With GOP Governors declaring "Mask Off" to "Open Up", infection rates for Corona have been rising. Despite real science around wearing masks, the GOP seems to think "Herd Immunity" is all we need to beat back the disease (which correlates to over 2 Million dead Americans). Besides the 210,000 plus dead Americans, who else is willing to step-up to "take one" for the GOP team? Now that Trump himself has "the Corona", maybe he is the real standard bearer of all those "Covidiots" unwilling to help themselves to help others? What's worse? Seeming evidence that Trump himself, the most protected person on the Earth, refused daily testing because it was "Uncomfortable" for him. Tell that to the front line first responders, health care providers, teachers and staff that have been begging for more testing. Contact tracing? Forget about it. Instead of acknowledging the ravages of the virus, Trump now is trying to claim his "strength" proves we should not let the virus "dominate" us. Tell that to my fellow Americans that have had their lives put on hold since March or over 215,000 that lost their lives because they believed Trump when he told us it was nothing to be concerned about. Trump has not learned a damn thing (and neither have his supporters).
So, if you haven't voted, please do so. Plan to vote early or in person. But plan to vote, get out and do it to make sure the Covidiot in Chief is rejected so badly, his threats of challenging the results can only be deemed like his response to Covid-19, "Too little, too late!" Stay safe and try to have a great week.