Yes, we have had turmoil in America's past. We've had a destructive Civil War, World Wars plus cyclical economic depressions and recessions. But what lessons have we learned from our precious scrapes with turmoil? Have we learned when at war, we coalesce and come together to unify to face our common enemy? Are we pooling all of our resources to defeat anything that threatens our values and beliefs? Apparently not. Seems all of the teachings taught in church have fallen upon deaf ears and science and history have been relegated to the trash heap. All because we have become the culture of "I need to get mine, to hell with the rest of you" attitudes. Which political party has made such an attitude a mainstay of their active political philosophies? The Republican Party, of course.
So when Mitch McConnell and GOP Senators use social media to blame Democrats for withholding relief to Americans during this pandemic, they "forget" to mention they themselves have all of the blame for delaying and blocking efforts to help average citizens on Main Street (instead of Wall Street). President Theodore Roosevelt recognized the need to ally with the working class in order for them to share in the wealth of our great nation, lest they may rise up and force demands upon the wealthy class (and we know how the GOP treated him). During Eisenhower's Administration, the Middle Class soared to new heights while the wealthy contributed far more in taxes so that our nation as a whole could grow and prosper. The Opportunity for prosperity for everyone created a great society and nation. Even though there is always much more to do to ensure equality for all, it was a solid step in the ambitious development of our nation. Yet today, the GOP prefers to single out benefits for the wealthy because the wealthy can afford to contribute to political campaigns and special interests, while the poor have no voice and no money to influence policy. This is the real root of the problems we face today. The Republican Party (like Trump) is not interested in helping America, unless they see personal financial benefit. We have become a "Transactional Country" embodied by Trump's recurrent policy of Quid Pro Quo. Unless you speak nice about me AND give me a ton of money, your needs will not only be ignored, but you will be promptly forgotten when policy is finally developed. Which virtually always comes at the expense of the poor for the sole benefit of the wealthy.
Case in point. The GOP can spend Billions on new fighter jets that no one needs. They can spend Billions on new administration buildings (FBI, West Wing, Rose Garden, and even more on a failed "Wall"), but then ultimately assert fake concerns about budget restrictions (after granting excessive tax breaks) when it comes to ensuring children have enough food to eat and schools are safe enough to open for children and staff. Things couldn't get more obvious, yet the media somehow enjoys playing one side against the other when in reality, only one side is making an effort to help while the other is only interested in maintaining power. The GOP will campaign against arguments to "defund the Police", all while they actively pursue policies to defund unemployment benefits, Social Security and Education.
Where is the outrage over the use of the Post Office to politicize mail-in ballots? Where is the outrage that Billions were misspent on pandemic relief and now so much of it has been wasted - without ever getting any aid directly to the people. Now Trump and the GOP are glorifying the use of Executive Orders to eliminate the powers exclusively granted under the Constitution to the House under Article I. After claiming Obama's use of Executive Orders was tantamount to "Tyranny", the GOP falls mute when Trump says he alone signs Orders as if they were "Bills". But he can't. Despite this fact, MAGA and the GOP celebrate this action - even Trump's expressed desire to terminate Social Security (as if members of his Party actually need it to stay alive like millions of average Americans?).
We have run aground due to having elected an incompetent captain who presented fraudulent credentials for the position. As many have said, elect a clown, expect a circus. But the lives of Americans are not for kicks and giggles. Our Institutions are not to be attacked purely to promote one failed ideology over the ambitions of millions. So, unlike previous elections where talk was cheap, this year's election will be for the heart and soul of our once great nation. Only after we remove Donald Trump, the GOP and MAGA from positions of power will be be able to move forward with transforming America and moving her back towards seeking the ambitious status our Founders snd Framers once could only dream of. Vote Blue for America. Try to have a safe week.