Yesterday, I was asked by an acquaintance whether I felt our government has crossed a line and become tyrannical. Yep, I was asked this. When I responded with a puzzled look, he clarified to state that the "Founders never meant having such a strong central government, hence the restrictions imposed in the Bill of Rights." Before I would respond, I asked him if he was intending to state "We the People" must move to secure our liberty by force?
His response of "yes" was typical of someone ignorant of the Constitution and its framing.
According to my "friend", the government has become so large and intrusive, only armed citizens can move to guarantee our "rights" under the Constitution. Now, coming from a guy with a B.A. in History and a law degree, I was amazed how easy it has become to derail actual thinking with hyperbolic laced partisan rhetoric. I mean, Shay's Rebellion (1786) established the American tradition of seeking to change our government through the ballot box and not through the use of the gun. Have we not learned the lessons of the Civil War? Which leads me to my point. As we take time to reflect on this Memorial Day, please consider the sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform to protect the Constitution before we even begin to fantasize about taking up arms to defeat it along with the government it establishes. Once again, "We the People" includes the ability to control our government through elections, which is uniquely, an American tradition. Even pondering the need to over throw the government of the United States by force demeans every veteran that has ever served. Please take the time today to reflect and stand proud to be an American (because if anyone dislikes it enough to pick up weapons to fight her, perhaps they should find a "better" place to live instead).
As President George Washington once said; "It may be laid down as a primary position, and the basis of our system, that every Citizen who enjoys the protection of a Free Government, owes not only a proportion of his property, but even his personal services to the defense of it." Now those are words of a revolutionary I can live with! Please honor American today by observing everything that comes with the recognition of Memorial Day! Have a great week.