Even as the evidence continues to mount proving Bribery was attempted by Trump, his sycophantic supporters will ignore it all by convincing themselves that impeachment is just a "Democrat effort to overturn the election of 2016, because they are sore losers!" Letters to the Editor and postings on social media confirm this delusion of the Republicans. But, as the damaging evidence begins to pour in, one has to wonder when the American public will realize that Trump is in fact, unfit to serve as president. After all of the demands by the Right that hearings need to be in the open, the closed door depositions have proven to be not only effective, but worthwhile as witnesses can not collaborate and coordinate their testimony before hand. Not knowing what another witness may be testifying to makes the private depositions that much more valuable. This very notion played out when Ambassador Sondland was forced to "Amend" his prior sworn testimony once the transcripts of other witnesses became public. In an obvious effort to avoid a charge of perjury, Sondland knew his deceitful "I don't recall" defense of Trump would ultimately put himself at risk of jail time. What to do? Come clean and tell the truth. Which now seems to be something the Republicans want no part of - the truth. But I believe the American people, once everything is out in the open, can and will decide for themselves.
Not too long ago, Trump boasted that any efforts to impeach him would result in a massive backfire against the Democrats. Unfortunately for Trump, truth and justice seem to always rise to the surface when made public and under oath. Manafort, Cohen and others went to jail for lying. Roger Stone is on trial for lying. It appears that jail may be a strong deterrent to making false or misleading statements to Congress - unless you are a member of Congress yourself - as nothing seems to stop the Republicans from lying about Trump's shadow "shake down diplomacy" while using Rudy Giuliani as his "secret diplomat". Except none of it is legal and it should not be tolerated.
Efforts to obtain more testimony continued to be blocked by Trump's White House. Subpoenas have been routinely ignored and yet the Republicans still try to paint the Democrats as being "out of control." Despite their previous rhetoric about abiding by the law, Republicans have laid waste to any notion that they are the "Law and Order party" because they really aren't - unless it can be used by them against their political enemies. Republicans have written a lot of the process rules in Congress but never seem to expect themselves to abide by them. The GOP should now be know as the "Party of Hypocrisy."
Work remains to convince Americans that we need new leadership, not only in the White House but also in the US Senate. Based upon last night's elections, the next eleven months until the general election will certainly prove interesting. Have a great week!