You see, letters to the editors of several papers have already laid out the stakes of the only declared Democratic candidate, Hilary Clinton. Many have gone so far as to label her the "Butcher of Benghazi" or the "Liar of the Century!" One even wrote, "Clinton has such a forked tongue, you couldn't believe anything she says even if her tongue was notarized!" (Cute, but really?). It seems so many haters of Hillary have somehow been unleashed through social and broadcast Media in an attempt to discredit this candidate before her campaign even gets off the ground. Except there is one slight problem. Where is the same venom that can be used against the declared Republican candidates? Are folks sitting back believing Clinton is the ultimate winner anyway, so why bother attacking the Republican candidates for the run at the presidency? I mean, just take a look at the declared GOP candidates. Tell me which one of those you believe has never lied as a politician. Again, I am NOT endorsing Clinton, I am merely pointing out that partisan talking points and narratives rise to the surface faster than a Los Angeles class submarine!
Many believe every word printed in a partisan attack piece published in the New York Times (see claiming Clinton sold out her position as Secretary of State in order to received huge donations. Except donations were not to her campaign, but to the Clinton Foundation. More importantly, the talking points and narratives from Right Wing Media all claim her "quid quo pro" may have been widespread. Did you catch that? "May have..." You see, truth is no longer necessary if you use words of speculation, as partisan driven Americans need not consider rumors and innuendos as being anything less than factual. You know, "where there is smoke, there is fire", right? Except in cases of Arson! Who needs facts when we have astro-turf produced outrage and hate? Does anyone recall the efforts of the Right Wing media to destroy John Kerry's candidacy with the "Swift Boat Veterans For Truth"? Except it turned out to be lies. But it worked. Are the same time-tested mechanisms at play already in the 2016 Presidential Campaign? When one has nothing positive to say about their own candidates, attack the opposition with half-truths, innuendos and unsubstantiated rumors to "stir the pot" of partisan hatred. (Before attacking me about this, please admit that I have provided a link to the very story being used to attack Clinton...honest discourse right?).
Just look at the GOP candidates that have announced. Marco Rubio lied about his parents' Cuban "refugee" status - (he not only used it in several State campaigns, but also published this lie in his first book). Look at Rand Paul, a man that has admitted to stealing lines from speeches and articles written by others. Isn't this just as bad as Brian Williams lying about his experiences in Iraq? What about Jeb Bush? A man that admitted interfering in his official capacity in the Terry Schiavo case, knowing full well his continued involvement exceeded his authority as Florida Governor. If his convictions are so strong as to go beyond his authority, what makes him such a viable candidate for the presidency (the last man to admit he thought he was "above the law" was Richard Nixon - remember him)? (See What about Rick Perry? Oops?
And what about Scott "Brought to You by Koch Industries" Walker? (See The man has a lot to say about higher education, even though he never graduated college (See And then we have Ted Cruz. Need I say more? The man who once proudly admitted manipulating the radical wing of the GOP House into a government shut-down, while also attempting to steer control of the Senate from his own party's Minority Leader, somehow disingenuously now publicly claims he had nothing to do with the shut-down. A man that recently told soldiers on a military base they too have a right to carry personal firearms on base, only to step back from his pontification when he learned the regulations against personal carry on military bases is an accepted tenet of the military code. Is Cruz stupid, ignorant or crafty? Where is his "notarized tongue?"
I could go on and on. But one thing is for sure. If you HATE a candidate, at least be honest with yourself. Your hatred is not driven by anything factual. Your hatred is driven by partisan talking points and narratives, crafted specifically by media czars designed to incite just that - visceral hatred. Will we ever get a candidate for the presidency that most Americans can rely upon to be truthful, honest and willing to stand up without fearing partisan attacks that are based solely upon a need to seize power? Will the Media allow America to return to a civil nation, one less preoccupied with what divides us and instead more concerned about what unites us? Isn't this what Ronald Reagan did as President? Didn't he become the one many Americans could support because he reminded Americans we are better together than apart? Wasn't he a "true uniter?"
As President Reagan once said, "If we love our country, we should also love our countrymen." I doubt he meant only those that hate. And for me, my house is hot, not because of political friction, but because our Air Conditioner has fallen pray to years of Florida heat. I will have my system replaced with a new one - a new one based upon market research and multiple estimates from multiple candidates - none that have attacked their competitors but instead rely solely upon their own merits to sell me their products and services. Can we please replace our president with a new one based upon an honest, fair and upright discourse? Or are we destined to mire in the political muck thrown at us by the political parties and their ideologically oriented for-profit media? I guess we will only get what we either demand or deserve. Have a great week!