On the Democrat's side you have Clinton and the massive fundraising and organizing machine (and all the baggage of self-inflicted mistakes). I do not include Benghazi because this is truly a "made for Media" scandal that has no real substance (sorry to my Right Wing friends). Clinton does have credibility issues, but so do all of the other candidates - from either side of the aisle. O'Malley? One of the main things a national candidate must have is name recognition and O'Malley has none. Sanders? Can a self-proclaimed Left-Wing Socialist win the presidency? Do you know a bridge for sale? Could there be anyone else to appear on the horizon for the Democrats to win the White House? Please?
On the Republican side you have the same problems. Although Rubio, Paul, Perry, Cruz and Bush have name recognition, their recognition is overwhelmingly negative. Rubio, Paul and Cruz all have "Flip-Flop" pandering issues that will not go away. Carson is not a viable candidate (as he has never run for public office) and Fiorina, Santorum, Huckabee and Perry have losing records when it comes to national campaigns. So that leaves Pataki (who could not win in his home state) and Walker who is tied at the hip with the Koch Brothers. I know, I forgot to mention Trump and Jindel, but why bother - they poll so low they most likely will not even be invited by the GOP to participate in the party's own debates. Could there be anyone else on the GOP horizon to win the White House? Please?
I guess that leaves us with no real credible candidates from either party to occupy the White House and lead our great nation. But why is this? Why can't there be viable candidates for the most important position in the World? Could it be because only candidates that can muster the support of Billionaires have a shot at their party's nomination? Has the overwhelming influence of campaign cash rendered "citizen-candidates" helpless in efforts to gain the name recognition and support necessary to become a viable national candidate? I know many pundits support the unlimited use of campaign cash (including from corporations and unions), but haven't they ignored the reality that campaign cash can preclude and foreclose opportunities for potentially better yet less "recognized" candidates to have even a remote chance of winning their party's nomination? In 2016, it is predicted each candidate for the presidency will have to raise and spend $2 Billion apiece to win. Isn't this disgusting enough to have folks begin to consider the damage it has caused to both our electoral politics but also to our legislative processes as well?
We know our government operates within a well concealed sub-government known as Issue Networks and Iron Triangles. When will the public come to realize the monied interests control the actions of both political parties and that by separating Americans by party they have successfully neutralized any ability of the electorate to unite against the abuses in our electoral and legislative systems? Will Americans ever wake up to this reality without holding fast to the talking points and narratives designed by the Parties to keep us divided and clueless as to the real "dark side" of our political processes?
Although I have used this quote before from President George Washington, I find it more and more relevant; "The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism." When will Americans begin to recognize that we need to fight together against "frightful despotism?" Have a great week!
* I will be attending the Educational Testing Service's College Board A.P. United States Government and American Politics Reading in Salt Lake City, Utah, so next week's blog may be delayed a week. I appreciate your continued interest in my blog. Be well!