Then I received a follow-up from another saying that "Ben Shapiro says there was no collusion and that Trump is innocent!" Sure, Ben Shapiro. Need I say more?
But what gets me the most is the refusal to acknowledge what Mueller's team actually wrote in their report. They did not find "Collusion" because they weren't investigating "Collusion" as it is not mentioned in any criminal statutes. What they investigated was "Conspiracy" and that jury is still out on that question pending the separate investigations in both the Eastern District of Virginia and the Southern District of New York. So what can I tell anyone who has not read the actual Mueller Report? First, read it! Second, if you can't read it, know up front that Attorney General Barr distorted the Report's conclusions, so much that his credibility on the topic has been reduced to zero. In fact, William Barr is currently representing the interests of Donald Trump instead of the interests of the United States of America. Apparently, Trump, Barr and his supporting cast all believe they signed an oath to Trump instead of to the U.S. Constitution. So what I am talking about? Try this from Vol. II's conclusions in the Mueller Report;
"Direct or indirect action by the President to end a criminal investigation into his own or his
family members' conduct to protect against personal embarrassment or legal liability would
constitute a core example of corruptly motivated conduct. So too would action for the purpose
of protecting those interests. In those examples, official power is being used for the purpose
of protecting the President's personal interests." (Page 180, Vol.II, The Mueller Report).
"Finally, history provides no reason to believe that any asserted chilling effect justifies
exempting the President from the obstruction laws." (Ibid)
"And the protection of the criminal justice system from corrupt acts by any person - including
the President - accords with the fundamental principle of our government that "no person in
this country is so high that he is above the law." (Page 180-181, Vol. II, The Mueller Report).
Need I say more? Have a great week!