A relatively new political party is re-emerging under the No Labels banner. Why "re-emerging?" Because when founded in 2010, it failed to gain any real "traction" on the national political landscape. But No Labels, is finally beginning to take shape with several high profile leaders adding their names to their cause under the motto; "Stop Fighting, Start Fixing." According to the No Labels Party, their creed is clearly outlined; "Make America Work!1) Tell us the full truth; 2) Govern for the future; 3) Put the country first; 4) Be responsible; 5) Work together.
But who are the "leaders" of this great sounding new Party? According to their website (www.nolabels.org), their new Co-Chairs are former GOP Governor Jon Huntsman and current Democratic Senator Joe Manchin who have dedicated themselves to create a new "Radical Centrist Party." The group is holding a "Meeting to Make America Work" conference tomorrow (January 14) in New York City hosting speakers ranging from "Maine Independent Sen. Angus King; Newark, New Jersey Mayor and Democratic Senate candidate Cory Booker; and Nevada Republican Sen. Dean Heller, who will address the group by video. President Bill Clinton and Arizona Sen. John McCain will each send taped messages." The No Labels Party has also formed a “Problem Solvers’ Group” which includes 12 Republican and 13 Democratic "lawmakers." Sounds great right? But if this group is truly motivated to work on fixing problems, what is their position on Abortion Rights, Gun Restrictions, The Patriot Act, Voting Rights, Climate Change, Foreign Policy and other important matters? Is this group really an innovative movement or a smokescreen to insulate the existing two-party "Winner Take All" electoral system?
I maintain a skeptical view whenever elected politicians do anything, especially when they claim their first priority is to raise money for a Super PAC! But, what if the No Label Group is "for real" and not a faux movement? What if it has the willpower necessary to influence and move public policy back to the elusive political "Middle?" I will be watching this group closely to see if they are finally addressing what I am interested in and ask that you do the same. Their name certainly seems to be a great start.