One other event took place this past week as well...Marco Rubio "changed his mind" and has decided to run again for the United States Senate (an institution he himself abandoned, according to an interview on CNN), "That's why I'm missing votes. Because I am leaving the Senate."(See: Let's get this straight shall we. A member of the United States Senate openly states that he is frustrated with the Senate because it can't shape the agenda for this nation, and that only the President has that ability. (See citation above). He also openly states that he skipped out on his actual job in the Senate because he had no plans to remain in the Senate. He pledges ("I have only said like 1,000 times I will be a private citizen in January") not to run again for the Senate while mounting a national campaign for the presidency . Except when he loses his own state (badly) to Donald Trump and realizes he may be out of his public job. He has held public office since 1996 - at the age of 26. What has he done in the private sector besides raise a ton of money for campaigns and getting himself appointed to positions he did not have to tend to? He admits he ignored his seat in the Senate. So here we go again with a career politician "changing his mind" - not because the voters of Florida demanded he remain in the Senate, but because the National GOP needs him to lead themselves from the morass known as the Trump debacle. Really? How can it be so easy for millions to criticize Clinton for being dishonest when those they themselves publicly support engage in the same nonsense? Clinton did this, Clinton did that. What we know is factual and what is created by the ideological oriented media remains rather blurred. But when someone says "1,000 times I won't" and then does? How is that acceptable?
This past week the Democrats did something unseen for years. They staged a sit-in on the floor of the House of Representatives because their proposed measures on gun control were extinguished by the GOP Majority leadership. Now that circus can be easily dismissed as a political stunt designed to help raise money for the Democrats, but what the Republicans actually did also deserves scrutiny and scorn. You see, Speaker Paul Ryan immediately disabled the C-SPAN cameras in an effort to cut off the protest from the "prying eyes" of the electorate. Huh? The most powerful figure in our Congress decided it would be better to CENSOR action in the House of Representatives rather than to allow discourse on the issue to proceed! And the media's response? Oh boy! The media attacked the "Dems" for their grandstanding. And to an extent, it certainly was. But had the "shoe been on the other foot" and the Democrats shut down the Republicans with such overt censorship? We still would not be hearing the end of it from the likes of Limbaugh, Beck, Will, Krauthammer and others in the Right Wing Propaganda Machine.
The last time we had such censorship in that esteemed chamber was when the Pro-Slavery factions of the House refused to allow the Abolitionists from having any of their anti-slavery measures heard, let alone raised (See Gag Rule - Is this really what we Americans expect from our Congress? With a lot of people buying the snake oil being sold by Trump that he alone can "Make Our Country Great Again!", perhaps we should stop following leaders with our eyes closed and instead present a clear vision of what we expect from our Congressional leaders. Isn't it time we eliminating everything from being considered "political" and instead demand our representatives begin to work together instead? The only thing keeping our great nation from being greater aren't the policies of any one politician, but our hyper-partisan Congress (bought and paid for by interest groups perpetuating the lame standard of media fed strategies. Strategies finely honed and crafted for the elected to be more concerned with getting re-elected than doing the job they were originally elected to.
As President Harry S. Truman once wrote; "I have no desire to crow over anybody or to see anybody eating crow, figuratively or otherwise. We should all get together and make a country in which everybody can eat turkey whenever he pleases." Come November, It's Turkey time! It would sure beat our nation eating more crow! Have a great week!