According to The Associated Press, the High Court affirmed a previous ruling by the three panel 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that under the Supremacy Clause of the Article VI of the Constitution, federal law preempts State action when it comes to establishing voter registration requirements. So for even the most Conservative political leaders, accepting adherence to the intent of the Framers is an example of strict construction. Hence, the majority opinion by Justice Scalia with the support of 6 other Justices.
Immediate reaction from Conservatives was disappointment with the Court, even though the most Conservative and "Contextual" Justice on the Court (Scalia) wrote the opinion (can you say "Hypocrisy?"). Shortly after the announcement, Texas Senator (Tea Party favorite and Joe McCarthy impersonator) Ted Cruz (R) introduced amendments to the existing National Voter Registration Act to allow for states to independently impose their own voter ID registration requirements. But you can bet the Democrats in the Senate will be using a tactic right out of the Cruz playbook by ensuring no proposed amendments will ever survive a threat of a filibuster. Why else do yo think the Democrats will never agree to tighten the filibuster rules requiring a Super Majority of 60 to sustain a Cloture Vote? They will be using the same tactics employed by the GOP Senators if and when they themselves become part of the Minority in the Senate. And the games continue!
Once again, the Supreme Court ruled using the Constitution as their basis, and some Republicans scream for changes to existing laws. If it was a split decision (5-4) it would be one thing, but a 7-2 ruling? Cruz and his followers are less interested in the Constitution than their individual efforts to pander to their ill-informed and easily manipulated base. If Rush Limbaugh is upset with the ruling, the Supreme Court must have gotten something right. As President Andrew Jackson once said, "All the rights secured to the citizens under the Constitution are worth nothing, and a mere bubble, except guaranteed to them by an independent and virtuous judiciary." Sometimes even a blind squirrel finds a nut!
Please note that I will in Columbus, Ohio June 19, 20 and 21. I will be Portland Oregon June 22, 23 and 24. In Seattle, Washington June 25 and 26. Visiting the Oregon Coast June 27 and 28. Seeing the Redwoods in Northern California on June 29. In Ashland and Medford, Oregon June 30 and 31. In Eugene, Oregon July 1, 2 and 3. And then back from Portland, Oregon on July 4. I will try to post during this whirlwind tour, but please do not be too disappointed if I can't. I promise to return to regular postings by July 7. Be well!