Like a lot of Americans, I am enjoying the sneaky quiet of social media that used to keep me up at night. In just four years as president, the Washington Post compiled and verified over 30,000 lies spewed by Trump - an incredible average of 24 lies per day. 24 lies per day! Now that seems like a lot, but the media really couldn't bring themselves to label them as lies, instead using the innocuous terms of "misinformation or misleading." Bullshit. Trump was not only a full blown liar, his entire Administration was too. The lies weren't necessary, but they sure hit their intended targets. Just look to his supporting casts on Fox News, Newsmax and OAN - they still spew them.
The little lies do tend to add up over time, but not as much as the two biggest areas he consistently lied about (and was allowed to get away with). Those two big topics? The Coronavirus and the election.
Now we learn that Trump actually had NO plan on how to deal with the distribution of the vaccines for Covid- none. And what do the talking heads at Fox report? "Biden had a very bad week with the virus out of control and death tolls at their highest daily total." Only an idiot would believe this bullshit considering Biden had been in office less than 24 hours when Sean Hannity made this inane pronouncement. Yet, as we have come to learn over the past four years, logic and brain power is lacking in millions of people claiming to be actually smart. How else would millions of Americans even vote for Trump? Yet, they did. I'm willing to bet that a relatively small percentage of his voters actually now are re-considering their previous support for the Orange Turd. But, thinking is obviously something Fox and their ilk know their viewers really aren't interested in. After all, their audience is populated by the same folks that thought American history and civics was "boring" and a "waste of their time." How else can anyone explain the Q-Anon crowd? We surely have an education problem in America - but it is too late for millions that have become hardened in their respective stupidity bubbles. MAGA was their club, and one day (maybe), they may wake up and realize they were actually the clowns following the Trump circus all along.
I could go on and on, but no one wants to read more than they already know to be true. Joe Biden won the presidency in a full and fair election. The second big lie is that he did not. When politicians like Jim Jordan, David Nunes, Kevin McCarthy, Louis Gohmert, Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz have the chutzpah to repeat proven lies about the election, they can't now claim that they are simply responding to wrongful impressions they have themselves created in the minds of their constituents. A simple "we lied about the election" would suffice. Yet the people they are "representing" are too stupid to know their "representatives" were the arsonists that started the fire all along who now demand they alone are the ones to douse that fire. As someone once said, "We are all born ignorant, but one has to work hard to remain stupid." If the shoe fits...
As Abraham Lincoln once wrote; “I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.” May all Americans return to their senses and reject the lies and misinformation shoveled daily from the hyper-partisan and ideologically oriented for-profit media (now that's a mouthful)! Have a safe week and enjoy the fact that America is Back. Thank G-d!