Many that pay attention to matters know that Trump's incessant claims of being victimized by "Fake News" when it reported his campaign's ties with the Russians, appreciate that Mueller did prove that all of the news reported by the New York Times and Washington Post detailing contacts actually were accurate. They were never "Fake News" as claimed by Trump.
So whenever a Trump supporter says Trump was proven "innocent", remember to ask them by whom, because Mueller certainly did not come to that conclusion. In fact, anyone that has a third grade reading literacy level can see the clear message from the Mueller Team - Trump and his campaign were acting outside the law. Also remind them that "Individual One" on the criminal indictment for violating campaign finance laws happens to be Donald Trump himself (See: Now that the Supreme Court has ruled that State and Federal crimes are mutually exclusive and double jeopardy does not apply (See:, Trump and his followers should take note - that the High Court is not required to stand with the President. They are a co-equal branch of government adhering to the principals that no man is above the law. One day (hopefully soon), Trump, his inner circle and his cult-like supporters will learn that they too, must answer to the law. After all - haven't he and his crowd perfected the chant "Lock Her Up"? Don't be to surprised after the election when the chant becomes "Lock HIM up" along with his corrupt advisors and sycophantic family of conmen, grifters and co-conspirators.
As President John F Kennedy once said; " A Nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth or falsehood in an open market is a Nation that is afraid of its people." Answer the damn subpoenas! Stop covering up. Stop lying. For the rest of us, start preparing to defeat Mr. Trump and Trumpism for centuries to come. America needs us now, more than ever! Have a great week.