trouble the GOP has in defining its brand as a national party, including its appeal to a shrinking electoral demographic. According to Ralph Reed, "If the party were to retreat on core, pro-family stands and its positions on fiscal responsibility and taxes, it could very quickly find itself without a strong demographic support base." Gee Mr. Reed, nice of you to offer an obvious opinion about the GOP you personally took advantage of along with Grover Norquist and Jack Abramoff some years ago. Too bad you too did not go to jail for your immoral involvement in that scandal! But, the GOP lives and loves anyone wrapping themselves in faux patriotism and religion. And they cannot fathom why the American Electorate is tired of their same games and rhetoric? Guys like Ralph Reed and the folks that support him are the problems with the GOP, and that is obviously NOT going away anytime soon.
*Each Sunday I give you all a breakdown of Congressional action for the prior week as provided by The Associated Press.
With the opening of the 113th Congress, the House of Representatives voted on the following Bills; 1. The House passed a Bill authorizing $9.7 billion in emergency funds to shore up the Federal Flood Insurance Program so that Federal aid may begin to flow to the areas hit hard by Hurricane Sandy. Amazingly, 67 members of Congress voted NO on this Bill. It is expected that an additional $50 billion plus will be needed to clean up the devastation left behind by Sandy. You can bet those 67 opponents will vote "NO" on that Bill as well. I wonder how many of those opposing the Bill represent districts that have previously received disaster relief? Perhaps next time they will be explaining to their constituents why Congress "drags their feet" when their state is hit hard by a natural disaster? 2. The House renewed its established Rules which have been in place since 1789! Sounds great right? Except they added some additional provisions that most Americans would not be happy about. See today's Blog for more on this subject! Just know this....The House went on recess again and it not expected back in Session until January 14!
The Senate did not act on any Bills this week. Perhaps they are too worn out from the "Fiscal Cliff" negotiations that ultimately will lead to only more headaches a couple of months down the road! Always fun in Politics, isn't it?
*Last But Not Least - U.S. Senator Michael Crapo (R-Idaho) recently plead guilty to Driving While Intoxicated in Alexandria, Virginia. Although this is a serious matter in of itself, Senator Crapo is a Mormon who is prohibited from drinking alcohol by his religious beliefs. Apparently, those religious beliefs are not too strong (despite his public claims...typical). Seems Crapo admitted to the offense and when asked if he had any previous drinking experience, he admitted he had "tried alcohol" about a year earlier, but "couldn't remember the details." What kind of bender was he on that he cannot remember the details? Just goes to show our Congressional Leaders are many faceted Humans, none better than any other. Perhaps the Senator can afford a driver next time he "experiments" with the demon firewater?
January 4, 2013 *Now that the 113th Congress is in session, it should be noted that some work is being done in the House. The first order of business by Michele Bachmann (R-MN)? She introduced a Bill to repeal The Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act, aka "Obamacare." Now wouldn't most folks agree that it Obamacare was the lone priority facing our nation and its existence is not to be tolerated, Mr. Obama would have been defeated in last November's election? Apparently, Tea Party members such as Bachmann still have not realized that Mr. Obama won and repealing Obamacare is not a policy objective. More Obama Disassociation Disorder (contracted from those that had Clinton Dissociation Disorder). We all knew something was wrong with Bachmann (yet she won re-election). Who ran against this crazy woman anyway?
*In an effort to save face with fellow Republicans representing Hurricane Sandy damaged New York and New Jersey, the House introduced a Bill today authorizing an aid package of $9.7 Billion, far short than the $60.4 Billion requested by the governors of these states. Amazingly, 67 Republicans voted AGAINST this Bill. You can bet members from New England will remember this vote should a disaster hit the districts those opposing members represent. Speaker Boehner promised his GOP Caucus that the entire Sandy Aid package will be fully debated no later than January 15. Perhaps between now and then Boehner will actually lead and get this emergency aid package passed? He can't continue to argue the Democrats for inaction, they approved the entire aid package last session of Congress.
*Although the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports new jobs to the tune of 155,000 were created, unemployment claims rose and the official unemployment figure stands at the end of 2012 at 7.8%. For those of the Right, this news augments their argument that tax cuts will hurt "Job Creators" while those on the Left claim it proves more spending is required in order to shore up the weak economic recovery. Naturally, the Republicans will cling to their economic tax cut theories (even though discredited by the Congressional Research Service) and the Democrats will cling to their theories calling for increased spending. One thing is for sure, the economy needs support and our infrastructure needs to be redesigned and rebuilt. Can anyone remember the conflicts arising out of Henry Clay's American System? Or how about Governor Dewitt Clinton's plan for a canal running from the Lake Erie to the Hudson River? Will our politicians ever learn?
*Politico reports that Newt Gingrich himself is warning the GOP not to use the Debt Ceiling as a weapon in upcoming budget negotiations. According to Politico, Gingrich claims to do so would be a "dead loser" for the GOP. And to think we are only 11 months from the 2014 Midterm elections!
*The Susan B. Anthony List has proudly announced Wisconsin Republican Congressman Paul Ryan (probably 2016 presidential candidate) will be their keynote speaker presenting the Anti-Abortion event. I wonder how Susan B. Anthony would feel about this group is she was still alive? Abortion will continue to be a wedge issue in both the 2014 Midterm and 2016 Presidential elections. You can bet the Democrats will enjoy having this matter discussed as well.
*The Associated Press has reported that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is planning on resigning from the Obama Cabinet at the end of January. No one should be surprised by this move though as Geithner is the only remaining member of Obama's incoming team of economic experts and Obama will be entering his second term by the end of January. Several people are being bandied about to fill the Treasury post, but none as often as Jack Lew, Obama's current Chief of Staff and former Director of the Office of Management and Budget.
*Last But Not Least - I will be with Robyn Davis and Mike Lamond tonight between 5 and 6pm on The Robyn Report. Check us out at See you on the radio and have a great weekend!
*In an effort to save face with fellow Republicans representing Hurricane Sandy damaged New York and New Jersey, the House introduced a Bill today authorizing an aid package of $9.7 Billion, far short than the $60.4 Billion requested by the governors of these states. Amazingly, 67 Republicans voted AGAINST this Bill. You can bet members from New England will remember this vote should a disaster hit the districts those opposing members represent. Speaker Boehner promised his GOP Caucus that the entire Sandy Aid package will be fully debated no later than January 15. Perhaps between now and then Boehner will actually lead and get this emergency aid package passed? He can't continue to argue the Democrats for inaction, they approved the entire aid package last session of Congress.
*Although the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports new jobs to the tune of 155,000 were created, unemployment claims rose and the official unemployment figure stands at the end of 2012 at 7.8%. For those of the Right, this news augments their argument that tax cuts will hurt "Job Creators" while those on the Left claim it proves more spending is required in order to shore up the weak economic recovery. Naturally, the Republicans will cling to their economic tax cut theories (even though discredited by the Congressional Research Service) and the Democrats will cling to their theories calling for increased spending. One thing is for sure, the economy needs support and our infrastructure needs to be redesigned and rebuilt. Can anyone remember the conflicts arising out of Henry Clay's American System? Or how about Governor Dewitt Clinton's plan for a canal running from the Lake Erie to the Hudson River? Will our politicians ever learn?
*Politico reports that Newt Gingrich himself is warning the GOP not to use the Debt Ceiling as a weapon in upcoming budget negotiations. According to Politico, Gingrich claims to do so would be a "dead loser" for the GOP. And to think we are only 11 months from the 2014 Midterm elections!
*The Susan B. Anthony List has proudly announced Wisconsin Republican Congressman Paul Ryan (probably 2016 presidential candidate) will be their keynote speaker presenting the Anti-Abortion event. I wonder how Susan B. Anthony would feel about this group is she was still alive? Abortion will continue to be a wedge issue in both the 2014 Midterm and 2016 Presidential elections. You can bet the Democrats will enjoy having this matter discussed as well.
*The Associated Press has reported that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is planning on resigning from the Obama Cabinet at the end of January. No one should be surprised by this move though as Geithner is the only remaining member of Obama's incoming team of economic experts and Obama will be entering his second term by the end of January. Several people are being bandied about to fill the Treasury post, but none as often as Jack Lew, Obama's current Chief of Staff and former Director of the Office of Management and Budget.
*Last But Not Least - I will be with Robyn Davis and Mike Lamond tonight between 5 and 6pm on The Robyn Report. Check us out at See you on the radio and have a great weekend!
January 3, 2013 * As mentioned in today's blog, the 112th Congress ended with a whimper as Speaker of the House John Boehner elected to adjourn without allowing a floor vote on the Emergency Relief Bill to help victims of Hurricane Sandy. Now that might not concern a lot of readers, but according to House Rules, all Bills left unaddressed in a previous session, must be re-started not from where it was left, but must be reintroduced in the proper sub-committee originating the prior Bill and the entire Committee process must be pursued all over again. Anyone want to guess how long this duplicitous process will take or how much it will cost the taxpayers in printing expenses? Relief for Sandy was not the only thing abandoned by Speaker Boehner. The extension of the Violence Against Women Bill was also allowed to lapse and not be renewed. There is uncertaintly the 113th Congress will reintroduce this legislation. Anmd who said there was no war on women in the GOP Led and controlled US House of Representatives?
*You can bet the failure to deal with the Relief Bill will further alienate voters from New Jersey and New York. Commentary from New York GOP Representative Peter King and GOP New Jersey Governor Chris "Krispy Kreme" Christie reveals the mood of many Americans living in those respective states. Ironically, over $64 Billion in Disater Aid following Hurricane Katrina was provided by Congress to predominantly "Red" Gulf States. You can bet that will not be lost on citizens suffering from Sandy. Good luck defeating Democratic rivals come next election day in New England!
*Despite the above nonsense, John Boehner (R-OH) retained his Speakership by a close vote, with 9 GOP members voting for someone else, including two casting votes for former GOP Representative Allen West, who was defeated in his re-election bid. With moves like these, what makes Americans possibly think that the 113th Congress will be any less dysfunctional than the 112th.
*Last But Not Least - I will be on the air tomorrow between 5-6pm with Robyn Davis and Mike Lamond on The Robyn Report on WWPR1490 or See you on the radio!
*You can bet the failure to deal with the Relief Bill will further alienate voters from New Jersey and New York. Commentary from New York GOP Representative Peter King and GOP New Jersey Governor Chris "Krispy Kreme" Christie reveals the mood of many Americans living in those respective states. Ironically, over $64 Billion in Disater Aid following Hurricane Katrina was provided by Congress to predominantly "Red" Gulf States. You can bet that will not be lost on citizens suffering from Sandy. Good luck defeating Democratic rivals come next election day in New England!
*Despite the above nonsense, John Boehner (R-OH) retained his Speakership by a close vote, with 9 GOP members voting for someone else, including two casting votes for former GOP Representative Allen West, who was defeated in his re-election bid. With moves like these, what makes Americans possibly think that the 113th Congress will be any less dysfunctional than the 112th.
*Last But Not Least - I will be on the air tomorrow between 5-6pm with Robyn Davis and Mike Lamond on The Robyn Report on WWPR1490 or See you on the radio!
January 2, 2013 *Well, well, well, the "Fiscal Cliff" was finally averted in the "Eleventh Hour" when the House of Representatives stopped long enough from their internal GOP Civil War to allow the Senate Bill to be voted on without offering amendments that would kill it. Speaker John Boehner kept silent with his "take" on the Bill, but House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) made his opinion clear that he opposed the Bill. It certainly makes one wonder when Boehner will be "hanging it up" so that Cantor can put his knives away and proclaim himself the uncontested leader of the House GOP Caucus! Sometimes, you have to feel sorry for Boehner knowing his own caucus is willing to kick him to the side of the road just for more play on Fox News! See today's blog commentary on the new "Fiscal Cliff" saving Bill.
*Politico has reported that several witnesses heard Speaker John Boehner drop the "F-Bomb" not once, but twice when addressing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) at the White House last Friday. It wouldn't have had anything to do with Reid publicly labeling Boehner as the "Dictator" in the House of Representatives would it? As far as I am concerned, NOW we are getting somewhere, when politicians start acting like humans and start to "vent" instead of keeping it all in!
*Not a whole lot else going on, except that we are now in the year 2013. I even had to change my habit of writing 2012! I wonder how many folks do the same thing for awhile getting used to writing 2013 instead of 2012? Only natural I guess.
*Last But Not Least - I will be sitting in on the Sarasota Nations Discussion Group's meeting tomorrow morning at 10AM at the Herald Tribune Building in downtown Sarasota. I hope to observe how vibrant the Progressives are these days in Southwest Florida. Happy New Year everyone. For many, it is back to work. For me, work never ends! Be well.
*Politico has reported that several witnesses heard Speaker John Boehner drop the "F-Bomb" not once, but twice when addressing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) at the White House last Friday. It wouldn't have had anything to do with Reid publicly labeling Boehner as the "Dictator" in the House of Representatives would it? As far as I am concerned, NOW we are getting somewhere, when politicians start acting like humans and start to "vent" instead of keeping it all in!
*Not a whole lot else going on, except that we are now in the year 2013. I even had to change my habit of writing 2012! I wonder how many folks do the same thing for awhile getting used to writing 2013 instead of 2012? Only natural I guess.
*Last But Not Least - I will be sitting in on the Sarasota Nations Discussion Group's meeting tomorrow morning at 10AM at the Herald Tribune Building in downtown Sarasota. I hope to observe how vibrant the Progressives are these days in Southwest Florida. Happy New Year everyone. For many, it is back to work. For me, work never ends! Be well.
December 28, 2012 *Once again, President Obama has shown his unique inability to lead as president! Well, according to my Right Wing friends Obama couldn't lead his way out of a one way road. In reality, President Obama has ordered John Boehner and Mitch McConnell to the White House to discuss negotiable terms to head off the impending Congressionally imposed "Fiscal Cliff" with our Nation's economy hanging by a thread. With the "powers" that be from the GOP Senate and House, it is obvious the Republicans in Congress would rather protect their narrow special interests than deal with issues facing all Americans. Oh I know this statement is contrary to the "good fight" Republicans are giving as portrayed on Fox News, but reality is reality. The GOP lost big in the most recent election and their continued failure to negotiate in good faith will doom their future as a national political party. Nothing will reflect this fact more when the GOP loses is control of the House of Representatives in 2014 along with a significant number of seats in the Senate. One of the proposals "floated" by the GOP leadership in the Senate is to cut federal spending to the tune of $1 Trillion, much of it from Medicare. The leverage being used by the Senate Republicans? Naturally, the debt ceiling! With all the GOP campaign promises of cutting tax deductions and loopholes, this is the best the GOP leadership can come up with? How can anyone other than Fox News viewers take these jokers seriously?
*An interesting pop-up ad is floating around the Internet with the title, "Obama wants to Ban Guns!" Really? Back to that nonsense again. Please define guns so one can actually discern what Obama wants and does not want. Aren't Americans getting tired of hearing from anonymous folks telling everyone what Obama "really" wants when they have never sat down with the President, let alone corresponded with him?
* According to Fox News, Charles Krauthammer, one of the most prolific Right Wing pundits (who gets things right about as much as he gets wrong) now claims Obama has masterfully and ruthlessly manipulated "the GOP into having an internal Civil War!" Gee, I am not sure I have heard anyone characterize Barack Obama as "ruthless" before, but isn't it incredible that anyone could possibly publicly say that President Obama has influenced anything in the GOP? I mean come on folks, if Obama had that much power, would he not have been able to divide and conquer the GOP a couple of years ago when he needed their support but instead got nothing but obstructionism. Again, Conservatives keep finding some type of excuse or rationale for their failures to connect with the American public that doesn't watch Fox News, read the Washington Examiner, The Wall Street Journal or subscribe to Newsmaxx and/or Breitbart! Go figure?!
*Now that it is old news, I can report what everyone is already aware of.. retired General Norman Schwarzkopf has died at the age of 78. Schwarzkopf will be best remembered for leading US Troops in the first war against Saddam Hussein under then President George H.W. Bush, otherwise known as "Desert Storm." RIP General Schwarzkopf.
*Last But Not Least - Outgoing Representative Allen West (R-FL) has apparently looked in the mirror by claiming (naturally on Fox News) that President Obama was "living in a fantasy world" when looking at the "Fiscal Cliff." This from a man that claimed he had higher security clearance than the Commander-in-Chief (NOT) or that there were over 80 members of the Communist Party in the Democratic Caucus in Congress (he never could provide the names of those alleged members) to asserting that voter fraud in his county elections office ensured he lost his bid for re-election (his district was gerrymandered by a GOP led Florida Legislature and the people he was accusing of fraud were fellow Republicans). Allen West, surely not to be missed on the National Stage...because he is bound to be a regular mouthpiece on Fox News.
*An interesting pop-up ad is floating around the Internet with the title, "Obama wants to Ban Guns!" Really? Back to that nonsense again. Please define guns so one can actually discern what Obama wants and does not want. Aren't Americans getting tired of hearing from anonymous folks telling everyone what Obama "really" wants when they have never sat down with the President, let alone corresponded with him?
* According to Fox News, Charles Krauthammer, one of the most prolific Right Wing pundits (who gets things right about as much as he gets wrong) now claims Obama has masterfully and ruthlessly manipulated "the GOP into having an internal Civil War!" Gee, I am not sure I have heard anyone characterize Barack Obama as "ruthless" before, but isn't it incredible that anyone could possibly publicly say that President Obama has influenced anything in the GOP? I mean come on folks, if Obama had that much power, would he not have been able to divide and conquer the GOP a couple of years ago when he needed their support but instead got nothing but obstructionism. Again, Conservatives keep finding some type of excuse or rationale for their failures to connect with the American public that doesn't watch Fox News, read the Washington Examiner, The Wall Street Journal or subscribe to Newsmaxx and/or Breitbart! Go figure?!
*Now that it is old news, I can report what everyone is already aware of.. retired General Norman Schwarzkopf has died at the age of 78. Schwarzkopf will be best remembered for leading US Troops in the first war against Saddam Hussein under then President George H.W. Bush, otherwise known as "Desert Storm." RIP General Schwarzkopf.
*Last But Not Least - Outgoing Representative Allen West (R-FL) has apparently looked in the mirror by claiming (naturally on Fox News) that President Obama was "living in a fantasy world" when looking at the "Fiscal Cliff." This from a man that claimed he had higher security clearance than the Commander-in-Chief (NOT) or that there were over 80 members of the Communist Party in the Democratic Caucus in Congress (he never could provide the names of those alleged members) to asserting that voter fraud in his county elections office ensured he lost his bid for re-election (his district was gerrymandered by a GOP led Florida Legislature and the people he was accusing of fraud were fellow Republicans). Allen West, surely not to be missed on the National Stage...because he is bound to be a regular mouthpiece on Fox News.
December 27, 2012 *Sadly, former President George H.W. Bush has been moved to the Intensive Care Unit of a Houston hospital. Former President Bush, 88 has been hospitalized since November 23 suffering from a respiratory problem, but a mounting number of complications have set in, including a dangerous fever. Americans should all keep former President Bush in the minds and prayers for a speedy recovery!
*Hawaii governor Neil Abercrombie has apponted his Lt. Governor, Brian Schatz, 40 to fill the unexpired term of the recently deceased Senator and American Hero Daniel Inouye. Abercrombie was selected by state Democrats, defeating two others that had been seriously considered.
*According to The Washington Post, GOP House leaders have indicated they will vote on anything propsed to avoid the "Fiscal Cliff" that is proposed by the Senate. Huh? According to Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution, all budget matters must be initiated by the House of Representatives. Have they become that disfunctional they now have asked the Senate to lead in this matter? Ironically, the GOP House is expected to vote "No" on a partisan basis to anything the Democratic Senate agrees to. And the political gamesmanship continues with the country's economy at stake. Once again, can we all say "Sweep Congress Clean in 2014!?"
*Former GOP Senator Chuck Hagel is again getting slammed as a potential Obama pick to replace Leon Pannetta as Secretary of Defense, but not from anyone associated with the Pro-Israeli group. This time Hagel is being slammed by the Gay Rights Log Cabin Republican Advocacy Group in a full page ad they purchased in The New York Times. Seems Hagel did not just alienate Jews and Evangelical Christians in former statements about Israel, he also aggressively challenged the nomination of an openly gay nominee for an ambassadorship due to his sexual preference. According to Politico, Hagel has since apologized for his comments about James Hormel, who had been nominated by then President Bill Clinton as Ambassador to Luvembourg.
*In another sign of sheer lunacy, NBC host David Gregory is being investigated by law enforcement officials for illegally possessing a high capacity ammunition magazine clip, which he brandished on his Sunday morning Meet The Press show. According to Washington D.C. law, possessing the high capacity magazine is a felony and prior requests to law enforcement officials to show it on his show had been denied. Hence, his ultimate use is subject to a potential felony charge. Amazingly, the First Amendment's Freedom of the Press has somehow been lost in the Second Amendment debate over guns. Last I checked, the First Amendment takes precedence over any other Amendments. The lunacy continues!
*According to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geitner, the United States will hit its debt ceiling by New Years Eve. In an effort to forstall any chance of a default on US obligations, President Obama will use executive authority to ease the obvious problem. Once again, by doing so, those on the Far Right Fringe will go into open campaign mode to claim Obama is defying the Constitution. When will Americans stand up to the Far Right Fringe, aka The TEA Party and inform them that in a democracy, their view that government must be crushed is "Anti-American" and perhaps they should consider moving to a country that has no government at all? Good luck finding such a place!
*Last But Not Least - Check out the broadcast tonight on The Robyn Report between 5-6pm at See you on the radio!
*Hawaii governor Neil Abercrombie has apponted his Lt. Governor, Brian Schatz, 40 to fill the unexpired term of the recently deceased Senator and American Hero Daniel Inouye. Abercrombie was selected by state Democrats, defeating two others that had been seriously considered.
*According to The Washington Post, GOP House leaders have indicated they will vote on anything propsed to avoid the "Fiscal Cliff" that is proposed by the Senate. Huh? According to Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution, all budget matters must be initiated by the House of Representatives. Have they become that disfunctional they now have asked the Senate to lead in this matter? Ironically, the GOP House is expected to vote "No" on a partisan basis to anything the Democratic Senate agrees to. And the political gamesmanship continues with the country's economy at stake. Once again, can we all say "Sweep Congress Clean in 2014!?"
*Former GOP Senator Chuck Hagel is again getting slammed as a potential Obama pick to replace Leon Pannetta as Secretary of Defense, but not from anyone associated with the Pro-Israeli group. This time Hagel is being slammed by the Gay Rights Log Cabin Republican Advocacy Group in a full page ad they purchased in The New York Times. Seems Hagel did not just alienate Jews and Evangelical Christians in former statements about Israel, he also aggressively challenged the nomination of an openly gay nominee for an ambassadorship due to his sexual preference. According to Politico, Hagel has since apologized for his comments about James Hormel, who had been nominated by then President Bill Clinton as Ambassador to Luvembourg.
*In another sign of sheer lunacy, NBC host David Gregory is being investigated by law enforcement officials for illegally possessing a high capacity ammunition magazine clip, which he brandished on his Sunday morning Meet The Press show. According to Washington D.C. law, possessing the high capacity magazine is a felony and prior requests to law enforcement officials to show it on his show had been denied. Hence, his ultimate use is subject to a potential felony charge. Amazingly, the First Amendment's Freedom of the Press has somehow been lost in the Second Amendment debate over guns. Last I checked, the First Amendment takes precedence over any other Amendments. The lunacy continues!
*According to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geitner, the United States will hit its debt ceiling by New Years Eve. In an effort to forstall any chance of a default on US obligations, President Obama will use executive authority to ease the obvious problem. Once again, by doing so, those on the Far Right Fringe will go into open campaign mode to claim Obama is defying the Constitution. When will Americans stand up to the Far Right Fringe, aka The TEA Party and inform them that in a democracy, their view that government must be crushed is "Anti-American" and perhaps they should consider moving to a country that has no government at all? Good luck finding such a place!
*Last But Not Least - Check out the broadcast tonight on The Robyn Report between 5-6pm at See you on the radio!
December 26, 2012 *With so little going on in Washington, the media is kind of stuck in neutral as very little "sensational" news is happening. One of the high points in the media though is that President Obama is cutting his holiday short in Hawaii in order to return to Washington in case negotiations re-open on the "Fiscal Cliff" matter. Recent polling indicates that half of America is now convinced the "Fiscal Cliff" will not be avoided. Perhaps President Obama will make some "executive moves" to save the economy in the meantime? Wouldn't the GOP love that!
*Speaking of President Obama, yet another Court has dismissed a lawsuit challenging his authority to make recess appointments when Congress is merely in "Pro Forma" session. According to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, the pending suit challenging presidential authority has been dismissed by ruling the parties lacked "appropriate standing." Just another way of saying that the Court is loathe to interfere in purely political matters. For those unaware, the standard for Appellate Courts to become involved in issues is whether they are "Political" or "Justiciable" in nature. In this matter, the Appellate Court ruled essentially that the matter is "Political" (which it is) and therefore has tossed the matter out. For more on "Justiciability" see "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
*According to Politico, certain GOP Leaders have been communicating via conference calls to discuss the pending unresolved "Fiscal Cliff." Although the GOP leaders blame Senate Majority Leader Reid (D) for not offering a bill that would immediately delay the automatic raising of tax rates, the House GOP themselves are stuck with the self-imposed 48 Hour advance notice requirement before they are required to head back to Washington to act on anything. Unlike the Senate, the GOP House went on holiday recess. Now the question before the GOP is whether to call its members back into session just to create a plan to avoid the "Cliff." Sounds like a "No-Brainer" but so does a lot of things that the GOP can't seem to wrap their heads around these days. According to Politico, "it is still possible" they will be called back into session before January 1. Gee, 'ya think?
*Last But Not Least - Due to the holidays, I will appear with Robyn Davis on the Robyn Report tomorrow between 5-6pm on See you on the radio!
*Speaking of President Obama, yet another Court has dismissed a lawsuit challenging his authority to make recess appointments when Congress is merely in "Pro Forma" session. According to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, the pending suit challenging presidential authority has been dismissed by ruling the parties lacked "appropriate standing." Just another way of saying that the Court is loathe to interfere in purely political matters. For those unaware, the standard for Appellate Courts to become involved in issues is whether they are "Political" or "Justiciable" in nature. In this matter, the Appellate Court ruled essentially that the matter is "Political" (which it is) and therefore has tossed the matter out. For more on "Justiciability" see "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
*According to Politico, certain GOP Leaders have been communicating via conference calls to discuss the pending unresolved "Fiscal Cliff." Although the GOP leaders blame Senate Majority Leader Reid (D) for not offering a bill that would immediately delay the automatic raising of tax rates, the House GOP themselves are stuck with the self-imposed 48 Hour advance notice requirement before they are required to head back to Washington to act on anything. Unlike the Senate, the GOP House went on holiday recess. Now the question before the GOP is whether to call its members back into session just to create a plan to avoid the "Cliff." Sounds like a "No-Brainer" but so does a lot of things that the GOP can't seem to wrap their heads around these days. According to Politico, "it is still possible" they will be called back into session before January 1. Gee, 'ya think?
*Last But Not Least - Due to the holidays, I will appear with Robyn Davis on the Robyn Report tomorrow between 5-6pm on See you on the radio!
December 24, 2012 *Obviously with the holidays so near, there is not a lot of political news to report, except it appears the Republican Conference in the Senate is gearing up to make the potential nomination of former colleague Chuck Hagel (R-Neb) to the position of Secretary of Defense rockier than previously thought. Seems many are questioning his previous statements on Israel and Iran. Perhaps Obama can find someone less "public" about their dislike for Israel and sympathy for Iran? Either way, Hagel may be getting a lump of coal in his stocking from his good ole pals in the US Senate.
*No surprise that when pressed by the media, National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre has stated emphatically that his organization would not support any new regulations on guns. So there we have it! The NRA is dedicated to the principle that all Americans should be armed. Is there any wonder that a majority of the NRA's funding comes from gun manufacturers and dealers? Are Americans really paying attention to this? Just another Special Interest Group having the tail wag the dog and Americans follow right along. Remember folks, we get the government we deserve!
*You might recall the most recent presidential campaign wherein the Republicans made it a national priority to emphasize through its ideologically based supporting media (Fox News) that illegal aliens are taking away benefits that must be preserved for real citizens and that illegal aliens are a menace to our society. Nowhere in the GOP rhetoric have we ever heard about cracking down on the employers hiring these illegal workers, just that they are bad for the country and are costing us Billions in lost revenue and aid to the poor. Ironically, The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement has just released it current audit of employers hiring illegal aliens, and the numbers of companies violating the law is at its very height. According to The Associated Press, the total number of fines for wrongful hiring of illegal aliens has risen from $1 Million in 2007 to $13 Million in 2012. Because audits of immigrant workers have increased, many companies have begun to hide the numbers of illegal aliens to deter detection. Was this ever discussed by the GOP or Fox News when they were espousing the narratives that Illegal Aliens are the root cause for the problems we face in this country? I didn't think so. Business can never be bad, after all, they are our precious "job creators!"
*Last But Not Least - According to the Associated Press, Syrian warplane attacked a bakery within rebel held territory killing at least 60 and critically wounding 50 more. Don't hold you breath for the U.N. ("United Nothing") to convene an emergency meeting to discuss condemnation of Syria or the media to send its anchors to the site to report the atrocities live. What do you think this is anyways, Israel?
Seems one person is shot trying to plant a bomb at the border or attempting to shoot rockets at a bakery in South Israel and the World takes note and demands Israel stop its "brutality" and "crimes against mankind." The death toll in the Syrian Civil War is approaching 100,000, significantly more than the total killed in battles over the past 65 years between Israel and Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Hamas, and the PLO combined, but, 'ya know, everyone knows the problems in all of the Arab countries are Israel's fault. Why? No one can say, but it just is. Really? Nonsense! Happy Holidays folks, and please remember when you pray for peace on Earth, you include Israel and the US in your thoughts. Have a happy, healthy and safe holiday season.
*No surprise that when pressed by the media, National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre has stated emphatically that his organization would not support any new regulations on guns. So there we have it! The NRA is dedicated to the principle that all Americans should be armed. Is there any wonder that a majority of the NRA's funding comes from gun manufacturers and dealers? Are Americans really paying attention to this? Just another Special Interest Group having the tail wag the dog and Americans follow right along. Remember folks, we get the government we deserve!
*You might recall the most recent presidential campaign wherein the Republicans made it a national priority to emphasize through its ideologically based supporting media (Fox News) that illegal aliens are taking away benefits that must be preserved for real citizens and that illegal aliens are a menace to our society. Nowhere in the GOP rhetoric have we ever heard about cracking down on the employers hiring these illegal workers, just that they are bad for the country and are costing us Billions in lost revenue and aid to the poor. Ironically, The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement has just released it current audit of employers hiring illegal aliens, and the numbers of companies violating the law is at its very height. According to The Associated Press, the total number of fines for wrongful hiring of illegal aliens has risen from $1 Million in 2007 to $13 Million in 2012. Because audits of immigrant workers have increased, many companies have begun to hide the numbers of illegal aliens to deter detection. Was this ever discussed by the GOP or Fox News when they were espousing the narratives that Illegal Aliens are the root cause for the problems we face in this country? I didn't think so. Business can never be bad, after all, they are our precious "job creators!"
*Last But Not Least - According to the Associated Press, Syrian warplane attacked a bakery within rebel held territory killing at least 60 and critically wounding 50 more. Don't hold you breath for the U.N. ("United Nothing") to convene an emergency meeting to discuss condemnation of Syria or the media to send its anchors to the site to report the atrocities live. What do you think this is anyways, Israel?
Seems one person is shot trying to plant a bomb at the border or attempting to shoot rockets at a bakery in South Israel and the World takes note and demands Israel stop its "brutality" and "crimes against mankind." The death toll in the Syrian Civil War is approaching 100,000, significantly more than the total killed in battles over the past 65 years between Israel and Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Hamas, and the PLO combined, but, 'ya know, everyone knows the problems in all of the Arab countries are Israel's fault. Why? No one can say, but it just is. Really? Nonsense! Happy Holidays folks, and please remember when you pray for peace on Earth, you include Israel and the US in your thoughts. Have a happy, healthy and safe holiday season.
December 23, 2012 *Now that House Speaker John Beohner (R-OH) has suffered the largest and most humiliating political defeat of his career, Conservative pundits are enjoying the "art" of piling on. Seems the Right can't stomach anything that does not go their way, and unfortunately, they still are having a difficult time figuring out why their GOP "Brand" is being severely tarnished with the public. Seems no one on the Right understands that the American public is tired of their overtly partisan moves in Congress. According to an article in Politico, Conservative pundits ranging from The Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin and Ed Morrissey of Hot Air to Conn Carrroll of the Washington Examiner have lambasted GOP leaders for being "Useless." Wow, bet no one saw this coming less than eight weeks ago!
*President Obama and his family flew to Hawaii to celebrate the Muslim holiday of Christmas with family and friends. Sorry, I couldn't help myself on the "Muslim" reference. Why? Because one of the lingering lawsuits filed by Far Right Wing Nuts claiming Obama is ineligible to serve as President was just resolved in a Tallahassee, Florida Court. According to The Associated Press, the Court dismissed the lawsuit claiming that "Obama lives in the White House, flies on Air Force One, has delivered The State of the Union to Congress (soon to be the fifth time) and was re-elected President" renders him to be actually President. Will this decision deter Wing Nuts from filing more lawsuits claiming Obama is an African and a Muslim? Probably not, but as long as they don't wield firearms, then I guess we ought to put up with their nonsense.
*Speaking of firearms, I witnessed a heated argument about gun control yesterday and I did a great job of staying out of the "discussion." I had to walk away though when one of those participating claimed the Constitution grants citizens the right to bear arms in order to defend ourselves from our own government. Folks, NOWHERE does it grant this Right in the Constitution, NOWHERE! The person making this claim? Moved from Russia to the United States and became a US Citizen within the last 25 or so years. I find myself losing patience being challenged by folks about what the Constitution says. See today's blog for more on this subject.
*Long serving Massachusetts Senator and former Presidential candidate John Kerry (D) has been formally announced by President Obama to succeed Hilary Clinton as United States Secretary of State. Kerry, a multiple Purple Heart recipient and veteran of the Viet Nam War, has been warmly received by members of both Parties and is expected to enjoy an easy confirmation in the Senate. Kerry has also received the warm approval of Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu who considers Kerry to be a "close personal friend." Republican leaders have endorsed the selection, partially because it will open Kerry's seat in the Senate with former Republican Scott Brown vying for the position in what will become a Special Election to be held between 145 and 160 days after a confirmation. Amongst those interested in the vacant seat include Ted Kennedy, Jr. Now that election could be fun to watch!
*Speaking of appointments, Republicans continue to voice opposition to former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel's potential nomination to serve as Obama's Secretary of Defense once Leon Panetta elects to step down. Opposition to Hagel has been mounting since Hagel's former statements about Israel and the "Jewish Lobby" have become more public. Hagel, a frequent critic of Israel may be facing a real battle as more and more Republicans line up to oppose his appointment, even though no formal announcement has been made about this position from the White House. Who Conservatives would approve instead of Hagel remains to be seen. Obviously, friends of Israel will be paying close attention to this appointment.
*Before heading home for the Holiday, Congress actually handled some business, albeit wasteful time. According to The Associated Press, the House barely approved a Bill to limit defense spending cuts in anticipation of the "Fiscal Cliff" and the mandatory Sequestration cuts to defense it will bring. By a vote of 215-209, the Bill passed will replace about $110 Billion in cuts but would trade the defense spending by cutting domestic spending in the areas of Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and Children's Health Insurance provided for in Obamacare. Gee, that seems help for Americans so that we continue to spend money on defense. Defense of what and whom? Ironically, the vote was close enough to prove even Republican members of the House felt the Bill needed to be defeated. Why is this a waste of effort? Because the GOP leadership in the House knows the Bill will not see the light of day in the Senate. Isn't it about time measures be taken up in either chamber only when there is a consensus that it will be heard in both chambers? What a waste of taxpayers' money...again! The GOP House then defeated a measure proposed by the Democrats to repeal tax breaks for the five largest oil companies in an effort to restore the cuts mandated by the preceding measure. The GOP shot that proposal down 243 to 179. Which leads any rational American to this question...what tax breaks are the GOP willing to seriously consider to help reduce the deficit other than cutting domestic spending that helps most Americans? Apparently none.
The Senate overwhelmingly passed a measure to send a (non-binding) Conference Report to the President establishing funding for troop levels in Afghanistan and Iraq.
*According to The Associated Press, Amazon, the largest on-line retailer in the World, has finally begun to scrutinize book recommendations that affect their algorithms for product placement on their Internet site. As mentioned in an earlier post, Amazon uses book recommendations received in a formula that determines the placement of the book within their automatic "recommended" screen pop-up sections.
According to Amazon, many recommendations have been artificially created by groups hired to flood sites with "unauthentic" recommendations in an effort by authors and publishers to attain preferred status with Amazon. I find it ironic considering that sales of "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say" have been so high and the book has only a handful of recommendations on Amazon, a couple on the Barnes and Noble site and a few scattered elsewhere online. So much for an even playing field. Perhaps it really means word of mouth still is the best endorsement?
*Last But Not Least - As we head into the heart of the Holiday Season, may we all begin to practice what is preached year round. Peace and Good Will to all Mankind....not just in December but throughout the year! Happy Holidays to you all and may you all enjoy a Happy, Healthy, Secure and Prosperous year!
*President Obama and his family flew to Hawaii to celebrate the Muslim holiday of Christmas with family and friends. Sorry, I couldn't help myself on the "Muslim" reference. Why? Because one of the lingering lawsuits filed by Far Right Wing Nuts claiming Obama is ineligible to serve as President was just resolved in a Tallahassee, Florida Court. According to The Associated Press, the Court dismissed the lawsuit claiming that "Obama lives in the White House, flies on Air Force One, has delivered The State of the Union to Congress (soon to be the fifth time) and was re-elected President" renders him to be actually President. Will this decision deter Wing Nuts from filing more lawsuits claiming Obama is an African and a Muslim? Probably not, but as long as they don't wield firearms, then I guess we ought to put up with their nonsense.
*Speaking of firearms, I witnessed a heated argument about gun control yesterday and I did a great job of staying out of the "discussion." I had to walk away though when one of those participating claimed the Constitution grants citizens the right to bear arms in order to defend ourselves from our own government. Folks, NOWHERE does it grant this Right in the Constitution, NOWHERE! The person making this claim? Moved from Russia to the United States and became a US Citizen within the last 25 or so years. I find myself losing patience being challenged by folks about what the Constitution says. See today's blog for more on this subject.
*Long serving Massachusetts Senator and former Presidential candidate John Kerry (D) has been formally announced by President Obama to succeed Hilary Clinton as United States Secretary of State. Kerry, a multiple Purple Heart recipient and veteran of the Viet Nam War, has been warmly received by members of both Parties and is expected to enjoy an easy confirmation in the Senate. Kerry has also received the warm approval of Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu who considers Kerry to be a "close personal friend." Republican leaders have endorsed the selection, partially because it will open Kerry's seat in the Senate with former Republican Scott Brown vying for the position in what will become a Special Election to be held between 145 and 160 days after a confirmation. Amongst those interested in the vacant seat include Ted Kennedy, Jr. Now that election could be fun to watch!
*Speaking of appointments, Republicans continue to voice opposition to former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel's potential nomination to serve as Obama's Secretary of Defense once Leon Panetta elects to step down. Opposition to Hagel has been mounting since Hagel's former statements about Israel and the "Jewish Lobby" have become more public. Hagel, a frequent critic of Israel may be facing a real battle as more and more Republicans line up to oppose his appointment, even though no formal announcement has been made about this position from the White House. Who Conservatives would approve instead of Hagel remains to be seen. Obviously, friends of Israel will be paying close attention to this appointment.
*Before heading home for the Holiday, Congress actually handled some business, albeit wasteful time. According to The Associated Press, the House barely approved a Bill to limit defense spending cuts in anticipation of the "Fiscal Cliff" and the mandatory Sequestration cuts to defense it will bring. By a vote of 215-209, the Bill passed will replace about $110 Billion in cuts but would trade the defense spending by cutting domestic spending in the areas of Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and Children's Health Insurance provided for in Obamacare. Gee, that seems help for Americans so that we continue to spend money on defense. Defense of what and whom? Ironically, the vote was close enough to prove even Republican members of the House felt the Bill needed to be defeated. Why is this a waste of effort? Because the GOP leadership in the House knows the Bill will not see the light of day in the Senate. Isn't it about time measures be taken up in either chamber only when there is a consensus that it will be heard in both chambers? What a waste of taxpayers' money...again! The GOP House then defeated a measure proposed by the Democrats to repeal tax breaks for the five largest oil companies in an effort to restore the cuts mandated by the preceding measure. The GOP shot that proposal down 243 to 179. Which leads any rational American to this question...what tax breaks are the GOP willing to seriously consider to help reduce the deficit other than cutting domestic spending that helps most Americans? Apparently none.
The Senate overwhelmingly passed a measure to send a (non-binding) Conference Report to the President establishing funding for troop levels in Afghanistan and Iraq.
*According to The Associated Press, Amazon, the largest on-line retailer in the World, has finally begun to scrutinize book recommendations that affect their algorithms for product placement on their Internet site. As mentioned in an earlier post, Amazon uses book recommendations received in a formula that determines the placement of the book within their automatic "recommended" screen pop-up sections.
According to Amazon, many recommendations have been artificially created by groups hired to flood sites with "unauthentic" recommendations in an effort by authors and publishers to attain preferred status with Amazon. I find it ironic considering that sales of "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say" have been so high and the book has only a handful of recommendations on Amazon, a couple on the Barnes and Noble site and a few scattered elsewhere online. So much for an even playing field. Perhaps it really means word of mouth still is the best endorsement?
*Last But Not Least - As we head into the heart of the Holiday Season, may we all begin to practice what is preached year round. Peace and Good Will to all Mankind....not just in December but throughout the year! Happy Holidays to you all and may you all enjoy a Happy, Healthy, Secure and Prosperous year!
December 20, 2012 *In a pure show of political partisanship, GOP Speaker John Boehner is still attempting to get his caucus together to vote, even tonight on his proposed "Fiscal Cliff Plan B" which is admittedly," Dead on Arrival" due to the fact that even if passed by the House, it will not be considered by the Democratically controlled Senate. I was very proud of my political science students, many of which are Republicans asking me why the House would be wasting precious time proposing legislation that they know will never be enacted. Isn't it wonderful that more Americans are beginning to figure out that partisan politicians waste time on critical issues in order to seek an advantage in the ideologically based for profit media? Unfortunately for Boehner and the GOP, the American people have spoken on the issue of raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans, but the Republican leadership in Congress still is not listening. 2014 and the mid-term elections will be coming at us faster now more than ever. The rhetoric of the House Republicans is so patently obvious, they appear to be the ONLY politicians in America to think they can get away with their strategy of blaming Obama for their inaction. So what does the latest CBS Poll on Boehner and the GOP leaders in Congress indicate? 89% of Americans disapprove of them! So folks, it isn't just me scratching my head over these GOP moves. What bubble is Boehner living in?
*Speaking of Speaker Boehner, he came out today indicating that he would take any recommendations from the committee chaired by Vice President Biden with regard to gun regulations. Regardless, Boehner, being influenced by the National Rifle Association ("NRA"), has stated he will not commit to any gun restrictions unless approved by the NRA. You can guess anything the NRA approves will have no teeth when it comes to actually regulating firearms. Again, is Mr. Boehner listening?
*If you want more evidence of the absurd, newly elected Republican Texas State Rep. Kyle Kacal says guns don’t kill people, ping pongs do! According to Mr. Kacal, "I've heard of people being killed playing pingpong—pingpongs are more dangerous than guns." Hey folks, this is so off the wall, I couldn't possibly make this up! The NRA has a new champion in Texas (or at least another one).
*According to the AP, State Department officials squared off before the House Foreign Affairs Committee investigating the Benghazi tragedy. Unfortunately, there is not a shred of evidence that there has been any effort on the part of the Obama Administration to withhold security from the consulate nor a coverup when it came to the events surrounding the attack. So what can be made out of this move by the members of the House Committee? Nothing but pure political partisanship. By now, should Americans expect anything else? The games continue in Washington.
*Last But Not Least - Senate Republicans are attempting to block President Obama's request for $60.4 Billion in immediate relief to the states suffering from Hurricane Sandy to no more than $23.8 Billion. According to Reuters, Senate Republicans claim the states don't need as much as the President has requested, despite the fact that his request was compiled from clean-up costs those provided by the Governors of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. According to the article, there was no such "slow walking" of relief funds after Hurricane Katrina when the funds were funneled to the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and Arkansas. Can anyone say "Partisan Politics" at play? The southern states affected by Katrina are all "Red" states while those affected by Sandy are "Blue." I wonder how long it will take for New Jersey Republican Governor Chris "Krispy Kreme" Christie to blow up over this move by fellow Republicans.
*Speaking of Speaker Boehner, he came out today indicating that he would take any recommendations from the committee chaired by Vice President Biden with regard to gun regulations. Regardless, Boehner, being influenced by the National Rifle Association ("NRA"), has stated he will not commit to any gun restrictions unless approved by the NRA. You can guess anything the NRA approves will have no teeth when it comes to actually regulating firearms. Again, is Mr. Boehner listening?
*If you want more evidence of the absurd, newly elected Republican Texas State Rep. Kyle Kacal says guns don’t kill people, ping pongs do! According to Mr. Kacal, "I've heard of people being killed playing pingpong—pingpongs are more dangerous than guns." Hey folks, this is so off the wall, I couldn't possibly make this up! The NRA has a new champion in Texas (or at least another one).
*According to the AP, State Department officials squared off before the House Foreign Affairs Committee investigating the Benghazi tragedy. Unfortunately, there is not a shred of evidence that there has been any effort on the part of the Obama Administration to withhold security from the consulate nor a coverup when it came to the events surrounding the attack. So what can be made out of this move by the members of the House Committee? Nothing but pure political partisanship. By now, should Americans expect anything else? The games continue in Washington.
*Last But Not Least - Senate Republicans are attempting to block President Obama's request for $60.4 Billion in immediate relief to the states suffering from Hurricane Sandy to no more than $23.8 Billion. According to Reuters, Senate Republicans claim the states don't need as much as the President has requested, despite the fact that his request was compiled from clean-up costs those provided by the Governors of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. According to the article, there was no such "slow walking" of relief funds after Hurricane Katrina when the funds were funneled to the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and Arkansas. Can anyone say "Partisan Politics" at play? The southern states affected by Katrina are all "Red" states while those affected by Sandy are "Blue." I wonder how long it will take for New Jersey Republican Governor Chris "Krispy Kreme" Christie to blow up over this move by fellow Republicans.
December 19, 2012 *News has been received that Robert Bork, former Justice Department employee, interim Solicitor General, interim U.S. Attorney General and former nominee to the Supreme Court of the United States of America has died at the age of 85. Bork, nominated to the high court by President Ronald Reagan will perhaps be best remembered as the man who spoke honestly about his "originalist" or "strict constructionist" view of the U.S. Constitution only to become the poster boy for partisan bickering, as his nomination turned into a controversial political fight, leading to his nomination to be rejected by the Senate. The incident has led to a new nomination standard for the Court, as the process of being rejected has become known as "being Borked." For more on the confirmation process for Supreme Court Justices, see "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
*As the negotiations continue in an effort to avoid the "fiscal cliff," President Obama proposed a counteroffer to Speaker Boehner lifting the floor for taxes to increase from the initial level of $250,000 per family to $400,000 with cuts to raise revenue of $1.7 Trillion over 10 years. In response to the counteroffer, Speaker Boehner refused to consider his demand that tax rates rise only on those making over $1 Million per year, plus unspecified cuts to "entitlements." Not only did Boehner reject the President's offer, he is moving forward to have his "Plan B" voted on before the full House, knowing full well that the plan will not be considered by the Senate. And the Games continue. Are Americans watching?
*According to the "independent" investigators of the Benghazi tragedy, the State Department has been criticized for its security plans for the consulate in Libya. Although the State Department is blamed for their poor plans, the report vindicates the efforts to put down the attack with force and reveals that no efforts were made to minimize the scope of the immediate security response to the attack. As a result of the report, four high ranking State Department officials have resigned. Comments from Republican pundits have just started to pin the security lapses on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in an effort to have something to cling to in the event she runs for President in 2016.
*In response to the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, President Obama has begun to assemble a committee to produce new gun control language for Congressional action by January. Since the mass shootings, legislators are talking about enacting new gun laws. We shall see the how much impact such legislation will have after the National Rifle Associations political machine gets into high gear.
*Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu has stated that Israel will not bow to international pressure and will instead, proceed to built up to 6,000 homes near Jerusalem. Personally, I am tired of the media labeling Israeli cities as "settlements" and Arab areas as "refugee camps." They are neither! The areas the press calls "Settlements" are CITIES, some with as many as 80,000 inhabitants, filled with paved streets, banks, libraries, court houses, police and fire stations, schools, and strip malls. The area the International community is complaining about is barren...there are NO homes on that land, unless you count a Bedouin tent with a satellite dish attached. Where does the World get the idea that Jews can't build in a land they possess? Where is the outrage that Jews are not allowed to live in any Arab countries? Where is the outrage with the notion that Jews cannot move wherever they want? Israel is a Jewish country. They have turned the desert into productive groves and cities. I've been there and I am personally tired of the lies being told by the U.N. (United Nothing) and the anti-Israel media.
*According to Treasury officials, the government is planning to reduce its ownership in GM stock over the next 12 months, which analysts state will result in a loss of Billions of dollars. Per Administration officials, potential losses from the sale of the stock have always been anticipated when the automaker was kept afloat by the bailout. Regardless, the government expects to garner in excess of $5.5 Billion through the stock sale.
*Last But Not Least - As the holiday season continues, I wish to thank everyone that has contributed to the teaching and nurturing of the children of America and hope Society recognizes the special relationship teachers have with their young charges in schools across the Nation. For those that have a habit of criticizing educators, please step back and consider where you obtained the skills to read, write and think critically. None of it comes without the guidance of educators. Have a great evening.
*As the negotiations continue in an effort to avoid the "fiscal cliff," President Obama proposed a counteroffer to Speaker Boehner lifting the floor for taxes to increase from the initial level of $250,000 per family to $400,000 with cuts to raise revenue of $1.7 Trillion over 10 years. In response to the counteroffer, Speaker Boehner refused to consider his demand that tax rates rise only on those making over $1 Million per year, plus unspecified cuts to "entitlements." Not only did Boehner reject the President's offer, he is moving forward to have his "Plan B" voted on before the full House, knowing full well that the plan will not be considered by the Senate. And the Games continue. Are Americans watching?
*According to the "independent" investigators of the Benghazi tragedy, the State Department has been criticized for its security plans for the consulate in Libya. Although the State Department is blamed for their poor plans, the report vindicates the efforts to put down the attack with force and reveals that no efforts were made to minimize the scope of the immediate security response to the attack. As a result of the report, four high ranking State Department officials have resigned. Comments from Republican pundits have just started to pin the security lapses on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in an effort to have something to cling to in the event she runs for President in 2016.
*In response to the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, President Obama has begun to assemble a committee to produce new gun control language for Congressional action by January. Since the mass shootings, legislators are talking about enacting new gun laws. We shall see the how much impact such legislation will have after the National Rifle Associations political machine gets into high gear.
*Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu has stated that Israel will not bow to international pressure and will instead, proceed to built up to 6,000 homes near Jerusalem. Personally, I am tired of the media labeling Israeli cities as "settlements" and Arab areas as "refugee camps." They are neither! The areas the press calls "Settlements" are CITIES, some with as many as 80,000 inhabitants, filled with paved streets, banks, libraries, court houses, police and fire stations, schools, and strip malls. The area the International community is complaining about is barren...there are NO homes on that land, unless you count a Bedouin tent with a satellite dish attached. Where does the World get the idea that Jews can't build in a land they possess? Where is the outrage that Jews are not allowed to live in any Arab countries? Where is the outrage with the notion that Jews cannot move wherever they want? Israel is a Jewish country. They have turned the desert into productive groves and cities. I've been there and I am personally tired of the lies being told by the U.N. (United Nothing) and the anti-Israel media.
*According to Treasury officials, the government is planning to reduce its ownership in GM stock over the next 12 months, which analysts state will result in a loss of Billions of dollars. Per Administration officials, potential losses from the sale of the stock have always been anticipated when the automaker was kept afloat by the bailout. Regardless, the government expects to garner in excess of $5.5 Billion through the stock sale.
*Last But Not Least - As the holiday season continues, I wish to thank everyone that has contributed to the teaching and nurturing of the children of America and hope Society recognizes the special relationship teachers have with their young charges in schools across the Nation. For those that have a habit of criticizing educators, please step back and consider where you obtained the skills to read, write and think critically. None of it comes without the guidance of educators. Have a great evening.
December 18, 2012 *Had another great time tonight with Robyn Davis and Joe Newman on The Robyn Report discussing gun rights, mental illness and the need to continue the national discussion on the Newton massacre.
December 17, 2012 *Word has just been received that Senator Daniel Inouye (Hawaii D) has just died at the age of 88. Senator Inouye was a World War II veteran and held his Senate seat since 1963! According to sources, his final words were "Aloha." The Nation has lost another patriot!
*According to news reports, Speaker John Boehner and President Obama spent 45 minutes meeting face to face in the White House to continue negotiating an end to the "Fiscal Cliff" crisis. According to sources, Boehner finally has backed off his prior position that tax rates cannot be raised on any America. Boehner instead, allegedly offered to allow tax rates to rise on families earning at least $1 Million per year. President Obama ran on the platform that tax rates were to be raised on all families making over $250,000 per year. Now that Boehner has "broken the seal" on tax rates, expect negotiations to go a bit faster towards a compromise is reached.
*According to recent polls, a majority of Americans approve new laws prohibiting possession of guns considered to be "Assault Weapons." Moreover, over 120,000 people have signed a petition demanding new gun laws according to the "We The People" petition website hosted by the White House. The numbers are expected to rise much higher, as the petition has only been online about 48 hours. Regardless how regulations will be defined, which is something for our legislative leaders to determine, you can guess the National Rifle Association (NRA) to oppose any regulations on firearms. Perhaps it is time for America to "pull the curtain" back on the NRA to prove their influence as an Interest Group is weakened, much as the influence of Grover Norquist has been reduced. American political leaders need to stand proud when dealing with such a senstive social and legal issue. We have heard enough from the NRA over the past few decades, perhaps it is time to hear from law enforcement officials and victims of gun violence now?
*Republican representative Tim Scott was appointed by South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley(R) to fill the seat for retiring Senator Jim DeMint, who is stepping down to take the presidency of The Heritage Foundation. A special election for the full Senate term will be held in 2014.
*In another stunningly stupid way, former Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has proclaimed the shootings in Connecticut to be directly related to the fact that Americans have “systematically removed God from our schools” and thus "shouldn’t be surprised when violence occurs there." What a STUPID statement, especially in light of the fact that mass shootings have also occurred at churches, where G-d is certainly loved. Mike Huckabee, Stupid is as Stupid Does. Why does anyone still listen to this nut job? Oh I forgot, he hosts a show Sunday nights on Fox News!
*Last But Not Least - Speaking of hosting a show, check me out with Robyn Davis, Joe Newman tomorrow on The Robyn Report between 5-6pm on See you on the radio!
*According to news reports, Speaker John Boehner and President Obama spent 45 minutes meeting face to face in the White House to continue negotiating an end to the "Fiscal Cliff" crisis. According to sources, Boehner finally has backed off his prior position that tax rates cannot be raised on any America. Boehner instead, allegedly offered to allow tax rates to rise on families earning at least $1 Million per year. President Obama ran on the platform that tax rates were to be raised on all families making over $250,000 per year. Now that Boehner has "broken the seal" on tax rates, expect negotiations to go a bit faster towards a compromise is reached.
*According to recent polls, a majority of Americans approve new laws prohibiting possession of guns considered to be "Assault Weapons." Moreover, over 120,000 people have signed a petition demanding new gun laws according to the "We The People" petition website hosted by the White House. The numbers are expected to rise much higher, as the petition has only been online about 48 hours. Regardless how regulations will be defined, which is something for our legislative leaders to determine, you can guess the National Rifle Association (NRA) to oppose any regulations on firearms. Perhaps it is time for America to "pull the curtain" back on the NRA to prove their influence as an Interest Group is weakened, much as the influence of Grover Norquist has been reduced. American political leaders need to stand proud when dealing with such a senstive social and legal issue. We have heard enough from the NRA over the past few decades, perhaps it is time to hear from law enforcement officials and victims of gun violence now?
*Republican representative Tim Scott was appointed by South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley(R) to fill the seat for retiring Senator Jim DeMint, who is stepping down to take the presidency of The Heritage Foundation. A special election for the full Senate term will be held in 2014.
*In another stunningly stupid way, former Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has proclaimed the shootings in Connecticut to be directly related to the fact that Americans have “systematically removed God from our schools” and thus "shouldn’t be surprised when violence occurs there." What a STUPID statement, especially in light of the fact that mass shootings have also occurred at churches, where G-d is certainly loved. Mike Huckabee, Stupid is as Stupid Does. Why does anyone still listen to this nut job? Oh I forgot, he hosts a show Sunday nights on Fox News!
*Last But Not Least - Speaking of hosting a show, check me out with Robyn Davis, Joe Newman tomorrow on The Robyn Report between 5-6pm on See you on the radio!
December 16, 2012 * With the details emerging in the Newton, CT massacre, it becomes more and more apparent that we need a comprehensive discussion about the use of guns in America. For more on this topic, see today's blog entitled, "We Have a Problem."
* Now that the Massacre is "sinking in", the public ignores the fact that another shooting occurred at a Birmingham hospital, wounding three before the shooter was killed. According to the Associated Press, police are still trying to figure out why the shooter was at the hospital. There is more to try to figure out here?
* The Associated Press also reported today that a Bartlesville, Oklahoma high school student recently was arrested after trying to convince fellow students to lock students inside a gym so that he could "bomb and shoot them all." Turned in by some of the students he tried to recruit, 18 year old Sammie Chavez was arrested. Authorities say none of the students were "in danger." Really? Anyone remember Columbine?
*Also reported by The AP is the news that a man fatally shot a man and a woman before killing himself on the casino floor at the Excaliber Casino in Las Vegas. Authorities are unclear whether the shooter had a relationship with the man and woman. Really? Knowing if there was a relationship makes more sense out of this killing?
*It was also reported that a shooter has been apprehended shooting rounds into a California mall. Fortunately, the shooter did not inflict any injuries on innocent shoppers.
*It was also just reported as "Breaking News" that a bomb threat was called in claiming a bomb had been placed at a Roman Catholic Church located close to the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. Are Americans paying attention to all of this madness?
*According to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, a day long gun show was held in town, featuring fire arms as cheap as "$89.99 with an additional discount available to veterans." I wonder if sales were brisk because of a concern for security or a concern that the government will now "take their guns away from them?" Right after the tragedy, a friend posed a petition demanding that President Obama stop taking away "a million rifles" from Americans. Ironically, Obama has NEVER suggested such a thing, but those on the Right of the political spectrum continue to claim gun rights are more important as a "liberty" than "life" itself. Slippery slope argument again anyone? Where does gun ownership fit "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness?"
* Last But Not Least - On this day, Jean and Phyllis Rubin had a third child 55 years ago at Memorial Hospital in South Bend, Indiana. Thanks Mom and Dad for having me! 1957...the year Wham-O Company produced the first Frisbee; Buddy Holly and The Crickets record "That'll be The Day;" and Sputnik 2 carried a dog into space!
* Now that the Massacre is "sinking in", the public ignores the fact that another shooting occurred at a Birmingham hospital, wounding three before the shooter was killed. According to the Associated Press, police are still trying to figure out why the shooter was at the hospital. There is more to try to figure out here?
* The Associated Press also reported today that a Bartlesville, Oklahoma high school student recently was arrested after trying to convince fellow students to lock students inside a gym so that he could "bomb and shoot them all." Turned in by some of the students he tried to recruit, 18 year old Sammie Chavez was arrested. Authorities say none of the students were "in danger." Really? Anyone remember Columbine?
*Also reported by The AP is the news that a man fatally shot a man and a woman before killing himself on the casino floor at the Excaliber Casino in Las Vegas. Authorities are unclear whether the shooter had a relationship with the man and woman. Really? Knowing if there was a relationship makes more sense out of this killing?
*It was also reported that a shooter has been apprehended shooting rounds into a California mall. Fortunately, the shooter did not inflict any injuries on innocent shoppers.
*It was also just reported as "Breaking News" that a bomb threat was called in claiming a bomb had been placed at a Roman Catholic Church located close to the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. Are Americans paying attention to all of this madness?
*According to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, a day long gun show was held in town, featuring fire arms as cheap as "$89.99 with an additional discount available to veterans." I wonder if sales were brisk because of a concern for security or a concern that the government will now "take their guns away from them?" Right after the tragedy, a friend posed a petition demanding that President Obama stop taking away "a million rifles" from Americans. Ironically, Obama has NEVER suggested such a thing, but those on the Right of the political spectrum continue to claim gun rights are more important as a "liberty" than "life" itself. Slippery slope argument again anyone? Where does gun ownership fit "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness?"
* Last But Not Least - On this day, Jean and Phyllis Rubin had a third child 55 years ago at Memorial Hospital in South Bend, Indiana. Thanks Mom and Dad for having me! 1957...the year Wham-O Company produced the first Frisbee; Buddy Holly and The Crickets record "That'll be The Day;" and Sputnik 2 carried a dog into space!
December 13, 2012 * As mentioned earlier, Republicans are losing the public relations battle when it comes to their positions on the impending "Fiscal Cliff." Once again, recent polls indicate Americans are "on board" with President Obama's policy of demanding income tax increases on the top 2% of Americans. Yet the GOP Leadership in the form of Speaker of the House John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell refuse to accept that condition before negotiating any other terms before we all go flying off the Congressionally created "Fiscal Cliff." According to the most recent poll conducted by the Wall Street Journal/NBC, 75% of Americans agree that raising taxes to avoid the "cliff" is appropriate. 75%! Please consider this fact. Over 61% of Republicans agree that if raising tax rates on the wealthiest Americans is needed to avoid the "Cliff" they would also approve. Who exactly is the GOP leadership representing then? Do they have any idea how much long term damage they are doing to the GOP brand if their refusal to negotiate with rax rate increases forces us over the "Fiscal Cliff?"
*Speaking of polling, recent polls also show Americans have elevated President Obama's approval rating to its highest level since the killing of Bin Laden. Why is it then so difficult for the GOP to admit that Americans have abandoned Conservative policies as they relate to the economy and the leadership of Obama? Again, we live in a Democracy. The people are speaking. When will the GOP begin to listen? If this goes on into 2013, expect GOP election plans to fall on "Deaf Ears!"
*As mentioned in today's blog, UN Ambassador and Rhodes Scholar Susan Rice has formally withdrawn her name as a candidate for the nomination for Secretary of State when Hillary Clinton steps down. Rice becamse embroiled in a political "brew-ha-ha" over her comments following the Benghazi tragedy. Seems the Republicans win one on this front, as Senators Graham and McCain made it clear Rice's nomination would face the "Nuclear Option" in the Senate (see "How Our Government really Works, Despite What They Say" for a discussion on the "Nuclear Option."). At least Ms. Rice will maintain her position as Ambassador to the U.N. ("United Nothing").
*Republican Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed a new "Right to Work Law" limiting Unions in both the public and private sectors in Michigan. Will Republican governors ever learn? They want to kill the Unions so badly they are willing to do anything, including passing bills attacking unions during Lame Duck Sessions, just weeks after the Governor publicly claimed he would not allow them to pass into law. What is the part they never will learn? The working Middle Class, whose Grandparents, parents, sublings and children work as union members, will never forget the attacks. Come election day, payback will be a bitch. Just ask Florida GOP Governor Rick Scott how he likes his current popularity rating! Folks in Florida actually have countdown clocks running down to election day, 2014 until they get him out of office!
*Last But Not Least - If you did not catch it, The Midwest Book Review has recommended "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say" and described is as a "fine and insightful addition to poltical science and history collections." I am very honored!
*Speaking of polling, recent polls also show Americans have elevated President Obama's approval rating to its highest level since the killing of Bin Laden. Why is it then so difficult for the GOP to admit that Americans have abandoned Conservative policies as they relate to the economy and the leadership of Obama? Again, we live in a Democracy. The people are speaking. When will the GOP begin to listen? If this goes on into 2013, expect GOP election plans to fall on "Deaf Ears!"
*As mentioned in today's blog, UN Ambassador and Rhodes Scholar Susan Rice has formally withdrawn her name as a candidate for the nomination for Secretary of State when Hillary Clinton steps down. Rice becamse embroiled in a political "brew-ha-ha" over her comments following the Benghazi tragedy. Seems the Republicans win one on this front, as Senators Graham and McCain made it clear Rice's nomination would face the "Nuclear Option" in the Senate (see "How Our Government really Works, Despite What They Say" for a discussion on the "Nuclear Option."). At least Ms. Rice will maintain her position as Ambassador to the U.N. ("United Nothing").
*Republican Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed a new "Right to Work Law" limiting Unions in both the public and private sectors in Michigan. Will Republican governors ever learn? They want to kill the Unions so badly they are willing to do anything, including passing bills attacking unions during Lame Duck Sessions, just weeks after the Governor publicly claimed he would not allow them to pass into law. What is the part they never will learn? The working Middle Class, whose Grandparents, parents, sublings and children work as union members, will never forget the attacks. Come election day, payback will be a bitch. Just ask Florida GOP Governor Rick Scott how he likes his current popularity rating! Folks in Florida actually have countdown clocks running down to election day, 2014 until they get him out of office!
*Last But Not Least - If you did not catch it, The Midwest Book Review has recommended "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say" and described is as a "fine and insightful addition to poltical science and history collections." I am very honored!
December 10, 2012 *Not a lot to write about. The Fiscal Cliff negotiations have "gone dark" with both President Obama and Speaker Boehner keeping the discussions "close to the vest." Not much else happening poltical wise.
*Happy Chanukah to all of my family and friends!
*Last But Not Least - Catch me tomorrow night with Robyn Davis on The Robyn Report on between 5 and 6 pm. See you on the radio!
*Happy Chanukah to all of my family and friends!
*Last But Not Least - Catch me tomorrow night with Robyn Davis on The Robyn Report on between 5 and 6 pm. See you on the radio!
December 9, 2012 *For the first time ever, the United States Supreme Court has issued a Writ of Certiorari to hear two cases relating to same sex marriage and their legality under the Constitution. As some of you may know, the Court has over the past century, gone through an evolution of selectively incorporating Federal Constitutional rights into law, superseding state law and is in a position to again incorporate the 14th Amendment's application of Equal Protection across the Nation. Why is this necessary? Because marriage is one of the last bastions of 10th Amendment rights maintained by states. Since the Obama Administration has made it public that they do not support the Defense of Marriage Act ("DOMA") defining marriage as between a man and a women, the issue appears ripe for the Court to intervene. Legal experts do not expect sweeping decisions, as in all Constitutional controversies, the Court must first establish jurisdiction and then decide how broad the focus any decision will have upon states unwilling to recognize same sex marriage. For some, marriage is a sacred right to be determined by each state. For others, the Constitution recognizes Equal Protection for all, regardless of religious and/or state views. Keep tabs on these cases, as the Court is wading into the issue of the decade! Now if we could only get the Court to rule on the constitutionality of The Patriot Act! For more on Writs of Certiorari, see my book "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
* According to the latest report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, unemployment fell to 7.7%, the lowest in over 4 years! Despite the report, there are a number of concerns as consumer confidence is still not as high as economists would like to see. Perhaps the continuous bickering about the "fiscal cliff" is not helping? You may recall, that just a little over a month ago, Republicans made it their campaign focus to convince each American that our economy is "tragic", heading down the tubes "like Greece" and that Obama was intentionally tanking our economy to take over as King. And now that "fiscal cliff" talks are the main focus, what happened to the claim our leaders were concentrating on creating jobs? Go figure!
*Speaking of the "Fiscal Cliff", Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) continues to proclaim negotiations are stalemated because "Obama will not budge on his demands for higher tax rates" and the President is demanding "It's my way or the highway!" Since Obama ran on the issue of raising tax rates on the wealthiest Americans and won, and considering he is willing to negotiate how much those rates go up, where does Boehner get the idea that he can hold out for anything else? Can you say "politics?" Politically, Boehner must put a very tough front on in public to assure his caucus that he is not caving in and is holding firm, before he eventually... caves in. But what about the President? According to The Economist, he too is under tremendous pressure from his political base to assert leverage provided from the election against the Republicans. (See today's blog for more on this topic)!
*According to The Associated Press, campaign finance filings have proven that the 2012 presidential race was the most expensive in United States history, hitting a record $2Billion. Can anyone guess what $2 Billion could build? How many jobs it could create (besides the President's)? How many bridges could that build? When will we wake up and realize that money within our government and our elections is a corruptive force, counter-productive to the aims and interests of our Country?
*After obtaining Non-Member status from the U.N. ("United Nothing"), the leader of Hamas, Khaled Mashaal came out of hiding and told the World just how grateful Hamas is for the International recogniztion by proclaiming to his loyal followers that Hamas will use its influence to "eliminate Israel." Now that the U.N. has given Hamas a platform with legitimate recognition, let's call it like it really is. The World is afraid of Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Queda, and all Radical Muslims and is willing to appease them by watching Israel be detroyed. So it is no suprise that when Isreal approves new settlements in areas surrounding Jerusalem, the World cries for "peace"...with some claiming Israel engages in "Crimes against humanity." But what about the efforts of Hamas to kill Israelis? What about the Arabs killing each other by the thousands in Syria? In Iraq? In Afghanistan? The World ignores the threat of Radical Muslims with a hope of calming them down by allowing them to claim Israel is the real reason for all of the unrest in the Middle East. Perhaps the World would be better off confronting the Radical Muslims head on instead?
*It may come as a shock to most Republican pundits, but election results are finally being certified throughout the Nation and they reveal an ugly fact the GOP is having a difficult time swallowing. Despite the ramblings from George Will and Charles Krauthammer that Obama has no mandate and that his victory was "Slim" over Romney, vote totals revealed by the US Election Atlas Organization indicate that Obama actually defeated Romney by 4.602 Million votes, or a difference of 50.95% to 47.33%. Not exactly a "slim" victory as portrayed by the Right's talking heads. Considering George W. Bush won in 2004 by a margin of 2.12 Million votes and a percentage of 50.7% vs. 48.3% and Bush defeated Al Gore in 2000 by losing the popular vote by over 500,000 votes but won the Electoral college by 2 votes, what are these Republicans doing? Are they reporting from the State of Washington after smoking legalized recreational marijuana? Americans should realize the things being "sold" to us by Conservative pundits and journalists, is all "Smoke and Mirrors!"
*Last But Not Least - With the Jewish festival of Chanukah starting last night, the right to religious freedom is celebrated. May everyone recognize that Judaism accepts all religious views and that Jews appreciate life and peace and throughout the centuries, has never asked to hated and despised by others. Israel is a symbol of that freedom and a spirit of independance from evil and those that want to destroy her. Am Yisroel Chai. Happy Chanuklah to everyone!
* According to the latest report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, unemployment fell to 7.7%, the lowest in over 4 years! Despite the report, there are a number of concerns as consumer confidence is still not as high as economists would like to see. Perhaps the continuous bickering about the "fiscal cliff" is not helping? You may recall, that just a little over a month ago, Republicans made it their campaign focus to convince each American that our economy is "tragic", heading down the tubes "like Greece" and that Obama was intentionally tanking our economy to take over as King. And now that "fiscal cliff" talks are the main focus, what happened to the claim our leaders were concentrating on creating jobs? Go figure!
*Speaking of the "Fiscal Cliff", Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) continues to proclaim negotiations are stalemated because "Obama will not budge on his demands for higher tax rates" and the President is demanding "It's my way or the highway!" Since Obama ran on the issue of raising tax rates on the wealthiest Americans and won, and considering he is willing to negotiate how much those rates go up, where does Boehner get the idea that he can hold out for anything else? Can you say "politics?" Politically, Boehner must put a very tough front on in public to assure his caucus that he is not caving in and is holding firm, before he eventually... caves in. But what about the President? According to The Economist, he too is under tremendous pressure from his political base to assert leverage provided from the election against the Republicans. (See today's blog for more on this topic)!
*According to The Associated Press, campaign finance filings have proven that the 2012 presidential race was the most expensive in United States history, hitting a record $2Billion. Can anyone guess what $2 Billion could build? How many jobs it could create (besides the President's)? How many bridges could that build? When will we wake up and realize that money within our government and our elections is a corruptive force, counter-productive to the aims and interests of our Country?
*After obtaining Non-Member status from the U.N. ("United Nothing"), the leader of Hamas, Khaled Mashaal came out of hiding and told the World just how grateful Hamas is for the International recogniztion by proclaiming to his loyal followers that Hamas will use its influence to "eliminate Israel." Now that the U.N. has given Hamas a platform with legitimate recognition, let's call it like it really is. The World is afraid of Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Queda, and all Radical Muslims and is willing to appease them by watching Israel be detroyed. So it is no suprise that when Isreal approves new settlements in areas surrounding Jerusalem, the World cries for "peace"...with some claiming Israel engages in "Crimes against humanity." But what about the efforts of Hamas to kill Israelis? What about the Arabs killing each other by the thousands in Syria? In Iraq? In Afghanistan? The World ignores the threat of Radical Muslims with a hope of calming them down by allowing them to claim Israel is the real reason for all of the unrest in the Middle East. Perhaps the World would be better off confronting the Radical Muslims head on instead?
*It may come as a shock to most Republican pundits, but election results are finally being certified throughout the Nation and they reveal an ugly fact the GOP is having a difficult time swallowing. Despite the ramblings from George Will and Charles Krauthammer that Obama has no mandate and that his victory was "Slim" over Romney, vote totals revealed by the US Election Atlas Organization indicate that Obama actually defeated Romney by 4.602 Million votes, or a difference of 50.95% to 47.33%. Not exactly a "slim" victory as portrayed by the Right's talking heads. Considering George W. Bush won in 2004 by a margin of 2.12 Million votes and a percentage of 50.7% vs. 48.3% and Bush defeated Al Gore in 2000 by losing the popular vote by over 500,000 votes but won the Electoral college by 2 votes, what are these Republicans doing? Are they reporting from the State of Washington after smoking legalized recreational marijuana? Americans should realize the things being "sold" to us by Conservative pundits and journalists, is all "Smoke and Mirrors!"
*Last But Not Least - With the Jewish festival of Chanukah starting last night, the right to religious freedom is celebrated. May everyone recognize that Judaism accepts all religious views and that Jews appreciate life and peace and throughout the centuries, has never asked to hated and despised by others. Israel is a symbol of that freedom and a spirit of independance from evil and those that want to destroy her. Am Yisroel Chai. Happy Chanuklah to everyone!
December 6, 2012 *GOP Senator and Tea Party favorite Jim DeMint surprised everyone by announcing his resignation from the US Senate in order to accept the Presidency of the Far Right Heritage Foundation. According to tax records, Sen. DeMint has a net worth of between $40,o00 and $60,000, but will be moving from an annual Senate salary of $174,000 to a significant upgrade at the Heritage Foundation of a guestimated $1 Million plus! Money talks, and Tea gets weak when it gets diluted over time!
*In an effort to look tough to his caucus, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) continues to butt heads with President Obama over the "Fiscal Cliff" negotiations. Ironically, it may all be for show, as Boehner is willing to negotiate with the President, but cannot be viewed by his GOP caucus as being "soft" on tax hikes for fear his Speakership will be challenged when the new Congress goes into session in January. Unfortunately for Boehner, departing Sen. Jim DeMint proclaimed on Rush Limbaugh's radio program that Boehner may also be on the way out. Republican civil war. It could get uglier!
*After igniting the wrath of union members and those related to them, Michigan's governor has introduced a Right To Work Bill in the Michigan legislature in an effort to eliminate collective bargaining rights. For those unfamiliar with collective bargaining, it has been a union strategy since Samuel Gompers founded the American Federation of Labor and has been an accepted element in union contract negotiations ever since. How long has that been? Since 1886!
*Along these lines, the U.S. Senate attempted to bring a bill to the floor for a vote enabling President Obama to automatically renew the debt ceiling, instead of relying on Congress to do so. As you may know, no Congress has ever held the debt ceiling as a bargaining chip when dealing with budget negotiations until the TEA Party and the GOP did so in 2010/2011. Who is putting a hold on this proposed Bill? None other than Senate Minority Leader, Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY)! For more on a skewed narrative about the debt ceiling, see Dan Henninger's recent article entitled "Obama's Ruinous Course" in the Wall Street Journal. Apparently, some on the Right think Americans are too stupid to understand what the debt ceiling is really about. See today's blog about this and other Op-Ed's written for the WSJ by Mr. Henninger.
*Last But Not Least - Darden, Inc., corporate franchisor of Red Lobster and Olive Garden restaurants had threatened to reduce full time workers to part time status in an effort to avoid complying with the mandates of Obamacare, but the public's vocal opposition to the threat has convinced Darden executives to keep their employees on full time work schedules as well as make health care plans available to all employees that has been previously available only to executives. Isn't is amazing how powerful the American consumer can be if they collectively pursue their economic demands? Give health benefits or lose customers. Darden executives seem to have acknowledged; "Message received, loud and clear!" Why is it so hard then for GOP Governors to hear the same message when it comes to hard working Americans demanding collective bargaining when it comes to their benefits and wages? Will Americans have to take a stand again? Didn't the most recent elections teach the GOP anything?
*In an effort to look tough to his caucus, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) continues to butt heads with President Obama over the "Fiscal Cliff" negotiations. Ironically, it may all be for show, as Boehner is willing to negotiate with the President, but cannot be viewed by his GOP caucus as being "soft" on tax hikes for fear his Speakership will be challenged when the new Congress goes into session in January. Unfortunately for Boehner, departing Sen. Jim DeMint proclaimed on Rush Limbaugh's radio program that Boehner may also be on the way out. Republican civil war. It could get uglier!
*After igniting the wrath of union members and those related to them, Michigan's governor has introduced a Right To Work Bill in the Michigan legislature in an effort to eliminate collective bargaining rights. For those unfamiliar with collective bargaining, it has been a union strategy since Samuel Gompers founded the American Federation of Labor and has been an accepted element in union contract negotiations ever since. How long has that been? Since 1886!
*Along these lines, the U.S. Senate attempted to bring a bill to the floor for a vote enabling President Obama to automatically renew the debt ceiling, instead of relying on Congress to do so. As you may know, no Congress has ever held the debt ceiling as a bargaining chip when dealing with budget negotiations until the TEA Party and the GOP did so in 2010/2011. Who is putting a hold on this proposed Bill? None other than Senate Minority Leader, Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY)! For more on a skewed narrative about the debt ceiling, see Dan Henninger's recent article entitled "Obama's Ruinous Course" in the Wall Street Journal. Apparently, some on the Right think Americans are too stupid to understand what the debt ceiling is really about. See today's blog about this and other Op-Ed's written for the WSJ by Mr. Henninger.
*Last But Not Least - Darden, Inc., corporate franchisor of Red Lobster and Olive Garden restaurants had threatened to reduce full time workers to part time status in an effort to avoid complying with the mandates of Obamacare, but the public's vocal opposition to the threat has convinced Darden executives to keep their employees on full time work schedules as well as make health care plans available to all employees that has been previously available only to executives. Isn't is amazing how powerful the American consumer can be if they collectively pursue their economic demands? Give health benefits or lose customers. Darden executives seem to have acknowledged; "Message received, loud and clear!" Why is it so hard then for GOP Governors to hear the same message when it comes to hard working Americans demanding collective bargaining when it comes to their benefits and wages? Will Americans have to take a stand again? Didn't the most recent elections teach the GOP anything?
December 5, 2012 * Once again, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) claims he is raising taxes on the top 2% of Americans by cutting tax deductions/loopholes in the tax code. The only problem is simple to appreciate. Boehner refuses to identify specifically which deductions and/or loopholes he would agree to cut. In fact, even the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) states that the GOP proposal to treat cuts to deductions and/or loopholes will not raise enough revenue to cover the $800 Billion in deficit reduction that claim will result from their "plan." In other words, their "plan" is void of any plan details. As we approach the "fiscal cliff", the GOP would be quite wise to avoid allowing the economic damage that will be suffered by America because they prefer to protect the wealthiest Americans from paying a few percent more in income taxes. According to the Washington Post/Pew Research Poll of December 3, 53% of Americans will blame Republicans if we are all forced to fall off the "Fiscal cliff" and only 29% would blame Obama. Obviously, if we all fall over the "cliff" we all will suffer, but it is equally clear that Republicans will suffer the most for their political folly.
* While political negotiations are underway to deal with the fiscal "cliff" (I prefer to label it the "slope"), the Senate unanimously voted to increase Defense spending by $631 Billion. So much for fiscal responsibility!
