Which brings me to my point. Americans frequently mix up the relationship between the Founding Fathers and the Framers and while doing so, confuse the fact that a period of 13 years separated them. Again, 13 years may seem to be relative, but our Nation was still in its adolescent stage when we declared Independence from England in 1776. As a result, 13 years between our Declaration of Independence to the time we saw our Constitution enacted is, well, a lifetime. Not only did our Nation survive a Revolutionary War, but we also took steps to become recognized in the World of Nations. This recognition included our involvement in World trade. Throughout this period, we had a weak Congress designed to meet as needed with significant powers left for each former colony, now State to wield and enforce.
But within 13 years, the Framers of the Constitution recognized a further need to have our Nation mature and deal with a Constitutional form of government that could deal not only with the shortcomings of the Founders' under their Articles of Confederation, but one designed to establish a democratic-republic that would serve our Nation through eternity. It is that very same Constitution we adhere to today, a uniquely American system of government based upon protected Rights and Liberties. It is though unfortunate that so many Americans either have no knowledge of our actual history or choose to believe 13 years went by faster back in the 18th Century, because more and more Americans seem to believe that the Founders, after declaring Independence from England immediately drafted our Constitution. They did not! As a result, many Americans tie the Bill of Rights directly to our revolution against England, without actually realizing that a decade plus 3 years passed by before the Framers realized we needed a more sound form of government, which included a strong central "Federal" government.
Until Americans come to know this actual American history, they will seemingly continue to misrepresent what the Constitution and the Bill of Rights actually stand for and what the motivations were for them to be enacted and ratified. As each day passes and Americans express their misinformed beliefs, I realize how much work I have still ahead of me. But I am up to the task! Have a safe, happy and healthy holiday season and New Year!