Just today, it was reported that Fox News aired a photo of President Obama sitting in the Oval Office with someone dressed as a pirate. The commentary coming from Fox and Friends? Three times they aired their criticism of Obama for taking the time to meet with a pirate instead of with Israeli Prime Minister Benyanmin Netanyahu. Three times! Later in the day, another anchor for Fox again slammed Obama for seemingly throwing Israel under a bus because of the meeting with a pirate. The anchor related Obama as the "empty chair" referred to by Clint Eastwood at the RNC Convention in Tampa. So, four times Fox News aired a report of Obama taking the time to meet with a pirate in the Oval office instead of handling serious pending foreign policy issues. This is awful! This is seriously messed up! How dare Obama act in such an unreasonable way! This is unbelievable!
In reality, it was unbelievable! Seems the photo resurfaced this week when the White House celebrated "Speak like a Pirate Day" (Aaarg Foxie News!), but the photo was actually taken in 2009 for use at the White House Correspondence Dinner! It is so unbelievable that it IS NOT TRUE. According to reports, Fox News was notified of their obvious error and misstatements about Obama. Fox's response? "No Comment." Once again, when will Americans realize that for-profit media is no longer interested in purveying the truth, but instead only the lies and distortions for the benefit of their preferred candidates and ideology. Like one County Republican Chairman recently said, "We will do anything to get our candidates elected!" Do anything?