* Speaking of the Senate, the U.N. ("United Nothing") passed a treaty based upon the Americans with Disabilities Act so that the same provisions will be enforced World-wide and not just in the United States. Incredibly, the Treaty signed by President Obama failed to get the 2/3 approval in the Senate as the Treaty was rejected by a vote of 61-38, with all opposition coming from Republicans. According to The Associated Press, the treaty (which follows existing American law), has already been ratified by 126 countries, including China and Russia. The twisted reason for the Republican opposition? They fear ratification would cede enforcement to the U.N. Huh? The treaty MIRRORS existing U.S. law which is already enforced by Local, State and Federal governments! Senator John Kerry (D-MA) has pledged to reintroduce the Treaty for ratification a few months down the road by adding enforcement language that will appease the right wing faction of the GOP (folks, the list of Republican senators voting "nay" on the ratification includes presidential wannabe Marco Rubio (R-FL)!
*Word got out yesterday that Fox News director Roger Ailes asked Fox National Security analyst Kathleen McFarland last spring to meet with Gen. David Patreaus and ask him to seriously consider running for the GOP presidential nomination. So much for Fox News simply being a "Fair and Balanced" media outlet and not a driver of the GOP's national political agenda! For more on this subject, see today's blog.
*Last But Not Least - Car sales for November, 2012 jumped 12% according to J.D. Power & Associates which tracks new auto sales. Although Chrysler enjoyed increased sales, GM experience a flat month for the number of units, even though the total sold for GM auto's was the highest since 2007. The reason for the sales to appear "flat" is because GM has a diverse line of vehicles, with some lines selling better than others. Either way, Detroit remains moving forward with improved sales. Care to imagine if they would have liquidated in 2009? Perhaps the auto bailout is a major reason for the re-election of Barack Obama to the presidency?
* While political negotiations are underway to deal with the fiscal "cliff" (I prefer to label it the "slope"), the Senate unanimously voted to increase Defense spending by $631 Billion. So much for fiscal responsibility!
* Speaking of the Senate, the U.N. ("United Nothing") passed a treaty based upon the Americans with Disabilities Act so that the same provisions will be enforced World-wide and not just in the United States. Incredibly, the Treaty signed by President Obama failed to get the 2/3 approval in the Senate as the Treaty was rejected by a vote of 61-38, with all opposition coming from Republicans. According to The Associated Press, the treaty (which follows existing American law), has already been ratified by 126 countries, including China and Russia. The twisted reason for the Republican opposition? They fear ratification would cede enforcement to the U.N. Huh? The treaty MIRRORS existing U.S. law which is already enforced by Local, State and Federal governments! Senator John Kerry (D-MA) has pledged to reintroduce the Treaty for ratification a few months down the road by adding enforcement language that will appease the right wing faction of the GOP (folks, the list of Republican senators voting "nay" on the ratification includes presidential wannabe Marco Rubio (R-FL)!
*Word got out yesterday that Fox News director Roger Ailes asked Fox National Security analyst Kathleen McFarland last spring to meet with Gen. David Patreaus and ask him to seriously consider running for the GOP presidential nomination. So much for Fox News simply being a "Fair and Balanced" media outlet and not a driver of the GOP's national political agenda! For more on this subject, see today's blog.
*Last But Not Least - Car sales for November, 2012 jumped 12% according to J.D. Power & Associates which tracks new auto sales. Although Chrysler enjoyed increased sales, GM experience a flat month for the number of units, even though the total sold for GM auto's was the highest since 2007. The reason for the sales to appear "flat" is because GM has a diverse line of vehicles, with some lines selling better than others. Either way, Detroit remains moving forward with improved sales. Care to imagine if they would have liquidated in 2009? Perhaps the auto bailout is a major reason for the re-election of Barack Obama to the presidency?
December 3, 2012 *The "game" being played by our political leaders continues as it relates to the "Fiscal Cliff". Republicans are currently refusing to raise tax rates on the wealthiest Americans and instead demand changes to tax deductions and cuts in entitlement spending as an alternative before agreeing to adding any revenue to offset the federal deficit currently sitting at approximately $17 Trillion. According to ABC OTUS, the Republicans have flat out rejected raising tax rates yet demand cuts to deductions without specifying what deduction they would cut. As long as the GOP portrays negotiations as a "Take it or leave it" proposition, we must all prepare to fall off the fiscal "cliff." My guess, is that Obama will use his Executive Power to direct the IRS to ignore rate increases and to enforce increases on the wealthy. By doing so, he may be able to avert the "cliff" without Congressional approval, all the while portraying Congress for what it truly has become...dysfunctional!
* According to a variety of news sources, a bevy of potential 2016 GOP Presidential candidates have been courting big donors. Based upon the latest setback for big donors delving in Super PACS's affecting political campaigns, it may be tougher and tougher for GOP candidates to secure the big bucks from former big donors. One thing is for sure, money is now a top priority for potential candidates at any level, so begging for the cold hard cash is now more than ever a required talent.
*According to Reuters, President Obama has issued stern warnings to Syria that the use of chemical weapons against its own people engaged in the current civil war will result in direct U.S. involvement in the conflict. I am assuming President Obama spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin before issue such an edict. Aren't geopolitical moves fun?
*According to The Associated Press, Mitt Romney has accepted an invitation to return to the Marriott International's Hotel Chain's Board of Directors. This would be Romney's third stint on the Marriott Board and according to the AP, Romney is named after the chain's founder, John Willard Marriott who was a close friend of Romney's father.
*According to The New Yorker, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is going to set herself up to run for President in 2016. With her popularity soaring, Republicans are already creating narratives that she is dangerous for Israel and would be bad for the Country. Regardless of the GOP narrative, Clinton enjoys a popularity rating higher than any recent candidates for the presidency. My guess is that Hillary will run in 2016 and will not be opposed by a Democratic opponent. Only time will tell.
*Last But Not Least - I will be with Robyn Davis and The Robyn Report between 5 and 6pm at See you on the Radio tomorrow night!
* According to a variety of news sources, a bevy of potential 2016 GOP Presidential candidates have been courting big donors. Based upon the latest setback for big donors delving in Super PACS's affecting political campaigns, it may be tougher and tougher for GOP candidates to secure the big bucks from former big donors. One thing is for sure, money is now a top priority for potential candidates at any level, so begging for the cold hard cash is now more than ever a required talent.
*According to Reuters, President Obama has issued stern warnings to Syria that the use of chemical weapons against its own people engaged in the current civil war will result in direct U.S. involvement in the conflict. I am assuming President Obama spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin before issue such an edict. Aren't geopolitical moves fun?
*According to The Associated Press, Mitt Romney has accepted an invitation to return to the Marriott International's Hotel Chain's Board of Directors. This would be Romney's third stint on the Marriott Board and according to the AP, Romney is named after the chain's founder, John Willard Marriott who was a close friend of Romney's father.
*According to The New Yorker, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is going to set herself up to run for President in 2016. With her popularity soaring, Republicans are already creating narratives that she is dangerous for Israel and would be bad for the Country. Regardless of the GOP narrative, Clinton enjoys a popularity rating higher than any recent candidates for the presidency. My guess is that Hillary will run in 2016 and will not be opposed by a Democratic opponent. Only time will tell.
*Last But Not Least - I will be with Robyn Davis and The Robyn Report between 5 and 6pm at See you on the Radio tomorrow night!
December 2, 2012 *As we all now know, President Obama's proposals to avoid the upcoming self-inflicted "Fiscal Cliff" have been rejected out of hand by Republican "Leaders" because they feel they should drive the terms of the deal instead of the recently re-elected President. Don't take my word for it, look at the proposals and you will find they both follow their respective Obama and Romney economic plans. Word to the Republicans, you lost. Time to give some props to the President and recognize that Americans by a large majority favor raising taxes on the wealthiest amongst us. "Not the party of the Rich?" Remember when the GOP claimed this notion? That dog won't hunt!
*The U.N. ("United Nothing") again proved it is out of touch with reality by rewarding the Palestinians for engaging in bloodshed with "Unofficial" recognition of statehood. Can anyone actually claim with a straight face that this vote was not approval for Arabs to annihilate the Jewish State of Israel? Really? Give Hamas a country because they deserve it? Give the Judean Hills and Samaria to the Palestinians because they want peace? Divide Israel in half so that the refugees from Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt have a homeland? Israel has been around since 1948 and has developed into a First World country. The "land" in dispute is only in the West Bank (Israel ceded Gaza years ago). What have the Palestinians done with this land since Israel "liberated" it in 1967? In reaction, Israel has authorized expanding settlements in the West Bank. If the World is going to condemn you for whatever you do, then just do it. I call it the "Nike Principle" of expansion. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I stand with Israel. I no longer care if others don't!
* Former President George H.W. Bush, 88 is resting comfortably in a Houston hospital after suffering from respiratory distress. Prayers go out to President Bush and his family for his speedy recovery.
* Egypt has begun to experience the reality of democracy and it does not like it. In what seems to be a truism more and more these days, Arab nations embrace the notion of democracy to hold free elections, only to turn the election into a referendum on a dictatorship once high office is achieved. Note that Hamas "won" a free and fair election but they have never relinquished control of Gaza and remain entrenched and empowered through the use of terror and death. Anyone know when their next "free and fair election" is scheduled to be held? Look at Egypt now. Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Morsi was democratically elected President of Egypt only to now engage in a naked power play to solidify his power over those that freely elected him. Will America ever learn that the concept of democracy is lost on those whose culture is more entrenched in theocratic bullying and force? There remains only one democracy in the Middle East. So why does the World always move against her? Go figure?
* An article in the Washington Post reports that a federal mandate from 2008 requiring installation of anti-rollover devices in SUV's has reaped obvious rewards. According to the report, between 2008 and 2010, over 2,202 American lives have been saved because of the installation of these federally mandated safety devices. So much for the "Big Bad" Federal Government jamming unwanted "Job Killing" regulations on us. Another instance of the good the Federal Government can play in our society. For more on this topic, see my book "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
* According to The Associated Press, the USS Enterprise, our first nuclear aircraft carrier put into service 51 years ago is now heading into retirement. Ironically, China is testing their first nuclear aircraft carrier. Just goes to show how far behind China is when it comes to military might! We know they are trying hard to catch up, but the U.S. shall always lead the World on military presence and firepower. Why else would President Obama begin to shift some of our naval focus to Asia in 2011?
* The Washington Post reports that North Korea is trying again to launch a long-range missile (in the guise of putting a satellite into orbit). We know what happened with the last effort, it barely got off the launch pad. Obviously, if North Korea can launch a vehicle into orbit, it can then deliver weaponry in the same fashion. Although this might not appear to be an immediate threat, North Korea is an exporter (the only thing they sell) of nuclear technology and will be anxious to sell such capabilities to wanting countries, especially Iran. I have an idea for this problem. Have our anti-missile submarines in place and if the vehicle begins to climb, blow it out of the sky. Then follow it up with a stern warning to North Korea, Iran and any other rogue state that "children should not play with fire, else they get burned!"
* Now for my traditional Sunday run down of Congressional action (when there is any). In the GOP controlled House of Representatives, a Bill was passed (245-139) establishing 55,000 permanent resident visas to aliens possessing advanced degrees from American universities in the fields of Science, Technology Engineering and Math (STEM). Sounds great right? Unfortunately, the Bill allows for the extension of these visas at the direct expense of the existing "Diversity Immigrant Visa Program" already in place to encourage immigration from countries with already low rates of emigration. Democrats opposed the Bill based upon the swapping of the Visa programs. An effort by Democrats to save the Diversity Program through an amendment lost by a vote of 231-157. For the entire week, this is all the House managed to deal with. Since they have exclusive authority to revise the tax code (see Article I, Sections 7 and 8), you would think they would already be working on that enormous task I know, lame duck and all. But go figure when the GOP complains about the tax code, yet has had control of the House for over 2 years (and the next 2 years) and have proposed nothing that will revise it. Talk about failed leadership!
In the Democratic controlled Senate, a Bill was passed (67-29) to force US Citizens or legal residents to have their day in court instead of being held indefinitely without a trial on charges of terrorism. GOP opponents argued that such a measure would grant Congress the authority to determine who is afforded these Constitutional rights on a case by case basis. I would have thought that would have been up to the Courts, but then again, "Military Combatants" was a term created out of whole cloth by the Bush Administration and the Courts have yet to rule on it's Constitutionality! The Senate also passed a Bill (54-41) prohibiting terror suspects from being transferred from Guantanimo Bay to a "Supermax" prison within the United States. Another Bill passed by the Senate (62-37) extended the U.S. Military's use of alternative fuels in an effort to wean itself from traditional fossil fuels (ie., Oil). The Bill require the Pentagon to continue to use alternate fuels, since the US Military is the World's single largest consumer of oil. Seems like a "No Brainer" huh? 37 GOP Senators voted against it, including Florida GOP Senator Marco Rubio. Wonder if they receive financial support from petroleum producers? And a final Bill was passed unanimously barring any company or individual from engaging in trade of any kind with Iran. My only question is simple! Why was this not already the law?
*Last But Not Least - House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has indicated she will introduce a Bill in the House calling for the automatic extension of tax cuts for those making less than $200,ooo per year, or a family of four making less than $250,000 per year. The objective of the effort is two-fold. One is to immediately relieve the Middle Class from the effects of the "Fiscal Cliff" (rendering the impact of the "Cliff" much less of a problem for our economy and buying sufficient time to negotiate other economic matters) and the other is to force the GOP in the House to decide whether they should force the Middle Class over the "Cliff" by rejecting the Pelosi Bill and favoring the wealthiest Americans instead. In my opinion, the GOP gained an extension of the Bush Tax Cuts from Obama in 2010 by forcing all tax cuts to be bundled and it worked for them then. At the time President Obama promised the Cuts would be "temporary" and that he would vetio any further extension of the cuts for the wealthiest Americans. But now after the election? The GOP is trying to use the same "bundling" tactic. Check out today's blog on this very issue of Leadership.
*The U.N. ("United Nothing") again proved it is out of touch with reality by rewarding the Palestinians for engaging in bloodshed with "Unofficial" recognition of statehood. Can anyone actually claim with a straight face that this vote was not approval for Arabs to annihilate the Jewish State of Israel? Really? Give Hamas a country because they deserve it? Give the Judean Hills and Samaria to the Palestinians because they want peace? Divide Israel in half so that the refugees from Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt have a homeland? Israel has been around since 1948 and has developed into a First World country. The "land" in dispute is only in the West Bank (Israel ceded Gaza years ago). What have the Palestinians done with this land since Israel "liberated" it in 1967? In reaction, Israel has authorized expanding settlements in the West Bank. If the World is going to condemn you for whatever you do, then just do it. I call it the "Nike Principle" of expansion. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I stand with Israel. I no longer care if others don't!
* Former President George H.W. Bush, 88 is resting comfortably in a Houston hospital after suffering from respiratory distress. Prayers go out to President Bush and his family for his speedy recovery.
* Egypt has begun to experience the reality of democracy and it does not like it. In what seems to be a truism more and more these days, Arab nations embrace the notion of democracy to hold free elections, only to turn the election into a referendum on a dictatorship once high office is achieved. Note that Hamas "won" a free and fair election but they have never relinquished control of Gaza and remain entrenched and empowered through the use of terror and death. Anyone know when their next "free and fair election" is scheduled to be held? Look at Egypt now. Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Morsi was democratically elected President of Egypt only to now engage in a naked power play to solidify his power over those that freely elected him. Will America ever learn that the concept of democracy is lost on those whose culture is more entrenched in theocratic bullying and force? There remains only one democracy in the Middle East. So why does the World always move against her? Go figure?
* An article in the Washington Post reports that a federal mandate from 2008 requiring installation of anti-rollover devices in SUV's has reaped obvious rewards. According to the report, between 2008 and 2010, over 2,202 American lives have been saved because of the installation of these federally mandated safety devices. So much for the "Big Bad" Federal Government jamming unwanted "Job Killing" regulations on us. Another instance of the good the Federal Government can play in our society. For more on this topic, see my book "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
* According to The Associated Press, the USS Enterprise, our first nuclear aircraft carrier put into service 51 years ago is now heading into retirement. Ironically, China is testing their first nuclear aircraft carrier. Just goes to show how far behind China is when it comes to military might! We know they are trying hard to catch up, but the U.S. shall always lead the World on military presence and firepower. Why else would President Obama begin to shift some of our naval focus to Asia in 2011?
* The Washington Post reports that North Korea is trying again to launch a long-range missile (in the guise of putting a satellite into orbit). We know what happened with the last effort, it barely got off the launch pad. Obviously, if North Korea can launch a vehicle into orbit, it can then deliver weaponry in the same fashion. Although this might not appear to be an immediate threat, North Korea is an exporter (the only thing they sell) of nuclear technology and will be anxious to sell such capabilities to wanting countries, especially Iran. I have an idea for this problem. Have our anti-missile submarines in place and if the vehicle begins to climb, blow it out of the sky. Then follow it up with a stern warning to North Korea, Iran and any other rogue state that "children should not play with fire, else they get burned!"
* Now for my traditional Sunday run down of Congressional action (when there is any). In the GOP controlled House of Representatives, a Bill was passed (245-139) establishing 55,000 permanent resident visas to aliens possessing advanced degrees from American universities in the fields of Science, Technology Engineering and Math (STEM). Sounds great right? Unfortunately, the Bill allows for the extension of these visas at the direct expense of the existing "Diversity Immigrant Visa Program" already in place to encourage immigration from countries with already low rates of emigration. Democrats opposed the Bill based upon the swapping of the Visa programs. An effort by Democrats to save the Diversity Program through an amendment lost by a vote of 231-157. For the entire week, this is all the House managed to deal with. Since they have exclusive authority to revise the tax code (see Article I, Sections 7 and 8), you would think they would already be working on that enormous task I know, lame duck and all. But go figure when the GOP complains about the tax code, yet has had control of the House for over 2 years (and the next 2 years) and have proposed nothing that will revise it. Talk about failed leadership!
In the Democratic controlled Senate, a Bill was passed (67-29) to force US Citizens or legal residents to have their day in court instead of being held indefinitely without a trial on charges of terrorism. GOP opponents argued that such a measure would grant Congress the authority to determine who is afforded these Constitutional rights on a case by case basis. I would have thought that would have been up to the Courts, but then again, "Military Combatants" was a term created out of whole cloth by the Bush Administration and the Courts have yet to rule on it's Constitutionality! The Senate also passed a Bill (54-41) prohibiting terror suspects from being transferred from Guantanimo Bay to a "Supermax" prison within the United States. Another Bill passed by the Senate (62-37) extended the U.S. Military's use of alternative fuels in an effort to wean itself from traditional fossil fuels (ie., Oil). The Bill require the Pentagon to continue to use alternate fuels, since the US Military is the World's single largest consumer of oil. Seems like a "No Brainer" huh? 37 GOP Senators voted against it, including Florida GOP Senator Marco Rubio. Wonder if they receive financial support from petroleum producers? And a final Bill was passed unanimously barring any company or individual from engaging in trade of any kind with Iran. My only question is simple! Why was this not already the law?
*Last But Not Least - House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has indicated she will introduce a Bill in the House calling for the automatic extension of tax cuts for those making less than $200,ooo per year, or a family of four making less than $250,000 per year. The objective of the effort is two-fold. One is to immediately relieve the Middle Class from the effects of the "Fiscal Cliff" (rendering the impact of the "Cliff" much less of a problem for our economy and buying sufficient time to negotiate other economic matters) and the other is to force the GOP in the House to decide whether they should force the Middle Class over the "Cliff" by rejecting the Pelosi Bill and favoring the wealthiest Americans instead. In my opinion, the GOP gained an extension of the Bush Tax Cuts from Obama in 2010 by forcing all tax cuts to be bundled and it worked for them then. At the time President Obama promised the Cuts would be "temporary" and that he would vetio any further extension of the cuts for the wealthiest Americans. But now after the election? The GOP is trying to use the same "bundling" tactic. Check out today's blog on this very issue of Leadership.
November 26, 2012 *As Congress returns to "work" (or at least to Washington), efforts have begun to work out possible budgetary details that might preclude the country falling off the Congressionally created "Fiscal Cliff" wherein all of the Bush Tax Cuts will automatically expire (including those beneficial to middle class Americans) along with mandated cuts to spending, including cuts to defense spending. Virtually all economists, Liberal and Conservative agree that although the "cliff" is more like a "slope" the dangers to the economy are real if a deal is not struck that would either avoid the "cliff" all together or at least stop the slide down the "slope" once it begins. Either way, Americans are looking to Washington to work together and to collectively get something done to resolve this self-inflicted problem.
* Along these lines, staffers from the White House, Senate Majority Leader Reid and House Speaker Boehner are allegedly meeting to discuss points available for negotiation between the parties. Ironically, some Republican members of Congress have begun hinting that they will begin to ignore their pledges (some 20 years old) to Grover Norquists' American Tax Reform's "No Tax Pledge", (aka 'The Pledge"). According to Norquist however, no such members of the GOP has yet reneged on The Pledge and he maintains none will (and if they do, he will make them pay for it come re-election time). It is always wonderful to know that members of Congress can be beholden to Mr. Norquist, an unelected, un-appointed leader of an interest group instead of being beholden to their pledge and oath to the United States Constitution to represent the best interests of their constituents and their country!
*According to The Associated Press, New Jersey Governor Chris "Krispy Kreme" Christie (R) has filed required documents to run for re-election. According to the news source, Christie (age 50) filed the papers for the election scheduled for November, 2013. As of this date, no opponents, either Republican or Democratic have stepped to file as a potential gubernatorial candidate. Christie, riding a public approval hovering over 70% since his handling of Hurricane Sandy, will admittedly be a difficult man to beat at the polls. By seeking re-election, Christie puts himself squarely in the lead amongst Republicans to seek the GOP Presidential nomination in 2016.
*According to a wide variety of news outlets, Arizona Senator John McCain (R) has begun to back off his earlier assertion that he would put a Senatorial "Hold" on any Obama nomination of Ambassador Susan Rice to succeed Hilliary Clinton as Secretary of State. According to sources, McCain is already willing to allow the nomination of Rice to proceed to a confirmation vote if she explains herself and "her position" as it relates to the talking points on the Benghazi tragedy. McCain added though that he was going to turn his attenttion away from Ambassador Rice and instead turn it towards President Obama. I guess McCain will always have to turn his attention to Obama considering McCain lost the presidency to Obama in 2008. Again, John McCain proclaims, "I AM RELEVANT!"
* According to the Palm Beach Post, former Florida GOP Chairman Jim Greer (yes, the same guy that started the boycott of Obama from speaking to school children in 2009, and yes, the one under indictment for fraud), has come out (again) to claim the Florida GOP actively engaged in creating strategies and LAWS that would lead to voter suppression! Now before anyone discredits Greer for making noise in an effort to seek a mea culpa for his criminal wrongdoings, consider that the Post also cites former GOP Florida Governor Charlie Crist as providing collaborating evidence that the Republicans used the claim of voter fraud to convince the public to accept GOP initiated legislation whose ultimate goal was not to protect from voter fraud (because there is no evidence it ever existed), but to instead engage in active voter suppression against groups commonly associated with voting for Democrats! One of the efforts to suppress voters was the attempt to take away early voting on Sundays, a day most Black Churches used to get its members to the polls. Ironically, the Justice Department moved in to require early Sunday voting in Florida and the Churches activated its members in its "Souls to the Polls" efforts. Naturally, the GOP has nothing positive to say about their former state Chair nor Charlie Crist (whom they see as a traitor for endorsing Obama).
*Last But Not Least - Has anyone noticed that certain members of the GOP and their supporting Media still cannot accept that President Obama won re-election with at least a 3 Million vote advantage. Even defeated VP Candidate Paul Ryan claims that Obama may have won the White House, but the GOP retained the House and therefore, they stretch their logic to claim that Americans "wanted divided government" and "Republican ideas." Earth to Ryan, according to every election tabulation, Democrats won the popular vote for the House of Representatives by over 400,000, yet Gerrymandered districts ensured Republican victories. What is further amazing? The fact that the Romney camp LOST Ryan's home state of Wisconsin, yet he somehow is under the delusion that the People want the Republicans to wield some sort of authority over President Obama? For more on Gerrymandering, see my book "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
* Along these lines, staffers from the White House, Senate Majority Leader Reid and House Speaker Boehner are allegedly meeting to discuss points available for negotiation between the parties. Ironically, some Republican members of Congress have begun hinting that they will begin to ignore their pledges (some 20 years old) to Grover Norquists' American Tax Reform's "No Tax Pledge", (aka 'The Pledge"). According to Norquist however, no such members of the GOP has yet reneged on The Pledge and he maintains none will (and if they do, he will make them pay for it come re-election time). It is always wonderful to know that members of Congress can be beholden to Mr. Norquist, an unelected, un-appointed leader of an interest group instead of being beholden to their pledge and oath to the United States Constitution to represent the best interests of their constituents and their country!
*According to The Associated Press, New Jersey Governor Chris "Krispy Kreme" Christie (R) has filed required documents to run for re-election. According to the news source, Christie (age 50) filed the papers for the election scheduled for November, 2013. As of this date, no opponents, either Republican or Democratic have stepped to file as a potential gubernatorial candidate. Christie, riding a public approval hovering over 70% since his handling of Hurricane Sandy, will admittedly be a difficult man to beat at the polls. By seeking re-election, Christie puts himself squarely in the lead amongst Republicans to seek the GOP Presidential nomination in 2016.
*According to a wide variety of news outlets, Arizona Senator John McCain (R) has begun to back off his earlier assertion that he would put a Senatorial "Hold" on any Obama nomination of Ambassador Susan Rice to succeed Hilliary Clinton as Secretary of State. According to sources, McCain is already willing to allow the nomination of Rice to proceed to a confirmation vote if she explains herself and "her position" as it relates to the talking points on the Benghazi tragedy. McCain added though that he was going to turn his attenttion away from Ambassador Rice and instead turn it towards President Obama. I guess McCain will always have to turn his attention to Obama considering McCain lost the presidency to Obama in 2008. Again, John McCain proclaims, "I AM RELEVANT!"
* According to the Palm Beach Post, former Florida GOP Chairman Jim Greer (yes, the same guy that started the boycott of Obama from speaking to school children in 2009, and yes, the one under indictment for fraud), has come out (again) to claim the Florida GOP actively engaged in creating strategies and LAWS that would lead to voter suppression! Now before anyone discredits Greer for making noise in an effort to seek a mea culpa for his criminal wrongdoings, consider that the Post also cites former GOP Florida Governor Charlie Crist as providing collaborating evidence that the Republicans used the claim of voter fraud to convince the public to accept GOP initiated legislation whose ultimate goal was not to protect from voter fraud (because there is no evidence it ever existed), but to instead engage in active voter suppression against groups commonly associated with voting for Democrats! One of the efforts to suppress voters was the attempt to take away early voting on Sundays, a day most Black Churches used to get its members to the polls. Ironically, the Justice Department moved in to require early Sunday voting in Florida and the Churches activated its members in its "Souls to the Polls" efforts. Naturally, the GOP has nothing positive to say about their former state Chair nor Charlie Crist (whom they see as a traitor for endorsing Obama).
*Last But Not Least - Has anyone noticed that certain members of the GOP and their supporting Media still cannot accept that President Obama won re-election with at least a 3 Million vote advantage. Even defeated VP Candidate Paul Ryan claims that Obama may have won the White House, but the GOP retained the House and therefore, they stretch their logic to claim that Americans "wanted divided government" and "Republican ideas." Earth to Ryan, according to every election tabulation, Democrats won the popular vote for the House of Representatives by over 400,000, yet Gerrymandered districts ensured Republican victories. What is further amazing? The fact that the Romney camp LOST Ryan's home state of Wisconsin, yet he somehow is under the delusion that the People want the Republicans to wield some sort of authority over President Obama? For more on Gerrymandering, see my book "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
November 25, 2012 *Now that Thanksgiving is winding down, the news cycle will return to things more important...Politics! With the "Fiscal Cliff" looming, the Benghazi tragedy finally falling to the back of the papers, and the conflict in Syria almost forgotten, perhaps we can now expect our Congress to actually accomplish some needed objectives, like pass long-term debt reduction with coherent plans to expand jobs creation, education funding and tax reform. As many of you know, I am not a fan of Members of Congress claiming each election cycle that we "must do this, we must do that" when under Article I of the Constitution, they have the exclusive authority to actually do those things, yet claim they still need to be done. DO them already and stop campaigning already!
* Seems more and more Republican members of Congress have come to their senses (or realized the 2014 Mid-terms elections are right around the corner) by challenging their previous promises to adhere to their No Tax Pledges made to Grover Norquist and his group, Americans for Tax Reform. Leading the way according to a report in Politico, Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) recently took Norquist on directly by publicly stating that "I care more about my country than I do about a 20-year-old pledge." When asked whether he feared political backlash from the ever-powerful Norquist (whom I shall always consider an un-indicted co-Conspirator in the Jack Abramoff Scandal), Chambliss replied, "But I don’t worry about that because I care too much about my country. I care a lot more about it than I do Grover Norquist.” Norquist did not take the Chambliss comments laying down though, responding that, "Senator Chambliss promised the people of Georgia he would go to Washington and reform government rather than raise taxes to pay for bigger government. He made that commitment in writing to the people of Georgia." Really Mr. Norquist? Members of Congress pledge an allegiance to the Constitution and nowhere in that hallowed document is anything about your Tax Pledge found, nowhere! Perhaps when more Republicans wake up and realize that as members of Congress, they represent the People and not an interest group run by Mr. Norquist, the sooner we will be able to fix our economic problems and move forward rather than remain in a quagmire of divisiveness.
*In an effort to put the Benghazi tragedy back on the front pages, Senator Jon Kyl (R-Az) stated again on today's morning talk shows that the Obama Administration is guilty of orchestrating a "cover-up" and that such actions require additional Congressional investigation! As many of you may not know, Mr. Kyl once stated something on the Senate floor that proved to be so outrageous (and a "Distortion") that his office immediately issued a statement that read," "(his) comments to not intended be considered factual." Huh? So much for Mr. Kyl having an ounce of credibility! So why is he still provided a forum for his "statements?"
*Now that Egypt's President Morsi has taken a spot on the World's "front stage" for his handling of the cease fire negotiations between Hamas and Israel, Morsi took a dangerous chance to expand his presidential authority over Egypt by unilaterally giving himself expanded powers that counter the principles fought for in the recent "Arab Spring" uprisings. Thousands of Egyptians took to the streets, some even attacking the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in Cairo to protest Morsi's obvious power grab. Ironic isn't it that the concept of democracy in the Arab World means they hold one election and then a new autocrat or dictator is elected until the next revolution? Look what happened in Gaza. As soon as Israel ceded the entire territory to the Palestinian Authority, Hamas engaged in a bloody coup against ruling Fatah, only to then be "duly elected" to serve as their governing body in Gaza. Have they bothered to hold elections ever since? Are you kidding? Hamas rules like any other Arab dictatorship, with an Iron Fist. Not surprisingly, the voice of calm and reason in the U.S. Senate has called for sanctions against the Egyptian President! Who would that be? None other than "I am still breathing" Senator John McCain (R-Az). What is it with those senators from Arizona anyway?
*Last but Not Least - Although many readers have actual hatred towards anything relating to Indiana basketball and Notre Dame football, the planets have aligned for those two storied programs located in the State of Indiana. Notre Dame has finished its regular season undefeated at 12-0 and will enter the Orange Bowl for the National Championship as the #1 ranked team in the Nation. Meanwhile, Indiana has scratched and clawed its way back to national relevance under Coach Tom Crean to be voted the #1 basketball team in the Nation! Unlike football, NCAA basketball has a real playoff system, so Indiana's perch atop the National rankings may not prove durable. But it sure is nice for an Indiana boy to see both his favorite teams ranked #1 at the same time. Now if we could only get 'Da Bears" to win again I would be totally satisfied. I know folks, but I can dream can't I?
* Seems more and more Republican members of Congress have come to their senses (or realized the 2014 Mid-terms elections are right around the corner) by challenging their previous promises to adhere to their No Tax Pledges made to Grover Norquist and his group, Americans for Tax Reform. Leading the way according to a report in Politico, Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) recently took Norquist on directly by publicly stating that "I care more about my country than I do about a 20-year-old pledge." When asked whether he feared political backlash from the ever-powerful Norquist (whom I shall always consider an un-indicted co-Conspirator in the Jack Abramoff Scandal), Chambliss replied, "But I don’t worry about that because I care too much about my country. I care a lot more about it than I do Grover Norquist.” Norquist did not take the Chambliss comments laying down though, responding that, "Senator Chambliss promised the people of Georgia he would go to Washington and reform government rather than raise taxes to pay for bigger government. He made that commitment in writing to the people of Georgia." Really Mr. Norquist? Members of Congress pledge an allegiance to the Constitution and nowhere in that hallowed document is anything about your Tax Pledge found, nowhere! Perhaps when more Republicans wake up and realize that as members of Congress, they represent the People and not an interest group run by Mr. Norquist, the sooner we will be able to fix our economic problems and move forward rather than remain in a quagmire of divisiveness.
*In an effort to put the Benghazi tragedy back on the front pages, Senator Jon Kyl (R-Az) stated again on today's morning talk shows that the Obama Administration is guilty of orchestrating a "cover-up" and that such actions require additional Congressional investigation! As many of you may not know, Mr. Kyl once stated something on the Senate floor that proved to be so outrageous (and a "Distortion") that his office immediately issued a statement that read," "(his) comments to not intended be considered factual." Huh? So much for Mr. Kyl having an ounce of credibility! So why is he still provided a forum for his "statements?"
*Now that Egypt's President Morsi has taken a spot on the World's "front stage" for his handling of the cease fire negotiations between Hamas and Israel, Morsi took a dangerous chance to expand his presidential authority over Egypt by unilaterally giving himself expanded powers that counter the principles fought for in the recent "Arab Spring" uprisings. Thousands of Egyptians took to the streets, some even attacking the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in Cairo to protest Morsi's obvious power grab. Ironic isn't it that the concept of democracy in the Arab World means they hold one election and then a new autocrat or dictator is elected until the next revolution? Look what happened in Gaza. As soon as Israel ceded the entire territory to the Palestinian Authority, Hamas engaged in a bloody coup against ruling Fatah, only to then be "duly elected" to serve as their governing body in Gaza. Have they bothered to hold elections ever since? Are you kidding? Hamas rules like any other Arab dictatorship, with an Iron Fist. Not surprisingly, the voice of calm and reason in the U.S. Senate has called for sanctions against the Egyptian President! Who would that be? None other than "I am still breathing" Senator John McCain (R-Az). What is it with those senators from Arizona anyway?
*Last but Not Least - Although many readers have actual hatred towards anything relating to Indiana basketball and Notre Dame football, the planets have aligned for those two storied programs located in the State of Indiana. Notre Dame has finished its regular season undefeated at 12-0 and will enter the Orange Bowl for the National Championship as the #1 ranked team in the Nation. Meanwhile, Indiana has scratched and clawed its way back to national relevance under Coach Tom Crean to be voted the #1 basketball team in the Nation! Unlike football, NCAA basketball has a real playoff system, so Indiana's perch atop the National rankings may not prove durable. But it sure is nice for an Indiana boy to see both his favorite teams ranked #1 at the same time. Now if we could only get 'Da Bears" to win again I would be totally satisfied. I know folks, but I can dream can't I?
November 23, 2012 *Happy Thanksgiving folks! I hope you all are stimulating the economy this "Black Friday" while I stay as far away from retail stores as possible. It has nothing to do with avoiding the economy on my part, honest. It just has more to do with crowd avoidance. So, shop away and help our local retailers this holiday season!
*I find it interesting that some major newspapers have come out to demand Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) apologize to Ambassador Susan Rice for his outrageous claims she intentionally lied to the American public about the Benghazi tragedy. Seems now that more evidence of the event have come to light, it has become more and more apparent that the "Fog of War" had clouded early intelligence estimates and that the Talking Points she was relying upon when making her appearances on the Sunday talk shows was in fact what was provided her by the CIA. Now that papers are calling for McCain to apologize and not Ambassador Rice, perhaps we can now get papers to demand apologies from GOP leaders that have attempted to discredit President Obama since the first day he took office? Perhaps not, but maybe lessons can be learned anyway.
*Now that the Thanksgiving holiday is underway, Congress will be returning to face the dilemma of having to deal with the "Fiscal Cliff" wherein mandatory spending cuts and tax increases take place on December 31, 2012 if a new budget or Continuing Resolution is not agreed to. Seems that this "Fiscal Cliff" was created due to Congressional failure to deal with the inevitable before the elections, so it would make sense Congress can resolve the crisis of their own making now? Wishful thinking? Perhaps. But economists universally warn that in the event we fall over that "cliff" a recession will be looming. If this event happens, some of us will be doing our level best to inform the public that we need a clean sweep of our Congress in 2014 (except the 2/3 of Senators not up for re-election). For more on Continuing Resolutions, see "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
*As the Arabs in Gaza, the West Bank, Egypt and the Arab Union all celebrate their hollow victory over the brokered Cease Fire with Israel, it is readily apparent that Hamas has achieved little to nothing by way of a real victory. Although they may have unified themselves with some of the Arab nations, they still remain apart from the rebels in Syria, the now confused and marginalized Turks and the ever-increasingly isolated Persians in Iran. It also remains very unclear what Israel actually agreed to except to cease air strikes and to call off a full blown military invasion. What is for sure though? Israel's Iron Dome proved effective and will with US financial support continue to be perfected and Israel will maintain its inspection of ships entering Gaza that may be carrying missiles from sympathetic countries (ie., Iran). So to Hamas and Fatah I can say this. With the "peace"... be careful for what you wish for. The World is watching Egypt, Hezbollah, Hamas and Fatah now and Israel will have no reason to stand down in the future is Hamas and Fatah continue with their old games of terrorism and air strikes.
* With the prospects of peace (albeit temporary) in Israel and Gaza and consumer confidence soaring on Black Friday, the Stock Market rose (as of this writing) over 173 points today, with the Dow reaching 13,009.68 with all global economic indicators looking up (despite economists predictions for November). Just goes to show you, the re-election of President Obama has certainly not been as bad as Republicans had predicted just weeks ago. How many times can folks be dead wrong before they lose any credibility?
* Jessie Jackson, Jr., has finally resigned from Congress after serving 17 years in the House. Despite his resignation, Jackson remains a figure in the criminal investigation into campaign finance "improprieties." Obviously the criminal investigation has not helped his mental illness issues as he was just recently released from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota for Clinical Depression. Since Jackson was just re-elected, the State of Illinois will have to hold a special election to select his successor (to the tune of at least $5 Million). No chance for a GOP House seat pick-up though, Jackson's district is solidly Democratic.
*Last But Not Least - Have a great and safe Holiday Weekend. I will be marching in solidarity with Israel this afternoon in downtown Sarasota with the Sarasota Interfaith Group sponsored by the Sarasota Jewish Federation. See you on Sunday!
*I find it interesting that some major newspapers have come out to demand Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) apologize to Ambassador Susan Rice for his outrageous claims she intentionally lied to the American public about the Benghazi tragedy. Seems now that more evidence of the event have come to light, it has become more and more apparent that the "Fog of War" had clouded early intelligence estimates and that the Talking Points she was relying upon when making her appearances on the Sunday talk shows was in fact what was provided her by the CIA. Now that papers are calling for McCain to apologize and not Ambassador Rice, perhaps we can now get papers to demand apologies from GOP leaders that have attempted to discredit President Obama since the first day he took office? Perhaps not, but maybe lessons can be learned anyway.
*Now that the Thanksgiving holiday is underway, Congress will be returning to face the dilemma of having to deal with the "Fiscal Cliff" wherein mandatory spending cuts and tax increases take place on December 31, 2012 if a new budget or Continuing Resolution is not agreed to. Seems that this "Fiscal Cliff" was created due to Congressional failure to deal with the inevitable before the elections, so it would make sense Congress can resolve the crisis of their own making now? Wishful thinking? Perhaps. But economists universally warn that in the event we fall over that "cliff" a recession will be looming. If this event happens, some of us will be doing our level best to inform the public that we need a clean sweep of our Congress in 2014 (except the 2/3 of Senators not up for re-election). For more on Continuing Resolutions, see "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
*As the Arabs in Gaza, the West Bank, Egypt and the Arab Union all celebrate their hollow victory over the brokered Cease Fire with Israel, it is readily apparent that Hamas has achieved little to nothing by way of a real victory. Although they may have unified themselves with some of the Arab nations, they still remain apart from the rebels in Syria, the now confused and marginalized Turks and the ever-increasingly isolated Persians in Iran. It also remains very unclear what Israel actually agreed to except to cease air strikes and to call off a full blown military invasion. What is for sure though? Israel's Iron Dome proved effective and will with US financial support continue to be perfected and Israel will maintain its inspection of ships entering Gaza that may be carrying missiles from sympathetic countries (ie., Iran). So to Hamas and Fatah I can say this. With the "peace"... be careful for what you wish for. The World is watching Egypt, Hezbollah, Hamas and Fatah now and Israel will have no reason to stand down in the future is Hamas and Fatah continue with their old games of terrorism and air strikes.
* With the prospects of peace (albeit temporary) in Israel and Gaza and consumer confidence soaring on Black Friday, the Stock Market rose (as of this writing) over 173 points today, with the Dow reaching 13,009.68 with all global economic indicators looking up (despite economists predictions for November). Just goes to show you, the re-election of President Obama has certainly not been as bad as Republicans had predicted just weeks ago. How many times can folks be dead wrong before they lose any credibility?
* Jessie Jackson, Jr., has finally resigned from Congress after serving 17 years in the House. Despite his resignation, Jackson remains a figure in the criminal investigation into campaign finance "improprieties." Obviously the criminal investigation has not helped his mental illness issues as he was just recently released from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota for Clinical Depression. Since Jackson was just re-elected, the State of Illinois will have to hold a special election to select his successor (to the tune of at least $5 Million). No chance for a GOP House seat pick-up though, Jackson's district is solidly Democratic.
*Last But Not Least - Have a great and safe Holiday Weekend. I will be marching in solidarity with Israel this afternoon in downtown Sarasota with the Sarasota Interfaith Group sponsored by the Sarasota Jewish Federation. See you on Sunday!
November 20, 2012 *According to a variety of news sources, a cease fire proposal is "on the table" for Hamas and Israel to consider. Unfortunately, the Palestinians are again winning the Media Battle as more and more countries are demanding Israel stop shelling Gaza, without a similar demand that Hamas stop bombing Israel. The double standard continues! CNN repeatedly shows video sympathetic to the Palestinians portraying them as pawns in a war they did not choose to engage in while living in an "Open air prison." Unfortunately, CNN stresses the Arabs' inability to enter Israel (well DUH), but fails to underscore the fact that Egypt closed its borders to Gaza years ago and keeps its borders closed except to the privileged few (and the contraband trading tunnelers). So, Israel is at war with Hamas but they should open their borders up to the Arabs in Gaza while Egyptian Arabs that refuse entry by their brethren bet a pass. Will the World wake up and see the reality here? Again, I stand with Israel and will shed no tears if it flattens Gaza. Blame Egypt if "innocents" are killed because they could not obtain refuge in Egypt.
*In an effort to seal a deal on a cease fire, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has arrived in Israel to discuss ways to minimize the damage from this war instigated by Hamas. Clinton will be meeting with Fatah leader Abbas and then to Jordan and then back to Israel, but not with leaders from Hamas. I find it interesting that while meeting in Israel with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Clinton found Israeli flags standing next to flags of the United States. Clearly, Israel has the United States as an ally and a partner. Hamas has Iran. I think I'd put my money on Israel.
*According to numerous reports, Federal Reserve Chief Ben Bernanke has strongly urged Congress resolve the "Fiscal Cliff" threat and work out a compromise along the lines of a "Grand Bargain." Bernanke's position is bolstered on his belief that the economic recovery would be severely hurt in the event Congress allows the mandatory spending cuts and tax increases to go into effect on December 31. Bernanke made it clear that falling over the "Fiscal Cliff" would lead directly to another harmful recession. Will Congress heed Bernanke's directive?
For the American economy's sake, let's hope so!
* Allen West formally conceded his electoral loss to his Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy for the Congressional seat in Southwest Florida. You can bet Mr. West will find himself on Fox News or on a book signing tour sometime before next summer.
*House Republicans have issued a letter to President Obama indicating they feel strongly that UN Ambassador Susan Rice is "unfit to lead the State Department." Ironically, only the United States Senate has the authority to confirm Presidential Cabinet appointments. It is equally unfortunate, that GOP leaders are using Ambassador Rice as their scapegoat for Benghazi instead of concentrating efforts to investigate the tragedy so that those involved are brought to justice.
*Sad news has been obtained that long-time former Senator Warren Rudman has passed away. Rudman, long known as an independent "bulldog" representing New Hampshire as a Republican, we well known for fighting for measures, even if they were not favored by his party leaders. Perhaps the United States Senate could use a few more Senators like Mr. Rudman. RIP, Senator.
*Last But Not Least - With the Thanksgiving holiday here, may you all have a safe and secure time with your loved ones and friends. For my family, friends and brethren in Israel, you too should enjoy peace, safety and security and continued strength in fighting the evil residing in your enemies.
*In an effort to seal a deal on a cease fire, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has arrived in Israel to discuss ways to minimize the damage from this war instigated by Hamas. Clinton will be meeting with Fatah leader Abbas and then to Jordan and then back to Israel, but not with leaders from Hamas. I find it interesting that while meeting in Israel with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Clinton found Israeli flags standing next to flags of the United States. Clearly, Israel has the United States as an ally and a partner. Hamas has Iran. I think I'd put my money on Israel.
*According to numerous reports, Federal Reserve Chief Ben Bernanke has strongly urged Congress resolve the "Fiscal Cliff" threat and work out a compromise along the lines of a "Grand Bargain." Bernanke's position is bolstered on his belief that the economic recovery would be severely hurt in the event Congress allows the mandatory spending cuts and tax increases to go into effect on December 31. Bernanke made it clear that falling over the "Fiscal Cliff" would lead directly to another harmful recession. Will Congress heed Bernanke's directive?
For the American economy's sake, let's hope so!
* Allen West formally conceded his electoral loss to his Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy for the Congressional seat in Southwest Florida. You can bet Mr. West will find himself on Fox News or on a book signing tour sometime before next summer.
*House Republicans have issued a letter to President Obama indicating they feel strongly that UN Ambassador Susan Rice is "unfit to lead the State Department." Ironically, only the United States Senate has the authority to confirm Presidential Cabinet appointments. It is equally unfortunate, that GOP leaders are using Ambassador Rice as their scapegoat for Benghazi instead of concentrating efforts to investigate the tragedy so that those involved are brought to justice.
*Sad news has been obtained that long-time former Senator Warren Rudman has passed away. Rudman, long known as an independent "bulldog" representing New Hampshire as a Republican, we well known for fighting for measures, even if they were not favored by his party leaders. Perhaps the United States Senate could use a few more Senators like Mr. Rudman. RIP, Senator.
*Last But Not Least - With the Thanksgiving holiday here, may you all have a safe and secure time with your loved ones and friends. For my family, friends and brethren in Israel, you too should enjoy peace, safety and security and continued strength in fighting the evil residing in your enemies.
November 19, 2012 *As the shelling continues between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, the Palestinians and Hamas have added a precondition to the cease fire negotiations; that Israel agree to the establishment of a Palestinian State. So, does this mean that Hamas started this conflict when it began firing missiles in great numbers into Israel four months ago to force international pressure on Israel to give the Palestinians land and a country? If that is the objectives of the Arabs, then how does anyone expect Israel to negotiate a peace based upon the continued threat of missiles from Gaza? If war is the objective to force Israel into a compromising position, then what does Israel have to lose by continuing or escalating the war? Israel has but one condition that would immediately stop the war...have Hamas stop firing missiles into Israel. Talks can continue after this happens, but until then, Israel has the absolute right and duty to defend its citizens against missile attacks from the Arabs in Gaza or anywhere else. Hamas has no leverage to demand Israel cede land and authority. Why would anyone demand Israel stop until Hamas stops first. If it should be war, then war it shall be. Just my humble opinion. According to a CNN/ORC poll, about 60% of Americans support Israel's efforts to defend itself.
* In an interview on MSNBC, Mitt Romney's Economic Adviser admitted that the Federal Deficit requires an increase in tax revenues. Something the Romney camp repeatedly denied any interest in implementing. Gee, go figure! Of course Republicans are still running for cover over Mitt Romney's comments to donors that President Obama won only because he convinced a coalition of Americans interested solely in getting "free stuff." I guess the "47%" comments from Romney were in fact an accurate reflection of his beliefs. Amazingly, Republicans supported Romney before the election for believing this ideology and now only after the electoral loss do they proclaim concern and outrage for Romney's post-election comments. Nice try Republicans. Americans are not as intellectually shallow as your base and idealogical supporters.
* According to Politico, Rep. Allen West's (FL-R) demands to recount ballots from election day has revealed additional votes for his challenger, Patrick Murphy(D), who has claimed victory in unseating the incumbent West. West, known for his outrageous and inflammatory claims, is a darling of the Tea Party (and a couple of my friends), and keeps the rhetoric heated by claiming a "conspiracy" is behind his electoral loss. In one of the most expensive Congressional contests, West appears to have been defeated, despite his rhetoric. Ironically, Alan Grayson, the Congressman West defeated to take his seat in 2010, was returned to Congress due to the Gerrymandering of districts by the Florida Legislature dominated, by wait for it, the GOP. If Mr. West has anyone to complain about for his electoral loss, he may want to look at his Republican brethren that re-drew and Gerrymandered his district. For more on Gerrymandering, see "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
*Most political observers see a possibility for Democrats and Republicans to work out their differences as they relate to resolving budget and deficit issues in a way to avoid the pending "Fiscal Cliff." This is significant because Tea Party Republicans have made it "sport" by pushing Congress to the brink when it came to Debt Ceiling arguments. Perhaps fixing our problems before causing more economic damage to our country should be a priority?
*Last But Not Least - I will be joining Robyn Davis on The Robyn Report tomorrow night on See you on the Radio tomorrow night!
* In an interview on MSNBC, Mitt Romney's Economic Adviser admitted that the Federal Deficit requires an increase in tax revenues. Something the Romney camp repeatedly denied any interest in implementing. Gee, go figure! Of course Republicans are still running for cover over Mitt Romney's comments to donors that President Obama won only because he convinced a coalition of Americans interested solely in getting "free stuff." I guess the "47%" comments from Romney were in fact an accurate reflection of his beliefs. Amazingly, Republicans supported Romney before the election for believing this ideology and now only after the electoral loss do they proclaim concern and outrage for Romney's post-election comments. Nice try Republicans. Americans are not as intellectually shallow as your base and idealogical supporters.
* According to Politico, Rep. Allen West's (FL-R) demands to recount ballots from election day has revealed additional votes for his challenger, Patrick Murphy(D), who has claimed victory in unseating the incumbent West. West, known for his outrageous and inflammatory claims, is a darling of the Tea Party (and a couple of my friends), and keeps the rhetoric heated by claiming a "conspiracy" is behind his electoral loss. In one of the most expensive Congressional contests, West appears to have been defeated, despite his rhetoric. Ironically, Alan Grayson, the Congressman West defeated to take his seat in 2010, was returned to Congress due to the Gerrymandering of districts by the Florida Legislature dominated, by wait for it, the GOP. If Mr. West has anyone to complain about for his electoral loss, he may want to look at his Republican brethren that re-drew and Gerrymandered his district. For more on Gerrymandering, see "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
*Most political observers see a possibility for Democrats and Republicans to work out their differences as they relate to resolving budget and deficit issues in a way to avoid the pending "Fiscal Cliff." This is significant because Tea Party Republicans have made it "sport" by pushing Congress to the brink when it came to Debt Ceiling arguments. Perhaps fixing our problems before causing more economic damage to our country should be a priority?
*Last But Not Least - I will be joining Robyn Davis on The Robyn Report tomorrow night on See you on the Radio tomorrow night!
November 18, 2012 *As predicted, when I go out of town, I cannot guarantee access to Internet or have sufficient time to blog. My apologies to my loyal readers if this has caused any undue frustration. Believe me, my goal is to post daily (except Saturdays) and I too become frustrated when matters interfere with posting. But I am back! And what did I miss? Former CIA Director Gen. David Patraeus testified in a closed door Senate hearing. According to Republican members of the Committee, Patraeus admitted knowing from the first second the Benghazi attack was the work of terrorists. According to Democratic members of the Committee, Patraeus admitted any attack on an US Consulate is an act of terrorism but the initial impetus of the attack was unknown and certain "talking points," including the notion it was precipitated by the video "offensive to Islam" was mentioned in the intelligence report initially given to the White House and passed along to UN Ambassador Susan Rice. So there we have it. The GOP members of Congress, following the exact same script they have always followed, engaging in a witch hunt to attack President Obama while the Democrats shake their heads in amazement. Wonders never cease, but how can we begin to be surprised? We're talking about Republicans still stinging from their electoral loss.
* President Obama is making a quick four (4) day trip to Asia with an historic stop in Myanmar (formerly Burma). Why is it historic? Because only within the past two years, Myanmar has become a much more democratic and less authoritative regime. By moving to a more democratic governmental model, the United States has allowed Myanmar to join the list of approved international trading nations. By doing this, Myanmar is now open for US imports and we are open to Myanmar imports. Many emerging markets exist in Asia, particularly Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand. Expanding our economic influence in Asia is a major step in the right direction for the United States. It also signals to China that we will remain an active World Power in the Asian markets, and no matter what political party you might be aligned with, this is a major foreign policy move for America to take.
*With Congress back in session, albeit for only a few days, a few legislative measures were dealt with. In the House of Representatives, A bill was passed 365-43 and passed to the Senate voting to establish a permanent trade relationship between the U.S., Russia and Moldova under the World Trade Organization. This is a significant measure because such a trade agreement was previously prohibited under legislation passed in 1974 because of Russia's treatment of Jewish dissidents. The new Bill does impose new restrictions though, which include U.S. visas for persecuted Russians and for regulation Russian banks tied to corrupt practices. All members of the Florida delegation (regardless of party voted for the measure). The Senate passed a Bill by the vote of 84-12 to open up sportsman hunting in National Parks, including expanded building of shooting ranges. It includes approval for huntsmen to carry bows or crossbows into the Parks for hunting. So much for the National Rifle Association's (N.R.A.) pre-election fear mongering about losing hunting rights. The GOP though did successfully put a stop to a Senate Bill designed to provide for private businesses to create Internet security against cyber-attacks in coordination with the FBI. This measure would allow private business the opportunity to share cyber-attacks and coordinate remedies with the government. The Republicans blocked the Bill because it might pose "governmental interference" with private business. Just another idiotic excuse against protecting our nation's Internet infrastructure. For a thorough discussion on how the minority Party may stop a Bill by a mere threat of a filibuster and the Closure Vote procedure, check out my book "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
*Last But Not Least - When will some in the Conservative media wake up and admit they are misleading the American public when it comes to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act? While on the road, I came across an article in a local newspaper making several wild assertions about the Insurance Exchanges under the Act, none of which are true. Figuring that was just an isolated article, I come home to find an article published just today by George Will identifying the Independent Payment Advisory Board as an Obamacare "health care rationing panel." According to PolitiFact, the Panel's task is as follows:
By law, the board can’t ration care. It can’t change benefits. It can’t change eligibility. It can’t increase what seniors pay.
So it’s expected to cut payments to providers. That could be a problem, since some providers say they’re underpaid already.
New York Times and USA Today stories in 2009 and 2010, for example, feature doctors opting out of Medicare because
of its low payment rates. Meanwhile, "denied care" is a strong way to phrase the board’s possible effect. It’s expected to
recommend cutting provider payments, with an eye on cutting waste and inefficiency. That could restrict some seniors’
access to care, depending on the what actions the board actually takes. Meanwhile, the board oversees only a small
percentage of the Medicare savings in the health care law.
So when will Republicans stop slamming "Obamacare" and start admitting, like Speaker Beohner did, that "Obamacare" IS the law of the land? Wouldn't it be prudent to start to understand what it really does instead of perpetuating fear by claiming what it really does not do?
* President Obama is making a quick four (4) day trip to Asia with an historic stop in Myanmar (formerly Burma). Why is it historic? Because only within the past two years, Myanmar has become a much more democratic and less authoritative regime. By moving to a more democratic governmental model, the United States has allowed Myanmar to join the list of approved international trading nations. By doing this, Myanmar is now open for US imports and we are open to Myanmar imports. Many emerging markets exist in Asia, particularly Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand. Expanding our economic influence in Asia is a major step in the right direction for the United States. It also signals to China that we will remain an active World Power in the Asian markets, and no matter what political party you might be aligned with, this is a major foreign policy move for America to take.
*With Congress back in session, albeit for only a few days, a few legislative measures were dealt with. In the House of Representatives, A bill was passed 365-43 and passed to the Senate voting to establish a permanent trade relationship between the U.S., Russia and Moldova under the World Trade Organization. This is a significant measure because such a trade agreement was previously prohibited under legislation passed in 1974 because of Russia's treatment of Jewish dissidents. The new Bill does impose new restrictions though, which include U.S. visas for persecuted Russians and for regulation Russian banks tied to corrupt practices. All members of the Florida delegation (regardless of party voted for the measure). The Senate passed a Bill by the vote of 84-12 to open up sportsman hunting in National Parks, including expanded building of shooting ranges. It includes approval for huntsmen to carry bows or crossbows into the Parks for hunting. So much for the National Rifle Association's (N.R.A.) pre-election fear mongering about losing hunting rights. The GOP though did successfully put a stop to a Senate Bill designed to provide for private businesses to create Internet security against cyber-attacks in coordination with the FBI. This measure would allow private business the opportunity to share cyber-attacks and coordinate remedies with the government. The Republicans blocked the Bill because it might pose "governmental interference" with private business. Just another idiotic excuse against protecting our nation's Internet infrastructure. For a thorough discussion on how the minority Party may stop a Bill by a mere threat of a filibuster and the Closure Vote procedure, check out my book "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
*Last But Not Least - When will some in the Conservative media wake up and admit they are misleading the American public when it comes to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act? While on the road, I came across an article in a local newspaper making several wild assertions about the Insurance Exchanges under the Act, none of which are true. Figuring that was just an isolated article, I come home to find an article published just today by George Will identifying the Independent Payment Advisory Board as an Obamacare "health care rationing panel." According to PolitiFact, the Panel's task is as follows:
By law, the board can’t ration care. It can’t change benefits. It can’t change eligibility. It can’t increase what seniors pay.
So it’s expected to cut payments to providers. That could be a problem, since some providers say they’re underpaid already.
New York Times and USA Today stories in 2009 and 2010, for example, feature doctors opting out of Medicare because
of its low payment rates. Meanwhile, "denied care" is a strong way to phrase the board’s possible effect. It’s expected to
recommend cutting provider payments, with an eye on cutting waste and inefficiency. That could restrict some seniors’
access to care, depending on the what actions the board actually takes. Meanwhile, the board oversees only a small
percentage of the Medicare savings in the health care law.
So when will Republicans stop slamming "Obamacare" and start admitting, like Speaker Beohner did, that "Obamacare" IS the law of the land? Wouldn't it be prudent to start to understand what it really does instead of perpetuating fear by claiming what it really does not do?
November 14, 2012 *As the facts of the sordid Patraeus scandal continue to come to light, Fox News has perpetuated doing their level best to make any case, no matter how absurd, that President Obama is involved. Folks, there is not a shred of evidence linking Obama to this sad matter, however, pundits at Fox News continue to use words like "Lie" and "Liar" when they talk about the President and the scandal. Now that the evidence indicates Obama was not involved, Fox is demanding to know why Obama was not told earlier by the FBI that they were investigating the matter! Is anyone listening to Fox News now? And if so, how low can they go? Expect Fox to continue to lose sponsors as they continue to create news from whole cloth.
*Now that Fox News and their supporters in the GOP demand that Obama allow Petraeus to testify before the Senate on Benghazi, it appears to be an effort to soley embarrass the President without recognition that Patraeus is free to testify and that Obama never ordered him not to. In fact, Obama made it clear that Congress can demand Patraeus testify at the closed door hearing, and if they want him, they may have him so testify. So what's this all about? A political tempest in a teapot.
*Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) remains in delusion after his electoral loss to the Obama-Biden ticket. Ryan recently was interviewed on ABC News and claimed that he and Romney presented a "big campaign on ideas" but somehow forgot to give us the details that were behind these ideas. When asked how they lost to Obama, he claims it was "because of large urban turnout." What? The only winning edge for Obama was because "Urban" voters (i.e., Blacks and Minorities) got to vote? How can Ryan explain Obama's edge in Florida in Palm Beach and Broward County? Orlando? Areas in Colorado and New Mexico? More "living in the bubble" for Paul Ryan (who admitted he thought they were going to win big come election night)! Ironically, nothing has been heard from Mitt Romney since the election. I wonder why?
* President Obama spoke to the press today for the first time since the election (no, nothing sinister here Fox viewers, the election was last week). During this "presser" the President made it clear that he won a mandate to protect the Middle Class and that he will not accept opposition to the possible appointment of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to the position of Secretary of State. Seems Republican Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsay Graham (R-SC) have already pledged to block Dr. Rice's confirmation, even though Congressional hearings on the tragedy in Benghazi have not even been held yet. Obama made it clear that to consider the Ambassador "guilty without allowing proof of innocence" is an unacceptable standard in American politics.
*Speaking of John McCain, he continues to rail against the President claiming he is involved in a cover-up as it relates to the Benghazi tragedy, demanding to know "what the President knew and when the President knew" of the intelligence reports involved. This is the very same John McCain that demanded the United States engage in a ground war in Libya and send the military into Syria to aid the militants (even though we still do not know who exactly the opposition militants really are). Senator McCain, it may be time to realize you are now 'Irrelevent."
*Last But Not Least - One thing was evident from President Obama's press conference. Having been re-elected, the President is prepared to confront his GOP opponents, not only head on but also with the American public. Good luck GOP, you just lost the election. You may begin to lose your base when the public realize they have been manipulated by Fox News and your delusional leaders.
*Now that Fox News and their supporters in the GOP demand that Obama allow Petraeus to testify before the Senate on Benghazi, it appears to be an effort to soley embarrass the President without recognition that Patraeus is free to testify and that Obama never ordered him not to. In fact, Obama made it clear that Congress can demand Patraeus testify at the closed door hearing, and if they want him, they may have him so testify. So what's this all about? A political tempest in a teapot.
*Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) remains in delusion after his electoral loss to the Obama-Biden ticket. Ryan recently was interviewed on ABC News and claimed that he and Romney presented a "big campaign on ideas" but somehow forgot to give us the details that were behind these ideas. When asked how they lost to Obama, he claims it was "because of large urban turnout." What? The only winning edge for Obama was because "Urban" voters (i.e., Blacks and Minorities) got to vote? How can Ryan explain Obama's edge in Florida in Palm Beach and Broward County? Orlando? Areas in Colorado and New Mexico? More "living in the bubble" for Paul Ryan (who admitted he thought they were going to win big come election night)! Ironically, nothing has been heard from Mitt Romney since the election. I wonder why?
* President Obama spoke to the press today for the first time since the election (no, nothing sinister here Fox viewers, the election was last week). During this "presser" the President made it clear that he won a mandate to protect the Middle Class and that he will not accept opposition to the possible appointment of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to the position of Secretary of State. Seems Republican Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsay Graham (R-SC) have already pledged to block Dr. Rice's confirmation, even though Congressional hearings on the tragedy in Benghazi have not even been held yet. Obama made it clear that to consider the Ambassador "guilty without allowing proof of innocence" is an unacceptable standard in American politics.
*Speaking of John McCain, he continues to rail against the President claiming he is involved in a cover-up as it relates to the Benghazi tragedy, demanding to know "what the President knew and when the President knew" of the intelligence reports involved. This is the very same John McCain that demanded the United States engage in a ground war in Libya and send the military into Syria to aid the militants (even though we still do not know who exactly the opposition militants really are). Senator McCain, it may be time to realize you are now 'Irrelevent."
*Last But Not Least - One thing was evident from President Obama's press conference. Having been re-elected, the President is prepared to confront his GOP opponents, not only head on but also with the American public. Good luck GOP, you just lost the election. You may begin to lose your base when the public realize they have been manipulated by Fox News and your delusional leaders.
November 12, 2012 *The reports on the resignation of CIA Director Gen. David Patraeus have made it clear that his mistress got "huffy" with a long time Patraeus family friend and misread her concerns for romantic advances. By the time the family friend sent threatening e-mails from the mistress Paula Broadwell to the FBI, his family began wondering whether Patraeus was being honest with them. Taking the threatening e-mails as legitimate, the FBI began an investigation into Patraeus, and the rest is history, unless you believe the analyst from Fox News, whose expert actually prefaced his comments by saying "I could be 100% wrong" but Patraeus may have been fired because he "would not play ball with the tough Chicago types in the Obama Administration." Huh? When will people learn that Fox News creates quite a bit of news and does not always actually report real news?
* New media star Nate Silver has issued a list of the accurate polling agencies that listed erroneous polls within two weeks of the election. The worst polling agency with an error of at least 7%? The once venerable Gallup Organization. Fourth from the bottom of the barrel? The Rasmussen Group, the benchmark polling organization doggedly followed by the GOP and Republicans. You may recall my earlier Blog comments challenging the reliability of Rasmussen polls for their manipulation of data relating to the Obama Administration's regulatory scheme and how it impacted small business (see Blog entitled "Rantings Ravings and Hallucinations" from September 10, 2012).
*Amazingly, political journalists are just now beginning to question the role of Fox News and related Conservative Media in the defeat of Mitt Romney. But why did it take this long? I stuck with my prediction that the "momentum" Romney was gaining in the election and promoted by Fox and it's "friends" was actually a political narrative cynically promoted to mislead not only the public but also Conservative donors. Too bad even Mitt Romney got caught up in Fox's fantasy! Gee, I guess I was right all along... ; }.
* Last But Not Least - I will be appearing with Robyn Davis on The Robyn Report tomorrow night between 5 and 6pm on WWPR1490,! See you on the radio!
* New media star Nate Silver has issued a list of the accurate polling agencies that listed erroneous polls within two weeks of the election. The worst polling agency with an error of at least 7%? The once venerable Gallup Organization. Fourth from the bottom of the barrel? The Rasmussen Group, the benchmark polling organization doggedly followed by the GOP and Republicans. You may recall my earlier Blog comments challenging the reliability of Rasmussen polls for their manipulation of data relating to the Obama Administration's regulatory scheme and how it impacted small business (see Blog entitled "Rantings Ravings and Hallucinations" from September 10, 2012).
*Amazingly, political journalists are just now beginning to question the role of Fox News and related Conservative Media in the defeat of Mitt Romney. But why did it take this long? I stuck with my prediction that the "momentum" Romney was gaining in the election and promoted by Fox and it's "friends" was actually a political narrative cynically promoted to mislead not only the public but also Conservative donors. Too bad even Mitt Romney got caught up in Fox's fantasy! Gee, I guess I was right all along... ; }.
* Last But Not Least - I will be appearing with Robyn Davis on The Robyn Report tomorrow night between 5 and 6pm on WWPR1490,! See you on the radio!
November 11, 2012 * My best wishes and respect go out to every man and woman that has served or are currently serving in the United States Military! Somehow, I find it difficult to wish them a "Happy" Veterans' Day knowing that many possess some very dark memories of combat that include the loss of friends and personal physical and mental scars. Unfortunately, we lose many veterans of WWII everyday and many that served in Korea and Viet Nam. So instead of wishing them a "Happy" Veterans' Day, perhaps we should wish them a peaceful and well deserved day of respect? When I think of veterans, this is what I wish them. Maybe we all should give them our thoughts on this day of thanks!
* Speaking of veterans, more information is being disclosed with regard to the resignation of CIA Director, Gen. David Petraeus. As I mentioned in my post last Friday, when the news of his resignation was disclosed, many Republicans immediately surmised that his resignation was less to do with the claimed extra-martial affair and more to do with being a loyal soldier and "falling on his sword" for President Obama over the CIA's handling of the Benghazi tragedy. You might recall, I urged caution in jumping to this conclusion as more information would come to light. It certainly did not stop Fox News from posing the darkest of speculations behind the resignation, nor some of my friends that live and breathe by what Fox promotes. Once again, those supporting this "theory" are being proven wrong. According to The New York Times, the FBI had been investigating Patraeus' biographer for passing along his e-mails to third parties, some of which contained classified information. In a classic "affair gone bad" story, it was revealed that Patraeus shared sensitive emails to his lover, a Ms. Paula Broadwell who wrote his biography, "All In." To top it off, cynics claimed Obama waited to disclose this matter until after the election in order to avoid the embarrassment it might have caused. In reality, Obama was notified of the matter and Patraeus' resignation on Wednesday, a day after the election. The President did not accept his resignation immediately and asked for 24 hours to ponder it. During this period, President Obama was given the FBI report and reluctantly agreed to accept the General's resignation. So again, despite appearances on the surface, Fox News and its loyal and dogmatic followers, were wrong. It simply continues to amaze me how many times Fox News can just be flat out wrong and its Republican audience will continue to swear allegiance to it. When will they realize that Fox News does not report news, it creates it? When will they determine that Fox News sets the GOP Policy Agenda and not the other way around? Fox News is the ideological base of the GOP, led by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin and soon, Congressional loser Allen West! Until Republicans wake up and realize that they are being led astray by Fox, will conditions in America ever improve? Perhaps, but not for the Republican Party!
* As if there was no election, GOP Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell have stated they will not agree to raising taxes on the wealthiest of Americans. Now that 63% of Americans polled during the election agree the tax rates should increase, how can the GOP claim they are not "the party of the rich?" Now that we have the non-partisan Congressional Research Service Report indicating that over the 60 year period studied, tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans produces nothing but more wealth for the rich and creates NO JOBS, where does the GOP get the foundation to demand the Bush Tax Cuts be extended for the wealthy? Remember that "Silent Majority" of Americans I mentioned months ago that will be watching after this election? They will be punishing Congress in the 2014 Mid-term elections if they do not follow the will of the people instead the will of the interest groups. Money could not buy this election, so how does the GOP begin to think it will in 2014?
*Last But Not Least - Florida TEA Party Governor Rick Scott, the architect of legislation designed to suppress early voting, supporter of a of eligible voters' lists in Florida, and who refused to extend early voting even though folks stood in lines for up to seven hours at the polls, has suddenly indicated a need to review voting procedures (that he put into place)! Mr. Scott's sudden concern about voting rights wouldn't have anything to do with the public clamor building for former GOP Governor Charlie Crist to run for Governor as a Democrat in 2014 would it? You bet it does. Florida GOP Governor Rick Scott, already a Lame Duck (or at least lame)! Remember to honor a Veteran today!
* Speaking of veterans, more information is being disclosed with regard to the resignation of CIA Director, Gen. David Petraeus. As I mentioned in my post last Friday, when the news of his resignation was disclosed, many Republicans immediately surmised that his resignation was less to do with the claimed extra-martial affair and more to do with being a loyal soldier and "falling on his sword" for President Obama over the CIA's handling of the Benghazi tragedy. You might recall, I urged caution in jumping to this conclusion as more information would come to light. It certainly did not stop Fox News from posing the darkest of speculations behind the resignation, nor some of my friends that live and breathe by what Fox promotes. Once again, those supporting this "theory" are being proven wrong. According to The New York Times, the FBI had been investigating Patraeus' biographer for passing along his e-mails to third parties, some of which contained classified information. In a classic "affair gone bad" story, it was revealed that Patraeus shared sensitive emails to his lover, a Ms. Paula Broadwell who wrote his biography, "All In." To top it off, cynics claimed Obama waited to disclose this matter until after the election in order to avoid the embarrassment it might have caused. In reality, Obama was notified of the matter and Patraeus' resignation on Wednesday, a day after the election. The President did not accept his resignation immediately and asked for 24 hours to ponder it. During this period, President Obama was given the FBI report and reluctantly agreed to accept the General's resignation. So again, despite appearances on the surface, Fox News and its loyal and dogmatic followers, were wrong. It simply continues to amaze me how many times Fox News can just be flat out wrong and its Republican audience will continue to swear allegiance to it. When will they realize that Fox News does not report news, it creates it? When will they determine that Fox News sets the GOP Policy Agenda and not the other way around? Fox News is the ideological base of the GOP, led by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin and soon, Congressional loser Allen West! Until Republicans wake up and realize that they are being led astray by Fox, will conditions in America ever improve? Perhaps, but not for the Republican Party!
* As if there was no election, GOP Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell have stated they will not agree to raising taxes on the wealthiest of Americans. Now that 63% of Americans polled during the election agree the tax rates should increase, how can the GOP claim they are not "the party of the rich?" Now that we have the non-partisan Congressional Research Service Report indicating that over the 60 year period studied, tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans produces nothing but more wealth for the rich and creates NO JOBS, where does the GOP get the foundation to demand the Bush Tax Cuts be extended for the wealthy? Remember that "Silent Majority" of Americans I mentioned months ago that will be watching after this election? They will be punishing Congress in the 2014 Mid-term elections if they do not follow the will of the people instead the will of the interest groups. Money could not buy this election, so how does the GOP begin to think it will in 2014?
*Last But Not Least - Florida TEA Party Governor Rick Scott, the architect of legislation designed to suppress early voting, supporter of a of eligible voters' lists in Florida, and who refused to extend early voting even though folks stood in lines for up to seven hours at the polls, has suddenly indicated a need to review voting procedures (that he put into place)! Mr. Scott's sudden concern about voting rights wouldn't have anything to do with the public clamor building for former GOP Governor Charlie Crist to run for Governor as a Democrat in 2014 would it? You bet it does. Florida GOP Governor Rick Scott, already a Lame Duck (or at least lame)! Remember to honor a Veteran today!
November 9, 2012 *According to news reports, CIA Director David Patraeus has resigned his position in the Obama Administration citing
"extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair." Now many folks are speculating he is simply "falling on his sword" for the President due to the breakdown of security during the Bengahzi tragedy, however, the CIA has very high standards requiring all employees to maintain high moral standards that do not tolerate extra-marital affairs. More is expected to be revealed about General Patraeus' resignation. Until then, it is probably best to withhold comment on this news breaking event.
*It has been widely reported that the Florida campaign director for Mitt Romney has conceded the state and its 29 Electoral Votes to President Obama. Finally, we can consider the Florida past of the presidential election to be over!
*Speaking of Florida, TEA Party Governor Rick Scott has announced he will not abide by the regulations of the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act ("Obamacare"). Until the federal regulations are completed, Mr. Scott may be able to continue his obstructionist position, but in light of the fact that Florida is the #1 recipient of federal revenue sharing funds (over 1/2 Trillion Dollars annually), Mr. Scott might want to re-evaluate his position. Worse yet, he may want to read Article VI of the U.S. Constitution. For more on the Supremacy Clause, check out my book "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
* President Obama has requested Congressional leaders come to the White House to discuss keeping the Bush Tax Cuts for the Middle Class and not keep them hostage by the GOP demanding the cuts be maintained for those making more than $250,000 in income (2% of Americans). 63% of Americans agree with the President's approach. Unfortunately, Speaker Boehner thinks they can keep the tax cuts on the wealthy by "cleaning up the tax code." Amazingly, the GOP has been in control of the House for 2 years and only now they want to reform the tax code. Does this invitation include Americans for Tax Reform''s Grover Norqiust? I certainly hope not! Please read Article I, Sections 7 and 8 of the U.S. Constitution on which branch of government has the authority to initiate such measures.
* Perhaps the biggest "star" created by the election is none other than Nate Silver! Silver, the statistician that runs the 538 blog for The New York Times predicted an easy victory for Obama was pilloried by Conservatives for ignoring the the issues of this election. Huh? Silver simply makes his living using math to predict outcomes based upon probabilities. Apparently, Conservatives not only ignore science, they now ignore math too!
* Last But Not Least - The biggest loser in the election was not Mitt Romney. The real loser was Karl Rove. My guess is that anyone that would "lose" $800 Million of his clients' money would expect to get his knee caps clipped! See you Sunday. Have a restful and safe weekend!
"extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair." Now many folks are speculating he is simply "falling on his sword" for the President due to the breakdown of security during the Bengahzi tragedy, however, the CIA has very high standards requiring all employees to maintain high moral standards that do not tolerate extra-marital affairs. More is expected to be revealed about General Patraeus' resignation. Until then, it is probably best to withhold comment on this news breaking event.
*It has been widely reported that the Florida campaign director for Mitt Romney has conceded the state and its 29 Electoral Votes to President Obama. Finally, we can consider the Florida past of the presidential election to be over!
*Speaking of Florida, TEA Party Governor Rick Scott has announced he will not abide by the regulations of the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act ("Obamacare"). Until the federal regulations are completed, Mr. Scott may be able to continue his obstructionist position, but in light of the fact that Florida is the #1 recipient of federal revenue sharing funds (over 1/2 Trillion Dollars annually), Mr. Scott might want to re-evaluate his position. Worse yet, he may want to read Article VI of the U.S. Constitution. For more on the Supremacy Clause, check out my book "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
* President Obama has requested Congressional leaders come to the White House to discuss keeping the Bush Tax Cuts for the Middle Class and not keep them hostage by the GOP demanding the cuts be maintained for those making more than $250,000 in income (2% of Americans). 63% of Americans agree with the President's approach. Unfortunately, Speaker Boehner thinks they can keep the tax cuts on the wealthy by "cleaning up the tax code." Amazingly, the GOP has been in control of the House for 2 years and only now they want to reform the tax code. Does this invitation include Americans for Tax Reform''s Grover Norqiust? I certainly hope not! Please read Article I, Sections 7 and 8 of the U.S. Constitution on which branch of government has the authority to initiate such measures.
* Perhaps the biggest "star" created by the election is none other than Nate Silver! Silver, the statistician that runs the 538 blog for The New York Times predicted an easy victory for Obama was pilloried by Conservatives for ignoring the the issues of this election. Huh? Silver simply makes his living using math to predict outcomes based upon probabilities. Apparently, Conservatives not only ignore science, they now ignore math too!
* Last But Not Least - The biggest loser in the election was not Mitt Romney. The real loser was Karl Rove. My guess is that anyone that would "lose" $800 Million of his clients' money would expect to get his knee caps clipped! See you Sunday. Have a restful and safe weekend!
November 8, 2012 * It has been reported that the Cuban American vote in Florida was actually WON by President Obama! Cuban Americans preferred the President over Mitt Romney 49 to 47%. Hello Republicans, Latinos are not a monolithic voting group. In fact, they are just as diverse as America. Until the GOP recognizes this fact, they will continue to become a more marginal national party.
* Florida TEA Party Governor Rick Scott should take notice! Latinos in Florida were recently polled and 58% claim they will be voting for someone else for Governor in 2014. Voter Suppression in Florida will not be easily forgotten by Florida voters either!
* When it is all said and done, President Barack Obama won 332 Electoral Votes to Mitt Romney's total of 206. If this was a basketball score, we would recognize it to be the blowout it actually is, yet the Republicans continue to deny how badly they have been defeated in this Election. Delusion anyone? (See today's Blog "Play Ball Too!").
* Last But Not Least - It has been widely reported that high ranking Romney campaign staffers were told to go home after the concession speech and to "call it a day" for the campaign. Unfortunately, many took cab rides home and when attempting to use their campaign credit cards to pay for those cab fares, they found the cards had already been cancelled. Just another symbol of the end of the long 2012 Presidential Campaign for Mitt Romney. After his speech, the Secret Service detail assigned to him and his wife also stood down. Perhaps President Obama can convince Mitt Romney to accept a position in the Obama Administration so he can stay relevant? After all, he no longer now has to pander to the Karl Roves, Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adleson and Fox News types! Let Mitt be Mitt. I hope he stays engaged.
* Florida TEA Party Governor Rick Scott should take notice! Latinos in Florida were recently polled and 58% claim they will be voting for someone else for Governor in 2014. Voter Suppression in Florida will not be easily forgotten by Florida voters either!
* When it is all said and done, President Barack Obama won 332 Electoral Votes to Mitt Romney's total of 206. If this was a basketball score, we would recognize it to be the blowout it actually is, yet the Republicans continue to deny how badly they have been defeated in this Election. Delusion anyone? (See today's Blog "Play Ball Too!").
* Last But Not Least - It has been widely reported that high ranking Romney campaign staffers were told to go home after the concession speech and to "call it a day" for the campaign. Unfortunately, many took cab rides home and when attempting to use their campaign credit cards to pay for those cab fares, they found the cards had already been cancelled. Just another symbol of the end of the long 2012 Presidential Campaign for Mitt Romney. After his speech, the Secret Service detail assigned to him and his wife also stood down. Perhaps President Obama can convince Mitt Romney to accept a position in the Obama Administration so he can stay relevant? After all, he no longer now has to pander to the Karl Roves, Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adleson and Fox News types! Let Mitt be Mitt. I hope he stays engaged.
November 7, 2012 * Barack Obama is re-elected President of The United States. With Florida still counting provisional ans absentee ballots, Obama has at least 303 Electoral Votes to secure the Presidency. Now if those supporting Mitt Romney would finally admit that those that oppose their views are also Americans and their votes counted last night too...all 61 Million plus of them!
