Some of you are old enough to recall when Dan Rather, anchor of CBS News, reported that Presidential candidate George W. Bush was AWOL from the Air National Guard. Mr. Rather was forced to resign when he could not prove his reporting about Bush. In other words, Rather was forced to leave the anchor desk because folks demanded that news anchors be accountable if they report or pursue the reporting of inaccurate or misleading "falsehoods." So why is that standard ignored in the case of Fox News? Oh, Fox News would never broadcast inaccurate or misleading news, would it?
As most of you know, Fox News reported on a satirical news story from the Onion that President Obama was costing America over $200 Million a day for his trip to India. Not even remotely true. Fox News also gave a platform to the "Birthers" claiming Obama was ineligible to be president due to his alleged birth in Kenya. Now that Rafael Edward (Ted) Cruz admitted to being born in Canada, where is the Fox News machine on Cruz's alleged ineligibility to be President under the same standard they promoted against Obama? Nowhere. Remember the Onion story about Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize Winner in Economics, claiming he was filing for personal bankruptcy? Fox News sure does, they ran with it (once the Drudge Report passed it onto them). Remember the hoopla surrounding former Chuck Hagel's alleged ties to the fictional group, "Friends of Hamas"? It was a joke, yet broadcast repeatedly by Fox News as real news. Remember? Now Fox News reported that President Obama, while refusing to open the WWII Memorial, was personally paying out of his own pocket money to keep open the "International Museum of Muslim Cultures." The story originated in the National Report, a satirical publication. Fox News just can't seem to help themselves when it comes to airing reports that slam Obama, including those that are patently false and ridiculous. So where are the "Broadcast Purists" that demanded Dan Rather resign over the Bush controversy? Why isn't the American public demanding "Fair and Balanced" reporting actually BE fair and balanced? Where are real journalists to point out that Fox News is NOT news, but political entertainment not to be taken at face value? Does anyone take Saturday Night Live's News Update as serious news? Perhaps Fox should add SNL News Update to their nightly broadcasts?
The shame of it all? That the hypocrisy is LOST on so many Americans that SWEAR Fox News is a legitimate source of news and rely upon it faithfully to shape their political opinions. Why? Because Americans have become so intellectually lazy they must be told what to think. Being manipulated by news reporters is a lot easier than having to think for ones self. And please, those demanding I point out the deficiencies of CNN and MSNBC should realize that Fox routinely gets the news wrong. Could it be mere negligence or part of the network's agenda and design? Which gets me to my final point.
The current shutdown is NOT due to Obama and the Democrats, despite the best efforts of Republicans and Fox to promote the lie. On August 21, 2013, 80 REPUBLICAN members of the House of Representatives signed a strategy letter to shut down the government in an effort to defund ObamaCare (see http://timesfreepress.com/news/2013/oct/04/the-letter-behind-the-shutdown/). Now that public opinion polls indicate the public is blaming the GOP for the shut down, these very same Representatives and Fox promote claims that Democrats and Obama are to blame for the shut down. What gives? Where is Fox News to report the truth behind the GOP/Tea Party shut down strategy? Obviously, too busy amplifying the message that "Obama, the Democrats and Liberals" are to blame. Yes, folks - Fox News and the GOP do believe Americans are that stupid, and apparently, those who watch Fox News exclusively for their news ARE that stupid!
With the Debt Ceiling rapidly approaching (Oct. 17) and the Republican/Tea Party representatives willing to sacrifice the nation's financial stability to prove THEY have usurped democracy, things are getting even more at odds with reality. Just yesterday, Charles Krauthammer wrote that the reason no one likes ObamaCare and why it must be repealed is because it's passage was "contrary to the modern American tradition - and constitutional decency - of undertaking major social revolutions only with bipartisan majorities. Having stuffed Obamacare down the throats of the GOP and the country, Democrats are now paying the price." (Herald Tribune, Oct. 5, 2013). The gist of his argument is that Congress should not initiate and approve laws unless everyone agrees. Yet, if that is the case, where is Krauthammer now that the GOP has hijacked the House of Representatives by using its Majority to deny a clean Continuing Resolution that includes full funding of the Government over the opposition of every Democratic Representative? Democrats have unanimously opposed the 40 plus efforts to defund ObamaCare, yet Krauthammer can not even see over the height of his own hypocrisy to see the reality of the GOP's failure to adhere to his self-described "modern American tradition - and constitutional decency." I guess it depends on your political perspective - which IS hypocrisy at its worst!
So I will leave you with this final thought. If John Boehner, as Speaker of the House can ensure the country avoids falling off a dangerously real fiscal cliff by extending the debt ceiling, then why all the talk by the GOP and Fox News about protecting the interests of Veterans? You see, Veterans put their actual lives on the line to protect our great nation. They are willing to sacrifice their very existence to protect America. Why do politicians like John Boehner refuse to put their own political lives on the line by moving to protect America from disastrous financial default? What should we think when we hear the less than authentic rantings of Boehner, Cantor, Cruz, Paul or Rubio, promoted and amplified by Fox News? What should we think when folks like Krauthammer and Fox News employ hypocrisy (and admitted distortions) in an effort to manipulate a gullible and uneducated electorate? And please do not interject Obama into this discussion - his political career was extended due to his re-election and will end naturally at the end of his current term.
"The Chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns the disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty. Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind (which nevertheless ought not to be entirely out of sight), the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it." President George Washington, 1796.
Isn't it time to find politicians willing to sacrifice their political lives to save America from financial threats of ruin? Isn't it time for America to elect political leadership in Washington that put country first and their political lives and party second? Until then, perhaps America should begin to seriously think about replacing ALL of our leaders in Congress when the opportunity arises? Perhaps it is time to seriously consider an opportunity for Americans to Sweep Congress Clean in 2014!? Interest and Duty? You Bet!