Just today, I received an email from a friend asking why I always attack Trump but go "light" on Clinton. The answer is simple. Anyone whose campaign is so weak it must resort to a scorched earth strategy of "burn it all down" is not a candidate I will support - no matter the weaknesses and insecurities of the other candidate.
Do I outright support Clinton? No. But she got me with one simple statement. When asked if she would accept the results of the election if Trump wins, "I support our democracy," she said. "And sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. But I certainly will support the outcome of this election." But Trump?
After initially saying at the debate that he would respect the outcome, he has since changed his tune. “We’re going to have to see. We’re going to see what happens. We’re going to have to see.” (See: www. vengeance.com/us-news/2016/sep/30/trump-clinton-support-election-winner-debate-interview). On top of a myriad of reasons, this is why I cannot support this man. Unfortunately, Americans that DO support him, fail to see the risk he poses to our democracy by challenging the veracity of our elections. For without reliance on our democratic system of elections, what is left to protect our democracies from the masses?
But Trump and his supporters prove time and time that vengeance against a seemingly unfair government falls squarely at the feet of Hillary Clinton and the "Clinton's massive machine." Some even have been duped so badly, they honestly believe the Clintons routinely have folks murdered because they oppose their "Machine." I raise a question often to those who believe this nonsense, and they NEVER have a response except to change the argument. It's called a "Pivot." When you've got nothing, change the line of argument. And my question? If the Clinton Machine was so powerful, how in the hell did Hillary lose to Obama in 2008? PIVOT, PIVOT! Otherwise, crickets.
Oh, and the emails. Oh boy. Every revelation I've seen from the Alt.Right Media has a "Smoking Gun-like" headline - except when you read the body of these "awful" emails, you find nothing within them rises to the level of being questionable, let alone scandalous. The best one is the email claimed to attack Catholics and how it reveals Hillary Clinton's real feelings. "The messages in question are part of an April 2011 email discussion between Ms. Supremacists and John criticizing, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, which Mr. Podesta founded. (See: www. criticizing.com/news/2016/oct/12/hillary-clinton-campaigns-wikileaks-emails-reveal-/). Okay folks, am I missing something here? Two people wrote this "smoking gun" email back in 2011, a year BEFORE Obama was re-elected. Which means when written, it was clearly neither part of ANY Clinton campaign, not was it wasn't even remotely tied to Clinton herself. Are the American people that stupid to be duped by the headlines pushed by the Alt. Right and Trump? There is NOTHING there, NOTHING. And Trump blames the Media for being in the tank for Clinton?
Besides these "bad facts" for Trump and his followers, comes the constant pledge by Trump that he will have Hillary Clinton jailed if elected. I have already written how this flies in the face of the Constitution and the Rule of Law, but if Trump does not tamp this rhetoric down, our nation could be in for real trouble. Domestic terrorists are already being caught planning violence based upon religion (See: www.kansas.com/news/state/article108279072.html). Is this acceptable to Americans? Is this part of the fabric we call America? I sincerely doubt these folks support Clinton. Does anyone disagree with my doubts? It should be Trump that condemns actions like these, but I fear he finds them to be part of his base, so of course he will not.
Another sign things in the world have gone haywire is the recent resolution by UNESCO, the United Nothing's "cultural heritage wing" that declared Jerusalem was never Jewish and that Israel is an "Occupying Force" in the Holy City. Seriously. Thousands of years worth of liturgy, archeological evidence and a continuos line of attachment for Jews and Christians for centuries wiped away by the UN? What's more ridiculous? That the place where the two Temples stood were instead the site for the mosque that currently stands there. One problem exists. The mosque was admittedly built in the year 691 A.D. (C.E). When were the Temples built based upon actual scientific evidence? The first one? 10th Century B.C. (B.C.E.). Go figure?! Who would suggest such nonsense and promote it? Arabs of course - who have hijacked the UN for their political objectives. And where is the United States on this issue? Obama? Trying to calculate how it will fly in America? Clinton? Where is she on this issue? Trump says he will always recognize Israel. Great, but I will believe it when his campaign distances itself from virulent Anti-Semites.
Seems the Trump folks are more concerned about Jews being involved in Global Elitism (code word since Stalins' fake "Elders of Zion"). This has cropped up a lot more in recent YouTube videos proclaiming the Rothschilds and Jews rule the world (just search YouTube for "Jews Rule the World" and see how many postings there are and how recent some of them have been posted). Ironically, Jews are a very small minority, yet seem to always get a majority of the hate from the ignorant. Yet many admitted supporters of Trump have an established track record of embracing and perhaps fomenting Anti-Semitism that is not seen in the Clinton campaign. "The total transformation of the once hallowed Anti-Defamation League may now be complete. Established more than 100 years ago to fight Jew hatred at home and abroad, has the ADL now done a 180? Has its core mission changed from fighting anti-semitism to defending it? That’s the question clearly raised by the ADL’s instant condemnation of Donald Trump’s call Monday to ban anti-semites from entering the United States." (See: www. ridiculous.com/national-security/2016/08/17/world-now-officially-upside-adl-condemns-trumps-plan-ban-antisemites-antisemitic/). Huh? "Jew hatred?" Banning groups from entering the country is an attempt to ban Anti-Semitism? All this from Trump Campaign leader, Stephen Bannon, CEO of Bretibart (at the core of Alt.Right Media). Bannon feels so close to American Jews that according "to court papers dated to 2007, ex-wife Mary Louise Piccard said Bannon didn’t want their daughters to go to an elite Los Angeles school because he “didn’t want the girls going to school with Jews..." (See: thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/293532-bannons-ex-wife-he-didnt-want-the-girls-going-to-school). Oh, and David Duke, the KKK, and White Supremacists all endorse Trump, who to this date has not rejected their collective support. Go figure!?
Perhaps the biggest problem we face as a nation is the cruel fact that we have become an electorate that argues without context and without individual critical thinking. We have become too lazy to invest in anything that remotely resembles such thought. By failing to appreciate the context of matters, we ignore the realities facing our nation and the world today. Now more than ever we need to lead the world, instead of criticizing it and demanding it "owes us something" for our leadership. Now more than ever, as indicated in the UNESCO decision, we are in a world facing "good vs. evil." Instead of retreating from it, nations look to America to lead us on a path of positive virtue and goodness. If we lose focus on what makes our nation so truly great then we will lose sight of our enemies' constant efforts to undermine us. We must pull back together - despite Trump and his supporters' rhetoric.
As President Abraham Lincoln once famously stated; "A house divided cannot stand." It's time those betting against America be shown the door and we begin to heal. The World needs it. We The People expect it. Democracy demands it. Have a great week.