Ironically, Trump's supporters can't seem to see the forest from the trees as they continue to deflect and defend the man. Case in point. Immediately after the pipe bombs were discovered, Republicans began raising the notion that the matter was a Left-Wing hoax designed to enflame the rhetoric against their savior, Donald Trump. Talking Heads like Rush Limbaugh used his platform to doubt not only the existence of the bombs, but also whether democrats themselves sent them. Then you have Republican Senate candidate and Neo-Nazi Corey Stewart of Virginia claiming that the bombs weren't really bombs at all, but were fake bombs. He went on to claim that the van seized by the FBI and owned by the bomber were "fake" and a product of the media's bias against Trump. This moron dropped his tweet shortly after it was revealed that the images of the van were accurate and the perpetrator is an avid and rabid Trump supporter. What has happened to many Republicans? Have they been overwhelmed by their hatred of political opponents that they have become blind to what is real and obvious?
Then we have Donald Trump publicly blaming the victims of the mass shooting in Pittsburgh for not having enough armed security at their synagogue. What? Four armed policemen were shot during their efforts to apprehend the shooter. Blaming Jews for their own deaths is one thing, but then rushing off to a rally of his cult followers and blaming the media for all of the unrest in the nation is a step off the ledge of decency. As if this was not bad enough, Vice-President Pence hand picking a "rabbi" to offer prayers for the victims of the largest incident of Anti-Semitism in American history with the mass murder of Jews praying in their synagogue. Except the guy he chose to offer prayers for the Jews is actually a follower of Christ! Second only to the insult of Trump blaming Jews for being victims, is the notion that a follower of Christ would be tapped to pray for Jews is an insult that will not go away. This should be the last straw for Jews that support Trump and his Administration. "But his daughter and son-in-law are Jewish!" That argument is filled with holes the size of the space between Trump's two ears! This man has made Nationalism v. Globalism into a fight between White Supremacists and Jews (whom many see as running the world's banks and media). Dog whistle anyone?
To make matters worse. Trump, in an effort to get the vote out for his base of morons, tells reporters he can change the natural born citizenship rights written into the 14th Amendment by the stroke of his Executive pen. Seriously? Throughout Obama's presidency, Right Wingers claimed that the man was a "Tyrant, hell bent on destroying the Constitution!" Except Obama did no such thing. Now we have direct evidence from Trump that he believes he can alter the Constitution by presidential whim. This belief, can only lead one to believe that Trump is both ignorant of the Constitution and is woefully in violation of his oath of office - which includes the responsibility to uphold the document in its entirety! This is not something that should be subject to any Court's interpretation. The 14th Amendment is clear and Trump has NO authority to alter it. He then claimed that Congress can do so as well. No they cannot - they could only initiate a Constitutional Amendment to alter the document - and there is little doubt no members of Congress would even consider, let alone attempt to do so.
Regardless, Trump knows his caravan of ignorant followers will believe whatever he says, whether it is true or a lie. Richard Nixon would be jealous of Trump, as had Republicans put party over country back in the 1970's, Richard Nixon would have become King instead of the political pariah. We are in a dark period in our political history. Recent events should be a realistic wake-up call! Voting for the opposition party is the remedy so that this rogue president can finally have a check on his actions - just as the Framers had intended by separating powers between the institutions of our government. Try to have a great week and VOTE!