Look at a couple of their claims that have become totally bogus in just the past year. Remember they forcefully claimed Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder knew all of the details of the Justice Department's failed "Gun Walking" scheme in "Operation Fast and Furious" and covered them up? Remember they eventually learned Obama and Holder actually did not have such knowledge. What about the adamant claims by the GOP (without having any evidence to prove the allegations) that Obama covered up a failing to provide security support once the consulate in Benghazi was under attack, a coverup some claimed was worse than "Watergate." Seems the CIA did provide immediate armed protection, but unfortunately, four Americans died in the attack. But no one ordered security forces to "stand down" as was the claim of the GOP!
We now have outrageous assertions by members of the GOP and its supporting media pundits on Fox News that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in an effort to avoid testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committees, has fabricated and lied about having the flu, thereby rendering her passing out due to the flu and striking her head while falling resulting in a concussion to nothing more than a calculated lie! Some GOP pundits have gone so far as to claim Clinton is suffering from "Benghazi flu." One of those espousing this allegation in none other than recently defeated House incumbent Allen West. West, known for making outrageous claims, is perhaps best known for claiming he had higher security clearance than Barack Obama, Commander In Chief (I wonder how that could be true?) to alleging at least 81 Democrats in Congress were openly members of the Communist Party. Now that makes him appear sane...NOT! Then we have the articulate John Bolton, Conservative pundit on Fox News claiming Clinton "lied" about her illness to avoid testifying. We then had Charles Krauthammer on Fox News tell host Sean Hannity that Secretary Clinton, "Seems to have a severe Benghazi allergy." Krauthammer went on to add; “Now that she’s supposed to speak to the Congress about this, she has this illness. Now, I am not going to say she doesn’t have one. I’d be happy to give her a neurologic exam, but in the absence of that, I’ll take her word. But there is something strange about this." Strange? Where these folks come up with these ideas, no one knows, but you can bet Fox News has surely broadcast them as considerations Americans should ponder. Seriously? I know many folks that believe everything aired on Fox as the gospel truth!
Finally Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has come out to clarify that no one (with what I consider half a brain) doubts Clinton is ill and suffering from a concussion. According to Graham, “To those who suggest that she’s dodging her responsibilities because she’s not sick, I think that’s inappropriate and not true, I think Secretary Clinton has been ill, suffered a concussion, and she will testify.” So this gets me wondering. Will this statement get aired on Fox News? Probably, but they will surely air it with the scurrilous comments of Krauthammer, Bolton and West just to be "fair and balanced." This is certainly not how we come together when sharing important news. Does anyone else suffer from flu like symptoms watching Fox News spew their divisive "views?" Have a great Holiday!