* Democrats picked up five total seats in the United States Senate and added seats in the House of Representatives. As I have been reminding folks for quite some time, if the obstructionism continues in the GOP, you can expect the Democrats to control both chambers AND the White House after the 2014 Mid-Term elections. Come on Conservatives, move back to the middle of the political spectrum where you belong...with the majority of Americans! Reinvent yourself or Fox will lead your Grand Old Party off a cliff like they have our credit ratings. Fox and their experts have now been proven wrong time and time again. Stop allowing them to establish the GOP agenda. Democracy and government works. Stop trying to destroy it and claim to be "Patriots" at the same time.
* Last But Not Least - Very early this morning I had a choice to make. Go to bed for a 2 hour nap or stay up non-stop for at least 40 hours! I chose the 2 hours of "nap" before starting my day. As a result, please accept my apologies for the scant News of The Day. I promise to do a better (and more awake) job of it tomorrow!
* Democrats picked up five total seats in the United States Senate and added seats in the House of Representatives. As I have been reminding folks for quite some time, if the obstructionism continues in the GOP, you can expect the Democrats to control both chambers AND the White House after the 2014 Mid-Term elections. Come on Conservatives, move back to the middle of the political spectrum where you belong...with the majority of Americans! Reinvent yourself or Fox will lead your Grand Old Party off a cliff like they have our credit ratings. Fox and their experts have now been proven wrong time and time again. Stop allowing them to establish the GOP agenda. Democracy and government works. Stop trying to destroy it and claim to be "Patriots" at the same time.
* Last But Not Least - Very early this morning I had a choice to make. Go to bed for a 2 hour nap or stay up non-stop for at least 40 hours! I chose the 2 hours of "nap" before starting my day. As a result, please accept my apologies for the scant News of The Day. I promise to do a better (and more awake) job of it tomorrow!
November 5, 2012 *Polls, Polls, Polls. What to make of them? Nothing, Nada, Zip! Tomorrow is the ultimate poll, and Election Day is for all of the marbles.
* With Fox News still clamoring for the "investigations to end all investigations" as it relates to the tragedy in Benghazi, they conveniently ignore the barely reported GOP Senate suppression of the Non-Partisan Congressional Research Service's Report debunking the GOP's entire economic philosophy that cutting taxes on the wealthiest Americans will have a positive effect on creating jobs. Unfortunately for the GOP, the Report proves that tax cuts for the wealthy creates more wealth for the rich and more cuts to benefits for Middle Class Americans and not jobs!. Unfortunately for Americans, Fox News and others have ignored the GOP suppression of this Non-Partisan Report.
*In another stunner, Bloomberg News has uncovered documents establishing the fact that Mitt Romney paid NO FEDERAL INCOME TAXES for 15 years by using a Charitable Remainder Trust that was later determined to be unlawful. Due to a loophole in the law, those already enjoying the benefits of the tax loophole were allowed to continue to claim the tax avoidance method. Romney only began reporting income for tax purposes when he decided to run for president. Go figure.
* Last But Not Least - catch me tomorrow between 5 and 6pm co-hosting the Robyn Report with Robyn Davis on WWPR1490 ( as we discuss the last of the election season! See you on the radio...
* With Fox News still clamoring for the "investigations to end all investigations" as it relates to the tragedy in Benghazi, they conveniently ignore the barely reported GOP Senate suppression of the Non-Partisan Congressional Research Service's Report debunking the GOP's entire economic philosophy that cutting taxes on the wealthiest Americans will have a positive effect on creating jobs. Unfortunately for the GOP, the Report proves that tax cuts for the wealthy creates more wealth for the rich and more cuts to benefits for Middle Class Americans and not jobs!. Unfortunately for Americans, Fox News and others have ignored the GOP suppression of this Non-Partisan Report.
*In another stunner, Bloomberg News has uncovered documents establishing the fact that Mitt Romney paid NO FEDERAL INCOME TAXES for 15 years by using a Charitable Remainder Trust that was later determined to be unlawful. Due to a loophole in the law, those already enjoying the benefits of the tax loophole were allowed to continue to claim the tax avoidance method. Romney only began reporting income for tax purposes when he decided to run for president. Go figure.
* Last But Not Least - catch me tomorrow between 5 and 6pm co-hosting the Robyn Report with Robyn Davis on WWPR1490 ( as we discuss the last of the election season! See you on the radio...
November 4, 2012 * For most of us, moving the clocks back is a reminder that Winter is fast approaching. For those living
"Up North" the reminder is that inclement weather with cold, snow and sleet is around the corner. For those of us living South, it is a reminder that beautiful days are here again and our lawns will not need to be cut every week and that our oranges will be ripe in a few months. Just some of the benefits of living in the "sub-tropics."
* I am pleased to report that although electricity has not returned to every NY City neighborhood, gasoline is increasingly easier to locate and obtain. This is further evidence that the role of the US Military in shipping additional fuel into New York harbor is having a positive effect in an otherwise devastated area. The recovery from Hurricane Sandy will take quite a bit of time, but with Federal revenue sharing and strong support from FEMA, the areas of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Virginia most affected by Sandy will be able to recover. So much for Mitt Romney's claim this Spring that disaster relief is best handled by States and "even better by private businesses." For more on Federalism and Revenue Sharing, see my book "How Our Government Really Works, despite What They Say."
* Despite the recently released CIA time-line evidencing that security forces in Benghazi were never told to "stand down", Republican members of the House and Senate continue to pursue investigations in an effort to paint the Obama Administration has inept and engaged in a cover-up. Just yesterday, GOP supporters continued to place memes on social media claiming this is a cover-up similar to Watergate and have actually added "gate" to their claims..."Benghazigate." Keep it up folks, all you are doing is reminding the general public to look up Watergate and realize it was a REPUBLICAN President that as forced to resign. Come to think of it, Credit Moblier (a scandal involving the rail roads) was under a Republican president. So was the Teapot Dome Scandal (Pres. Harding). The only "scandal" linked to a Democratic president was Clinton's "I did not have sex with that woman" and we all know how that turned out. Gut check folks, Iraq War and WMD...GOP President Bush. The Bush tax cuts and the Big Pharm bill...and no opposition from Republicans about "busting the budget" then. Politics at work, and Republicans at play.
* Polling continues to fluctuate throughout the country as it relates to Tuesday's presidential election. With Obama leading safely in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Ohio, why are we even talking about this now? Because the Republicans are trying to create a narrative under which they can attempt to argue that the election results are not accurate and they can challenge the results in an effort to try to get courts to decide our next president...all in an effort to continue to de-legitimize Obama as president. But how can I claim this? Easy. Just look at the polling in the states Romney is leading. Even if Romney's lead is under 2 points, the Republicans act as if those leads are "secure" and accurate. But take Ohio where Obama maintains a 2-3 point lead and they are claiming the state is still "in play." Why else would they accept polling numbers from certain states and not others. The crazy part? In each of the states they are "contesting" as close (even though they may not be), they have indicated preparedness to challenge their election results. Why is this crazy? Because each of these states have Republican Governors and Secretaries of State (who oversee the elections). Who are they going to sue? Members of their own party? This could get ugly..)but I hope not).
*Last But Not Least - I have been repeatedly asked why I am so damn hard on Mitt Romney? If you have been reading my blog since early June, you would already know the answer. I became a salesman when I was 14 years old. I honed my craft as a salesman from selling bicycles, to mopeds to motorcycles to power equipment to legal services. I became a damn good one. Along the way, I also learned how to craft customer responses that would trigger an emotional response in the buyer. I recognize those very same skills in Mitt Romney. He is such a skilled salesman he has made millions. But you can not bullshit a bullshitter. Mitt Romney is an "Empty Suit" willing to say and do anything in order to pander for the sale and close it. He then (ala Bain) simply moves on to the next deal. Look at the Olympics. Romney loves to portray himself as the "Savior of the Utah Olympics" yet fails to mention that the Games were bailed out by a $1 Billion from guess who, the Big Bad Federal Government. Mitt also said that FEMA would be better off being run by states and better yet private businesses. Huh? Privatizing everything eliminates public scrutiny and control. This is EXACTLY what the GOP wants. Money and power to the wealthy and influential without any citizen controls. Who wins? The ones in power. Who loses? Everyone else. His 47% comment speaks for itself. A comment made behind closed doors is a real indicator of what a man thinks. His attempt at humor at the RNC Convention that Obama was trying to lower sea levels drew a lot of laughs, but no one is laughing now after suffering the effects of Hurricane Sandy's storm surge that pushed sea water over a mile inland in New Jersey and New York. His claims that Obama has suppressed oil drilling have also proven false. More permits have been issued for drilling in the Gulf of Mexico than in several years. He also made light of the fact that Obama has mentioned supporting the creation of a Secretary of Business. But Obama was simply throwing his support behind an idea promoted by the US Chamber of Commerce and many Conservative Business groups and supporting publications (Forbes to name one). Again, anything Obama promotes, even if suggested by Republicans is to be mocked and snickered at. I could go on and on. But this IS "Last but not Least..." In my opinion, Romney (if elected) will be nothing but a puppet for the GOP machine to manipulate and manage. He will benefit from the economic recovery started under Obama and claim it as all his own. Many economists believe we are headed to 12 million new jobs in the next several years as a result of the recovery. Every recovery in our Nation's history has started slow. IF we have indeed come out of what pundits have labeled "The Great Recession," perhaps we should remember that it took 12 years to crawl back out from under the "Great Depression" (and that finally ended when the largest Federal expenditure program in our history...WWII)! Bottom line. Mitt Romney, in my opinion, is NOT what is best for America. See you tomorrow.
"Up North" the reminder is that inclement weather with cold, snow and sleet is around the corner. For those of us living South, it is a reminder that beautiful days are here again and our lawns will not need to be cut every week and that our oranges will be ripe in a few months. Just some of the benefits of living in the "sub-tropics."
* I am pleased to report that although electricity has not returned to every NY City neighborhood, gasoline is increasingly easier to locate and obtain. This is further evidence that the role of the US Military in shipping additional fuel into New York harbor is having a positive effect in an otherwise devastated area. The recovery from Hurricane Sandy will take quite a bit of time, but with Federal revenue sharing and strong support from FEMA, the areas of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Virginia most affected by Sandy will be able to recover. So much for Mitt Romney's claim this Spring that disaster relief is best handled by States and "even better by private businesses." For more on Federalism and Revenue Sharing, see my book "How Our Government Really Works, despite What They Say."
* Despite the recently released CIA time-line evidencing that security forces in Benghazi were never told to "stand down", Republican members of the House and Senate continue to pursue investigations in an effort to paint the Obama Administration has inept and engaged in a cover-up. Just yesterday, GOP supporters continued to place memes on social media claiming this is a cover-up similar to Watergate and have actually added "gate" to their claims..."Benghazigate." Keep it up folks, all you are doing is reminding the general public to look up Watergate and realize it was a REPUBLICAN President that as forced to resign. Come to think of it, Credit Moblier (a scandal involving the rail roads) was under a Republican president. So was the Teapot Dome Scandal (Pres. Harding). The only "scandal" linked to a Democratic president was Clinton's "I did not have sex with that woman" and we all know how that turned out. Gut check folks, Iraq War and WMD...GOP President Bush. The Bush tax cuts and the Big Pharm bill...and no opposition from Republicans about "busting the budget" then. Politics at work, and Republicans at play.
* Polling continues to fluctuate throughout the country as it relates to Tuesday's presidential election. With Obama leading safely in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Ohio, why are we even talking about this now? Because the Republicans are trying to create a narrative under which they can attempt to argue that the election results are not accurate and they can challenge the results in an effort to try to get courts to decide our next president...all in an effort to continue to de-legitimize Obama as president. But how can I claim this? Easy. Just look at the polling in the states Romney is leading. Even if Romney's lead is under 2 points, the Republicans act as if those leads are "secure" and accurate. But take Ohio where Obama maintains a 2-3 point lead and they are claiming the state is still "in play." Why else would they accept polling numbers from certain states and not others. The crazy part? In each of the states they are "contesting" as close (even though they may not be), they have indicated preparedness to challenge their election results. Why is this crazy? Because each of these states have Republican Governors and Secretaries of State (who oversee the elections). Who are they going to sue? Members of their own party? This could get ugly..)but I hope not).
*Last But Not Least - I have been repeatedly asked why I am so damn hard on Mitt Romney? If you have been reading my blog since early June, you would already know the answer. I became a salesman when I was 14 years old. I honed my craft as a salesman from selling bicycles, to mopeds to motorcycles to power equipment to legal services. I became a damn good one. Along the way, I also learned how to craft customer responses that would trigger an emotional response in the buyer. I recognize those very same skills in Mitt Romney. He is such a skilled salesman he has made millions. But you can not bullshit a bullshitter. Mitt Romney is an "Empty Suit" willing to say and do anything in order to pander for the sale and close it. He then (ala Bain) simply moves on to the next deal. Look at the Olympics. Romney loves to portray himself as the "Savior of the Utah Olympics" yet fails to mention that the Games were bailed out by a $1 Billion from guess who, the Big Bad Federal Government. Mitt also said that FEMA would be better off being run by states and better yet private businesses. Huh? Privatizing everything eliminates public scrutiny and control. This is EXACTLY what the GOP wants. Money and power to the wealthy and influential without any citizen controls. Who wins? The ones in power. Who loses? Everyone else. His 47% comment speaks for itself. A comment made behind closed doors is a real indicator of what a man thinks. His attempt at humor at the RNC Convention that Obama was trying to lower sea levels drew a lot of laughs, but no one is laughing now after suffering the effects of Hurricane Sandy's storm surge that pushed sea water over a mile inland in New Jersey and New York. His claims that Obama has suppressed oil drilling have also proven false. More permits have been issued for drilling in the Gulf of Mexico than in several years. He also made light of the fact that Obama has mentioned supporting the creation of a Secretary of Business. But Obama was simply throwing his support behind an idea promoted by the US Chamber of Commerce and many Conservative Business groups and supporting publications (Forbes to name one). Again, anything Obama promotes, even if suggested by Republicans is to be mocked and snickered at. I could go on and on. But this IS "Last but not Least..." In my opinion, Romney (if elected) will be nothing but a puppet for the GOP machine to manipulate and manage. He will benefit from the economic recovery started under Obama and claim it as all his own. Many economists believe we are headed to 12 million new jobs in the next several years as a result of the recovery. Every recovery in our Nation's history has started slow. IF we have indeed come out of what pundits have labeled "The Great Recession," perhaps we should remember that it took 12 years to crawl back out from under the "Great Depression" (and that finally ended when the largest Federal expenditure program in our history...WWII)! Bottom line. Mitt Romney, in my opinion, is NOT what is best for America. See you tomorrow.
November 2, 2012 * Isn't it amazing how fast the Right Wing can turn on one of its own? Shows how "deep" their sincerity is towards others. Who could I be writing about? You guessed it, Rush Limbaugh. According to the UK based Guardian newspaper, Limbaugh called Republican New Jersey Governor Chris "Krispy Kreme" Christie "Fat" and a "Fool." Just two weeks ago, Christie was heralded as Romney's National Campaign Co-Chair and designated Obama attack "Pit Bull" for Romney. Once Christie showed bi-partisan signs of working with President Obama, the Right Wing Talk Maven dismissed him as someone simply "out of bounds." Perhaps Christie didn't get the GOP Game Plan...forget leading, never agree to work with any Democrat, no matter how severe the circumstances. Americans aren't stupid. Yes, Christie is obese...but Limbaugh certainly isn't svelte himself. Yes Christie may have impacted the election by working with President Obama, but what choice did he his job as Governor or his job to get Romney elected? At least Christie isn't a drug abuser (like Limbaugh).
*Amazingly, House Majority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) just told a group of folks that Romney must be elected in order to have a president that can work "across the aisle" and that working in a bi-partisan manner is necessary to move the country forward. I find this sentiment interesting considering Cantor's role in obstructing everything President Obama has tried to accomplish (remember his efforts to undercut Speaker Boehner's "Grand Bargain" with Obama?). Perhaps voters should force Cantor to stick to his words if Obama is re-elected? Perhaps they can vote Cantor out of office in 2014 if he continues to lead the Right Wing Obstructionist Party?
* The Bureau of Labor Statistics issued their Jobs report for October, even though they were seriously hampered in doing so by Hurricane Sandy. Much to the dismay of those on the Right that claimed the Bureau would try to delay issuing the Report because its Report would hurt Obama, the Report instead showed 171,000 news jobs were created and more Americans were attempting to re-enter the work force (hence the unemployment rate ticked up to 7.9%). Does anyone ever hold the jokers accountable for making ridiculous the claims that the Bureau of Labor Statistics is a shill for the President? When will Americans learn to hold these politicians accountable?
* Much to the shock and horror of Fox News, the CIA released its timeline of the tragic events surrounding the attack on our consulate in Benghazi which proves they were never ordered by anyone (let alone the White House) to have their security forces "stand down." Anyone watching Fox News knows their "Independent" investigation into the "Cover-up" turned out to be untrue. In fact, Fox News and several Right Wing politicians (Huckabee, Issa, Romney, et. al.,) owe Obama an apology for their reckless claims. Again, will Americans EVER hold these folks responsible? Will we ever learn?
* Last But Not Least - My prayers go out to those stuck in New Jersey and New York without power or the ability to fuel their vehicles. My daughter's family has been without power since Monday night and is being told they will not get power until Nov. 11. To add insult to injury, there is no gasoline available to them and both of their vehicles are running low. As the temperature drops, heat is an increasingly important issue. Thankfully they have friends with power. But what about the 1.2 million that have no place to turn to for help. May the recovery from Hurricane Sandy come swiftly and completely to those suffering. Have a great weekend folks, and that G-d for having everything we all have.
*Amazingly, House Majority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) just told a group of folks that Romney must be elected in order to have a president that can work "across the aisle" and that working in a bi-partisan manner is necessary to move the country forward. I find this sentiment interesting considering Cantor's role in obstructing everything President Obama has tried to accomplish (remember his efforts to undercut Speaker Boehner's "Grand Bargain" with Obama?). Perhaps voters should force Cantor to stick to his words if Obama is re-elected? Perhaps they can vote Cantor out of office in 2014 if he continues to lead the Right Wing Obstructionist Party?
* The Bureau of Labor Statistics issued their Jobs report for October, even though they were seriously hampered in doing so by Hurricane Sandy. Much to the dismay of those on the Right that claimed the Bureau would try to delay issuing the Report because its Report would hurt Obama, the Report instead showed 171,000 news jobs were created and more Americans were attempting to re-enter the work force (hence the unemployment rate ticked up to 7.9%). Does anyone ever hold the jokers accountable for making ridiculous the claims that the Bureau of Labor Statistics is a shill for the President? When will Americans learn to hold these politicians accountable?
* Much to the shock and horror of Fox News, the CIA released its timeline of the tragic events surrounding the attack on our consulate in Benghazi which proves they were never ordered by anyone (let alone the White House) to have their security forces "stand down." Anyone watching Fox News knows their "Independent" investigation into the "Cover-up" turned out to be untrue. In fact, Fox News and several Right Wing politicians (Huckabee, Issa, Romney, et. al.,) owe Obama an apology for their reckless claims. Again, will Americans EVER hold these folks responsible? Will we ever learn?
* Last But Not Least - My prayers go out to those stuck in New Jersey and New York without power or the ability to fuel their vehicles. My daughter's family has been without power since Monday night and is being told they will not get power until Nov. 11. To add insult to injury, there is no gasoline available to them and both of their vehicles are running low. As the temperature drops, heat is an increasingly important issue. Thankfully they have friends with power. But what about the 1.2 million that have no place to turn to for help. May the recovery from Hurricane Sandy come swiftly and completely to those suffering. Have a great weekend folks, and that G-d for having everything we all have.
November 1, 2012 * In another unfortunate instance of partisanship, Rush Limbaugh slammed Republican New Jersey Governor Chris "Krispy Kreme" Christie for working together with President Obama. Amazingly, when a President does exactly what he is supposed to do during a time of crisis and a Governor does exactly what he is supposed to do, some partisans find it necessary to bark nonsense that there are some sort of ulterior motives involved. Honestly, it is people like Limbaugh that have contributed to the division of Americans when it comes to our attitudes towards our government and leaders. When they actually do something right, isn't it time to figure out that some people will never be satisfied unless those sharing their positions always win? Unfortunately, many cannot deny that those complaining about Hurricane Sandy and the response of President Obama, FEMA and Gov. Christie are on the Right side of the political spectrum. Are Americans paying attention to this fact?
* In a surprise move, New York Mayor Micheal Bloomberg (I) has endorsed President Obama for re-election. It should be noted that Bloomberg made his billions in the business markets. It should be further noted that Bloomberg did not endorse a presidential candidate in 2008 and appeared unwilling to endorse anyone this time around. What possibly changed Bloomberg's position? Hurricane Sandy would be the best guess. When Mitt Romney made a joke about "rising tides" and Obama during the RNC Convention in Tampa, he lost Bloomberg, who is now dealing with flooded streets and subways. Wake up America, science is real and is not to be made fun of.
* In another amazing turn of events, the Conservative British Magazine The Economist has formally endorsed President Obama for re-election. Huh, a Conservative publication endorsing Obama? What up with that? See Today's blog for more...
* Hurricane Sandy has left a path of destruction throughout New Jersey, New York, West Virginia and surrounding states. Unfortunately, many Americans suffering from the effects of Sandy have learned what Floridians have known for years. Hurricanes bringing high winds and rain do plenty of damage, but storm surge is the real culprit of hurricane damage. Hopefully, those suffering from Sandy have flood insurance (which is offered from our big, bad federal government)!
*Last but Not Least - Labor numbers are beginning to leak in advance of the jobs numbers report due tomorrow. According to those familiar to the report, claim that 158,000 jobs have been created during the past month (which is more than previously projected). Despite Romney's claim that he alone will create 12 million jobs in four years, it appears those jobs will be created anyways based upon the positive trends since 2010!
* In a surprise move, New York Mayor Micheal Bloomberg (I) has endorsed President Obama for re-election. It should be noted that Bloomberg made his billions in the business markets. It should be further noted that Bloomberg did not endorse a presidential candidate in 2008 and appeared unwilling to endorse anyone this time around. What possibly changed Bloomberg's position? Hurricane Sandy would be the best guess. When Mitt Romney made a joke about "rising tides" and Obama during the RNC Convention in Tampa, he lost Bloomberg, who is now dealing with flooded streets and subways. Wake up America, science is real and is not to be made fun of.
* In another amazing turn of events, the Conservative British Magazine The Economist has formally endorsed President Obama for re-election. Huh, a Conservative publication endorsing Obama? What up with that? See Today's blog for more...
* Hurricane Sandy has left a path of destruction throughout New Jersey, New York, West Virginia and surrounding states. Unfortunately, many Americans suffering from the effects of Sandy have learned what Floridians have known for years. Hurricanes bringing high winds and rain do plenty of damage, but storm surge is the real culprit of hurricane damage. Hopefully, those suffering from Sandy have flood insurance (which is offered from our big, bad federal government)!
*Last but Not Least - Labor numbers are beginning to leak in advance of the jobs numbers report due tomorrow. According to those familiar to the report, claim that 158,000 jobs have been created during the past month (which is more than previously projected). Despite Romney's claim that he alone will create 12 million jobs in four years, it appears those jobs will be created anyways based upon the positive trends since 2010!
October 29, 2012 *Hurricane Sandy is coming ashore in New Jersey and both presidential candidates have suspended their campaigns as a result. President Obama left surrogates Bill Clinton and Joe Biden to hit the campaign stump in the interim, and Mitt Romney has suspended his campaigning (not like he could call on George W. Bush to serve in his stead). You can expect their respective campaign ads will continue. See today's blog on handling the political aspects of the storm.
* With both campaigns suspended due to the Hurricane, most Americans wish their ads would also be suspended as most afre seriously fatigued from the incessant television campaign advertising. Mailers continue, including one with a women voter proclaiming she voted for Obama in 2008 but will vote now instead for Romney. Thinking the mailer identified Florida voters, I was somewhat surprised to see the exact same mailer in the form of a newspaper ad from a Central Ohio publication...with the very same person! If folks knew that at least ONE Obama voter has changed their vote for Romney, that might make all the difference in the World...NOT!
* Last But Not Least - Catch me co-hosting The Robyn Report with Robyn Davis between 5-6pm at! See you on the radio and for all of my family and friends in the path of Hurricane Sandy...hunker down, be patient, be well and be safe!
* With both campaigns suspended due to the Hurricane, most Americans wish their ads would also be suspended as most afre seriously fatigued from the incessant television campaign advertising. Mailers continue, including one with a women voter proclaiming she voted for Obama in 2008 but will vote now instead for Romney. Thinking the mailer identified Florida voters, I was somewhat surprised to see the exact same mailer in the form of a newspaper ad from a Central Ohio publication...with the very same person! If folks knew that at least ONE Obama voter has changed their vote for Romney, that might make all the difference in the World...NOT!
* Last But Not Least - Catch me co-hosting The Robyn Report with Robyn Davis between 5-6pm at! See you on the radio and for all of my family and friends in the path of Hurricane Sandy...hunker down, be patient, be well and be safe!
October 28, 2012 *The latest polling indicates that Mitt Romney enjoys a lead in exactly two swing states and is tied in two others. THIS is the momentum the Romney camp wants Americans believe is propelling him to the White House! The Romney camp is so confident with their momentum, their rallies are now being labled "Victory Rallies!" Wow, I knew some ideologues were delusional, but give me a break! According to the very same polls, President Obama leads in Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio and Wisconsin. If these polls hold firm over the next nine days, Obama will be re-elected. Hardly cause for "Victory Rallies" by the GOP. For more on media manipulation, see my book "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
* Why is it that Republicans claim the polls are incorrect when they are losing but are "spot on" if they are winning? Sounds a lot like the way the GOP led House of Representatives have operated over the past two years. Don't get me wrong. A lot of negative things could be said about the way Nancy Pelosi ran the House under her leadership, but instead of making things work, the Republicans engaged in the same lousy tactics reeking of partisanship. Which leads me to a simple question. Mitt Romney claims he can reach across the aisle to work with political opponents to reach solutions through compromise. How will he do this if the Democrats pledge from "Day One" that they will do everything in their power to make Romney a "Failure and a One Term President?" Don't act all surprised if this happens folks, it IS what the Republicans publicly stated they would do when Obama took office (and they did). Unfortunately, what's good for the goose may be very bad for the gander...if America is the Gander! But how can we stop this mess if the GOP proves obstructionism works come election day? Then we have no choice but to "Sweep Congress Clean in 2014"(r) regardless of political party!
*Both political camps are altering their campaign strategies in order to avoid being caught up in Hurricane Sandy. Unfortunately for Romney, President Obama will have the national spotlight if the hurricane's damage is extensive. You might want to remember, one of the advantages of incumbency is having the role of "Consoller in Chief" and Obama play's that role quite well. Perhaps when Obama offers Federal disaster assistance, Romney will seek the limelight by offering to pay for the destruction out of his own pocket? Just a thought (see today's blog, "Hurricane Mitt is a Cat. 5!").
* Early voting is becoming viral. In virtually every state offering early voting turnout has been tremendous. In Florida, early voting began just yesterday and lines were so long it took over an hour in line to vote. Perhaps everyone that really has an interest in this election is voting early and on Election Day, a lot fewer will actually be waiting to vote. According to the Associated Press, over 70% of voters are expected to vote early this year. I know my wife and I are early voting! Perhaps it is best for everyone else to consider it as a viable option as well.
* Last But Not Least - Per The Associated Press, a "shadowy" company from Tennessee gave up to $5 Million to a Conservative Super-PAC within ten days of being established. No details are available except that the company suddenly came into existence and donated the $5 Million to the Koch Brother's supported Freedom Works For America Super-PAC under the name of "Specialty Group, Inc." operating out of a suburban home in Knoxville. Is it just me, or do Americans also feel a bit uneasy knowing that corporations come into existence solely to funnel millions in donations to campaigns, but no one has a clue who is really behind the money or who is actually a part of these corporations? With Mitt Romney claiming "Corporations are people too my friends" doesn't it make sense that we know who these people actually are? Especially when they are born solely to contribute large sums of money to influence presidential elections? I have a good idea how my friends are voting in this election. Why should wealthy folks trying to influence votes be be insulated from exposure so we know and appreciate why they are contributing such large sums? Are they even American? What is their real objective in contributing money as soon as they are "born?" Until we get the money out of politics that the Citizens United decision (erroneously) allowed as free speech, don't we have the right as actual human beings to know who and what is behind these "corporations?"
* Why is it that Republicans claim the polls are incorrect when they are losing but are "spot on" if they are winning? Sounds a lot like the way the GOP led House of Representatives have operated over the past two years. Don't get me wrong. A lot of negative things could be said about the way Nancy Pelosi ran the House under her leadership, but instead of making things work, the Republicans engaged in the same lousy tactics reeking of partisanship. Which leads me to a simple question. Mitt Romney claims he can reach across the aisle to work with political opponents to reach solutions through compromise. How will he do this if the Democrats pledge from "Day One" that they will do everything in their power to make Romney a "Failure and a One Term President?" Don't act all surprised if this happens folks, it IS what the Republicans publicly stated they would do when Obama took office (and they did). Unfortunately, what's good for the goose may be very bad for the gander...if America is the Gander! But how can we stop this mess if the GOP proves obstructionism works come election day? Then we have no choice but to "Sweep Congress Clean in 2014"(r) regardless of political party!
*Both political camps are altering their campaign strategies in order to avoid being caught up in Hurricane Sandy. Unfortunately for Romney, President Obama will have the national spotlight if the hurricane's damage is extensive. You might want to remember, one of the advantages of incumbency is having the role of "Consoller in Chief" and Obama play's that role quite well. Perhaps when Obama offers Federal disaster assistance, Romney will seek the limelight by offering to pay for the destruction out of his own pocket? Just a thought (see today's blog, "Hurricane Mitt is a Cat. 5!").
* Early voting is becoming viral. In virtually every state offering early voting turnout has been tremendous. In Florida, early voting began just yesterday and lines were so long it took over an hour in line to vote. Perhaps everyone that really has an interest in this election is voting early and on Election Day, a lot fewer will actually be waiting to vote. According to the Associated Press, over 70% of voters are expected to vote early this year. I know my wife and I are early voting! Perhaps it is best for everyone else to consider it as a viable option as well.
* Last But Not Least - Per The Associated Press, a "shadowy" company from Tennessee gave up to $5 Million to a Conservative Super-PAC within ten days of being established. No details are available except that the company suddenly came into existence and donated the $5 Million to the Koch Brother's supported Freedom Works For America Super-PAC under the name of "Specialty Group, Inc." operating out of a suburban home in Knoxville. Is it just me, or do Americans also feel a bit uneasy knowing that corporations come into existence solely to funnel millions in donations to campaigns, but no one has a clue who is really behind the money or who is actually a part of these corporations? With Mitt Romney claiming "Corporations are people too my friends" doesn't it make sense that we know who these people actually are? Especially when they are born solely to contribute large sums of money to influence presidential elections? I have a good idea how my friends are voting in this election. Why should wealthy folks trying to influence votes be be insulated from exposure so we know and appreciate why they are contributing such large sums? Are they even American? What is their real objective in contributing money as soon as they are "born?" Until we get the money out of politics that the Citizens United decision (erroneously) allowed as free speech, don't we have the right as actual human beings to know who and what is behind these "corporations?"
October 25, 2012 *In news sure to disappoint Mitt Romney, Former Secretary of State, General Colin Powell formally announced his endorsement of President Obama for re-election during a visit on CBS's This Morning show stating that Mitt Romney's foreign policy position is "a moving target." In response to the news, President Obama personally called Gen. Powell to thank him for the endorsement. What did Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) do? He spoke Fox News Radio's Kilmeade and Friends (Fox seems to like "Friends" a lot) simply saying that General Powell has "harmed his legacy further." Momentum for Romney? Seems to be going the other Obama.
* It has been announced that President Obama spoke directly with a group of 9,000 people identified as "Undecided Voters" asking for their vote. Apparently, Robo Calls were sent out to undecided voters inviting them to call a number for a chance to speak with the President. Amazingly, 9,000 called back and to their great surprise, found themselves on the phone with Obama. Obama ultimately asked for their vote. Wonder how many of those 9,000 will now vote for him?
* The fallout from Indiana GOP Senatorial candidate Richard Mourdoch's comments that a pregnancy from a rape is G-d's will and therefore cannot be aborted is going viral. Many GOP officials have backed away from Mourdoch because of these comments, including but not limited to Connecticut Governor Kelly Ayotte and Indiana Gubernatorial candidate Mike Pence. The one GOP candidate NOT backing away from their support and endorsement of Mourdoch? None other than Mitt Romney. OY!
* Additional polling shows a mixed bag when it comes to who is leading in the presidential race for the White House. One thing all of the polls agree on though. President Obama's lead in Wisconsin and Ohio remains solidly outside the margin of error. If these polls prove to be accurate, "Game Over" for Mitt Romney.
* According to Politico, Mitt Romney's camp is upset that President Obama was quoted in Rolling Stone Magazine saying that Mitt Romney is a "Bullshitter." In response, the Romney camp claims the comment is indicative that Obama is "desperate" and that his campaign has noting to offer except attacks on Romney. Perhaps Obama should "double down" on the comment considering the many positions Romney has taken in this campaign.
* Major news shows broadcasted live video of President Obama voting early in Chicago. Included in this live video was the voting official asking the President to produce identification to vote. When he pulled his driver's license out of a pocket and produced it, the entire office burst out in laughter. Gee, 'ya think the secret service detail and the President's entourage may provide a hint that the man voting was in fact the President of the United States?
* Last But Not Least - I will be co-hosting The Robyn Report tomorrow with Mike LaMond on WWPR1490 ( between 5 and 6pm. Robyn is out of town, so it may prove "interesting" being in the studio with Mike. Even Robyn has voiced concern that we might "burn the studio down." Tune to find out how much fun we will have. See you on the radio.
* It has been announced that President Obama spoke directly with a group of 9,000 people identified as "Undecided Voters" asking for their vote. Apparently, Robo Calls were sent out to undecided voters inviting them to call a number for a chance to speak with the President. Amazingly, 9,000 called back and to their great surprise, found themselves on the phone with Obama. Obama ultimately asked for their vote. Wonder how many of those 9,000 will now vote for him?
* The fallout from Indiana GOP Senatorial candidate Richard Mourdoch's comments that a pregnancy from a rape is G-d's will and therefore cannot be aborted is going viral. Many GOP officials have backed away from Mourdoch because of these comments, including but not limited to Connecticut Governor Kelly Ayotte and Indiana Gubernatorial candidate Mike Pence. The one GOP candidate NOT backing away from their support and endorsement of Mourdoch? None other than Mitt Romney. OY!
* Additional polling shows a mixed bag when it comes to who is leading in the presidential race for the White House. One thing all of the polls agree on though. President Obama's lead in Wisconsin and Ohio remains solidly outside the margin of error. If these polls prove to be accurate, "Game Over" for Mitt Romney.
* According to Politico, Mitt Romney's camp is upset that President Obama was quoted in Rolling Stone Magazine saying that Mitt Romney is a "Bullshitter." In response, the Romney camp claims the comment is indicative that Obama is "desperate" and that his campaign has noting to offer except attacks on Romney. Perhaps Obama should "double down" on the comment considering the many positions Romney has taken in this campaign.
* Major news shows broadcasted live video of President Obama voting early in Chicago. Included in this live video was the voting official asking the President to produce identification to vote. When he pulled his driver's license out of a pocket and produced it, the entire office burst out in laughter. Gee, 'ya think the secret service detail and the President's entourage may provide a hint that the man voting was in fact the President of the United States?
* Last But Not Least - I will be co-hosting The Robyn Report tomorrow with Mike LaMond on WWPR1490 ( between 5 and 6pm. Robyn is out of town, so it may prove "interesting" being in the studio with Mike. Even Robyn has voiced concern that we might "burn the studio down." Tune to find out how much fun we will have. See you on the radio.
October 24, 2012 *The fallout from comments made at the Indiana Senate debate last night by GOP Candidate Richard Mourdock is spreading like the plague. During the debate, an audience generated question about abortion and rape exposed yet another Republican Senate candidate's extreme views. According to Mourdock, in the event a pregnancy results from a rape, it must be because G-d ordained it and abortion therefore is to be denied the rape victim. Let's get this straight, a rape "victim" is a woman. Now that we have that understood, will Mourdock take this extreme position to the U.S. Senate if elected? You bet he will! Mourdock is on record stating that his sole intention if elected is to force the Democratic members of the Senate to bow down to Conservative principles and that Conservatives will never compromise or even work with anyone across the aisle unless they agree with the Republicans. Now that we have seen the "new and improved" Mitt Romney during the debates, does this mean Romney will be all alone in his efforts to "reach across the aisle" with Democrats to govern? Not likely. Not only has Romney immediately moved back to the hard Right with his campaign rhetoric, but just Monday, he began running ads in Indiana endorsing Richard Mourdock for Senate! Good luck Indiana. America beware!
* David Rogers at Politico has reported that Mitt Romney's own budget numbers will not add up...and not even close. Even though Paul Ryan's proposed budget cuts four times as much as Romney's, it too would not balance the budget deficit until 2040. How in the world can Romney expect us to believe he will balance the budget then by 2022? Bill Clinton was right! Arithmetic proves Romney's plan is "dead on arrival."
* According to Time Magazines latest poll (post the third debate), President Obama enjoys a solid 5 point lead in Ohio and an even larger lead in Iowa and Wisconsin. Despite the Romney team's effort to portray them possessing "momentum" all strategists show Obama winning the Electoral College. What does this all lead to? Challenges by the Republicans to muddle the election results in the swing states and additional calls to eliminate the Electoral College. At this point in time, I would not be surprised by anything the Republicans will do to ensure Obama loses. Are our voting machines secure?
* If only the Romney and Obama camps would listen to me! But they don't. I have a novel idea. IF Obama is re-elected, how about he appoint Mitt Romney to serve as his Secretary of Commerce? That way Romney could prove he really loves America and will do what it takes to work with Democrats AND Republicans to improve the jobs numbers and the economy. Are they listening to me? I doubt it.
* Last But Not Least - Polls, polls, polls...everywhere are polls. But what effect do they really have? Luckily, the only polls that count are coming soon (finally). Please folks. Win or lose, whoever wins MUST be able to govern. If the President is stifled by Congress, let's all begin efforts to sweep those that won't cooperate out of Congress! "Sweep them Clean in 2014 "(R) My new copyrighted political phrase!
* David Rogers at Politico has reported that Mitt Romney's own budget numbers will not add up...and not even close. Even though Paul Ryan's proposed budget cuts four times as much as Romney's, it too would not balance the budget deficit until 2040. How in the world can Romney expect us to believe he will balance the budget then by 2022? Bill Clinton was right! Arithmetic proves Romney's plan is "dead on arrival."
* According to Time Magazines latest poll (post the third debate), President Obama enjoys a solid 5 point lead in Ohio and an even larger lead in Iowa and Wisconsin. Despite the Romney team's effort to portray them possessing "momentum" all strategists show Obama winning the Electoral College. What does this all lead to? Challenges by the Republicans to muddle the election results in the swing states and additional calls to eliminate the Electoral College. At this point in time, I would not be surprised by anything the Republicans will do to ensure Obama loses. Are our voting machines secure?
* If only the Romney and Obama camps would listen to me! But they don't. I have a novel idea. IF Obama is re-elected, how about he appoint Mitt Romney to serve as his Secretary of Commerce? That way Romney could prove he really loves America and will do what it takes to work with Democrats AND Republicans to improve the jobs numbers and the economy. Are they listening to me? I doubt it.
* Last But Not Least - Polls, polls, polls...everywhere are polls. But what effect do they really have? Luckily, the only polls that count are coming soon (finally). Please folks. Win or lose, whoever wins MUST be able to govern. If the President is stifled by Congress, let's all begin efforts to sweep those that won't cooperate out of Congress! "Sweep them Clean in 2014 "(R) My new copyrighted political phrase!
October 23, 2012 * Had a great night co-hosting The Robyn Report on WWPR1490 with Robyn Davis along with Joe Newman discussing the history and impact of the Electoral College. As I have mentioned time and time again, it appears the Electoral College will be the main topic of discussion for the next few weeks as we get to Election Day and the polls finally close. You can expect many to call for an end to the College because the popular vote may favor one candidate while the Electoral College favors another. We shall see. For more information about the Electoral College, be sure to check out the chapter on Elections in "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
Last But Not Least - due to a lack of sleep (thanks to the trip from hell (yesterday) and my already late night on the radio (be sure to catch the podcast once it becomes available), I will return with a regular posting tomorrow afternoon/evening.
Last But Not Least - due to a lack of sleep (thanks to the trip from hell (yesterday) and my already late night on the radio (be sure to catch the podcast once it becomes available), I will return with a regular posting tomorrow afternoon/evening.
October 22, 2012 * After three flights, countless delays and a hectic drive home, I can honestly say that listening to a debate is a lot different than watching one. From what I could discern, President Obama was the winner over Mitt Romney tonight. But the bigger determinant of who is the winner will be in the polls and on Election Day. The pundits are already having a field day. The Republicans can never admit losing anything and the democrats can't avoid showing their anxiety with this close election. Thankfully, it will all be over soon. I only hope the days of divisiveness are over as well (but I am not counting on it).
* Please note that posting may be late or not at all tomorrow night at I will be Co-Hosting The Robyn Report from 5-6pm on Tomorrow's topic will be The Electoral College, so tune it! It should be a lot of fun and informational! Until then, see you on the radio!
* Please note that posting may be late or not at all tomorrow night at I will be Co-Hosting The Robyn Report from 5-6pm on Tomorrow's topic will be The Electoral College, so tune it! It should be a lot of fun and informational! Until then, see you on the radio!
October 21, 2012 * Sadly, reports have indicated that George McGovern (South Dakota-D), a staunch liberal who carried the Democratic nomination for President on an Anti-War platform against Richard Nixon, passed away at the age of 90. United States history would have taken a different course had McGovern been elected instead of Richard Nixon, but we will never know anything other than Nixon and his collaborators in violating the Constitution and the trust of the American public. Sorry Republicans, Nixon was all yours. With the death of George McGovern, America has lost a real patriot and statesman (and not like the statesmen we make up today like Donald Trump)!
* As we approach Election day, a variety of newspapers have come out with their recommendations in the Presidential election. According to Politico, the following papers have recently endorsed Mitt Romney; The Orlando Sentinel, The Tennessean out of Nashville, The New York Observer (A Manhattan Weekly), The Dallas Morning News, and the The Las Vegas Review-Journal. The following papers have endorsed President Obama for re-election; The Tampa Bay Times, The Denver Post, The Salt Lake Tribune, and the Philadelphia Enquirer. The Sarasota Herald-Tribune announced a few weeks ago they were not going to even try to endorse any candidates this election season. I think these endorsements speak for themselves. We are a very divided country and this year's election will be very, very close. Keep an eye on the ballots folks, because every vote will have to count!
*As an aside, in true form, the Onion endorsed John Edwards! At least they remind us that we have two serious candidates for President.
* In a move two weeks late, top Democrats in Congress have finally ripped into House Oversight Committee Chairman Daryl Issa (R-CA) because of his partisan handling of an "investigation" into the Benghazi tragedy. According to The Associated Press, Mr. Issa was so concerned about our national security (and hitting Obama hard for political purposes so close to the election) that he outed at least two Libyan nationals that have assisted the CIA in country. Oops! Mr. Issa take note. Your zest to get Romney elected should never supersede the duty you have in Congress and to the Country. Party power-plays should always come secondary to national security! No one, and I repeat no one, wants the Benghazi matter to be "swept under a rug", but pushing a hasty partisan "investigation" for political purposes reveals a shallow intent to grab power more than to obtain accurate information that could lead to a meaningful solution for future foreign entanglements. As I have to remind my GOP friends, Ronald Reagan had a few foreign lapses in security as president as well (200 plus Marines murdered in Beirut).
* According to a variety of news sources, Iran is now claiming it has reached an agreement to sit down with the United States to discuss their intentions to obtain nuclear capabilities. Under the weight of crushing sanctions, Iran is currently feeling the adverse affects of serious currency and economic collapse...which can all lead to unrest on the Persian Street. The Obama Administration has denied any such agreement, stating that sanctions will continue unabated until Iran provides tangible proof they are abandoning their nuclear ambitions. We shall see.
* In an obvious political move, Mitt Romney has kept considerable distance between himself and Florida Governor Rick Scott (R). Mitt may have made some mistakes or "bumps" along the way to Election Day, but avoiding Rick Scott is a "no-brainer." 68% of Floridians can't wait to elect anyone by Scott as Governor. "Pink Slip Rick" is a very popular bumper sticker throughout the Sunshine State. Romney is wise to steer clear of the Tea-Party disaster.
* According to Real Clear Politics, Mitt Romney is finally ahead of President Obama in electoral votes in states leaning towards the GOP. According to the report, the remaining "swing states" will determine the election with 131 electoral votes up for grabs. Although Obama's "firewall" remains in place, the strength of the "wall" will be determined after tomorrow night's final presidential debate.
*Last But Not Least - I will be returning tomorrow night from NYC and will be joining Robyn Davis on The Robyn Report to discuss the Electoral College and its impact on this year's presidential election. be sure to tune in Tuesday night from 5-6pm at
* As we approach Election day, a variety of newspapers have come out with their recommendations in the Presidential election. According to Politico, the following papers have recently endorsed Mitt Romney; The Orlando Sentinel, The Tennessean out of Nashville, The New York Observer (A Manhattan Weekly), The Dallas Morning News, and the The Las Vegas Review-Journal. The following papers have endorsed President Obama for re-election; The Tampa Bay Times, The Denver Post, The Salt Lake Tribune, and the Philadelphia Enquirer. The Sarasota Herald-Tribune announced a few weeks ago they were not going to even try to endorse any candidates this election season. I think these endorsements speak for themselves. We are a very divided country and this year's election will be very, very close. Keep an eye on the ballots folks, because every vote will have to count!
*As an aside, in true form, the Onion endorsed John Edwards! At least they remind us that we have two serious candidates for President.
* In a move two weeks late, top Democrats in Congress have finally ripped into House Oversight Committee Chairman Daryl Issa (R-CA) because of his partisan handling of an "investigation" into the Benghazi tragedy. According to The Associated Press, Mr. Issa was so concerned about our national security (and hitting Obama hard for political purposes so close to the election) that he outed at least two Libyan nationals that have assisted the CIA in country. Oops! Mr. Issa take note. Your zest to get Romney elected should never supersede the duty you have in Congress and to the Country. Party power-plays should always come secondary to national security! No one, and I repeat no one, wants the Benghazi matter to be "swept under a rug", but pushing a hasty partisan "investigation" for political purposes reveals a shallow intent to grab power more than to obtain accurate information that could lead to a meaningful solution for future foreign entanglements. As I have to remind my GOP friends, Ronald Reagan had a few foreign lapses in security as president as well (200 plus Marines murdered in Beirut).
* According to a variety of news sources, Iran is now claiming it has reached an agreement to sit down with the United States to discuss their intentions to obtain nuclear capabilities. Under the weight of crushing sanctions, Iran is currently feeling the adverse affects of serious currency and economic collapse...which can all lead to unrest on the Persian Street. The Obama Administration has denied any such agreement, stating that sanctions will continue unabated until Iran provides tangible proof they are abandoning their nuclear ambitions. We shall see.
* In an obvious political move, Mitt Romney has kept considerable distance between himself and Florida Governor Rick Scott (R). Mitt may have made some mistakes or "bumps" along the way to Election Day, but avoiding Rick Scott is a "no-brainer." 68% of Floridians can't wait to elect anyone by Scott as Governor. "Pink Slip Rick" is a very popular bumper sticker throughout the Sunshine State. Romney is wise to steer clear of the Tea-Party disaster.
* According to Real Clear Politics, Mitt Romney is finally ahead of President Obama in electoral votes in states leaning towards the GOP. According to the report, the remaining "swing states" will determine the election with 131 electoral votes up for grabs. Although Obama's "firewall" remains in place, the strength of the "wall" will be determined after tomorrow night's final presidential debate.
*Last But Not Least - I will be returning tomorrow night from NYC and will be joining Robyn Davis on The Robyn Report to discuss the Electoral College and its impact on this year's presidential election. be sure to tune in Tuesday night from 5-6pm at
October 17, 2012 *Not surprisingly, Republicans viewed last night's presidential debate as a Romney victory and Democrats viewed it as an Obama victory. Either way, as I mentioned earlier, a tie always goes to the incumbent. For more on incumbency advantage, check out the Elections Chapter in my book, "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
*According to the latest Politico poll, if the election was held today, President Obama would defeat Mitt Romney in the Electoral College by the score of 294 to 244. This makes it evident how split we are as a nation and how tenuous the next president's term will be. I certainly hope Congress gets the idea that we will have an eye on the 2014 Mid-Term elections!
*It was widely reported that former Wisc0nsin Governor and GOP Candidate for the US Senate, Tommy Thompson has apologized for his son Jason's remarks to a Wisconsin GOP meeting that "We have the opportunity to send Obama back to Chicago...or Kenya." For the record, Jason Thompson is not a teenager needing to be reminded of his manners or political etiquette by his father. Jason Thompson is 38 years old and is an attorney working for one of the most prominent law firms in Wisconsin. Making excuses for his son is hardly genuine. You can bet Jason Thompson said what he meant.
*According to Reuters, housing starts in America have reached a six (6) year high, further indicating that the recession is finally beginning to melt away for the constructi0n industry and trades. According to the report, starts for Multi-Family homes have risen over 25% and overall housing starts sits at a whipping 26%, a level not seen since 2006! Now how can we politicize this? Watch some of the stump speeches tomorrow. You can bet one of the candidate will be mentioning it...a lot.
* In a related matter, according to the Labor Department, consumer confidence is on the rise with consumer prices remaining relatively flat. The Federal Reserve also reported that factories, mines and utilities saw .4% increases in output. With these reports, the Dow yesterday shot higher, closing at 13,551.78. The market was at 8,174.73 (when Obama took office) in January, 2009.
*Corporate earnings helped Wall Street with 3rd quarter reports of healthy earnings by Johnson & Johnson ($2.97 Billion), United Healthcare ($1.27 Billion), Coca-Cola ($2.31 Billion) and IBM (3.8 Billion). And who exactly is suffering from the poor economy Mitt Romney keeps selling to us?
*As I wrote earlier about candidate camps questioning polls, now the Obama team is questioning their veracity as they indicate Romney is surging ahead in many states. One area that does raise questions is Romney's alleged lead with women. It all comes down to how they frame their questions and the number of folks actually polled. It is though funny how both political camps have come to criticize the polling. Can you begin to imagine the problems we may face if they both begin to question the election results. Heaven help us all!
* Mitt Romney attacked President Obama in last night's debate claiming that the Administration's energy policies have failed due to the fact that gas prices are higher than when he took office. Amazingly, Obama did not counter this claim, knowing full well that neither the President nor Congress can regulate the free market's impact on oil and gas speculation. I wonder how many GOP members of Congress wold support any bill to regulate and limit oil and gas market speculation? Probably none, and the Koch Brothers would blow a gasket if they tried.
* It has been widely reported that The Koch Brothers have distributed notices to their employees that if President Obama is re-elected, they can expect to lose their jobs. It is bad enough the Koch Brothers fund professors at universities with specific instructions to teach a Conservative economic ideology and that they support a wide variety of Super-PACS favoring their Conservative agenda, but it is entirely another to try to manipulate their employees' rights to vote by giving them veiled threats of layoffs.
* Last But Not Least - I will be appearing tomorrow from 5:30 to 7pm at Barnes and Noble in Sarasota to speak about "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say." If you can, stop in and see us! I will then immediately head to New York, so don't count on a posting until Sunday (at the earliest). In the interim, be well and check back to see if I grabbed a chance to post.
*According to the latest Politico poll, if the election was held today, President Obama would defeat Mitt Romney in the Electoral College by the score of 294 to 244. This makes it evident how split we are as a nation and how tenuous the next president's term will be. I certainly hope Congress gets the idea that we will have an eye on the 2014 Mid-Term elections!
*It was widely reported that former Wisc0nsin Governor and GOP Candidate for the US Senate, Tommy Thompson has apologized for his son Jason's remarks to a Wisconsin GOP meeting that "We have the opportunity to send Obama back to Chicago...or Kenya." For the record, Jason Thompson is not a teenager needing to be reminded of his manners or political etiquette by his father. Jason Thompson is 38 years old and is an attorney working for one of the most prominent law firms in Wisconsin. Making excuses for his son is hardly genuine. You can bet Jason Thompson said what he meant.
*According to Reuters, housing starts in America have reached a six (6) year high, further indicating that the recession is finally beginning to melt away for the constructi0n industry and trades. According to the report, starts for Multi-Family homes have risen over 25% and overall housing starts sits at a whipping 26%, a level not seen since 2006! Now how can we politicize this? Watch some of the stump speeches tomorrow. You can bet one of the candidate will be mentioning it...a lot.
* In a related matter, according to the Labor Department, consumer confidence is on the rise with consumer prices remaining relatively flat. The Federal Reserve also reported that factories, mines and utilities saw .4% increases in output. With these reports, the Dow yesterday shot higher, closing at 13,551.78. The market was at 8,174.73 (when Obama took office) in January, 2009.
*Corporate earnings helped Wall Street with 3rd quarter reports of healthy earnings by Johnson & Johnson ($2.97 Billion), United Healthcare ($1.27 Billion), Coca-Cola ($2.31 Billion) and IBM (3.8 Billion). And who exactly is suffering from the poor economy Mitt Romney keeps selling to us?
*As I wrote earlier about candidate camps questioning polls, now the Obama team is questioning their veracity as they indicate Romney is surging ahead in many states. One area that does raise questions is Romney's alleged lead with women. It all comes down to how they frame their questions and the number of folks actually polled. It is though funny how both political camps have come to criticize the polling. Can you begin to imagine the problems we may face if they both begin to question the election results. Heaven help us all!
* Mitt Romney attacked President Obama in last night's debate claiming that the Administration's energy policies have failed due to the fact that gas prices are higher than when he took office. Amazingly, Obama did not counter this claim, knowing full well that neither the President nor Congress can regulate the free market's impact on oil and gas speculation. I wonder how many GOP members of Congress wold support any bill to regulate and limit oil and gas market speculation? Probably none, and the Koch Brothers would blow a gasket if they tried.
* It has been widely reported that The Koch Brothers have distributed notices to their employees that if President Obama is re-elected, they can expect to lose their jobs. It is bad enough the Koch Brothers fund professors at universities with specific instructions to teach a Conservative economic ideology and that they support a wide variety of Super-PACS favoring their Conservative agenda, but it is entirely another to try to manipulate their employees' rights to vote by giving them veiled threats of layoffs.
* Last But Not Least - I will be appearing tomorrow from 5:30 to 7pm at Barnes and Noble in Sarasota to speak about "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say." If you can, stop in and see us! I will then immediately head to New York, so don't count on a posting until Sunday (at the earliest). In the interim, be well and check back to see if I grabbed a chance to post.
October 16, 2012 *Update - Obama 1, Biden 1, Romney 1...Obama up 1/2 game. Ties go to the incumbent (even if you think it was a tie...which I do not). The Libya comments sealed it for me. Obama took responsibility as Commander In Chief and Romney wanted to politicize it...and blew it claiming Obama did not say it was an act of terror the next day in the Rose Garden (Obama DID say it was an act of terrorism). See you back here tomorrow.
October 15, 2012 *According to Mitt Romney, the "elite media" is staging a full court press in order to portray President Obama as the clear favorite for re-election. The basis for this claim? Actually, none whatsoever. Why is Romney's claim absurd? Because IF the media was in the tank for Obama, they would not be presenting poll after poll showing Romney getting closer to Obama and stressing how big the rallies have become for Romney. Any objective watcher of the media would have to admit that Romney has been enjoying overwhelming good press since the Debacle in Denver from the media. So why the complaints? Because this is tried and true is red meat for the GOP base. Blame the "Lame Stream Media" when all else fails. Does this mean the internal polling for the Romney/Ryan camp are not so positive? We'll see.
* According to the Rasmussen Poll, Obama leads in Ohio and according to the PPP (Public Policy Poll), Obama is up more than 5 points over Romney. As mentioned above, Romney appears to have reason to complain about the media. Why? Because he is losing, plain and simple.
*Now two sets of parents of the heroes murdered in Libya have come forward to ask that Mitt Romney stop politicizing their deaths in the tragedy in Benghazi. Now if they and Daryl Issa will listen.
* As reported earlier, Arlen Spector, one of the last of the moderates in Congress passed away at the age of 84. No matter your political affiliation, the nation has lost a real statesman who found ways to work with members of Congress from either side of the aisle. Perhaps we would all be better off if we had more folks like Mr. Spector in Congress.
* The Obama camp rolled out a new set of ads in Ohio featuring John Glenn. No one makes the Buckeye State swoon more than favorite son Glenn. Ohio looks solid in the Obama camp. Will the Electoral College follow?
* Last But Not Least - I will be co-hosting The Robyn Report with Robyn Davis on WWPR. Check us out between 5-6pm at See you on the radio!
* According to the Rasmussen Poll, Obama leads in Ohio and according to the PPP (Public Policy Poll), Obama is up more than 5 points over Romney. As mentioned above, Romney appears to have reason to complain about the media. Why? Because he is losing, plain and simple.
*Now two sets of parents of the heroes murdered in Libya have come forward to ask that Mitt Romney stop politicizing their deaths in the tragedy in Benghazi. Now if they and Daryl Issa will listen.
* As reported earlier, Arlen Spector, one of the last of the moderates in Congress passed away at the age of 84. No matter your political affiliation, the nation has lost a real statesman who found ways to work with members of Congress from either side of the aisle. Perhaps we would all be better off if we had more folks like Mr. Spector in Congress.
* The Obama camp rolled out a new set of ads in Ohio featuring John Glenn. No one makes the Buckeye State swoon more than favorite son Glenn. Ohio looks solid in the Obama camp. Will the Electoral College follow?
* Last But Not Least - I will be co-hosting The Robyn Report with Robyn Davis on WWPR. Check us out between 5-6pm at See you on the radio!
October 14, 2012 *According to Reuters, President Obama has opened a wide lead amongst those voting early in many states, including the critical swing state of Ohio. In fact, Obama holds an overwhelming lead over Romney with those already voting in Ohio, provided the Exit Polls are reliable. That's a significant caveat folks, because people lie. In this case however, there appears to be enough polling outside the margin of error to substantiate Obama's considerable early lead. Virtually all polling indicates Romney is sustaining his "bounce" from the "Debacle in Denver," but Biden's performance last week in the Vice-Presidential debate has stopped the "bleeding" and has put Obama "back into legitimate play." Now we shall see how the two candidates do in the next Presidential debate to be held Tuesday at Hofstra University.
* Despite polling indicating otherwise, GOP strategist Al Cardenas has claimed that Obama is in "serious trouble" in Florida. The basis for his claim? According to Politico, Cardenas claims the youth vote (18-29 year old) in Florida will be down significantly from the levels established in 2008. How does Cardenas know this? Your guess is as good as mine. The claim becomes rather moot though if Obama wins Pennsylvania, Michigan and Ohio (which he currently maintains leads in outside the margin of error).
* Speaking of polling, according to the PPP (Public Policy Polling) Ohio poll, Obama's lead in Ohio has actually been extended since the VP debate and the Obama team has called out Bruce Springsteen to campaign for the President in Ohio. I have to believe Springsteen has the ability to stretch the youth vote from the established 18-29 age range to oh, perhaps 18 to 65? Born to Run baby, Born to Run.
* Two weeks ago Mitt Romney proclaimed he was going to absolutely win Ohio and the presidency. According to
recent reports, Romney now is begging voters to turn out for him Ohio stating "We need to win Ohio." Earth to Romney, you've needed Ohio to win all along. Why the shift in confidence? Oh, I f0rgot, shape shifting, etch-a-sketching, distorting facts, all seem to fit your mold. Seems it took years for you to perfect you persona. As I have been writing for months and months. We see right through you Willard!
*Daryl Issa (R-CA) appeared on Bill Maher's Real Time on HBO Friday night acting as partisan as ever, claiming justification for investigating the tragedy in Libya. It took Montana Governor Brian Sweitzer to shut Issa down, and he did so in such an effective way, Issa was left spinning using Romney/Ryan talking points in response. When will Americans decide our Congressional leaders need to be honest with us and stop the partisan nonsense? If Issa wants to be campaigning for Romney and Ryan, then he should be forced to recuse himself from investigations aimed at destroying the Obama Administration during election time. Plain and simple.
* Last But Not Least - I will be back with Robyn Davis on The Robyn Report on WWPR1490 Tuesday between 5 and 6pm ( to discuss the current status of the presidential race and the potential impact the Electoral College may have on this year's election. I will also be appearing at the Sarasota Barnes and Noble Thursday night to discuss "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say" with local educators at their Fall Educators Night. So catch me on the radio or at Barnes and Noble Thursday night between 5:30 and 7pm. In the interim, be well.
* Despite polling indicating otherwise, GOP strategist Al Cardenas has claimed that Obama is in "serious trouble" in Florida. The basis for his claim? According to Politico, Cardenas claims the youth vote (18-29 year old) in Florida will be down significantly from the levels established in 2008. How does Cardenas know this? Your guess is as good as mine. The claim becomes rather moot though if Obama wins Pennsylvania, Michigan and Ohio (which he currently maintains leads in outside the margin of error).
* Speaking of polling, according to the PPP (Public Policy Polling) Ohio poll, Obama's lead in Ohio has actually been extended since the VP debate and the Obama team has called out Bruce Springsteen to campaign for the President in Ohio. I have to believe Springsteen has the ability to stretch the youth vote from the established 18-29 age range to oh, perhaps 18 to 65? Born to Run baby, Born to Run.
* Two weeks ago Mitt Romney proclaimed he was going to absolutely win Ohio and the presidency. According to
recent reports, Romney now is begging voters to turn out for him Ohio stating "We need to win Ohio." Earth to Romney, you've needed Ohio to win all along. Why the shift in confidence? Oh, I f0rgot, shape shifting, etch-a-sketching, distorting facts, all seem to fit your mold. Seems it took years for you to perfect you persona. As I have been writing for months and months. We see right through you Willard!
*Daryl Issa (R-CA) appeared on Bill Maher's Real Time on HBO Friday night acting as partisan as ever, claiming justification for investigating the tragedy in Libya. It took Montana Governor Brian Sweitzer to shut Issa down, and he did so in such an effective way, Issa was left spinning using Romney/Ryan talking points in response. When will Americans decide our Congressional leaders need to be honest with us and stop the partisan nonsense? If Issa wants to be campaigning for Romney and Ryan, then he should be forced to recuse himself from investigations aimed at destroying the Obama Administration during election time. Plain and simple.
* Last But Not Least - I will be back with Robyn Davis on The Robyn Report on WWPR1490 Tuesday between 5 and 6pm ( to discuss the current status of the presidential race and the potential impact the Electoral College may have on this year's election. I will also be appearing at the Sarasota Barnes and Noble Thursday night to discuss "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say" with local educators at their Fall Educators Night. So catch me on the radio or at Barnes and Noble Thursday night between 5:30 and 7pm. In the interim, be well.
UPDATE ---- Romney 1, Biden 1.
October 11, 2012 *The big news of the day is obviously tonight's vice-presidential debate between Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Vice President Joe Biden (D). The potential entertainment value of this debate alone is reason enough to watch with Joe Biden, the oft-described "dunce", "gaffe machine" or "loose cannon" going up against the "smart" "intelligent" "deep thinking" Paul Ryan. Ironically, setting aside the entertainment value, this debate may just be one of the most important vice-presidential debate in modern times. Why? Because Mitt Romney cleaned President Obama's clock in the first Presidential Debate and has enjoyed a significant upswing in the polls as a result. Joe "The Pitbull" Biden has many interesting facets, some of them goofy but certainly some of them formidable (after all, he is the VP and served over three decades in the US Senate). Be sure to tune in for the drama. It actually may almost be as exciting as one of the MLB playoff games!
*According to an article on Politico, Rep. Paul Ryan has decided that he would prefer to be addressed as "Mister" instead of Congressman. According to the posting, Ryan's polling has recognized that being a member of Congress is not exactly a popular achievement these days, so in an effort to avoid being associated with an unpopular Congress, he wished to be addressed as "Mister" in tonight's debate. Does this mean he can claim to be a Washington "Outsider" too? Paul Ryan is running for re-election to Congress where he has served for 16 years. Strange how this close to the election he is running away from the only real adult job he has ever had. I wonder how his constituents feel about Mr. Ryan now? Politics and polling. Check them out in my book, "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
* In another case of absurdity, Fox Business News repeated a claim several times that Congressman Daryl Issa (R-CA) Chairman of the House Oversight Committee was planning to convene hearings into the legitimacy of the September jobs report indicating unemployment dipped to 7.8%. Despite these claims, Rep. Issa vehemently denies he has called for such hearings and indicated no interest in doing so. So why the repeated claims by Fox Business News? Perhaps they are more interested in disputing the Bureau of Labor Statistics veracity in an effort to attack Obama? Nah, couldn't be. Really? No way! Sad, but true. Fair and Balanced Fox again to the rescue of Mitt Romney. Don't like government? Claim it's to0 big! Claim it is corrupt! Get "your man" elected to be President...and government is "just right!"
* According to various polling maps, President Obama still holds a decent lead over challenger Mitt Romney in the race to the White House. Although Romney has cut that lead substantially, Obama still is projected to obtain 294 electoral votes to Romney's 244. Watch how fast Republicans begin to complain about the "archaic" Electoral College and how "unfair" it is if Romney wins the popular vote yet loses the election due to the Electoral vote! Gee, has this ever happened before in American history? Oh yes it has, and a recently as 2000 when George W. Bush won the Electoral College despite Al Gore winning over 500,000 more popular votes. Watch how long it takes for the GOP to complain this time around about the electoral process!
* Last But Not Least - I will be back on the radio tomorrow between 5 and 6pm with Robyn Davis and Mike Lamond on The Robyn Report on See you on the radio!
*According to an article on Politico, Rep. Paul Ryan has decided that he would prefer to be addressed as "Mister" instead of Congressman. According to the posting, Ryan's polling has recognized that being a member of Congress is not exactly a popular achievement these days, so in an effort to avoid being associated with an unpopular Congress, he wished to be addressed as "Mister" in tonight's debate. Does this mean he can claim to be a Washington "Outsider" too? Paul Ryan is running for re-election to Congress where he has served for 16 years. Strange how this close to the election he is running away from the only real adult job he has ever had. I wonder how his constituents feel about Mr. Ryan now? Politics and polling. Check them out in my book, "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
* In another case of absurdity, Fox Business News repeated a claim several times that Congressman Daryl Issa (R-CA) Chairman of the House Oversight Committee was planning to convene hearings into the legitimacy of the September jobs report indicating unemployment dipped to 7.8%. Despite these claims, Rep. Issa vehemently denies he has called for such hearings and indicated no interest in doing so. So why the repeated claims by Fox Business News? Perhaps they are more interested in disputing the Bureau of Labor Statistics veracity in an effort to attack Obama? Nah, couldn't be. Really? No way! Sad, but true. Fair and Balanced Fox again to the rescue of Mitt Romney. Don't like government? Claim it's to0 big! Claim it is corrupt! Get "your man" elected to be President...and government is "just right!"
* According to various polling maps, President Obama still holds a decent lead over challenger Mitt Romney in the race to the White House. Although Romney has cut that lead substantially, Obama still is projected to obtain 294 electoral votes to Romney's 244. Watch how fast Republicans begin to complain about the "archaic" Electoral College and how "unfair" it is if Romney wins the popular vote yet loses the election due to the Electoral vote! Gee, has this ever happened before in American history? Oh yes it has, and a recently as 2000 when George W. Bush won the Electoral College despite Al Gore winning over 500,000 more popular votes. Watch how long it takes for the GOP to complain this time around about the electoral process!
* Last But Not Least - I will be back on the radio tomorrow between 5 and 6pm with Robyn Davis and Mike Lamond on The Robyn Report on See you on the radio!
October 7, 2012 * According to the Atlantic Wire, polls show large bounces for Mitt Romney in the swing states of Virginia and Ohio.
According to polls conducted by Rasmussen, a Conservative polling group, Romney actually now leads Obama in both states, while other polling groups show Obama maintaining a significant lead in those states. Amazingly, Conservatives reject all polling conducted by anyone other than Rasmussen claiming other groups are skewing their results by not polling enough Republicans. They believe Rasmussen, therefore, is the only poll that counts for them. Ironically, even a poll showing Obama ahead conducted by Fox News has been rejected as "faulty" by Conservatives. Seems methodology comes into play when determining the accuracy of polling in 2012. Rasmussen only polls likely voters by contacting them on land lines. The other polling groups include cell phone contacts in their methods of reaching potential voters. In this day and age, could it be that the methods used to poll folks also mirror the ideologies of the parties? Conservatives poll folks that do not use cell phones (older, less "attuned" or what has become known as "low information voters" while the other pollsters contact folks using varieties of technologies that enhance communication and access to information? Hmm, I guess we shall see. For more on polling, check out "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
* Even though Mitt Romney enjoys telling folks that "Redistributing the Wealth" is not an American value, how can he explain that the State of Florida received over $577.8 Billion in Federal revenue sharing last year alone? How can tea Party Governor Rick Scott (R) claim credit for balancing the Florida budget when he has relied so heavily on Federal monies to do so? How can Florida members of the US House of Representatives call for a Constitutional Amendment requiring our Federal budget be balanced when trillions of dollars are redistributed to the states in order for them to simply function? According to CNBC, the Federal government spent no less that $3.6 TRILLION last year in revenue sharing with the states. So I have an idea. Let's all agree with Republicans and require our Federal deficit be balanced by cutting all revenue sharing to the states! This should not be a problem right? Mitt Romney and others claim it is not an American value to take money from folks and give it back to anyone other than those that gave it right? If we cut the deficit immediately by eliminating all revenue sharing to the states...we'd be $3.6 Trillion wealthier right out of the gate. But what would GOP Governors do for their poor states if they had their "welfare cut?" Ask Romney, he seems to know all of the answers, even if they are only true until he takes his next breath.
* Speaking of Romney lies, the biggest lie I can honestly point out is his oft-repeated claim that Obamacare created a panel of "unelected people" to a board that will make medical decisions for us without regard to what our own doctors recommend. This is a lie. Not a lie because I say so, but a lie because even the Romney campaign admits to it. Nowhere in the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act is any authority granted to any board of any kind to determine levels of care or who is eligible for care under the Act. Romney's lie on this front can be characterized as "pathological." Why? Because he knows it is a lie, yet he "sells" it so effectively as being true. That alone makes him dangerous. Worse yet, when Conservatives are forced to admit Romney has told a boatload of lies, their response? Obama lies, so Romney can too. Now that's leadership from the Right!
* After criticizing Obama repeatedly for over two years that the unemployment rate has not been under 8% during his term in office, the Bureau of Labor Statistics just reported that the unemployment rate just dipped to 7.8% for the first time since January, 2009. Instead of celebrating a success for the American economy, the Republicans have labeled the recovery "too tepid" and more importantly, have claimed the numbers from the Department of Labor have been "cooked" to assist Obama in his re-election efforts. Earth to Republicans...the statistics issued by the Department of Labor are from CIVIL SERVICE employees who have no tie with the political arms of the government. When presidents come and go, the folks at the Bureau of Statistics stay. See more about this in my book.
* Last but Not Least - I will be taping an interview Wednesday for Ear Radio to highlight my book, "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say." I will let you all know when the episode will be aired on the Ear Radio Network. Until then, please note that I will not be able to post Monday and Tuesday due to religious reasons, but hope to post after my interview Wednesday evening. See you then and be well.
According to polls conducted by Rasmussen, a Conservative polling group, Romney actually now leads Obama in both states, while other polling groups show Obama maintaining a significant lead in those states. Amazingly, Conservatives reject all polling conducted by anyone other than Rasmussen claiming other groups are skewing their results by not polling enough Republicans. They believe Rasmussen, therefore, is the only poll that counts for them. Ironically, even a poll showing Obama ahead conducted by Fox News has been rejected as "faulty" by Conservatives. Seems methodology comes into play when determining the accuracy of polling in 2012. Rasmussen only polls likely voters by contacting them on land lines. The other polling groups include cell phone contacts in their methods of reaching potential voters. In this day and age, could it be that the methods used to poll folks also mirror the ideologies of the parties? Conservatives poll folks that do not use cell phones (older, less "attuned" or what has become known as "low information voters" while the other pollsters contact folks using varieties of technologies that enhance communication and access to information? Hmm, I guess we shall see. For more on polling, check out "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
* Even though Mitt Romney enjoys telling folks that "Redistributing the Wealth" is not an American value, how can he explain that the State of Florida received over $577.8 Billion in Federal revenue sharing last year alone? How can tea Party Governor Rick Scott (R) claim credit for balancing the Florida budget when he has relied so heavily on Federal monies to do so? How can Florida members of the US House of Representatives call for a Constitutional Amendment requiring our Federal budget be balanced when trillions of dollars are redistributed to the states in order for them to simply function? According to CNBC, the Federal government spent no less that $3.6 TRILLION last year in revenue sharing with the states. So I have an idea. Let's all agree with Republicans and require our Federal deficit be balanced by cutting all revenue sharing to the states! This should not be a problem right? Mitt Romney and others claim it is not an American value to take money from folks and give it back to anyone other than those that gave it right? If we cut the deficit immediately by eliminating all revenue sharing to the states...we'd be $3.6 Trillion wealthier right out of the gate. But what would GOP Governors do for their poor states if they had their "welfare cut?" Ask Romney, he seems to know all of the answers, even if they are only true until he takes his next breath.
* Speaking of Romney lies, the biggest lie I can honestly point out is his oft-repeated claim that Obamacare created a panel of "unelected people" to a board that will make medical decisions for us without regard to what our own doctors recommend. This is a lie. Not a lie because I say so, but a lie because even the Romney campaign admits to it. Nowhere in the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act is any authority granted to any board of any kind to determine levels of care or who is eligible for care under the Act. Romney's lie on this front can be characterized as "pathological." Why? Because he knows it is a lie, yet he "sells" it so effectively as being true. That alone makes him dangerous. Worse yet, when Conservatives are forced to admit Romney has told a boatload of lies, their response? Obama lies, so Romney can too. Now that's leadership from the Right!
* After criticizing Obama repeatedly for over two years that the unemployment rate has not been under 8% during his term in office, the Bureau of Labor Statistics just reported that the unemployment rate just dipped to 7.8% for the first time since January, 2009. Instead of celebrating a success for the American economy, the Republicans have labeled the recovery "too tepid" and more importantly, have claimed the numbers from the Department of Labor have been "cooked" to assist Obama in his re-election efforts. Earth to Republicans...the statistics issued by the Department of Labor are from CIVIL SERVICE employees who have no tie with the political arms of the government. When presidents come and go, the folks at the Bureau of Statistics stay. See more about this in my book.
* Last but Not Least - I will be taping an interview Wednesday for Ear Radio to highlight my book, "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say." I will let you all know when the episode will be aired on the Ear Radio Network. Until then, please note that I will not be able to post Monday and Tuesday due to religious reasons, but hope to post after my interview Wednesday evening. See you then and be well.
September 30, 2012 * It has been reported by the Gatestone Institute that Mohammed Dahlan, former Palestinian Authority Security Commander in Gaza, has recently said that there are over 600 millionaires living in Gaza, despite the constant clamor that Israel has forced all Arabs in Gaza to suffer as "refugees." We knew Arafat died leaving a huge sum of cash in European banks, but to think in the small area of Gaza "600 millionaires" live there too? So much for being oppressed by Israel. Maybe someday soon they will actually turn Gaza into the beautiful place it ought to be along the Mediterranean? Don't count on it. It is far too easy to beg for money and to blame Israel for all of their problems.
* Josh Gerstein in Politico reports that the Supreme Court of the United States will begin a new term tomorrow and that they have granted Certiorari to hear a number of significant cases, ranging from Affirmative Action, Same Sex Marriage to Wire Tapping under the guise of fighting the "war on terror." Although the issues will be heard prior to election day, decisions are not expected to be published until after the fall contests. For more on Writs of Certiorari, check out Chapter 7 on the Judiciary in "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
* As mentioned in an earlier posting, the GOP has engaged in efforts to paint all pollsters and media as "left of center." At least that is what GOP Vice-Presidential Nominee Paul Ryan just claimed according to an article in Politico. Seems every time Romney, Ryan, Akins or any other GOP candidate makes a huge mistake on the campaign trail, it is the media's fault for reporting or discussing it. Isn't it ironic that the GOP has slammed Obama for close to three years for blaming Bush for the economic meltdown (true) but they can't seem to own up to their own mistakes? Politics at play folks, it's only going to get rougher as we approach election day.
*Seems GOP Gov. Chris "Krispy Kreme" Christie (R-NJ) is declaring Romney the winner of Wednesday's debate. Christie, acting as Romney's surrogate on CBS's Face The Nation this morning claimed Romney "will turn the debates upside down" on Obama. Really? Is Christie a prophet? If Romney devastates Obama, then he will be a real "seer" when it comes to being political prescient. If he is wrong, can we call him a "politician? (one known to exaggerate and prevaricate)?
* Along these lines, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) just came out saying that debates really do not have the major impact on elections anymore. Speaking on CNN's "State of the Union" broadcast, McCain said "Sometimes we expect a major breakthrough, but that doesn't happen very often." Perhaps McCain should sit down with Christie beforehand and compare notes before they go on national broadcasts and contradict each other. Oops. Just shows how disorganized the GOP and Romney camps really are.
* The GOP continues to attack Obama for the White House's handling of the information relating to the attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The reason for the criticism? Too many changing stories. Honestly, it never looks good for an Administration that is unable to present accurate information to the public on anything, let alone an attack on US diplomats. Many in the GOP have taken advantage of the missteps to attack Obama and his entire foreign policy as it relates to the Middle East. In fact, Mike Huckabee claimed it to be a massive "cover-up" greater in importance than Richard Nixon's misdeeds in the Watergate Affair. Now we know the GOP is grasping at straws and will say and do anything (including revise history) to defeat Obama. Get a grip folks. Watergate was an entirely different deal (and anyone gullible not to know that does not deserve to call themselves an American). Learn American history, but not from folks like Mike Huckabee!
* Despite proven to be patently false, the Republican Party of Sarasota, Florida continues to send mailers out to voters claiming Congressional candidate Kieth Fitzgerald has failed to teach classes at New College while getting paid. The most recent mailer is a hoot. Why? Not just that it is FALSE and has been proven to be FALSE, but that the mailer's claims are packaged in such a lame way, the GOP should be "taken to school" for it. It reads; "Demand that Professor Fitzgerald either show up for class and teach, or resign to pursue his real ambition of being a politician moving up from Tallahassee to Washington. But not both. It just ain't right." Please read this sentence again. Why is okay for Incumbent Vern Buchanan to take 5 weeks off from his duties in Congress to run for re-election (all the while getting paid) and Fitzgerald is not allowed to do the same to run for office? Does this mean VP Candidate Paul Ryan should not be allowed to run for Congress and Vice President, because he is campaigning all of the time instead of attending to his responsibilities in the House of Representatives. More importantly, the ad attacks Fitzgerald for not being in school to teach. Apparently, the GOP of Sarasota failed English classes and could stand a refresher course... "Ain't" is NOT proper English.
*Along these lines, according to the Ryan campaign, Paul Ryan will begin running ads in the Madison and Milwaukee areas seeking re-election to the House of Representatives. Is this a concern or a practical strategy? Probably the latter, but come on folks, putting money in ads seeking to return to Washington as a member of the House of Representatives in an alleged "competitive"swing state sure cannot look good for the Romney camp. Hedging bets is wise, but what type of signal about Romney does it send to the GOP faithful in Wisconsin?
* Speaking of Vern Buchanan (R-FL), he continues to be dogged by illegal campaign contributions. According to the Sarasota Herald Tribune, Buchanan has had to return hundred of thousands of dollars in illegal campaign contributions since he was elected four years ago to the House, and recently had to return an additional $83,400. So we have an incumbent member of Congress constantly accepting illegal contributions with a string of ethics investigations by his own Party in Congress, and all he has is an attack on his challenger because he maintains his teaching position while running for election. Go figure why Buchanan is even close to being re-elected.
* Last But Not Least - "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say" has received a recommendation/endorsement from the Florida Times Union out of Jacksonville, Florida. The Florida Times Union is read throughout Northern Florida and Southern Georgia. Recommendations are obviously greatly appreciated. Please note, due to the observance of Succos, I will not be posting Monday and Tuesday (unless it is late Tuesday). I will also be attending a function Wednesday and Thursday featuring Edward Lengel, Chief Archivist for George Washington at Mt. Vernon. Then I am back on The Robyn Report on Friday from 5-6pm. Getting busier and busier. So, check back often and we shall see if I can get back to you all in the interim. Thanks for reading and be well.
