Part of my fatigue is from attempting to deal with lies and misinformation so prevalent in our Media. We already know the Conservative Right claims the Main Stream Media ("MSM") is "Liberal" and "Biased" so they should be ignored. But Trump takes it to a whole new level by sending out "dog whistle" attacks for his supporters to believe and repeat- “Another important issue for Americans is integrity in journalism,” Trump said. “These people are among the most dishonest people I have ever met, spoken to, done business with. These are the most dishonest people. There has never been dishonesty – there has never been dishonesty like we have seen in this election. There has never been anywhere near the media dishonesty like we have seen in this election." But Breitbart and other Alt-Right outlets routinely create lies and distortions to sway the gullible, but that's okay to Trump - it's HIS media and that's seemingly the only one that actually should count. (See: and "I'll support the results of the election if I win"
But who really IS the MSM anyway? I mean, Fox News claims it has the largest audience (radio and television). That actually means something right? If more Americans tune into Fox News, wouldn't that make THEM part of the MSM? Of course it does. But to those ranting about "Liberals" they can't see the trees from the forest! What about the print media? The New York Times and Washington Post are so "Leftist" and they lead the MSM in their "shady reporting." Except the Times and Post routinely win a lion's share of Pulitzer Awards for Journalistic Excellence. Many Conservative pundits, adored by the Conservatives actual syndicate their work through the Times and the Washington Post. So what gives? To be frank, I routinely take exception to many Times articles that have a "liberal" slant when it comes to their reporting on Israel. But I certainly do not dismiss everything they report - because much of it turns out to be legitimate. But to Conservatives reacting to rhetoric, the Times and the Post have no redeeming values. Another MSM publication? The Wall Street Journal ("WSJ") of course. As a subscriber, I find the WSJ to be a great source for world and economic news. What I find on their opinion pages though clearly reflects an adherence to Conservative viewpoints. But the WSJ makes no excuses for their opinions - they are what they are - a large member of the MSM. Who owns the WSJ? Dow Jones - owned by News Corp. - in turn owned by Rupert Murdoch (who also owns Fox News). Do Americans know that the WSJ is a publisher of Conservative positions? How can Conservatives claim America is wrongfully controlled by MSM when two of the top players are Conservative outlets? Because facts no longer matter to many Americans - it is far too easy repeating rhetoric in the form of partisan talking points and narratives. Now I'm not saying only Conservatives play this game. The Left has MSNBC - but can anyone honestly say that other than that outlet, there are clearly biased outlets in the Media favoring Liberals? Can you name a SINGLE Liberal talk show host with any sort of major following? I can't. But I can name Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and their ilk smeared all across the right with large audiences. But the MSM? These Conservative talking heads ARE members of the MSM. So why the bitch? Because folks have been TOLD to bitch - and they cannot honestly tell you anything about the MSM except to repeat the narratives they prefer to hear.
Another part of my fatigue is the outright ignorance of Americans when it comes to knowing the Law and Common Sense. I can't tell you how many times I have been told by Conservatives that the WikiLeaks are proof Clinton allowed secrets to be leaked on her illegal "unsecured" private server. Except according to FBI Director James Comey, there is NO evidence that any emails from her server were hacked - NONE. As I mentioned last week - Trump and his supporters have routinely conflated the WikiLeaks with Clinton's server in order to confuse voters. And it has worked! Folks are complaining about Clinton's alleged comments about Catholics - even though that statement was attributable to others, not her! Those comments did not come from Clinton but from a couple of people before they became members of her campaign staff in 2012. Facts again - who needs them when it comes to Clinton?
