"Un-American" Obama Administration. But what "lies" are real?
We have also heard the constant clamoring for the impeachment and/or arrest of Obama for, well, just being Obama. But the lying, distorting and outright onslaught of allegations by members of Congress and their supporting Media also have taken center stage in the arguments asserting "we need to take America back!" My constant question has been "from whom?" If it is the pursuit of the faux argument that Obama is a "tyrant" then no, I am not interested. If you are fighting to free America from the over-extended reach of corporate America and its related Super-PACs and Astro-turf entities, than I'm all in. But where does the truth come into play? When can we all expect the truth to "rear its head" and destroy the myths popularized by certain members of Congress, their supporting ideological interest groups and Media? Are you holding your breath yet?
True to form, Sarah Palin was in the news (again) not because she is a darling of the intellectual class in America, but for her "down home, folksy, telling it like it is" opinions. This time, she publicly took to the airwaves and social media to blindly support the "Duck Dynasty" guy when his ugly statements about Gays and Blacks were published in GQ Magazine. Really, GQ? Am I missing something here? Anyway, typical of Palin, when pressed about why she believed the guy was only speaking of the "Gospels" she learned more about what the guy actually said. Not surprisingly, Palin admitted she never read what exactly was said, so she just reacted (as usual) viscerally/emotionally to what she was told he said (in an effort to show his support for real "American Values"). Once again, Palin engaged in the current practice of many Americans to "shoot first and ask questions later" when it comes to subjects near and dear to them. Classically defined as Selective Reinforcement, Palin exhibited a reaction that has unfortunately become standard practice for many, many Americans. "If I don't agree with what is said, I attack it and if I agree with what is said I applaud and promote it." The only problem with this behavior is the admission that none of the positions articulated need be based upon fact, just gut-wrenching emotions. What response was there for Palin's admission she had no real idea what the Duck guy had said? Not much. You see we as a society have become numb to pundits and purveyors of lies that we just readily accept them and perpetuate them. Why? Because somehow it makes folks feel smarter (and perhaps better with themselves). Personally, when I make a mistake, I at least try to accept it, apologize and pledge to do better the next time I speak. But not in America; now we just clamor on down the road "Standing our Ground" no matter whether it is atop quick sand of deception and lies. I know, I am ranting. But I am beginning to see this type of "denial" behavior in my everyday life. Folks I know opine freely when it comes to history and politics, but rarely are correct. And instead of accepting their ignorance of the facts and the need to learn more, they resent being corrected and become defensive to the point that one wonders whether they are really interested in anything remotely tied to the truth?
Which gets me to my final point. Most of the nonsense perpetuated by the Right Wing and its supporting Media (Fox, Newsmaxx, Brietbart, Drudge, et al) have continued to paint Obama as a liar. Although they have struck a real chord in America when it comes to the ACA (which may still prove them all to be wrong), they really earned the Liars of 2013 Award for their continuous attacks on Obama over Benghazi. Seems, Lyndsey Graham, Darrell Issa and their fellow Republican "Truth Seekers" have known all along that their allegations of wrongdoing by Obama in the Benghazi tragedy have been lies. Instead of Obama being the liar, they have been the liars and continue to be so. According to an article by David D. Kirkpatrick just published in the New York Times, the tragedy of Benghazi was not a well planned al-Qaida mission, but instead was an attack put together by local militants that had previously sought and obtained US support against Gadhafi. More importantly, the researchers found that many of the local militants were spurred into action by the repeated broadcasting of that inane Anti-Islamic movie over Egyptian television - you know the one, that very one Susan Rice was eviscerated over. Seems the film was one of the reasons for the tragic reaction in Benghazi! Is it possible that the New York Times is covering up for the Obama Administration, as any "Lame Stream Liberal Media Outlet" would? Or is it possible that those crying "Wolf" have themselves been "pulling the wool" over a large segment of American society that reacts before engaging (what's left of) their brains? Can we expect (please) a new round of exposes on those members of Congress that have kept the truth from the American public in a cynical effort to manipulate public opinion against Obama (and more importantly Hillary Clinton)? Ah, but many will then shift gears and claim the article proves the Obama Administration had no clue about how to handle the events leading up to the tragedy! Yes, it does. But so did the bombing of our troops in Beirut under President Reagan, the bombing of North Vietnam by President Nixon and for argument's sake - foreign policy mistakes that can be traced as far back as 1795 and the Jay Treaty fiasco (feel free to look it up).
So my wish for 2014 is for the American public to re-engage their brains (they do have them) and begin to wonder what angle is being employed by politicians and their supporting Media when making outlandish statements, especially those designed to manipulate through emotional talking points and narratives. As President Woodrow Wilson once quipped; "I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow." Isn't it time for Americans to start using their brain first, before strictly borrowing those from the likes of Sarah Palin, Darrell Issa, and their related ideologues in the Media? And just to keep it square - I tell everyone of my students to be cynical with anything I tell them and to independently look up facts for themselves. Even I have an obvious bias, but one thing I am consistent with is encouraging my students and readers look things up for themselves! Now if we could only get all Americans to start doing so in 2014! Have a great, happy, healthy, safe and prosperous New Year filled with intellect and brain power!