* Josh Gerstein in Politico reports that the Supreme Court of the United States will begin a new term tomorrow and that they have granted Certiorari to hear a number of significant cases, ranging from Affirmative Action, Same Sex Marriage to Wire Tapping under the guise of fighting the "war on terror." Although the issues will be heard prior to election day, decisions are not expected to be published until after the fall contests. For more on Writs of Certiorari, check out Chapter 7 on the Judiciary in "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
* As mentioned in an earlier posting, the GOP has engaged in efforts to paint all pollsters and media as "left of center." At least that is what GOP Vice-Presidential Nominee Paul Ryan just claimed according to an article in Politico. Seems every time Romney, Ryan, Akins or any other GOP candidate makes a huge mistake on the campaign trail, it is the media's fault for reporting or discussing it. Isn't it ironic that the GOP has slammed Obama for close to three years for blaming Bush for the economic meltdown (true) but they can't seem to own up to their own mistakes? Politics at play folks, it's only going to get rougher as we approach election day.
*Seems GOP Gov. Chris "Krispy Kreme" Christie (R-NJ) is declaring Romney the winner of Wednesday's debate. Christie, acting as Romney's surrogate on CBS's Face The Nation this morning claimed Romney "will turn the debates upside down" on Obama. Really? Is Christie a prophet? If Romney devastates Obama, then he will be a real "seer" when it comes to being political prescient. If he is wrong, can we call him a "politician? (one known to exaggerate and prevaricate)?
* Along these lines, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) just came out saying that debates really do not have the major impact on elections anymore. Speaking on CNN's "State of the Union" broadcast, McCain said "Sometimes we expect a major breakthrough, but that doesn't happen very often." Perhaps McCain should sit down with Christie beforehand and compare notes before they go on national broadcasts and contradict each other. Oops. Just shows how disorganized the GOP and Romney camps really are.
* The GOP continues to attack Obama for the White House's handling of the information relating to the attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The reason for the criticism? Too many changing stories. Honestly, it never looks good for an Administration that is unable to present accurate information to the public on anything, let alone an attack on US diplomats. Many in the GOP have taken advantage of the missteps to attack Obama and his entire foreign policy as it relates to the Middle East. In fact, Mike Huckabee claimed it to be a massive "cover-up" greater in importance than Richard Nixon's misdeeds in the Watergate Affair. Now we know the GOP is grasping at straws and will say and do anything (including revise history) to defeat Obama. Get a grip folks. Watergate was an entirely different deal (and anyone gullible not to know that does not deserve to call themselves an American). Learn American history, but not from folks like Mike Huckabee!
* Despite proven to be patently false, the Republican Party of Sarasota, Florida continues to send mailers out to voters claiming Congressional candidate Kieth Fitzgerald has failed to teach classes at New College while getting paid. The most recent mailer is a hoot. Why? Not just that it is FALSE and has been proven to be FALSE, but that the mailer's claims are packaged in such a lame way, the GOP should be "taken to school" for it. It reads; "Demand that Professor Fitzgerald either show up for class and teach, or resign to pursue his real ambition of being a politician moving up from Tallahassee to Washington. But not both. It just ain't right." Please read this sentence again. Why is okay for Incumbent Vern Buchanan to take 5 weeks off from his duties in Congress to run for re-election (all the while getting paid) and Fitzgerald is not allowed to do the same to run for office? Does this mean VP Candidate Paul Ryan should not be allowed to run for Congress and Vice President, because he is campaigning all of the time instead of attending to his responsibilities in the House of Representatives. More importantly, the ad attacks Fitzgerald for not being in school to teach. Apparently, the GOP of Sarasota failed English classes and could stand a refresher course... "Ain't" is NOT proper English.
*Along these lines, according to the Ryan campaign, Paul Ryan will begin running ads in the Madison and Milwaukee areas seeking re-election to the House of Representatives. Is this a concern or a practical strategy? Probably the latter, but come on folks, putting money in ads seeking to return to Washington as a member of the House of Representatives in an alleged "competitive"swing state sure cannot look good for the Romney camp. Hedging bets is wise, but what type of signal about Romney does it send to the GOP faithful in Wisconsin?
* Speaking of Vern Buchanan (R-FL), he continues to be dogged by illegal campaign contributions. According to the Sarasota Herald Tribune, Buchanan has had to return hundred of thousands of dollars in illegal campaign contributions since he was elected four years ago to the House, and recently had to return an additional $83,400. So we have an incumbent member of Congress constantly accepting illegal contributions with a string of ethics investigations by his own Party in Congress, and all he has is an attack on his challenger because he maintains his teaching position while running for election. Go figure why Buchanan is even close to being re-elected.
* Last But Not Least - "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say" has received a recommendation/endorsement from the Florida Times Union out of Jacksonville, Florida. The Florida Times Union is read throughout Northern Florida and Southern Georgia. Recommendations are obviously greatly appreciated. Please note, due to the observance of Succos, I will not be posting Monday and Tuesday (unless it is late Tuesday). I will also be attending a function Wednesday and Thursday featuring Edward Lengel, Chief Archivist for George Washington at Mt. Vernon. Then I am back on The Robyn Report on Friday from 5-6pm. Getting busier and busier. So, check back often and we shall see if I can get back to you all in the interim. Thanks for reading and be well.
September 28, 2012 *After the recent hoopla about the GOP's efforts in 33 states to crack down on voter fraud, The Associated Press is reporting that a company by the name of Strategic Allied Consulting has been caught engaging in voter fraud. Seems the company fraudulently registered at least 106 "suspect" voters. Amazingly, the Republican Party of Florida hired Strategic Allied Consulting and has paid them an amount in excess of $1.3 million to work in Florida. Some work huh? Oops, the GOP got caught in an actual case of voter fraud. Another case of voter fraud has disappeared from the scene, that of the Indiana GOP Secretary of State who was convicted on six counts of voter fraud in June 2012. I guess the GOP sure knows how to spot voter fraud, considering they have been caught practicing it. To be fair, voter fraud occurs very rarely, but the GOP has made this a cornerstone of their "Voter Integrity" campaign in 2012. Ironically, members of the GOP or their contracted companies have been caught the most committing this rare crime. I also find it ironic that I personally assisted over 50 of my students to register to vote. 75% registered as Republicans. ALL of their registrations were certified as valid.
* Polling has been a big issue recently as Republicans are ignoring the polls conducted by several groups, including those provided by Fox News (another one of the damn liberal media). Seems Republicans refuse to accept the validity of the polling showing Obama widening his margin over Romney in key swing states. The Republican arguments? That the polling does not include enough registered Republicans so therefore, they are not accurate. One explanation offered by a pollster made sense. Registrations for both major parties have been in the decline now for several years, except registrations of Democrats in swing states have become steady, while Republican registrations have continued to fall. Registrations for those considering themselves to be Independents has risen accordingly. Perhaps the failure to poll so many Republicans in the swing states is because there are simply less Republicans registered in those states. Perhaps that is why the Fox News poll also agreed with the numbers indicating Obama's lead in the swing states? Wake up Republicans, expand the Party or watch it slowly wither away on the national level. I guess we will only know come election day. Until then, you can learn more about polling in my book; "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
*Willard Mitt Romney continues to claim on the stump that Obama is the real reason defense spending will be cut, regardless of the fact that the GOP members of Congress created the sequestration "crisis" by refusing to negotiate a budget with Obama. Even more amazing than this, is Romney's continuous claim that he will win Ohio and Pennsylvania come November. Better start sending in the observers to prove the polls will be operating free of tampering. Does Romney know something we don't? Could it be possible that voting machines will already determine that Romney wins in November regardless of the actual vote? Let's all hope not.
* According to The National Journal, ad spending on the presidential campaign has crossed the $700 million mark and there is more to come. Despite the record fundraising and spending, the Obama camp appears to have secured more of the ad buys earlier in the year, banking on spending more closer to the election rather than during the summer. We shall see how much Super PACs spend for the more expensive ad buys closer to election day.
*It was reported today that Obama has rejected an effort by China to build wind farms in Oregon. Republicans claim Obama took the unusual move to block foreign investment because Romney has been slamming China in his ads and stump speeches. The Obama folks claim the Chinese companies behind the plans to build the wind farms pose a national security threat to the US and that the projects would be approved provided the Chinese interests not be involved. According to the AP, the last time a president blocked a foreign investment of this kind was in 1990 when Pres. George H.W. Bush blocked a Chinese effort to purchase a manufacturing company in the US.
* According to Politico, Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netenyahu spoke last night by telephone after Netanyahu spoke personally with Secretary of State Hillard Clinton about Iran and the United States' ongoing commitment to assure the safety and security for the Nation of Israel. Earlier in the week, Obama spoke to the General Assembly of the UN ("United Nothing") and made it clear the US will not allow Iran to acquire nuclear capabilities. It appears Netanyahu has backed off his earlier position to force a political conflict on the issue coming into the home stretch of the political campaigns. We shall see when Iran will be "spanked" for their misdeeds.
* The Federal Trade Commission has created new guidelines and regulations designed to protect children from online predators. Is this also an example of bloated government with unnecessary regulations? Didn't think so. See my blog for a little quiz on Federalism.
* Last but Not Least - It was reported by Paul Ashworth, Chief Economist at Capital Economics that research has confirmed that the nation's economy is much stronger than politicians and pundits will have us believe. Although the recovery from the Great Recession has been slow, the numbers actually indicate the recovery is much "sturdier" than thought. Job numbers for Southern Florida had to be revised as the numbers of new jobs created actually were much higher than previously reported. Could this all have something to do with Obama extending his lead in swing states...or even Florida? Have a great weekend. Check back Sunday for a new posting.
* Polling has been a big issue recently as Republicans are ignoring the polls conducted by several groups, including those provided by Fox News (another one of the damn liberal media). Seems Republicans refuse to accept the validity of the polling showing Obama widening his margin over Romney in key swing states. The Republican arguments? That the polling does not include enough registered Republicans so therefore, they are not accurate. One explanation offered by a pollster made sense. Registrations for both major parties have been in the decline now for several years, except registrations of Democrats in swing states have become steady, while Republican registrations have continued to fall. Registrations for those considering themselves to be Independents has risen accordingly. Perhaps the failure to poll so many Republicans in the swing states is because there are simply less Republicans registered in those states. Perhaps that is why the Fox News poll also agreed with the numbers indicating Obama's lead in the swing states? Wake up Republicans, expand the Party or watch it slowly wither away on the national level. I guess we will only know come election day. Until then, you can learn more about polling in my book; "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
*Willard Mitt Romney continues to claim on the stump that Obama is the real reason defense spending will be cut, regardless of the fact that the GOP members of Congress created the sequestration "crisis" by refusing to negotiate a budget with Obama. Even more amazing than this, is Romney's continuous claim that he will win Ohio and Pennsylvania come November. Better start sending in the observers to prove the polls will be operating free of tampering. Does Romney know something we don't? Could it be possible that voting machines will already determine that Romney wins in November regardless of the actual vote? Let's all hope not.
* According to The National Journal, ad spending on the presidential campaign has crossed the $700 million mark and there is more to come. Despite the record fundraising and spending, the Obama camp appears to have secured more of the ad buys earlier in the year, banking on spending more closer to the election rather than during the summer. We shall see how much Super PACs spend for the more expensive ad buys closer to election day.
*It was reported today that Obama has rejected an effort by China to build wind farms in Oregon. Republicans claim Obama took the unusual move to block foreign investment because Romney has been slamming China in his ads and stump speeches. The Obama folks claim the Chinese companies behind the plans to build the wind farms pose a national security threat to the US and that the projects would be approved provided the Chinese interests not be involved. According to the AP, the last time a president blocked a foreign investment of this kind was in 1990 when Pres. George H.W. Bush blocked a Chinese effort to purchase a manufacturing company in the US.
* According to Politico, Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netenyahu spoke last night by telephone after Netanyahu spoke personally with Secretary of State Hillard Clinton about Iran and the United States' ongoing commitment to assure the safety and security for the Nation of Israel. Earlier in the week, Obama spoke to the General Assembly of the UN ("United Nothing") and made it clear the US will not allow Iran to acquire nuclear capabilities. It appears Netanyahu has backed off his earlier position to force a political conflict on the issue coming into the home stretch of the political campaigns. We shall see when Iran will be "spanked" for their misdeeds.
* The Federal Trade Commission has created new guidelines and regulations designed to protect children from online predators. Is this also an example of bloated government with unnecessary regulations? Didn't think so. See my blog for a little quiz on Federalism.
* Last but Not Least - It was reported by Paul Ashworth, Chief Economist at Capital Economics that research has confirmed that the nation's economy is much stronger than politicians and pundits will have us believe. Although the recovery from the Great Recession has been slow, the numbers actually indicate the recovery is much "sturdier" than thought. Job numbers for Southern Florida had to be revised as the numbers of new jobs created actually were much higher than previously reported. Could this all have something to do with Obama extending his lead in swing states...or even Florida? Have a great weekend. Check back Sunday for a new posting.
September 24, 2012 *According to Reuters, the new voter laws in 23 states are in fact designed to disenfranchise real voters otherwise eligible to vote. According to the article, the Advancement Project reports that efforts to suppress voting will impact approximately up to 10 million Latinos in this November's elections. The group predicts, Latinos may be in a position to determine the November elections.
* The film makers behind the Anti-Obama political hit piece "Obama 2016" are crying "Foul" because someone on the Internet passed along notices that the film will be shown on Fox News before the election. The film makers cry "foul" because is is confusing audiences into waiting to view the film for free on Fox rather than in the theaters. According to Politico, "The reports of the movie appearing on Fox before the election are completely untrue and we strongly suspect that they are the result of dirty tricks by our opponents who spread this rumor in order to confuse the general public and keep them from going to their local theaters," D'Souza said in a release." "We urge all Americans to ignore these efforts and go to their local theater and enjoy the movie on the big screen," he said." Dirty tricks? All of the shenanigans about Sean Hannity having reports on his Fox News show "pulled" by Obama is not dirty? I am not trying to find a moral equivalency here, lying is lying. But the entire Obama 2016 is a cynical film advertised in ways to appear that it is the public's patriotic duty to see it and its falsehoods and assumptions about Obama (and the film makers take it all the way to the bank). Is this simply the pot calling the kettle "black?"
*In an article written by Ezra Klein for The Washington Post, Klein points out that Willard Romney admitted on 60 Minutes that he will ultimately call for a raise of taxes on the working middle class in order to pay for tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. Moreover, Romney continued to ignore requests for him to be specific on what policies he will employ as president if elected. Time and time again, Willard seems to have a difficult time identifying exactly what he will do on the economic front, the tax front, foreign policy, you name it. Willard is back to his standard line, "trust me."
* According to a poll reported in The Economist, Obama holds a narrow 2 point lead over Willard nationwide. If this polling proves correct, Obama would be projected to win the electoral college and re-election by a count of 334-204. Oops.
* Last But Not Least - Due to my observance of Yom Kippur, I will be unable to post tomorrow and Wednesday night. I hope to post if possible by Thursday when I return to The Robyn Report on For my Jewish friends, have an easy and quick fast and a Happy, Safe, Prosperous, Healthy and Righteous New Year! See you on the radio!
* The film makers behind the Anti-Obama political hit piece "Obama 2016" are crying "Foul" because someone on the Internet passed along notices that the film will be shown on Fox News before the election. The film makers cry "foul" because is is confusing audiences into waiting to view the film for free on Fox rather than in the theaters. According to Politico, "The reports of the movie appearing on Fox before the election are completely untrue and we strongly suspect that they are the result of dirty tricks by our opponents who spread this rumor in order to confuse the general public and keep them from going to their local theaters," D'Souza said in a release." "We urge all Americans to ignore these efforts and go to their local theater and enjoy the movie on the big screen," he said." Dirty tricks? All of the shenanigans about Sean Hannity having reports on his Fox News show "pulled" by Obama is not dirty? I am not trying to find a moral equivalency here, lying is lying. But the entire Obama 2016 is a cynical film advertised in ways to appear that it is the public's patriotic duty to see it and its falsehoods and assumptions about Obama (and the film makers take it all the way to the bank). Is this simply the pot calling the kettle "black?"
*In an article written by Ezra Klein for The Washington Post, Klein points out that Willard Romney admitted on 60 Minutes that he will ultimately call for a raise of taxes on the working middle class in order to pay for tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. Moreover, Romney continued to ignore requests for him to be specific on what policies he will employ as president if elected. Time and time again, Willard seems to have a difficult time identifying exactly what he will do on the economic front, the tax front, foreign policy, you name it. Willard is back to his standard line, "trust me."
* According to a poll reported in The Economist, Obama holds a narrow 2 point lead over Willard nationwide. If this polling proves correct, Obama would be projected to win the electoral college and re-election by a count of 334-204. Oops.
* Last But Not Least - Due to my observance of Yom Kippur, I will be unable to post tomorrow and Wednesday night. I hope to post if possible by Thursday when I return to The Robyn Report on For my Jewish friends, have an easy and quick fast and a Happy, Safe, Prosperous, Healthy and Righteous New Year! See you on the radio!
September 23, 2012 * Congress met this week (what a shock) but not a whole lot was accomplished (go figure). Here is a run down of what votes they had for the week. According to The Associated Press, The House of Representatives 1. Voted to block efforts to revise Welfare To Work Rules that would allow states to experiment with alternative requirements, such as longer periods for job training, etc. The GOP voted the measure down. 2. Repealed allowing taxpayers a choice to include $1 towards subsidizing political conventions. The measure received bi-partisan support (when it comes to money, I guess everyone loves money)! 3. The GOP sponsored a Bill to provide up to 55,000 visas per year to foreigners with advanced degrees seeking admission into the USA. It sounds like a great plan until you find out the 55,000 visas would have been taken away from foreigners seeking to enter the USA without an advanced degree from countries under-represented by immigrants. The Bill was defeated. 4. The GOP passed a Bill prohibiting the imposition of any new regulations as they relate to the mining of coal, for any reason. 5. The Democrats attempted to pass a related Bill that would have amended the GOP Bill so that additional regulations could be added if they had an impact on "reducing the prevalence of pulmonary diseases..." The GOP killed that Bill. Score another one for the Koch Brothers in the GOP led Congress. 6. The GOP blocked a Bill recognizing that Carbon directly contributes to climate change. Score yet another one for the Koch Brothers. I guess the Brothers Koch should go by the monikers "Kings of Coal." 7. As reported earlier, President Obama proposed increasing fuel efficiency for SUVs and light trucks to 54.4 MPG, but the GOP House shot that down 233-174. Fuel efficiency would mean less reliance on fuel. Less reliance on fuel would result in losses to the Koch Brothers. Nice job GOP led House, feeding the interests of your benefactors is obviously your prime concern, not the interests of the American people.
* The Senate only held three votes this week, but they too are telling as to what the political parties are really all about and who they really represent. 1. The Democrats initiated a Jobs Bill with Obama's approval to help those serving in the military after 9/11 to find and secure employment. The GOP Senate used the filibuster to block a cloture vote in order to kill the Bill. The GOP's justification? It would cost too much. SO much for our deserving veterans. 2. The Senate agreed in a cloture vote to force a floor vote on a Bill to extend funding in order to pay federal employees through March 27, 2013. Guess who is included in this guarantee to receive their pay? You guessed it...Members of Congress. 3. The Senate overwhelmingly voted NOT to cut off foreign aid to Egypt, Libya and Pakistan. Bet that does not make it into any of Romney's speeches or on Fox News. The vote on this measure? 81 to 10.
* Proof again that Americans have no attention span or suffer from dementia, Ralph Reed is again in the GOP spotlight as a "mover and shaker." According to The New York Times, "Reed has found his way back" to the top of the list of influential figures in the GOP. Please check out Bill Moyer's "Capitol Crimes" and then scratch your head as to why members of the GOP would ever embrace this unethical and maniacal individual. He should not be allowed to crawl from outside his rock. See:
* There is an interesting article written by Kevin Begas for The Associated Press outlining the decades of Federal subsidies and assistance to oil producers that helped them build their fuel empires. Not only is this evidence interesting, it further PROVES that ANYONE with a business that drives a motor vehicle, HAS been aided by government monies. Again, I BUILT THIS MYSELF is really a LIE. My favorite point of argument comes down to the fact that ALL business people use banks. All money in banks are insured by the government. In fact, some banks still exist only because of the government. The banks loan folks money they obtain from the Federal Reserve. The money business folks like to accumulate is currency created, regulated and supported BY the government...after IS "Legal Tender." How simple minded can people get? Fairly simple minded it appears!
* Mitt Romney appeared in Sarasota Thursday afternoon and as part of his speech, declared that "redistributing the Wealth is NOT an American Value and never has been." Ironically, two articles appeared the very next day revealing $150 Million in federal grant money has been awarded to the University of South Florida's recently created Medical School and another article reporting that the City of Venice, Florida has been awarded $7.1 Million in FAA monies to rehabilitate a runway at the Venice Airport. Let me guess. If $157 Million came from Florida residents, why would we need these grants? Because they didn't. The money is coming from taxpayer funds collected from throughout the United States and REDISTRIBUTED to states and local governments in need of assistance. For a better rundown on why Romney's statement is patently and stupidly ridiculous, see
* Last but Not Least - Are we there yet? Wouldn't it be better to poll Americans about now on whether they wish the election season would continue or end now? Can't we impress upon our Members of Congress to make the election season shorter? Haven't we had enough of the political bickering, gotcha media and distortions (aka Lies)? November 6 can't come fast enough!
* The Senate only held three votes this week, but they too are telling as to what the political parties are really all about and who they really represent. 1. The Democrats initiated a Jobs Bill with Obama's approval to help those serving in the military after 9/11 to find and secure employment. The GOP Senate used the filibuster to block a cloture vote in order to kill the Bill. The GOP's justification? It would cost too much. SO much for our deserving veterans. 2. The Senate agreed in a cloture vote to force a floor vote on a Bill to extend funding in order to pay federal employees through March 27, 2013. Guess who is included in this guarantee to receive their pay? You guessed it...Members of Congress. 3. The Senate overwhelmingly voted NOT to cut off foreign aid to Egypt, Libya and Pakistan. Bet that does not make it into any of Romney's speeches or on Fox News. The vote on this measure? 81 to 10.
* Proof again that Americans have no attention span or suffer from dementia, Ralph Reed is again in the GOP spotlight as a "mover and shaker." According to The New York Times, "Reed has found his way back" to the top of the list of influential figures in the GOP. Please check out Bill Moyer's "Capitol Crimes" and then scratch your head as to why members of the GOP would ever embrace this unethical and maniacal individual. He should not be allowed to crawl from outside his rock. See:
* There is an interesting article written by Kevin Begas for The Associated Press outlining the decades of Federal subsidies and assistance to oil producers that helped them build their fuel empires. Not only is this evidence interesting, it further PROVES that ANYONE with a business that drives a motor vehicle, HAS been aided by government monies. Again, I BUILT THIS MYSELF is really a LIE. My favorite point of argument comes down to the fact that ALL business people use banks. All money in banks are insured by the government. In fact, some banks still exist only because of the government. The banks loan folks money they obtain from the Federal Reserve. The money business folks like to accumulate is currency created, regulated and supported BY the government...after IS "Legal Tender." How simple minded can people get? Fairly simple minded it appears!
* Mitt Romney appeared in Sarasota Thursday afternoon and as part of his speech, declared that "redistributing the Wealth is NOT an American Value and never has been." Ironically, two articles appeared the very next day revealing $150 Million in federal grant money has been awarded to the University of South Florida's recently created Medical School and another article reporting that the City of Venice, Florida has been awarded $7.1 Million in FAA monies to rehabilitate a runway at the Venice Airport. Let me guess. If $157 Million came from Florida residents, why would we need these grants? Because they didn't. The money is coming from taxpayer funds collected from throughout the United States and REDISTRIBUTED to states and local governments in need of assistance. For a better rundown on why Romney's statement is patently and stupidly ridiculous, see
* Last but Not Least - Are we there yet? Wouldn't it be better to poll Americans about now on whether they wish the election season would continue or end now? Can't we impress upon our Members of Congress to make the election season shorter? Haven't we had enough of the political bickering, gotcha media and distortions (aka Lies)? November 6 can't come fast enough!
September 21, 2012 * Mitt Romney can't catch a break, even from himself. On the campaign stump, Romney attacked Obama for the comments he made about needing to change Washington from the "inside." Romney attacked this statement claiming that Obama has "flown the white flag" on making change in Washington. Unfortunately, Mitt is on record in 2008 stating the very same thing, "Change in Washington must come from the outside." Flip-flop. Heeeere we go again.
* I just wrote several news items, but inclement weather has come into Venice and I lost four paragraphs of information. Due to time constraints, I will be unable to replace the lost information. So Sorry! Please remember, there will no postings tomorrow due to observance of the Sabbath. Have a great and safe weekend.
* I just wrote several news items, but inclement weather has come into Venice and I lost four paragraphs of information. Due to time constraints, I will be unable to replace the lost information. So Sorry! Please remember, there will no postings tomorrow due to observance of the Sabbath. Have a great and safe weekend.
September 20, 2012 * The fallout from Mitt Romney's "47% statement" is continuing. Reports indicate that Tim Pawlenty has abandoned his high profile role in the Romney/Ryan campaign and many Republicans "down ticket" are also distancing themselves in a hurry from Romney. According to an article from The Associated Press, GOP "insiders" are quietly admitting Romney has already lost his campaign for the White House. Peggy Noonan, former Reagan speech writer was cited in The Wall Street Journal writing that the Romney/Ryan campaign is "incompetent." Is it too late for the Romney/Ryan campaign to "right the ship?" Only time will tell.
* In related news, reports indicate that Super PAC's supporting Romney have already begun to cancel political ads in Pennsylvania and Michigan. The bigger question is whether the money will be spent on Romney's campaign or on GOP Congressional campaigns in tight races. Polling in swing states will determine that question.
* Speaking of polling, the latest Fox News poll has President Obama ahead of Mitt Romney by eight points with "likely
voters." What a "likely voter" is, certainly is open for debate. I think the biggest question will be the "enthusiasm gap" and whether Republicans will still support Romney in November or stay home? Stand by on that front.
* Obama meeting with the Univision Presidential Forum in Florida was repeatedly pressed to answer why his immigration reform policies have not come to fruition as promised in his 2008 campaign. Obama responded that he has learned that change in Washington simply cannot come from within, but must come from outside Washington. Romney pounced all over this statement claiming it indicates Obama "has thrown the white flag" and given up on making changes as needed in Washington. Conveniently, Romney overlooks the role Mr. Ryan and the GOP has played in ensuring obstructionism was the game plan employed since Inauguration Day, 2009.
*According to ABC OTUS News, thirty GOP Senators came before the news cameras to slam Obama for his failed leadership, claiming that he has been "absent" from his duties as Commander In Chief and President. Amazingly, the Senate just ended a session with one of the worst performance records in our history. In fact, the number of filibusters and failed cloture votes from the GOP has set a new standard...and a new low. Good try Senators trying to distract Americans from Romney's mistakes, but Americans ARE paying attention to the jobs you are not doing too. For more on Filibusters and Cloture procedures in the Senate, check out my book, "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
* According to Reuters, manufacturing orders continue to under perform leading some analysts to opine that the recovery is moving at an even slower pace. Some conservative economists claim the recovery has stalled. Ironically, in the very same report, "Financial information firm Markit said its U.S. "flash," or preliminary, manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index stood at 51.5 in September, unchanged from August. A reading above 50 indicates expansion." I love how numbers can be manipulated so the simple minded get confused. "A reading over 50 indicates expansion." We are slowly recovering at 51.5. So how do conservative economists come off claiming the recovery has stalled when the same report indicates it is still in "expansion" mode. Fear and ignorance is the only thing I can think of in this contentious and disingenuous political climate. I can only hope most Americans are paying attention.
* Last but not Least - The Inspector General has found gross misconduct in the Justice Department's handling of Fast and Furious. He also ruled that Attorney General Eric Holder actually did not know the details of the failed program when he initially testified before Rep. Darryl Issa's (R-CA) House Oversight Committee. So after all is said and done, Holder is held in Contempt, Obama is made out by the GOP as being a "Rogue" president and now Issa says he is satisfied with the Inspector Generals Findings and report exonerating Holder. Politics are still amazingly fun aren't they?
* In related news, reports indicate that Super PAC's supporting Romney have already begun to cancel political ads in Pennsylvania and Michigan. The bigger question is whether the money will be spent on Romney's campaign or on GOP Congressional campaigns in tight races. Polling in swing states will determine that question.
* Speaking of polling, the latest Fox News poll has President Obama ahead of Mitt Romney by eight points with "likely
voters." What a "likely voter" is, certainly is open for debate. I think the biggest question will be the "enthusiasm gap" and whether Republicans will still support Romney in November or stay home? Stand by on that front.
* Obama meeting with the Univision Presidential Forum in Florida was repeatedly pressed to answer why his immigration reform policies have not come to fruition as promised in his 2008 campaign. Obama responded that he has learned that change in Washington simply cannot come from within, but must come from outside Washington. Romney pounced all over this statement claiming it indicates Obama "has thrown the white flag" and given up on making changes as needed in Washington. Conveniently, Romney overlooks the role Mr. Ryan and the GOP has played in ensuring obstructionism was the game plan employed since Inauguration Day, 2009.
*According to ABC OTUS News, thirty GOP Senators came before the news cameras to slam Obama for his failed leadership, claiming that he has been "absent" from his duties as Commander In Chief and President. Amazingly, the Senate just ended a session with one of the worst performance records in our history. In fact, the number of filibusters and failed cloture votes from the GOP has set a new standard...and a new low. Good try Senators trying to distract Americans from Romney's mistakes, but Americans ARE paying attention to the jobs you are not doing too. For more on Filibusters and Cloture procedures in the Senate, check out my book, "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
* According to Reuters, manufacturing orders continue to under perform leading some analysts to opine that the recovery is moving at an even slower pace. Some conservative economists claim the recovery has stalled. Ironically, in the very same report, "Financial information firm Markit said its U.S. "flash," or preliminary, manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index stood at 51.5 in September, unchanged from August. A reading above 50 indicates expansion." I love how numbers can be manipulated so the simple minded get confused. "A reading over 50 indicates expansion." We are slowly recovering at 51.5. So how do conservative economists come off claiming the recovery has stalled when the same report indicates it is still in "expansion" mode. Fear and ignorance is the only thing I can think of in this contentious and disingenuous political climate. I can only hope most Americans are paying attention.
* Last but not Least - The Inspector General has found gross misconduct in the Justice Department's handling of Fast and Furious. He also ruled that Attorney General Eric Holder actually did not know the details of the failed program when he initially testified before Rep. Darryl Issa's (R-CA) House Oversight Committee. So after all is said and done, Holder is held in Contempt, Obama is made out by the GOP as being a "Rogue" president and now Issa says he is satisfied with the Inspector Generals Findings and report exonerating Holder. Politics are still amazingly fun aren't they?
September 19, 2012 * Had a fantastic time with Robyn Davis and Mike Lamond on The Robyn Report on WWPR1490 Talk Tampa Bay! We even had a substantive interview with Florida State Rep. Jim Boyd (R) who is seeking re-election to the Florida Statehouse. Due to timing issues, there will be no posting tonight of Political News of the Day. I did though post for tonight's Blog. Have a great evening and I will be back tomorrow with all the news that catches "my eye."
September 16, 2012 * Boy, there sure is a lot to cover since I have been "off", so let's get started. As soon as President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton finished their remarks upon the "Transfer of Remains" ceremony memorializing the four senior diplomats, including Ambassador Stevens, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and the GOP Strategists began slamming Obama for allowing these attacks as a result of his "weakness." At a time when the nation has traditionally come together in mutual sympathy and understanding, the Republicans have again made it clear that only in their America will they ever really feel like the rest of us. Apparently, all of us that feel sadness at the events in Libya must be socialists because we want to blame the murderers and not Obama. Shame on Romney, Ryan, the GOP, their ideologically aligned media and all of the conservatives that jumped on that bandwagon. Again, in the event Obama is re-elected, these folks owe America an apology for the bad behavior they have been exhibited since 2008. But we know from Romney's own words; "No Apologies." November 6 cannot come fast enough!
* For those that think Romney isn't so bad and that he will if elected from a moderate position, they may want to start paying attention to the fact that Romney is putting all of his "eggs" into the far Right's evangelical basket of voters, which pledge complete allegiance to the most radical elements of the GOP platform. According to an article in The Daily Beast, Romney has decided to " a base-centric election in the final push. Hope for bad jobs numbers for the next two months to bring in some of the undecideds, but basically, push every known button of the wingnut psyche and hope that, despite their tepid feelings about their candidate, they’ll march to the polls like columns of ants to stop the Kenyan appeaser from destroying America." Included in this approach is Romney's acceptance of the right to life platforms of the Far Right as evidenced in his taped speech before the Values Voter Summit held this weekend in Washington. According to news sources, Romney proclaimed complete adherence to the principles that "We need a president who shares our commitment to conservative principles and our respect for traditional values. We will uphold the sanctity of life, not abandon it or ignore it, and we will defend marriage, not try to redefine it." So much for the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment for Mitt. Perhaps he will be swearing an oath to Grover Norquist soon? Oops, I think he already did. Mitt, the oath is to the Constitution, not to groups that can help you get elected. Moderate Mitt. I guess the only thing we can take now for certain that comes out of Romney's mouth is "I am a severe conservative." Is American listening?
* Speaking of Romney, during an interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC News, Mitt was asked no less than seven times how he would approach Iran differently than Obama now that Romney and his sidekick Paul Ryan have been claiming on the campaign trail that "things would have been different in the world had Mitt been in charge." All seven times Mitt could not give a direct answer to the questions. Each time, he seemed to reinforce the very same policies put into place by Obama. Each opportunity he was given to define a distinction between his and Obama's policy, Romney simply said he agreed with the current approach towards Iran the Administration has maintained. Huh? Flip-flop, Flip-flop. Romney, can you tell us anything that will prove you are ready to serve as president and commander-in-chief? Guess not. On top of these incredible statements, Romney was asked about his current debate prep with Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) standing in as Obama. When asked how the preparations were going, Romney could not contain himself and incredibly alleged that he found that President Obama frequently lies in debates? Huh? How many debates has Obama been in? From someone that has distorted and lied repeatedly about Obama, calling Obama out as a liar is amazing. His exact words according to ABC OTUS were; "I think the challenge that I'll have in the debate is that the president tends to, how shall I say it, to say things that aren't true," Romney said. "I've looked at prior debates. And in that kind of case, it's difficult to say, 'Well, am I going to spend my time correcting things that aren't quite accurate? Or am I going to spend my time talking about the things I want to talk about?"
How about worrying about correcting all of the lies your campaign, Super-PAC and media supporters tell? Did anyone also catch Romney's other comment about the Middle Class? When asked what level of income Americans would be at to be considered Middle Class, Romney said "$200,000 or $250,000 and under." Really Mitt? Many Americans would love to be part of a Middle Class making a quarter a million per year. More proof Mitt is out of touch, but hey, $250,000 to him a year is poor compared to his reported annual income of $24 million.
*Ironically, The Guardian newspaper out of the UK just ran an incredibly harsh article about Mitt Romney and his campaign's repeated efforts to "muddy" the presidential campaign with lies, except they put it much more bluntly; "And so the politicians (Romney and Ryan) with integrity keep telling the truth, the liars keep lying, the fact-checking operations keep adjudicating between them, and the pundits keep worrying about lies. But none of this troubles the bullshitter, who exists in another dimension entirely, bullshitting happily away. You think he cares about adhering to the truth, or carefully concealing his divergence from it? Bullshit." For more on this article, see it for yourself at
*As mentioned in an earlier blog, the Romney campaign has resorted to blaming the media for exposing his misstatements as a "liberal conspiracy" tainted with excessive bias against conservatives. Dylan Byers writing for Politico reports that when things
start to get tough in the presidential election season, the GOP reverts back to the claiming they are the victims of what he labels the "Blame-stream Media." In defense of the media, Steve Schmidt, former campaign chief for Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and now famous for his role in "Game Change" played by Woody Harrelson, pointed out with a clear head; “Every single presidential campaign — Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush — has to navigate this issue of bias with the media, and the first rule of navigating it is to understand that not every criticism is evidence of media bias. This is just part of the scrutiny that comes with running for president: Every day is playoff football, and you can’t always make the claim that the coverage is through the prism of bias.” Sorry Mitt, Americans want answers, not blame.
* According to The Associated Press, Iran has again threatened Israel and the United States claiming; Iran's " missiles will ensure “nothing will remain” of Israel if it takes military action against Tehran over its nuclear program." This is exactly why Israel should not be the country to attack, but instead it should be the United States. By allowing America to "throttle" Iran for being a nation out of whack with the rest of the world, Israel will be free to concentrate its military strength on Hezbollah in the North and Hamas in Gaza. Egypt has made it clear they don't want any piece of Israel or the US. Turkey will sabre rattle, but only to fill the resultant void as the nation leading all other Islamic nations. Watch for it. Bluster and bluffs are fun, but are getting tiresome. Like a rebellious child, a little discipline is due Iran. Keep asking for it folks, you may get what you want. More importantly, watch the world stand by the side and let it happen. Iran, not known for using any brain power when they need to.
* According to a news report in the Sarasota Herald Tribune, a Sarasota Airport Policeman, while experiencing a problem loading and unloading an AR14, decided to go into the police locker room and pry a bullet jammed in the gun's chamber. After repeated attempts to extricate the bullet, it managed to fire into the ceiling of the room. As a result, the agency has recommended the officer undergo remedial gun training. Ya' think?
* Last but Not Least - Due to the High Holy Days of Rosh Hoshana, I will not be posting to this site tomorrow and Tuesday. Since I will be missing my usual radio spot with Robyn Davis on Tuesday, I will be co-hosting with Robyn and Mike Lamond on The Robyn Report on WWPR1490 on Wednesday night (which means a late posting if at all). See you on the radio ( Wednesday and back here later in the week. Have a healthy, happy, safe and prosperous New Year!
* For those that think Romney isn't so bad and that he will if elected from a moderate position, they may want to start paying attention to the fact that Romney is putting all of his "eggs" into the far Right's evangelical basket of voters, which pledge complete allegiance to the most radical elements of the GOP platform. According to an article in The Daily Beast, Romney has decided to " a base-centric election in the final push. Hope for bad jobs numbers for the next two months to bring in some of the undecideds, but basically, push every known button of the wingnut psyche and hope that, despite their tepid feelings about their candidate, they’ll march to the polls like columns of ants to stop the Kenyan appeaser from destroying America." Included in this approach is Romney's acceptance of the right to life platforms of the Far Right as evidenced in his taped speech before the Values Voter Summit held this weekend in Washington. According to news sources, Romney proclaimed complete adherence to the principles that "We need a president who shares our commitment to conservative principles and our respect for traditional values. We will uphold the sanctity of life, not abandon it or ignore it, and we will defend marriage, not try to redefine it." So much for the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment for Mitt. Perhaps he will be swearing an oath to Grover Norquist soon? Oops, I think he already did. Mitt, the oath is to the Constitution, not to groups that can help you get elected. Moderate Mitt. I guess the only thing we can take now for certain that comes out of Romney's mouth is "I am a severe conservative." Is American listening?
* Speaking of Romney, during an interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC News, Mitt was asked no less than seven times how he would approach Iran differently than Obama now that Romney and his sidekick Paul Ryan have been claiming on the campaign trail that "things would have been different in the world had Mitt been in charge." All seven times Mitt could not give a direct answer to the questions. Each time, he seemed to reinforce the very same policies put into place by Obama. Each opportunity he was given to define a distinction between his and Obama's policy, Romney simply said he agreed with the current approach towards Iran the Administration has maintained. Huh? Flip-flop, Flip-flop. Romney, can you tell us anything that will prove you are ready to serve as president and commander-in-chief? Guess not. On top of these incredible statements, Romney was asked about his current debate prep with Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) standing in as Obama. When asked how the preparations were going, Romney could not contain himself and incredibly alleged that he found that President Obama frequently lies in debates? Huh? How many debates has Obama been in? From someone that has distorted and lied repeatedly about Obama, calling Obama out as a liar is amazing. His exact words according to ABC OTUS were; "I think the challenge that I'll have in the debate is that the president tends to, how shall I say it, to say things that aren't true," Romney said. "I've looked at prior debates. And in that kind of case, it's difficult to say, 'Well, am I going to spend my time correcting things that aren't quite accurate? Or am I going to spend my time talking about the things I want to talk about?"
How about worrying about correcting all of the lies your campaign, Super-PAC and media supporters tell? Did anyone also catch Romney's other comment about the Middle Class? When asked what level of income Americans would be at to be considered Middle Class, Romney said "$200,000 or $250,000 and under." Really Mitt? Many Americans would love to be part of a Middle Class making a quarter a million per year. More proof Mitt is out of touch, but hey, $250,000 to him a year is poor compared to his reported annual income of $24 million.
*Ironically, The Guardian newspaper out of the UK just ran an incredibly harsh article about Mitt Romney and his campaign's repeated efforts to "muddy" the presidential campaign with lies, except they put it much more bluntly; "And so the politicians (Romney and Ryan) with integrity keep telling the truth, the liars keep lying, the fact-checking operations keep adjudicating between them, and the pundits keep worrying about lies. But none of this troubles the bullshitter, who exists in another dimension entirely, bullshitting happily away. You think he cares about adhering to the truth, or carefully concealing his divergence from it? Bullshit." For more on this article, see it for yourself at
*As mentioned in an earlier blog, the Romney campaign has resorted to blaming the media for exposing his misstatements as a "liberal conspiracy" tainted with excessive bias against conservatives. Dylan Byers writing for Politico reports that when things
start to get tough in the presidential election season, the GOP reverts back to the claiming they are the victims of what he labels the "Blame-stream Media." In defense of the media, Steve Schmidt, former campaign chief for Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and now famous for his role in "Game Change" played by Woody Harrelson, pointed out with a clear head; “Every single presidential campaign — Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush — has to navigate this issue of bias with the media, and the first rule of navigating it is to understand that not every criticism is evidence of media bias. This is just part of the scrutiny that comes with running for president: Every day is playoff football, and you can’t always make the claim that the coverage is through the prism of bias.” Sorry Mitt, Americans want answers, not blame.
* According to The Associated Press, Iran has again threatened Israel and the United States claiming; Iran's " missiles will ensure “nothing will remain” of Israel if it takes military action against Tehran over its nuclear program." This is exactly why Israel should not be the country to attack, but instead it should be the United States. By allowing America to "throttle" Iran for being a nation out of whack with the rest of the world, Israel will be free to concentrate its military strength on Hezbollah in the North and Hamas in Gaza. Egypt has made it clear they don't want any piece of Israel or the US. Turkey will sabre rattle, but only to fill the resultant void as the nation leading all other Islamic nations. Watch for it. Bluster and bluffs are fun, but are getting tiresome. Like a rebellious child, a little discipline is due Iran. Keep asking for it folks, you may get what you want. More importantly, watch the world stand by the side and let it happen. Iran, not known for using any brain power when they need to.
* According to a news report in the Sarasota Herald Tribune, a Sarasota Airport Policeman, while experiencing a problem loading and unloading an AR14, decided to go into the police locker room and pry a bullet jammed in the gun's chamber. After repeated attempts to extricate the bullet, it managed to fire into the ceiling of the room. As a result, the agency has recommended the officer undergo remedial gun training. Ya' think?
* Last but Not Least - Due to the High Holy Days of Rosh Hoshana, I will not be posting to this site tomorrow and Tuesday. Since I will be missing my usual radio spot with Robyn Davis on Tuesday, I will be co-hosting with Robyn and Mike Lamond on The Robyn Report on WWPR1490 on Wednesday night (which means a late posting if at all). See you on the radio ( Wednesday and back here later in the week. Have a healthy, happy, safe and prosperous New Year!
September 13, 2012 * In the aftermath of the tragic killings in Libya, the media is having a field day parsing the words spoken by both President Obama and challenger Mitt Romney about the incidents. Unfortunately for Romney, his statement blaming Obama for the violence was not only misguided but was also unpatriotic. Shortly after the reporting of the attack in Libya, Romney mentioned the death of "an embassy worker" and then used the tragedy as an opportunity to score political points against Obama. Unbeknownst to Romney, the "worker" killed was Christopher Stevens, our Ambassador plus three additional senior members of our diplomatic staff assigned to Libya. Once again, Romney came off as a fool. You would never know this though because Fox News continues to defend Romney in their desperate effort to paint Obama as a "Wimp" (Sean Hannity) and "Weak" (Rush Limbaugh). Obama is so weak, he ordered two US Destroyers to Libyan waters and proclaimed the murderous perpetrators will be hunted down and justice will be done. Based upon Obama's impressive record of ordering the deaths of known terrorists, I think we may feel assured the perpetrators will be found and put down like the dogs they are.
* As I wrote on my blog yesterday, Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu spoke harshly about U.S. policy towards Iran. According to news reports, President Obama and Netanyahu spoke on the telephone for over an hour to clear the air over the perceptions released to the public. As anyone with experience knows, diplomacy happens through back channels and not through the media. Fox News jumped all over the "spat" claiming Obama continues to "Disrespect Israel" (Bill O'Reilly). Frankly, Netanyau disrespected all of America when he interjected himself into our political affairs. Anyone with half a brain knows Obama's hands are tied when it comes to Iran until after the elections. Netanyahu knows this. Fox News knows this. Yet, the nonsensical rhetoric continues from the Right Wing. Although I support Israel with all of my heart and soul, I know America will protect her. I also know, Americans don't need anyone, especially Netanyahu dictating our foreign policy. Enough people hate Israel by claiming AIPAC owns Congress. Why give them more grist for that mill?
* Speaking of Netanyahu, GOP members of Congress are now insisting President Obama alter his schedule to that he can meet with the Israeli Prime Minister during Netanyahu's scheduled visit to the U.N. (aka the United Nothing). Incredibly, the 128 Republicans demanding Obama meet with Netanyahu conveniently ignore the fact that Netanyahu is not arriving in NYC until after Obama has already left the City.
* Speaking of angst towards Israel, federal authorities have identified the man responsible for the inflamatory You Tube Video that set off the radical Muslims in the Arab World. Despite early claims that he was Jewish and an Israeli, he turns out to be a convicted felon by the name of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, who affiliated with a radical CHRISTIAN group produced and distributed the video. Now this is a Blood Libel on all Jews and Israelis.
* In economic news, the Federal Reserve has engaged in an additional round of Quantitative Easing tied directly to the labor markets. For more on Quantitative Easing, see my book "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
*Last but Not Least - I will be appearing on The Robyn Report with Robyn Davis on tomorrow at 5pm. See you on the radio!
* As I wrote on my blog yesterday, Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu spoke harshly about U.S. policy towards Iran. According to news reports, President Obama and Netanyahu spoke on the telephone for over an hour to clear the air over the perceptions released to the public. As anyone with experience knows, diplomacy happens through back channels and not through the media. Fox News jumped all over the "spat" claiming Obama continues to "Disrespect Israel" (Bill O'Reilly). Frankly, Netanyau disrespected all of America when he interjected himself into our political affairs. Anyone with half a brain knows Obama's hands are tied when it comes to Iran until after the elections. Netanyahu knows this. Fox News knows this. Yet, the nonsensical rhetoric continues from the Right Wing. Although I support Israel with all of my heart and soul, I know America will protect her. I also know, Americans don't need anyone, especially Netanyahu dictating our foreign policy. Enough people hate Israel by claiming AIPAC owns Congress. Why give them more grist for that mill?
* Speaking of Netanyahu, GOP members of Congress are now insisting President Obama alter his schedule to that he can meet with the Israeli Prime Minister during Netanyahu's scheduled visit to the U.N. (aka the United Nothing). Incredibly, the 128 Republicans demanding Obama meet with Netanyahu conveniently ignore the fact that Netanyahu is not arriving in NYC until after Obama has already left the City.
* Speaking of angst towards Israel, federal authorities have identified the man responsible for the inflamatory You Tube Video that set off the radical Muslims in the Arab World. Despite early claims that he was Jewish and an Israeli, he turns out to be a convicted felon by the name of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, who affiliated with a radical CHRISTIAN group produced and distributed the video. Now this is a Blood Libel on all Jews and Israelis.
* In economic news, the Federal Reserve has engaged in an additional round of Quantitative Easing tied directly to the labor markets. For more on Quantitative Easing, see my book "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
*Last but Not Least - I will be appearing on The Robyn Report with Robyn Davis on tomorrow at 5pm. See you on the radio!
September 12, 2012 * Miss a day due to meetings, and I miss a ton of news. The attacks against our Consulate in Libya and our Embassy in Cairo are troubling and sad. To make matters worse, Mitt Romney elected to make inane and ignorant statements about the attacks both last night and again this morning. Instead of mentioning the loss of four diplomats, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Romney seemed to claim Obama orchestrated the attacks by apologizing for "American values" and for "sympathizing with the attackers." Amazingly, Fact Checkers have continued to question Romney's line of attack on Obama with regard to the "apologies" because they simply are not true. Romney's campaign folks have so much as admitted the rhetoric is not true, but because it seems to be working, they will continue to espouse them. In response, Obama made a simple statement mourning the loss of life on the 11th anniversary of 9/11. According to sources, it appears the attack on the Libya consulate was the result of a well orchestrated and planned military operation. President Obama has dispatched two US Destroyers to the coast of Libya in a show of force. Ironically, Romney seemed to ignore the fact that Libyan military personnel protected the consulate throughout the attack and assisted US Military in evacuating the survivors and the four murdered. When pressed by reporters for a response, Obama simply stated without using Romney's name that some folks "shoot first, then aim later." Mitt Romney...clearly not ready for prime time
* In a major turnaround, Pew Research is reporting that two thirds of Democrats now indicate in polls that they are "energized" by the Obama campaign while only half of Republicans say they are energized. The "Enthusiasm Gap" has been something the GOP has been relying on all year, but since the Conventions, the gap continues to widen in favor of the Democrats. Perhaps Republicans are ready to admit they nominated the "empty suit" commonly known as Mitt Romney?
*ABC News reports that Obama holds a sixteen (16) point lead over Romney when it comes to being the one Americans would prefer hosting for dinner. According to the report, Obama holds a ten percent (10%) lead over Romney when the issue of "understanding the economic troubles people are suffering." This number is significant in light of the constant television ads being run by Karl Rove's Crossroads America claiming all of the economic woes facing America are Obama's fault.
*Last but Not Least - The federally funded Teach American History Cohort of Sarasota County has approved purchasing "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say" for inclusion in the 2012-2013 Book Study. I am flattered and tremendously honored that my book has been so well received and liked! Remember, I will be with Robyn Davis and The Robyn Report on this Friday from 5-6pm. See you on the radio!
* In a major turnaround, Pew Research is reporting that two thirds of Democrats now indicate in polls that they are "energized" by the Obama campaign while only half of Republicans say they are energized. The "Enthusiasm Gap" has been something the GOP has been relying on all year, but since the Conventions, the gap continues to widen in favor of the Democrats. Perhaps Republicans are ready to admit they nominated the "empty suit" commonly known as Mitt Romney?
*ABC News reports that Obama holds a sixteen (16) point lead over Romney when it comes to being the one Americans would prefer hosting for dinner. According to the report, Obama holds a ten percent (10%) lead over Romney when the issue of "understanding the economic troubles people are suffering." This number is significant in light of the constant television ads being run by Karl Rove's Crossroads America claiming all of the economic woes facing America are Obama's fault.
*Last but Not Least - The federally funded Teach American History Cohort of Sarasota County has approved purchasing "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say" for inclusion in the 2012-2013 Book Study. I am flattered and tremendously honored that my book has been so well received and liked! Remember, I will be with Robyn Davis and The Robyn Report on this Friday from 5-6pm. See you on the radio!
September 10, 2012 * In a show of desperation, Mitt Romney actually implied that if reelected, President Obama will remove the words "In G-d We Trust" from our currency and coins. From someone who claims the election should only highlight the economy, that's a new low for the GOP presidential candidate. What could possibly motivate Romney to makes such a claim if he was not attempting to play the "he's not one of us" card? Preposterous.
* As you know, Mitt Romney just yesterday came out and mentioned on national news that he would keep some of the existing provisions found in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka "Obamacare"). Amazingly, as soon as Romney's comments were digested by those on the Far Right, he withdrew them claiming he would allow the "free market" to decide if some of the provisions should remain. Earth to Romney. Consumers have been seeking protection in the form of insurance for those with pre-existing conditions for decades, but without the mandate, no insurance company ever offered policies to that class of folks. They also were the very ones that capped lifetime medical benefits which forced even insured folks to go bankrupt because they would not provide insurance coverage beyond the insurance contract limit. Romney clearly is a businessman without a clue what the "free market" provided to the sick. Flip, Flop and Flip again!
* When asked about the deep cuts to the military budget that will result due to a process called "sequestration," Mitt Romney stated today that he did not approve of Congress including military spending in the argument to cut deficit spending. Oops! Not only did his running mate Paul Ryan vote to include military spending in the sequestration package, but a year ago, Mitt Romney was congratulating the GOP on including it in the plan. Flip, Flop and a clippity, clop.
* According to Politico, a new report has surfaced comparing Obama's attendance at security briefings with those attended by former President Bush. According to report's author, Marc Thiessen, a speechwriter for Bush claims Obama has attended far less national Security briefings than Bush. According to the report, Thiessen utilized data from the Right Wing leaning Government Accountability Institute based on their claim of daily meeting logs from the White House which reflected that Obama only attended forty-four percent (44%) of his daily briefings while Bush attended "virtually all of them." Unfortunately for both the Institute and Thiessen, the White House has records to prove that Obama not only attends daily briefings, but he also seeks written security assessments and meetings outside those logged in a "Daily Security Briefings." According to National Security Council Spokesman (a non-partisan entity by the way), "He receives and reads his [Presidential Daily Brief] every day, and most days when he’s at the White House receives a briefing in person. When necessary he probes the arguments, requests more information or seeks alternate analysis. Sometimes that’s via a written assessment and other times it’s in person.” Any bets Fox News airs the report without the response? I bet they do!
* According to The Ticket, both the Romney and Obama campaigns have reported their fundraising hauls for the month of August and Obama took in $114 million as compared to Romney's $112 Million. With all of this money available to provide funds for campaigns, why isn't there enough money to create jobs instead? How can either man's campaign claim we are in an economic mess when they both will collect close to $1 Billion in campaign funds?
* According to The Associated Press, Saeed al-Shihri, al Qaida's Number Two man, was killed in a drone attack. Another one bites the dust!
*It has been widely reported that Neil Newhouse, a Romney strategist has claimed that the bounce for Obama after the DNC National Convention will fade like "a sugar high" once folks return their focus on the economy. Wow, while Romney thinks he can divert attention from his vague economic plans to his lies about Obama and welfare to taking "G-d's" name from our money, CNN reports Obama's post convention lead is growing, not shrinking! Perhaps Mr. Newhouse should change his metaphor to be a "Five Hour Energy Rush" rather than a "Sugar high?"
Last but Not Least - Republicans are continuing to dismiss all polling as liberally biased and propelled by the "Mainstream Media." What newspaper has the largest circulation? Why the Wall Street Journal, of course! Who owns the WSJ? Rupurt Murdoch and NewsCorp. Who owns Harper Collins Publishing? Why, Rupert Murdoch and NewsCorp. Who owns Fox News? Right again, Rupert Murdoch and NewsCorp. "Mainstreet media? Murdoch IS mainstream media! Check our today's blog on Media.
* As you know, Mitt Romney just yesterday came out and mentioned on national news that he would keep some of the existing provisions found in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka "Obamacare"). Amazingly, as soon as Romney's comments were digested by those on the Far Right, he withdrew them claiming he would allow the "free market" to decide if some of the provisions should remain. Earth to Romney. Consumers have been seeking protection in the form of insurance for those with pre-existing conditions for decades, but without the mandate, no insurance company ever offered policies to that class of folks. They also were the very ones that capped lifetime medical benefits which forced even insured folks to go bankrupt because they would not provide insurance coverage beyond the insurance contract limit. Romney clearly is a businessman without a clue what the "free market" provided to the sick. Flip, Flop and Flip again!
* When asked about the deep cuts to the military budget that will result due to a process called "sequestration," Mitt Romney stated today that he did not approve of Congress including military spending in the argument to cut deficit spending. Oops! Not only did his running mate Paul Ryan vote to include military spending in the sequestration package, but a year ago, Mitt Romney was congratulating the GOP on including it in the plan. Flip, Flop and a clippity, clop.
* According to Politico, a new report has surfaced comparing Obama's attendance at security briefings with those attended by former President Bush. According to report's author, Marc Thiessen, a speechwriter for Bush claims Obama has attended far less national Security briefings than Bush. According to the report, Thiessen utilized data from the Right Wing leaning Government Accountability Institute based on their claim of daily meeting logs from the White House which reflected that Obama only attended forty-four percent (44%) of his daily briefings while Bush attended "virtually all of them." Unfortunately for both the Institute and Thiessen, the White House has records to prove that Obama not only attends daily briefings, but he also seeks written security assessments and meetings outside those logged in a "Daily Security Briefings." According to National Security Council Spokesman (a non-partisan entity by the way), "He receives and reads his [Presidential Daily Brief] every day, and most days when he’s at the White House receives a briefing in person. When necessary he probes the arguments, requests more information or seeks alternate analysis. Sometimes that’s via a written assessment and other times it’s in person.” Any bets Fox News airs the report without the response? I bet they do!
* According to The Ticket, both the Romney and Obama campaigns have reported their fundraising hauls for the month of August and Obama took in $114 million as compared to Romney's $112 Million. With all of this money available to provide funds for campaigns, why isn't there enough money to create jobs instead? How can either man's campaign claim we are in an economic mess when they both will collect close to $1 Billion in campaign funds?
* According to The Associated Press, Saeed al-Shihri, al Qaida's Number Two man, was killed in a drone attack. Another one bites the dust!
*It has been widely reported that Neil Newhouse, a Romney strategist has claimed that the bounce for Obama after the DNC National Convention will fade like "a sugar high" once folks return their focus on the economy. Wow, while Romney thinks he can divert attention from his vague economic plans to his lies about Obama and welfare to taking "G-d's" name from our money, CNN reports Obama's post convention lead is growing, not shrinking! Perhaps Mr. Newhouse should change his metaphor to be a "Five Hour Energy Rush" rather than a "Sugar high?"
Last but Not Least - Republicans are continuing to dismiss all polling as liberally biased and propelled by the "Mainstream Media." What newspaper has the largest circulation? Why the Wall Street Journal, of course! Who owns the WSJ? Rupurt Murdoch and NewsCorp. Who owns Harper Collins Publishing? Why, Rupert Murdoch and NewsCorp. Who owns Fox News? Right again, Rupert Murdoch and NewsCorp. "Mainstreet media? Murdoch IS mainstream media! Check our today's blog on Media.
September 9, 2012 * What a surprise! Due to time constraints, I was unable to post any Polticial News of the Day last Friday thinking that it would probably not be missed by my now hundreds of loyal followers. Was I ever wrong! I got the hint folks. I promise to do my best to post news (when I can). So, just a heads-up. I will not be on the radio Tuesday with Robyn Davis and The Robyn Report due to a scheduling conflict. This may also affect my ability to post a blog (but I will try). There are additional dates I will not be able to post at all...due to the High Holy Days of Rosh Hoshanah and Yom Kippur (yes, I am one of "those"). But I WILL be on the air with Robyn on Friday, September 14, Wednesday, September 19 and Thursday, September 27! But why wait until then? Tune into The Robyn Report every day between 5 and 6pm on WWPR1490am or!
* One of my recent blog postings regarding the political distortions and lies being passed around about local Congressional Candidate Kieth Fitzgerald have begun to resonate. Now, today's Sarasota Herald-Tribune, revealed that the local Republican Party has sent out over 16,000 emails claiming Mr. Fizgerald's students rated him to be a "failing professor" at New College. The article goes on to state that they investigated the claims and found them to be entirely false based upon a selective manipulation of student surveys (which are common at the college level). When pressed on these "distortions" aka lies, Sarasota County GOP Chairman Joe Gruters stated that he got the numbers from a blogger who got his information from....wait for it...Jose Romano, deputy campaign chairman for you guessed it, GOP Incumbent Vern Buchanan. Perhaps the author of the article, Eric Ernst put it best; "New College regularly ranks as one of the best, and most affordable, liberal arts colleges in the United States. Someone there must know what they are doing. And they don't need politics-and false accusations-getting in the way of doing it." And you thought I was making this stuff up!
* After condemning the ACA, otherwise known as Obamacare, Mitt Romney has publicly stated he might actually keep some of the provisions of the Act if he is elected president! Huh? Romney speaking on NBC's Meet The Press just this morning claimed this very notion; "Well, I'm not getting rid of all of health care reform. Of course there are a number of things that I like in health care reform that I'm going to put in place. One is to make sure that those with pre-existing conditions can get coverage. Two is to assure that the marketplace allows for individuals to have policies that cover their family up to whatever age they might like. I also want individuals to be able to buy insurance, health insurance, on their own as opposed to only being able to get it on a tax advantage basis through their company." Has Romney lost his mind? Does he think Americans want a president that changes his mind from week to week? Just two weeks ago he maintained that he would repeal Obamacare. The Flip-Flop king is back! No wonder Gallup's polling numbers have Romney's "Honesty" numbers lagging behind Obama's (who has been painted as a serial liar by the GOP since the first week of his presidency and as portrayed in the now discredited Obama 2016 political hit-piece). Americans are misinformed about a lot of things, but overall, they are not totally stupid. Nice going Mitt, keep doing and saying anything you can to "get the 51% you need to be elected." Not going to happen.
* Speaking of honesty, Paul Ryan has publicly stated that President Obama has "gone to great lengths" to make gas prices as high as possible. According to ABC OTUS News, Ryan while speaking in California leveled this amazing claim. According to the article, Ryan stated that he and Romney would lower the price of energy, but true to form, the article states; "Ryan then moved on to how he would lower gas prices in a Romney/Ryan administration, but stayed away from specifics, instead saying domestic production of energy should be increased, something he mentions on the stump daily." Amazingly, as the article points out; "Gas prices have risen despite the fact that, according to the U.S. Energy Information Association, domestic crude oil production increased from 5.0 million barrels per day in 2008 to 5.5 million barrels per day in 2010. That same year marked the first time in 13 years the country imported less than 50 percent of the oil the United States consumed, a trend continued in 2011." So really Mr. Ryan, what are you babbling about? Once again, to the GOP faithful, facts seem to get in the way of political rhetoric that also happens to be unfounded.
* Speaking of Mr. Ryan, apparently he took offense when Obama claimed Ryan and Romney are "new" when it comes to the area of foreign policy. Ryan, speaking on CBS's Face The Nation said that he has more foreign policy experience than Obama did when he was elected president. He based his statements on his vast experience as a member of the House of Representatives since 1999. I couldn't help myself, so I checked it out. Yes, Ryan has been a career Washington insider serving as a member of Congress since 1999. But has he served on any committees that would gain him personal insight into foreign affairs? As you would know if you read my book, "How Our Government really Works, Despite What They Say," members of major-standing committees in the House of Representatives may not sit on any other major committees. As a result, Mr. Ryan's position on the House Ways and Means Committee limits his additional membership to a minor committee, and in his case, the Health Committee. Throughout his congressional experience, he has never been a member of any congressional committee even remotely related to foreign affairs. But what about Obama as Ryan claims? Surely Obama, wet behind the ears was without any experience at all in comparison with Ryan's when he ran for president in 2008? Oops, reality check and facts again...Obama, in his stint in the Senate served on The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the Veterans Affairs Committee and then on the Senate Homeland Security and and Governmental Affairs Committees. Wait a minute here! That can't possibly be because Mr. Ryan would never distort or say anything delusional about his own personal experiences right? More distortions otherwise known as lies.
* In what appears to be an effort to solidify the questionable political strategy of the GOP, Mitt Romney's campaign slammed Obama claiming that Obama has broken his campaign promises from 2008 and that therefore, he is a "failed" president. Speaking before a campaign crowd in New Hampshire, The Ticket reports Romney's campaign spokesman Matt Rhoades claimed "President Obama laid out the choice in this election, making the case for more of the same policies that haven't worked for the past four years. He offered more promises, but he hasn't kept the promises he made four years ago," Rhoades said. "Americans will hold President Obama accountable for his record. They know they're not better off and that it's time to change direction." Check out today's blog to see what campaign promises Obama has kept.
*Last But Not Least - Sales of "How Our Government really Works, Despite What They Say" have been strong and I thank all of you for that. According to Amazon, the book's sale numbers have pulled ahead of 2.8 million other books they offer. Considering our marketing budget of under $150, those numbers are incredible. What helps though are readers like you recommending the book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books A Million and other Online seller sites. This effort is NOT about making is about getting the word out to Americans about our shared history and system of government. So I give you a simple request. Please go Online to the various seller websites and "Like" the book and write a short Recommendation for it. Getting the word out has always been my goal, not making money from it.
* One of my recent blog postings regarding the political distortions and lies being passed around about local Congressional Candidate Kieth Fitzgerald have begun to resonate. Now, today's Sarasota Herald-Tribune, revealed that the local Republican Party has sent out over 16,000 emails claiming Mr. Fizgerald's students rated him to be a "failing professor" at New College. The article goes on to state that they investigated the claims and found them to be entirely false based upon a selective manipulation of student surveys (which are common at the college level). When pressed on these "distortions" aka lies, Sarasota County GOP Chairman Joe Gruters stated that he got the numbers from a blogger who got his information from....wait for it...Jose Romano, deputy campaign chairman for you guessed it, GOP Incumbent Vern Buchanan. Perhaps the author of the article, Eric Ernst put it best; "New College regularly ranks as one of the best, and most affordable, liberal arts colleges in the United States. Someone there must know what they are doing. And they don't need politics-and false accusations-getting in the way of doing it." And you thought I was making this stuff up!
* After condemning the ACA, otherwise known as Obamacare, Mitt Romney has publicly stated he might actually keep some of the provisions of the Act if he is elected president! Huh? Romney speaking on NBC's Meet The Press just this morning claimed this very notion; "Well, I'm not getting rid of all of health care reform. Of course there are a number of things that I like in health care reform that I'm going to put in place. One is to make sure that those with pre-existing conditions can get coverage. Two is to assure that the marketplace allows for individuals to have policies that cover their family up to whatever age they might like. I also want individuals to be able to buy insurance, health insurance, on their own as opposed to only being able to get it on a tax advantage basis through their company." Has Romney lost his mind? Does he think Americans want a president that changes his mind from week to week? Just two weeks ago he maintained that he would repeal Obamacare. The Flip-Flop king is back! No wonder Gallup's polling numbers have Romney's "Honesty" numbers lagging behind Obama's (who has been painted as a serial liar by the GOP since the first week of his presidency and as portrayed in the now discredited Obama 2016 political hit-piece). Americans are misinformed about a lot of things, but overall, they are not totally stupid. Nice going Mitt, keep doing and saying anything you can to "get the 51% you need to be elected." Not going to happen.
* Speaking of honesty, Paul Ryan has publicly stated that President Obama has "gone to great lengths" to make gas prices as high as possible. According to ABC OTUS News, Ryan while speaking in California leveled this amazing claim. According to the article, Ryan stated that he and Romney would lower the price of energy, but true to form, the article states; "Ryan then moved on to how he would lower gas prices in a Romney/Ryan administration, but stayed away from specifics, instead saying domestic production of energy should be increased, something he mentions on the stump daily." Amazingly, as the article points out; "Gas prices have risen despite the fact that, according to the U.S. Energy Information Association, domestic crude oil production increased from 5.0 million barrels per day in 2008 to 5.5 million barrels per day in 2010. That same year marked the first time in 13 years the country imported less than 50 percent of the oil the United States consumed, a trend continued in 2011." So really Mr. Ryan, what are you babbling about? Once again, to the GOP faithful, facts seem to get in the way of political rhetoric that also happens to be unfounded.
* Speaking of Mr. Ryan, apparently he took offense when Obama claimed Ryan and Romney are "new" when it comes to the area of foreign policy. Ryan, speaking on CBS's Face The Nation said that he has more foreign policy experience than Obama did when he was elected president. He based his statements on his vast experience as a member of the House of Representatives since 1999. I couldn't help myself, so I checked it out. Yes, Ryan has been a career Washington insider serving as a member of Congress since 1999. But has he served on any committees that would gain him personal insight into foreign affairs? As you would know if you read my book, "How Our Government really Works, Despite What They Say," members of major-standing committees in the House of Representatives may not sit on any other major committees. As a result, Mr. Ryan's position on the House Ways and Means Committee limits his additional membership to a minor committee, and in his case, the Health Committee. Throughout his congressional experience, he has never been a member of any congressional committee even remotely related to foreign affairs. But what about Obama as Ryan claims? Surely Obama, wet behind the ears was without any experience at all in comparison with Ryan's when he ran for president in 2008? Oops, reality check and facts again...Obama, in his stint in the Senate served on The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the Veterans Affairs Committee and then on the Senate Homeland Security and and Governmental Affairs Committees. Wait a minute here! That can't possibly be because Mr. Ryan would never distort or say anything delusional about his own personal experiences right? More distortions otherwise known as lies.
* In what appears to be an effort to solidify the questionable political strategy of the GOP, Mitt Romney's campaign slammed Obama claiming that Obama has broken his campaign promises from 2008 and that therefore, he is a "failed" president. Speaking before a campaign crowd in New Hampshire, The Ticket reports Romney's campaign spokesman Matt Rhoades claimed "President Obama laid out the choice in this election, making the case for more of the same policies that haven't worked for the past four years. He offered more promises, but he hasn't kept the promises he made four years ago," Rhoades said. "Americans will hold President Obama accountable for his record. They know they're not better off and that it's time to change direction." Check out today's blog to see what campaign promises Obama has kept.
*Last But Not Least - Sales of "How Our Government really Works, Despite What They Say" have been strong and I thank all of you for that. According to Amazon, the book's sale numbers have pulled ahead of 2.8 million other books they offer. Considering our marketing budget of under $150, those numbers are incredible. What helps though are readers like you recommending the book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books A Million and other Online seller sites. This effort is NOT about making is about getting the word out to Americans about our shared history and system of government. So I give you a simple request. Please go Online to the various seller websites and "Like" the book and write a short Recommendation for it. Getting the word out has always been my goal, not making money from it.
September 6, 2012 *As we all know by now, former President Bill Clinton brought down the house at the DNC Convention in Charlotte, NC last night. Virtually every political pundit on both sides of the aisle agreed that Clinton made a fairly straight forward case for Obama to be reelected. Amazingly, Republicans now predict Obama will certainly be overshadowed by Clinton's speech. We shall see how that goes tonight. One thing is for sure. Newt Gingerich's prediction that Clinton speaking for Obama would be a mistake is emphatically incorrect. Once again, Clinton gets one over on Gingerich. Any bets the Romney camp is deeply concerned now?
* I just checked the National Weather Service to see if they are predicting thunderstorms in the Charlotte, N.C. area for tonight. Right now, there is a 50-50 chance of storms this afternoon and a 40% chance of thunderstorms tonight. As you may recall, Romney folks claimed that Obama's speech was moved indoors not because of weather but because they could not find enough people to fill the outdoor stadium. Really? According to them, Obama even has seized control of the weather! How pathetic can they get? Sorry, I try to be objective, but how can anyone take the Republicans seriously when they say stupid things like this?
* It was reported today that Vice President Joe Biden will be speaking about foreign policy matters in his speech tonight. More importantly, Biden has reportedly already spent over 60 hours preparing for his debate with GOP VP Candidate Paul Ryan. If Paul Ryan (AKA "Brain Power") is bested by poor old dumb Biden, it will be GAME OVER.
* Mitt Romney continues to claim publicly that Obama has taken the work requirement out of welfare, even though every fact checker, Republican and Democrat have condemned such comments. Romney just today claimed on his mouthpiece network (Fox) that Obama cut the work requirement in order to get welfare recipients to vote for him this year when they otherwise would be staying home. Mitt, are you serious? Watch for Bill Clinton to be on the campaign trail destroying Mitt Romney's welfare related statements.
* Nielsen numbers have indicated that an overwhelming number of folks have been watching the DNC Convention this week, a number significantly higher than those that viewed the RNC Convention last week. Shouldn't that make some Romney folks nervous?
* Last by Not Least - As reported earlier, new job numbers are coming out from the Bureau of Labor Statistics tomorrow morning. Amazingly, it has been predicted that the numbers will be positive news for Obama, however, the Republicans will always paint any rosy picture of job creation are dire and failed. Although I am an Independent, I am finding it harder and harder for folks on the Right to make their case. Sorry, but I live in a world of facts, not political narratives.
* I just checked the National Weather Service to see if they are predicting thunderstorms in the Charlotte, N.C. area for tonight. Right now, there is a 50-50 chance of storms this afternoon and a 40% chance of thunderstorms tonight. As you may recall, Romney folks claimed that Obama's speech was moved indoors not because of weather but because they could not find enough people to fill the outdoor stadium. Really? According to them, Obama even has seized control of the weather! How pathetic can they get? Sorry, I try to be objective, but how can anyone take the Republicans seriously when they say stupid things like this?
* It was reported today that Vice President Joe Biden will be speaking about foreign policy matters in his speech tonight. More importantly, Biden has reportedly already spent over 60 hours preparing for his debate with GOP VP Candidate Paul Ryan. If Paul Ryan (AKA "Brain Power") is bested by poor old dumb Biden, it will be GAME OVER.
* Mitt Romney continues to claim publicly that Obama has taken the work requirement out of welfare, even though every fact checker, Republican and Democrat have condemned such comments. Romney just today claimed on his mouthpiece network (Fox) that Obama cut the work requirement in order to get welfare recipients to vote for him this year when they otherwise would be staying home. Mitt, are you serious? Watch for Bill Clinton to be on the campaign trail destroying Mitt Romney's welfare related statements.
* Nielsen numbers have indicated that an overwhelming number of folks have been watching the DNC Convention this week, a number significantly higher than those that viewed the RNC Convention last week. Shouldn't that make some Romney folks nervous?
* Last by Not Least - As reported earlier, new job numbers are coming out from the Bureau of Labor Statistics tomorrow morning. Amazingly, it has been predicted that the numbers will be positive news for Obama, however, the Republicans will always paint any rosy picture of job creation are dire and failed. Although I am an Independent, I am finding it harder and harder for folks on the Right to make their case. Sorry, but I live in a world of facts, not political narratives.
September 5, 2012 * The DNC formally amended their previously agreed to platform to include the words G-d and the affirmation that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Apparently, doubters were not satisfied that the earlier version included the words having "faith" and having "an unshakable commitment to the Israel's security. Seems the GOP was already "licking their chops" that the Dems had turned their back on Israel and G-d. The Dems response? Not so fast. Now watch the Republicans argue that the Democrats really don't mean it.
* Along the lines of "you really don't mean that," The DNC has announced they have moved President Obama's acceptance speech from the outdoor 74,000 seat Bank of America Stadium back into the indoor Time Warner Arena. The democrats elected to move the event indoors after weather forecasts are predicting thunderstorms Thursday evening when the speech is scheduled. In typical fashion, the GOP responded with an allegation that the move was not weather related, but instead was a calculated effort to avoid having to show the nation that the Bank of America Stadium would be mostly empty as they could not even give enough seats away for folks to come and support Obama. Is this political gamesmanship? According to the National Weather Service, as of right now, there is a 40% chance of scattered thunderstorms, not showers. But what was the prediction when the Obama and DNC had to make their logical decision? 50-50. So I can give these odds to the GOP. If it rains on Thursday night anywhere in the Charlotte area, you should have a zero chance of winning the White House. The nonsense from the GOP may just have gone "over the top" with these comments.
* As mentioned in my blog, I actually tweeted Fox News and CNN criticizing their convention coverage. Fox spent an inordinate amount of time at the convention interviewing folks, including a GOP governor at the Democratic convention. When they were actually interviewing a Democrat, they were not showing some of the most interesting speeches being given. No surprise from Fox though. But CNN took the cake. They too spent time interviewing folks while the convention was going on right behind them, missing key speeches including one from Kal Penn, who plays Kumar in the Harold and Kumar movies. Penn gave a great speech, but CNN and Fox viewers would never know.
* Speaking of CNN, their use of Ari Fleischer as a GOP strategist and pundit needs to stop. No matter what any Democrat says, Fleischer has a deadpan response...FAILURE. He should know all about failure, he served as President George W. Bush's press secretary for years.
*Former President Bill Clinton takes the stage tonight to make the case for the reelection of Barack Obama. Tonight we will finally learn if Newt Gingerich is right or not. You may recall that a few weeks ago, Gingerich reveled in the notion that Obama would be calling upon Clinton to speak because the Nation would realize Obama would never be like Bill Clinton and that Clinton will overshadow the president so badly that Obama will actually be hurt by Clinton's involvement at the convention. But what if Bill Clinton makes a strong case for Obama to be reelected? What if the middle class folks that love Bill Clinton ride his old and tattered coattails and vote for Obama simply because Bill tells them to? I guess we shall see tonight how it goes. Between Bill Clinton and Newt Gingerich, history proves you bet on Clinton. That is where my money would be.
* Last But Not Least - GOP pundits are making quite a stink about the claim raised by San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro that Obama's administration has overseen 4.5 million new jobs. Fact Checkers have determined that the number of new jobs is accurate only if you exclude the huge job losses experienced from the inauguration until 2010. The Democrats claim the job losses for that period are a direct result of the economy collapsing under Bush. Regardless, Fact Checkers have determined that the rate of new jobs under Obama, including those large losses the GOP demands be counted, is higher than that achieved in either of George W. Bush's or his father George H.W. Bush's terms as president. Distortion? Perhaps? Lie? Nope. Just wait until the GOP fights to open that find job loss skeletons from the only GOP Presidents since Reagan! Oops. See you tomorrow.
* Along the lines of "you really don't mean that," The DNC has announced they have moved President Obama's acceptance speech from the outdoor 74,000 seat Bank of America Stadium back into the indoor Time Warner Arena. The democrats elected to move the event indoors after weather forecasts are predicting thunderstorms Thursday evening when the speech is scheduled. In typical fashion, the GOP responded with an allegation that the move was not weather related, but instead was a calculated effort to avoid having to show the nation that the Bank of America Stadium would be mostly empty as they could not even give enough seats away for folks to come and support Obama. Is this political gamesmanship? According to the National Weather Service, as of right now, there is a 40% chance of scattered thunderstorms, not showers. But what was the prediction when the Obama and DNC had to make their logical decision? 50-50. So I can give these odds to the GOP. If it rains on Thursday night anywhere in the Charlotte area, you should have a zero chance of winning the White House. The nonsense from the GOP may just have gone "over the top" with these comments.
* As mentioned in my blog, I actually tweeted Fox News and CNN criticizing their convention coverage. Fox spent an inordinate amount of time at the convention interviewing folks, including a GOP governor at the Democratic convention. When they were actually interviewing a Democrat, they were not showing some of the most interesting speeches being given. No surprise from Fox though. But CNN took the cake. They too spent time interviewing folks while the convention was going on right behind them, missing key speeches including one from Kal Penn, who plays Kumar in the Harold and Kumar movies. Penn gave a great speech, but CNN and Fox viewers would never know.
* Speaking of CNN, their use of Ari Fleischer as a GOP strategist and pundit needs to stop. No matter what any Democrat says, Fleischer has a deadpan response...FAILURE. He should know all about failure, he served as President George W. Bush's press secretary for years.
*Former President Bill Clinton takes the stage tonight to make the case for the reelection of Barack Obama. Tonight we will finally learn if Newt Gingerich is right or not. You may recall that a few weeks ago, Gingerich reveled in the notion that Obama would be calling upon Clinton to speak because the Nation would realize Obama would never be like Bill Clinton and that Clinton will overshadow the president so badly that Obama will actually be hurt by Clinton's involvement at the convention. But what if Bill Clinton makes a strong case for Obama to be reelected? What if the middle class folks that love Bill Clinton ride his old and tattered coattails and vote for Obama simply because Bill tells them to? I guess we shall see tonight how it goes. Between Bill Clinton and Newt Gingerich, history proves you bet on Clinton. That is where my money would be.
* Last But Not Least - GOP pundits are making quite a stink about the claim raised by San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro that Obama's administration has overseen 4.5 million new jobs. Fact Checkers have determined that the number of new jobs is accurate only if you exclude the huge job losses experienced from the inauguration until 2010. The Democrats claim the job losses for that period are a direct result of the economy collapsing under Bush. Regardless, Fact Checkers have determined that the rate of new jobs under Obama, including those large losses the GOP demands be counted, is higher than that achieved in either of George W. Bush's or his father George H.W. Bush's terms as president. Distortion? Perhaps? Lie? Nope. Just wait until the GOP fights to open that find job loss skeletons from the only GOP Presidents since Reagan! Oops. See you tomorrow.
September 4, 2012 * With the kickoff of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, the Democrats will try their hardest to present their vision for the next four years. According to both Gallup and Pew Research, Mitt Romney experienced a very tepid bounce from the RNC Convention of one point. Whether President Obama can get a bugger bounce out of the DNC Convention will be determined after this week's convention.
