While away, I had the chance to overhear a conversation between elderly veterans about all of the benefits they have enjoyed due to their years in the military. I was proud to hear how easy it is for them to purchase medications and gasoline at a significant discount at PX stores, and how well they have been paid in the form of military pensions (each boasted of serving 20 years in the military - during the Cold War and not in Korea or Viet Nam). But something they said near the end of their conversation raised my ire. After bragging about all of the financial benefits they have enjoyed now for several decades, they then began to denounce "Radical Liberals and Leftists" for having "socialist demands." You read that right. As usual, those that have been gleefully living off the taxpayers' money, somehow can't stomach anyone else getting financial assistance. And here the hypocrisy resides in the typical Pro-Right "Conservative."
Like anyone else tired of the vilification of those seeking policies to level playing fields between those that have plenty and those that have not, I am exhausted trying to reconcile Conservative's entire ideological foundations with their hypocrisy. But it never seems to stop.
Since Ronald Reagan's days in the White House, the Right has, via their supporting media, created a negative image and definition of what a "liberal" is. By doing so, their consistent use of the term "Liberal" has gradually been accepted to be synonymous with being a "Leftist", one so far off to the left that is it also favors Un-American policies more akin to Socialism, Communism and just down right Anti-Democratic positions. Yet, while the Right has consistently enjoyed mislabeling what anyone to the "left" of their positions are, Liberals have been unable to pin any negative labels onto Conservatives, who proudly boast their label. Prior to Trump, Conservatives wrapped themselves in the flag, guns, prayer, fiscal and personal responsibility. Yet, since 2016, the Conservatives have been revealed to have never really been about America or our democratic0-republic, Instead they have been more about taking control of authority, regardless of democratic norms or limitations. With voter suppression, gerrymandering and rigged election machines, the GOP has been revealed to be just what it has always been, a theocratic rouse to seize power and to keep it regardless of our Constitutional system. And the Media? It simply equates the GOP with the Democrats by consistently using the false equivalence model - "they all lie, they all break rules, they all are frauds." Yet, they all are not. Only one party is opposed to helping the poor. Only one party refuses to recognize the needs of refugees seeking asylum from oppression. Only one party rejects women having the right to control their own bodies (including reproduction). Only one party opposes tax breaks that favor middle and lower classes by labeling them a "socialist redistribution of wealth" while ignoring tax breaks designed to do the very same but to the benefit of the very rich. They now oppose science, reject basis truths and proofs, including the obvious negative affects of Climate Change as Australia burns, Malaysia is being flooded out, hurricanes and typhoons intensify and bring mass destruction to life and property. Now they openly oppose the Rule of Law by refusing to hold the President responsible to the checks and balances afforded Congress in the Constitution.
Since they oppose so much more than they promote, perhaps it is time to re-label Conservatives for what they really are - "CONTRAS!" Now if we could only get the media to begin using "CONTRAS" to describe Conservatives for what they really are, we can then bring the label "Liberal" back into reality and acceptance. Liberals have fought for everything America enjoys (fair wages, fair taxes, decent working conditions, hours and wages, along with the promotion of climate science and basic biology). What do the Contras wish for? Pure, naked authoritative power - which is truly Un-American!
So as our 2020 elections get closer and closer, start using the "Contras" label against the Republicans and watch their supporting media go crazy. After all, in America, fair is fair and the Democrats need to adapt to the new reality of social media and the idiocracy associated with the "Sound Bite Generation." Have a great week.