So what to expect? To some, Clinton will lie through her teeth (regardless of whether it was true or not). Trump will repeat his major themes while attempting to put Clinton into a preverbial corner. Will either candidate appear to be more presidential than the other? Looking presidential is subjective. Demeanor will also go towards that view, but what is the bar each candidate must reach? Thus far, there has been no bar set for Trump. I mean, if he doesn't fall into the cracks of demeaning rhetoric, he will be perceived to have been successful. For some, there is nothing either candidate can do to succeed. So strap in, get ready and enjoy the obvious "made for television" event. In that regard, Trump has the edge, he is after-all the creation of "reality television."
Last week I received a number of comments from Trump supporters. Unfortunately, none were substantive. All were "Why don't you ever attack Clinton?" Although I do not support Clinton, I have the right to attack Trump - for his entire ridiculous rhetoric without being a real supporter of Clinton. Just this morning, I overheard a discussion in the locker room at the local YMCA. The gist of the discussion? "If Clinton wins, I will lose all faith in America!" But how much faith does one have in America if this election changes their view of the country? Some true patriots, huh?
I also read a local social media site proclaiming that society is "ignorant about the Stars and Bars and that just because the KKK endorsed and used it in a racial way, it simply symbolizes the Confederacy's desire to separate from the Federal Government." What is truly ignorant is the fact that the Confederacy was actually disregarding the basis for the existence of the Federal Government they were allegedly protesting. The basis for "Federalism?" The Constitution, of course! Talk about ignorant! If you disagree, please then explain the language found in Articles I, II and III? How about Article VI? Plus - read the actual language in the Tenth Amendment. It never says a word about the "Federal Government" but instead lists the government of the United States. For strict constructionists and alleged "Constitutional Conservatives" (I still have not been told what that really means), why is this fact so easily ignored?
To prove those that claim America is not great are so wrong, I would like to inform you of something underway as I write this. Early on Friday, a teacher wrote a group of AP Government educators that she has only just been allowed to return to her school that had been underwater due to the recent floods in Louisiana. Her request? She lost 20 years of teaching materials from textbooks, lesson plans, electronic assignments, you name it. Now that she can return to teaching at a temporary school, she has lost everything she had so meticulously assembled over those two decades. She desperately sought out help in how to not only cope with the loss, but also for help in putting something together to help her AP Government students learn their curriculum. The outpouring of assistance to her has been amazing. Folks are sending her assignments, lesson plans, and yes, some are sending class sets of text and handbooks. So I'll ask you this. IF Clinton is elected to the presidency, isn't there plenty of actual evidence that Americans ARE generous, ARE solid citizens and that our country remains GREAT? What kind of patriot would ignore the actual real indicators of citizens helping citizens in favor of divisive rhetoric and political parties? Obviously those with little actual faith in America, that's who.
As President Ronald Reagan once said; "We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone. THIS is what makes America great! Not candidates with divisive rhetoric and followers ignorant of what America is really all about. So enjoy the reality show we know as Presidential Debates and have a great week!