* Paul Ryan is now experiencing the spot light that comes along with being a GOP Vice Presidential candidate. Unfortunately for Ryan, this distortions in his convention speech are coming back to haunt him. When asked directly about them in interviews, Ryan pivots to another response. Isn't it fun to watch a career politician squirm when they have to face the scrutiny given when they tell lies and present distortions that ordinary Americans can readily discern?
* The GOP is currently campaigning on an effort to characterize Obama as a clone of Jimmy Carter. Most Americans recognize that Obama has experienced significance success that eluded Carter. Forced to produce one success that proves the point? The successful mission to kill Osama Bin Laden. Need I say more?
* Paul Ryan is now experiencing the spot light that comes along with being a GOP Vice Presidential candidate. Unfortunately for Ryan, this distortions in his convention speech are coming back to haunt him. When asked directly about them in interviews, Ryan pivots to another response. Isn't it fun to watch a career politician squirm when they have to face the scrutiny given when they tell lies and present distortions that ordinary Americans can readily discern?
* The GOP is currently campaigning on an effort to characterize Obama as a clone of Jimmy Carter. Most Americans recognize that Obama has experienced significance success that eluded Carter. Forced to produce one success that proves the point? The successful mission to kill Osama Bin Laden. Need I say more?
September 3, 2012 * Happy Labor Day to each person that works for a living in either the public or the private sector. May all folks, including business owners, share the success they have because of the folks that work for them and with them. Enjoy the day!
* According to most pollsters, the prevailing public opinion is that Mitt Romney did not in fact "seal the deal" with his acceptance speech last Thursday night at the RNC National Convention. According to Nate Silver on his 538 website, Romney's "bump" from the convention was slight and is diminishing daily. Not good news for the GOP. Compounding this bad news, the Democrats are just now kicking off their National Convention in Charlotte. If Obama can come away with a bounce of any kind from his convention, the road to the White House will remain difficult for Romney. Amazingly, Republicans that I speak to dismiss these predictions as "Left Wing Media Bias." You can only ignore science and public opinion for so long. Hopefully after November, no matter who wins, our elected officials will return to governing instead of bickering with each other.
*According to The Associated Press, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will be campaigning in North Carolina during the DNC National Convention. The thrust of their campaign will be based upon the theme "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" According to GOP strategists, the intense campaign is aimed at forcing the Obama camp to focus on addressing the "failures" of Obama's term as president. According to Democratic strategists, the Obama camp will include that line of attack in their response to the GOP, and more. Where the GOP may have been "light" on specifics, the Democrats are promising to be very specific with plans to be implemented during a second Obama term. We shall see which party's strategy is effective after this week.
* Ten hours after President Obama accepts his party's nomination to serve a second term in the White House, the Department of Labor is scheduled to release its most recent economic and labor report. Members of the GOP are gleefully hoping that the report bears bad news so that they may exploit it for political gains as we all head into the fall campaign. Unfortunately, the GOP now has a long history of betting against American success in an effort to promote themselves back into power. According to a report in Politico, even if the report is positive, the Republicans will continue to cast a negative light on it. Just like the entire Stimulus failed, even though 1/3 of the package included payroll tax cuts enjoyed by every working American. Let the Games begin!
* All the talk in the news is about the DNC National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina and the fact that polls show North Carolina is currently in a deadlock between Obama and Romney. The biggest question I have is this: How many Democrats and Independents watched the RNC Convention and how many Republicans and Independents will watch the DNC Convention? Have we grown tired of the convention game? A political comic appeared in our local paper portraying a television viewer turning off their TV with the caption hinting at being "tired of Convention Lies." One slight problem. The statements made at the GOP Convention have been proven to be lies. The DNC Convention has not even started yet. Sounds a lot like Fox News' "Fair and Balanced" reflecting some sort of moral equivalency when there is none.
* Last but Not Least - I will be back with Robyn Davis on The Robyn Report on Talk Tampa Bay , WWPR1490am, Check us out between 5 and 6. We will be chatting with Adam Tebrugge, candidate for the Florida House of Representatives. "See" you on the radio!
* According to most pollsters, the prevailing public opinion is that Mitt Romney did not in fact "seal the deal" with his acceptance speech last Thursday night at the RNC National Convention. According to Nate Silver on his 538 website, Romney's "bump" from the convention was slight and is diminishing daily. Not good news for the GOP. Compounding this bad news, the Democrats are just now kicking off their National Convention in Charlotte. If Obama can come away with a bounce of any kind from his convention, the road to the White House will remain difficult for Romney. Amazingly, Republicans that I speak to dismiss these predictions as "Left Wing Media Bias." You can only ignore science and public opinion for so long. Hopefully after November, no matter who wins, our elected officials will return to governing instead of bickering with each other.
*According to The Associated Press, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will be campaigning in North Carolina during the DNC National Convention. The thrust of their campaign will be based upon the theme "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" According to GOP strategists, the intense campaign is aimed at forcing the Obama camp to focus on addressing the "failures" of Obama's term as president. According to Democratic strategists, the Obama camp will include that line of attack in their response to the GOP, and more. Where the GOP may have been "light" on specifics, the Democrats are promising to be very specific with plans to be implemented during a second Obama term. We shall see which party's strategy is effective after this week.
* Ten hours after President Obama accepts his party's nomination to serve a second term in the White House, the Department of Labor is scheduled to release its most recent economic and labor report. Members of the GOP are gleefully hoping that the report bears bad news so that they may exploit it for political gains as we all head into the fall campaign. Unfortunately, the GOP now has a long history of betting against American success in an effort to promote themselves back into power. According to a report in Politico, even if the report is positive, the Republicans will continue to cast a negative light on it. Just like the entire Stimulus failed, even though 1/3 of the package included payroll tax cuts enjoyed by every working American. Let the Games begin!
* All the talk in the news is about the DNC National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina and the fact that polls show North Carolina is currently in a deadlock between Obama and Romney. The biggest question I have is this: How many Democrats and Independents watched the RNC Convention and how many Republicans and Independents will watch the DNC Convention? Have we grown tired of the convention game? A political comic appeared in our local paper portraying a television viewer turning off their TV with the caption hinting at being "tired of Convention Lies." One slight problem. The statements made at the GOP Convention have been proven to be lies. The DNC Convention has not even started yet. Sounds a lot like Fox News' "Fair and Balanced" reflecting some sort of moral equivalency when there is none.
* Last but Not Least - I will be back with Robyn Davis on The Robyn Report on Talk Tampa Bay , WWPR1490am, Check us out between 5 and 6. We will be chatting with Adam Tebrugge, candidate for the Florida House of Representatives. "See" you on the radio!
September 2, 2012 *Now that the Republican National Convention is over, arm-chair critics are in full gear evaluating the "success or failure" of the convention. Unfortunately for Paul Ryan, folks are considering his "half-truths" and "omissions" as real lies (as do I) so his credibility is now in full view, and it is not a pretty sight. In fact, Ryan was recently asked in Columbus, Ohio about his now famous workout routine and his alleged prowess as a marathon runner. Seems Ryan or his handlers presented the notion that Ryan was such a fitness guru that he had wide experience as a "marathoner." When asked about his best time in a marathon, Ryan's positively stated it was under three minutes!!! This time is so impressive that shock waves spread throughout the running world. But like a lot of what Ryan says, it was simply not true. Ryan tried to weasel out of his claim by stating he had only run a marathon once but had to stop because he "hurt a disc in his back," but he still runs about 10 miles a day. Huh? Seems the only marathon he ever ran was when he was 20 years old, and if anyone has ever suffered a damaged disc can tell you, you are not going to be running 10 miles a day if the claim is true. Think about it folks. I quit playing baseball not because of an alleged "bum knee" (like Ryan's "bum back") but because I sucked. I quit softball when I could no longer play at the level I had grown accustomed to for over 20 years. Why lie about such things? Isn't this an example of the "real" integrity of a person? Paul Ryan, unabashed embellisher and liar.
* Along the lines of "arm chair" criticism" The Wall Street Journal came out with their own analysis of Mitt Romney's acceptance speech and it was not as kind and gentle as most conservatives would have liked. In fact, the Journal opined that Romney did not provide enough specifics about his own plans to save our economy. Huh? You can bet all of those conservatives who rely on the WSJ for a foundation to slam Obama conveniently are ignoring the wisdom of the WSJ now. But what did they report? They opined that Romney and Ryan "played it safe" in order to avoid stricter scrutiny. "Mr. Romney's speech did hit all of those essential points, but the one thing it didn't do constitutes a major political gamble. Neither he nor the entire GOP convention made a case for his economic policy agenda. He and Paul Ryan promised to help the middle class, but they never explained other than in passing how they would do it. In his acceptance speech, Mr. Romney tossed out his five policy ideas almost as an afterthought. Energy got one sentence, education scored big with two. Neil Armstrong received almost as much speech time as what Mr. Romney would do specifically to spur faster growth and raise middle-class incomes." Don't misread the WSJ, they are after all, still owned by Murdoch's NewsCorp. so they are solidly behind Romney, but even they admit the empty chair talked to by Clint Eastwoood more closely resembled Mr. Romney than Mr. President.
* People are coming out of the woodwork claiming that the "real" Obama is now exposed in the new movie "Obama 2016" produced by Dinesh D'Souza, who claims it to be a real "Documentary." I have seen Mr. D'Souza answer questions about the "Documentary" and was immediately struck that it is not a "documentary" but an ideological hit piece, produced exclusively to assist the GOP in this election year. When asked directly whether he ever met with Obama to talk about the allegations in the film, D'Souza simply said "No." When asked if he ever spoke with Obama over the phone to discuss what Obama actually thinks about the issues presented. Again, "No." When asked if he ever sent an email or letter to Obama to address the issues in the film, again "No." When asked how D'Souza could possibly produce a film based upon what Obama thinks and what Obama has ambitions to do as President, D'Souza admitted he has no evidence except Obama's own previously recorded words. Words from what? His book about his father, the very same father he never saw or talked with after the age of ten. Bottom line, D'Souza admitted that he knows what is Obama is thinking at all times. I bet Mr. D'Souza can now predict what I think of him and any movies he may direct.
BUT, when asked about the film just yesterday, I responded that from any journalistic or political science standard to be viewed as heavily biased and not totally accurate, I was met with disbelief and based upon their body language, complete dismissal. For a more thorough discussion on Selective Perception and Reinforcement, check out my book, "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
* In the "TAKE THAT" category, the Obama Administration has approved exploratory drilling in the Arctic. According to The New York Times, The Department of Interior granted Shell a license to begin exploring via a new well in the Arctic Ocean. Shell, which has spent a reported $4 Billion on preparing for Arctic exploration was thrilled. Environmentalists are appalled. Republicans claim it is another stunt by Obama to pander when it comes to energy issues. Perhaps so, but why does Shell admit that the license has been in the works for over 6 years? If it did not require review for safety, technical and environmental issues, why didn't Bush grant the license? Another example of Obama never being given an inch of respect by the GOP.
* Another Federal Court has struck down a state GOP effort to limit voters from getting to the polls. The voter ID law in Texas was recently struck down because the Court has ruled that it "discriminates against low income blacks and Hispanics." Another Federal Court has ruled efforts in Ohio to eliminate early voting the weekend before election day had no reasonable basis in law to exist except to limit black churches from having voting drives the Sunday before election day. In Florida, the Federal Courts have declared efforts to eliminate Sunday voting before election day to patently violate restrictions in the Voting Rights Act of 1965. All three states passed these voter suppression laws under GOP controlled statehouses and governors. Why is it the Tea Party claims Obama is ignoring the Constitution and destroying America when evidence now exists that the Tea Party and the GOP are in reality the ones responsible for these illegal efforts. According to the GOP in Texas, an appeal will be filed so that the matter may be taken up with the Supreme Court of the United States. If SCOTUS takes these case, they will have proven themselves to be engaged in "politics" and have broken the principle of "justiciability," You can find more on that issue in my book too.
* According to The New York Times, the NY state's attorney general is investigating venture capital firms for manipulating tax loopholes by treating executive compensation as "fund investments" in an effort to claim compensation at lower tax rates. Tax avoidance is an acceptable and legal practice we all (should) participate in. Tax evasion though is illegal, and this type of activity is an affirmative strategy to evade taxes. Included in the number of venture capital firms engaged in these potential illegal activities? None other than Mitt Romney's Bain Capital. Can everyone begin to understand why Romney will not reveal his tax returns from 1999-2009? Is anyone paying attention to this? Let's hope so. For the GOP it may appear as a cheap political ploy, but then again, who promoted Faux outrage when early appointees of Obama's had to step aside for not paying all "their taxes due?" The GOP did. Aren't politics still fun?
* Speculation is running in high gear about what will be the focus at the upcoming Democratic National Convention in North Carolina. Will Joe Biden have a retort for Clint Eastwood? Will he be the designated "attack dog?" Will Bill Clinton be the real star and outshine Obama? Will Hillary overshadow Obama in an effort to grab the early lead for a run in 2016? Will Obama be at his best or worse? To all of these questions, we will have to wait and see. Perhaps we should all ask Dinesh D'Souza, since he already seems to know what goes on in others' minds? One thing is for sure, there will be no empty chair comic routine!
* Last but Not Least - Another critical endorsement for the book is on its way. I received a "heads-up" from Dr. Gary Mormino, who just retired as the holder of the Frank E. Duckwell Professorship in Florida Studies and History at the University of South Florida that he will give me a complete review of the book in three weeks when he returns from Spain. His initial comment after reading parts is" I am very impressed!" Thank you Dr. Mormino!
* Along the lines of "arm chair" criticism" The Wall Street Journal came out with their own analysis of Mitt Romney's acceptance speech and it was not as kind and gentle as most conservatives would have liked. In fact, the Journal opined that Romney did not provide enough specifics about his own plans to save our economy. Huh? You can bet all of those conservatives who rely on the WSJ for a foundation to slam Obama conveniently are ignoring the wisdom of the WSJ now. But what did they report? They opined that Romney and Ryan "played it safe" in order to avoid stricter scrutiny. "Mr. Romney's speech did hit all of those essential points, but the one thing it didn't do constitutes a major political gamble. Neither he nor the entire GOP convention made a case for his economic policy agenda. He and Paul Ryan promised to help the middle class, but they never explained other than in passing how they would do it. In his acceptance speech, Mr. Romney tossed out his five policy ideas almost as an afterthought. Energy got one sentence, education scored big with two. Neil Armstrong received almost as much speech time as what Mr. Romney would do specifically to spur faster growth and raise middle-class incomes." Don't misread the WSJ, they are after all, still owned by Murdoch's NewsCorp. so they are solidly behind Romney, but even they admit the empty chair talked to by Clint Eastwoood more closely resembled Mr. Romney than Mr. President.
* People are coming out of the woodwork claiming that the "real" Obama is now exposed in the new movie "Obama 2016" produced by Dinesh D'Souza, who claims it to be a real "Documentary." I have seen Mr. D'Souza answer questions about the "Documentary" and was immediately struck that it is not a "documentary" but an ideological hit piece, produced exclusively to assist the GOP in this election year. When asked directly whether he ever met with Obama to talk about the allegations in the film, D'Souza simply said "No." When asked if he ever spoke with Obama over the phone to discuss what Obama actually thinks about the issues presented. Again, "No." When asked if he ever sent an email or letter to Obama to address the issues in the film, again "No." When asked how D'Souza could possibly produce a film based upon what Obama thinks and what Obama has ambitions to do as President, D'Souza admitted he has no evidence except Obama's own previously recorded words. Words from what? His book about his father, the very same father he never saw or talked with after the age of ten. Bottom line, D'Souza admitted that he knows what is Obama is thinking at all times. I bet Mr. D'Souza can now predict what I think of him and any movies he may direct.
BUT, when asked about the film just yesterday, I responded that from any journalistic or political science standard to be viewed as heavily biased and not totally accurate, I was met with disbelief and based upon their body language, complete dismissal. For a more thorough discussion on Selective Perception and Reinforcement, check out my book, "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
* In the "TAKE THAT" category, the Obama Administration has approved exploratory drilling in the Arctic. According to The New York Times, The Department of Interior granted Shell a license to begin exploring via a new well in the Arctic Ocean. Shell, which has spent a reported $4 Billion on preparing for Arctic exploration was thrilled. Environmentalists are appalled. Republicans claim it is another stunt by Obama to pander when it comes to energy issues. Perhaps so, but why does Shell admit that the license has been in the works for over 6 years? If it did not require review for safety, technical and environmental issues, why didn't Bush grant the license? Another example of Obama never being given an inch of respect by the GOP.
* Another Federal Court has struck down a state GOP effort to limit voters from getting to the polls. The voter ID law in Texas was recently struck down because the Court has ruled that it "discriminates against low income blacks and Hispanics." Another Federal Court has ruled efforts in Ohio to eliminate early voting the weekend before election day had no reasonable basis in law to exist except to limit black churches from having voting drives the Sunday before election day. In Florida, the Federal Courts have declared efforts to eliminate Sunday voting before election day to patently violate restrictions in the Voting Rights Act of 1965. All three states passed these voter suppression laws under GOP controlled statehouses and governors. Why is it the Tea Party claims Obama is ignoring the Constitution and destroying America when evidence now exists that the Tea Party and the GOP are in reality the ones responsible for these illegal efforts. According to the GOP in Texas, an appeal will be filed so that the matter may be taken up with the Supreme Court of the United States. If SCOTUS takes these case, they will have proven themselves to be engaged in "politics" and have broken the principle of "justiciability," You can find more on that issue in my book too.
* According to The New York Times, the NY state's attorney general is investigating venture capital firms for manipulating tax loopholes by treating executive compensation as "fund investments" in an effort to claim compensation at lower tax rates. Tax avoidance is an acceptable and legal practice we all (should) participate in. Tax evasion though is illegal, and this type of activity is an affirmative strategy to evade taxes. Included in the number of venture capital firms engaged in these potential illegal activities? None other than Mitt Romney's Bain Capital. Can everyone begin to understand why Romney will not reveal his tax returns from 1999-2009? Is anyone paying attention to this? Let's hope so. For the GOP it may appear as a cheap political ploy, but then again, who promoted Faux outrage when early appointees of Obama's had to step aside for not paying all "their taxes due?" The GOP did. Aren't politics still fun?
* Speculation is running in high gear about what will be the focus at the upcoming Democratic National Convention in North Carolina. Will Joe Biden have a retort for Clint Eastwood? Will he be the designated "attack dog?" Will Bill Clinton be the real star and outshine Obama? Will Hillary overshadow Obama in an effort to grab the early lead for a run in 2016? Will Obama be at his best or worse? To all of these questions, we will have to wait and see. Perhaps we should all ask Dinesh D'Souza, since he already seems to know what goes on in others' minds? One thing is for sure, there will be no empty chair comic routine!
* Last but Not Least - Another critical endorsement for the book is on its way. I received a "heads-up" from Dr. Gary Mormino, who just retired as the holder of the Frank E. Duckwell Professorship in Florida Studies and History at the University of South Florida that he will give me a complete review of the book in three weeks when he returns from Spain. His initial comment after reading parts is" I am very impressed!" Thank you Dr. Mormino!
August 31, 2012 * Many folks were surprised to find "Mystery Guest" Clint Eastwood take the stage at the RNC Convention in an effort to bolster support for Mitt Romney. More were surprised, shocked and saddened with how Eastwood made a feeble attempt at being funny while attacking Obama. Sadly, all of the news today was not about Mitt Romney and his GOP "Coming out Party" but instead has been about Clint Eastwood's sad performance.
* Marco Rubio became an instant GOP Star of the future at the convention and the viewing television audience. Unlike Chris "Kripsy Kreme Christie," Rubio delivered a well prepared, heartfelt speech on his experiences growing up with immigrant parents in America and how America was the "land of opportunity" for all. Seems he likes government assistance for immigrants from Cuba, but no one else. Unfortunately, Clint Eastwood's weird performance ensured that any bump in the polls following the convention will be less than hoped.
* Mitt Romney delivered an uneven acceptance speech, filled with according to Chuck Todd of NBC News, "Optimistic Nostalgia." Romney offered no details to go with his rhetoric, but he made a couple of boo boos when he said that Lawyers are not good businessmen because they take the risk out of deals and don't operate on gut feel like real entrepreneurs. Earth to America, Romney attended Harvard Law School! He then made an inane comment about Obama promising to lower the rising seas and improving the fading ice caps. Making fun of climate change is frankly dumb, especially when we are experiencing the warmest year in recorded history! What took the cake though was Romney calling Vladamir Putin out along with the entire nation of Russia. I believe every person familiar with US Foreign Policy fell out of their chairs when they heard Mitt's belligerent comments. Proof positive that Romney is not "ready for prime time" as Commander-In-Chief!
* Regardless of the comments made by Clint Eastwood and Mitt Romney at the RNC Convention, you can expect scrutiny to continue as the DNC Convention starts next week in North Carolina.
* Paul Ryan has reluctantly admitted to fudging facts in his VP acceptance speech. It did not stop Romney from lying about Obama being the "apologizer" again and that Obama gutted work for welfare requirements (completely repudiated by fact checkers on both sides of the aisle). Once again, Romney is in classic salesman pitch...just close the deal, and lie if you have to.
* A Federal Judge has thrown out the Texas Voter ID Law passed by the GOP legislature and signed into law by GOP Governor Rick Perry. Will Texas accept the court ruling or threaten to succeed from the Union again?
* Last But Not Least - Remember there will be no post tomorrow out of respect for the Sabbath. Have a great and safe day!
* Marco Rubio became an instant GOP Star of the future at the convention and the viewing television audience. Unlike Chris "Kripsy Kreme Christie," Rubio delivered a well prepared, heartfelt speech on his experiences growing up with immigrant parents in America and how America was the "land of opportunity" for all. Seems he likes government assistance for immigrants from Cuba, but no one else. Unfortunately, Clint Eastwood's weird performance ensured that any bump in the polls following the convention will be less than hoped.
* Mitt Romney delivered an uneven acceptance speech, filled with according to Chuck Todd of NBC News, "Optimistic Nostalgia." Romney offered no details to go with his rhetoric, but he made a couple of boo boos when he said that Lawyers are not good businessmen because they take the risk out of deals and don't operate on gut feel like real entrepreneurs. Earth to America, Romney attended Harvard Law School! He then made an inane comment about Obama promising to lower the rising seas and improving the fading ice caps. Making fun of climate change is frankly dumb, especially when we are experiencing the warmest year in recorded history! What took the cake though was Romney calling Vladamir Putin out along with the entire nation of Russia. I believe every person familiar with US Foreign Policy fell out of their chairs when they heard Mitt's belligerent comments. Proof positive that Romney is not "ready for prime time" as Commander-In-Chief!
* Regardless of the comments made by Clint Eastwood and Mitt Romney at the RNC Convention, you can expect scrutiny to continue as the DNC Convention starts next week in North Carolina.
* Paul Ryan has reluctantly admitted to fudging facts in his VP acceptance speech. It did not stop Romney from lying about Obama being the "apologizer" again and that Obama gutted work for welfare requirements (completely repudiated by fact checkers on both sides of the aisle). Once again, Romney is in classic salesman pitch...just close the deal, and lie if you have to.
* A Federal Judge has thrown out the Texas Voter ID Law passed by the GOP legislature and signed into law by GOP Governor Rick Perry. Will Texas accept the court ruling or threaten to succeed from the Union again?
* Last But Not Least - Remember there will be no post tomorrow out of respect for the Sabbath. Have a great and safe day!
August 30, 2012 * Hurricane Isaac left a trail of rain soaked areas along the Northern Gulf Coast, but thankfully, the damage is isolated to areas still affected by aging levies. Fortunately? Yes, fortunately, because the Army Corp. of Engineers poured over $16 billion into upgrading the flood gates and levies surrounding New Orleans and they worked, saving countless lives! Now we can only hope and pray that those affected by flooding and Isaac related tornadoes manage to stay out of harm's way! $16 Billion spent on flood gates and levies? Yep, federal dollars at work, or in GOP Speak..."wasteful government spending."
* New Jersey GOP Governor Chris "Krispy Creame" Christie spent all last night defending his speach on behalf of Mitt Romney at the RNC Convention. Seems no one is very happy that Christie promoted himself instead of Romney in his speech. In response, Christie told Wolf Blitzer on CNN that the Romney folks approved "every word" of his speech and that he has nothing to have to defend himself for. So why is he still defending himself?
* The RNC spent a great deal of time promoting the "Real" Paul Ryan for the viewing audience. Not surprisingly, every person interviewed stressed the scripted GOP talking point that Paul Ryan works with tremendous "Brain Power" and was "Smart." Anytime you hear that catch phrase used more than five times, you know it is a planned/scripted talking point. For more on Talking Points, check out "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
* It is not that Paul Ryan mis-characterized Obama's record as President, or that he claimed Obama broke his promise to save a GM plant in Wisconsin (that closed while George W. Bush was president), it is the fact the GOP rolled out "soft family" stories characterizing Ryan as the average American guy, living through hardships and struggles. Even Paul Ryan's older brother Tobin LIED when telling the viewing audience that his younger brother suffered so greatly when his father died unexpectedly as he was "entering high school" which made that "transition so difficult." True, Paul Ryan's dad did die which is sad, but not when Paul was "entering high school." The elder Ryan died of a sudden heart attack when Paul was 16. Are we to believe "Mr. Brian Power" was still in middle school at the age of 16? To top it off, his brother painted a picture of financial despair including how his mother had to go back to school to better herself and her family. In reality, Ryan's family had substantial wealth, including a "hefty estate" from his deceased father. Ironically, because Ryan was under 18 at the time of his father's death, his family received SOCIAL SECURITY survivor benefits which they saved for Ryan''s college tuition. So although Mr. Ryan can claim the government "did not build" his career, it actually contributed handsomely for it (like in taxpayer supported free tuition). Can you say disingenuous? I'm not going to even list the half-truths Ryan claimed in his speech, as they are now well documented. Personally, if Obama is Liar in Chief, Romney and Ryan are sure trying hard to be elected so they can outdo him!
* In the "if you tell a lie long enough" category, Wisconsin GOP Governor Scott Walker went on MSNBC and pushed Ryan's lie further by claiming Obama lied when he said he would save the GM plant in Janesville, Wisconsin. Huh? Although Obama did state that with government assistance, the GM plant could stay open for another hundred years, it closed in December, 2008...a month before Obama became president. When pressed on the issue, Walker retorted that MSNBC likes to "talk over people" and refused to answer any further questions about the plant. Honesty, do these folks think that all Americans are that stupid?
* Proof positive that the GOP is no longer all inclusive party and that they are now the party of aging White men! According to The Nielsen ratings, the GOP convention enjoyed a market share of 15 million viewers over the age of 55, while only having an audience between 18 and 35 of 1.5 million. If the younger voting block actually votes in this election, Romney is toast!
* Sarah Palin has (seriously) suggested that Vice-President Joe Biden simply skip the scheduled debate with Paul Ryan warning that Biden ought to "scared to death." Really Sarah? I know, you are blown away by all that "Brain Power" Ryan has but...
*GOP Congressman Allen West, fighting for his political life in a gerrymandered district created by his fellow Republicans, has now claimed that Democrats are the "real racists" because they routinely get away with attacking black conservatives. When West calls out Democrats as "Communists," "Nazis," and "Racists" he deserves scorn. Ironically, only two reporters showed up to cover his "event." Hopefully Floridians will render him "toast" come November. Any bets he gets a spot on Fox News right next to Mike Huckabee, their resident liar and hater?
* Last but not Least - Texas GOP Senate Candidate Ted Cruz has endorsed an idea to lift all limits on campiagn conrtibutions as long as donors are immediately disclosed. Cruz went on to say that money equals free speech, so I guess that means those of us with less money don't get to say as much?
* New Jersey GOP Governor Chris "Krispy Creame" Christie spent all last night defending his speach on behalf of Mitt Romney at the RNC Convention. Seems no one is very happy that Christie promoted himself instead of Romney in his speech. In response, Christie told Wolf Blitzer on CNN that the Romney folks approved "every word" of his speech and that he has nothing to have to defend himself for. So why is he still defending himself?
* The RNC spent a great deal of time promoting the "Real" Paul Ryan for the viewing audience. Not surprisingly, every person interviewed stressed the scripted GOP talking point that Paul Ryan works with tremendous "Brain Power" and was "Smart." Anytime you hear that catch phrase used more than five times, you know it is a planned/scripted talking point. For more on Talking Points, check out "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
* It is not that Paul Ryan mis-characterized Obama's record as President, or that he claimed Obama broke his promise to save a GM plant in Wisconsin (that closed while George W. Bush was president), it is the fact the GOP rolled out "soft family" stories characterizing Ryan as the average American guy, living through hardships and struggles. Even Paul Ryan's older brother Tobin LIED when telling the viewing audience that his younger brother suffered so greatly when his father died unexpectedly as he was "entering high school" which made that "transition so difficult." True, Paul Ryan's dad did die which is sad, but not when Paul was "entering high school." The elder Ryan died of a sudden heart attack when Paul was 16. Are we to believe "Mr. Brian Power" was still in middle school at the age of 16? To top it off, his brother painted a picture of financial despair including how his mother had to go back to school to better herself and her family. In reality, Ryan's family had substantial wealth, including a "hefty estate" from his deceased father. Ironically, because Ryan was under 18 at the time of his father's death, his family received SOCIAL SECURITY survivor benefits which they saved for Ryan''s college tuition. So although Mr. Ryan can claim the government "did not build" his career, it actually contributed handsomely for it (like in taxpayer supported free tuition). Can you say disingenuous? I'm not going to even list the half-truths Ryan claimed in his speech, as they are now well documented. Personally, if Obama is Liar in Chief, Romney and Ryan are sure trying hard to be elected so they can outdo him!
* In the "if you tell a lie long enough" category, Wisconsin GOP Governor Scott Walker went on MSNBC and pushed Ryan's lie further by claiming Obama lied when he said he would save the GM plant in Janesville, Wisconsin. Huh? Although Obama did state that with government assistance, the GM plant could stay open for another hundred years, it closed in December, 2008...a month before Obama became president. When pressed on the issue, Walker retorted that MSNBC likes to "talk over people" and refused to answer any further questions about the plant. Honesty, do these folks think that all Americans are that stupid?
* Proof positive that the GOP is no longer all inclusive party and that they are now the party of aging White men! According to The Nielsen ratings, the GOP convention enjoyed a market share of 15 million viewers over the age of 55, while only having an audience between 18 and 35 of 1.5 million. If the younger voting block actually votes in this election, Romney is toast!
* Sarah Palin has (seriously) suggested that Vice-President Joe Biden simply skip the scheduled debate with Paul Ryan warning that Biden ought to "scared to death." Really Sarah? I know, you are blown away by all that "Brain Power" Ryan has but...
*GOP Congressman Allen West, fighting for his political life in a gerrymandered district created by his fellow Republicans, has now claimed that Democrats are the "real racists" because they routinely get away with attacking black conservatives. When West calls out Democrats as "Communists," "Nazis," and "Racists" he deserves scorn. Ironically, only two reporters showed up to cover his "event." Hopefully Floridians will render him "toast" come November. Any bets he gets a spot on Fox News right next to Mike Huckabee, their resident liar and hater?
* Last but not Least - Texas GOP Senate Candidate Ted Cruz has endorsed an idea to lift all limits on campiagn conrtibutions as long as donors are immediately disclosed. Cruz went on to say that money equals free speech, so I guess that means those of us with less money don't get to say as much?
August 29, 2012 * Hurricane Isaac struck the Northern Gulf Region as it made landfall close to New Orleans. With sustained winds of 80mph, Isaac did not experience the impact of Katrina which struck seven years ago tomorrow, but storm surge has led to persistent flooding and major power outages in the region. Our thoughts and prayers go our to our fellow Americans dealing with the impact of Isaac.
* Last night the RNC Convention got into full swing in Tampa with a variety of GOP speakers lining up for their time to shine before the delegates and television audience. The headliners of the evening were Rick Santorum who pursued his Anti-Abortion rhetoric (which clearly was not what the Romney camp wanted publicized), Ann Romney who made a valiant effort to grab a share of the female vote by stating "I Love Women" and Chris "Krispy Kreme" Christie, who most experts felt blew his opportunity to distinguish the policies Mitt Romney will pursue as president and instead repeatedly chirped we need "new leadership." Same ole, same ole. Tonight Paul Ryan will take center stage in an effort to try to accomplish what Christie could not convince independent voters that he and Mitt Romney have a lot of plans for America. What they are and whether Ryan will articulate them will be answered tonight.
* It was reported today that Mitt Romney held a "thank you" get together with some of his largest bundlers of donations to his campaign aboard a supporter's private yacht named "Cracker Bay" in Tampa Bay. Amazingly, the yacht was spotted flying the flag of the Cayman Islands. Just what we need, a potential president flying the flag of the country where he hid his assets to avoid taxes. No wonder Ann Romney didn't speak about her 5 homes and friends with yachts. Doesn't every real American live like her?
* It has been announced that former Democratic presidential candidate, Senator John Kerry (Mass) will address the DNC convention which will take place in North Carolina. Kerry is reported to be readying a speech outlining the foreign policy successes of the president. I wonder how long it will take the Veterans for Truth to put their "Swift Boats" back into the water?
* According to an article in The Washington Post, an interesting time-line can be developed to illustrate the radicalization of the GOP as evidenced in their 2012 platform. According to the article written by Marc Fisher, the Republican Party "... has morphed over the past half-century from a socially moderate, environmentally progressive and fiscally cautious perspective to a conservative party that is suspicious of government, allied against abortion and motivated by faith." He also writes that the impact of the Tea Party on the platform proves the movement within the party has forced the GOP further right on the ideological front than it has ever been in the past. So much for the "Big Tent Party."
* Last night the RNC Convention got into full swing in Tampa with a variety of GOP speakers lining up for their time to shine before the delegates and television audience. The headliners of the evening were Rick Santorum who pursued his Anti-Abortion rhetoric (which clearly was not what the Romney camp wanted publicized), Ann Romney who made a valiant effort to grab a share of the female vote by stating "I Love Women" and Chris "Krispy Kreme" Christie, who most experts felt blew his opportunity to distinguish the policies Mitt Romney will pursue as president and instead repeatedly chirped we need "new leadership." Same ole, same ole. Tonight Paul Ryan will take center stage in an effort to try to accomplish what Christie could not convince independent voters that he and Mitt Romney have a lot of plans for America. What they are and whether Ryan will articulate them will be answered tonight.
* It was reported today that Mitt Romney held a "thank you" get together with some of his largest bundlers of donations to his campaign aboard a supporter's private yacht named "Cracker Bay" in Tampa Bay. Amazingly, the yacht was spotted flying the flag of the Cayman Islands. Just what we need, a potential president flying the flag of the country where he hid his assets to avoid taxes. No wonder Ann Romney didn't speak about her 5 homes and friends with yachts. Doesn't every real American live like her?
* It has been announced that former Democratic presidential candidate, Senator John Kerry (Mass) will address the DNC convention which will take place in North Carolina. Kerry is reported to be readying a speech outlining the foreign policy successes of the president. I wonder how long it will take the Veterans for Truth to put their "Swift Boats" back into the water?
* According to an article in The Washington Post, an interesting time-line can be developed to illustrate the radicalization of the GOP as evidenced in their 2012 platform. According to the article written by Marc Fisher, the Republican Party "... has morphed over the past half-century from a socially moderate, environmentally progressive and fiscally cautious perspective to a conservative party that is suspicious of government, allied against abortion and motivated by faith." He also writes that the impact of the Tea Party on the platform proves the movement within the party has forced the GOP further right on the ideological front than it has ever been in the past. So much for the "Big Tent Party."
August 27, 2012 * Hurricane Isaac has mercifully pushed the political news to the background. Slow news on the political front. Perhaps just a taste of what we can look forward to after the November elections?
* RNC Chairman Reince Priebus has come out and claimed President Obama has not fulfilled any of his promises as they relate to improving the Nation's economy. Republicans need to look in the mirror on that one.
* Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi have each declared a State of Emergency in anticipation of Issac making landfall as a potential Category II hurricane. Ironically, all three states have Republican Governors who make it a routine habit of slamming the federal government for wasteful spending and demand a balance federal budget, yet when declaring an emergency, they automatically become eligible for federal financial assistance! Hypocrisy anyone? Perhaps House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Republican of Virginia should repeat what he said last year when tornadoes ripped through Missouri and Alabama? Not one cent in aid unless it comes from somewhere else in the budget. Anyone beginning to see the reason a balanced budget cannot work? We have to deal with Acts of G-d and provide assistance to our citizens when in need. Once again, its a redistribution of wealth, or as the Republicans say, "Socialism."
* Mitt Romney has leveled an additional charge that the Obama campaign has "stooped to such a low level" for publicizing the GOP position as it relates to their anti-abortion platform. Huh? Romney admits that Todd Akin's comments on abortion have hurt his brand and that of the GOP, but he actually believes Obama's folks should give them a "pass" on the issue? The GOP led by Paul Ryan, wants to prohibit abortion under all circumstances, as reinforced by their poster boy Marco Rubio on the Sunday news shows. Shedding light on the truth is reaching a new " low?" Mr. Romney, until you disclose all of your tax filings for the past 10 years, you will remain 30 points behind Obama in the "Favorability" poll numbers. And that is LOW!
* Jeb Bush is pressing his fellow Republicans to soften their stance on immigration. Really? How long before Republicans realize that Jeb Bush is a "Liberal" hiding in GOP clothing? Recent polling reveals that Romney has less support among the Latino community than John McCain had in 2008 and actually polled ZERO PERCENT- 0% of the African American voter. Folks, minorities and women decide presidential elections. Will they go out an vote this year? If not, Romney has a shot. If they do, the election could get ugly.
* The New York Times has reported that the United States has sold a record $66.3 Billion in arms sales to foreign countries. Most of the sales have been with Arab countries in the Middle East that fear the militarization of Iran. Now can we spend $63 Million on repairing the Capitol Rotunda?
* Last but Not Least - I will be with Robyn Davis on The Robyn Report (WWPR1490am or tomorrow night from 5 to 6pm to discuss the Republican National Convention and related political news. Be sure to check out The Robyn Report every night between 5 and 6pm!
* RNC Chairman Reince Priebus has come out and claimed President Obama has not fulfilled any of his promises as they relate to improving the Nation's economy. Republicans need to look in the mirror on that one.
* Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi have each declared a State of Emergency in anticipation of Issac making landfall as a potential Category II hurricane. Ironically, all three states have Republican Governors who make it a routine habit of slamming the federal government for wasteful spending and demand a balance federal budget, yet when declaring an emergency, they automatically become eligible for federal financial assistance! Hypocrisy anyone? Perhaps House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Republican of Virginia should repeat what he said last year when tornadoes ripped through Missouri and Alabama? Not one cent in aid unless it comes from somewhere else in the budget. Anyone beginning to see the reason a balanced budget cannot work? We have to deal with Acts of G-d and provide assistance to our citizens when in need. Once again, its a redistribution of wealth, or as the Republicans say, "Socialism."
* Mitt Romney has leveled an additional charge that the Obama campaign has "stooped to such a low level" for publicizing the GOP position as it relates to their anti-abortion platform. Huh? Romney admits that Todd Akin's comments on abortion have hurt his brand and that of the GOP, but he actually believes Obama's folks should give them a "pass" on the issue? The GOP led by Paul Ryan, wants to prohibit abortion under all circumstances, as reinforced by their poster boy Marco Rubio on the Sunday news shows. Shedding light on the truth is reaching a new " low?" Mr. Romney, until you disclose all of your tax filings for the past 10 years, you will remain 30 points behind Obama in the "Favorability" poll numbers. And that is LOW!
* Jeb Bush is pressing his fellow Republicans to soften their stance on immigration. Really? How long before Republicans realize that Jeb Bush is a "Liberal" hiding in GOP clothing? Recent polling reveals that Romney has less support among the Latino community than John McCain had in 2008 and actually polled ZERO PERCENT- 0% of the African American voter. Folks, minorities and women decide presidential elections. Will they go out an vote this year? If not, Romney has a shot. If they do, the election could get ugly.
* The New York Times has reported that the United States has sold a record $66.3 Billion in arms sales to foreign countries. Most of the sales have been with Arab countries in the Middle East that fear the militarization of Iran. Now can we spend $63 Million on repairing the Capitol Rotunda?
* Last but Not Least - I will be with Robyn Davis on The Robyn Report (WWPR1490am or tomorrow night from 5 to 6pm to discuss the Republican National Convention and related political news. Be sure to check out The Robyn Report every night between 5 and 6pm!
August 26, 2012 *Hurricane Isaac took center stage in the news as it is currently heading into warmer waters near Key West, Florida. Winds from outer bands are already being felt in Sarasota County, Fl. and are expected to pick up as Issac moves further Northwest. Those of us experienced with tropical storms are "hunkered down" for the weather event of the year. Folks are being advised to stay inside and to protect windows. Schools and governmental offices are closed Monday due to the storm. I will try to keep folks updated via Twitter on the effects of Issac here in Southwest Florida.
* As reported, the Republican National Convention has made necessary scheduling adjustments due to the impending approach of Isaac. The accommodation for the storm is a mixed bag. Great for the RNC because evidence indicates that the Todd Akin abortion comments are still lingering, so shortening the convention and having Issac as a distraction is a plus. Unfortunately, Issac's impact may result in a loss to the Tampa economy, which was projecting a shot of $125 million in additional convention related commerce.
* I was very saddened to learn that American Space Hero Neil Armstrong passed away yesterday at the age of 82. Armstrong, an Ohio native, made himself famous as the First Man To Walk On The Moon (which unfairly overshadowed Buzz Aldrin's feat of being right behind him descending the ladder to the lunar surface). Armstrong, who favored his privacy, rarely made it into the public spotlight but we all know his adventure with Aldrin to the Moon will always remain a highlight in United States History. I hate to interject politics here, but in every article I have read on Armstong's passing, there is mention of the lunar project being ordered by President John F. Kennedy, which came years before. If we all can recognize a former president for ordering the landing on the Moon, why can't we all admit that Obama ordered the killing of Bin Laden and be done with it? Just saying.
* I read a disturbing article yesterday in The New York Times that the Nation's Capitol is falling apart. In fact, the folks responsible for maintaining our National buildings, keeping track of cracks and areas of disrepair claim the National Capitol building has experienced over 1,300 cracks and over 100 pieces falling off. As a result, Obama has approved spending $63 million to renovate the leaking and cracking Capitol Rotunda and to maintain Lady Liberty that sits atop the dome (which routinely suffers from occasional lightning strikes). In response to Obama's approval to allocate the repair funds, the Senate followed with their approval. Unfortunately, the GOP controlled House rejected the spending claiming "we can't afford it." It is important to note that the Rotunda has not been rehabilitated in over 50 years. Note to Americans; Mitt Romney is on record stating that he will not cut a dime from the defense budget, not one dime. He also has said he would increase troop strength by 100,000 (all are Federal employees), but his party will not spend a dime on fixing the very symbol of America. Does the GOP hate the Federal Government so much that they would rather see the Nation's Capitol fall apart? A single fighter jet costs about $150 million and we can't afford to fix the Capitol Building? Are Americans paying attention?
* Just watched Florida Tea Party GOP Governor Rick Scott addressing the media to tell them he is doing everything necessary to prepare the state for Hurricane Issac. Amazingly, Mr. Scott said he is helping to coordinate local, state and federal agencies. Federal Agencies? Aren't these the very same folks Rick Scott claims are worthless and need to be eliminated? Perhaps Gov. Scott needs to read my book to learn that the Federal Government spends significant sums of money on states, which is called revenue sharing. It is also a form of distributing the wealth of the nation, not socialism.
* The New York Times has reported that a GOP Emergency management official in Texas has actually stated on television that in the event of an Obama reelection, his agency will be prepared to fight a civil war! Not to defend against one, but to engage in one! Huh? According to Lubbock County Judge Tom Head, if Obama is reelected, "He's going to hand over the sovereignty of the United States to the UN. Then what happens? I'm thinking worst case scenario - civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybe." Thus far, there have been NO denunciations from GOP leaders in Texas or elsewhere in response to these treasonous comments. Things are going from bad to worse. Please don't think "liberals" are the ones dragging this Nation down. The most ridiculous hate filled rhetoric is coming from "conservatives." Love it or Leave it!
* Ron Paul (R-TX) has announced that he will not swap an endorsement of Mitt Romney for a prominent speaking spot at the upcoming RNC love fest. Seems Paul is sticking to his guns. One thing is for sure about Paul, he's no flip-flopper like Romney.
* Traditionally, political party platforms are written in vague terms in order for the eventual nominee for president to craft his own message. I had already been defending Romney on the GOP Abortion platform by reminding folks that Romney will not be bound by the platform and its related planks. What does Romney go out and do? Pledge adherence to the GOP platform. Moreover, his delegates have effectively re-written GOP rules relating to primaries and caucuses eliminating what has been traditionally known as "Beauty Contest" caucuses or "Straw Vote" primaries. For more information about those types of primaries/caucuses, check out my book "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
*According to an AP-GfK poll results released this morning, 53% of Americans prefer to raise taxes than to cut Social Security benefits for future retirees. This issue is certainly one that will be revisited as the presidential campaigns begin to heat up after the conventions.
* Federal Agencies are warning that anarchists may be attempting to get to Tampa to disrupt the Republican National Convention. Unfortunately, some letter writers to our local newspaper have tied these folks to "liberal activists" and one writer went so far as to say they would not even be good meat for alligators displaced due to Hurricane Issac. In an obvious reflection of the letter writers' collective ignorance, anarchists fall on the FAR RIGHT of the political ideological spectrum, NOT on the left side where Liberals fall. Is it ignorance or stupidity? Perhaps both.
* Last But Not Least - Former GOP Florida Governor Charlie Crist has declared himself an Independent and has formally endorsed President Obama for reelection. As predicted, former fellow GOP governors have denounced Crist as being a "flip-flopper" and a "lost soul" because he was once a Republican and now is an Independent. In sum, they reject any impact Crist's endorsement may have in Florida. Earth to GOP deniers...If an election was held today for Florida Governor between Former Governor Charlie Crist and current Tea Party GOP Governor Rick Scott, Crist would beat him soundly. Not by a little. But by a LOT. Floridians are expecting Crist to run in 2014 against Scott. We can't wait.
* As reported, the Republican National Convention has made necessary scheduling adjustments due to the impending approach of Isaac. The accommodation for the storm is a mixed bag. Great for the RNC because evidence indicates that the Todd Akin abortion comments are still lingering, so shortening the convention and having Issac as a distraction is a plus. Unfortunately, Issac's impact may result in a loss to the Tampa economy, which was projecting a shot of $125 million in additional convention related commerce.
* I was very saddened to learn that American Space Hero Neil Armstrong passed away yesterday at the age of 82. Armstrong, an Ohio native, made himself famous as the First Man To Walk On The Moon (which unfairly overshadowed Buzz Aldrin's feat of being right behind him descending the ladder to the lunar surface). Armstrong, who favored his privacy, rarely made it into the public spotlight but we all know his adventure with Aldrin to the Moon will always remain a highlight in United States History. I hate to interject politics here, but in every article I have read on Armstong's passing, there is mention of the lunar project being ordered by President John F. Kennedy, which came years before. If we all can recognize a former president for ordering the landing on the Moon, why can't we all admit that Obama ordered the killing of Bin Laden and be done with it? Just saying.
* I read a disturbing article yesterday in The New York Times that the Nation's Capitol is falling apart. In fact, the folks responsible for maintaining our National buildings, keeping track of cracks and areas of disrepair claim the National Capitol building has experienced over 1,300 cracks and over 100 pieces falling off. As a result, Obama has approved spending $63 million to renovate the leaking and cracking Capitol Rotunda and to maintain Lady Liberty that sits atop the dome (which routinely suffers from occasional lightning strikes). In response to Obama's approval to allocate the repair funds, the Senate followed with their approval. Unfortunately, the GOP controlled House rejected the spending claiming "we can't afford it." It is important to note that the Rotunda has not been rehabilitated in over 50 years. Note to Americans; Mitt Romney is on record stating that he will not cut a dime from the defense budget, not one dime. He also has said he would increase troop strength by 100,000 (all are Federal employees), but his party will not spend a dime on fixing the very symbol of America. Does the GOP hate the Federal Government so much that they would rather see the Nation's Capitol fall apart? A single fighter jet costs about $150 million and we can't afford to fix the Capitol Building? Are Americans paying attention?
* Just watched Florida Tea Party GOP Governor Rick Scott addressing the media to tell them he is doing everything necessary to prepare the state for Hurricane Issac. Amazingly, Mr. Scott said he is helping to coordinate local, state and federal agencies. Federal Agencies? Aren't these the very same folks Rick Scott claims are worthless and need to be eliminated? Perhaps Gov. Scott needs to read my book to learn that the Federal Government spends significant sums of money on states, which is called revenue sharing. It is also a form of distributing the wealth of the nation, not socialism.
* The New York Times has reported that a GOP Emergency management official in Texas has actually stated on television that in the event of an Obama reelection, his agency will be prepared to fight a civil war! Not to defend against one, but to engage in one! Huh? According to Lubbock County Judge Tom Head, if Obama is reelected, "He's going to hand over the sovereignty of the United States to the UN. Then what happens? I'm thinking worst case scenario - civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybe." Thus far, there have been NO denunciations from GOP leaders in Texas or elsewhere in response to these treasonous comments. Things are going from bad to worse. Please don't think "liberals" are the ones dragging this Nation down. The most ridiculous hate filled rhetoric is coming from "conservatives." Love it or Leave it!
* Ron Paul (R-TX) has announced that he will not swap an endorsement of Mitt Romney for a prominent speaking spot at the upcoming RNC love fest. Seems Paul is sticking to his guns. One thing is for sure about Paul, he's no flip-flopper like Romney.
* Traditionally, political party platforms are written in vague terms in order for the eventual nominee for president to craft his own message. I had already been defending Romney on the GOP Abortion platform by reminding folks that Romney will not be bound by the platform and its related planks. What does Romney go out and do? Pledge adherence to the GOP platform. Moreover, his delegates have effectively re-written GOP rules relating to primaries and caucuses eliminating what has been traditionally known as "Beauty Contest" caucuses or "Straw Vote" primaries. For more information about those types of primaries/caucuses, check out my book "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say."
*According to an AP-GfK poll results released this morning, 53% of Americans prefer to raise taxes than to cut Social Security benefits for future retirees. This issue is certainly one that will be revisited as the presidential campaigns begin to heat up after the conventions.
* Federal Agencies are warning that anarchists may be attempting to get to Tampa to disrupt the Republican National Convention. Unfortunately, some letter writers to our local newspaper have tied these folks to "liberal activists" and one writer went so far as to say they would not even be good meat for alligators displaced due to Hurricane Issac. In an obvious reflection of the letter writers' collective ignorance, anarchists fall on the FAR RIGHT of the political ideological spectrum, NOT on the left side where Liberals fall. Is it ignorance or stupidity? Perhaps both.
* Last But Not Least - Former GOP Florida Governor Charlie Crist has declared himself an Independent and has formally endorsed President Obama for reelection. As predicted, former fellow GOP governors have denounced Crist as being a "flip-flopper" and a "lost soul" because he was once a Republican and now is an Independent. In sum, they reject any impact Crist's endorsement may have in Florida. Earth to GOP deniers...If an election was held today for Florida Governor between Former Governor Charlie Crist and current Tea Party GOP Governor Rick Scott, Crist would beat him soundly. Not by a little. But by a LOT. Floridians are expecting Crist to run in 2014 against Scott. We can't wait.
August 24, 2012 * Missouri GOP Senatorial candidate Todd Akin spoke with the press this afternoon and has declared that he is NOT backing down from his candidacy for the US Senate, despite the demands of leaders within the GOP. Clearly, Akin is attempting to outlast the ignorant comments he made about "legitimate rape." Moreover, the GOP has actually embraced Akin's position relating to Abortion as it mirrors Paul Ryan's position that regardless of rape, incest or health of the mother, the 2012 GOP Platform will clearly push for an absolute ban on Abortion.
* A conservative group affiliated with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) has announced it will be dedicating space within a woman's suffrage museum (which, as a resident of the Southwest Florida Gulf Coast I have personally never heard of) to GOP Super-PAC Billionaire Sheldon Adelson's wife.
* Mitt Romney has flip flopped again! Just recently, Romney has written an Op-Ed piece in The Wall Street Journal touting his experience at Bain as the basis for him being qualified to lead the nation as President and Commander-In-Chief. Huh? You can bet the commentary chasing "The Bain Train" will intensify. Since Romney opened the door to his Bain experience, the pundits have a right to enter.
* It wasn't that long ago that President Obama stated that "the private sector was doing okay" and his political opponents, led by Mitt Romney jumped all over him with harsh rhetoric. Ironically, according to ABC OTUS News, Romney said just today, "Big business is doing fine in many places - they get the loans they need, they can deal with all the regulation," while speaking at a fundraiser in Minnesota. Huh? Flip-Flop Mitt at it again!
* Mitt Romney showed how adept he is at humor in Michigan when he told a crowd of supporters that "no one ever asked me for my birth certificate." Some funny guy he is! Not only was the comment not funny, it played right into the hands of beliefs of many of his supporters that believe Obama was not born in the United States. We do know that Romney's father was born in Mexico and that Mitt Romney WAS in fact asked in 2004 to provide a copy of his birth certificate (to verify his first name is actually Willard). Some principled man that Romney!
* Last but Not Least - The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has agreed to review the ACLU's lawsuit challenging the State's new Voter ID Laws and to expedite the hearing on the matter to September 13. Although this case is pending in State Court, the Department of Justice continues its investigation into the ID Law to ensure it complies with the Voter Rights Act of 1965. Amazingly, the Pennsylvania Attorney General has actually questioned whether the DOJ has jurisdiction to investigate the matter. Here we go with nullification. Shame, shame, shame.
* A conservative group affiliated with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) has announced it will be dedicating space within a woman's suffrage museum (which, as a resident of the Southwest Florida Gulf Coast I have personally never heard of) to GOP Super-PAC Billionaire Sheldon Adelson's wife.
* Mitt Romney has flip flopped again! Just recently, Romney has written an Op-Ed piece in The Wall Street Journal touting his experience at Bain as the basis for him being qualified to lead the nation as President and Commander-In-Chief. Huh? You can bet the commentary chasing "The Bain Train" will intensify. Since Romney opened the door to his Bain experience, the pundits have a right to enter.
* It wasn't that long ago that President Obama stated that "the private sector was doing okay" and his political opponents, led by Mitt Romney jumped all over him with harsh rhetoric. Ironically, according to ABC OTUS News, Romney said just today, "Big business is doing fine in many places - they get the loans they need, they can deal with all the regulation," while speaking at a fundraiser in Minnesota. Huh? Flip-Flop Mitt at it again!
* Mitt Romney showed how adept he is at humor in Michigan when he told a crowd of supporters that "no one ever asked me for my birth certificate." Some funny guy he is! Not only was the comment not funny, it played right into the hands of beliefs of many of his supporters that believe Obama was not born in the United States. We do know that Romney's father was born in Mexico and that Mitt Romney WAS in fact asked in 2004 to provide a copy of his birth certificate (to verify his first name is actually Willard). Some principled man that Romney!
* Last but Not Least - The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has agreed to review the ACLU's lawsuit challenging the State's new Voter ID Laws and to expedite the hearing on the matter to September 13. Although this case is pending in State Court, the Department of Justice continues its investigation into the ID Law to ensure it complies with the Voter Rights Act of 1965. Amazingly, the Pennsylvania Attorney General has actually questioned whether the DOJ has jurisdiction to investigate the matter. Here we go with nullification. Shame, shame, shame.
August 23, 2012 * Despite the widespread fallout from the ignorant statements of GOP Congressman Todd Akin, former GOP presidential candidate and current Fox host Mike Huckabee stands by his endorsement of Akin in his Missouri Senate campaign. According to Alexander Burns writing for Politico, Huckabee wants fellow Republicans to forgive Akins and continue efforts to have him defeat his Democratic opponent Senator Claire McCaskill. Huckabee needs to remember that 'what comes round, goes round' when he begins to diss the GOP leadership on this issue.
* The Pew Research Center's Project for Excellency in Journalism has reported that they have determined that Fox News is a mirror image of MSNBC when it broadcasts programs based upon political ideology. According to the report, "Fox's and MSNBC's coverage of the candidates' character themes are mirror images of each other. Fox has offered a mixed view of Romney, but its assessments of Obama's record and character have run negative by a measure of six to one. The numbers are almost identical, in reverse, for MSNBC."
* Mitt Romney unveiled his major policy position as it relates to energy. According to Romney's plan, states would have the authority to determine whether they want to explore and drill for oil on federal lands within their borders. Romney's advisers tout that his plan will open up vast resources of natural gas and oil that will lead directly to energy independence by 2020. A few hitches with the plan exist though. Federal law specifically prohibits states from controlling federal lands and its natural resources and the CBO estimates that the total amount of energy reserves available from federal lands would amount to additional revenue of about $7 billion. Not too shabby, however, Romney is claiming the revenue available from such a plan would raise "trillions of dollars." I guess we may be looking at "fuzzy math" again.
* Last But Not Least - Americans being polled have indicated that the negative advertising by both Obama and Romney are turning them off to both candidates. Ironically, Obama's lead in Ohio and Pennsylvania appears to be widening, but in the swing states of Wisconsin and Florida, Romney has achieved a slight "bump" in the polls...1 point to be exact. Obama still leads, but when it comes to the "horse race", the front runner may "win by a nose."
* The Pew Research Center's Project for Excellency in Journalism has reported that they have determined that Fox News is a mirror image of MSNBC when it broadcasts programs based upon political ideology. According to the report, "Fox's and MSNBC's coverage of the candidates' character themes are mirror images of each other. Fox has offered a mixed view of Romney, but its assessments of Obama's record and character have run negative by a measure of six to one. The numbers are almost identical, in reverse, for MSNBC."
* Mitt Romney unveiled his major policy position as it relates to energy. According to Romney's plan, states would have the authority to determine whether they want to explore and drill for oil on federal lands within their borders. Romney's advisers tout that his plan will open up vast resources of natural gas and oil that will lead directly to energy independence by 2020. A few hitches with the plan exist though. Federal law specifically prohibits states from controlling federal lands and its natural resources and the CBO estimates that the total amount of energy reserves available from federal lands would amount to additional revenue of about $7 billion. Not too shabby, however, Romney is claiming the revenue available from such a plan would raise "trillions of dollars." I guess we may be looking at "fuzzy math" again.
* Last But Not Least - Americans being polled have indicated that the negative advertising by both Obama and Romney are turning them off to both candidates. Ironically, Obama's lead in Ohio and Pennsylvania appears to be widening, but in the swing states of Wisconsin and Florida, Romney has achieved a slight "bump" in the polls...1 point to be exact. Obama still leads, but when it comes to the "horse race", the front runner may "win by a nose."
August 22, 2012 *Hurricane watchers are concerned with the movements of Hurricane Issac as it heads West-Northwest towards the Southern coast of Florida. In the event it maintains its current course, the National Weather Service has stated Issac's "cone of danger" may include Tampa as it is projected to strike by next Monday. Unfortunately, the Republican National Convention is scheduled to open Monday in Tampa. According to Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn, evacuation orders will be issued if Issac heads towards Tampa, regardless of the Convention being in town.
* Speaking of big winds, it has been revealed that the medical advice given to Missouri GOP Senate candidate Todd Akin
that women have a natural mechanism to protect against an unwanted pregnancy in the event of "legitimate" rape, was given to him by none other than Dr. John Willke, the founder of Pro Life Movement, a former adviser to none other than Mitt Romney. Ironically, the Pro Life Movement endorsed Mitt Romney just today! Let's see Romney walk that one back!
* Along the lines of "walking one back," Paul Ryan was asked if his position on abortion had changed after the Akin comments and he said he still believes in his Catholic values that life begins at conception and that there should be no exceptions allowing abortion of any kind. When asked about Romney's position allowing exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother, Ryan indicated that although he would defer to Romney's policy on abortion, he added that it would be a "good start." A good start...towards banning all abortions. Caveat emptor folks, caveat emptor!
* In an article posted by, both President Obama and Mitt Romney's campaign are guilty of misrepresenting their plans for Medicare. In an article entitled "A Campaign Full of Mediscare", FactCheck found that neither candidates appear to be telling the truth about their own positions, let alone their opponent's and that they both lack the political will to confront the financial problems facing Medicare. Go figure, politicians misrepresenting issues!
* The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has issued a stern warning that in the event Congress does not deal with the "fiscal cliff" it is facing, the Nation will definitely fall into a certifiable recession. As reported by Reuters, The CBO states; "The "cliff" refers to the impact of expiring tax cuts and automatic spending reductions set for 2013 as a result of successive failures by Congress to agree on some orderly alternative method of addressing the deficit. The CBO said failure to avoid the cliff would deliver a shock to the economy that would cause U.S. gross domestic product to shrink 0.5 percent in 2013. Previously, the CBO had forecast full-year GDP growth of 0.5 percent." If we are relying on Congress to deal with this issue, we may as well buckle down for another recession. So much for the GOP mantra that it is all Obama's fault. According to the report, the CBO squarely places the blame for this fiscal mess where it the foot of Congress. "The main reason for the gloomier outlook now versus the last estimate in May is weakness in the global economy, the growing uncertainty mentioned by Elmendorf about what Congress will do, and a determination that the cliff is somewhat steeper than the May estimate suggested."
*Last but not Least - Many conservatives took great pleasure sharing a cover article in Newsweek written by Niall Ferguson, a professor or History at Harvard. The Article entitled "Hit The Road Barack, Why We Need a New President Now" was roundly distributed by conservatives claiming it to present an convincing argument for electing Mitt Romney. Unfortunately for conservatives, statistics used by Professor Ferguson in his article were cut and pasted in order to enhance his argument, without regard the truth, which was clearly avoided. See today's blog for more on this matter.
* Speaking of big winds, it has been revealed that the medical advice given to Missouri GOP Senate candidate Todd Akin
that women have a natural mechanism to protect against an unwanted pregnancy in the event of "legitimate" rape, was given to him by none other than Dr. John Willke, the founder of Pro Life Movement, a former adviser to none other than Mitt Romney. Ironically, the Pro Life Movement endorsed Mitt Romney just today! Let's see Romney walk that one back!
* Along the lines of "walking one back," Paul Ryan was asked if his position on abortion had changed after the Akin comments and he said he still believes in his Catholic values that life begins at conception and that there should be no exceptions allowing abortion of any kind. When asked about Romney's position allowing exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother, Ryan indicated that although he would defer to Romney's policy on abortion, he added that it would be a "good start." A good start...towards banning all abortions. Caveat emptor folks, caveat emptor!
* In an article posted by, both President Obama and Mitt Romney's campaign are guilty of misrepresenting their plans for Medicare. In an article entitled "A Campaign Full of Mediscare", FactCheck found that neither candidates appear to be telling the truth about their own positions, let alone their opponent's and that they both lack the political will to confront the financial problems facing Medicare. Go figure, politicians misrepresenting issues!
* The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has issued a stern warning that in the event Congress does not deal with the "fiscal cliff" it is facing, the Nation will definitely fall into a certifiable recession. As reported by Reuters, The CBO states; "The "cliff" refers to the impact of expiring tax cuts and automatic spending reductions set for 2013 as a result of successive failures by Congress to agree on some orderly alternative method of addressing the deficit. The CBO said failure to avoid the cliff would deliver a shock to the economy that would cause U.S. gross domestic product to shrink 0.5 percent in 2013. Previously, the CBO had forecast full-year GDP growth of 0.5 percent." If we are relying on Congress to deal with this issue, we may as well buckle down for another recession. So much for the GOP mantra that it is all Obama's fault. According to the report, the CBO squarely places the blame for this fiscal mess where it the foot of Congress. "The main reason for the gloomier outlook now versus the last estimate in May is weakness in the global economy, the growing uncertainty mentioned by Elmendorf about what Congress will do, and a determination that the cliff is somewhat steeper than the May estimate suggested."
*Last but not Least - Many conservatives took great pleasure sharing a cover article in Newsweek written by Niall Ferguson, a professor or History at Harvard. The Article entitled "Hit The Road Barack, Why We Need a New President Now" was roundly distributed by conservatives claiming it to present an convincing argument for electing Mitt Romney. Unfortunately for conservatives, statistics used by Professor Ferguson in his article were cut and pasted in order to enhance his argument, without regard the truth, which was clearly avoided. See today's blog for more on this matter.
August 20, 2012 *Perhaps the biggest news of the day is the revelation of GOP Senate candidate and Missouri Congressman Todd Akin's assertion that women victimized by "legitimate rape" have a natural defense against getting pregnant as a result of that rape. Akin went even further by claiming that the one to be penalized from such a rape should be the rapist and not the unborn child. Nowhere in his comments is any sentiment given to the victim of the rape, nowhere. Both President Obama and Mitt Romney have condemned Akin's comments (which is the subject of today's blog).
* In another act of stupidity, close to 20 United States Congressman traveled to Israel last year on a political "fact finding" junket, only to get a bit tipsy drinking wine. The problem is not that they and their families drank a bit too much. The problem is that they collectively dove into the Sea of Galilee ("Kineret Sea") for an impromptu swim. According to the BBC, one Congressman joined the crowd in the water, except he did so without a swim suit, or for that matter, any clothing. Freshman GOP Congressman Kevin Yoder representing Kansas decided it was a good idea to skinny dip, which did not sit too well with Israeli officials. Seems it is okay to swim in the Galilee, provided you are properly attired. Mr. Yoder has apologized claiming the action was from "a lapse of judgment." 'Ya think? Another group of men proclaiming high morals reduced to being "normal" when under the influence of wine and a free trip worth over $10,000 per participant.
* ABC OTUS News is reporting that President Obama has been asked by CBS reporter Nancy Cordes if he felt his campaign had been operating "out of bounds" with its attack ads on Mitt Romney, specifically the one implying Romney had a role in the death of a women married to an employee laid off by a Bain Capital related venture. Obama replied that he does not believe Romney had anything to do with the woman's death, but that a Super-PAC unaffiliated with the Obama camp ran the ad. Obama went on to make it clear that Romney has and continued to be "out of bounds" with his attacks on Obama's stance on Welfare. Romney continues to run the ads claiming Obama wants to eliminate work requirements in order to qualify for welfare benefits. In reality, it was GOP governors who sought waivers from the Administration that would allow it to ease work requirements that forced states to spend more money on vocational and new job skill education. Once again, the GOP asked for something and Obama granted it, only to be used by the GOP against the president. Just see Paul Ryan's rants against the 2009 Stimulus when in reality, he sought and obtained over $20 million in aid for his constituents.
* Last but not Least - I will appearing on the Robyn Report with Robyn Davis tomorrow between 5 and 6pm on WWPR 1490am or be sure to tune in!
* In another act of stupidity, close to 20 United States Congressman traveled to Israel last year on a political "fact finding" junket, only to get a bit tipsy drinking wine. The problem is not that they and their families drank a bit too much. The problem is that they collectively dove into the Sea of Galilee ("Kineret Sea") for an impromptu swim. According to the BBC, one Congressman joined the crowd in the water, except he did so without a swim suit, or for that matter, any clothing. Freshman GOP Congressman Kevin Yoder representing Kansas decided it was a good idea to skinny dip, which did not sit too well with Israeli officials. Seems it is okay to swim in the Galilee, provided you are properly attired. Mr. Yoder has apologized claiming the action was from "a lapse of judgment." 'Ya think? Another group of men proclaiming high morals reduced to being "normal" when under the influence of wine and a free trip worth over $10,000 per participant.
* ABC OTUS News is reporting that President Obama has been asked by CBS reporter Nancy Cordes if he felt his campaign had been operating "out of bounds" with its attack ads on Mitt Romney, specifically the one implying Romney had a role in the death of a women married to an employee laid off by a Bain Capital related venture. Obama replied that he does not believe Romney had anything to do with the woman's death, but that a Super-PAC unaffiliated with the Obama camp ran the ad. Obama went on to make it clear that Romney has and continued to be "out of bounds" with his attacks on Obama's stance on Welfare. Romney continues to run the ads claiming Obama wants to eliminate work requirements in order to qualify for welfare benefits. In reality, it was GOP governors who sought waivers from the Administration that would allow it to ease work requirements that forced states to spend more money on vocational and new job skill education. Once again, the GOP asked for something and Obama granted it, only to be used by the GOP against the president. Just see Paul Ryan's rants against the 2009 Stimulus when in reality, he sought and obtained over $20 million in aid for his constituents.
* Last but not Least - I will appearing on the Robyn Report with Robyn Davis tomorrow between 5 and 6pm on WWPR 1490am or be sure to tune in!
August 19, 2012 * Just like comedians, I have no reason to dream up things to write about as our politicians do a fine job of doing it everyday. According to The Washington Post, Mitt Romney was recently interviewed in Fortune Magazine to identify specific federal programs that would lead his list for budget cuts. His answer? The Public Broadcasting System! Our budget deficit sits at about $16 Trillion. Hard to imagine I know. Think of it as pool of debt so big it resembles Lake Michigan. The PBS share of that budget would equal a glass of water from that lake. Anyone see how far down the water level goes from taking that glass out? It's effect would be negligible and that is why GOP politicians claiming these cuts are a priority is nothing short of disingenuous. It favors "for-profit" media - the very media supporting the GOP. We have real problems with debt and this is a priority for dealing with it? Are Americans that out of touch not to realize this is an INANE response by Mr. Romney?
* According to an article posted by Politico, Pro-Romney/GOP related Super-PACs supported by the Koch Brothers have outspent pro-Obama/Democratic Super-PAC's by a 2 to 1 margin thus far in this month alone. According to the report, over $31 million has been spent on ads attacking Obama. The breakdown according to Politico stands at; " 1) Americans for Prosperity, $20.7 million, in opposition to Obama. 2) Restore Our Future, $10.1 million, in opposition to Obama.3) Conservative Majority Fund, $1.02 million, in opposition to Obama." Who said money equates to free speech? Perhaps it would if we all had billions to spend to influence political campaigns?
*Speaking of millions, GOP Vice-Presidential candidate Paul Ryan released two years of tax returns to the public (according to Romney sources, Ryan gave Romney ten years worth, but Romney won't disclose any more than two to the American Public - double standard?). According to the disclosures, Mr. Ryan is hardly representative of an Average American as he reports personal assets totaling approximately $4.9 million. How many 42 year old Americans have that much? The tax returns also indicate Mr. Ryan paid a tax rate of only 15.9% in 2009 and 20% in 2011. Welcome to reality folks. Our politicians not only have access to more more money, they also take full advantage of an existing tax code that maintains loopholes for the wealthy! What federal tax rate did you pay last year? Better yet, Mr. Ryan and Mr. Romney insists that the economy can only get better if the rich pay less in taxes and the working Middle Class pay more. Under the Ryan Plan, Mitt Romney would pay a federal tax rate of only 1%! Why is this formula so hard for Americans to understand?
* Paul Ryan hit the campaign trail in Florida this week and not with his running-mate Mitt Romney. According to The New York Times, Ryan made campaign stops alongside his mother! Huh? Seems the Ryan campaign decided it better drag along Ryan's mom, Betty Ryan Douglas to Florida to address seniors concerned about Ryan's plans to end Medicare as we know it. Ironically, Ryan wanted folks to think that he too is concerned about his mother's medical needs, just like her fellow seniors. One important difference lost on the good folks residing at The Villages (a favorite support group for the Tea Party and Gov. Rick Scott in Florida). Ryan's mom has MONEY and any change to Medicare will NOT affect her. I do see some value in parading Ryan's mom out in public though. It proves Ryan was born and not hatched!
* Now that I have addressed Ryan's mom, I can't help but relate that Mr. Ryan is now being targeted by Women's groups for his positions on everything affecting women. Ryan's record on women's issues are clear...clearly disturbing. Ryan has a voting record on women's issues that is extensive. Perhaps the one stance I have a problem with most is his position that a human is created at conception and not at birth. I know this is a touchy issue, but it actually is based upon one's religious orientation and not all religions agree on this point. In fact, Paul Ryan opposes In Vitro Fertilization ("IVI") because it involves the freezing of an embryo. Why my angst towards Ryan's position that IVI should not be legal? I will simply give you two existing reasons... Moshe and Dovy Hollander. My grandsons. Both the product of IVI and I thank G-d for them everyday! Mr. and your supporters are WRONG!!!
* On a lighter note, Grover Norquist has officially come out and stated that former President George H.W. Bush "lied" to the American public when he promised not to push for new taxes. According to ABC OTUS, Norquist stated "He lied to them. He broke his commitment to them and they threw him out of office four years later." I find that incredible to claim former President Bush lied to the American people on taxes but Norquist's lying about his involvement laundering money in the Abramoff scandal doesn't seem to faze him. Hypocrisy anyone?
*As I blogged a few days ago about GOP Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's efforts to nullify Obama's Executive Order extending benefits to certain classes of illegal aliens, seems her action has been duplicated by GOP Governor Dave Heinenman who has also decided to issue an Executive Order denying basic benefits covered by Obama's Order. The benefits? Not cash, not money for school, not welfare. The benefit involved is the ability to legally obtain a DRIVERS LICENSE. Once again, please read Article VI of the US Constitution and let me know whether or not you agree that a governor of a state can disregard or nullify federal law.
* There is an interesting article in this week's The Economist addressing the increasing angst by ordinary Iranians against their political leadership. According to the article, Iranians are beginning to really suffer from the sanctions imposed on Iran for failing to curtail their enrichment of military grade uranium. Unfortunately, it has been revealed that not everyone is abiding by the sanctions. According to ABC News, one large British bank was recently fined by banking regulators in New York for engaging in a scheme to launder and hide money transactions with Iranian banks. Now we all thought the Brits were are allies in the endeavor to isolate Iran, but when it comes to money and banks, I guess nothing is out of bounds! According the ABC report, British Standard Chartered Bank admitted involvement to skirt the sanctions and make a few (million) bucks by helping the Iranians. As a result, British Standard has agreed to pay a fine of $340 million to NY regulators, but insists their actions are not as characterized by the regulatory folks. Either they violated the sanctions or they did not, but paying the fine certainly indicates they were involved. But again, according to GOP presidential candidates Romney and Ryan, who needs these "job killing" regulations on banks anyways? Don't we ALL love our banks?
* Speaking of violating sanctions imposed on Iran, Iraq of all countries has been secretly doing an end run around the sanctions to help Iran. Since the Gulf War, Iraq has been more and more destabilized by radical elements in Iran, yet we continue to be told that Iraq is ready to stand on its own as an independent nation, liberated from the evils of Saddam Hussein. What we did instead was create a vacuum for Iran to exert its disruptive influence in the region. This is readily apparent in a recent report issued in The New York Times. According to the report, a Baghdad bank that has been working with US banks has been revealed to have been engaged in providing economic assistance to Iran. This bank....
"has provided Iran with a crucial flow of dollars at a time when sanctions are squeezing its economy." More disturbing is the news that the Iraqi government itself is engaging in efforts to solidify ties with Iran. Per the Times, "Even as the U.S. has moved to tighten the vise against Iran, the al-Maliki government has openly sought to enhance its already deep economic and political ties to Iran." Personally, if Iraq wants to cozy up to Iran, let them, but without a penny of future US support!
* Last But Not Least - Additional endorsements of "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say" are being received. One of my favorites came just late last night from John L. Meeks, Jr. Mr. Meeks writes "In How Our Government Really Works," Venice, Florida educator Daniel R. Rubin lends us his manual for getting the nation out of its current breakdown. Yes, the constitution is less user-friendly than most modern literature that teaches us how to use our mp3 player. Yes, it can be even harder than cutting through most hard-shell plastic packaging. Well, Rubin explains to readers his belief in running America according to tenets of its founding documents. He talks of a dichotomy in today's government - one side that knows how government is supposed to work and another side that knows how government really works. Rubin's telling of the latter is what adds dimension to a topic that most Americans would rather avoid. Rubin astutely combines the history of the federal government with analysis of how today's politics revolve around what is not specifically in the Constitution. The advantage that Rubin provides in this unique text is a chance to have a troubleshooting guide for a functional system." How hard will it be to top that endorsement? Keep 'em coming, I appreciate every one of them!
* According to an article posted by Politico, Pro-Romney/GOP related Super-PACs supported by the Koch Brothers have outspent pro-Obama/Democratic Super-PAC's by a 2 to 1 margin thus far in this month alone. According to the report, over $31 million has been spent on ads attacking Obama. The breakdown according to Politico stands at; " 1) Americans for Prosperity, $20.7 million, in opposition to Obama. 2) Restore Our Future, $10.1 million, in opposition to Obama.3) Conservative Majority Fund, $1.02 million, in opposition to Obama." Who said money equates to free speech? Perhaps it would if we all had billions to spend to influence political campaigns?
*Speaking of millions, GOP Vice-Presidential candidate Paul Ryan released two years of tax returns to the public (according to Romney sources, Ryan gave Romney ten years worth, but Romney won't disclose any more than two to the American Public - double standard?). According to the disclosures, Mr. Ryan is hardly representative of an Average American as he reports personal assets totaling approximately $4.9 million. How many 42 year old Americans have that much? The tax returns also indicate Mr. Ryan paid a tax rate of only 15.9% in 2009 and 20% in 2011. Welcome to reality folks. Our politicians not only have access to more more money, they also take full advantage of an existing tax code that maintains loopholes for the wealthy! What federal tax rate did you pay last year? Better yet, Mr. Ryan and Mr. Romney insists that the economy can only get better if the rich pay less in taxes and the working Middle Class pay more. Under the Ryan Plan, Mitt Romney would pay a federal tax rate of only 1%! Why is this formula so hard for Americans to understand?
* Paul Ryan hit the campaign trail in Florida this week and not with his running-mate Mitt Romney. According to The New York Times, Ryan made campaign stops alongside his mother! Huh? Seems the Ryan campaign decided it better drag along Ryan's mom, Betty Ryan Douglas to Florida to address seniors concerned about Ryan's plans to end Medicare as we know it. Ironically, Ryan wanted folks to think that he too is concerned about his mother's medical needs, just like her fellow seniors. One important difference lost on the good folks residing at The Villages (a favorite support group for the Tea Party and Gov. Rick Scott in Florida). Ryan's mom has MONEY and any change to Medicare will NOT affect her. I do see some value in parading Ryan's mom out in public though. It proves Ryan was born and not hatched!
* Now that I have addressed Ryan's mom, I can't help but relate that Mr. Ryan is now being targeted by Women's groups for his positions on everything affecting women. Ryan's record on women's issues are clear...clearly disturbing. Ryan has a voting record on women's issues that is extensive. Perhaps the one stance I have a problem with most is his position that a human is created at conception and not at birth. I know this is a touchy issue, but it actually is based upon one's religious orientation and not all religions agree on this point. In fact, Paul Ryan opposes In Vitro Fertilization ("IVI") because it involves the freezing of an embryo. Why my angst towards Ryan's position that IVI should not be legal? I will simply give you two existing reasons... Moshe and Dovy Hollander. My grandsons. Both the product of IVI and I thank G-d for them everyday! Mr. and your supporters are WRONG!!!
* On a lighter note, Grover Norquist has officially come out and stated that former President George H.W. Bush "lied" to the American public when he promised not to push for new taxes. According to ABC OTUS, Norquist stated "He lied to them. He broke his commitment to them and they threw him out of office four years later." I find that incredible to claim former President Bush lied to the American people on taxes but Norquist's lying about his involvement laundering money in the Abramoff scandal doesn't seem to faze him. Hypocrisy anyone?
*As I blogged a few days ago about GOP Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's efforts to nullify Obama's Executive Order extending benefits to certain classes of illegal aliens, seems her action has been duplicated by GOP Governor Dave Heinenman who has also decided to issue an Executive Order denying basic benefits covered by Obama's Order. The benefits? Not cash, not money for school, not welfare. The benefit involved is the ability to legally obtain a DRIVERS LICENSE. Once again, please read Article VI of the US Constitution and let me know whether or not you agree that a governor of a state can disregard or nullify federal law.
* There is an interesting article in this week's The Economist addressing the increasing angst by ordinary Iranians against their political leadership. According to the article, Iranians are beginning to really suffer from the sanctions imposed on Iran for failing to curtail their enrichment of military grade uranium. Unfortunately, it has been revealed that not everyone is abiding by the sanctions. According to ABC News, one large British bank was recently fined by banking regulators in New York for engaging in a scheme to launder and hide money transactions with Iranian banks. Now we all thought the Brits were are allies in the endeavor to isolate Iran, but when it comes to money and banks, I guess nothing is out of bounds! According the ABC report, British Standard Chartered Bank admitted involvement to skirt the sanctions and make a few (million) bucks by helping the Iranians. As a result, British Standard has agreed to pay a fine of $340 million to NY regulators, but insists their actions are not as characterized by the regulatory folks. Either they violated the sanctions or they did not, but paying the fine certainly indicates they were involved. But again, according to GOP presidential candidates Romney and Ryan, who needs these "job killing" regulations on banks anyways? Don't we ALL love our banks?
