It seems many female victims of human trafficking wind up pregnant, but the Right wants to produce additional language that would extend the Hyde Amendment to restrict the use of federal funds for abortions - even in the case of kidnapped and abused females who might seek to terminate unwanted pregnancies (or at least this is what the Democrats and their supporting Media claim). Knowing the pubic expects movement on what was to be a "Bi-Partisan bill", the GOP has gambled that by adding the language, they can leverage the confirmation of Attorney General Nominee, Loretta Lynch against the Democrats. The Senate GOP seems to be saying to the Democrats; "Play ball with us on human trafficking or else Lynch will not be considered for confirmation." Just like the Riders, Lynch's confirmation has nothing to do with human trafficking, but once again, politics rules the day when it comes to the Republicans (just like the House's new budget draft calling for the repeal of ACA aka ObamaCare for the umpteenth time). And the true victims of these shenanigans? The victims of human trafficking, Loretta Lynch and the American people.
This week did not end with some strange partisan maneuvering just from the Right. As we all have heard, Israel elected more representatives from the Likud Party, enabling Benyamin Netanyahu a strong chance of being retained as Prime Minister. Seeing this as a direct challenge to President Obama, the head Democrat seems to believe he and his party have been snubbed by the citizens of Israel, and therefore, America will "reassess" its support of Israel in the U.N. ("United Nothing") and the International Criminal Courts (wherein the US has exempted itself from prosecution). Obama and his followers on the Left have also conveniently forgotten they just three weeks ago complained about a foreign leader interfering with American politics and foreign policy, yet they jumped headlong into arguments against Israel for its internal elections of its own leaders. Go figure. And the Left is not done. Just read any Left-Wing media outlet's published stories and you will find, as if on cue, Israel is now considered part of the Right Wing and the GOP, and therefore, must be "punished" (not my word, but from the Administration and Left Wing Media). In fact, some Left Wing Media outlets have now compared Israel with the same evil reincarnated in ISIS/ISIL, Assad and Boko Haram. Except, nothing could be further from the truth. How is it possible that purveyors of religious hatred, hell bent on terrorism (see Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah) get a pass because our President did not get his way when Netanyahu's party won in a free and open election? How can the Left Wing Media (Huffington Post, aka "The New Socialist Apologists") ramp up its rhetoric that Israel is a "Rogue State", "Apartheid State" and "Racist Regime" when Arab Israelis, Druze, Christians and Jews are allowed to openly and freely vote (when the same cannot be said for citizens of Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Libya, Sudan, Jordan, and on and on)? By what standard does the Left operate to single out Israel? The very same standard Mr. Obama is using by threatening to leave Israel "exposed" to racist resolutions in the United Nations - a forum historically corrupt and Anti-Semitic. Because Obama cannot control the Israeli electorate, he threatens to "hit them on the head" to coerce their compliance on the World Stage (see:
To say I am disappointed in the President and the Democratic Party is an understatement. I am frequently attacked as being a "shill" for Obama when it comes to calling out the GOP and its supporting Media for its nonsense. Now folks view me as a "traitor" of some kind because I attack Obama and the Left for their nonsense.
Perhaps folks should finally admit they have been conveniently ignoring the fact that I am an INDEPENDENT and have been for more than a decade. If there was ever a reason to view the Left and Obama with skepticism, it is now (in regard to their behavior towards Israel)! Free and fair democratic elections are held often in Israel. Free and fair democratic elections are held in America. Does anyone other than me see the irony in the Left and Obama bitching about the elections in Israel just like the GOP and the Right bitch and moan about the elections of 2008 and 2014 resulting in Obama and the Democrats taking the White House? What's that old saying about "Glass Houses?"
As President Dwight D. Eisenhower once wrote; "You don't lead by hitting people over the head - that's assault, not leadership." No truer words need be heeded by President Obama, his Party, the GOP and the Media (Liberal and Conservative). Stop the hypocrisy and the assault on multiple levels...America deserves (and should demand), better leadership! Have a great week!