According to Politico, even Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R) raised his frustration with the inaction by fellow Republicans in Congress; “We’re not here speaking on behalf of Republicans on the Hill, we’re speaking on behalf of Republican governors,” he said. “The difference is, we’re providing leadership.” Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell (R) came out stating; "“They need to stop having press conferences and start meeting, The time for shows is over. We’ve had 18 months.” Are GOP members getting the message? Hardly. If the cuts under Sequestration are not as bad as "dishonestly" portrayed by Obama, then why the urgent calls from GOP governors for their political brethren on the Hill to immediately sit down and compromise with the president? Apparently, GOP Congressional leaders in Washington are still caught up in the old GOP strategy of making Obama a failed president. Some strategy, huh?
Yesterday, I outlined the cuts identified by The Office of Management and Budget in an effort to accurately show how dishonest the Right Wing media has been on the issue. But if the budget deficit is the sole reason our country is doomed, what can we all do to save it from economic ruin? Make cuts that we can all live with and increase revenues that directly affect the costliest expenses we anticipate America will have! How can we do that? By sitting down and listing real financial priorities that are not couched in political ideology, rhetoric or hypocrisy. But the rhetoric continues. Just tonight on CNN, Republican Senator Lyndsey Graham (SC) said that no new taxes are needed for anything but "to get out of debt." Well, DUH! Graham explained his belief that no revenues are actually needed because cutting spending will solve most of our financial problems, and reforming the tax code by lowering tax rates will provide the remaining revenue needed to balance the budget. Really? Haven't we seen how well tax cuts lead to increased revenues and employment? NOT!
If Graham is correct, then why didn't lowering taxes on "Job Creators" thirteen years ago lead us to maintaining budget surpluses instead of the deficits? Oh that's right, Graham's political ideology is the only thing guiding his economic views! All we need to do according to Graham is to cut taxes and entitlement spending. For the good of the country Mr. Graham, would you please publicly identify which entitlements you would cut? And then would you please explain how you justify these heartless measures while proposing cuts to tax rates that favor the most fortunate and wealthy in America? Forget about the Congressional Research Report revealing tax cuts have never led to the creation of jobs. Forget the Report says tax cuts do nothing but make the rich richer! That dog won't hunt. What happened to reforming the tax code to take away tax loopholes and inane deductions? According to Graham, tax cuts are the answer! And the GOP and their Media Communication Machine has the chutzpah to claim Obama has been dishonest? Let's keep it real folks. The sooner we do, the sooner we can get beyond this manufactured crisis and move our great country forward! Until then, will we ever get an financial strategy devoid of political nonsense from both sides of the political aisle and instead one we can consider an All-American Economic Plan?