* Speaking of violating sanctions imposed on Iran, Iraq of all countries has been secretly doing an end run around the sanctions to help Iran. Since the Gulf War, Iraq has been more and more destabilized by radical elements in Iran, yet we continue to be told that Iraq is ready to stand on its own as an independent nation, liberated from the evils of Saddam Hussein. What we did instead was create a vacuum for Iran to exert its disruptive influence in the region. This is readily apparent in a recent report issued in The New York Times. According to the report, a Baghdad bank that has been working with US banks has been revealed to have been engaged in providing economic assistance to Iran. This bank....
"has provided Iran with a crucial flow of dollars at a time when sanctions are squeezing its economy." More disturbing is the news that the Iraqi government itself is engaging in efforts to solidify ties with Iran. Per the Times, "Even as the U.S. has moved to tighten the vise against Iran, the al-Maliki government has openly sought to enhance its already deep economic and political ties to Iran." Personally, if Iraq wants to cozy up to Iran, let them, but without a penny of future US support!
* Last But Not Least - Additional endorsements of "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say" are being received. One of my favorites came just late last night from John L. Meeks, Jr. Mr. Meeks writes "In How Our Government Really Works," Venice, Florida educator Daniel R. Rubin lends us his manual for getting the nation out of its current breakdown. Yes, the constitution is less user-friendly than most modern literature that teaches us how to use our mp3 player. Yes, it can be even harder than cutting through most hard-shell plastic packaging. Well, Rubin explains to readers his belief in running America according to tenets of its founding documents. He talks of a dichotomy in today's government - one side that knows how government is supposed to work and another side that knows how government really works. Rubin's telling of the latter is what adds dimension to a topic that most Americans would rather avoid. Rubin astutely combines the history of the federal government with analysis of how today's politics revolve around what is not specifically in the Constitution. The advantage that Rubin provides in this unique text is a chance to have a troubleshooting guide for a functional system." How hard will it be to top that endorsement? Keep 'em coming, I appreciate every one of them!
August 17, 2012 * Just two days ago, I wrote about the latest attempts to "Swift Boat" President Obama by a new group using the name "Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund" dedicated to raising and spend millions of dollars in an attempt to paint Obama as a corrupt president because he took credit for having Bin Laden killed and for leaks that no one has been able to trace to the Oval Office. According to sources that reported the story that I related on my blog, the group considers itself "Non-Partisan" and I dismissed that claim as "ludicrous." According to the publication Foreign Policy's Online site "FP", it has been reported that the founder of the alleged non-partisan OPSEC group is none other than Larry Bailey, who admits in the FP article that he is a 'birther' or one that believes that Obama was not born in the United States or to an American. In fact, according to the article, Mr. Bailey readily claims he "doesn't only believe that the president is a foreigner. He also believes that he is not actually the son of Barack Obama, Sr. Bailey trumpeted the conspiracy theory that the president is actually the love child of Ann Dunham and writer Frank Marshall Davis." The article goes on to add "Bailey is also a veteran of efforts to portray Democrats as anti-military during previous presidential election cycles. He was involved in the 2004 effort called Vietnam Vets for the Truth, an organization that was separate from but worked with Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth to attack John Kerry's military record." I was using the term "Swift Boated" because it has become a part of the political science be "Swift Boated" or smeared. I had no idea that these are the SAME guys that actually "swift boated" John Kerry! And to think these are the folks Americans will listen to and believe in? No matter how bad things are to blame Obama for, nothing compares with the problems these folks have with reality. Too bad they are raising huge money and the GOP gleefully approves.
* In an article posted today by Politico, Charles Mahtesian writes that some prominent GOP leaders are drooling over the anticipated debate between Mitt Romney's running mate Paul Ryan against Vice President Joe Biden. According to the report, Texas GOP Congressman, Ted Poe claims the match up between Ryan and Biden would be like pitting "Einstein against Forrest Gump." One of the famous 36 Chinese strategies of war comes to mind..."Lure your opponent into underestimating your ability until, overconfident, he drops his guard." I remember Ronald Reagan being written off as feeble and George W. Bush as being "stupid." Yep, all the way to the White House!
*Speaking of Paul Ryan, the Romney camp has disclosed they have picked up $10 million in campaign contributions since the announcement of Ryan as Romney's Veep pick. Ironically, no word on how much the Democrats raised in response to Ryan's selection.
* Paul Ryan again got himself tangled in the VP disclosure web. Since Obama has been president, Mr. Ryan has continued tirade after tirade about the "out of control" spending in Washington and how Obama is going to spend us off a fiscal cliff with his failed Stimulus" and reckless budgets. It was revealed today that the very same Paul Ryan wrote letters lobbying for MILLIONS in Stimulus money to help his Congressional District. Oh well, Ryan is just another politician I guess. See today's blog for a further commentary on this issue.
* In the "I'll how you mine if you show me yours" game, President Obama came out today to respond to Mitt Romney's pleas to leave his personal business life and wealth "off the table" by suggesting a remedy for the problem. According to a variety of news sources, Obama's campaign manager Jim Messina wrote Matt Rhoades, Romney's campaign manager with a deal to end the tax squabbling. Obama's camp offered to stop all commentary and/or ads about Romney's missing tax returns if Romney would simply disclose returns for the last five (5) years. As I have been saying for several weeks now, Romney is not going to get away with hiding his tax returns. As of this writing, there has been no response from the Romney team. Ignoring this issue is not going to make it go away!
*According to a report published by Reuters, business executives from around the World prefer that Obama be reelected rather than Romney by an astounding 2-1 margin. So much for Obama being considered "Anti-Business." Go figure!
* It certainly did not take long for the Obama folks to respond to the frontal attack issued by the Romney camp that Obama is the real culprit attempting to change Medicare as we know it. In the new ads, Obama clarifies his position that the funds taken from the Medicare funding actually went towards finding Medicare fraud prevention as part of the ACA and has already saved taxpayers from fraud that would otherwise not be detected without said provisions. Ironically, despite Romney's claims that he will immediately "repeal Obamacare" when elected, the president under Article II of the US Constitution does not have authority to repeal laws. Only Congress has that authority. Regardless, by wanting to repeal Obamacare, does this mean Romney wants Medicare fraud to continue?
Last but not Least - I will be appearing on The Robyn Report with Robyn Davis on WWPR1490, Talk Tampa Bay next Tuesday between 5 and 6pm. Be sure to tune in on the radio or Online at Have a great weekend...I'll be back Sunday!
* In an article posted today by Politico, Charles Mahtesian writes that some prominent GOP leaders are drooling over the anticipated debate between Mitt Romney's running mate Paul Ryan against Vice President Joe Biden. According to the report, Texas GOP Congressman, Ted Poe claims the match up between Ryan and Biden would be like pitting "Einstein against Forrest Gump." One of the famous 36 Chinese strategies of war comes to mind..."Lure your opponent into underestimating your ability until, overconfident, he drops his guard." I remember Ronald Reagan being written off as feeble and George W. Bush as being "stupid." Yep, all the way to the White House!
*Speaking of Paul Ryan, the Romney camp has disclosed they have picked up $10 million in campaign contributions since the announcement of Ryan as Romney's Veep pick. Ironically, no word on how much the Democrats raised in response to Ryan's selection.
* Paul Ryan again got himself tangled in the VP disclosure web. Since Obama has been president, Mr. Ryan has continued tirade after tirade about the "out of control" spending in Washington and how Obama is going to spend us off a fiscal cliff with his failed Stimulus" and reckless budgets. It was revealed today that the very same Paul Ryan wrote letters lobbying for MILLIONS in Stimulus money to help his Congressional District. Oh well, Ryan is just another politician I guess. See today's blog for a further commentary on this issue.
* In the "I'll how you mine if you show me yours" game, President Obama came out today to respond to Mitt Romney's pleas to leave his personal business life and wealth "off the table" by suggesting a remedy for the problem. According to a variety of news sources, Obama's campaign manager Jim Messina wrote Matt Rhoades, Romney's campaign manager with a deal to end the tax squabbling. Obama's camp offered to stop all commentary and/or ads about Romney's missing tax returns if Romney would simply disclose returns for the last five (5) years. As I have been saying for several weeks now, Romney is not going to get away with hiding his tax returns. As of this writing, there has been no response from the Romney team. Ignoring this issue is not going to make it go away!
*According to a report published by Reuters, business executives from around the World prefer that Obama be reelected rather than Romney by an astounding 2-1 margin. So much for Obama being considered "Anti-Business." Go figure!
* It certainly did not take long for the Obama folks to respond to the frontal attack issued by the Romney camp that Obama is the real culprit attempting to change Medicare as we know it. In the new ads, Obama clarifies his position that the funds taken from the Medicare funding actually went towards finding Medicare fraud prevention as part of the ACA and has already saved taxpayers from fraud that would otherwise not be detected without said provisions. Ironically, despite Romney's claims that he will immediately "repeal Obamacare" when elected, the president under Article II of the US Constitution does not have authority to repeal laws. Only Congress has that authority. Regardless, by wanting to repeal Obamacare, does this mean Romney wants Medicare fraud to continue?
Last but not Least - I will be appearing on The Robyn Report with Robyn Davis on WWPR1490, Talk Tampa Bay next Tuesday between 5 and 6pm. Be sure to tune in on the radio or Online at Have a great weekend...I'll be back Sunday!
August 16, 2012 * In response to Senate Majority leader Harry Reid's allegations that Mitt Romney has not paid any taxes in the past ten years, Mitt Romney has finally declared that he has in fact paid a whopping tax rate of 13%. Now that Romney has declared that he has paid taxes, Reid doubled down and demanded that Romney "prove it." And the "hide and seek" game of Romney's tax returns continues.
*With the addition of Paul Ryan to the GOP ticket, Ohio seems more likely to be in the Obama electoral category. As a result Ryan is spending more time campaigning alongside Rob Portman, who was also in the running to be Romney's running mate. In Ohio, Ryan hit Obama hard on the economy in an effort to push his fiscal policies. Ironically, since Ryan was added to the Romney ticket, he and Romney had been running away from the infamous "Ryan Plan." Except starting today.
* Following yesterday's revelation that Speaker John Boehner was calling on his caucus to press forward with their plans to gut Medicare, the Romney/Ryan ticket have changed their focus. Instead of running away from the Ryan Plan, the GOP's R&R boyz now embrace Ryan's budget as originally proposed and passed by the House. According to ABC OTUS News, Mitt Romney has publicly stated today that "Actually, Paul Ryan and my plan for Medicare is the same. If not identical, it's probably close to identical." Let the ideological battles begin!
* Speaking of Ryan's budget plan that guts Medicare, Ryan defended his plan by claiming that his budget only cut Medicare because Obama's budget plan already did. Huh? According to Chris Moody's report in The Ticket, "Since the Medicare cuts were part of Obama's health care law, Republicans included that projected spending in their proposal, Ryan said. He justified it by pointing out that the House later voted to repeal the health care law, which would have stripped out those cuts, and said that Republicans never proposed them." Really? Then why did the GOP controlled House actually pass these cuts in their budget in 2011? And in 2012?
* According to Devin Myer's report with ABC OTUS News, Mitt Romney now claims he all along planned on restoring all of the money taken from Medicare to support provisions of the ACA. Romney now claims "Obama has changed Medicare as we know it" and that he will be the one to restore the cuts. Huh? For months on end, Romney embraced the Ryan Plan which included over $700 Billion in cuts to Medicare. Then when this became a major issue with the addition of Paul Ryan, Romney backed away. Now, with the urging of GOP leadership (see Boehner), Romney now claims HE will be the one to restore the cuts to Medicare (while repealing the ACA as well). Is anyone else noticing the major Flip Flopping being done by Mitt Romney...just in the past week?
* In a potentially serious matter, Republican Jan Brewer (AZ) executed an Executive Order denying all public benefits to all illegal aliens, regardless if they are participating in a new program created by President Obama affording certain illegal aliens a chance to avoid deportation and to obtain citizenship.
* ABC News is reporting a new report issued by the Institute of Policy Studies, an admittedly liberal "multi-issue think tank," CEO compensation is directly tied to excessive tax breaks afforded corporations. Because corporations can deduct the salaries of CEO's as "expenses," the avoidance of tax liabilities by paying higher CEO compensation in turn means taxpayers are subsidizing the higher levels of executive pay. Also in the ABC report, "William McBride, chief economist with the Tax Foundation, a conservative-leaning nonpartisan think tank, said this makes sense, because stock options are speculative compensation." So, the government may not have directly "built that"...we Americans may have certainly helped pay for it!
* Last but Not Least - Book sales are climbing and the response from those already with a copy has been frankly, been over the top. My Editor has told me many times that the book is very, very good and that I better become accustomed to folks looking at me as a successful author. It is nice, and I will try. I am also pleased to announce that I will be joining Robyn Davis and The Robyn Report on WWPR 1490 next Tuesday between 5-6pm. Please make sure you tune in.
*With the addition of Paul Ryan to the GOP ticket, Ohio seems more likely to be in the Obama electoral category. As a result Ryan is spending more time campaigning alongside Rob Portman, who was also in the running to be Romney's running mate. In Ohio, Ryan hit Obama hard on the economy in an effort to push his fiscal policies. Ironically, since Ryan was added to the Romney ticket, he and Romney had been running away from the infamous "Ryan Plan." Except starting today.
* Following yesterday's revelation that Speaker John Boehner was calling on his caucus to press forward with their plans to gut Medicare, the Romney/Ryan ticket have changed their focus. Instead of running away from the Ryan Plan, the GOP's R&R boyz now embrace Ryan's budget as originally proposed and passed by the House. According to ABC OTUS News, Mitt Romney has publicly stated today that "Actually, Paul Ryan and my plan for Medicare is the same. If not identical, it's probably close to identical." Let the ideological battles begin!
* Speaking of Ryan's budget plan that guts Medicare, Ryan defended his plan by claiming that his budget only cut Medicare because Obama's budget plan already did. Huh? According to Chris Moody's report in The Ticket, "Since the Medicare cuts were part of Obama's health care law, Republicans included that projected spending in their proposal, Ryan said. He justified it by pointing out that the House later voted to repeal the health care law, which would have stripped out those cuts, and said that Republicans never proposed them." Really? Then why did the GOP controlled House actually pass these cuts in their budget in 2011? And in 2012?
* According to Devin Myer's report with ABC OTUS News, Mitt Romney now claims he all along planned on restoring all of the money taken from Medicare to support provisions of the ACA. Romney now claims "Obama has changed Medicare as we know it" and that he will be the one to restore the cuts. Huh? For months on end, Romney embraced the Ryan Plan which included over $700 Billion in cuts to Medicare. Then when this became a major issue with the addition of Paul Ryan, Romney backed away. Now, with the urging of GOP leadership (see Boehner), Romney now claims HE will be the one to restore the cuts to Medicare (while repealing the ACA as well). Is anyone else noticing the major Flip Flopping being done by Mitt Romney...just in the past week?
* In a potentially serious matter, Republican Jan Brewer (AZ) executed an Executive Order denying all public benefits to all illegal aliens, regardless if they are participating in a new program created by President Obama affording certain illegal aliens a chance to avoid deportation and to obtain citizenship.
* ABC News is reporting a new report issued by the Institute of Policy Studies, an admittedly liberal "multi-issue think tank," CEO compensation is directly tied to excessive tax breaks afforded corporations. Because corporations can deduct the salaries of CEO's as "expenses," the avoidance of tax liabilities by paying higher CEO compensation in turn means taxpayers are subsidizing the higher levels of executive pay. Also in the ABC report, "William McBride, chief economist with the Tax Foundation, a conservative-leaning nonpartisan think tank, said this makes sense, because stock options are speculative compensation." So, the government may not have directly "built that"...we Americans may have certainly helped pay for it!
* Last but Not Least - Book sales are climbing and the response from those already with a copy has been frankly, been over the top. My Editor has told me many times that the book is very, very good and that I better become accustomed to folks looking at me as a successful author. It is nice, and I will try. I am also pleased to announce that I will be joining Robyn Davis and The Robyn Report on WWPR 1490 next Tuesday between 5-6pm. Please make sure you tune in.
August 15, 2012 * According to The Associated Press, the case filed in Pennsylvania opposing the GOP initiated voter-ID law has taken another turn which will lead it directly to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Judge Robert Simpson has ruled that his court will not issue an injunction preventing the voter-ID law from taking effect. According to reports, Judge Simpson did not rule on the merits of the case, but simply “kicked the can” down the road by refusing to issue the injunction leading to a direct appeal to the PA Supreme Court. As the case moves to the higher court, the Justice Department continues to be actively engaged in its investigation as to whether the law complies with Federal voting laws.
* According to Bloomberg, industrial production in the US rose .6% in the month of July, the largest growth in production in three months. Economists now say that these numbers will ensure that overall industrial production for 2012 will end up showing a gain.
* Vice President Joe Biden mentioned while campaigning in Virginia that the Romney/Ryan plan will put folks in “chains” because of their designs on eliminating regulations on Wall Street and big banks. The remark was in direct response to repeated claims by Romney and Ryan that Dodd-Frank and other "job killing regulations" would be repealed under their administration. Seems the Romney camp found Biden’s use of “chains” insulting and “racist” and demanded a retraction. This from the campaign that has the approval of Donald Trump (“Birthism”) and Newt Gingerich’s (“give then a janitorial job”) and Romney’s very own positions (“No work for welfare benefits.”). It also flies in the face of Rep. Alan West's (R-FL) earlier comments that Obama has designs on "enslaving Americans" and Paul Ryan's rebuttal to Obama's State of the Union in January where he himself claimed the regulations placed "shackles" on the economy. Chains? Shackles? Now John McCain and Sarah Palin have called for Obama to drop Biden from the ticket. If anything, their calls reinforce the determination of the Democrats to keep Biden. Obama has a hard time playing the angry type. Biden can, not matter how many gaffe's he might say.
* Paul Ryan had another opportunity to clarify his budget position now that he has joined the Romney campaign. Unfortunately, the “Budget Wunderkind” failed miserably in trying to respond to reasonable questions from Brit Hume on Fox News. Seems Ryan is having difficulty following the Romney campaign narrative because he could not articulate a straight answer about the campaign’s positions as it relates to the budget and Medicare. He also stumbled on a direct question pointing out that their claims that Obama hijacked over $700 Billion from Medicare when the Ryan plan also calls for the same amount to be cut. In response, all Ryan could say is that they will "repeal Obamacare."
* According to Fox News, Mitt Romney has added a new narrative to his campaign rhetoric, Now he is accusing Obama of engaging in a campaign of “anger and hate.” Are Americans convinced that Obama is the only campaign engaged in divisive rhetoric? This is a curious statement in light of the fact that all political fact checkers indicate that both campaigns have engaged in outrageous rhetoric, but more importantly, Romney’s camp destroyed the campaigns of Gingerich and Santorum with hateful and divisive campaign ads. More hypocrisy? More Romney Flip Flop?
* According to various news sources, Speaker John Boehner (OH-R) has called his GOP Caucus to direct them to steer all conversations about the Ryan Plan and Medicare as irrelevant and to stress instead that President Obama stripped over $700 Billion from Medicare instead. Ironically, the Ryan Budget Boehner and the GOP led House passed, also called for stripping over $700 Billion from medicare. More gamesmanship cynically banking on Americans being unable to know the truth behind the Ryan plan and the GOP approved Budget. Even I could not be making this stuff up!
* Ann Romney has declared in an interview to be aired on television that she and her husband Mitt will not be handing over any more tax returns. According to Mrs. Romney, she and her husband have complied with all legalities and therefore, will not be turning over any more tax returns because their opponents will use them as "ammunition" against them. Huh? If everything is in order as she claims, what kind of ammo would they provide? Blanks? Nothing short of revealing the returns will make this issue go away, just like nothing short of pressing Romney on the specifics of his plans now instead of after the election will suffice. More "We are not amused" from Ann Romney.
* Last but not Least - According to Reuters, another rocker has fallen off his! Megadeath's lead singer Dave Mustaine has publicly accused President Obama of staging the Aurora shootings as a way to enforce his "policy of gun control" and by doing so, accused the president of Murder. He also claims the country is becoming "Nazi America." Wow, perhaps he can live in a cave with Ted Nugent?
* According to Bloomberg, industrial production in the US rose .6% in the month of July, the largest growth in production in three months. Economists now say that these numbers will ensure that overall industrial production for 2012 will end up showing a gain.
* Vice President Joe Biden mentioned while campaigning in Virginia that the Romney/Ryan plan will put folks in “chains” because of their designs on eliminating regulations on Wall Street and big banks. The remark was in direct response to repeated claims by Romney and Ryan that Dodd-Frank and other "job killing regulations" would be repealed under their administration. Seems the Romney camp found Biden’s use of “chains” insulting and “racist” and demanded a retraction. This from the campaign that has the approval of Donald Trump (“Birthism”) and Newt Gingerich’s (“give then a janitorial job”) and Romney’s very own positions (“No work for welfare benefits.”). It also flies in the face of Rep. Alan West's (R-FL) earlier comments that Obama has designs on "enslaving Americans" and Paul Ryan's rebuttal to Obama's State of the Union in January where he himself claimed the regulations placed "shackles" on the economy. Chains? Shackles? Now John McCain and Sarah Palin have called for Obama to drop Biden from the ticket. If anything, their calls reinforce the determination of the Democrats to keep Biden. Obama has a hard time playing the angry type. Biden can, not matter how many gaffe's he might say.
* Paul Ryan had another opportunity to clarify his budget position now that he has joined the Romney campaign. Unfortunately, the “Budget Wunderkind” failed miserably in trying to respond to reasonable questions from Brit Hume on Fox News. Seems Ryan is having difficulty following the Romney campaign narrative because he could not articulate a straight answer about the campaign’s positions as it relates to the budget and Medicare. He also stumbled on a direct question pointing out that their claims that Obama hijacked over $700 Billion from Medicare when the Ryan plan also calls for the same amount to be cut. In response, all Ryan could say is that they will "repeal Obamacare."
* According to Fox News, Mitt Romney has added a new narrative to his campaign rhetoric, Now he is accusing Obama of engaging in a campaign of “anger and hate.” Are Americans convinced that Obama is the only campaign engaged in divisive rhetoric? This is a curious statement in light of the fact that all political fact checkers indicate that both campaigns have engaged in outrageous rhetoric, but more importantly, Romney’s camp destroyed the campaigns of Gingerich and Santorum with hateful and divisive campaign ads. More hypocrisy? More Romney Flip Flop?
* According to various news sources, Speaker John Boehner (OH-R) has called his GOP Caucus to direct them to steer all conversations about the Ryan Plan and Medicare as irrelevant and to stress instead that President Obama stripped over $700 Billion from Medicare instead. Ironically, the Ryan Budget Boehner and the GOP led House passed, also called for stripping over $700 Billion from medicare. More gamesmanship cynically banking on Americans being unable to know the truth behind the Ryan plan and the GOP approved Budget. Even I could not be making this stuff up!
* Ann Romney has declared in an interview to be aired on television that she and her husband Mitt will not be handing over any more tax returns. According to Mrs. Romney, she and her husband have complied with all legalities and therefore, will not be turning over any more tax returns because their opponents will use them as "ammunition" against them. Huh? If everything is in order as she claims, what kind of ammo would they provide? Blanks? Nothing short of revealing the returns will make this issue go away, just like nothing short of pressing Romney on the specifics of his plans now instead of after the election will suffice. More "We are not amused" from Ann Romney.
* Last but not Least - According to Reuters, another rocker has fallen off his! Megadeath's lead singer Dave Mustaine has publicly accused President Obama of staging the Aurora shootings as a way to enforce his "policy of gun control" and by doing so, accused the president of Murder. He also claims the country is becoming "Nazi America." Wow, perhaps he can live in a cave with Ted Nugent?
August 13, 2012. * Seems Mitt Romney and his running mate Paul Ryan can't seem to get their stories straight. First Romney says he picked Ryan for his "expertise on budget matters" and now he says he has his own budget plan and is not necessarily tied so closely to the Ryan plan that cuts Medicare so severely. One thing is for sure, the budget proposed by Romney does not reduce the deficit. In fact, according to the Congressional Budget Office, Romney's budget plan outlines massive assumptions that cannot be verified or proven. So, when Romney attacks Obama about deficit spending, he has not fessed up how he himself plans to cut spending while pursuing sweeping reductions in tax rates. Again, Romney is taking a position that we should simply "trust him" until after the election, and then as president he will disclose his real budget plans. Think I am making this up?
* Incredibly, according to The Associated Press, Paul Ryan himself declared that neither he nor Mitt Romney will be disclosing their tax plans until after the election. More of the same. "Trust us, elect us" and then we will tell you what we really intend to do if elected! Caveat Emptor folks...Buyer Beware! Can anyone say that instead of strolling through a park, we will instead be walking through a minefield with Romney and Ryan? Are Americans that gullible to buy this political strategy?
* Speaking of Ryan, he and his colleagues in Congress have done nothing to move their poll numbers. According to Gallup's latest poll, Congress has maintained its popularity rating at a steady 10%. Incredibly, Republicans themselves rated Congress at 10% while Independents rated them at 11% while only 9% of Democrats approved of them. Just what Romney needed, a strong Congressional leader in Paul Ryan on the ticket.
* In more political nonsense, Mitt Romney has actually accused the president of the United States of being a liar. According to The Ticket, Romney while speaking before a group of coal miners proclaimed that Obama is "lying about his energy record" and that Obama has been undermining (I am sure no pun intended) coal as a "crucial source" with tough regulations. Ironically, while calling Obama a liar, Romney forgets that in 2003, he attacked an aging coal mine as a plant "that kills people." Flip flop again Mitt, whose own lies about Obama ending work requirements for welfare is shameful, especially when Romney knows it is not true, yet he adds "I'm Mitt Romney and I approve of this message."
* Last but not least - Obama couldn't help himself by attacking Romney again with the story about how he and his wife put their dog on top of their car inside a cage strapped to the car's roof. In obvious political detente, the Romney folks attacked Obama for possibly eating dog while living in Malaysia as a child. Just another man eats dog story? Or would it be Romney's dog is always on top of things?
* Incredibly, according to The Associated Press, Paul Ryan himself declared that neither he nor Mitt Romney will be disclosing their tax plans until after the election. More of the same. "Trust us, elect us" and then we will tell you what we really intend to do if elected! Caveat Emptor folks...Buyer Beware! Can anyone say that instead of strolling through a park, we will instead be walking through a minefield with Romney and Ryan? Are Americans that gullible to buy this political strategy?
* Speaking of Ryan, he and his colleagues in Congress have done nothing to move their poll numbers. According to Gallup's latest poll, Congress has maintained its popularity rating at a steady 10%. Incredibly, Republicans themselves rated Congress at 10% while Independents rated them at 11% while only 9% of Democrats approved of them. Just what Romney needed, a strong Congressional leader in Paul Ryan on the ticket.
* In more political nonsense, Mitt Romney has actually accused the president of the United States of being a liar. According to The Ticket, Romney while speaking before a group of coal miners proclaimed that Obama is "lying about his energy record" and that Obama has been undermining (I am sure no pun intended) coal as a "crucial source" with tough regulations. Ironically, while calling Obama a liar, Romney forgets that in 2003, he attacked an aging coal mine as a plant "that kills people." Flip flop again Mitt, whose own lies about Obama ending work requirements for welfare is shameful, especially when Romney knows it is not true, yet he adds "I'm Mitt Romney and I approve of this message."
* Last but not least - Obama couldn't help himself by attacking Romney again with the story about how he and his wife put their dog on top of their car inside a cage strapped to the car's roof. In obvious political detente, the Romney folks attacked Obama for possibly eating dog while living in Malaysia as a child. Just another man eats dog story? Or would it be Romney's dog is always on top of things?
August 12, 2012. * Perhaps the biggest news of the day is Mitt Romney's announcement that Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan will be his vice-presidential running mate on the GOP ticket. In a move designed to shore up the Republican base, Ryan's selection ensures that the campaign's main focus will be on economic issues. Throughout this campaign, Romney has been trying (unsuccessfully) to avoid any further discussion of his business background at Bain Capital, his tenure at the helm of the Salt Lake Olympics, his term as Governor of Massachusetts, and his tax returns. Now, by selecting Ryan, Romney can solidify his base and perhaps bring the campaign focus back onto the economy (perhaps). He might even be able to swing the State of Wisconsin into the Red Column on election day. More on this topic in today's blog.
* Sarah Palin endorsed Romney's choice of Ryan as his VP running mate. According to news sources, Palin wrote her approval on her Facebook page, indicating that Obama's vision can best be summarized as the trainwreck known as California. "Obama's America is Today's California..." Can she see it out her front window though?
* Egypt has begun cracking down hard on militants occupying the Sinai Peninsula. Newly elected Egyptian President Morsi has sent combat troops into Sinai to root out militants that may threaten the security of not only the Sinai, but also the border with Israel. With the urging of both Israel and the United States, Morsi is doing the responsible thing to clean up any potential bases for terrorists. Now even the Palestinian Authority is demanding that Egypt go further and destroy the expansive networks of underground tunnels under the Egyptian border and Gaza. Such a move illustrates the fragile alliance (if there is any) between Hamas in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority in Judea and Samaria, aka The West Bank.
* It appears the United States and others have recently identified Syria and Hezbollah (in Lebanon) as Terrorist States and have undertaken steps to isolate them both financially. Such a move allows Turkey to become the key player in the region, while keeping Israel patient as the World awaits a decision on the Iran nuke issue.
* Speaking of the Iran nuke issue, reports are being received that Iran is much further in the development of a nuclear arsenal than previously thought. Although the Iranian people are suffering the brunt of sanctions, their government continues to defy the call to stop processing and enriching uranium for military use. "October Surprise" anyone? How about a military action by the US against Iran 4 weeks before the election?
* According to The Associated Press, Army Pfc Naser Jason Abdo has been sentenced to two life terms in prison for planning an attack on a restaurant full of military personnel near Fort Hood, Texas.
* Also reported by The Associated Press, James E. Hansen, a NASA expert in Climate Change, believes we may be at the tipping point of no return when it comes to reversing the accelerated warming of the Earth. As anyone not asleep for the past year knows, the Earth is undergoing a rapid increase in temperature leading to massive loss of glaciers and ice-fields. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (another wasteful and unnecessary federal agency according to the GOP), July was the hottest month ever recorded (at least in the past 118 years). According to the report, Mr. Hansen suggests three remedies we must immediately seek; "Conserve power, grow the use of renewable energy, and reduce reliance on fossil fuels." Sounds like the Obama energy plan the GOP claims is out of touch with reality. As long as the GOP become deniers of science, we will all suffer. Romney has made it clear. He supports fossil fuels and the GOP narrative that alternative sources of energy are too expensive. Can anyone say the words "Koch Brothers?"
* As a reminder, I will be appearing on the Robyn Report with Robyn Davis tomorrow between 5 and 6 on WWPR 1490 or
* Last but not Least - With my summer ending, I will not be able to post until much later in the day. Be sure to stop back and check in after 5pm est. daily. Be sure to check the book out is available online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Books A Million.
* Sarah Palin endorsed Romney's choice of Ryan as his VP running mate. According to news sources, Palin wrote her approval on her Facebook page, indicating that Obama's vision can best be summarized as the trainwreck known as California. "Obama's America is Today's California..." Can she see it out her front window though?
* Egypt has begun cracking down hard on militants occupying the Sinai Peninsula. Newly elected Egyptian President Morsi has sent combat troops into Sinai to root out militants that may threaten the security of not only the Sinai, but also the border with Israel. With the urging of both Israel and the United States, Morsi is doing the responsible thing to clean up any potential bases for terrorists. Now even the Palestinian Authority is demanding that Egypt go further and destroy the expansive networks of underground tunnels under the Egyptian border and Gaza. Such a move illustrates the fragile alliance (if there is any) between Hamas in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority in Judea and Samaria, aka The West Bank.
* It appears the United States and others have recently identified Syria and Hezbollah (in Lebanon) as Terrorist States and have undertaken steps to isolate them both financially. Such a move allows Turkey to become the key player in the region, while keeping Israel patient as the World awaits a decision on the Iran nuke issue.
* Speaking of the Iran nuke issue, reports are being received that Iran is much further in the development of a nuclear arsenal than previously thought. Although the Iranian people are suffering the brunt of sanctions, their government continues to defy the call to stop processing and enriching uranium for military use. "October Surprise" anyone? How about a military action by the US against Iran 4 weeks before the election?
* According to The Associated Press, Army Pfc Naser Jason Abdo has been sentenced to two life terms in prison for planning an attack on a restaurant full of military personnel near Fort Hood, Texas.
* Also reported by The Associated Press, James E. Hansen, a NASA expert in Climate Change, believes we may be at the tipping point of no return when it comes to reversing the accelerated warming of the Earth. As anyone not asleep for the past year knows, the Earth is undergoing a rapid increase in temperature leading to massive loss of glaciers and ice-fields. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (another wasteful and unnecessary federal agency according to the GOP), July was the hottest month ever recorded (at least in the past 118 years). According to the report, Mr. Hansen suggests three remedies we must immediately seek; "Conserve power, grow the use of renewable energy, and reduce reliance on fossil fuels." Sounds like the Obama energy plan the GOP claims is out of touch with reality. As long as the GOP become deniers of science, we will all suffer. Romney has made it clear. He supports fossil fuels and the GOP narrative that alternative sources of energy are too expensive. Can anyone say the words "Koch Brothers?"
* As a reminder, I will be appearing on the Robyn Report with Robyn Davis tomorrow between 5 and 6 on WWPR 1490 or
* Last but not Least - With my summer ending, I will not be able to post until much later in the day. Be sure to stop back and check in after 5pm est. daily. Be sure to check the book out is available online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Books A Million.
August 9, 2012. *Seems to be a lot of prevaricating going on these days in the presidential campaigns. Priorities USA Action, an Obama supporting Super-PAC has run ads claiming that Mitt Romney's Bain Capital put a company out of business and that by doing so, left an employee's wife without health insurance, which led to her untimely death from cancer. Despite the portrayal of the ad, there is absolutely no link between the woman's death and Bain Capital. The GOP is outraged by this "misleading and dishonest" ad and are demanding Obama have it pulled from the airwaves. One problem exists. The Super-PAC running the ad is "by law" not affiliated directly with the president's campaign. Thank you Citizens United!
* Amazingly, when pressed to prove the above-mentioned ad was false, Andrea Saul, a Romney spokesperson stated the has the woman portrayed in the ad would have HAD the necessary insurance coverage under Romneycare had she lived in Massachusetts. HUH? I thought Romney has pledged to do away with the ACA because it is socialized medicine but it now would have been the successful remedy had the woman lived in Massachusetts? Are the Romney folks for real?
* Along the lines of telling lies, the Romney campaign has rolled out an ad claiming the ACA is really being used by President Obama as a way for him to "wage war on religion." Lying and pandering. Is it reaching the epidemic stage in our current political climate? Are we Americans about done with this style of alleged "leadership?" Can't we do better? Can't we insist on it?
* Perhaps the biggest lie of the political season though goes to the Romney camp with their totally false and fairly inflammatory ad claiming that Obama is removing the work requirements in order to obtain welfare. Even Newt Gingerich has declared "we have no proof today" of these efforts. In a cynical effort to again portray Obama as the "welfare president" intent on "redistributing the wealth" from the wealthy to blacks unwilling to work, the ad is playing the obvious race care. Unfortunately, Romney can not use the excuse Obama can that the ad is being run by an unaffiliated Super-PAC. The ad labeled "Pants on Fire" (for being a total lie) by is directly sponsored by the Romney campaign with the National GOP. So far, this week's Lies Scorecard reads Obama 1, Romney 4 (he also lied this week about Obama trying to strip early voting rights in Ohio from those in the military).
* It appears the Romney lies are taking a toll on his personal favorability ratings. According to the most recent ABC News/Washington Post poll, Romney's personal favorability rating has been steadily declining among voters with him lagging Obama in that category by 17 points overall, but with independent wing voters, the gap has increased to 18%. Everyone knows that independent swing voters determine the outcome of presidential elections. Romney will "double-down" on his campaign strategy of attacking Obama with everything he has, including misleading ads, but his only real hope is a tremendous bump from his VP choice and the GOP Convention. Once again, will we have a GOP nominee overshadowed by his VP choice? Either way, it does not bode well for the GOP.
* It appears Mitt Romney and President Obama do agree on one thing though. Seems both believe Boy Scouts of America should stop discriminating against gay boys. Wow, I am impressed that we at least have that important national crisis resolved. Honestly, I agree with them, but are there not more important problems for our leaders to be dealing with instead?
* According to The New York Times, it has been reported that Health Corporation of America has continued a pattern of fraud by conducting unnecessary cardiac procedures in its 163 hospitals. The costs to Medicare for unnecessary cardiac procedures amounts to approximately $3billion per year. HCA is the very same company Florida Governor Rick Scott led before running for office. During his tenure at HCA, the company was caught cheating Medicare and was forced to pay a record $1.4 billion fine to the federal government. It appears Rick Scott's company remained unfazed after paying the largest corporate fine in American history and continued playing fraudulent tricks. Ironically, Rick Scott authorized Florida to be was the first state to sue the federal government claiming the ACA was unconstitutional and he and his former company lobbied heavily to keep federal watchdogs from being empowered to regulate the health care industry. How's that working out for Mr. Scott now? Amazingly, the GOP and the Tea Party remain in lockstep with the position that regulations are "job killing" and we should just trust businessmen to do the right thing. Mitt Romney agrees. Hear that America?
* Formal congratulations are in order to my son for being accepted into NYU-Poly's Masters of Science in Organizational Behavior. Now all of my children will be in New York!
* Book sales are moving along. I have been told by some folks that the book is insightful and has had an impact on them. If you have read the book, many thanks. If you enjoyed it, please write a favorable post to both Amazon and B&N. Recommendations on-line are the only way to boost sales. Once again, tomorrow is a travel day. Be well.
* Amazingly, when pressed to prove the above-mentioned ad was false, Andrea Saul, a Romney spokesperson stated the has the woman portrayed in the ad would have HAD the necessary insurance coverage under Romneycare had she lived in Massachusetts. HUH? I thought Romney has pledged to do away with the ACA because it is socialized medicine but it now would have been the successful remedy had the woman lived in Massachusetts? Are the Romney folks for real?
* Along the lines of telling lies, the Romney campaign has rolled out an ad claiming the ACA is really being used by President Obama as a way for him to "wage war on religion." Lying and pandering. Is it reaching the epidemic stage in our current political climate? Are we Americans about done with this style of alleged "leadership?" Can't we do better? Can't we insist on it?
* Perhaps the biggest lie of the political season though goes to the Romney camp with their totally false and fairly inflammatory ad claiming that Obama is removing the work requirements in order to obtain welfare. Even Newt Gingerich has declared "we have no proof today" of these efforts. In a cynical effort to again portray Obama as the "welfare president" intent on "redistributing the wealth" from the wealthy to blacks unwilling to work, the ad is playing the obvious race care. Unfortunately, Romney can not use the excuse Obama can that the ad is being run by an unaffiliated Super-PAC. The ad labeled "Pants on Fire" (for being a total lie) by is directly sponsored by the Romney campaign with the National GOP. So far, this week's Lies Scorecard reads Obama 1, Romney 4 (he also lied this week about Obama trying to strip early voting rights in Ohio from those in the military).
* It appears the Romney lies are taking a toll on his personal favorability ratings. According to the most recent ABC News/Washington Post poll, Romney's personal favorability rating has been steadily declining among voters with him lagging Obama in that category by 17 points overall, but with independent wing voters, the gap has increased to 18%. Everyone knows that independent swing voters determine the outcome of presidential elections. Romney will "double-down" on his campaign strategy of attacking Obama with everything he has, including misleading ads, but his only real hope is a tremendous bump from his VP choice and the GOP Convention. Once again, will we have a GOP nominee overshadowed by his VP choice? Either way, it does not bode well for the GOP.
* It appears Mitt Romney and President Obama do agree on one thing though. Seems both believe Boy Scouts of America should stop discriminating against gay boys. Wow, I am impressed that we at least have that important national crisis resolved. Honestly, I agree with them, but are there not more important problems for our leaders to be dealing with instead?
* According to The New York Times, it has been reported that Health Corporation of America has continued a pattern of fraud by conducting unnecessary cardiac procedures in its 163 hospitals. The costs to Medicare for unnecessary cardiac procedures amounts to approximately $3billion per year. HCA is the very same company Florida Governor Rick Scott led before running for office. During his tenure at HCA, the company was caught cheating Medicare and was forced to pay a record $1.4 billion fine to the federal government. It appears Rick Scott's company remained unfazed after paying the largest corporate fine in American history and continued playing fraudulent tricks. Ironically, Rick Scott authorized Florida to be was the first state to sue the federal government claiming the ACA was unconstitutional and he and his former company lobbied heavily to keep federal watchdogs from being empowered to regulate the health care industry. How's that working out for Mr. Scott now? Amazingly, the GOP and the Tea Party remain in lockstep with the position that regulations are "job killing" and we should just trust businessmen to do the right thing. Mitt Romney agrees. Hear that America?
* Formal congratulations are in order to my son for being accepted into NYU-Poly's Masters of Science in Organizational Behavior. Now all of my children will be in New York!
* Book sales are moving along. I have been told by some folks that the book is insightful and has had an impact on them. If you have read the book, many thanks. If you enjoyed it, please write a favorable post to both Amazon and B&N. Recommendations on-line are the only way to boost sales. Once again, tomorrow is a travel day. Be well.
August 3, 2012. * The most important news of the day is that 32 years ago, I was married to my wife Shellie. That brings our total number of years together to 37 1/2 years! Talk about commitment! Happy Anniversary to all others celebrating this day.
* Back to equally important matters, Congress is preparing to go on a five week vacation today. What have they done recently? They shot down the Senate cyber-attack legislation, approved drought relief and spent more money (after a bit of wrangling), voted to name 60 post offices but refused to deal with the underlining financial quagmire currently weighing down the Postal Service, and they leave behind a rash of problems left unaddressed. So much for our hard working members of Congress.
* Speaking of hard work in Congress. Speaker of the House John Boehner came out yesterday claiming that President Obama never had a "real job in his life." If being an attorney, college instructor, a member of the Illinois Senate and the United States Senate along with being president of the United States is not a "real job", perhaps Mr. Boehner has not held a real job since he was elected to the House in 1990, some 22 years ago.
* The Labor Department issued its most recent unemployment numbers. The report is filled with mixed messages, as new employment increased over the month of June, but so did disability filings, enough so that the over all unemployment rate is now at 8.3%, up from 8.2%. According to the Labor Department, new jobs amounted to 163,000 in July. The Romney camp is poised to "bring down the hammer" (per Romney advisers) on Obama as the percentage of unemployment is not falling. According to Department of Labor statistics, during the last month of 2008 over 534,000 jobs were lost for a total of 2.8 million during President Bush's last year in office. Thus far in 2012 alone, 1.2 million new jobs have been created (although we would all like to see a lot more...unless you are using it as a "hammer" for election purposes). Wall Street (thus far) is responding positively to the jobs reports as it currently is up 200 points.
* Sensing that Mitt Romney might be able to bury the controversy of his unreleased tax returns, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid took on the roll of pit bull by stating he had "credible evidence from a credible source" that Romney has not paid taxes in over ten years. Reid, in a game of "gotcha" actually got Romney to play along! According to The Associated Press, Romney has come out and actually said "Well, it's time for Harry to put up or shut up." Er, Mitt, I think that statement reflects more on you. Release your tax returns already!
* According to the Pew Research Center's latest polling data, Mitt Romney trails Obama with Latinos and Women in all of the Swing States. Moreover, if the election was held today (which it is not), Pew reports Obama would defeat Romney by 10 percentage points.
* According to Republican media experts, President Obama has reserved over $77 Million in ad time right before the election. You can expect a call being made as I write this to all GOP supporting Super-PAC's for help.
* Last but not Least - Mitt Romney has released a job report of his own, claiming as president he will create 12 million new jobs. Par for Romney, he gives no details or specifics. The only consistent message from Mr. Romney seems to be, "Trust me, after I am elected I will reveal all of my plans for America. Until then, "our people don't need to know." We are electing a president, not Alfred E. Neuman (apologies to those unfamiliar with Mad Magazine). No postings tomorrow...unless it is late. Have a great Sabbath!
* Back to equally important matters, Congress is preparing to go on a five week vacation today. What have they done recently? They shot down the Senate cyber-attack legislation, approved drought relief and spent more money (after a bit of wrangling), voted to name 60 post offices but refused to deal with the underlining financial quagmire currently weighing down the Postal Service, and they leave behind a rash of problems left unaddressed. So much for our hard working members of Congress.
* Speaking of hard work in Congress. Speaker of the House John Boehner came out yesterday claiming that President Obama never had a "real job in his life." If being an attorney, college instructor, a member of the Illinois Senate and the United States Senate along with being president of the United States is not a "real job", perhaps Mr. Boehner has not held a real job since he was elected to the House in 1990, some 22 years ago.
* The Labor Department issued its most recent unemployment numbers. The report is filled with mixed messages, as new employment increased over the month of June, but so did disability filings, enough so that the over all unemployment rate is now at 8.3%, up from 8.2%. According to the Labor Department, new jobs amounted to 163,000 in July. The Romney camp is poised to "bring down the hammer" (per Romney advisers) on Obama as the percentage of unemployment is not falling. According to Department of Labor statistics, during the last month of 2008 over 534,000 jobs were lost for a total of 2.8 million during President Bush's last year in office. Thus far in 2012 alone, 1.2 million new jobs have been created (although we would all like to see a lot more...unless you are using it as a "hammer" for election purposes). Wall Street (thus far) is responding positively to the jobs reports as it currently is up 200 points.
* Sensing that Mitt Romney might be able to bury the controversy of his unreleased tax returns, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid took on the roll of pit bull by stating he had "credible evidence from a credible source" that Romney has not paid taxes in over ten years. Reid, in a game of "gotcha" actually got Romney to play along! According to The Associated Press, Romney has come out and actually said "Well, it's time for Harry to put up or shut up." Er, Mitt, I think that statement reflects more on you. Release your tax returns already!
* According to the Pew Research Center's latest polling data, Mitt Romney trails Obama with Latinos and Women in all of the Swing States. Moreover, if the election was held today (which it is not), Pew reports Obama would defeat Romney by 10 percentage points.
* According to Republican media experts, President Obama has reserved over $77 Million in ad time right before the election. You can expect a call being made as I write this to all GOP supporting Super-PAC's for help.
* Last but not Least - Mitt Romney has released a job report of his own, claiming as president he will create 12 million new jobs. Par for Romney, he gives no details or specifics. The only consistent message from Mr. Romney seems to be, "Trust me, after I am elected I will reveal all of my plans for America. Until then, "our people don't need to know." We are electing a president, not Alfred E. Neuman (apologies to those unfamiliar with Mad Magazine). No postings tomorrow...unless it is late. Have a great Sabbath!
August 2, 2012. *As predicted yesterday, Tea Party candidate Ted Cruz's victory in the Texas GOP Senate run-off election has bolstered Tea Party officials into warning Mitt Romney that he better move farther to the right of the political spectrum or else. According to ABC OTUS News,
"These guys [newly elected Tea Party candidates]" are going to force Romney to the right," said Andrea Shell, a spokeswoman for Tea Party group Freedom Works. "That is our entire mission." As I have opined several times that Romney will not be his own man in if elected, but a figurehead president reflexively marching to the orders of others. Apparently, some feel exactly the same. According to ABC News, "It's not going to be a Romney driven presidency," Norman Orenstein, a researcher at the conservative think tank AEI recently told ABC News. "It's going to be a Congressional, conservative, Republican driven presidency from Congress." Are Americans paying attention?
* Speaking of Congress, the House passed their own version of a tax bill by a vote of 256-171, rejecting the Senate Bill and instead authorizing the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts to all taxpayers.
* According to The New York Times, a broker in New Jersey making a routine trade somehow triggered a wave of volatile trading throughout Wall Street called a "Flash Crash." According to the article, "The most important change that the S.E.C. made after the (first) flash crash was to introduce circuit breakers that are supposed to halt trading if a stock’s price makes extreme movements. The circuit breakers, though, do not start working until 15 minutes after trading opens, so they could not catch swings that happened in the first minutes of trading Wednesday." As a result of this most recent Flash, the markets were disrupted and some company stocks were closed to trading. Perhaps the SEC needs to find additional ways to protect the electronic trading system?
* Pressure is rising on Mitt Romney to finally make public his pick for vice presidential running mate. Seems the negative PR from Mr. Romney's overseas trip has lingered and as a result the announcement of Romney's running mate will help to "move the narrative" back in favor of his campaign.
* Speaking of Romney, the Urban Institute-Bookings Institution has issued a report indicating the proposed Romney tax plan would provide a massive average tax cut for millionaires of over to $87,000 while raising taxes on the households making under $250,000 by at least $500.00. According to The Boston Globe, the Romney camp has declared the report unreliable as a product of a "Liberal" study. The study's report however was co-authored by "three Brookings economists, including William G. Gale, an economic adviser to President George H. W. Bush..." Go figure!?
* According to Reuters, President Obama has issued an Executive Order authorizing U.S. support to Syrian rebels. Allegedly not included in this support are weapons as the report states the U.S. is uncomfortable supplying weapons into the already unstable region (like what happens to them after the civil war ends?). For more on Executive Orders, see my book.
* According to David Wessel's new book "Red Ink" the entire narrative about our government and the poor economy has been hijacked by political narratives (Duh!). From an article in the Daily Tracker, Wessel states, "the fraction of paychecks that go to fed government in taxes have been steadily going down since early 1980s." (As an aside, he notes there were $1.1 trillion of tax breaks and loopholes in the code nearly as much as the $1.3 trillion the IRS collected last year.)" On the topic of enhancing revenues to help cover the deficit, the article points out
"like most non-partisan economists, Wessel believes the best way to address the budget deficit is through a combination of higher taxes and less spending." So much for the T.E.A.Party, "Taxed Enough Already."
* Last but not Least - Seems an adviser to one of the most senior lawmakers in Puerto Rico is in trouble for a recent posting on her Twitter account. According The Associated Press, Heidi Wys tweeted a message relating to Michelle Obama's birthday, suggesting the president
"Take her to Burger King, buy her a sundae with double banana, take her to your homeland, Kenya!" According to the report, Ms. Wys has made her hatred of Obama well known. In an earlier message she posted "I fight Obama with all the strength in my heart and passion as a descendant of Germans!!" she wrote on July 30. Descendant of Germans? Enough said!
"These guys [newly elected Tea Party candidates]" are going to force Romney to the right," said Andrea Shell, a spokeswoman for Tea Party group Freedom Works. "That is our entire mission." As I have opined several times that Romney will not be his own man in if elected, but a figurehead president reflexively marching to the orders of others. Apparently, some feel exactly the same. According to ABC News, "It's not going to be a Romney driven presidency," Norman Orenstein, a researcher at the conservative think tank AEI recently told ABC News. "It's going to be a Congressional, conservative, Republican driven presidency from Congress." Are Americans paying attention?
* Speaking of Congress, the House passed their own version of a tax bill by a vote of 256-171, rejecting the Senate Bill and instead authorizing the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts to all taxpayers.
* According to The New York Times, a broker in New Jersey making a routine trade somehow triggered a wave of volatile trading throughout Wall Street called a "Flash Crash." According to the article, "The most important change that the S.E.C. made after the (first) flash crash was to introduce circuit breakers that are supposed to halt trading if a stock’s price makes extreme movements. The circuit breakers, though, do not start working until 15 minutes after trading opens, so they could not catch swings that happened in the first minutes of trading Wednesday." As a result of this most recent Flash, the markets were disrupted and some company stocks were closed to trading. Perhaps the SEC needs to find additional ways to protect the electronic trading system?
* Pressure is rising on Mitt Romney to finally make public his pick for vice presidential running mate. Seems the negative PR from Mr. Romney's overseas trip has lingered and as a result the announcement of Romney's running mate will help to "move the narrative" back in favor of his campaign.
* Speaking of Romney, the Urban Institute-Bookings Institution has issued a report indicating the proposed Romney tax plan would provide a massive average tax cut for millionaires of over to $87,000 while raising taxes on the households making under $250,000 by at least $500.00. According to The Boston Globe, the Romney camp has declared the report unreliable as a product of a "Liberal" study. The study's report however was co-authored by "three Brookings economists, including William G. Gale, an economic adviser to President George H. W. Bush..." Go figure!?
* According to Reuters, President Obama has issued an Executive Order authorizing U.S. support to Syrian rebels. Allegedly not included in this support are weapons as the report states the U.S. is uncomfortable supplying weapons into the already unstable region (like what happens to them after the civil war ends?). For more on Executive Orders, see my book.
* According to David Wessel's new book "Red Ink" the entire narrative about our government and the poor economy has been hijacked by political narratives (Duh!). From an article in the Daily Tracker, Wessel states, "the fraction of paychecks that go to fed government in taxes have been steadily going down since early 1980s." (As an aside, he notes there were $1.1 trillion of tax breaks and loopholes in the code nearly as much as the $1.3 trillion the IRS collected last year.)" On the topic of enhancing revenues to help cover the deficit, the article points out
"like most non-partisan economists, Wessel believes the best way to address the budget deficit is through a combination of higher taxes and less spending." So much for the T.E.A.Party, "Taxed Enough Already."
* Last but not Least - Seems an adviser to one of the most senior lawmakers in Puerto Rico is in trouble for a recent posting on her Twitter account. According The Associated Press, Heidi Wys tweeted a message relating to Michelle Obama's birthday, suggesting the president
"Take her to Burger King, buy her a sundae with double banana, take her to your homeland, Kenya!" According to the report, Ms. Wys has made her hatred of Obama well known. In an earlier message she posted "I fight Obama with all the strength in my heart and passion as a descendant of Germans!!" she wrote on July 30. Descendant of Germans? Enough said!
August 1, 2012. * As discussed yesterday, Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz did win the GOP Senate run-off election last night against Lt. Governor David Dewhurst, assuring him the seat in the November election and providing further evidence that Tea Party voters prefer an agenda that will further divide and polarize the existing Republican Conference in the US Senate.
* News sources have reported that Gore Vidal, author, playwright, and politician passed away at the age of 86. Vidal, famous for penning books such as "Lincoln" and "Myra Breckenridge" also served as the counterbalance to arch-conservative William F. Buckley when it came to social commentary. I believe one quote about Vidal is enough to gain insight into the man and what he believed in; “the ancient American sense that whatever is wrong with human society can be put right by human action.” RIP.
* In a bizarre twist, White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer has sent conservative columnist and Fox contributor Charles Krauthammer a written apology for accusing Krauthammer for lying in a column slamming Obama for returning a bust of Winston Churchill that had been in the Oval Office under the Bush Administration. Pfeiffer had called Krauthammer "out" claiming the bust formerly kept in the Oval Office had not been returned to the British Embassy but had been moved to the White House Residence. In reality, the Churchill bust that had been in the Oval was in fact returned to the British Embassy and another bust of Churchill had been moved to the Residence. Pfeiffer formally apologized for "over shooting the runway" in his emotional claim against Krauthammer. What seems to be lost in this story is that the Churchill bust that was in the Oval Office, was replaced by a bust of Abraham Lincoln. Moreover, the Churchill bust was on loan to the Bush Administration and was due to be returned and another bust of Churchill remains on display in the Residence. What's the big deal then? Why did Krauthammer make a big deal about Churchill being removed from the Oval? Why hasn't anybody mentioned that Lincoln replaced him? Aren't election years fun!
* In a calculated gamble by Speaker Boehner, the GOP led House has entered into an agreement with Senate Majority Leader Reid to enter into a Continuing Resolution to extend funding for the federal government through the end of 2012. Seen as a positive sign of Bi-Partisanship, the GOP acknowledges that it is taking a risk when avoiding deficit discussions prior to the presidential elections. Perhaps both Party leaders should recognize the risks if they don't work together!?
* According to the latest Quinnipiac University/New York Times/CBS News poll, President Obama has stretched his lead over Mitt Romney in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Although polls are a snapshot of the real picture yet to unfold until November, the numbers indicate that some of the battleground states are already solidifying. More to that point, it has been reported that both the Obama and Romney campaigns are cutting back on political advertising in Pennsylvania until after September 1.
* Along the lines of polling, Reuters reports that several university Political Scientists have developed their own election predictors utilizing economic data and presidential approval ratings. According to the predictors, Obama currently stands a 50.7% chance of being reelected. The scientists admit that these numbers are subject to change and may not accurately reflect the electoral college count. Just another fun way of looking at presidential campaigns and related strategies. For more on polling and election strategy, check out my new book.
*According to the White House, President Obama has authorized additional sanctions against Iran as the Muslim country refuses to budge on its mission to obtain nuclear capabilities. Although crippling sanctions have already been imposed, the additional sanctions include blocks on Chinese Banks from dealing with Iranian oil sales. According to multiple sources, the Rial or currency unit for Iran has tumbled to "almost worthless" as $1 equals 17,700 Rials. Although Iran holds a tight grip on information coming into or out of its country, some information is beginning to leak out that Iranians on the street are protesting the rapid increase in the cost of food, particularly chicken. Once the impact of having proceeds from all oil sales frozen hits Iran, how long will it take for a full scale upheaval? The United States has already frozen over $50 Billion in Iranian assets Worldwide. It appears the World is going to finally see if the Iranian people are willing to starve for their leaders. If not, will they be willing to starve and die for them? US Defense Secretary Leon Pannetta announced yesterday that the United States will engage in military action if Iran does not cease its nuclear programs short of acquiring enough materials to build nuclear arms.
* According to, President Obama is continuing to run political advertising falsely attacking Mitt Romney's stance on Abortion. Although the GOP has made it patently clear they oppose abortion for any reason, Mitt Romney has repeatedly stated (since 2005) that aborting pregnancies resulting from rape or incest should be allowed. By tying the GOP position with Romney, he is technically lying about Romney's actual position on abortion. Unfortunately, many in the GOP base will not support Romney because of his moderate position on abortion.
*Last but not Least - I have been invited to be a guest on the Robyn Report hosted by Robyn Davis on Monday, August 13 from 5-6 PM on radio station 1490AM WWPR, Talk Radio Tampa Bay.
* News sources have reported that Gore Vidal, author, playwright, and politician passed away at the age of 86. Vidal, famous for penning books such as "Lincoln" and "Myra Breckenridge" also served as the counterbalance to arch-conservative William F. Buckley when it came to social commentary. I believe one quote about Vidal is enough to gain insight into the man and what he believed in; “the ancient American sense that whatever is wrong with human society can be put right by human action.” RIP.
* In a bizarre twist, White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer has sent conservative columnist and Fox contributor Charles Krauthammer a written apology for accusing Krauthammer for lying in a column slamming Obama for returning a bust of Winston Churchill that had been in the Oval Office under the Bush Administration. Pfeiffer had called Krauthammer "out" claiming the bust formerly kept in the Oval Office had not been returned to the British Embassy but had been moved to the White House Residence. In reality, the Churchill bust that had been in the Oval was in fact returned to the British Embassy and another bust of Churchill had been moved to the Residence. Pfeiffer formally apologized for "over shooting the runway" in his emotional claim against Krauthammer. What seems to be lost in this story is that the Churchill bust that was in the Oval Office, was replaced by a bust of Abraham Lincoln. Moreover, the Churchill bust was on loan to the Bush Administration and was due to be returned and another bust of Churchill remains on display in the Residence. What's the big deal then? Why did Krauthammer make a big deal about Churchill being removed from the Oval? Why hasn't anybody mentioned that Lincoln replaced him? Aren't election years fun!
* In a calculated gamble by Speaker Boehner, the GOP led House has entered into an agreement with Senate Majority Leader Reid to enter into a Continuing Resolution to extend funding for the federal government through the end of 2012. Seen as a positive sign of Bi-Partisanship, the GOP acknowledges that it is taking a risk when avoiding deficit discussions prior to the presidential elections. Perhaps both Party leaders should recognize the risks if they don't work together!?
* According to the latest Quinnipiac University/New York Times/CBS News poll, President Obama has stretched his lead over Mitt Romney in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Although polls are a snapshot of the real picture yet to unfold until November, the numbers indicate that some of the battleground states are already solidifying. More to that point, it has been reported that both the Obama and Romney campaigns are cutting back on political advertising in Pennsylvania until after September 1.
* Along the lines of polling, Reuters reports that several university Political Scientists have developed their own election predictors utilizing economic data and presidential approval ratings. According to the predictors, Obama currently stands a 50.7% chance of being reelected. The scientists admit that these numbers are subject to change and may not accurately reflect the electoral college count. Just another fun way of looking at presidential campaigns and related strategies. For more on polling and election strategy, check out my new book.
*According to the White House, President Obama has authorized additional sanctions against Iran as the Muslim country refuses to budge on its mission to obtain nuclear capabilities. Although crippling sanctions have already been imposed, the additional sanctions include blocks on Chinese Banks from dealing with Iranian oil sales. According to multiple sources, the Rial or currency unit for Iran has tumbled to "almost worthless" as $1 equals 17,700 Rials. Although Iran holds a tight grip on information coming into or out of its country, some information is beginning to leak out that Iranians on the street are protesting the rapid increase in the cost of food, particularly chicken. Once the impact of having proceeds from all oil sales frozen hits Iran, how long will it take for a full scale upheaval? The United States has already frozen over $50 Billion in Iranian assets Worldwide. It appears the World is going to finally see if the Iranian people are willing to starve for their leaders. If not, will they be willing to starve and die for them? US Defense Secretary Leon Pannetta announced yesterday that the United States will engage in military action if Iran does not cease its nuclear programs short of acquiring enough materials to build nuclear arms.
* According to, President Obama is continuing to run political advertising falsely attacking Mitt Romney's stance on Abortion. Although the GOP has made it patently clear they oppose abortion for any reason, Mitt Romney has repeatedly stated (since 2005) that aborting pregnancies resulting from rape or incest should be allowed. By tying the GOP position with Romney, he is technically lying about Romney's actual position on abortion. Unfortunately, many in the GOP base will not support Romney because of his moderate position on abortion.
*Last but not Least - I have been invited to be a guest on the Robyn Report hosted by Robyn Davis on Monday, August 13 from 5-6 PM on radio station 1490AM WWPR, Talk Radio Tampa Bay.
July 31, 2012. * According to the American Action Network, a conservative anti-tax group, they will be releasing a new web based campaign to pressure the GOP controlled House to reject the recently passed Senate Bill allowing for the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts for the Middle Class, but raising taxes on couples making over $250,000. The total amount of the proposed tax increase is 2%. The Network claims the tax increase (of 2%) will cripple already struggling small businesses; "small businesses can't afford another hurdle like this massive tax hike." Where was the Network when GOP led-Statehouses raised pension contributions of up to 5% on public sector workers? Seems tax increases for some are okay, but not for those that pay membership dues to the Network and other conservative anti-tax groups. Note to readers, federal tax rates are the lowest they have been in 70 years, but our deficit still climbs. Revenues anyone?
* Much to the dismay of the National Rifle Association ("NRA"), the Obama Administration is not keen on adding any regulations that may affect the sale of guns and/or related ammunition. Since the Colorado shooting tragedy, many have begun calling for restrictions on Internet sales of ammo and guns. Despite the "Hairs on Fire" rhetoric of the NRA, Obama continues to avoid pressing for regulations of any kind on guns and ammo. The NRA has been pushing a campaign against Obama on gun control that is not even remotely tied to the truth. But who needs to tell the truth when it comes to Obama?
* According to the Associated Press, nine term Ohio Republican Rep. Steve LaTourette has announced he will not be seeking re-election this Fall. Two things are disturbing about this announcement. The first is that Mr. LaTourette already defeated his opponent in the GOP Primary earlier this year and now he decides to retire, the second is that his rationale is that Congress is broken due to ideological entrenchment. Instead of working to fix these problems, Mr. LaTourette has simply decided to "take his ball and go home." Can't we find folks with the courage needed to run for Congress and perform the difficult task of fixing the mess others have made? Will they all have to sell their souls to billionaires to get elected? Let's hope not!
* According to news sources, Texas Tea-Party candidate Ted Cruz appears to be widening his lead in the upcoming Texas Republican Senate Run-Off Election. Cruz, now famous for having endorsements from Sarah Palin, Jim DeMint and Rick Santorum, is the latest darling of the Tea Party, running against Texas Lt. Governor David Dewhurst, who was endorsed by none other than Texas Governor Rick Perry. Just what the US Senate needs, another member swept into office with endorsements and money from folks living outside the Senator's state.
* According to a variety of news sources, once climate change denier Richard Muller has done an about-face and has determined that climate change is in fact man-made and the results of such action will lead to devastation on Earth. According to Mr. Muller, once supported for his research at the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature Project by the Koch Brothers, "I'm personally very worried." Muller says so far the warming has been "tiny," but that his findings indicate the process is accelerating. "I personally suspect that it will be bad." Perhaps the sky IS really falling after all?
* Mitt Romney has continued to stir the pot of controversy while overseas. First it was in London, then it was in Israel and now it is in Poland. Seems Romney spoke at length about Poland's great efforts to achieve liberty from Cold War related interferance and control of the Soviet Union. which would be okay, except for the fact that Poland has not been controlled by the Soviet Union since, oh 1991, some 21 years ago. When shouted at by the Press for additional comments, Rick Gorka, one of Romney's aides, replied to the Media, “Kiss my ass; this is a holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect.” Then Gorka yelled at a persistent reporter “shove it.” I know a lot of folks would love to tell the Media exactly what Mr. Gorka said, but how can you justify the outburst claiming the Press was out of line at a "holy site" and then scream "Kiss my ass...?" Again, how much evidence is needed to show that Romney and the folks that surround him are not ready for the everyday pressure of being in the White House? As an aside, Romney was met by a bevy of Ron Paul signs in Poland and a never ending chorus of "Obama, Obama" chants.
* Speaking of Mr. Romney, in an effort to clarify his remarks made in Jerusalem, Mitt made the following statement to Wolf Blitzer on CNN: (Romney backs 2-state solution between the Israeli's and the Palestinians) "I'm not being that specific. I'm saying that there will be borders that have to be negotiated and what the starting point is, is something which will be decided by the parties involved," he said. "What the ending point is will be decided by the parties involved." Flip flop, flip flop. Promise them one thing, deliver something entirely different. Can anyone say "Pandering?" More importantly, Romney again says "I'm not being that specific..." Isn't that exactly what he HAS been consistent on...not giving any details on anything! We should wait for him to be elected then expect him to reveal his agenda for leading? That dog won't hunt!
* President Obama outlined his strategy for the remainder of the campaign before a fundraising crowd in NY City last night. According to ABC News, Obama claimed his campaign will begin to focus on the agenda he hopes to pursue during his second term if re-elected. I can't wait to hear how he is going to rip up the Constitution, have military drone attacks on all GOP opponents in Congress and then declare himself "King of the World." According to the GOP, that seems to have been his agenda for the past four years!
* Last but not Least - The Democratic National Committee ("DNC") has decided to add Same Sex Marriage to their convention platform. Anyone not sure what "Platform" means should check it out in my book, "How Our Our Government really Works, Despite What They Say."
* Much to the dismay of the National Rifle Association ("NRA"), the Obama Administration is not keen on adding any regulations that may affect the sale of guns and/or related ammunition. Since the Colorado shooting tragedy, many have begun calling for restrictions on Internet sales of ammo and guns. Despite the "Hairs on Fire" rhetoric of the NRA, Obama continues to avoid pressing for regulations of any kind on guns and ammo. The NRA has been pushing a campaign against Obama on gun control that is not even remotely tied to the truth. But who needs to tell the truth when it comes to Obama?
* According to the Associated Press, nine term Ohio Republican Rep. Steve LaTourette has announced he will not be seeking re-election this Fall. Two things are disturbing about this announcement. The first is that Mr. LaTourette already defeated his opponent in the GOP Primary earlier this year and now he decides to retire, the second is that his rationale is that Congress is broken due to ideological entrenchment. Instead of working to fix these problems, Mr. LaTourette has simply decided to "take his ball and go home." Can't we find folks with the courage needed to run for Congress and perform the difficult task of fixing the mess others have made? Will they all have to sell their souls to billionaires to get elected? Let's hope not!
* According to news sources, Texas Tea-Party candidate Ted Cruz appears to be widening his lead in the upcoming Texas Republican Senate Run-Off Election. Cruz, now famous for having endorsements from Sarah Palin, Jim DeMint and Rick Santorum, is the latest darling of the Tea Party, running against Texas Lt. Governor David Dewhurst, who was endorsed by none other than Texas Governor Rick Perry. Just what the US Senate needs, another member swept into office with endorsements and money from folks living outside the Senator's state.
* According to a variety of news sources, once climate change denier Richard Muller has done an about-face and has determined that climate change is in fact man-made and the results of such action will lead to devastation on Earth. According to Mr. Muller, once supported for his research at the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature Project by the Koch Brothers, "I'm personally very worried." Muller says so far the warming has been "tiny," but that his findings indicate the process is accelerating. "I personally suspect that it will be bad." Perhaps the sky IS really falling after all?
* Mitt Romney has continued to stir the pot of controversy while overseas. First it was in London, then it was in Israel and now it is in Poland. Seems Romney spoke at length about Poland's great efforts to achieve liberty from Cold War related interferance and control of the Soviet Union. which would be okay, except for the fact that Poland has not been controlled by the Soviet Union since, oh 1991, some 21 years ago. When shouted at by the Press for additional comments, Rick Gorka, one of Romney's aides, replied to the Media, “Kiss my ass; this is a holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect.” Then Gorka yelled at a persistent reporter “shove it.” I know a lot of folks would love to tell the Media exactly what Mr. Gorka said, but how can you justify the outburst claiming the Press was out of line at a "holy site" and then scream "Kiss my ass...?" Again, how much evidence is needed to show that Romney and the folks that surround him are not ready for the everyday pressure of being in the White House? As an aside, Romney was met by a bevy of Ron Paul signs in Poland and a never ending chorus of "Obama, Obama" chants.
* Speaking of Mr. Romney, in an effort to clarify his remarks made in Jerusalem, Mitt made the following statement to Wolf Blitzer on CNN: (Romney backs 2-state solution between the Israeli's and the Palestinians) "I'm not being that specific. I'm saying that there will be borders that have to be negotiated and what the starting point is, is something which will be decided by the parties involved," he said. "What the ending point is will be decided by the parties involved." Flip flop, flip flop. Promise them one thing, deliver something entirely different. Can anyone say "Pandering?" More importantly, Romney again says "I'm not being that specific..." Isn't that exactly what he HAS been consistent on...not giving any details on anything! We should wait for him to be elected then expect him to reveal his agenda for leading? That dog won't hunt!
* President Obama outlined his strategy for the remainder of the campaign before a fundraising crowd in NY City last night. According to ABC News, Obama claimed his campaign will begin to focus on the agenda he hopes to pursue during his second term if re-elected. I can't wait to hear how he is going to rip up the Constitution, have military drone attacks on all GOP opponents in Congress and then declare himself "King of the World." According to the GOP, that seems to have been his agenda for the past four years!
* Last but not Least - The Democratic National Committee ("DNC") has decided to add Same Sex Marriage to their convention platform. Anyone not sure what "Platform" means should check it out in my book, "How Our Our Government really Works, Despite What They Say."
July 30, 2012. * According to news reports, Mitt Romney was still able to collect $1 Million in campaign contributions at a $25,000 t0 $50,000 a plate breakfast fundraiser in Israel. It was further reported that Sheldon Adleson, contributor of over a reported $20 Million in campaign cash to the GOP this year alone, was in attendance. According to the Romney camp, all funds from the event are to dedicated to the Romney Victory Fund which shares money with the GOP National Committee.
* In a report released by the Associated Press, the Obama campaign has invited former President Bill Clinton to appear as a marquee speaker at the upcoming Democratic National Convention in North Carolina. It is expected that Clinton will deliver the speech needed to unite Democrats for the final push into the fall campaign.
* In an effort to divert attention from the announcement that Bill Clinton will be a marquee attraction at the DNC Convention, the Romney camp continues to lead speculation on who Mr. Romney will choose to be his running mate. In related news, Former Vice President Dick Cheney opined yesterday that John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate was a "huge mistake." Nice deduction sir!
* Syria continues to fall further and further into civil war. News reports this morning stated the opposition to the Assad Syrian regime is coalescing around the theme of "Jihad." This alone should be of concern as Hamas recently had its first official meeting with Egyptian officials, ever. Israel again is preparing for unrest in the region, including strengthening its border fence in the Sinai and entrenching defenses along the Golan Heights border with Syria.
* In a report released by the Associated Press, the Obama campaign has invited former President Bill Clinton to appear as a marquee speaker at the upcoming Democratic National Convention in North Carolina. It is expected that Clinton will deliver the speech needed to unite Democrats for the final push into the fall campaign.
* In an effort to divert attention from the announcement that Bill Clinton will be a marquee attraction at the DNC Convention, the Romney camp continues to lead speculation on who Mr. Romney will choose to be his running mate. In related news, Former Vice President Dick Cheney opined yesterday that John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate was a "huge mistake." Nice deduction sir!
* Syria continues to fall further and further into civil war. News reports this morning stated the opposition to the Assad Syrian regime is coalescing around the theme of "Jihad." This alone should be of concern as Hamas recently had its first official meeting with Egyptian officials, ever. Israel again is preparing for unrest in the region, including strengthening its border fence in the Sinai and entrenching defenses along the Golan Heights border with Syria.
July 29, 2012 * That Russian unmanned spacecraft that failed to dock earlier last week with the International Space station finally got it right! According to Reuters, the Russian Space Agency reports the new Kurs-NA rendezvous system worked this time allowing the craft to successfully dock with the Station early Sunday. Nothing sinister to report here though. According to NASA, the new docking system has been one that NASA has been working on with the Russian Agency. NASA claims the original problem with the new system effectively working to dock with the Station just needed time to properly "warm-up."
* According to the Associated Press, there appears to be a bunch of political advertisements making the airwaves that are sponsored by Democrats popping up in Republican Senate Campaigns throughout the Nation. Further evidence that we are experiencing a slow news day. Why is this even a "story?"
* According to a variety of news agencies, Mitt Romney visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem after meeting governmental officials in Israel. What truly amazes me about this story is not that Mr. Romney visited the Wall, but that news agencies report that the Wall is "one of the sacred sites in Judaism." HUH? Is there any single site more holy than the last section of the outer wall that surrounded the Holy Temple? Just another example of the capability of the media to distort reality.
* The New York Times reports that the ACA may make the existing doctor shortage worse by 2014. According to the article, there already are not enough doctors to handle patients in some parts of the country and the addition of up to 300,000 more due to the ACA provisions may make it worse. This leads me to a bigger question. If we already are suffering from a shortage of physicians, what measures have we undertaken to alleviate that shortage? Why is this article written to make it appear the shortage is the fault of the ACA when we already have a shortage? I have one easy solution to the shortage though. Keep standards for admission into medical schools extremely high and only accept the very best, but guarantee their education will be free if they devote at least a decade of service in some form of public hospital or clinic. Don't lower standards just to meet demand, but make it financially feasible for young students to afford to become doctors, AND remain in practice once they graduate. Forget about the cost of malpractice insurance. Does anyone know how much it costs just to buy a CT Scanner or MRI machine? Not a smart time to be cutting doctors' compensation is it?!
* In damage control mode, Mitt Romney continues to sing the praises of the London Olympics...from Israel. Flip Flop.
* Speaking of flip flop, Mr. Romney has been in damage control even in Israel. According to every news source, Romney's campaign decided late yesterday to bar all members of the press from attending a fundraiser scheduled for tonight. That would not be a big deal except the Romney Campaign had previously issued invitations to the Press to attend ALL scheduled Romney events. When members of the Press began complaining about the "embargo" they began to piece together that the fundraising event might feature some prominent Super PAC donors, which by law comes close to being illegal. Suddenly, none other than Sheldon Adelson, Billionaire donor first to Gingerich and now Romney was on the scene in Jerusalem. When sought out by the Press and questioned why he was in Jerusalem, Adelson simply joked that he came to Jerusalem from Nevada "to get a shwarma sandwich." I haven't seen this much "zig-zagging" since Victory At Sea when destroyers tried to avoid those nasty U-boats. Not to worry though about any appearance of impropriety by Romney, it was just reported that the entire fundraiser scheduled for Sunday has been canceled due to the fact it is a fasting holiday in Israel, something his "advisers" also failed to know. Does this mean the entire episode can now be filed in the "never mind" file?
*In "it can't get any worse but it can department" one of Romney's key foreign policy advisers Dan Senor told the Press during a scheduled briefing that Mr. Romney will be issuing his own foreign policy stance towards Iran during the Jerusalem fundraiser. According to The Associated Press, the briefing on Romney's address will indicate his personal acceptance, approval and "respect for an Israeli decision for unilateral military action to prevent Tehran from gaining nuclear capability." Within hours of making this statement at the press briefing, Romney tried " to pull back Sunday from an adviser's suggestion that he favored new American aggression on Iran." Flip Flop, back to Flip and now Flop again! It has long been a tradition in American Politics that all discussion of foreign policy ends at the "Water's Edge"...we do not discuss, question or criticize standing US foreign policy outside of the United States. At least that was the standard maintained and enforced by the GOP when Americans outside the US made comments about our government, our leaders or our policies during the Iraq War. Anyone recall the train that ran over the Dixie Chicks?
* Speaking of "Waters Edge" restrictions, Seems Mr. Romney, after stating he will NOT comment or criticize Obama while overseas, did it again! Seems he could not help himself when he stated to the Israel Hayom newspaper that President Obama has "abandoned the Freedom Agenda of George W. Bush." How much did that Agenda cost America in terms of money and lives? How well has that worked out for the United States? As predicted, Romney plans to return America to the agenda pursued by the Bush/Cheney Team and their misguided Neo-con advisers, the Agenda of perpetual war. It should be noted that the newspaper Romney commented to is owned by none other than Sheldon Adelson.
* Along those same lines of Agendas that failed, there is an excellent article penned by Alissa Rubin (no relation) for The New York Times revealing the experience and insight offered by Ryan Crocker, 63 , one of "the pre-eminent American Diplomats of the past 40 years." According to the article, Mr. Crocker helped author a secret memorandum titled "Perfect Storm" that predicted " with striking accuracy the disintegration of Iraq Society that has come to pass" (and the unrest occurring throughout the region). When asked about the serous situation in Syria, Mr. Crocker emphatically states "We've been writing policy memos to policymakers with the subject line 'Levers on Syria' for decades. Well, you know, the reality was those levers didn't exist." He added: "I'm not sure we can do much to influence it." Mr. Crocker predicted that the "Freedom Agenda" of Bush/Cheney would fail and it did. Why then is Mr. Romney endorsing it then?
* In an effort to blunt the right wing media in Israel, the left leaning Haaretz newspaper reported that Obama has met with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to discuss possible military strikes against Iran if diplomatic efforts fail. Both the White House and the Israeli officials deny such talks ever took place. It appears the White House remains anxious about any possible perceptions of security "leaks" while the Israeli's do a great job of being tight-lipped on everything. Bottom line for me is obvious. Wouldn't we all want Iran to know we are planning military strikes if they don't back down on their suicidal ambitions to become a nuclear power? Wouldn't it be better for the United States to carry out such a mission with Israel rather than endorsing a plan for Israel to conduct them on their own (see Romney's comments herein above)?
* Last but not Least - Congressional breakdown on how our representatives in Congress have done this past week.
In The HOUSE - As mentioned earlier in the week, the GOP controlled House voted to approve a measure to "Audit the Fed" and the Democratically controlled Senate proclaimed the measure "Dead on Arrival." The GOP House voted to approve requiring the Administration sell 29 leases by 2017 for oil and gas exploration off the previously protected "Outer Continental Shelf." This measure comes despite the fact that the House rejected an earlier proposal by Obama to grant 12 of those very same leases. The Bill is also expected to be "DOA" in the Senate. While voting to approve the GOP plan to extend the number of leases in previously protected waters, the Democrats proposed a Bill that would require all oil and gas produced from said leases be only used for production and use inside the United States. The GOP House defeated this Bill by a vote of 262-158. So the GOP wants to grant private companies the right to explore, drill and produce oil and gas in protected US waters, but also thinks they should be free to profit from said production with sales to overseas buyers. What happened to the need for production for US consumption? Facts again, aren't they fun? In another measure, House Democrats proposed that any roll-back of federal regulations sought by the GOP should exempt regulations that protect clean water. Once again, the GOP has made environmental protection an area to attack, but when rolling back environmental regulations, why would they want to eliminate or reduce regulations ensuring clean water? The GOP House defeated the Democratic measure by a vote of 231-188. Also proposed in the House was a Democratic initiated Bill that would require publicly traded companies to report to their shareholders any measures undertaken by that company that would have a an impact on climate change. The measure was defeated by the GOP by a vote of 245-171.
In the SENATE - A Bill was introduced by the Democrats allowing federal grants to companies that engage in strategies and efforts to improve "power grids, communications links, nuclear power plants, transportation systems, water plants and other critical US infrastructure against cyber attacks." Sounds like a no brainer right? It passed 84-11. One notable NO vote came from GOP poster boy, Marco Rubio. How could anyone not want this Bill to pass (but will it in the GOP controlled House)? Along these lines, as mentioned earlier, Senate votes relating to tax cuts were voted on in the Senate. The Democratic version was approved, but will also be "DOA" in the GOP Controlled House.