This week we learned of two very troubling events that should give Americans great pause. We learned that the FBI has been purposely leaking stories about criminal investigations into the Clinton foundation in an effort to get Media outlets to jump all over them. And it worked. Bret Baier of Fox News wrongfully reported the "leak" as fact and once again, Trump produced an Ad claiming she is under "Criminal Investigation" and his surrogates asserted "Why vote for Clinton, she will be indicted shortly after the election for her crimes" followed by Trump rally chants of "Lock her up, Lock her up!" Except the leak was a hoax. But ask yourself this. Since when does the FBI allow leaks about anything? Since when does the FBI engage in leaking fake stories about political candidates? Where in the FBI's mission statement does it say they are to engage in misleading the American public about criminal investigations? (See: And the Trump campaign? They essentially say, "oops", but the damage has been done!" Sounds a lot like a response from someone that was involved in having the fake story revealed to the public. Do it and ask for forgiveness later? A big "Oh well.. it happens!" Even though Fox News and others have apologized for publishing the fake story, Trump continues to cite it in his stump speeches as if it is true. So for those ill-informed Americans, the "paste is already out of the tube!" And this is exactly what Trump's Campaign spokeswoman KellyAnn Conway claimed in a recent interview. "Asked whether Trump would “amend his stump speech to walk back the same thing,” Conway replied: “Well, the damage is done to Hillary Clinton, that no matter how it’s being termed, the voters are hearing it for what it is, a culture of corruption.” Although it is a LIE, no apologies are forthcoming from the Trump camp for misleading Americans at Trump's rallies, no remorse at all. It appears lying and deceiving are acceptable to Trump - as long as folks believe every LIE promoted when it comes to Clinton. (See: I can think of one reason why the Trump folks would wrap themselves around such a lie. Because perhaps they were in on the lie with the FBI all along!? How can I say this!? Because we learned something more dangerous than anything previously revealed.
We learned that the FBI's New York Field Office has been routinely engaged with former Federal Prosecutor Rudy Giuliani and the Trump Campaign in coordinating false attacks against Clinton. What? We all know about the now famous "Comey Letter" sent 12 days before the election to Congress saying new emails had been discovered and will be reviewed by the FBI for potential "criminal" evidence against Clinton (we have since learned that when the Comey Letter was sent, he has NO idea what was in the emails. Moreover, there have been NO new emails recently discovered that would indicate criminal wrongdoing). But what we did not know was that Rudy Giuliani boasted two days BEFORE the letter was sent to Congress that it was coming. How does someone outside the FBI KNOW in advance they are releasing ANYTHING relating to investigations? Giuliani, smirking like the "cat that caught the canary" couldn't hold back. He asserted he KNEW a bombshell that would negatively affect the Clinton Campaign was coming in two days. How did he know this? When did he know this? Who else knew this? The mere impression that a political campaign could be in collusion with the criminal investigative agency of the United States government should give Americans a helluva lot more pause than any damn emails! My Conservative friends? They refuse to accept this FACT. "Clinton is a a crook and a liar and put killed 43 people including 4 Americans in Benghazi" they say. But it's NOT true (according to countless GOP Reports from their own Congressional investigations). Take a look at the video and tell me Giuliani really was "just having fun with the Democrats" as subsequently explained by Trump surrogates. That dog won't hunt. He KNEW, and therefore he is in collusion with the FBI's New York Field Office which has become the politicized investigative arm of the GOP. (See: No need to add the "Lock her up" chants were initially started by Chris Christie - who has a whole other problem heading his way from Bridgegate (See:
So Clinton's use of a private server was wrong. She has admitted to it. But what do we do with the powerful FBI that has become a bed partner with the Trump campaign and possibly the GOP? Why is it so difficult for Americans to understand such an arrangement is a very dangerous one - especially if Trump wins the White House and uses the FBI to destroy his enemies - real or perceived. Anyone remember the last president caught using the FBI as their personal vendetta machine? That would be none other than Richard Nixon.
Last night a protester wearing a "Never Trump" shirt was accosted at a Trump rally in Reno. While under physical attack, someone yelled "GUN!" and the Secret Service whisked Trump from the stage. Immediately hereafter, law enforcement officials and the Secret Service determined the only ones committing violence were the Trump supporters against the protester who did nothing except reveal his t-shirt's message. He did not vocally disrupt Trump or engage in anything disruptive -except wear his Anti-Trump shirt. Amazingly, the Trump campaign (and his son), began tweeting that Trump survived an "Assassination attempt!" Huh? And then they went on to blame the media for the violence - which video shows the crowd physically assaulting a press cameraman. Is this the America we want to have if Trump wins? Intimidate and attack anyone they disagree with? (See: and and False Flag to excite Trump's base? It appears to be working on some levels as social media contains many postings "Stop Democrat Violence!" (a seed planted by the multi-discredited James O'Keefe and his suspect Project Veritas machine). Except what evidence is there that Democrats are behind any violence? We all have seen how protesters and hecklers are treated at Trump rallies. But how did President Obama deal with a Trump supporting heckler? A lot different than Trump has. I'll leave the evidence for you to decide. (See:
So where are we? Are we mired in a divisive campaign that seems like it will never end? Perhaps - especially when the GOP leadership now says they will obstruct everything Clinton does as president. They will initiate impeachment actions as soon as she is sworn in. How they will never allow a single appointment to the Supreme Court until a Republican wins the White House. And you think this is what the Framers planned when creating our form of democracy? One side, losing an election refusing to allow the winners to enjoy the fruits of their victory? This may be acceptable to partisans, but it is not to those that actually love our country. So to those who refuse to accept losses at the ballot box, perhaps it is time for you to seek dual citizenship somewhere else where the losers can rule over the people - like North Korea or Russia.
