We all have heard that the House approved the initial band aid to Federal Flood Insurance Program to the tune of $9.7 billion and that additional relief will be addressed by the full House in the next few weeks. But are we all as aware that the GOP led House also felt it necessary to act on a few other measures, some that make me want to "scratch my head" in wonderment. Okay now, what could possibly be so bad for you to write about it in your Sunday blog? I mean, the Sunday blog is the most widely read posting of the week. What could the House possibly have done to deserve this type of attention? Well, here goes and I will let you decide if I am right to be puzzled, amazed and concerned all wrapped in one.
As the House was voting to approve Rules established way back in the 1st session of Congress in 1791 (sounds good so far...honoring our traditional rules and all), the GOP led House added several Amendments that also passed along Party lines. The House approved a two (2) year "relaxing" of the Rules on Ethics until 2014. What the hell does "relaxing" mean anyway? In this case, the GOP in the House approved allowing members of the House to accept more rides on corporate aircraft (provided they pay their fair share of the cost of the flight...yea, sure). It also requires an economic impact report for all new Bills proposed (there goes projects that lead to experimentation like SCIENCE!). The House also formally approved all budget matters in accordance with the Paul Ryan Budget proposed prior to becoming Mitt Romney's GOP running mate. Huh? Didn't the GOP run on this budget and plans for the economy and didn't a majority of Americans reject that plan? Regardless, the GOP led House has passed it again! In fact, according to The Associated Press, the House approved the measure making the Ryan Budget "the controlling federal fiscal authority." I wonder how many Americans know this? Screw the Electorate, the House will continue on its way without regard for the American majority. The House went further with endorsing the payment of all costs associated with defending in Court the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which President Obama has refused to enforce. Honestly folks, the GOP continues to push a budget slashing health care, Medicare, Medicaid, limiting spending on just about everything except Defense while supporting new spending on defending a measure most Federal Courts have already begun to strike down as Unconstitutional. Will the GOP ever learn?
But the House was not done working in their short week before taking more time off for vacation! The House also defeated (along Party lines) an effort by Democratic members to prohibit "unreasonable limits on voting days and hours, shortages of voting machines, waits longer than an hour at polling places" and to create a national standard for reasonable access to polls. Well, we know where the GOP stands on restricting voting access while refusing any restrictions on guns!
So there we have it folks. Despite the Voice of the People being heard on election day and claims the Republicans have every intention of working with the Democrats, the House falls back into its tried and true obstructionist strategy. What is it going to take to force the GOP back to the middle from its extreme Right ideological position? Have the Republicans woken up from their November 6th slumber or are they "doubling down" on their belief that they alone are the real Americans with the real vision for our Country? Will Real Americans please stand up and take notice that although things change, they stay the same?