This week I have seen countless postings and tweets calling out liberals supporting the Democrats' strategy to block Trump in Congress. Instead of recognizing they are doing the exact same thing the GOP did for 8 years, they instead point out how liberals are "sore losers" and need to give Trump a chance! Not only is that hypocritical, but it also reveals a disengagement from reality. How so? Because Trump supporters will go to great lengths to defend the man's actions without giving their proffered defense a second thought. Seems many that voted for Trump simply now want to hide their heads in the sand and magically expect everything to be "great!".
But recent moves by President Trump are not great. According to The Washington Post, "Counseling Trump in the effort will be Stephen K. Bannon, the White House chief strategist whose influence inside the administration is expanding far beyond politics. In a separate presidential memo, Trump reorganized the National Security Council to, along with other changes, give Bannon a regular seat on the principals committee — the meetings of the most senior national security officials, including the secretaries of defense and state. That memo also states that the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will sit on the principals committee only when the issues to be discussed pertain to their “responsibilities and expertise.” In the previous two administrations, both were included as regular attendees." (See: If Trump supporters cannot recognize why it is extremely dangerous to have a political strategist weighing in on national security issues then they have never paid attention to history. Even President George W. Bush rejected the notion that Karl Rove, his chief political strategist be added to his National Security Council. Why? Because national security is not a POLITICAL matter, it's a bi-partisan matter (hint - nowhere in the Constitution are political parties mentioned), under Art. II, the President IS required to safeguard the Nation.
On top of the notion that Trump doesn't need a political strategist on National Security, he chose Bannon - the mentor to the Alt. Right/Nationalists. When did America need an advisor with ties to Nationalists (being kind not to include Neo-Nazis in that group that also support Bannon)? Who is calling the shots in the Trump White House? At least then, whom is influencing the President? Surely there are much more qualified folks than Bannon to advise on National Security! Where are my Trump supporting friends on this issue? Crickets. What I sense is happening is some forms of "Buyers' Remorse" over Trump. Many were damned sure he would be better for America. Now they don't seem so assured. And the GOP? Most are cowering behind Trump's coattails - and if they remain there on many of the divisive issues we are now facing, they may wind up smothered under those very same coattails.
I'll leave you with two quotes from President Dwight David Eisenhower to ponder. "Together we must learn how to compose differences, not with arms, but with intellect and decent purpose." And, "We will bankrupt ourselves in the vain search for absolute security." Words for President Trump to heed. Fear is not the key to freedom, liberty is! Have a great week!