Just this past week, several pundits have made concerted efforts to steer America's attention away from the Republican shut down debacle and instead onto the failures of the health care computer systems. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and many other GOP "leaders" have excitedly pointed to the computer glitches as proof
"Democrats cannot govern!" Ironic isn't it? If Democrats can't govern is a real concern for Conservatives, than what about Republicans refusing to govern and preferring to dismantle the United States government? Is this why public polling reveals the GOP has fallen to the lowest level of public approval since such polls have been in existence? Now don't get me wrong - Democrats in Congress are not held in high esteem either, but for the Cruz faction, Tea that hangs around in water begins to dilute and Americans are getting tired of their rhetoric.
According to Cruz, the only reason the shut down did not succeed was the GOP's lack of backbone and he was going to be their orthopedic support! According to Cruz and his followers, real Americans want to dismantle ObamaCare because it is the No. 1 reason America is failing. Really? To think some Americans actually believe in Cruz and his crazy talk is not only amazing, but also dumbfounding. According to data, most supporters of the Tea movement enjoy benefits under Social Security and Medicare. How far will Tea Party supporters follow Cruz and their leaders if Social Security is privatized and Medicare is severely cut back (see GOP Ryan Plan)? Hmm, I wonder.
In addition to the Tea Party rantings about ObamaCare, the GOP has continued its efforts to steer the country into a direction most would find puzzling. When New Jersey Governor Chris Christie dropped his appeal against a ruling in favor of Same-Sex Marriage, Social Conservatives in the GOP were outraged. When the GOP-led House voted this week to curtail environmental protections the Supreme Court sees as legitimate extensions of the EPA's authority, the Conservatives seem satisfied. But what about the rest of America? What about Americans that have never supported the notion that big corporations deserve all of the breaks because they either know best or are the real "job creators" and employees owe their livelihoods to them? What happened to supporting Middle Class values in the GOP? Can one say "lip service?"
Just this week Arizona Republican Senator John McCain hinted (even though he was just reelected in 2010) that he may run for reelection in 2016 at the age of 80. Is it any wonder that Mr. McCain is so concerned about Ted Cruz's statement that the Tea Party will LEAD the Republican Party in the future? Is it any wonder that McCain, despite his advancing age sees it necessary to interject himself as a kind of "firewall" to protect the GOP from the likes of Cruz, Rubio, Inhoffe and Palin? With Moderate Republicans gearing up to defend themselves in the primaries against opponents from the Far Right, can anyone really expect their candidates to succeed in the general elections? Obviously, Cruz and his followers are banking on America's collective attention deficit. I'm betting Americans know better and hope McCain and his supporters somehow wrest control of the GOP back from the fringe dwelling "Cruz missile wing-nuts!"
So enough of bashing the majority that does not believe in the America used for talking points and narratives . Enough of manipulating emotions of Americans in an effort to misguide and misdirect the public from the real problems facing our great nation. And enough with the efforts to divide America by claiming a self-righteousness that pits American against American. As President Theodore Roosevelt once wrote "We can have no '50-50' allegiance in this country. Either a man is an American and nothing else, or he is not an American at all!" Have a great week!