I am tired. I am tired of being called every name in the book for pointing out the obvious to folks that have no more knowledge of our great history or system we call government than third graders (apologies to third graders, they might actually be better behaved). I am tired of being told "that's your opinion and this is mine!" I'm tired because I spend no less than 7 hours a day reading over 1,000 articles relating to our politics from every available media outlet from across the political spectrum. And for those that think I am lying - please note that I score up to 600 College Board handwritten essays a DAY at the AP Gov. reading in Utah. Although to some I may be full of crap, I know I am filled with information instead. Yet, I know my words will fall on many deaf ears - but I still feel I have an obligation to state them. And with America on the threshold of another serious election, I cannot remain silent and sit idly by and allow the easily manipulated to determine the fate of our great nation without pointing out who the real liars are and who is taking advantage of them.
As I wind this last blog down before the election, I must point out how stupid Americans have actually become. This week it was revealed that folks were promoting on social media that voters should "text" their votes instead of going to the polls. Except there is no such thing as "texting in votes." They don't count. This is a subtle form of voter suppression. When I pointed this out, many responded with an incredible view that "if someone is too stupid to fall for that, they shouldn't be allowed to vote anyway!" No matter they are being conned - it's somehow okay because they "deserved it!" So let me get this straight - victims of scams are the ones to be blamed and the perpetrators are not (one commentator told me it was not any different that political ads and caveat emptor). Until I raised this analogy. If they believe this to be true, then what about the elderly couple scammed by someone coming to their front door telling them he noticed their roof needed emergency repair conning them to pay the guy $20,000.00 to repair the roof, only for the scammer to walk off and steal their cash. Are we to blame the elderly couple for being so gullible (and therefore deserving) or are we going to go after the thief before he defrauds another unsuspecting innocent couple? Of course we will not hold the vulnerable couple responsible. How is this any different when efforts are made to defraud the vulnerable of their rights to vote? Of all the folks that proudly defended the scammers on the voting issue - only ONE apologized and admitted they didn't realize the vulnerable innocent should never be blamed if victimized by a thief. But it was only one out of the many to acknowledge their erroneous beliefs. And this is what ails our nation. Opinions so blinded by partisan rhetoric they can't even see the common sense basis for the flaws in their positions. And try to have them see the errors in their thinking? Attack, attack and attack. As I've been writing for years - it is intellectual laziness to resort to labels and name calling instead of responding with actual thought and evidence.
Which gets me to my final thoughts. This election should prove once and for all that the broadcast media must cease using campaign surrogates as "balancing" political reporting. Each network has used campaign surrogates to present their views as valid sources of news. They are not! We all know campaigns utilize surrogates to promote talking points and narratives in spin rooms - where the press can meet them and listen to their rhetoric. But in this election, actual broadcast journalists are being supplanted by campaign talking heads. The result - viewers come away with the the mistaken impression that the nonsense spouted by the surrogates is news! And it is NOT! It is rhetoric only - except under the moniker of Fox News and CNN they are hoodwinked into thinking what is claimed is real news. If we have learned anything from this election, broadcast news must stick to actual journalists and stop giving campaign surrogates a news platform to spew their narratives and nonsense as far too many folks are too weak to appreciate the difference between rhetoric and fact.
As Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower once wrote; "This world of ours... must avoid becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate, and be, instead, a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect." So may we all pledge after this election to be proud again, trust each other and respect what is real instead of what is not. We as a nation ARE great, but it takes work to stay that way. Demand our politicians WORK and not obstruct. Demand rhetoric of dishonesty is vetted before shared. Demand a Special Prosecutor be appointed to "Clean the Swamp" that has become the FBI and all those conspiring to use it for their own political gain at OUR expense. And please in this election, don't toss out the baby with the bath water. Have a great week and let us all get to November 9 in peace.