It should be noted that after next week, Congress will begin its FIVE WEEK Recess. With all the problems facing this nation, we allow our representatives to take FIVE WEEKS OFF? Gotta campaign, right? Geesh!
ALERT - Due to travel requirements, I will be unable to post tomorrow until very late. I apologize for this inconvenience to my loyal readers, but jet travel does have some negative aspects to it (just some?).
* According to the Associated Press, there appears to be a bunch of political advertisements making the airwaves that are sponsored by Democrats popping up in Republican Senate Campaigns throughout the Nation. Further evidence that we are experiencing a slow news day. Why is this even a "story?"
* According to a variety of news agencies, Mitt Romney visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem after meeting governmental officials in Israel. What truly amazes me about this story is not that Mr. Romney visited the Wall, but that news agencies report that the Wall is "one of the sacred sites in Judaism." HUH? Is there any single site more holy than the last section of the outer wall that surrounded the Holy Temple? Just another example of the capability of the media to distort reality.
* The New York Times reports that the ACA may make the existing doctor shortage worse by 2014. According to the article, there already are not enough doctors to handle patients in some parts of the country and the addition of up to 300,000 more due to the ACA provisions may make it worse. This leads me to a bigger question. If we already are suffering from a shortage of physicians, what measures have we undertaken to alleviate that shortage? Why is this article written to make it appear the shortage is the fault of the ACA when we already have a shortage? I have one easy solution to the shortage though. Keep standards for admission into medical schools extremely high and only accept the very best, but guarantee their education will be free if they devote at least a decade of service in some form of public hospital or clinic. Don't lower standards just to meet demand, but make it financially feasible for young students to afford to become doctors, AND remain in practice once they graduate. Forget about the cost of malpractice insurance. Does anyone know how much it costs just to buy a CT Scanner or MRI machine? Not a smart time to be cutting doctors' compensation is it?!
* In damage control mode, Mitt Romney continues to sing the praises of the London Olympics...from Israel. Flip Flop.
* Speaking of flip flop, Mr. Romney has been in damage control even in Israel. According to every news source, Romney's campaign decided late yesterday to bar all members of the press from attending a fundraiser scheduled for tonight. That would not be a big deal except the Romney Campaign had previously issued invitations to the Press to attend ALL scheduled Romney events. When members of the Press began complaining about the "embargo" they began to piece together that the fundraising event might feature some prominent Super PAC donors, which by law comes close to being illegal. Suddenly, none other than Sheldon Adelson, Billionaire donor first to Gingerich and now Romney was on the scene in Jerusalem. When sought out by the Press and questioned why he was in Jerusalem, Adelson simply joked that he came to Jerusalem from Nevada "to get a shwarma sandwich." I haven't seen this much "zig-zagging" since Victory At Sea when destroyers tried to avoid those nasty U-boats. Not to worry though about any appearance of impropriety by Romney, it was just reported that the entire fundraiser scheduled for Sunday has been canceled due to the fact it is a fasting holiday in Israel, something his "advisers" also failed to know. Does this mean the entire episode can now be filed in the "never mind" file?
*In "it can't get any worse but it can department" one of Romney's key foreign policy advisers Dan Senor told the Press during a scheduled briefing that Mr. Romney will be issuing his own foreign policy stance towards Iran during the Jerusalem fundraiser. According to The Associated Press, the briefing on Romney's address will indicate his personal acceptance, approval and "respect for an Israeli decision for unilateral military action to prevent Tehran from gaining nuclear capability." Within hours of making this statement at the press briefing, Romney tried " to pull back Sunday from an adviser's suggestion that he favored new American aggression on Iran." Flip Flop, back to Flip and now Flop again! It has long been a tradition in American Politics that all discussion of foreign policy ends at the "Water's Edge"...we do not discuss, question or criticize standing US foreign policy outside of the United States. At least that was the standard maintained and enforced by the GOP when Americans outside the US made comments about our government, our leaders or our policies during the Iraq War. Anyone recall the train that ran over the Dixie Chicks?
* Speaking of "Waters Edge" restrictions, Seems Mr. Romney, after stating he will NOT comment or criticize Obama while overseas, did it again! Seems he could not help himself when he stated to the Israel Hayom newspaper that President Obama has "abandoned the Freedom Agenda of George W. Bush." How much did that Agenda cost America in terms of money and lives? How well has that worked out for the United States? As predicted, Romney plans to return America to the agenda pursued by the Bush/Cheney Team and their misguided Neo-con advisers, the Agenda of perpetual war. It should be noted that the newspaper Romney commented to is owned by none other than Sheldon Adelson.
* Along those same lines of Agendas that failed, there is an excellent article penned by Alissa Rubin (no relation) for The New York Times revealing the experience and insight offered by Ryan Crocker, 63 , one of "the pre-eminent American Diplomats of the past 40 years." According to the article, Mr. Crocker helped author a secret memorandum titled "Perfect Storm" that predicted " with striking accuracy the disintegration of Iraq Society that has come to pass" (and the unrest occurring throughout the region). When asked about the serous situation in Syria, Mr. Crocker emphatically states "We've been writing policy memos to policymakers with the subject line 'Levers on Syria' for decades. Well, you know, the reality was those levers didn't exist." He added: "I'm not sure we can do much to influence it." Mr. Crocker predicted that the "Freedom Agenda" of Bush/Cheney would fail and it did. Why then is Mr. Romney endorsing it then?
* In an effort to blunt the right wing media in Israel, the left leaning Haaretz newspaper reported that Obama has met with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to discuss possible military strikes against Iran if diplomatic efforts fail. Both the White House and the Israeli officials deny such talks ever took place. It appears the White House remains anxious about any possible perceptions of security "leaks" while the Israeli's do a great job of being tight-lipped on everything. Bottom line for me is obvious. Wouldn't we all want Iran to know we are planning military strikes if they don't back down on their suicidal ambitions to become a nuclear power? Wouldn't it be better for the United States to carry out such a mission with Israel rather than endorsing a plan for Israel to conduct them on their own (see Romney's comments herein above)?
* Last but not Least - Congressional breakdown on how our representatives in Congress have done this past week.
In The HOUSE - As mentioned earlier in the week, the GOP controlled House voted to approve a measure to "Audit the Fed" and the Democratically controlled Senate proclaimed the measure "Dead on Arrival." The GOP House voted to approve requiring the Administration sell 29 leases by 2017 for oil and gas exploration off the previously protected "Outer Continental Shelf." This measure comes despite the fact that the House rejected an earlier proposal by Obama to grant 12 of those very same leases. The Bill is also expected to be "DOA" in the Senate. While voting to approve the GOP plan to extend the number of leases in previously protected waters, the Democrats proposed a Bill that would require all oil and gas produced from said leases be only used for production and use inside the United States. The GOP House defeated this Bill by a vote of 262-158. So the GOP wants to grant private companies the right to explore, drill and produce oil and gas in protected US waters, but also thinks they should be free to profit from said production with sales to overseas buyers. What happened to the need for production for US consumption? Facts again, aren't they fun? In another measure, House Democrats proposed that any roll-back of federal regulations sought by the GOP should exempt regulations that protect clean water. Once again, the GOP has made environmental protection an area to attack, but when rolling back environmental regulations, why would they want to eliminate or reduce regulations ensuring clean water? The GOP House defeated the Democratic measure by a vote of 231-188. Also proposed in the House was a Democratic initiated Bill that would require publicly traded companies to report to their shareholders any measures undertaken by that company that would have a an impact on climate change. The measure was defeated by the GOP by a vote of 245-171.
In the SENATE - A Bill was introduced by the Democrats allowing federal grants to companies that engage in strategies and efforts to improve "power grids, communications links, nuclear power plants, transportation systems, water plants and other critical US infrastructure against cyber attacks." Sounds like a no brainer right? It passed 84-11. One notable NO vote came from GOP poster boy, Marco Rubio. How could anyone not want this Bill to pass (but will it in the GOP controlled House)? Along these lines, as mentioned earlier, Senate votes relating to tax cuts were voted on in the Senate. The Democratic version was approved, but will also be "DOA" in the GOP Controlled House.
It should be noted that after next week, Congress will begin its FIVE WEEK Recess. With all the problems facing this nation, we allow our representatives to take FIVE WEEKS OFF? Gotta campaign, right? Geesh!
ALERT - Due to travel requirements, I will be unable to post tomorrow until very late. I apologize for this inconvenience to my loyal readers, but jet travel does have some negative aspects to it (just some?).
July 27, 2012. * The United States Commerce Department has reported that the US Economy grew a tepid 1.5% for the second quarter of 2012. Analysts admit this weak growth will not lower the national unemployment rate currently at 8.2% but recognize that there is little Obama, the Fed or Congress can do at this time to force a wider economic recovery before the end of the year. Ironically, the fact analysts predicted the economy to slow with an increase of only 1.4% is somehow buried in the report. Apparently, the economic news is slightly higher than predicted, but we still get the bad news that it is weak. If the Fed, Congress and the president can't fix it, who can?
* The New York Times has reported that big pharmaceutical companies have been entering into sweet deals with other drug makers to ensure generic versions of top selling name brand drugs be delayed in coming to the marketplace. According to the article by Edward Wyatt, the big drug companies have been paying competitors to keep their brands from going generic in order to maintain higher profits on their brand name drugs. The report indicates this obvious violation of Anti-Trust laws has been known and ignored by Congress for more than a decade. A recent US 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia has finally ruled the practice illegal under Anti-Trust regulations and that this is a case "of competitor collaboration, which the Supreme Court has called 'the supreme evil of anti-trust.'" According to the Congressional Budget Office ("CBO"), ending these illegal arrangements would save the Federal government over $4.8 Billion over 10 years and average Americans an additional $11 Billion. I am pleased to state that a bi-partisan bill is pending in the Senate to specifically curtail any hint of these types of arrangements. According to Senator Herb Kohl (D-Wis), "there's no room in a competitive marketplace for these kinds of backroom deals." Just more proof that unregulated "free markets" hurt Americans. (see In Re: K-Dur Antitrust Litigation, Docket No. 10-2077).
* President Obama has signed a new bill into law entitled "United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act" which further strengthens security ties between the United States and Israel. Oppositional media jumped all over Obama for signing this Bill into law because they see it as a "politically motivated effort to undermine Mitt Romney's up coming visit to Israel." For the uninformed and uneducated, Bills presented to the President must either be vetoed within ten (10) days, signed into law, or if the Congress is in session, will become law within 10 days with or without the President's signature. The entire argument Obama signed this bill on purpose to hurt Romney reflects a total ignorance of how Bills become law. This issue is more fully addressed in my new book. If anyone is to be blamed for the timing of this Bill, it would be Congress (but Congress does not act or react in accordance to Romney's travel schedule). Facts ARE fun!
* Mitt Romney's gaffes in London have not gone unnoticed in England. According to The Economist (a conservative publication out of the UK), the British Media has not taken a liking to Mr. Romney. In fact, the Economist reports that headlines throughout England lead with
"Romneyshambles" quips The Independent. "Who invited party-pooper Romney?" asks the conservative, and generally pro-American, Daily Mail. And The Sun, as always, is the pithiest; "Mitt the Twit" is its headline." The article goes even further with "The most biting remarks came from anonymous officials. The Daily Mail quotes one mandarin as saying 'What a car crash. We are speechless,' while the unkindest cut of all came from a "diplomatic source" in The Times 'It is worse than Sarah Palin in terms of basic diplomacy.'" As a result of Mitt's remarks, the British media have been delving further into past Romney statements as they relate to England. Unfortunately for Mr. Romney, one of his quotes in his book entitled
"No Apology" Romney mentions that "England is just a small island. Its roads and houses are small. With few exceptions, it doesn't make things that people in the rest of the world want to buy." Should Britain expect an apology from "No Apology" Mitt?
* Speaking of Hypocrisy, due to his "Olympic" sized gaffes in London, there appears now to be more scrutiny on Mitt Romney's record as head of the Salt Lake Games (haven't I been railing about this for awhile?). Seems investigators are uncovering dealings with Romney that cannot be hidden away in the documents Romney and his 2002 Games Committee will not release. In fact, The Associated Press is reporting that while head of the Games, Romney sought and received over a $1 Billion in federal aid, even though he now professes the federal government spends too much money and social programs need to be cut. Seems folks forget that Rick Santorum, one of Romney's current supporters said this past February, "One of the things he talks about most is how he heroically showed up on the scene and bailed out and resolved the problems of the Salt Lake City Olympic Games. He heroically bailed out the Salt Lake City Olympic Games by heroically going to Congress and asking them for tens of millions of dollars to bail out the Salt Lake Games — in an earmark." To make matters worse, Romney has campaigned on the notion that he alone personally turned around the Games, claiming "he personally cut millions from the budget, wooed major companies and won sponsorships himself and pulled the whole endeavor back from the brink of failure." According to the report "the government spent about $600 million helping the Salt Lake Olympic Committee. An additional $1.1 billion was for projects like roads and bridges, infrastructure improvement projects." Flip, Flop, Flip, Flop. Once again, Mitt Romney, the man who would do or say anything to "seal the deal." And Conservatives label Obama a "bald faced Liar?
* Countering all prior existing polls issued by virtually every polling group indicating Obama leads Romney in critical Swing States, The Rasmussen Report's Daily Presidential Tracking Poll has Romney leading Obama nationwide by a 48% to 44%. Again, this figure is based upon "nationwide" polling. Unfortunately for those embracing these results as evidence Romney is pulling away from Obama, folks seem not to know that the popular vote does not elect our president, the Electoral College does and therefore, polling in vital "Swing States" are better predictors of electoral outcomes. I address these issues in my new book, so there should be no reason for citizens to remain ignorant about how the Framers created the Constitution which outlines our presidential electoral process.
* Last But Not Least - According to news reports, the United States Department of Health and Human Services has reached an agreement with private insurers to work together to crack down on Medicare and Medicaid fraud. The public-private partnership would improve measures to crack down on scams that have cost taxpayers Billions. Unfortunately, according to the report, Congress has not set aside any funds for this partnership. If the public AND the private sector want to work together to save Billions, why can't Congress get their act together to get this done? Because it would involve new spending and the House GOP will not allow it unless cuts are made in other areas of long as it is not defense spending (see Dana Mllbank's Washington Post piece entitled "Romney's Budget Dilemma" (you'd think he reads my blog).
* The New York Times has reported that big pharmaceutical companies have been entering into sweet deals with other drug makers to ensure generic versions of top selling name brand drugs be delayed in coming to the marketplace. According to the article by Edward Wyatt, the big drug companies have been paying competitors to keep their brands from going generic in order to maintain higher profits on their brand name drugs. The report indicates this obvious violation of Anti-Trust laws has been known and ignored by Congress for more than a decade. A recent US 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia has finally ruled the practice illegal under Anti-Trust regulations and that this is a case "of competitor collaboration, which the Supreme Court has called 'the supreme evil of anti-trust.'" According to the Congressional Budget Office ("CBO"), ending these illegal arrangements would save the Federal government over $4.8 Billion over 10 years and average Americans an additional $11 Billion. I am pleased to state that a bi-partisan bill is pending in the Senate to specifically curtail any hint of these types of arrangements. According to Senator Herb Kohl (D-Wis), "there's no room in a competitive marketplace for these kinds of backroom deals." Just more proof that unregulated "free markets" hurt Americans. (see In Re: K-Dur Antitrust Litigation, Docket No. 10-2077).
* President Obama has signed a new bill into law entitled "United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act" which further strengthens security ties between the United States and Israel. Oppositional media jumped all over Obama for signing this Bill into law because they see it as a "politically motivated effort to undermine Mitt Romney's up coming visit to Israel." For the uninformed and uneducated, Bills presented to the President must either be vetoed within ten (10) days, signed into law, or if the Congress is in session, will become law within 10 days with or without the President's signature. The entire argument Obama signed this bill on purpose to hurt Romney reflects a total ignorance of how Bills become law. This issue is more fully addressed in my new book. If anyone is to be blamed for the timing of this Bill, it would be Congress (but Congress does not act or react in accordance to Romney's travel schedule). Facts ARE fun!
* Mitt Romney's gaffes in London have not gone unnoticed in England. According to The Economist (a conservative publication out of the UK), the British Media has not taken a liking to Mr. Romney. In fact, the Economist reports that headlines throughout England lead with
"Romneyshambles" quips The Independent. "Who invited party-pooper Romney?" asks the conservative, and generally pro-American, Daily Mail. And The Sun, as always, is the pithiest; "Mitt the Twit" is its headline." The article goes even further with "The most biting remarks came from anonymous officials. The Daily Mail quotes one mandarin as saying 'What a car crash. We are speechless,' while the unkindest cut of all came from a "diplomatic source" in The Times 'It is worse than Sarah Palin in terms of basic diplomacy.'" As a result of Mitt's remarks, the British media have been delving further into past Romney statements as they relate to England. Unfortunately for Mr. Romney, one of his quotes in his book entitled
"No Apology" Romney mentions that "England is just a small island. Its roads and houses are small. With few exceptions, it doesn't make things that people in the rest of the world want to buy." Should Britain expect an apology from "No Apology" Mitt?
* Speaking of Hypocrisy, due to his "Olympic" sized gaffes in London, there appears now to be more scrutiny on Mitt Romney's record as head of the Salt Lake Games (haven't I been railing about this for awhile?). Seems investigators are uncovering dealings with Romney that cannot be hidden away in the documents Romney and his 2002 Games Committee will not release. In fact, The Associated Press is reporting that while head of the Games, Romney sought and received over a $1 Billion in federal aid, even though he now professes the federal government spends too much money and social programs need to be cut. Seems folks forget that Rick Santorum, one of Romney's current supporters said this past February, "One of the things he talks about most is how he heroically showed up on the scene and bailed out and resolved the problems of the Salt Lake City Olympic Games. He heroically bailed out the Salt Lake City Olympic Games by heroically going to Congress and asking them for tens of millions of dollars to bail out the Salt Lake Games — in an earmark." To make matters worse, Romney has campaigned on the notion that he alone personally turned around the Games, claiming "he personally cut millions from the budget, wooed major companies and won sponsorships himself and pulled the whole endeavor back from the brink of failure." According to the report "the government spent about $600 million helping the Salt Lake Olympic Committee. An additional $1.1 billion was for projects like roads and bridges, infrastructure improvement projects." Flip, Flop, Flip, Flop. Once again, Mitt Romney, the man who would do or say anything to "seal the deal." And Conservatives label Obama a "bald faced Liar?
* Countering all prior existing polls issued by virtually every polling group indicating Obama leads Romney in critical Swing States, The Rasmussen Report's Daily Presidential Tracking Poll has Romney leading Obama nationwide by a 48% to 44%. Again, this figure is based upon "nationwide" polling. Unfortunately for those embracing these results as evidence Romney is pulling away from Obama, folks seem not to know that the popular vote does not elect our president, the Electoral College does and therefore, polling in vital "Swing States" are better predictors of electoral outcomes. I address these issues in my new book, so there should be no reason for citizens to remain ignorant about how the Framers created the Constitution which outlines our presidential electoral process.
* Last But Not Least - According to news reports, the United States Department of Health and Human Services has reached an agreement with private insurers to work together to crack down on Medicare and Medicaid fraud. The public-private partnership would improve measures to crack down on scams that have cost taxpayers Billions. Unfortunately, according to the report, Congress has not set aside any funds for this partnership. If the public AND the private sector want to work together to save Billions, why can't Congress get their act together to get this done? Because it would involve new spending and the House GOP will not allow it unless cuts are made in other areas of long as it is not defense spending (see Dana Mllbank's Washington Post piece entitled "Romney's Budget Dilemma" (you'd think he reads my blog).
July 26, 2012. * According to The Associated Press, "Major" Nidal Hasan, standing trial for murdering over 13 soldiers and personnel at Fort Hood in 2009, may be forced to cut his beard. Hasan, not so much a suspect as a confirmed murderer based upon video and first person evidence, has refused to cut his beard during the month of Ramadan based upon his religious beliefs (he is a devout Muslim). I have a solution to this problem. Just have Hasan shave from his jaw line down, that way the rope to hang him with still works.
* As mentioned in yesterdays posting, the Senate held its "Up or Down" vote on the Democrats tax proposals. Despite pundits predicting the Democratic Caucus would not hold together, the Democratic measure passed the Senate by a 51-48 vote. The measure, along with other implications, would have frozen the Bush Tax Cuts for the Middle Class, but raised the tax rate for couples making in excess of net $250,000 by 2 percent (2%). The Republicans attempted to pass their own version of a tax bill, one that extended the Bush Tax Cuts to everyone, but that measure lost 54-41. More Congressional games.
* Representative Ron Paul's (TX - R) bill in the House to audit the Federal Reserve passed the House in a 327-98 vote. The Bill, endorsed by Mitt Romney, would allow Congress to audit the Federal Reserve and force it to disclose all banking informati0n it currently considers confidential. Critics of the Bill state that the entire role of the Federal Reserve was created to ensure its independence from Congressional meddling and that this Bill would effectively "Kill the Fed," which has been Ron Paul's campaign slogan for years. The Fed should not worry though, once again, a chamber of Congress has passed a bill that will never be heard in the other chamber. Although the Olympic Games are about to begin in London, our wise Congress continues to play their own set of games, knowing neither of these bills will see the light of day in their companion chambers.
* Speaking of Olympic Games, Mitt Romney once again opened his mouth and stuck his foot into it. As mentioned yesterday, one of Romney's advisers made a silly statement that Obama does not appreciate the strong cultural ties between the US and Britain, claiming we share "Anglo-Saxon" heritage. Now, according to the London based Daily Mail newspaper, Romney insulted the Britain when he questioned Britain's ability to host "successful Games." According to the Daily Mail, Romney said, "'You know, it’s hard to know just how well it will turn out.' 'There are a few things that were disconcerting, the stories about the private security firm not having enough people, supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials, that obviously is not something which is encouraging." According to the report, Mr. Romney did it again while meeting with UK Labour Leader Ed Milliband. Unfortunately, Mitt did not know who Mr. Millibrand was. In fact, when told, he addressed him as Mr. Leader, not something the British are very "amused" with. On a trip designed to portray Mr. Romney as ready for the Presidency, he stumbled out of the starting gate, twice. Remind anyone a bit of Sarah Palin? Perhaps Romney's horse wont stumble so much at the London Games?
* Seems Mitt Romney is speaking more nonsense, and not just about the British in London. In a televised interview from London with The NBC Nightly News, Romney was asked about the need for tighter gun control in light of the shooting tragedy in Colorado. Romney responded by stating “Well, this person shouldn’t have had any kind of weapons and bombs and other devices, and it was illegal for him to have many of those things already,” Mr. Romney said. “But he had them.” Earth to Romney, the shooter obtained all of these weapons legally. Is Romney the best GOP candidate money could buy? There has to be better GOP candidates, there just has to be!
* According to experts, the United States is currently suffering from the worst drought since the Depression Era "Dust Bowl" and it has wreaked havoc on farmers and crops. Analysts now proclaim that food and food related products (corn syrup based plastics, ethanol, etc.) are being especially hit and that consumers should expect significantly higher food costs soon. But do not fret for the American farmers though, they have Federal Crop Insurance. According to the Risk Management Agency which oversees the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation ("FCIC"), over $10 Billion in taxpayer money is set aside to ensure farmers do not suffer losses in the event of a drought or any other natural disaster. This is a perfect example of federal "Revenue Sharing" or what the GOP calls "Socialism." You can learn more about federal Revenue Sharing in my new book.
*Further along these lines, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration has reported that June, 2012 was the warmest month in recorded history, leading some experts to fear the oft-discussed "tipping point" in global climate change has already passed. Shall we count the number of politicians that believe climate science is a hoax? Can we count the number of politicians that believe science is a hoax?
* Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush (R) has admitted to have personally recommend Florida Freshman Senator Marco Rubin (R) to be Mitt Romney's Vice Presidential running mate. Seems Jeb has a man-crush on Rubio, since he personally anointed Rubio to leadership positions in the Florida Statehouse and then the US Senate. For many that do not know Rubio, he has a past littered with troublesome deals and huge lies about his parents coming to Miami as Cuban refugees (since retracted after being revealed to be a lie). The truth is that his parents came to Miami while on vacation from Illinois where they settled years before Castro came to power in Cuba. Facts again are fun, right?
* According to Associated Press Reports, New Jersey Governor Chris "Krispy Cream" Christie, aka "Bully in Chief" is considering a run for the White House in 2016 should Romney lose in this year's election. I find it difficult to picture Christie "running" for anything, let alone handling the pressure of a national campaign without his own blood pressure exploding and causing him a stroke. Lose 200 pounds and take some "Chill Pills" Mr. Christie, and then we'll talk White House.
* This month's edition of the The New England Journal of Medicine (another one of those whack job leftist publications), comes with a report that expanding Medicaid in 2014 under the Affordable Care Act will actually save lives. According to The New York Times reporting on the Study, Medicaid provisions of the ACA led to opposition from the GOP because they believe the provision "will not improve the health of recipients and may even be associated with worse health." According to the Times article, "The New England Journal study reflects a recent effort by researchers to get around that problem and allow policy makers to make “evidence-based decisions,” said Katherine Baicker, an investigator on the study who served on former President George W. Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers." So the experts say the ACA will save more lives. Isn't it ironic that opinions from experts seem to get in the way of politicians?
* According to The New York Times, Sanford I. Weill, known for building Citigroup into a "Mega-Bank" says it is time to dismantle the "too big to fail" banks, or at least re-impose provisions of the Glass-Steagall Act, which was repealed under President Clinton. According to Weill, Mega-Banks are addicted to risking taxpayer investments with their own risky investment schemes, knowing full well that the government will bail them out as "Too Big to Fail." According to the article, Weill believes, “What we should probably do is go and split up investment banking from banking,” Mr. Weill, the former chief executive of Citigroup, told CNBC. “Have banks do something that’s not going to risk the taxpayer dollars, that’s not going to be too big to fail.” Glass-Steagall was enacted in response to bankers mixing commercial banking (customer deposits) with risky investment banking (speculative stock buying) which ultimately led to the 1929 Crash and Great Depression. The very same occurred in 2008 when bankers were allowed to risk everything on worthless derivatives, knowing the government would bail them out. Another form of Redistribution of Wealth (or in GOP-speak, "socialism"). Just a reminder folks, TARP was a bi-partisan bank bailout bill signed into law by President Bush.
*The Washington Post reports that Fed. Chair Timothy Geitner came under intense scrutiny yesterday before the House Financial Services Committee when Republican members grilled him about his knowledge and potential involvement in the now public 2008 LIBOR scandal while serving as President of the Federal Reserve bank of New York. Geitner was grilled for not having regulators come to Congress to report the scandal, with some GOP members taking a political tone in their commentary about the failures. Some Democratic members of the Committee came to Geitner's defense, pointing out that most of the regulators the Committee blame for the failures were appointed not by Obama, but by President Bush. It was in 2008. Facts again seem to get in the way of political narratives.
* Last but not Least - Tea Party Florida Governor Rick Scott is reported to be vacationing at his other home and 60 acres in Montana. Just more evidence that "Let's get to work" Rick Scott ( "I pead the fifth" to 43 counts of Medicaid Fraud) is hard at work for Floridians.
* As mentioned in yesterdays posting, the Senate held its "Up or Down" vote on the Democrats tax proposals. Despite pundits predicting the Democratic Caucus would not hold together, the Democratic measure passed the Senate by a 51-48 vote. The measure, along with other implications, would have frozen the Bush Tax Cuts for the Middle Class, but raised the tax rate for couples making in excess of net $250,000 by 2 percent (2%). The Republicans attempted to pass their own version of a tax bill, one that extended the Bush Tax Cuts to everyone, but that measure lost 54-41. More Congressional games.
* Representative Ron Paul's (TX - R) bill in the House to audit the Federal Reserve passed the House in a 327-98 vote. The Bill, endorsed by Mitt Romney, would allow Congress to audit the Federal Reserve and force it to disclose all banking informati0n it currently considers confidential. Critics of the Bill state that the entire role of the Federal Reserve was created to ensure its independence from Congressional meddling and that this Bill would effectively "Kill the Fed," which has been Ron Paul's campaign slogan for years. The Fed should not worry though, once again, a chamber of Congress has passed a bill that will never be heard in the other chamber. Although the Olympic Games are about to begin in London, our wise Congress continues to play their own set of games, knowing neither of these bills will see the light of day in their companion chambers.
* Speaking of Olympic Games, Mitt Romney once again opened his mouth and stuck his foot into it. As mentioned yesterday, one of Romney's advisers made a silly statement that Obama does not appreciate the strong cultural ties between the US and Britain, claiming we share "Anglo-Saxon" heritage. Now, according to the London based Daily Mail newspaper, Romney insulted the Britain when he questioned Britain's ability to host "successful Games." According to the Daily Mail, Romney said, "'You know, it’s hard to know just how well it will turn out.' 'There are a few things that were disconcerting, the stories about the private security firm not having enough people, supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials, that obviously is not something which is encouraging." According to the report, Mr. Romney did it again while meeting with UK Labour Leader Ed Milliband. Unfortunately, Mitt did not know who Mr. Millibrand was. In fact, when told, he addressed him as Mr. Leader, not something the British are very "amused" with. On a trip designed to portray Mr. Romney as ready for the Presidency, he stumbled out of the starting gate, twice. Remind anyone a bit of Sarah Palin? Perhaps Romney's horse wont stumble so much at the London Games?
* Seems Mitt Romney is speaking more nonsense, and not just about the British in London. In a televised interview from London with The NBC Nightly News, Romney was asked about the need for tighter gun control in light of the shooting tragedy in Colorado. Romney responded by stating “Well, this person shouldn’t have had any kind of weapons and bombs and other devices, and it was illegal for him to have many of those things already,” Mr. Romney said. “But he had them.” Earth to Romney, the shooter obtained all of these weapons legally. Is Romney the best GOP candidate money could buy? There has to be better GOP candidates, there just has to be!
* According to experts, the United States is currently suffering from the worst drought since the Depression Era "Dust Bowl" and it has wreaked havoc on farmers and crops. Analysts now proclaim that food and food related products (corn syrup based plastics, ethanol, etc.) are being especially hit and that consumers should expect significantly higher food costs soon. But do not fret for the American farmers though, they have Federal Crop Insurance. According to the Risk Management Agency which oversees the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation ("FCIC"), over $10 Billion in taxpayer money is set aside to ensure farmers do not suffer losses in the event of a drought or any other natural disaster. This is a perfect example of federal "Revenue Sharing" or what the GOP calls "Socialism." You can learn more about federal Revenue Sharing in my new book.
*Further along these lines, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration has reported that June, 2012 was the warmest month in recorded history, leading some experts to fear the oft-discussed "tipping point" in global climate change has already passed. Shall we count the number of politicians that believe climate science is a hoax? Can we count the number of politicians that believe science is a hoax?
* Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush (R) has admitted to have personally recommend Florida Freshman Senator Marco Rubin (R) to be Mitt Romney's Vice Presidential running mate. Seems Jeb has a man-crush on Rubio, since he personally anointed Rubio to leadership positions in the Florida Statehouse and then the US Senate. For many that do not know Rubio, he has a past littered with troublesome deals and huge lies about his parents coming to Miami as Cuban refugees (since retracted after being revealed to be a lie). The truth is that his parents came to Miami while on vacation from Illinois where they settled years before Castro came to power in Cuba. Facts again are fun, right?
* According to Associated Press Reports, New Jersey Governor Chris "Krispy Cream" Christie, aka "Bully in Chief" is considering a run for the White House in 2016 should Romney lose in this year's election. I find it difficult to picture Christie "running" for anything, let alone handling the pressure of a national campaign without his own blood pressure exploding and causing him a stroke. Lose 200 pounds and take some "Chill Pills" Mr. Christie, and then we'll talk White House.
* This month's edition of the The New England Journal of Medicine (another one of those whack job leftist publications), comes with a report that expanding Medicaid in 2014 under the Affordable Care Act will actually save lives. According to The New York Times reporting on the Study, Medicaid provisions of the ACA led to opposition from the GOP because they believe the provision "will not improve the health of recipients and may even be associated with worse health." According to the Times article, "The New England Journal study reflects a recent effort by researchers to get around that problem and allow policy makers to make “evidence-based decisions,” said Katherine Baicker, an investigator on the study who served on former President George W. Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers." So the experts say the ACA will save more lives. Isn't it ironic that opinions from experts seem to get in the way of politicians?
* According to The New York Times, Sanford I. Weill, known for building Citigroup into a "Mega-Bank" says it is time to dismantle the "too big to fail" banks, or at least re-impose provisions of the Glass-Steagall Act, which was repealed under President Clinton. According to Weill, Mega-Banks are addicted to risking taxpayer investments with their own risky investment schemes, knowing full well that the government will bail them out as "Too Big to Fail." According to the article, Weill believes, “What we should probably do is go and split up investment banking from banking,” Mr. Weill, the former chief executive of Citigroup, told CNBC. “Have banks do something that’s not going to risk the taxpayer dollars, that’s not going to be too big to fail.” Glass-Steagall was enacted in response to bankers mixing commercial banking (customer deposits) with risky investment banking (speculative stock buying) which ultimately led to the 1929 Crash and Great Depression. The very same occurred in 2008 when bankers were allowed to risk everything on worthless derivatives, knowing the government would bail them out. Another form of Redistribution of Wealth (or in GOP-speak, "socialism"). Just a reminder folks, TARP was a bi-partisan bank bailout bill signed into law by President Bush.
*The Washington Post reports that Fed. Chair Timothy Geitner came under intense scrutiny yesterday before the House Financial Services Committee when Republican members grilled him about his knowledge and potential involvement in the now public 2008 LIBOR scandal while serving as President of the Federal Reserve bank of New York. Geitner was grilled for not having regulators come to Congress to report the scandal, with some GOP members taking a political tone in their commentary about the failures. Some Democratic members of the Committee came to Geitner's defense, pointing out that most of the regulators the Committee blame for the failures were appointed not by Obama, but by President Bush. It was in 2008. Facts again seem to get in the way of political narratives.
* Last but not Least - Tea Party Florida Governor Rick Scott is reported to be vacationing at his other home and 60 acres in Montana. Just more evidence that "Let's get to work" Rick Scott ( "I pead the fifth" to 43 counts of Medicaid Fraud) is hard at work for Floridians.
July 25, 2012. * According to news services, Sherman Hemsley, most notably known for playing the role of George Jefferson on "The Jeffersons" has died in Texas at the age of 74. Hemsley played the antagonistic neighbor to Archie Bunker in the hit TV series "All In The Family" before hitting it big time with his dry cleaning business and spinning off the character in his own show. Sherman Hemsely, "Moving on up to the East Side." RIP.
* In a surprise move, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky-R) has authorized his caucus/conference to allow the Senate Democratic caucus to propose the Obama sponsored tax legislation extending the Middle Class tax cuts while ending the Bush tax cut to those couples earning at least $250,000 annually (after all deductions, which are numerous). The result if passed, would be for those high income earners to pay a whopping tax rate increase of two percent (from 33% to 35%).
* According to the Associated Press, Romney campaign spokesman Ryan Williams was quoted in the British media as stating "Romney believes the U.S. relationship with Britain is special because of shared "Anglo Saxon heritage" and that the White House doesn't appreciate that shared history." Huh? This confirms my biggest fears about Romney...he is a "Tory" at heart (if you are not sure what this means, look 'em up under American Revolution).
*Speaking of GOP opposition to proposed tax bills, a report has come out that several economists have reviewed all 32 GOP generated jobs bills and that NONE of them would have ANY impact on unemployment. As you all know, Speaker Boehner (OH-R) and his side-kick Majority Leader Cantor (VA-R) have repeatedly boasted that their GOP led House has continued to pass jobs bill after jobs bill, only to be thwarted by the Democratic majority in the Senate. Facts are still fun, aren't they?
*As written in my blog yesterday, Kevin Freeking of the Associated Press reports today, that Mitt Romney's claim at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention that Obama is responsible for the pending deep cuts to Defense spending is a flat out lie. The article points out the blame for the planned cuts rests solely with the GOP opposition to the prior attempts to extend the debt ceiling. From the article, "Romney ignores the central role that Congress played last summer in setting the stage for such a massive cut in the Pentagon's budget. At issue was the need to increase the government's borrowing cap and avoid a disastrous default on U.S. obligations. It was House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, who originally insisted that the increase in the debt limit be matched by deficit cuts at least as large." Sometimes facts are hard to ignore.
* The very same article went on to evaluate the statements made by Obama at the very same convention. Amazingly, the article points out that Obama was substantively correct in his statements (I tried to find some balance, really, but I couldn't).
* Obama's campaign continues to hit the Romney camp for their "out of context" use of Obama's previous statements that businesses did not build their companies on their own. Seems the Romney camp believes it will eventually find the ads resonating with the American public and the Obama camp is spending a lot of money on new ads to clarify the remarks. If the Romney camp was hoping to push Obama into a "defensive" mode, it has worked. Even though Obama's folks do not believe the Romney strategy is working, they have instead spent millions on ads defending the full context of the comment. Ironically for Romney, more than a handful of the business owners featured in his Anti-Obama "You didn't build this" ads, have been revealed to be recipients of massive governmental support in the form of tax breaks, grants, low interest government backed loans, and more. OOPS.
* Along the same line, the hypocrisy of Romney (once again) is highlighted by his own statements to athletes competing in the Salt Lake Olympic games in 2002. Seems Romney said the following to the young athletes representing the USA, "You Olympians, however, know you didn't get here solely on your own power," Romney said after congratulating the athletes. "For most of you, loving parents, sisters or brothers, encouraged your hopes, coaches guided, communities built venues in order to organize competitions. All Olympians stand on the shoulders of those who lifted them." Need I say more?
* According to the Associated Press, JPMorgan Chase has been ordered to pay $100 Million to settle lawsuits filed by consumers for unlawful charges being levied against them by the Mega-Bank's credit cards. This comes on the heels of a similarly large settlement with CapitalOne for ripping consumers off with interest and secret "hidden" fees and charges. Please note that the Bureau of Consumer Protections established by Congress was vehemently opposed by the GOP. Not only did they block the appointment of Elizabeth Warren to head the new Bureau (just wait to see what happens if she is wins her bid for the Senate), they also tried to block the appointment of Richard Cordray to the position. Cordray you might recall, was a recess appointee by President Obama last winter, which led to claims Obama "defied the Constitution" and multiple threats of lawsuits by GOP supported entities like the US Chamber of Commerce (none of which were successful). A discussion of recess appointments is covered in my book as well.
* According to another Associated Press report, air passenger protections requiring airlines to fully disclose all fees, charges and taxes has been upheld by the US Court of Appeals. The Transportation Department issued the regulations in response to consumer complaints that airlines were engaged in "deceptive" pricing practices. Once again, government at work FOR American citizens, not businesses. Take a wild guess which political party opposed these regulations?
* The House Intelligence Committee (oxymoron?) just voted to "Condemn" Michele Bachmann (MN-R) for her recent comments that all Muslims are "Un-American." How did Bachmann ever get onto a House committee that deals with intelligence in the first place? Go Figure!
* Last but not Least - The New York Times has reported that the Federal Reserve is considering a new round of "Quantitative Easing" in an effort to keep the tepid economic recovery alive. Not sure what that means? I also feature this in my book...Hey, this is my web site, free plugs should be expected! The book comes out August 5, ISBN 978-0-9836184-9-2. Shameless, I am.
* In a surprise move, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky-R) has authorized his caucus/conference to allow the Senate Democratic caucus to propose the Obama sponsored tax legislation extending the Middle Class tax cuts while ending the Bush tax cut to those couples earning at least $250,000 annually (after all deductions, which are numerous). The result if passed, would be for those high income earners to pay a whopping tax rate increase of two percent (from 33% to 35%).
* According to the Associated Press, Romney campaign spokesman Ryan Williams was quoted in the British media as stating "Romney believes the U.S. relationship with Britain is special because of shared "Anglo Saxon heritage" and that the White House doesn't appreciate that shared history." Huh? This confirms my biggest fears about Romney...he is a "Tory" at heart (if you are not sure what this means, look 'em up under American Revolution).
*Speaking of GOP opposition to proposed tax bills, a report has come out that several economists have reviewed all 32 GOP generated jobs bills and that NONE of them would have ANY impact on unemployment. As you all know, Speaker Boehner (OH-R) and his side-kick Majority Leader Cantor (VA-R) have repeatedly boasted that their GOP led House has continued to pass jobs bill after jobs bill, only to be thwarted by the Democratic majority in the Senate. Facts are still fun, aren't they?
*As written in my blog yesterday, Kevin Freeking of the Associated Press reports today, that Mitt Romney's claim at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention that Obama is responsible for the pending deep cuts to Defense spending is a flat out lie. The article points out the blame for the planned cuts rests solely with the GOP opposition to the prior attempts to extend the debt ceiling. From the article, "Romney ignores the central role that Congress played last summer in setting the stage for such a massive cut in the Pentagon's budget. At issue was the need to increase the government's borrowing cap and avoid a disastrous default on U.S. obligations. It was House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, who originally insisted that the increase in the debt limit be matched by deficit cuts at least as large." Sometimes facts are hard to ignore.
* The very same article went on to evaluate the statements made by Obama at the very same convention. Amazingly, the article points out that Obama was substantively correct in his statements (I tried to find some balance, really, but I couldn't).
* Obama's campaign continues to hit the Romney camp for their "out of context" use of Obama's previous statements that businesses did not build their companies on their own. Seems the Romney camp believes it will eventually find the ads resonating with the American public and the Obama camp is spending a lot of money on new ads to clarify the remarks. If the Romney camp was hoping to push Obama into a "defensive" mode, it has worked. Even though Obama's folks do not believe the Romney strategy is working, they have instead spent millions on ads defending the full context of the comment. Ironically for Romney, more than a handful of the business owners featured in his Anti-Obama "You didn't build this" ads, have been revealed to be recipients of massive governmental support in the form of tax breaks, grants, low interest government backed loans, and more. OOPS.
* Along the same line, the hypocrisy of Romney (once again) is highlighted by his own statements to athletes competing in the Salt Lake Olympic games in 2002. Seems Romney said the following to the young athletes representing the USA, "You Olympians, however, know you didn't get here solely on your own power," Romney said after congratulating the athletes. "For most of you, loving parents, sisters or brothers, encouraged your hopes, coaches guided, communities built venues in order to organize competitions. All Olympians stand on the shoulders of those who lifted them." Need I say more?
* According to the Associated Press, JPMorgan Chase has been ordered to pay $100 Million to settle lawsuits filed by consumers for unlawful charges being levied against them by the Mega-Bank's credit cards. This comes on the heels of a similarly large settlement with CapitalOne for ripping consumers off with interest and secret "hidden" fees and charges. Please note that the Bureau of Consumer Protections established by Congress was vehemently opposed by the GOP. Not only did they block the appointment of Elizabeth Warren to head the new Bureau (just wait to see what happens if she is wins her bid for the Senate), they also tried to block the appointment of Richard Cordray to the position. Cordray you might recall, was a recess appointee by President Obama last winter, which led to claims Obama "defied the Constitution" and multiple threats of lawsuits by GOP supported entities like the US Chamber of Commerce (none of which were successful). A discussion of recess appointments is covered in my book as well.
* According to another Associated Press report, air passenger protections requiring airlines to fully disclose all fees, charges and taxes has been upheld by the US Court of Appeals. The Transportation Department issued the regulations in response to consumer complaints that airlines were engaged in "deceptive" pricing practices. Once again, government at work FOR American citizens, not businesses. Take a wild guess which political party opposed these regulations?
* The House Intelligence Committee (oxymoron?) just voted to "Condemn" Michele Bachmann (MN-R) for her recent comments that all Muslims are "Un-American." How did Bachmann ever get onto a House committee that deals with intelligence in the first place? Go Figure!
* Last but not Least - The New York Times has reported that the Federal Reserve is considering a new round of "Quantitative Easing" in an effort to keep the tepid economic recovery alive. Not sure what that means? I also feature this in my book...Hey, this is my web site, free plugs should be expected! The book comes out August 5, ISBN 978-0-9836184-9-2. Shameless, I am.
July 24, 2012. * Sadly, the Tampa Bay Times reported the untimely death of Sally Ride, 61, of Pancreatic Cancer. Ms. Ride will forever hold the distinction of being the first American women in space, as she flew on Space Shuttle Challenger in 1983. Following the Columbia disaster, Ms. Ride served on the investigative team for NASA and unfortunately, did not return to space. RIP Sally Ride, safe flight and travels!
* Along those lines, the Russians have reported that their new docking mechanism was just tried out with the International Space Station and it failed. According to the Russian Mission Control (NOT in Houston), they will try to dock again today. No fear though, Japan has a ship due to reach the Station on Friday with additional supplies. Why is it that Russia, Japan and others are continuing to fly missions to space, and the US, which used to OWN space, no longer does? I for one would love to see NASA fully funded (and a few pennies from the Defense Dept. going NASA's way to pay for it).
* Sen. Diane Feinstein (CA-D) has reported that she believes national security leaks that have been surfacing over the past several months have been coming directly from the White House. Sen. Feinstein adds however, that she is convinced that the president is not aware of these leaks. Attorney General Eric Holder has appointed two investigators to report on the leaks and their origins. It is my hope that once the offenders are identified, they are removed from their positions and outed as "traitors" (something that did NOT happen in the Valerie Plame incident). Oppositional media and GOP members of Congress oppose Holder's appointments, and instead demand Independent Investigators get involved because we all know the "White house cannot be trusted to investigate itself." Ironically, the only folks that investigate Congress is Congress itself. And the beat goes on...
* President Obama has sent a direct message to Syrian "President" Assad during a recent speech at the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Reno, Nevada. According to reports, Obama warned Assad of dire consequences should chemical weapons be introduced by the Syrian Military in the ongoing civil war when he stated, "Given the regime's stockpiles of chemical weapons, we will continue to make it clear to Assad and those around him that the world is watching and that they will be held accountable by the international community, and the United States, should they make the tragic mistake of using those weapons." Mitt Romney addresses the convention today and his staff have released excerpts of this speech condemning Obama for the leaks relating to foreign policy.
* Reports out of Massachusetts reveal that Senator Scott Brown (R) and his challenger Elizabeth Warren (D) have entered into a binding agreement not to accept campaign contributions from outside their state. Seems that at the time of the agreement, Brown was ahead of Warren in fundraising and he even proposed the idea of prohibiting outside cash from the campaign. Seems that agreement is coming back to haunt Mr. Brown, as Ms. Warren has become the poster child for successful campaign fundraising. Even with several missteps in her campaign ("I'm part Native American"), Brown was unable to capitalize on Warren's gaffes because he could not accept Super PAC cash to destroy Warren. Now Warren, having survived her worst gaffes, is out raising Brown and is effectively mounting a serious challenge for the Senate seat. Some pundits now believe, Warren may actually have a chance of retaking Ted Kennedy's old Senate seat. Shouldn't this one scenario reinforce the notion that Super PACs bringing in outside money are bad for state wide elections?
*Speaking of fundraising, President Obama addressed a number of enthusiastic supporters at an event held in San Fransisco. In attendance were two former leaders of the now defunct Solyndra energy company, which defaulted on over $500 Million in federally guaranteed loans. Oppositional media and the Romney Campaign pounced on Obama, claiming that he is being "paid back" for directing federal money to his supporters. ABC News added to the report that Solyndra first applied for the federal loan during the Bush Administration and the loan was supported by members of both political parties. Aren't facts fun?
* Speaking of facts, an Op-Ed was published in Bloomberg (July 23, 2012) written by a professor of Public Policy at the University of Michigan and professor of Business and Public Policy at Wharton, proclaim the "Economic Policy" debate is a "Sham." According to Drs. Stevenson and Wolfers, economists overwhelmingly agree that there are obvious steps available to cure our current economic troubles, but that politicians refuse to entertain these remedies because it would interfere with their current political narratives. The professors conclude in their article, "This inaction has no basis in economics. Instead, it’s raw politics -- a cynical attempt to score points in a phony rhetorical war or a way of preventing their opponents from scoring a policy win." Enough said!
* Investigators have found that a fire aboard the attack submarine USS Miami was intentionally set by painter who, while undergoing treatment for anxiety, could not handle being aboard the sub, even though it was in dry dock. The fire led to over $400 Million in damages. Perhaps his sentence should include at least 6 months at sea, er, under sea?
* Despite efforts to paint Obama as Anti-Israel by pro-Romney Jews, recent polling indicates that Obama leads Romney with Jews by a two to one margin. Most Anti-Obama Jews point to Obama's speech stating Israel should give back land taken in the 1967 war with land swaps in exchange for peace. Ironically, these very same supporters ignore the fact that President Bush stated the border not be those established in 1967, but those created in 1947 (which would destroy Israel geographically). If Obama is to win re-election, the Jewish vote in Florida will be key.
* Last but not Least - Former Governor Charlie Crist has published an Op-Ed in Florida papers slamming Tea Party Governors for creating fake excuses for purging voting rolls. According to Crist, voting rights are equal to speech protected under the First Amendment, and none of the efforts to limit the right to vote should be tolerated. He also mentioned that while Florida Attorney General and Governor, he aggressively pursued voter fraud and found the real impact to be negligible with elections. His biggest caveat? That Florida risks being the focal point for election fraud and calamity this year, just like it was in 2000. Anyone think good Ole' Charlie would be a great choice to unseat current Governor Rick Scott?
* Along those lines, the Russians have reported that their new docking mechanism was just tried out with the International Space Station and it failed. According to the Russian Mission Control (NOT in Houston), they will try to dock again today. No fear though, Japan has a ship due to reach the Station on Friday with additional supplies. Why is it that Russia, Japan and others are continuing to fly missions to space, and the US, which used to OWN space, no longer does? I for one would love to see NASA fully funded (and a few pennies from the Defense Dept. going NASA's way to pay for it).
* Sen. Diane Feinstein (CA-D) has reported that she believes national security leaks that have been surfacing over the past several months have been coming directly from the White House. Sen. Feinstein adds however, that she is convinced that the president is not aware of these leaks. Attorney General Eric Holder has appointed two investigators to report on the leaks and their origins. It is my hope that once the offenders are identified, they are removed from their positions and outed as "traitors" (something that did NOT happen in the Valerie Plame incident). Oppositional media and GOP members of Congress oppose Holder's appointments, and instead demand Independent Investigators get involved because we all know the "White house cannot be trusted to investigate itself." Ironically, the only folks that investigate Congress is Congress itself. And the beat goes on...
* President Obama has sent a direct message to Syrian "President" Assad during a recent speech at the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Reno, Nevada. According to reports, Obama warned Assad of dire consequences should chemical weapons be introduced by the Syrian Military in the ongoing civil war when he stated, "Given the regime's stockpiles of chemical weapons, we will continue to make it clear to Assad and those around him that the world is watching and that they will be held accountable by the international community, and the United States, should they make the tragic mistake of using those weapons." Mitt Romney addresses the convention today and his staff have released excerpts of this speech condemning Obama for the leaks relating to foreign policy.
* Reports out of Massachusetts reveal that Senator Scott Brown (R) and his challenger Elizabeth Warren (D) have entered into a binding agreement not to accept campaign contributions from outside their state. Seems that at the time of the agreement, Brown was ahead of Warren in fundraising and he even proposed the idea of prohibiting outside cash from the campaign. Seems that agreement is coming back to haunt Mr. Brown, as Ms. Warren has become the poster child for successful campaign fundraising. Even with several missteps in her campaign ("I'm part Native American"), Brown was unable to capitalize on Warren's gaffes because he could not accept Super PAC cash to destroy Warren. Now Warren, having survived her worst gaffes, is out raising Brown and is effectively mounting a serious challenge for the Senate seat. Some pundits now believe, Warren may actually have a chance of retaking Ted Kennedy's old Senate seat. Shouldn't this one scenario reinforce the notion that Super PACs bringing in outside money are bad for state wide elections?
*Speaking of fundraising, President Obama addressed a number of enthusiastic supporters at an event held in San Fransisco. In attendance were two former leaders of the now defunct Solyndra energy company, which defaulted on over $500 Million in federally guaranteed loans. Oppositional media and the Romney Campaign pounced on Obama, claiming that he is being "paid back" for directing federal money to his supporters. ABC News added to the report that Solyndra first applied for the federal loan during the Bush Administration and the loan was supported by members of both political parties. Aren't facts fun?
* Speaking of facts, an Op-Ed was published in Bloomberg (July 23, 2012) written by a professor of Public Policy at the University of Michigan and professor of Business and Public Policy at Wharton, proclaim the "Economic Policy" debate is a "Sham." According to Drs. Stevenson and Wolfers, economists overwhelmingly agree that there are obvious steps available to cure our current economic troubles, but that politicians refuse to entertain these remedies because it would interfere with their current political narratives. The professors conclude in their article, "This inaction has no basis in economics. Instead, it’s raw politics -- a cynical attempt to score points in a phony rhetorical war or a way of preventing their opponents from scoring a policy win." Enough said!
* Investigators have found that a fire aboard the attack submarine USS Miami was intentionally set by painter who, while undergoing treatment for anxiety, could not handle being aboard the sub, even though it was in dry dock. The fire led to over $400 Million in damages. Perhaps his sentence should include at least 6 months at sea, er, under sea?
* Despite efforts to paint Obama as Anti-Israel by pro-Romney Jews, recent polling indicates that Obama leads Romney with Jews by a two to one margin. Most Anti-Obama Jews point to Obama's speech stating Israel should give back land taken in the 1967 war with land swaps in exchange for peace. Ironically, these very same supporters ignore the fact that President Bush stated the border not be those established in 1967, but those created in 1947 (which would destroy Israel geographically). If Obama is to win re-election, the Jewish vote in Florida will be key.
* Last but not Least - Former Governor Charlie Crist has published an Op-Ed in Florida papers slamming Tea Party Governors for creating fake excuses for purging voting rolls. According to Crist, voting rights are equal to speech protected under the First Amendment, and none of the efforts to limit the right to vote should be tolerated. He also mentioned that while Florida Attorney General and Governor, he aggressively pursued voter fraud and found the real impact to be negligible with elections. His biggest caveat? That Florida risks being the focal point for election fraud and calamity this year, just like it was in 2000. Anyone think good Ole' Charlie would be a great choice to unseat current Governor Rick Scott?
July 23, 2012. * In response to the Colorado shooting tragedy, President Obama visited privately with each of the victim's families yesterday. Following these individual visits, Obama called on all Americans to keep the victims and their families in our thoughts and prayers.
* In response to Obama's visit to Colorado, right wing pundits slammed Obama for "politicizing" the tragedy by even appearing in Colorado. Folks, when a tragedy of this nature hits Americans, the President is expected to play the role as "Consoler In Chief." You all might recall that President Bush served well in that capacity after 9/11. Obama filled that role admirably after the shootings in Tucson as well. The real reason right wing pundits oppose Obama's appearance in Colorado is because he is the President, and his public appearance as our leader makes their candidate, Mitt Romney look like a man on the outside looking in. In other words, Romney looks like a candidate and Obama looks presidential. Go figure...Obama is President. I speak to this issue of "Incumbency Advantage" in my new book.
* In an effort to show class and despite the rantings of Obama's critics, Mitt Romney actually felt it necessary to publicly state that Obama's appearance in Colorado to comfort Americans was the "right thing" to do. Not only did this help to defuse opponents on the right slamming Obama, but many viewed the statement that Romney recognized the importance of the role presidents play as "Consoler in Chief." Besides, what else could Romney had said?
* The Colorado shooter nut case (I refuse to write his name) has appeared dazed and confused during arraignment in a Colorado Court today. I hope he gets the fairest trial possible and that he is afforded little to no publicity. If found guilty, allow him to be dressed up as Batman and turned loose on the general population of a maximum security prison.
* Orrin Hatch (R-UT), fresh off his slim victory in the Utah GOP Senatorial primary against a Tea Party opponent, has declared he is prepared to work with Democrats to work towards tax reform. According to reports, Hatch, 78 believes he can get the support needed to begin the necessary work to reform the tax code, as he is the ranking member of the standing Senate Finance Committee. Yes folks, the tax code is written by the House with the support of the Senate. The President does not have the authority to tax or create or amend or eliminate provisions of the tax code, despite the heated rhetoric blasting Obama for "raising taxes" and spending like a "Socialist." I also speak to this issue in my new book.
* Michele Bachmann (R-MN) doubled down on her claims that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's assistant, Huma Abedin is affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, despite the fact that she is one of the most respected aides in the State Department and further, has a long list of supporters in the GOP coming to her defense (including Arizona GOP Sen. John McCain). Bachmann seems to believe that engaging in "Allan West" style rhetoric ("I can name 88 known Communists in Congress".... but I'll get back to you on those names later) will endear her further to her constituents, or at least enough supporters that she will garner millions in campaign donations. Either way, Bachmann proves once again that pandering to wing nuts is a great way to raise cash, but also to diminish credibility. And to think this women had support to be president in the GOP primaries this Spring.
* President Obama pointed out in Florida on a recent campaign swing that the GOP is practicing campaign hypocrisy when Tea Party Governor Rick Scott touts the success of Florida's economic recovery at the same time Mitt Romney tells Florida voters that the Economy is in terrible shape and that Obama is to blame for it. Such a dilemma for the GOP and the Romney camp. Which is it? Good or bad? Good for Scott, bad for Obama? Or is it really bad for Romney? You can bet Rick Scott's boasts of economic recovery in Florida will never be heard at the GOP convention to be held in Tampa some weeks from now.
* President Obama is continuing to suffer fallout from statements made last week that business owners did not build their own businesses. At least, that is the way the opposition has framed his statements. Initially, Obama seemed flustered that his comments were taken out of context and did not immediately clarify what he actually meant. Oppositional media cut and pasted his statement so that it fit their narrative that Obama really exposed his true ideology that only through socialism can any business be built instead of individual hard work and initiative. Only later did Obama's "Spin Doctors" come out to show that the entire statement, within context, was meant to state that businesses do not build roads, highways, bridges or things like the Internet, but that they profit from those things built collectively by government use of tax dollars. After having several people seek my opinion on this issue, I carefully advised all that I would want to read and listen to everything Obama said (and not the "clips" cherry picked by the media) before I would comment. Now that I have done that, I blame Obama for his poor handling of the spin, but late is better than never. For those that hate Obama, go back and listen to his entire comment and then honestly tell me that he did not have his words taken out of context and then manipulated by the media. There is still no evidence to prove Obama is a "socialist," at least not from the full context of his comments. I will though add this to my list of examples of "spin" and "sound bites" for my students and how important it is for politicians to "control the message."
* Last but not Least - Penn State has been levied significant penalties by the NCAA as a result of the Sandusky scandal. $60 million fine, loss of post-season bowl games for four years and losses of scholarships. I don't feel sorry for Penn State, but I do feel sorry for my alma mater, Indiana. Without Penn State in a post season bowl game, there will be one less source of revenue to share from the Big Ten (socialism at work?). Indiana has not been to a big time bowl in...I can't remember. IU needs successful conference partners to get a share of their bowl game revenues. Guess that just means the Hoosiers will just have to win the 2013 NCAA Basketball Championship instead. Won't be all that bad I guess. Indiana, oh Indiana, Indiana, I'm all for you, IU!
* In response to Obama's visit to Colorado, right wing pundits slammed Obama for "politicizing" the tragedy by even appearing in Colorado. Folks, when a tragedy of this nature hits Americans, the President is expected to play the role as "Consoler In Chief." You all might recall that President Bush served well in that capacity after 9/11. Obama filled that role admirably after the shootings in Tucson as well. The real reason right wing pundits oppose Obama's appearance in Colorado is because he is the President, and his public appearance as our leader makes their candidate, Mitt Romney look like a man on the outside looking in. In other words, Romney looks like a candidate and Obama looks presidential. Go figure...Obama is President. I speak to this issue of "Incumbency Advantage" in my new book.
* In an effort to show class and despite the rantings of Obama's critics, Mitt Romney actually felt it necessary to publicly state that Obama's appearance in Colorado to comfort Americans was the "right thing" to do. Not only did this help to defuse opponents on the right slamming Obama, but many viewed the statement that Romney recognized the importance of the role presidents play as "Consoler in Chief." Besides, what else could Romney had said?
* The Colorado shooter nut case (I refuse to write his name) has appeared dazed and confused during arraignment in a Colorado Court today. I hope he gets the fairest trial possible and that he is afforded little to no publicity. If found guilty, allow him to be dressed up as Batman and turned loose on the general population of a maximum security prison.
* Orrin Hatch (R-UT), fresh off his slim victory in the Utah GOP Senatorial primary against a Tea Party opponent, has declared he is prepared to work with Democrats to work towards tax reform. According to reports, Hatch, 78 believes he can get the support needed to begin the necessary work to reform the tax code, as he is the ranking member of the standing Senate Finance Committee. Yes folks, the tax code is written by the House with the support of the Senate. The President does not have the authority to tax or create or amend or eliminate provisions of the tax code, despite the heated rhetoric blasting Obama for "raising taxes" and spending like a "Socialist." I also speak to this issue in my new book.
* Michele Bachmann (R-MN) doubled down on her claims that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's assistant, Huma Abedin is affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, despite the fact that she is one of the most respected aides in the State Department and further, has a long list of supporters in the GOP coming to her defense (including Arizona GOP Sen. John McCain). Bachmann seems to believe that engaging in "Allan West" style rhetoric ("I can name 88 known Communists in Congress".... but I'll get back to you on those names later) will endear her further to her constituents, or at least enough supporters that she will garner millions in campaign donations. Either way, Bachmann proves once again that pandering to wing nuts is a great way to raise cash, but also to diminish credibility. And to think this women had support to be president in the GOP primaries this Spring.
* President Obama pointed out in Florida on a recent campaign swing that the GOP is practicing campaign hypocrisy when Tea Party Governor Rick Scott touts the success of Florida's economic recovery at the same time Mitt Romney tells Florida voters that the Economy is in terrible shape and that Obama is to blame for it. Such a dilemma for the GOP and the Romney camp. Which is it? Good or bad? Good for Scott, bad for Obama? Or is it really bad for Romney? You can bet Rick Scott's boasts of economic recovery in Florida will never be heard at the GOP convention to be held in Tampa some weeks from now.
* President Obama is continuing to suffer fallout from statements made last week that business owners did not build their own businesses. At least, that is the way the opposition has framed his statements. Initially, Obama seemed flustered that his comments were taken out of context and did not immediately clarify what he actually meant. Oppositional media cut and pasted his statement so that it fit their narrative that Obama really exposed his true ideology that only through socialism can any business be built instead of individual hard work and initiative. Only later did Obama's "Spin Doctors" come out to show that the entire statement, within context, was meant to state that businesses do not build roads, highways, bridges or things like the Internet, but that they profit from those things built collectively by government use of tax dollars. After having several people seek my opinion on this issue, I carefully advised all that I would want to read and listen to everything Obama said (and not the "clips" cherry picked by the media) before I would comment. Now that I have done that, I blame Obama for his poor handling of the spin, but late is better than never. For those that hate Obama, go back and listen to his entire comment and then honestly tell me that he did not have his words taken out of context and then manipulated by the media. There is still no evidence to prove Obama is a "socialist," at least not from the full context of his comments. I will though add this to my list of examples of "spin" and "sound bites" for my students and how important it is for politicians to "control the message."
* Last but not Least - Penn State has been levied significant penalties by the NCAA as a result of the Sandusky scandal. $60 million fine, loss of post-season bowl games for four years and losses of scholarships. I don't feel sorry for Penn State, but I do feel sorry for my alma mater, Indiana. Without Penn State in a post season bowl game, there will be one less source of revenue to share from the Big Ten (socialism at work?). Indiana has not been to a big time bowl in...I can't remember. IU needs successful conference partners to get a share of their bowl game revenues. Guess that just means the Hoosiers will just have to win the 2013 NCAA Basketball Championship instead. Won't be all that bad I guess. Indiana, oh Indiana, Indiana, I'm all for you, IU!
July 19, 2012. *3,000 educators from around the globe are participating at the 2012 AP National Conference in Orlando, Florida which started yesterday and runs through Sunday. "AP" means "Advanced Placement." I have met educators from Iowa, Michigan, Virginia, China and Guam. There are many more, but hey, I can only eat lunch around a table of 8 folks.
* Ann Romney "flushed" her own foot in her mouth by indicating that she and Mitt have released all the tax returns the American people have a right to know. Ann Romney's incredible statement is the subject of today's blog post.
* Syria continues to unwind in a fierce civil war, yet China and Russia continue to block efforts to bring immediate peace to the country. Unfortunately, Geopolitical reality is in play and many more innocents will die while the World will continue to condemn the violence.
* Unfortunately, 6 Israelis were killed in a terrorist bomb in Bulgaria. Bulgaria is a "hot" spot for recent high school grads who vacation there just before entering their mandatory military service. Hezbollah appears to be responsible for the bus bombing with evidence tying them to Iran. As the World is in a "tither" about the violence in Syria, the World (other than Israel, the US and Bulgaria) seems mute when it comes to the senseless deaths of innocent Israelis and Jews. Sometimes new things remain the same.
* Last but not Least - I have limited time and Internet. Please check back later tomorrow for another posting (if Internet is available). However, remember there will be no posting on Saturday in respect for the Sabbath and I will not be posting on Sunday until late evening (if at all). Please note, I WILL be on line and on my regular schedule blogging and posting news on Monday.
* Ann Romney "flushed" her own foot in her mouth by indicating that she and Mitt have released all the tax returns the American people have a right to know. Ann Romney's incredible statement is the subject of today's blog post.
* Syria continues to unwind in a fierce civil war, yet China and Russia continue to block efforts to bring immediate peace to the country. Unfortunately, Geopolitical reality is in play and many more innocents will die while the World will continue to condemn the violence.
* Unfortunately, 6 Israelis were killed in a terrorist bomb in Bulgaria. Bulgaria is a "hot" spot for recent high school grads who vacation there just before entering their mandatory military service. Hezbollah appears to be responsible for the bus bombing with evidence tying them to Iran. As the World is in a "tither" about the violence in Syria, the World (other than Israel, the US and Bulgaria) seems mute when it comes to the senseless deaths of innocent Israelis and Jews. Sometimes new things remain the same.
* Last but not Least - I have limited time and Internet. Please check back later tomorrow for another posting (if Internet is available). However, remember there will be no posting on Saturday in respect for the Sabbath and I will not be posting on Sunday until late evening (if at all). Please note, I WILL be on line and on my regular schedule blogging and posting news on Monday.
July 18, 2012 * According to the Associated Press, soaring corporate earnings continue to carry a rising Standards & Poor's 500 Index. What does that really mean? It means large corporations continue to make boat loads of profits while the rest of us are subjected to a constant barrage of negative economic narratives from those who seek nothing more than power. Really? Well, sort of. Why else are we constantly being told by political pundits that the economy is "falling off a cliff" and that because of "Uncertainties in the Free Markets" large companies are still not hiring more people to return to work? According to the AP Report, Mattel's earnings jumped over 9 % while Coca-Cola (my sister's favorite) posted higher income than expected due to over-seas sales. A quick glance at the Markets indicate that overall, corporate earnings are at their highest in many, many years. So why the clamor that Obama is a "Communist" dedicated to destroying Capitalism? Why do folks seek power so badly that they are willing to dupe others to get it? THIS is the core problem with politics today, a real degradation in HONESTY! Unfortunately, both parties are adept at playing this deceitful game.
* Speaking of honesty, it was reported (and I independently verified), that Sen. John McCain (AZ - R) said on record in 2008, that he chose Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate because she was a superior candidate to Mitt Romney. Straight talk from the "Straight Talk Express?" For every American that voted for McCain, isn't that statement scary in of itself? What did McCain see in Romney to have him consider Sarah Palin a better choice to serve "a heart beat away from the Presidency?" Where is the honesty today with the endorsements of Romney for the top spot when he wasn't even close to be picked for the second spot just 4 years ago?
* It was recently reported in The Washington Post that the newly established Consumer Financial Protection Bureau led by recess-appointee Richard Cordray, has effectively handled over 45,000 consumer complaints, mostly against credit card and mortgage companies that have engaged in improper "behavior." According to the report, the Bureau has revealed not only success in protecting consumers, but also in reminding companies dealing with consumers to abide by established laws. The article goes on to state its conclusion that "So far, the agency has not caused havoc to our economy, despite warnings from Republican lawmakers who tried to block the appointment of a director, absurdly arguing that the consumer bureau would be too powerful." What could possibly be wrong with having a governmental agency work solely in the American consumer's interests? Why would the GOP be opposed to any efforts to regulate businesses that are in a position to take advantage of Americans who do not understand even the most fundamental aspects of finance? Oh that's right, according to Mitt Romney, the GOP has never been a party of the rich...only the companies the rich own and run.
* According to the National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo "Builder Sentiment Index," builder confidence has surged to its highest level in five years and the surge in confidence during just the last month alone in the highest gain in over a decade. I know, "what goes up, must come down," but isn't it possible that we are entering a new phase of UP after being DOWN for so long? Has the sky fallen yet? I know, it's all Obama's fault (he's secretly destroying the home construction industry with too many perhaps they have to all have roofs?).
* The New York Times just reported that the economic future for states remains cloudy, not because the economy will continue to remain stagnant, but because the states' handling of its finances is proving to be a "disaster waiting to happen." Huh? According to Tea Party and GOP supporters, the states are far better at running our country than the big, bad and inefficient federal government. According to the report, the State Budget Crisis Task Force, an independent group, just revealed that several states will suffer fiscal crisis far after the economy does rebound. The group is led by former Fed Chair under President Reagan, Paul Volker.
*Obama's birth certificate has been ruled "Fraudulent" by Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio's appointed "Volunteer Possee." Isn't Sheriff Joe under indictment for 25 felony counts? Yep, sure is (my book explains what the Constitution really says about qualifications to be elected president).
* It has been reported that up to 15 prominent Republicans are demanding Mitt Romney release his thus far secret tax returns. Perhaps they are anticipating trouble and want it out front so they have time to "spin" it before the election gets into fever-pitch mode. Romney himself does not help his cause when he says releasing the returns will simply give the Democrats more "Ammo" to use against him. Huh?
* Speaking of Mitt Romney, he continues to comb through possible running mates that do not upstage him in prestige and credibility. It has been reported that he is seriously considering Piyush "Bobby" Jindal, Tim Pawlenty, Rob Portman, Condi Rice, Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan. That's the best Mitt can do?
* Florida leads the list of states cited in the State Budget Crisis task Force's report for financial incompetence. Tea Party favorite and GOP Governor, Rick Scott has called on the Statehouse to cut an additional 5% from state services and workers.
* According to an editorial in Bloomberg News, " a review of the public record during his (Romney's) management of the private-equity firm Bain Capital from 1985 to 1999 is that Romney was fabulously successful in generating high returns for its investors. He did so, in large part, through heavy use of tax-deductible debt, usually to finance outsized dividends for the firm’s partners and investors. When some of the investments went bad, workers and creditors felt most of the pain. Romney privatized the gains and socialized the losses." Need I say more?
* Last but not Least - President Obama is proposing to set aside $1 Billion to boost US student achievement by hiring more teachers with expertise in science, technology, engineering and math. Once again, Obama wants to redistribute "wealth" to teachers instead of entrepreneurs. What is he thinking!?
*Note - I will be attending the National AP College Board Conference beginning tonight through Sunday, July 22 in Orlando, Florida. I will be posting, but please be patient and stop back frequently as postings may not be online as early in the day as usual.**
* Speaking of honesty, it was reported (and I independently verified), that Sen. John McCain (AZ - R) said on record in 2008, that he chose Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate because she was a superior candidate to Mitt Romney. Straight talk from the "Straight Talk Express?" For every American that voted for McCain, isn't that statement scary in of itself? What did McCain see in Romney to have him consider Sarah Palin a better choice to serve "a heart beat away from the Presidency?" Where is the honesty today with the endorsements of Romney for the top spot when he wasn't even close to be picked for the second spot just 4 years ago?
* It was recently reported in The Washington Post that the newly established Consumer Financial Protection Bureau led by recess-appointee Richard Cordray, has effectively handled over 45,000 consumer complaints, mostly against credit card and mortgage companies that have engaged in improper "behavior." According to the report, the Bureau has revealed not only success in protecting consumers, but also in reminding companies dealing with consumers to abide by established laws. The article goes on to state its conclusion that "So far, the agency has not caused havoc to our economy, despite warnings from Republican lawmakers who tried to block the appointment of a director, absurdly arguing that the consumer bureau would be too powerful." What could possibly be wrong with having a governmental agency work solely in the American consumer's interests? Why would the GOP be opposed to any efforts to regulate businesses that are in a position to take advantage of Americans who do not understand even the most fundamental aspects of finance? Oh that's right, according to Mitt Romney, the GOP has never been a party of the rich...only the companies the rich own and run.
* According to the National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo "Builder Sentiment Index," builder confidence has surged to its highest level in five years and the surge in confidence during just the last month alone in the highest gain in over a decade. I know, "what goes up, must come down," but isn't it possible that we are entering a new phase of UP after being DOWN for so long? Has the sky fallen yet? I know, it's all Obama's fault (he's secretly destroying the home construction industry with too many perhaps they have to all have roofs?).
* The New York Times just reported that the economic future for states remains cloudy, not because the economy will continue to remain stagnant, but because the states' handling of its finances is proving to be a "disaster waiting to happen." Huh? According to Tea Party and GOP supporters, the states are far better at running our country than the big, bad and inefficient federal government. According to the report, the State Budget Crisis Task Force, an independent group, just revealed that several states will suffer fiscal crisis far after the economy does rebound. The group is led by former Fed Chair under President Reagan, Paul Volker.
*Obama's birth certificate has been ruled "Fraudulent" by Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio's appointed "Volunteer Possee." Isn't Sheriff Joe under indictment for 25 felony counts? Yep, sure is (my book explains what the Constitution really says about qualifications to be elected president).
* It has been reported that up to 15 prominent Republicans are demanding Mitt Romney release his thus far secret tax returns. Perhaps they are anticipating trouble and want it out front so they have time to "spin" it before the election gets into fever-pitch mode. Romney himself does not help his cause when he says releasing the returns will simply give the Democrats more "Ammo" to use against him. Huh?
* Speaking of Mitt Romney, he continues to comb through possible running mates that do not upstage him in prestige and credibility. It has been reported that he is seriously considering Piyush "Bobby" Jindal, Tim Pawlenty, Rob Portman, Condi Rice, Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan. That's the best Mitt can do?
* Florida leads the list of states cited in the State Budget Crisis task Force's report for financial incompetence. Tea Party favorite and GOP Governor, Rick Scott has called on the Statehouse to cut an additional 5% from state services and workers.
* According to an editorial in Bloomberg News, " a review of the public record during his (Romney's) management of the private-equity firm Bain Capital from 1985 to 1999 is that Romney was fabulously successful in generating high returns for its investors. He did so, in large part, through heavy use of tax-deductible debt, usually to finance outsized dividends for the firm’s partners and investors. When some of the investments went bad, workers and creditors felt most of the pain. Romney privatized the gains and socialized the losses." Need I say more?
* Last but not Least - President Obama is proposing to set aside $1 Billion to boost US student achievement by hiring more teachers with expertise in science, technology, engineering and math. Once again, Obama wants to redistribute "wealth" to teachers instead of entrepreneurs. What is he thinking!?
*Note - I will be attending the National AP College Board Conference beginning tonight through Sunday, July 22 in Orlando, Florida. I will be posting, but please be patient and stop back frequently as postings may not be online as early in the day as usual.**
July 17, 2012. * It was recently announced that the Obama Administration is reconsidering its strategy as it relates to the “War on Drugs.” According to reports in The New York Times, Administration officials have begun reviewing its plan to attack the abuse of prescription pain drugs instead of the marijuana and cocaine traffic it has traditionally waged war on.
* Although the rains have continued days on end in Florida and other Southern states, over 55% of the nation has been wracked with a never ending drought, so much so that it has been reported that ranchers have been actively seeking buyers of their cattle because there are no grasslands available for them to feed. Record temperatures persist, which have also had a dramatic effect on corn and produce growers. Expect the changing environment to affect food and commodities prices in the near future. Proof of Climate Change?
* The Los Angeles Times has reported that Veterans’ claims against For-Profit proprietary colleges have been on the rise. According to the report, the top-20 For-Profit colleges have collected over $521 Million from the GI Bill, yet Veterans continued to complain that the education they received is not of the quality or type they were sold when enrolling. Now it appears, a rising number of complaints have finally caught the attention of Congress and the White House for further investigation and action. The report also states that taxpayers footing the bill for veterans pay twice as much in tuition costs for Veterans enrolled at a For-Profit schools over those enrolled in public universities. More importantly, when many veterans attempt to transfer to a public university they then learn the credits earned at the proprietary schools are generally non-transferable. Makes you wonder what exactly the value the Veterans and taxpayers are getting for the tuition if the credits aren’t valid anywhere else.
* In another lapse at the White House, the Obama Administration has relaxed compliance with the Food Safety Modernization Act, passed into law in 2010 with overwhelming Democratic support. According to the law, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was empowered to improve methods to ensure safety of all food, domestic or imported. It appears that the law has been under review by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) which oversees the bureaucracy for the Executive Branch (if you did not know this, you really need to read my book), has been held up since last December and consumer and food safety advocates are more than a bit upset. According to an OMB spokesperson, the review is taking longer than expected because they want to make sure they “get it right.” Perhaps that is the same excuse Congress should be using for doing nothing for the past two (2) years... they are just waiting for the perfect time to “get things right?” Oh yea, sure.
*Ben Bernake, Fed Chair testified before the Senate Banking Committee that any effort to derail the extension of the government’s debt ceiling in December will result in our economy falling off the proverbial “fiscal cliff.” GOP Tea Party members have made debt ceiling renewals a team sport, with total disregard to the fact that the spending was already approved and the measure is necessary only to authorize the payment of past debt. Once again, there are a lot of folks that need to read my book. America is not a deadbeat nation. We do not default on our obligations!
* The "LIBOR" scandal has taken on more exposure in the United States. " LIBOR" or London Index Interbank Offered Rate is the mechanism that determines the interest rates charged by central banks to all other financial institutions that lend money. The rates they establish determine what everyone pays in interest on debt from credit cards to adjustable rate home mortgages. Investigations have revealed that large banks have “requested” and received rate changes from the London Index that directly benefited their interests at the detriment of others. Barclay’s Bank has admitted their role in this scheme and have agreed to pay a fine of $450 Million. The probe continues into this growing scandal. As mentioned in yesterday’s blog, shame on politicians that claim regulations on Banks and Wall Street inhibit the “Free Market”…there is nothing “Free” about markets when Big Banks and investment houses play by a different set of rules that allow them to manipulate the market. Perhaps it is time for Americans to ask their politicians where they stand on the issue of regulating the investment industry? What makes this additional financial fiasco worse is the fact that Fed Chair Bernake has continued to "poo poo" the entire affair. What does the Fed know about the LIBOR scandal and when did they first know about it?
* Last but not Least - According to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Rep. Vern Buchanan (R) has been dealing with penalties and fines levied by the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) due to “illegal campaign donations” along with attorneys fees relating to four federal investigations into his business and campaign affairs.
* Although the rains have continued days on end in Florida and other Southern states, over 55% of the nation has been wracked with a never ending drought, so much so that it has been reported that ranchers have been actively seeking buyers of their cattle because there are no grasslands available for them to feed. Record temperatures persist, which have also had a dramatic effect on corn and produce growers. Expect the changing environment to affect food and commodities prices in the near future. Proof of Climate Change?
* The Los Angeles Times has reported that Veterans’ claims against For-Profit proprietary colleges have been on the rise. According to the report, the top-20 For-Profit colleges have collected over $521 Million from the GI Bill, yet Veterans continued to complain that the education they received is not of the quality or type they were sold when enrolling. Now it appears, a rising number of complaints have finally caught the attention of Congress and the White House for further investigation and action. The report also states that taxpayers footing the bill for veterans pay twice as much in tuition costs for Veterans enrolled at a For-Profit schools over those enrolled in public universities. More importantly, when many veterans attempt to transfer to a public university they then learn the credits earned at the proprietary schools are generally non-transferable. Makes you wonder what exactly the value the Veterans and taxpayers are getting for the tuition if the credits aren’t valid anywhere else.
* In another lapse at the White House, the Obama Administration has relaxed compliance with the Food Safety Modernization Act, passed into law in 2010 with overwhelming Democratic support. According to the law, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was empowered to improve methods to ensure safety of all food, domestic or imported. It appears that the law has been under review by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) which oversees the bureaucracy for the Executive Branch (if you did not know this, you really need to read my book), has been held up since last December and consumer and food safety advocates are more than a bit upset. According to an OMB spokesperson, the review is taking longer than expected because they want to make sure they “get it right.” Perhaps that is the same excuse Congress should be using for doing nothing for the past two (2) years... they are just waiting for the perfect time to “get things right?” Oh yea, sure.
