Is anyone worried that the GOP will do anything to steal this election? Are there others that also believe that only a landslide Democratic victory will ensure Trump and his MAGA followers are so defeated they will begin to crawl back into their confederate holes?
While we are celebrating all of the pointed political videos produced by Republicans disgusted with Trump, is there any concern that they will use that very same platform to inhibit, attack or damage the plans of Democrats to "right the ship" post-Trump that would begin initiatives to move us (finally) into the 21st Century (it is only 20 years late). We can only hope they help rather than hinder.
When Trump is gone, will MAGAs act like their world will never be altered by his loss? Do they think they will take to the streets with their weapons to "liberate" us all from science and democracy all for the sake of following the lead of their Dear Leader? Remember how they stormed State Houses with their weapons demanding "Freedom" from wearing masks and being locked down - an effort applauded and encouraged by Trump even though the policy was solely designed to PROTECT their health?
This week we saw the largest surge nationwide of the Covid-19 infections (and deaths to follow). MAGAs blame the Black Lives Matter protesters for spreading the disease while totally ignoring that their own failures to follow basic health directives is the reason the infections continue to rise. Trump has made wearing a mask a personal referendum so his followers refuse to wear one in public because Trump tells them so. Have we ever had a similar period in our Nation's history where so many shifted their brains into Neutral only to glide in the path created by Trump? No mater how destructive? Now Trump and his GOP minions are demanding that the economy is far more important that anything else and therefore, schools must re-open this fall, regardless of how many may be at risk of infection and death. Whenever we gear "this fall", keep in mind schools reopen in less than two weeks here in Florida (teachers report August 3, students August 10). Even though there are no concrete plans to keep faculty and staff safe, the concern is solely getting kids out of their homes so parents can get back to work. But what about the folks that are out of work? They too claim they need the kids back in school.
My wife recently stated at her doctor's office that she hopes they can figure out how to keep everyone safe at school and a receptionist immediately raised her voice and claimed she can't afford day care so she can work and that schools HAD to reopen. When asked, she said she was paying $200 per week and it was unaffordable. So, she is demanding my wife and other teachers go back to work - not to educate her kids, but to provide daycare so she can save $40 per day. Is your life worth risking to save parents babysitting expenses? If someone's job pays less than what they need, wouldn't finding a better job be the proper remedy? "But there are no jobs available for her to take instead." And this is the public teachers fault? MAGAs sure like to subscribe to the notion that we are all responsible for our own actions, yet like all GOP'ers, their hypocrisy becomes obvious when they expect others act in ways they themselves have no intention of acting. Hypocrisy is the motto for the GOP and it's evident within virtually everyone that supports them.
When it comes to GOP demands to reopen schools, no one should be surprised. The GOP's entire ideology is to shrink local control of schools while diminishing the influence of the teachers unions. How so? According to many polls, two out of ten teachers will not return and risk infections and will return or quit instead. With literally thousands of teachers leaving the field, unions will be hit the hardest with a vast reduction in the number of dues paying members. Due to GOP efforts, States have incentivized new teachers not to join unions by giving them financial rewards in lieu of seeking union backed tenure. So instead of the real priority being educating our children, it is really an effort to harm teachers' unions throughout the Nation. Again, only a tsunami of Democratic votes this November may stop the efforts of the GOP and their Far-Right Activist agenda.
As I've predicted before and I will say it time and time again - when Trump is finally gone, sometime in the relatively near future, MAGAs will vehemently deny ever supporting the man. Perhaps that will be a clear sign we have weathered Hurricane Sharpie. As Thomas Jefferson once said; "Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question." Try to have a great and safe week!