*Ben Bernake, Fed Chair testified before the Senate Banking Committee that any effort to derail the extension of the government’s debt ceiling in December will result in our economy falling off the proverbial “fiscal cliff.” GOP Tea Party members have made debt ceiling renewals a team sport, with total disregard to the fact that the spending was already approved and the measure is necessary only to authorize the payment of past debt. Once again, there are a lot of folks that need to read my book. America is not a deadbeat nation. We do not default on our obligations!
* The "LIBOR" scandal has taken on more exposure in the United States. " LIBOR" or London Index Interbank Offered Rate is the mechanism that determines the interest rates charged by central banks to all other financial institutions that lend money. The rates they establish determine what everyone pays in interest on debt from credit cards to adjustable rate home mortgages. Investigations have revealed that large banks have “requested” and received rate changes from the London Index that directly benefited their interests at the detriment of others. Barclay’s Bank has admitted their role in this scheme and have agreed to pay a fine of $450 Million. The probe continues into this growing scandal. As mentioned in yesterday’s blog, shame on politicians that claim regulations on Banks and Wall Street inhibit the “Free Market”…there is nothing “Free” about markets when Big Banks and investment houses play by a different set of rules that allow them to manipulate the market. Perhaps it is time for Americans to ask their politicians where they stand on the issue of regulating the investment industry? What makes this additional financial fiasco worse is the fact that Fed Chair Bernake has continued to "poo poo" the entire affair. What does the Fed know about the LIBOR scandal and when did they first know about it?
* Last but not Least - According to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Rep. Vern Buchanan (R) has been dealing with penalties and fines levied by the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) due to “illegal campaign donations” along with attorneys fees relating to four federal investigations into his business and campaign affairs.
July 16, 2012. * For a typical slow news day, there are reports that the USS Rappahannock fired a .50 caliber machine gun at a rapidly approaching boat while sailing in the Persian Gulf close to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Seems the boat headed straight for the US Warship and did not heed repeated warnings to alter its course. After the smoke and fire, US Naval and United Emirates personnel boarded the boat and found nothing suspicious and it has been reported that 1 person on that boat was killed. UAE personnel stressed they found the boat to simply be fishing in the area and none of the crew aboard were Iranians. As I write this posting, the US Navy is continuing a mass build-up in the Persian Gulf and Straits of Hormuz as Iran has ratcheted up its war drum rhetoric, along with several missile firings as part of their "scheduled" war games. It may be sooner rather than later that Iran learns that the war they are anticipating is not a game. The US Navy means business and all Americans should be proud of that!
* Mitt Romney's campaign has started airing negative attack ads against Obama claiming the Obama ads are "Dishonest" and falsely negative about Romney. Again, more childish gamesmanship from our alleged "leaders." Along those lines, Romney insists he will not release his tax returns from 1999-2002, despite the attention they are receiving from both the Democrats and Republicans to do so. The more Romney defends not disclosing these tax returns, the more he will appear to be the "Flip-Flopper" he really is when he ultimately capitulates and releases them. Romney has begun to make a huge election year mistake by allowing the Obama camp to steer the campaign into a continued discussion of Bain Capital and Romney's involvement (or non-involvement). This tactic being used by the Democrats should look quite familiar to Republicans, as it was used by Karl Rove and the Republicans against John Kerry's presidential campaign in 2004, and they know it works quite successfully. Perhaps that is why Republicans are really worried about the Bain issue, especially since Romney has relied solely on his Bain credentials to be elected president. Romney continues to avoid anything relating to his tenure as Governor of Massachusetts, his only elected office held and a tenure marked with repeated failures, including job losses and a 47th ranking in job creation. If Romney's sole credential to be elected president is his experience at Bain, then all of those experiences must be disclosed, not just those cherry picked and cleansed for public consumption. I think Americans are tired of electing officials on a Caveat Emptor basis.
* Along these lines, President Obama has publicly stated that he will not apologize to Mitt Romney for his campaign's use of the Bain information against Romney. Wasn't it just this Spring that Romney spent millions destroying the character and reputations of fellow Republicans Santorum and Gingerich? When Gingerich demanded an apology from Romney, was it forthcoming? Is this an indication that Romney believes he is special and entitled to a treatment others are not worthy of? Aren't politics grand?
* It was reported today that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was greeted with tomato and insult tossing Egyptians as she met with Egyptian officials on her way to Israel. Seems many in the crowd tossing the fruit (or is it a vegetable, or a berry?) along with chants of "Monica, Monica." One thing is for sure, the Egyptians are really up on things, because that chant is so 1995! In Israel, Clinton met with Israeli President Shimon Peres, who to the obvious distaste of Republicans, praised the Obama Administration for its support of Israel and its handling of the ongoing threats from Iran. Check out the spin on that from the Republicans later today!
* According to the Washington Post, the Department of Homeland Security has missed the required date to provide radiation checks on all shipping containers heading into the United States. According to Homeland Security, the costs associated with this testing are in the $16 Billion range. The Obama Administration has some explaining to do on this issue, as the effective date to have this process in place was established in 2007 and initiated by Democrats in the House. Did Bush postpone this for a future president to deal with? Has Obama violated the law by ignoring its required effective date? Has Congress approved the allocation of the $16 Billion for the enforcement of this law? You can bet the Republicans will jump on Obama for being soft on fighting terror, while at the same time continue their rhetoric that he is an out of control spender of our tax monies. The beat goes on.
* It has been reported in The New York Times that despite Federal regulations prohibiting the practice, some Wall Street firms were disclosing inside analysis and projections on publicly traded companies to some of the largest, select, and preferred investors.
* Last but not Least - The Sarasota Republican Party has officially awarded "The Donald," Donald Trump to receive its "Statesman of the Year" Award, to be given just in time for Trump and the Party to enjoy the publicity from the commencement of the GOP National Convention in Tampa. "Statesman?" Really?
* Mitt Romney's campaign has started airing negative attack ads against Obama claiming the Obama ads are "Dishonest" and falsely negative about Romney. Again, more childish gamesmanship from our alleged "leaders." Along those lines, Romney insists he will not release his tax returns from 1999-2002, despite the attention they are receiving from both the Democrats and Republicans to do so. The more Romney defends not disclosing these tax returns, the more he will appear to be the "Flip-Flopper" he really is when he ultimately capitulates and releases them. Romney has begun to make a huge election year mistake by allowing the Obama camp to steer the campaign into a continued discussion of Bain Capital and Romney's involvement (or non-involvement). This tactic being used by the Democrats should look quite familiar to Republicans, as it was used by Karl Rove and the Republicans against John Kerry's presidential campaign in 2004, and they know it works quite successfully. Perhaps that is why Republicans are really worried about the Bain issue, especially since Romney has relied solely on his Bain credentials to be elected president. Romney continues to avoid anything relating to his tenure as Governor of Massachusetts, his only elected office held and a tenure marked with repeated failures, including job losses and a 47th ranking in job creation. If Romney's sole credential to be elected president is his experience at Bain, then all of those experiences must be disclosed, not just those cherry picked and cleansed for public consumption. I think Americans are tired of electing officials on a Caveat Emptor basis.
* Along these lines, President Obama has publicly stated that he will not apologize to Mitt Romney for his campaign's use of the Bain information against Romney. Wasn't it just this Spring that Romney spent millions destroying the character and reputations of fellow Republicans Santorum and Gingerich? When Gingerich demanded an apology from Romney, was it forthcoming? Is this an indication that Romney believes he is special and entitled to a treatment others are not worthy of? Aren't politics grand?
* It was reported today that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was greeted with tomato and insult tossing Egyptians as she met with Egyptian officials on her way to Israel. Seems many in the crowd tossing the fruit (or is it a vegetable, or a berry?) along with chants of "Monica, Monica." One thing is for sure, the Egyptians are really up on things, because that chant is so 1995! In Israel, Clinton met with Israeli President Shimon Peres, who to the obvious distaste of Republicans, praised the Obama Administration for its support of Israel and its handling of the ongoing threats from Iran. Check out the spin on that from the Republicans later today!
* According to the Washington Post, the Department of Homeland Security has missed the required date to provide radiation checks on all shipping containers heading into the United States. According to Homeland Security, the costs associated with this testing are in the $16 Billion range. The Obama Administration has some explaining to do on this issue, as the effective date to have this process in place was established in 2007 and initiated by Democrats in the House. Did Bush postpone this for a future president to deal with? Has Obama violated the law by ignoring its required effective date? Has Congress approved the allocation of the $16 Billion for the enforcement of this law? You can bet the Republicans will jump on Obama for being soft on fighting terror, while at the same time continue their rhetoric that he is an out of control spender of our tax monies. The beat goes on.
* It has been reported in The New York Times that despite Federal regulations prohibiting the practice, some Wall Street firms were disclosing inside analysis and projections on publicly traded companies to some of the largest, select, and preferred investors.
* Last but not Least - The Sarasota Republican Party has officially awarded "The Donald," Donald Trump to receive its "Statesman of the Year" Award, to be given just in time for Trump and the Party to enjoy the publicity from the commencement of the GOP National Convention in Tampa. "Statesman?" Really?
July 15, 2012. * For the first time ever, our local paper, The Sarasota Herald-Tribune has identified the health care law as the Affordable Health Care Act or "ACA" and not as "Obamacare." Perhaps some folks are ready to move on now that the provisions of the law have been ruled Constitutional and we can actually get to figuring out how it will really work instead of the dire "the sky is falling" political rhetorical doom and gloom we have been exposed to for the past two years?
* This past week, virtually every media outlet has been reporting that the GOP controlled House of Representatives voted for the 33rd time to repeal the ACA, only to have the measure ignored by the Senate. What did not get into the news reporting cycle, was the fact that House Democrats proposed that all Members of Congress voting to repeal the ACA, also then forfeit their very own coverage under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan. Under their existing plan, members of Congress and their families receive the very same benefits offered under the ACA. Makes sense that if members of Congress think the ACA is so vile, they too should give up their identical benefits, right? After voting 244 to repeal the ACA, House Republicans then voted 248 against losing their identical benefits. Why hasn't this political news been publicized in the media instead of the articles with headlines that read "Cat Mayor Still Drawing Visitors?"
* Former President George Herbert Walker Bush during an interview with Parade Magazine (great article I might add), was asked about breaking his now famous "Read My Lips, No New Taxes" statement by raising taxes during his presidency, stating "The rigidity of those pledges is something I don't like. The circumstances change, and you can't be wedded to some formula by Grover Norquist. It's—who the hell is Grover Norquist, anyway?" Unfortunately, to many on the right side of the political spectrum, Norquist is their leader as they believe that there should be no taxes and ultimately, no federal government. The only pledge our representatives should be making is to uphold the Constitution of the United States and to faithfully execute their jobs in ways that benefit us as a nation. I couldn't have put it any better Mr. President!
* After applying considerable pressure and a recent judicial ruling, the Obama Administration has ordered The Department of Homeland Security to release its data base on "resident non-citizens" to States attempting to eliminate "voter fraud" by purging folks from voter lists. The release of this data base is considered a huge GOP victory by many, however, now that they have this information, they no longer can pursue the argument that without it, they have the right to cull voter lists and purge them because of alleged "suspicions." Will the purge under the guise of protecting voting rights now end? We can bet the Justice Department will be monitoring this very closely, especially in light of the fact that many GOP leaders have admitted that the "purge" would ensure a GOP victory in the November election!
* Republican Governors, many attending the annual National Governors' Association meeting have publicly demanded that Mitt Romney disclose all of his Federal Income Tax Returns. As predicted some time ago, Mitt Romney will capitulate ("flip-flop") and will relent by disclosing all of those returns.
* Along the lines of "Flip-Flop" Mitt Romney just did it again! You may recall that all Spring, Romney ranted and raved about how Obama traveled the World "apologizing" for America and that by doing so, he did not believe in American "Exceptionalism" (despite the fact that all fact-checking organizations proved those allegations to be entirely false). Incredibly, Romney now demands that Obama apologize to him for the personal attacks leveled by the Obama Campaign raising the issue of Romney's potential extended involvement in Bain Capital! Huh? Wasn't it Romney that claimed Obama was "weak" for apologizing? Now he demands Obama give him one?
* Last but not Least - It has been recently reported that former U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner (D-NY) is considering running again for elected office. As you may recall, in what was appropriately labeled "Weinergate"he was caught sending photos of his underwear-clad genitals over Twitter to various females across the country and after denying culpability, ultimately resigned in shame. Now it appears, Weiner is seriously considering a run for Mayor of New York City. Any guess on what his campaign slogans might be?
* This past week, virtually every media outlet has been reporting that the GOP controlled House of Representatives voted for the 33rd time to repeal the ACA, only to have the measure ignored by the Senate. What did not get into the news reporting cycle, was the fact that House Democrats proposed that all Members of Congress voting to repeal the ACA, also then forfeit their very own coverage under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan. Under their existing plan, members of Congress and their families receive the very same benefits offered under the ACA. Makes sense that if members of Congress think the ACA is so vile, they too should give up their identical benefits, right? After voting 244 to repeal the ACA, House Republicans then voted 248 against losing their identical benefits. Why hasn't this political news been publicized in the media instead of the articles with headlines that read "Cat Mayor Still Drawing Visitors?"
* Former President George Herbert Walker Bush during an interview with Parade Magazine (great article I might add), was asked about breaking his now famous "Read My Lips, No New Taxes" statement by raising taxes during his presidency, stating "The rigidity of those pledges is something I don't like. The circumstances change, and you can't be wedded to some formula by Grover Norquist. It's—who the hell is Grover Norquist, anyway?" Unfortunately, to many on the right side of the political spectrum, Norquist is their leader as they believe that there should be no taxes and ultimately, no federal government. The only pledge our representatives should be making is to uphold the Constitution of the United States and to faithfully execute their jobs in ways that benefit us as a nation. I couldn't have put it any better Mr. President!
* After applying considerable pressure and a recent judicial ruling, the Obama Administration has ordered The Department of Homeland Security to release its data base on "resident non-citizens" to States attempting to eliminate "voter fraud" by purging folks from voter lists. The release of this data base is considered a huge GOP victory by many, however, now that they have this information, they no longer can pursue the argument that without it, they have the right to cull voter lists and purge them because of alleged "suspicions." Will the purge under the guise of protecting voting rights now end? We can bet the Justice Department will be monitoring this very closely, especially in light of the fact that many GOP leaders have admitted that the "purge" would ensure a GOP victory in the November election!
* Republican Governors, many attending the annual National Governors' Association meeting have publicly demanded that Mitt Romney disclose all of his Federal Income Tax Returns. As predicted some time ago, Mitt Romney will capitulate ("flip-flop") and will relent by disclosing all of those returns.
* Along the lines of "Flip-Flop" Mitt Romney just did it again! You may recall that all Spring, Romney ranted and raved about how Obama traveled the World "apologizing" for America and that by doing so, he did not believe in American "Exceptionalism" (despite the fact that all fact-checking organizations proved those allegations to be entirely false). Incredibly, Romney now demands that Obama apologize to him for the personal attacks leveled by the Obama Campaign raising the issue of Romney's potential extended involvement in Bain Capital! Huh? Wasn't it Romney that claimed Obama was "weak" for apologizing? Now he demands Obama give him one?
* Last but not Least - It has been recently reported that former U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner (D-NY) is considering running again for elected office. As you may recall, in what was appropriately labeled "Weinergate"he was caught sending photos of his underwear-clad genitals over Twitter to various females across the country and after denying culpability, ultimately resigned in shame. Now it appears, Weiner is seriously considering a run for Mayor of New York City. Any guess on what his campaign slogans might be?
July 13, 2012. *As predicted yesterday, the Obama and Romney camps continue to spar over the legitimacy of The Boston Globe article reporting that Mitt Romney was still in control of Bain Capital until 2002. Now both sides are ratcheting up their "liar" rhetoric. Seems we are all experiencing a bit of a high tech playground version of "Na, Na, Got you Last!"
*JPMorgan has announced that its original estimates on losses from risky trading have ballooned to over $5.8 Billion. Seems calls for regulating Wall Street remain unanswered as "Too Big To Fail" doesn't stop some huge banks from giving it their level best in trying.
*Yahoo has confirmed that up to 450,0o0 passwords have been hacked. I could have told them that last week when I began receiving e-mails from myself that I never sent! A prompt change of password seemed to fix it....for now.
*According to the Pew Research Center's latest polling (June 28 - July 9), President Obama holds a seven (7) point lead nationally over GOP Challenger Mitt Romney. When dealing with individual issues, Obama's lead is even wider.
*Mitt Romney received a high level endorsement yesterday while in Wyoming. As predicted earlier, Republicans have no problem with Romney having absolutely no foreign policy experience. Why should they? The know he will rely solely on the same Neo-Cons George W. Bush used throughout his presidency. That "high level endorsement?" From former Bush vice-president, Dick Cheney (along with a chunk of cash his Neo-Con friends could put together...probably angling for new employment in a Romney White House).
*Drought has gripped Midwestern farmers so badly, 26 states are seeking Federal Disaster Relief. I wonder how many of those states have GOP governors and Statehouses that preach hatred towards the Federal government and demand a balanced budget AND severe cuts to spending? Hypocrisy anyone?
*Along that same line, it was reported by the National Conference of State Legislatures, 22 states owe the Federal government over $28.7 Billion for money lent to them since 2009 to cover unemployment payments. Seems the loans were part of Federal spending to assist states meet their unemployment obligations when payroll taxes were cut and many have not repaid their loans as required. Florida leads all states in borrowing alone at $2.9 Billion. Florida, like other GOP led states, publicly decries Federal spending and the need for a balanced budget. Moreover, these very same "Red" states are led by politicians that lead us to believe that much of the Federal government is not needed and is a usurper of our freedoms and liberties, or that any Federal stimulus was an abject failure (all the while taking full advantage of it). Although I am opposed to wasteful spending, I am more opposed to politicians that craft disingenuous rhetoric cynically designed to dupe the public into hating the Federal government in order to shore up support for their own politically ideologically based ambitions.
* Yesterday I mentioned the efforts by many in Congress to force Illinois Representative Jessie Jackson, Jr. (D) to adequately explain his repeated absence from the House of Representatives. It was then disclosed that Jackson has been undergoing "intense treatment" for psychological issues relating to depression and mood swings. It may be easy for those that are insensitive to those issues to complain and demand further action from Jackson, but for others that understand the impact of mental illness, Jackson may deserve a break from the intense pressure being put on him by his Congressional colleagues. With the election approaching, perhaps the matter would be better dealt with by Mr. Jackson's constituents rather than his colleagues that are not doing so well in the "work" department themselves?
*Florida Tea Party and GOP Governor Rick Scott, who touted that Florida would rise to the top of "competitiveness" by slashing public spending along with taxes on businesses received a rude awakening with the recent report issued by CNBC's America's Top Business States, 2012. Seems Florida, after all of the budget and policy shifting away from public services, workers and education while slashing tax rates to business did not rise in the rankings. Gee, what happened? According to the report, instead of rising, Florida FELL from being ranked 18th in the Nation to 29th. More importantly, the category based upon "Education" fell from 35th to 42nd! Atta boy Rick, you got us a higher ranking...closer to the top of FAILING states when it comes to education and Economy (stuck at 47th). And what did you actually accomplish by attacking costs associated with public services, workers and education? If those on the right want to continue to tout the success of their governors, they should also accept responsibility for their failures. We now have more evidence that the policies of the Tea Party and their governor Rick Scott have been a failure for Florida.
* Last but not Least - At least seven (7) Democratic governors have voiced concerns about the Medicaid provisions of Obamacare. Seems even Democrats running states also have budget surpluses and they too are concerned about the effects of Obamacare. What I really would like to know though is this. What have all of these states done since the passage of Obamacare in 2010 to prepare for its implementation? Why did they do nothing up to now? Was it reasonable for them to wait for the recent Supreme Court ruling on the mandate's constitutionality? Shouldn't folks start to wonder why their state leaders left such important matters to sit idle for so long and then to complain about their impact now, when they are pushed into a proverbial corner to implement them? Don't We, the People expect our state leaders to work instead of stand by and wait to complain later when the issue really becomes a problem? Oh wait a second, perhaps they are simply following the model of leadership we have on the Federal level, where nothing gets done and we complain about the negative impact, but still do little to nothing about fixing the problem?
*JPMorgan has announced that its original estimates on losses from risky trading have ballooned to over $5.8 Billion. Seems calls for regulating Wall Street remain unanswered as "Too Big To Fail" doesn't stop some huge banks from giving it their level best in trying.
*Yahoo has confirmed that up to 450,0o0 passwords have been hacked. I could have told them that last week when I began receiving e-mails from myself that I never sent! A prompt change of password seemed to fix it....for now.
*According to the Pew Research Center's latest polling (June 28 - July 9), President Obama holds a seven (7) point lead nationally over GOP Challenger Mitt Romney. When dealing with individual issues, Obama's lead is even wider.
*Mitt Romney received a high level endorsement yesterday while in Wyoming. As predicted earlier, Republicans have no problem with Romney having absolutely no foreign policy experience. Why should they? The know he will rely solely on the same Neo-Cons George W. Bush used throughout his presidency. That "high level endorsement?" From former Bush vice-president, Dick Cheney (along with a chunk of cash his Neo-Con friends could put together...probably angling for new employment in a Romney White House).
*Drought has gripped Midwestern farmers so badly, 26 states are seeking Federal Disaster Relief. I wonder how many of those states have GOP governors and Statehouses that preach hatred towards the Federal government and demand a balanced budget AND severe cuts to spending? Hypocrisy anyone?
*Along that same line, it was reported by the National Conference of State Legislatures, 22 states owe the Federal government over $28.7 Billion for money lent to them since 2009 to cover unemployment payments. Seems the loans were part of Federal spending to assist states meet their unemployment obligations when payroll taxes were cut and many have not repaid their loans as required. Florida leads all states in borrowing alone at $2.9 Billion. Florida, like other GOP led states, publicly decries Federal spending and the need for a balanced budget. Moreover, these very same "Red" states are led by politicians that lead us to believe that much of the Federal government is not needed and is a usurper of our freedoms and liberties, or that any Federal stimulus was an abject failure (all the while taking full advantage of it). Although I am opposed to wasteful spending, I am more opposed to politicians that craft disingenuous rhetoric cynically designed to dupe the public into hating the Federal government in order to shore up support for their own politically ideologically based ambitions.
* Yesterday I mentioned the efforts by many in Congress to force Illinois Representative Jessie Jackson, Jr. (D) to adequately explain his repeated absence from the House of Representatives. It was then disclosed that Jackson has been undergoing "intense treatment" for psychological issues relating to depression and mood swings. It may be easy for those that are insensitive to those issues to complain and demand further action from Jackson, but for others that understand the impact of mental illness, Jackson may deserve a break from the intense pressure being put on him by his Congressional colleagues. With the election approaching, perhaps the matter would be better dealt with by Mr. Jackson's constituents rather than his colleagues that are not doing so well in the "work" department themselves?
*Florida Tea Party and GOP Governor Rick Scott, who touted that Florida would rise to the top of "competitiveness" by slashing public spending along with taxes on businesses received a rude awakening with the recent report issued by CNBC's America's Top Business States, 2012. Seems Florida, after all of the budget and policy shifting away from public services, workers and education while slashing tax rates to business did not rise in the rankings. Gee, what happened? According to the report, instead of rising, Florida FELL from being ranked 18th in the Nation to 29th. More importantly, the category based upon "Education" fell from 35th to 42nd! Atta boy Rick, you got us a higher ranking...closer to the top of FAILING states when it comes to education and Economy (stuck at 47th). And what did you actually accomplish by attacking costs associated with public services, workers and education? If those on the right want to continue to tout the success of their governors, they should also accept responsibility for their failures. We now have more evidence that the policies of the Tea Party and their governor Rick Scott have been a failure for Florida.
* Last but not Least - At least seven (7) Democratic governors have voiced concerns about the Medicaid provisions of Obamacare. Seems even Democrats running states also have budget surpluses and they too are concerned about the effects of Obamacare. What I really would like to know though is this. What have all of these states done since the passage of Obamacare in 2010 to prepare for its implementation? Why did they do nothing up to now? Was it reasonable for them to wait for the recent Supreme Court ruling on the mandate's constitutionality? Shouldn't folks start to wonder why their state leaders left such important matters to sit idle for so long and then to complain about their impact now, when they are pushed into a proverbial corner to implement them? Don't We, the People expect our state leaders to work instead of stand by and wait to complain later when the issue really becomes a problem? Oh wait a second, perhaps they are simply following the model of leadership we have on the Federal level, where nothing gets done and we complain about the negative impact, but still do little to nothing about fixing the problem?
July 12, 2012. * A new report by The Boston Globe claims that Mitt Romney did not leave Bain Capital ion 1999 as has been maintained throughout his presidential campaign, but instead was sole owner, CEO, Chairman and President (now that's a mouthful) until he became Governor of Massachusetts in 2002. Romney has refused to disclose his Federal tax returns for those years.
* Mitt Romney addressed the NAACP at their annual convention in Houston, but was booed by the crowd when he claimed he would do more for African-Americans than Obama has done. Now many alleged GOP insiders openly worry that Romney is not tough enough to handle the pressure of the current presidential campaign of our time. Romney obviously disagrees with these fears.
* The House of Representatives voted for the 33rd time to repeal the Patient Protection & Affordable Health Care Act ("Obamacare"), and even got 5 Democrats to join in their vote. Unfortunately, 185 other Democrats voted with their caucus against the measure. Even more silly is the admission by House GOP Leaders that they have known all along that any measure undertaken in the House to repeal Obamacare will be blocked in the Democratically controlled Senate. More political gamesmanship from our "esteemed" political representatives in Washington.
* Republicans and Democrats are seeking an explanation from Rep. Jessie Jackson, Jr. for his extended absence from Congress. Seems the Illinois Democrat has been on extended leave for unspecified medical issues. Although it is important to have representatives present in Washington, isn't it equally or more important for them to actually engage in constructive work too?
* It has been reported that the first Russian exploration for oil off the coast of Cuba has been delayed due to US Embargo restrictions. According to the Embargo, oil rigs must not use a certain amount of US produced parts, and finding one without US Technology has proven to be difficult. I have a solution for that problem. Require Cuba to contract with US oil companies for the exploratory drilling of oil and keep Russian (and China) out of our hemisphere. Can anyone say "Monroe Doctrine" along with "Roosevelt Corollary?" Look 'em up.
* Several years ago, medical researchers came upon a gene linking heredity to the formation of Alzheimer's Disease. It has been reported that researchers have recently identified a mutant gene that can prevent the disease from occurring. This could be a huge step forward in the fight against Alzheimer's. Let's hope they prove it effective soon so that many Americans can be spared this awful disease. Perhaps effective ways to prevent cancer is near? Let's all pray for it!
* Last but not Least - It was recently announced that Team USA will wear uniforms for the Olympics that are manufactured in China. Am I the only one a bit puzzled by this news?
* Mitt Romney addressed the NAACP at their annual convention in Houston, but was booed by the crowd when he claimed he would do more for African-Americans than Obama has done. Now many alleged GOP insiders openly worry that Romney is not tough enough to handle the pressure of the current presidential campaign of our time. Romney obviously disagrees with these fears.
* The House of Representatives voted for the 33rd time to repeal the Patient Protection & Affordable Health Care Act ("Obamacare"), and even got 5 Democrats to join in their vote. Unfortunately, 185 other Democrats voted with their caucus against the measure. Even more silly is the admission by House GOP Leaders that they have known all along that any measure undertaken in the House to repeal Obamacare will be blocked in the Democratically controlled Senate. More political gamesmanship from our "esteemed" political representatives in Washington.
* Republicans and Democrats are seeking an explanation from Rep. Jessie Jackson, Jr. for his extended absence from Congress. Seems the Illinois Democrat has been on extended leave for unspecified medical issues. Although it is important to have representatives present in Washington, isn't it equally or more important for them to actually engage in constructive work too?
* It has been reported that the first Russian exploration for oil off the coast of Cuba has been delayed due to US Embargo restrictions. According to the Embargo, oil rigs must not use a certain amount of US produced parts, and finding one without US Technology has proven to be difficult. I have a solution for that problem. Require Cuba to contract with US oil companies for the exploratory drilling of oil and keep Russian (and China) out of our hemisphere. Can anyone say "Monroe Doctrine" along with "Roosevelt Corollary?" Look 'em up.
* Several years ago, medical researchers came upon a gene linking heredity to the formation of Alzheimer's Disease. It has been reported that researchers have recently identified a mutant gene that can prevent the disease from occurring. This could be a huge step forward in the fight against Alzheimer's. Let's hope they prove it effective soon so that many Americans can be spared this awful disease. Perhaps effective ways to prevent cancer is near? Let's all pray for it!
* Last but not Least - It was recently announced that Team USA will wear uniforms for the Olympics that are manufactured in China. Am I the only one a bit puzzled by this news?
July 11, 2012. * New polling suggests that President Obama has stretched his national lead to six (6) points over challenger Mitt Romney. According to the polls, Obama leads overwhelmingly with African-American and single women voters. Romney continues to lead with white middle aged men.
* In a new form of playground name calling, Obama and Romney continue to toss "You're an Out Sourcer" "No you Are" barbs. Can't we do better than this type of childish political nonsense? We have serious problems, and this is the best we can get from the two who seek the highest leadership position in the country?
* The Taliban allegedly has indicated that it cannot win its war in Afghanistan and therefore, will compromise for peace if they can get representative seats in a new coalition government. How far would you trust any Taliban leader that suggests representative government is the best way to go? Wishful thinking? What's their angle now?
* The Mayor of Scranton, PA has come under intense fire for reducing the pay for all firefighters, police and public employees to minimum wage, despite a court order prohibiting the move. According to the Mayor, Scranton is on the verge of bankruptcy and by slashing wages now, he promises to restore them once the fiscal crisis has ended. According to reports, the City maintains a budget of $85 Million, but has a deficit of $16.8 million. Typical of the media, there is no mention of what other steps have been taken before these drastic measures.
* Florida Governor Rick Scott is in the news for two things today. The first is his official request for Federal Emergency Disaster Relief Funds to repair damages suffered by Tropical Storm Debby. Mr. Scott once again believes in the Federal government when convenient to his state, but not when the money is available to others in need. Mr. Scott also recently attended the Farnborough International Air Show in London to tout the need to expand Federal spending on defense so that Florida can become more competitive in the aviation industry. Mr. Scott again bemoans the Defense Department cuts as hurting "business" but has no problem making the daily argument that the Federal government and its spending is too large and must be shrunk. Mr. Scott, Florida's "poster child" for hypocrisy.
* Last but not Least - The United States Department of Labor has announced that job openings across the nation rose to 3.6 million in May, the second highest in the last four years. According to a national builders index, the list of US housing markets showing improvement rose to 84 markets nationwide, while in Sarasota, Florida, it was just reported by Herald-Tribune that 35 homes and condos sold for $1 Million or more during the month of June with fewer foreclosures filings being made during the same period. Coca-Cola announced a two-for-one split of his common shares (which pleases my sister immensely). Boeing announced over $11 Billion in new aircraft contracts at the London Air Show. Just what we need, more horrific economic news!
* In a new form of playground name calling, Obama and Romney continue to toss "You're an Out Sourcer" "No you Are" barbs. Can't we do better than this type of childish political nonsense? We have serious problems, and this is the best we can get from the two who seek the highest leadership position in the country?
* The Taliban allegedly has indicated that it cannot win its war in Afghanistan and therefore, will compromise for peace if they can get representative seats in a new coalition government. How far would you trust any Taliban leader that suggests representative government is the best way to go? Wishful thinking? What's their angle now?
* The Mayor of Scranton, PA has come under intense fire for reducing the pay for all firefighters, police and public employees to minimum wage, despite a court order prohibiting the move. According to the Mayor, Scranton is on the verge of bankruptcy and by slashing wages now, he promises to restore them once the fiscal crisis has ended. According to reports, the City maintains a budget of $85 Million, but has a deficit of $16.8 million. Typical of the media, there is no mention of what other steps have been taken before these drastic measures.
* Florida Governor Rick Scott is in the news for two things today. The first is his official request for Federal Emergency Disaster Relief Funds to repair damages suffered by Tropical Storm Debby. Mr. Scott once again believes in the Federal government when convenient to his state, but not when the money is available to others in need. Mr. Scott also recently attended the Farnborough International Air Show in London to tout the need to expand Federal spending on defense so that Florida can become more competitive in the aviation industry. Mr. Scott again bemoans the Defense Department cuts as hurting "business" but has no problem making the daily argument that the Federal government and its spending is too large and must be shrunk. Mr. Scott, Florida's "poster child" for hypocrisy.
* Last but not Least - The United States Department of Labor has announced that job openings across the nation rose to 3.6 million in May, the second highest in the last four years. According to a national builders index, the list of US housing markets showing improvement rose to 84 markets nationwide, while in Sarasota, Florida, it was just reported by Herald-Tribune that 35 homes and condos sold for $1 Million or more during the month of June with fewer foreclosures filings being made during the same period. Coca-Cola announced a two-for-one split of his common shares (which pleases my sister immensely). Boeing announced over $11 Billion in new aircraft contracts at the London Air Show. Just what we need, more horrific economic news!
July 10, 2012. * On this day in 1928, my father, Jean Rubin was born to Harold and Lena Rubin at Epworth Hospital in South Bend, Indiana. Happy 84th Birthday dad!
* Many GOP Governors are pontificating they will defy the Supreme Court ruling on the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act ("Obamacare"), claiming that they will "opt out" of the exchanges the law requires. By doing so, they allege they still can nullify federal mandates. Led by Texas Governor Rick Perry, the group seems to have forgotten that Federal revenue sharing keeps his/their states financially afloat. Take that money away, Texas and similar states would go bankrupt. Can anyone say "political posturing" is at play here?
* First it was the claim that President Obama violated the Constitution by using his recess appointment powers and then it was the Contempt of Congress charge against Attorney General Eric Holder. Anyone else find it odd that we have not heard much about the matter since the Justice Department announced there would be no criminal charges filed against Holder? Can anyone again say "political posturing" is at play here?
* The GOP led House of Representatives are gearing up to repeal "Obamacare" knowing full well the Democratic led Senate will not go along with the move. Once again, can anyone say "political posturing" is at play here?
* After several pundits (even me) railed against Maine Governor LePage for claiming the IRS was the "New Gestapo," the Governor apologized. When will many modern politicians learn to engage brain before mouth?
* Typical and as expected by Mitt Romney, he now says there is "nothing hidden" in his unreleased tax returns in response to elevated calls for him to release those very same returns (calls to do so have been coming from both Democrats AND Republicans). I predict Romney will eventually release those tax returns, confirming further his elite status as a Master Flip-Flopper.
* A New York Romney supporter was recently quoted as saying that the average American just doesn't understand what's going on in America. The exact quote is “I don’t think the common person is getting it,” she said from the passenger seat of a Range Rover stamped with East Hampton beach permits. “Nobody understands why Obama is hurting them.We’ve got the message,” she added. “But my college kid, the baby sitters, the nails ladies — everybody who’s got the right to vote — they don’t understand what’s going on. I just think if you’re lower income — one, you’re not as educated, two, they don’t understand how it works, they don’t understand how the systems work, they don’t understand the impact.”
And the GOP seem to think only liberals are Elitists?
* Last but not Least - "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say" went to print yesterday for its August 1st publication. Expect to see it for sale on-line in paperback and e-book at all major booksellers.
* Many GOP Governors are pontificating they will defy the Supreme Court ruling on the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act ("Obamacare"), claiming that they will "opt out" of the exchanges the law requires. By doing so, they allege they still can nullify federal mandates. Led by Texas Governor Rick Perry, the group seems to have forgotten that Federal revenue sharing keeps his/their states financially afloat. Take that money away, Texas and similar states would go bankrupt. Can anyone say "political posturing" is at play here?
* First it was the claim that President Obama violated the Constitution by using his recess appointment powers and then it was the Contempt of Congress charge against Attorney General Eric Holder. Anyone else find it odd that we have not heard much about the matter since the Justice Department announced there would be no criminal charges filed against Holder? Can anyone again say "political posturing" is at play here?
* The GOP led House of Representatives are gearing up to repeal "Obamacare" knowing full well the Democratic led Senate will not go along with the move. Once again, can anyone say "political posturing" is at play here?
* After several pundits (even me) railed against Maine Governor LePage for claiming the IRS was the "New Gestapo," the Governor apologized. When will many modern politicians learn to engage brain before mouth?
* Typical and as expected by Mitt Romney, he now says there is "nothing hidden" in his unreleased tax returns in response to elevated calls for him to release those very same returns (calls to do so have been coming from both Democrats AND Republicans). I predict Romney will eventually release those tax returns, confirming further his elite status as a Master Flip-Flopper.
* A New York Romney supporter was recently quoted as saying that the average American just doesn't understand what's going on in America. The exact quote is “I don’t think the common person is getting it,” she said from the passenger seat of a Range Rover stamped with East Hampton beach permits. “Nobody understands why Obama is hurting them.We’ve got the message,” she added. “But my college kid, the baby sitters, the nails ladies — everybody who’s got the right to vote — they don’t understand what’s going on. I just think if you’re lower income — one, you’re not as educated, two, they don’t understand how it works, they don’t understand how the systems work, they don’t understand the impact.”
And the GOP seem to think only liberals are Elitists?
* Last but not Least - "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say" went to print yesterday for its August 1st publication. Expect to see it for sale on-line in paperback and e-book at all major booksellers.
July 9, 2012. * According to campaign reports, Mitt Romney has collected an "unsurpassed" $106 Million in campaign contributions for the month of June alone. Campaign officials indicated that Romney remains behind President Obama in fundraising due to the fact that the Romney campaign spent so much more money than Obama during the GOP primaries. Romney attended over 20 fundraising events during the month along the campaign trail.
* President Obama, in an effort to deflect the stagnant unemployment numbers, has push a new initiative to extend the temporary Bush Tax Cuts for an additional year. The catch is that the extension would go to families earning $250,000.00 or less per year and none of the cuts would be extended to families making more than a quarter of a million dollars per year.
* Between the fundraising going on between the two presidential campaigns and with a predicted $2 Billion being spent to win the White House, the Obama folks are now shifting their rhetoric to attack Romney's off-shore bank accounts. Seems they have substantial evidence that Romney parked millions over-seas in not just Switzerland, but also in Bermuda. Reminds me of the O'Jays song "For the Love of Money"...Money, money, money, MONEY!"
* Last but not Least - Lieutenant Commander Quinton McHale, AKA Ernest Borgnine, Oscar winner and TV favorite of my youth, passed away yesterday at the age of 95. May Mr. Borgnine forever enjoy calm seas and wide horizons.
* President Obama, in an effort to deflect the stagnant unemployment numbers, has push a new initiative to extend the temporary Bush Tax Cuts for an additional year. The catch is that the extension would go to families earning $250,000.00 or less per year and none of the cuts would be extended to families making more than a quarter of a million dollars per year.
* Between the fundraising going on between the two presidential campaigns and with a predicted $2 Billion being spent to win the White House, the Obama folks are now shifting their rhetoric to attack Romney's off-shore bank accounts. Seems they have substantial evidence that Romney parked millions over-seas in not just Switzerland, but also in Bermuda. Reminds me of the O'Jays song "For the Love of Money"...Money, money, money, MONEY!"
* Last but not Least - Lieutenant Commander Quinton McHale, AKA Ernest Borgnine, Oscar winner and TV favorite of my youth, passed away yesterday at the age of 95. May Mr. Borgnine forever enjoy calm seas and wide horizons.
July 8, 2012 * Despite several fact-checking agencies reporting that Obama's claims that Mitt Romney was outsourcing jobs through Bain Capital to China as "utterly false," the Obama campaign continues to use the statements in their most recent campaign ad salvos. Although it is true that Romney and Bain outsourced jobs off-shore, there is no evidence that he did so to China. Once again, fact checkers are finding a high level of "untruths" in both campaign's political ads, especially those promoted by Super-PACs.
* New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) made more news for blowing his stack at a citizen posing a question about the health care decision while the governor was walking the Jersey Shore. Seems once again, Christie can't contain his emotional contempt for anyone he disagrees with or feels does not have the proper standing to ask him any questions. Chris "Krispy Creame" Christie continues to prove himself unworthy of higher office, unless it is "Bully in Chief."
* It has been reported that an elderly couple in Indiana were initially refused when they came to their primary polling station to vote in the May primary. Seems Mr. and Mrs. Weidenbener did not possess the necessary government issued photo ID. When virtually everyone recognized the elderly couple for who they were, they were allowed to cast their vote on a provisional ballot. Both complained bitterly that they knew of several elderly that did not possess such an ID and that many of them would be unable to exercise their right to vote (both admitted they went on to vote for Mitt Romney).
* Maine Governor Paul LePage (R) blasted the IRS recently as the "New Gestapo." Perhaps the "Honorable" governor should take a history lesson on the Nazi SS before he opens his ignorant mouth again?
* Last but not least - In another hit against Palestinian Arabs who teach the belief that Jews never lived in the land of Israel before 1948, a mosaic floor has been found in the ancient Jewish village of Huqoq in Israel which depicts Samson's revenge on a cheating Philistine bride from the areas surrounding current Ashkelon, Ashdod and Gaza. Sorry folks, more evidence has been found that not only proves Jews lived in the region, but ruled it. Thanks for playing though.
* New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) made more news for blowing his stack at a citizen posing a question about the health care decision while the governor was walking the Jersey Shore. Seems once again, Christie can't contain his emotional contempt for anyone he disagrees with or feels does not have the proper standing to ask him any questions. Chris "Krispy Creame" Christie continues to prove himself unworthy of higher office, unless it is "Bully in Chief."
* It has been reported that an elderly couple in Indiana were initially refused when they came to their primary polling station to vote in the May primary. Seems Mr. and Mrs. Weidenbener did not possess the necessary government issued photo ID. When virtually everyone recognized the elderly couple for who they were, they were allowed to cast their vote on a provisional ballot. Both complained bitterly that they knew of several elderly that did not possess such an ID and that many of them would be unable to exercise their right to vote (both admitted they went on to vote for Mitt Romney).
* Maine Governor Paul LePage (R) blasted the IRS recently as the "New Gestapo." Perhaps the "Honorable" governor should take a history lesson on the Nazi SS before he opens his ignorant mouth again?
* Last but not least - In another hit against Palestinian Arabs who teach the belief that Jews never lived in the land of Israel before 1948, a mosaic floor has been found in the ancient Jewish village of Huqoq in Israel which depicts Samson's revenge on a cheating Philistine bride from the areas surrounding current Ashkelon, Ashdod and Gaza. Sorry folks, more evidence has been found that not only proves Jews lived in the region, but ruled it. Thanks for playing though.
July 6, 2012. * Representative Joe Walsh (R-Illinois) got himself into a bit of a jam recently by claiming his opponent's sole campaign strategy is to push her service in the military, and that she is "politicizing" it too much. His opponent, Tammy Duckworth lost both of her legs in piloting a Black Hawk helicopter in Iraq. Ironically, Rep. Walsh is a huge supporter of the military, while having never served himself.
* Pundits are now predicting that the tepid jobs numbers from June will be an indicator for the mood of the public come November's election. Unemployment remains at 8.2% and Obama is running out of time to prove he has the ability to put upside down economic conditions right side up.
* Obama's recent campaign stops include local eating establishments along the campaign trail with him using a new political tag line - "I'm skinny, but tough." Obama has been pictured actually wearing blue collared shirts in "Blue collar" neighborhoods in an effort to appear "more in touch" than his opponent, who recently was pictured riding a jet ski with this wife. Anybody remember the pictures of John Kerry single-handedly looking ridiculous commanding a sail board in 2004?
* Researchers are now reporting that the Obama Administration has been cutting into education mandates previously issued by the George W. Bush Administration known as "No Child Left Behind." As we all know, in the real World, many are going to be left behind. So what's the problem with cutting these mandates back? I have an even more difficult time understanding Obama's opponents that decry these moves while claiming they would eliminate the Department of Education in its entirety. What gives with this logic?
* A high ranking Syrian General recently defected from Assad's inner-circle. Perhaps the buzzards now the only circle around Assad. What impact the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt will have on a post-Assad Syria is anyone's guess. Will it lead though to a total breakdown of ties with Iran (and then in turn with Russia). The World remains a very dangerous place!
* Last but not Least - "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say" has received another endorsement, this time from Dr. Robert Crew, Associate Dean & Director of the Master's in Applied American Politics and Public Policy at The Florida State University. I am very much grateful for his review and endorsement. I especially like him stating that he found the book "both easy to read and accurate."
* Pundits are now predicting that the tepid jobs numbers from June will be an indicator for the mood of the public come November's election. Unemployment remains at 8.2% and Obama is running out of time to prove he has the ability to put upside down economic conditions right side up.
* Obama's recent campaign stops include local eating establishments along the campaign trail with him using a new political tag line - "I'm skinny, but tough." Obama has been pictured actually wearing blue collared shirts in "Blue collar" neighborhoods in an effort to appear "more in touch" than his opponent, who recently was pictured riding a jet ski with this wife. Anybody remember the pictures of John Kerry single-handedly looking ridiculous commanding a sail board in 2004?
* Researchers are now reporting that the Obama Administration has been cutting into education mandates previously issued by the George W. Bush Administration known as "No Child Left Behind." As we all know, in the real World, many are going to be left behind. So what's the problem with cutting these mandates back? I have an even more difficult time understanding Obama's opponents that decry these moves while claiming they would eliminate the Department of Education in its entirety. What gives with this logic?
* A high ranking Syrian General recently defected from Assad's inner-circle. Perhaps the buzzards now the only circle around Assad. What impact the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt will have on a post-Assad Syria is anyone's guess. Will it lead though to a total breakdown of ties with Iran (and then in turn with Russia). The World remains a very dangerous place!
* Last but not Least - "How Our Government Really Works, Despite What They Say" has received another endorsement, this time from Dr. Robert Crew, Associate Dean & Director of the Master's in Applied American Politics and Public Policy at The Florida State University. I am very much grateful for his review and endorsement. I especially like him stating that he found the book "both easy to read and accurate."
July 5, 2012. * Iran declared that in the event of an attack by the United States, US Military bases will be destroyed "within minutes." Perhaps Iran should be forewarned, that any attack by the US against Iran will be the only attack made and that therefore, any damage to American bases will be minimal compared to the total devastation of the Persian country? I am not a proponent of war, but Iran has been pushing their bluster and bluff for quite some time and is engaged in a very dangerous game. Perhaps the World should let it know that the only loser in that game will be Iran itself?
* It has been reported that "hopeful signs" in the economy have been seen in the latest June employment figures. According to reports, 176,000 jobs were added during the past month to maintain the tepid recovery.
* The Supreme Court ruling upholding the mandate in Obamacare is now being blamed as being the sole reason for every retirement of doctors across the country, even those age 80 or older. Obamacare's tax is now a separate issue as well. Mitt Romney has been coy on how to deal with the decision and seems unable to figure out whether to embrace it or declaim it and declare his own version in Massachusetts to be a disaster. Can we see another "flip-flop" coming?
* Ann Romney was quoted yesterday complaining that Obama is trying to "Kill" Mitt Romney in the upcoming election by distorting her husband's record and by engaging in "personal attacks."
* Last but not Least -Rupert Murdoch and many other GOP supporters are pushing for Mitt Romney to fire his entire campaign staff and instead hire real "professionals" who are capable of playing a more directed and viscous campaign for the presidency.
* It has been reported that "hopeful signs" in the economy have been seen in the latest June employment figures. According to reports, 176,000 jobs were added during the past month to maintain the tepid recovery.
* The Supreme Court ruling upholding the mandate in Obamacare is now being blamed as being the sole reason for every retirement of doctors across the country, even those age 80 or older. Obamacare's tax is now a separate issue as well. Mitt Romney has been coy on how to deal with the decision and seems unable to figure out whether to embrace it or declaim it and declare his own version in Massachusetts to be a disaster. Can we see another "flip-flop" coming?
* Ann Romney was quoted yesterday complaining that Obama is trying to "Kill" Mitt Romney in the upcoming election by distorting her husband's record and by engaging in "personal attacks."
* Last but not Least -Rupert Murdoch and many other GOP supporters are pushing for Mitt Romney to fire his entire campaign staff and instead hire real "professionals" who are capable of playing a more directed and viscous campaign for the presidency.
July 4, 2012. * Thankfully, today is a slow political news day as Americans sit down to celebrate the birth of our great nation. Today's blog is dedicated the the brave Founders and Framers that created both our liberty and our uniquely American form of government. Have a great Birthday America!
July 3, 2012. * Talks with Iran have stalled again as Iran insists on ""pre-conditions" before they make any substantive moves towards limiting their enrichment programs to under 20%. Iran continues to "buy" time while expanding their program. Although experts agree a War with Iran will lead to international turmoil, they also agree that a nuclear Iran could lead to worse. Unfortunately, any move by Obama to "spank" Iran militarily will be used against him by his political opponents as "Pandering" and "Politicizing" the event. Regardless. Obama better be ready to pull out the paddle and use it against Iran...and soon.
* Mitt Romney has announced he will be traveling to Israel to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. No one has laebled that trip to be polticial pandering though.
* Oil futures are on the rise again and have fueled an increase in prices on the international exchanges. we have also gone two days in a row without hearing how Europe is about to fall off the economic cliff and take America with it.
*To appease the Turks, Syrian "president" Assad has formally apologized for the downing of a Turkish military jet.
* New Jersey Governor Chris Christie admits that his weight is a problem and that regulating it is "not easy." Does this make him qualified to talk about obesity in America?
* Last but not Least - Chief Justice John Roberts continues to take hits for his Majority Opinion in the Health Care ruling. Ironically, there is no mention of the other four members of the Court that agreed with him.
* Mitt Romney has announced he will be traveling to Israel to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. No one has laebled that trip to be polticial pandering though.
* Oil futures are on the rise again and have fueled an increase in prices on the international exchanges. we have also gone two days in a row without hearing how Europe is about to fall off the economic cliff and take America with it.
*To appease the Turks, Syrian "president" Assad has formally apologized for the downing of a Turkish military jet.
* New Jersey Governor Chris Christie admits that his weight is a problem and that regulating it is "not easy." Does this make him qualified to talk about obesity in America?
* Last but not Least - Chief Justice John Roberts continues to take hits for his Majority Opinion in the Health Care ruling. Ironically, there is no mention of the other four members of the Court that agreed with him.
July 2, 2020. * The fallout from the United States Supreme Court ruling on the constitutionality of the public mandate provision of the Patient Protection & Affordable Health Care Act continues to bubble up across the nation. States counting on the provision to be struck down, now claim they are not going to be prepared for the provision to go into effect, even though they had a over 18 months to do so. Ironically, they now claim it is not fair that they will have to abide by effective date of the provision.
* Rush Limbaugh and other "entertainers" have determined that the decision on the health care mandate was due to Chief Justice Roberts "selling out" to the "Washington and New York Media." Ironically, Limbaugh broadcasts from New York and Fox News, the admitted standard bearer of conservative media also is headquartered in New York, along with conservative leaning publications like the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal. The far-right publication Newsmax is published in Washington too.
* The term Obamacare is now being set-aside by its critics as being "ObamaTax" instead (because the penalty portion of the mandate provision was interpreted by the Supreme Court as being a tax). Now the argument is that it is an unfair tax as much as that the imposition of a mandate takes away personal freedom and liberty. The comparisons to many other potential "taxes" are absurd, but pushed nevertheless in the media. As a tax, Congress may giveth, and Congress may taketh away. Recent polling indicates the the issue is not central to the upcoming presidential election, but that the economy is and will remain so through November (and beyond).
* The UN has put together a plan to "transition" the civil war in Syria to a peaceful resolution. Unfortnately, the plan includes the removal of Assad from power and thus far, he has not been too interested in giving up his power (or eventually, his life). Once again, the UN proves it really stands for "United Nothing."
* Last but not Least - Recent polls show Mitt Romney leading in several critical states, but Obama leading overall nationwide. Do these polls mean anything this far out before the general election?
* Rush Limbaugh and other "entertainers" have determined that the decision on the health care mandate was due to Chief Justice Roberts "selling out" to the "Washington and New York Media." Ironically, Limbaugh broadcasts from New York and Fox News, the admitted standard bearer of conservative media also is headquartered in New York, along with conservative leaning publications like the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal. The far-right publication Newsmax is published in Washington too.
* The term Obamacare is now being set-aside by its critics as being "ObamaTax" instead (because the penalty portion of the mandate provision was interpreted by the Supreme Court as being a tax). Now the argument is that it is an unfair tax as much as that the imposition of a mandate takes away personal freedom and liberty. The comparisons to many other potential "taxes" are absurd, but pushed nevertheless in the media. As a tax, Congress may giveth, and Congress may taketh away. Recent polling indicates the the issue is not central to the upcoming presidential election, but that the economy is and will remain so through November (and beyond).
* The UN has put together a plan to "transition" the civil war in Syria to a peaceful resolution. Unfortnately, the plan includes the removal of Assad from power and thus far, he has not been too interested in giving up his power (or eventually, his life). Once again, the UN proves it really stands for "United Nothing."
* Last but not Least - Recent polls show Mitt Romney leading in several critical states, but Obama leading overall nationwide. Do these polls mean anything this far out before the general election?
June 29, 2012. * The House voted to hold United States Attorney General Eric Holder in Contempt of Congress by an overwhelmingly partisan vote. Holder becomes the first Attorney General to ever be held in Contempt of Congress.
* The Obama Administration, in response to the House vote to hold Attorney General Holder in Contempt, announced that the documents sought by Congress are protected under Executive Privilege and therefore, despite the House vote for Contempt, the Executive Branch will not authorize any criminal prosecution of Mr. Holder.
* Folks on both sides of the political spectrum have an obvious different view on the recent Supreme Court ruling that the public mandate of the Patient Protection & Affordable Health Care Act is constitutional. Unfortunately, opponents of the ruling believe that the "sky is falling" on our freedoms. Freedoms are ceded whenever the sake of the community demand it. Ever read John Locke? Jefferson did! From personal experience, life will go on.
* Last but not least - It is currently storming in Columbus, Ohio and electricity is "touchy" right now. Please forgive the brevity of this posting.
* The Obama Administration, in response to the House vote to hold Attorney General Holder in Contempt, announced that the documents sought by Congress are protected under Executive Privilege and therefore, despite the House vote for Contempt, the Executive Branch will not authorize any criminal prosecution of Mr. Holder.
* Folks on both sides of the political spectrum have an obvious different view on the recent Supreme Court ruling that the public mandate of the Patient Protection & Affordable Health Care Act is constitutional. Unfortunately, opponents of the ruling believe that the "sky is falling" on our freedoms. Freedoms are ceded whenever the sake of the community demand it. Ever read John Locke? Jefferson did! From personal experience, life will go on.
* Last but not least - It is currently storming in Columbus, Ohio and electricity is "touchy" right now. Please forgive the brevity of this posting.
June 28, 2012 * The United States Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision upheld the most important provisions of he Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act ("Obamcare"), ruling the Public Mandate to be Constitutional. Chief Justice John Roberts wrote and delivered the Majority Decision.
* The United States Supreme Court further ruled 6-3 that the Stolen Valor Act, signed into law by President George W. Bush making it unlawful for someone to fraudulently claim themselves to be a hero in war was inherently unconstitutional as a violation of Free Speech under the First Amendment. According to Justice Kennedy for the Majority, the First Amendment "protects the speech we detest as well as the speech we embrace."
* Some reports have come to light today indicating that JPMorgan may have not lost just $2Billion in risky investments, but said losses may exceed $9Billion. So much for those arguing against reforming Wall Street and Bankers!
* Last but not least - According to Sarah Palin, "Freedom Just Died."
* The United States Supreme Court further ruled 6-3 that the Stolen Valor Act, signed into law by President George W. Bush making it unlawful for someone to fraudulently claim themselves to be a hero in war was inherently unconstitutional as a violation of Free Speech under the First Amendment. According to Justice Kennedy for the Majority, the First Amendment "protects the speech we detest as well as the speech we embrace."
* Some reports have come to light today indicating that JPMorgan may have not lost just $2Billion in risky investments, but said losses may exceed $9Billion. So much for those arguing against reforming Wall Street and Bankers!
* Last but not least - According to Sarah Palin, "Freedom Just Died."
June 27, 2012. * The Senate finally reached a bipartisan agreement to freeze student loan interest rates at 3.4%. Details on how to pay for the low rates have yet to ironed out. The House GOP voted for the interest rate freeze earlier, but tied it to a defunding of portions of health care provisions. We can expect further haggling, but the student loan interest rate issue is a matter most Americans demand action on.
* Embattled Representative Charles Rangel (D-NY) and Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) both survived touchy primaries yesterday and are now predicted to be retained in their positions in the fall elections.
* The Obama Administration has approved expanding drilling for natural gas in the Arctic, upsetting environmentalists and his GOP opposition, which predictably will claim it is all a political move. Seems when the GOP actually gets something it wants, it still is not happy.
* Last but not least- It seems the entire World is awaiting the decision by the Supreme Court on the challenged Patient Protection & Affordable Health Car Act. I suspect the Court, just like it just ruled in the Arizona Immigration case, will rule the mandate portion unconstitutional while upholding the remaining portions. This will please the GOP in the short run, but may come back to haunt them when the public realizes that none of the preferred portions of the law will stand without the mandate. Until then, we will all await the decision which is scheduled to be release at 10am tomorrow.
* Embattled Representative Charles Rangel (D-NY) and Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) both survived touchy primaries yesterday and are now predicted to be retained in their positions in the fall elections.
* The Obama Administration has approved expanding drilling for natural gas in the Arctic, upsetting environmentalists and his GOP opposition, which predictably will claim it is all a political move. Seems when the GOP actually gets something it wants, it still is not happy.
* Last but not least- It seems the entire World is awaiting the decision by the Supreme Court on the challenged Patient Protection & Affordable Health Car Act. I suspect the Court, just like it just ruled in the Arizona Immigration case, will rule the mandate portion unconstitutional while upholding the remaining portions. This will please the GOP in the short run, but may come back to haunt them when the public realizes that none of the preferred portions of the law will stand without the mandate. Until then, we will all await the decision which is scheduled to be release at 10am tomorrow.
June 26, 2012. * In addition to striking down 3 of the 4 issues that were on appeal relating to the Arizona Immigration Law, the Supreme Court also ruled that state mandatory sentencing laws requiring life sentences without a chance of parole for juvenile murderers to be unconstitutional. The split decision (5-4) of the Court ruled that such mandatory life sentences did not give justices enough discretion to take into account the age of the juvenile when the crime was committed.
* A new report from the University of Florida reveals that the BP Deepwater Horizon Gulf oil spill has accelerated the loss of marshlands along the Louisiana Gulf Coast and that the damage may be irreversible. So much for BP's ad campaign that they will do anything it takes to restore the environment due to the spill. Seems the destruction of the marshlands and its natural inhabitants may not be able to file claims in order to remedy the spills actual damage. So much for proponents of "Drill, Baby Drill." They know who they are.
* The Washington Post reports many members of the GOP are "surprised" and "upset" that Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the liberals when deciding to rule major tenets of the Arizona Immigration Law to be Unconstitutional. Maybe they will not figure out that if they can't carry Chief Justice Roberts, how will they ever win the Latino and Hispanic vote in the general election?
* Last but not least - The Supreme Court in the case of American Tradition Partnership v. Bullock also struck down in a 5-4 vote, Montana's long standing law prohibiting unlimited corporate contributions to state campaigns, ruling that under the 2010 ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, not even states can regulate the "free speech of corporations" and its use of unlimited campaign contributions on the state level. Montana had the law limiting corporate contributions for over a century because it originally wanted to limit Copper Barons from controlling all state-wide campaigns.
* A new report from the University of Florida reveals that the BP Deepwater Horizon Gulf oil spill has accelerated the loss of marshlands along the Louisiana Gulf Coast and that the damage may be irreversible. So much for BP's ad campaign that they will do anything it takes to restore the environment due to the spill. Seems the destruction of the marshlands and its natural inhabitants may not be able to file claims in order to remedy the spills actual damage. So much for proponents of "Drill, Baby Drill." They know who they are.
* The Washington Post reports many members of the GOP are "surprised" and "upset" that Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the liberals when deciding to rule major tenets of the Arizona Immigration Law to be Unconstitutional. Maybe they will not figure out that if they can't carry Chief Justice Roberts, how will they ever win the Latino and Hispanic vote in the general election?
* Last but not least - The Supreme Court in the case of American Tradition Partnership v. Bullock also struck down in a 5-4 vote, Montana's long standing law prohibiting unlimited corporate contributions to state campaigns, ruling that under the 2010 ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, not even states can regulate the "free speech of corporations" and its use of unlimited campaign contributions on the state level. Montana had the law limiting corporate contributions for over a century because it originally wanted to limit Copper Barons from controlling all state-wide campaigns.
June 25, 2012. * The United States Supreme Court announced its decision on the Arizona Immigration Law, ruling that three out of the four provisions of the law are Unconstitutional. More importantly, the Court ruled that the arena of regulating Immigration is within the sole purview of the Federal Government. As of this writing, there has been no comment from the Obama Administration that challenged the law or the Romney Camp, who supported the Law. In fact. Mitt Romney indicated during the primaries that the Arizona Immigration Law would be the standard for the remainder of the country, only to (typically) soften his position on it after the primaries.
* Israel congratulated new Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi's election. Israel noted that the election was a good step towards democracy. Israel does point out that democratic elections in the Arab World generally do not happen, and that once "democratically" elected, they rarely have further elections. Time will tell, and Israel will be watching its calendar closely.
* Last but not least - The Supreme Court seems to be enjoying the drama surrounding its handling of the Health Care case, by leaving it's formal announcement of the ruling for the very last day of its current term - which is this Thursday.
* Israel congratulated new Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi's election. Israel noted that the election was a good step towards democracy. Israel does point out that democratic elections in the Arab World generally do not happen, and that once "democratically" elected, they rarely have further elections. Time will tell, and Israel will be watching its calendar closely.
* Last but not least - The Supreme Court seems to be enjoying the drama surrounding its handling of the Health Care case, by leaving it's formal announcement of the ruling for the very last day of its current term - which is this Thursday.
June 24, 2012. * Egypt announced that it has elected its first democratically elected Mohamed Morsi their "Islamic" president from the Muslim Brotherhood party. His authority is limited by the Supreme Council, but it is a major victory for the Brotherhood.
* Rep. Daryl Issa, (R-CA) stated this morning on Fox News that he expects "bipartisan" support in the floor vote on the Contempt of Congress charge leveled by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform against Attorney General Eric Holder. I wonder how many members of the Democratic Caucus does he consider enough to be considered "bipartisan?"
* Due to the recent report published by the Washington Post that Bain Capital was a pioneer in shifting American jobs overseas, Mitt Romney has been forced again to deviate from his message as a "Job Creator" to address his affiliation with Bain. The Obama campaign has continued to paint Romney as a "Vulture Capitalist" in its campaign ads. According to recent polling, the Bain attacks are effective in framing Romney's business experience as a "negative" and Romney is being forced to defend himself instead of continuing his message of attacking Obama on the economy.
* Last but not least - Both political parties are jockeying to take the high road in anticipation of the Supreme Court's ruling on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare").
* Rep. Daryl Issa, (R-CA) stated this morning on Fox News that he expects "bipartisan" support in the floor vote on the Contempt of Congress charge leveled by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform against Attorney General Eric Holder. I wonder how many members of the Democratic Caucus does he consider enough to be considered "bipartisan?"
* Due to the recent report published by the Washington Post that Bain Capital was a pioneer in shifting American jobs overseas, Mitt Romney has been forced again to deviate from his message as a "Job Creator" to address his affiliation with Bain. The Obama campaign has continued to paint Romney as a "Vulture Capitalist" in its campaign ads. According to recent polling, the Bain attacks are effective in framing Romney's business experience as a "negative" and Romney is being forced to defend himself instead of continuing his message of attacking Obama on the economy.
* Last but not least - Both political parties are jockeying to take the high road in anticipation of the Supreme Court's ruling on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare").
June 22, 2012. * According to AP, the Justice Department has announced that it has initiated a lawsuit against Hildale, Utah and Colorado City, Arizona for engaging or supporting a "campaign of intimidation against the unfaithful," discriminating against them in public housing and allowing "faithful" members of their Mormon group to "destroy their crops and property." These are the same communities where their imprisoned leader, Warren Jeffs controlled a polygamous Mormon sect.
* Commerce Secretary John Bryson announced his resignation from the Obama Cabinet, citing "consequences of a recent seizure and a medical leave of absence." Bryson was involved in two hit and run accidents recently in California. The "two" incidents involved the same vehicles and the "run" was that his car rolled away from the scene. Seems witnesses found him unconscious behind the wheel. I have sympathy for the guy because "oppositional" blog posters demanded this guy's head on a stick before knowing the incident was a direct result of a seizure. We as Americans need to start really appreciating "Innocent until proven guilty" and start checking the arm-chair "experts" at the door.
*Mitt Romney made a "major" (his campaign's label not mine) speech before the National Association of Latino and Elected Officials conference in Orlando yesterday. Romney gave generalities and no specifics on how he would deal with illegal immigration if elected president. Freshman Sen. Marco Rubio played Spin Doctor after the speech and did a great job of hitting all of his well practiced talking points. President Obama will address the very same group today.
*The US Senate finally passed the bi-partisan supported half-trillion dollar Farm Bill, but pundits seriously question whether the bi-partisanship needed in the House to pass the bill will ever materialize. Note to Speaker Boehner, even elementary school children learn that more gets done if you work together.
* Mitt Romney is a bit peeved at Florida Governor Rick Scott these days. Seems Scott has engaged on a state-wide campaign to improve his sagging approval rating by touting Florida's recent economic success (of course, without mentioning the role of the Stimulus or federal funds in this effort). With Scott proclaiming an improved economy for Florida, Romney loses a bit of steam out of his "the economy sucks campaign train so we need a new conductor" rhetoric. Florida remains perhaps the most interesting environment for politics in the United States.
* President Obama called out Congress yesterday for dragging its feet on the Student Loan interest re-set. Interest rates on student loans are scheduled to practically double on July 1 and Obama is pushing Congress to stop waiting to the last minute to get this done. Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) says the delay is due to the fact Obama is spending too much time campaigning instead of negotiating to get a bill passed to keep interest rates lower. Note to McConnell, is the Senate majority leader really just "chopped liver?"
* Last but not least, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) has come out to indicate Republicans will not "spike the ball" when the Supreme Court tosses out Obamacare. At least not publicly right? If Obamacare is tossed, when will we expect a GOP version of a healthcare reform law?
* Commerce Secretary John Bryson announced his resignation from the Obama Cabinet, citing "consequences of a recent seizure and a medical leave of absence." Bryson was involved in two hit and run accidents recently in California. The "two" incidents involved the same vehicles and the "run" was that his car rolled away from the scene. Seems witnesses found him unconscious behind the wheel. I have sympathy for the guy because "oppositional" blog posters demanded this guy's head on a stick before knowing the incident was a direct result of a seizure. We as Americans need to start really appreciating "Innocent until proven guilty" and start checking the arm-chair "experts" at the door.
*Mitt Romney made a "major" (his campaign's label not mine) speech before the National Association of Latino and Elected Officials conference in Orlando yesterday. Romney gave generalities and no specifics on how he would deal with illegal immigration if elected president. Freshman Sen. Marco Rubio played Spin Doctor after the speech and did a great job of hitting all of his well practiced talking points. President Obama will address the very same group today.
*The US Senate finally passed the bi-partisan supported half-trillion dollar Farm Bill, but pundits seriously question whether the bi-partisanship needed in the House to pass the bill will ever materialize. Note to Speaker Boehner, even elementary school children learn that more gets done if you work together.
* Mitt Romney is a bit peeved at Florida Governor Rick Scott these days. Seems Scott has engaged on a state-wide campaign to improve his sagging approval rating by touting Florida's recent economic success (of course, without mentioning the role of the Stimulus or federal funds in this effort). With Scott proclaiming an improved economy for Florida, Romney loses a bit of steam out of his "the economy sucks campaign train so we need a new conductor" rhetoric. Florida remains perhaps the most interesting environment for politics in the United States.
* President Obama called out Congress yesterday for dragging its feet on the Student Loan interest re-set. Interest rates on student loans are scheduled to practically double on July 1 and Obama is pushing Congress to stop waiting to the last minute to get this done. Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) says the delay is due to the fact Obama is spending too much time campaigning instead of negotiating to get a bill passed to keep interest rates lower. Note to McConnell, is the Senate majority leader really just "chopped liver?"
* Last but not least, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) has come out to indicate Republicans will not "spike the ball" when the Supreme Court tosses out Obamacare. At least not publicly right? If Obamacare is tossed, when will we expect a GOP version of a healthcare reform law?
June 21, 2012. * Blogs are afire with rants and raves about Obama's invocation of Executive Privilege in the GOP House Committee on Oversight's vote to hold Attorney General Holder in Contempt of Congress. I use the term "GOP House" because the Committee vote was strictly along party lines.
* The Supreme Court notified the press that a major decision was being handed down today. Disappointed, the press only learned that networks have been denied their due process rights when slapped with automatic FCC imposed penalties for "nipple slips and f'-Bombs" on the airwaves. The case was brought to the Court by Fox Television stations because it challenged the FCC assessed penalties. No decision yet on Obamacare or the Arizona Immigration case.
* Congress continues to work towards a new Farm Bill which had an impressive 73 Amendments added to its 1,000 page length in the Senate.
* Last but not least...Headlines scream "Israeli Airstrike Kills Suspect in Ambush" but the article says at the very bottom that over 100 rockets and mortars have "crashed into Israel this week." Ironic the mention of the missile attacks on Israel are hardly appears but Israel's action makes the headline. I guess we should no longer be surprised by the hypocrisy here. Even more ironic...there are no headlines today about the death toll in the Syrian civil war exceeding 10,000.
* The Supreme Court notified the press that a major decision was being handed down today. Disappointed, the press only learned that networks have been denied their due process rights when slapped with automatic FCC imposed penalties for "nipple slips and f'-Bombs" on the airwaves. The case was brought to the Court by Fox Television stations because it challenged the FCC assessed penalties. No decision yet on Obamacare or the Arizona Immigration case.
* Congress continues to work towards a new Farm Bill which had an impressive 73 Amendments added to its 1,000 page length in the Senate.
* Last but not least...Headlines scream "Israeli Airstrike Kills Suspect in Ambush" but the article says at the very bottom that over 100 rockets and mortars have "crashed into Israel this week." Ironic the mention of the missile attacks on Israel are hardly appears but Israel's action makes the headline. I guess we should no longer be surprised by the hypocrisy here. Even more ironic...there are no headlines today about the death toll in the Syrian civil war exceeding 10,000.
June 20, 2012. *Reports indicate the drag on national unemployment figures are due to losses of public sector jobs since 2009, not the loss of private sector jobs. Seems State and Local governments have been laying off police, firefighters and teachers tot the tune of over 657,000 jobs and that absent the federal stimulus, the numbers would have been much larger.
* A Washington Post poll indicates that over 60% of Americans believe the environment has been damaged by human action within the last ten years and they are concerned about the long-term effects of pollution, fearing it will get worse in the coming years.
* Fort Hood murder suspect, Maj. Nidal Hasan has been ordered to shave his beard or remain barred from his trial on mass murder charges stemming from his rampage at the military installation. Maj. Hasan alleges he grew the beard as a religious move because he fears his life will be ending. Perhaps he is just flashing back to the vision of all the lives he took when he decided to commit mass murder?
* Rep Daryl Issa (R-CA) is preparing his Congressional Oversight Committee to vote today on a Contempt of Congress charge against US Attorney General Eric Holder for allegedly failing to turn over subpoenaed documents relating to the ill-conceived and ill-fated "Fast and Furious" gun trafficking program.
* Insurers refused to insure Russian ships heading towards Syrian ports has caused those ships to divert away from Syria and return to Mother Russia. Money talks when it comes to sunken ships.
* Tea Party members of Congress rejected spending cuts when it came to chopping subsidies for air ports within their rural districts. AP Reports that the lawmakers fought their own GOP caucus by holding fast that spending on subsidies of up to $214 Million was necessary. Who said the Tea Party were always deficit hawks?
* Sen. Marco Rubin, R-FL was not included on a vetting list of possible VP candidates yesterday. True to Romney form, he is on the list today.
* Talks with Iran have stalled again. At what point do you give them a "jump start" with a little "jolt." The Iranians are playing a dangerous game. Perhaps they should start to learn what it is like when they do not play by any rules?
* The so-called "Flame" virus attacking Iranian enrichment computers has been tied directly to the United States and Israel. Now that the New York Times has reported this fact, the GOP is incensed and are demanding an investigation into the leaking of this classified information.
* Last but not least - Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is reportedly near death after suffering a stroke in prison Will Israel's peace treaty with Egypt die with Mubarak?
* A Washington Post poll indicates that over 60% of Americans believe the environment has been damaged by human action within the last ten years and they are concerned about the long-term effects of pollution, fearing it will get worse in the coming years.
* Fort Hood murder suspect, Maj. Nidal Hasan has been ordered to shave his beard or remain barred from his trial on mass murder charges stemming from his rampage at the military installation. Maj. Hasan alleges he grew the beard as a religious move because he fears his life will be ending. Perhaps he is just flashing back to the vision of all the lives he took when he decided to commit mass murder?
* Rep Daryl Issa (R-CA) is preparing his Congressional Oversight Committee to vote today on a Contempt of Congress charge against US Attorney General Eric Holder for allegedly failing to turn over subpoenaed documents relating to the ill-conceived and ill-fated "Fast and Furious" gun trafficking program.
* Insurers refused to insure Russian ships heading towards Syrian ports has caused those ships to divert away from Syria and return to Mother Russia. Money talks when it comes to sunken ships.
* Tea Party members of Congress rejected spending cuts when it came to chopping subsidies for air ports within their rural districts. AP Reports that the lawmakers fought their own GOP caucus by holding fast that spending on subsidies of up to $214 Million was necessary. Who said the Tea Party were always deficit hawks?
* Sen. Marco Rubin, R-FL was not included on a vetting list of possible VP candidates yesterday. True to Romney form, he is on the list today.
* Talks with Iran have stalled again. At what point do you give them a "jump start" with a little "jolt." The Iranians are playing a dangerous game. Perhaps they should start to learn what it is like when they do not play by any rules?
* The so-called "Flame" virus attacking Iranian enrichment computers has been tied directly to the United States and Israel. Now that the New York Times has reported this fact, the GOP is incensed and are demanding an investigation into the leaking of this classified information.
* Last but not least - Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is reportedly near death after suffering a stroke in prison Will Israel's peace treaty with Egypt die with Mubarak?
June 19, 2012. * Greece continues to dominate economic discussions in Europe. Seems now that they have elected a government willing to stabilize spending and borrowing, Spain shoves itself onto the World stage screaming about the high cost of its bailout from the Eurozone. Perhaps we should change the Eurozone to the Twilight Zone (sorry Mr. Serling). Seems only the Germans can save these poorer countries. What a reversal from just 90 years ago!
* Sen. Marco Rubin has formally shelved his planned legislative answer to the previously defeated DREAM Act. He claims his plan is no longer necessary now that the president has taken action to allow the enforcement rules under the Department of Homeland Security to be revised to allow illegals under the age of 30 to obtain work permits and education opportunities (with conditions).
* Builder confidence according to the AP is now at a five-year high, indicating that home construction and related industries are on the rebound. My discussions with local folks involved in real estate and home building confirm this trend. Best since 2007!
* Obama in meetings with Putin at the G-20 Summit in Mexico discuss Russia's role in the Syrian violence. Putin claims Russia does not want a civil war. Hint to Putin, you've already got one and sending Russian Military ships to Syria does not send a very positive message to the world. As an aside, it was just announced that all insurance covering Russian ships heading to Syrian ports have been cancelled. Take a wild guess what that might mean.
* A fringe group of Al Qaeda has admitted responsibility for the terrorist raid from Sinai into Southern Israel that led to the death of an Israeli-Arab working on a new security fence along the border with Egypt along with a series of rocket attacks from Gaza into Israel. Israel holds Hamas responsible for all security in Gaza.
* Sen. Marco Rubin has formally shelved his planned legislative answer to the previously defeated DREAM Act. He claims his plan is no longer necessary now that the president has taken action to allow the enforcement rules under the Department of Homeland Security to be revised to allow illegals under the age of 30 to obtain work permits and education opportunities (with conditions).
* Builder confidence according to the AP is now at a five-year high, indicating that home construction and related industries are on the rebound. My discussions with local folks involved in real estate and home building confirm this trend. Best since 2007!
* Obama in meetings with Putin at the G-20 Summit in Mexico discuss Russia's role in the Syrian violence. Putin claims Russia does not want a civil war. Hint to Putin, you've already got one and sending Russian Military ships to Syria does not send a very positive message to the world. As an aside, it was just announced that all insurance covering Russian ships heading to Syrian ports have been cancelled. Take a wild guess what that might mean.
* A fringe group of Al Qaeda has admitted responsibility for the terrorist raid from Sinai into Southern Israel that led to the death of an Israeli-Arab working on a new security fence along the border with Egypt along with a series of rocket attacks from Gaza into Israel. Israel holds Hamas responsible for all security in Gaza.
June 18, 2012. * Greece decides perhaps it is not in their best interest to leave the Eurozone after all. Some Greeks are calling it a "Victory for all Europe." I think I will leave the rest of Europe to decide on that one!
*Florida Governor Rick Scott is trying to raise his national profile according to an article in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. Seems Scott is doubling down on being the Tea Party favorite using alleged momentum from Wisconsin Governor's recall election victory by suing the federal government over his voter purges, random drug testing of welfare recipients, introduction of prayer in schools and cutting pensions of teachers, firefighters and police. Earth to Scott, Florida is NOT Wisconsin.
*Rodney King, age 47 was found dead in his swimming pool. King was perhaps the first mass-media exposed victims as his bizarre beating by Simi Valley, California Cops was filmed and shown to the World and sparked riots in LA. King sued the police and was awarded $3.8 Million for the attack. Perhaps his lasting memory will be his now famous quip "Can't we just get along?" Perhaps this will be the presidential campaign theme in 2014, because we certainly are NOT getting along right now!
*Romney is upset Obama is stealing the limelight again with his announcement of his Executive Order allowing illegal immigrants below the age of 30 to remain legally in the US (subject to additional conditions). When pressed on his own position regarding the effect of the Executive Order, Romney seemed unsure of himself on CBS' Sunday political news program Face the Nation when he refused five times to clarify his differences with the Obama policy.
*Last but not least...The beat goes on with the presidential campaigns.
*Florida Governor Rick Scott is trying to raise his national profile according to an article in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. Seems Scott is doubling down on being the Tea Party favorite using alleged momentum from Wisconsin Governor's recall election victory by suing the federal government over his voter purges, random drug testing of welfare recipients, introduction of prayer in schools and cutting pensions of teachers, firefighters and police. Earth to Scott, Florida is NOT Wisconsin.
*Rodney King, age 47 was found dead in his swimming pool. King was perhaps the first mass-media exposed victims as his bizarre beating by Simi Valley, California Cops was filmed and shown to the World and sparked riots in LA. King sued the police and was awarded $3.8 Million for the attack. Perhaps his lasting memory will be his now famous quip "Can't we just get along?" Perhaps this will be the presidential campaign theme in 2014, because we certainly are NOT getting along right now!
*Romney is upset Obama is stealing the limelight again with his announcement of his Executive Order allowing illegal immigrants below the age of 30 to remain legally in the US (subject to additional conditions). When pressed on his own position regarding the effect of the Executive Order, Romney seemed unsure of himself on CBS' Sunday political news program Face the Nation when he refused five times to clarify his differences with the Obama policy.
*Last but not least...The beat goes on with the presidential campaigns.
June 17, 2012. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! Greece continues to be confused when it comes to money. They can't seem to understand how the rest of the World can cut taxes, increase spending and still stay afloat. China realizes that capitalism may actually be the only way for it to survive its own future, now embraces private enterprise that expands their currently tenuous economy. Syria has fallen into a full scale civil war. The UN has pulled their monitors due to the "extreme violence" inflicted by the Assad military. John McCain said on Meet the Press this morning that it is "Shameful" that Obama is not intervening in Syria to stop the "rape, murder and violence." Ron Paul wins a ton of delegates from Iowa caucuses and is preparing to take a stern stand for his agenda at the GOP National Convention in Tampa later this fall, and the campaigns continue on through the candidates and their proxies on all of the Sunday morning political news shows.
June 16, 2012. Slow news day in America. Women drives car into a crowd, Romney's campaign bus re-routes itself in order to avoid protesters, and Obama still is trying to prove the point that the Stimulus actually worked (don't believe Obama, check out the CBO's report on the Stimulus).
In other news today, Mitt Romney told a group of Evangelical Christians today that he would do the exact "opposite" that Obama has done when dealing with Israel. Check out my blog for commentary on this rhetoric.
In other news today, Mitt Romney told a group of Evangelical Christians today that he would do the exact "opposite" that Obama has done when dealing with Israel. Check out my blog for commentary on this rhetoric.
June 15, 2012. The Obama Administration announces a new immigration policy allowing illegal immigrants who came to America as children an opportunity to stay legally in the United States and to obtain education and work benefits. The distinction between this policy and the Dream Act is that this new policy does not extend citizenship to the eligible class of applicable immigrants.