What is truly ironic is all of the folks complaining about the "left wing liberals" that just won't give Mr. Trump a chance. Even though reality proves that these very same people determined at the close of the 2008 election to block everything and anything proposed by Obama. Seems "He's not my president" is a belief only allowed to Arch-Conservatives. Moreover, remember all of the election hype about Obamacare being passed strictly along party lines and that "Americans can't support legislation that is jammed down our throats?" Except this week, the GOP-led Congress is laying the groundwork to repeal the Affordable Care Act - all by partisan vote. In other words, it's a "travesty" for one political party to dominate the other - except when it's "our party" doing the "jamming." Hypocrisy right? Of course it is. Again, remember, I have publicly stated that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States and I recognize this as a fact. However, it does not mean that I will blindly permit him to act as President in ways that I cannot accept.
Now before you assume that I have always been "easy" on Obama as president, you have not read my earlier blogs. When his administration was caught eavesdropping on members of the media, I chastised him for doing such a wrongful thing. In fact, I asserted the Constitutional Freedom of the Press is an American foundational principal that must be safeguarded from any efforts to minimize those protections by the Obama Administration. And as most of my readers know, I believe the media has a lot of explaining to do for perpetuating the "dummy downing" of America through the promotion of "infotainment." Yet, I never have nor would I advocate for any effort to stifle the media's right to work free of government interference. This is already occurring under the Trump Administration. Seems CNN's report that the intelligence agencies had briefed President Obama and President-Elect Trump on Russian hacking and potential negative issues on Trump was enough to be labeled publicly by Trump as "Fake News!". More importantly, when a CNN reporter rose to ask Mr. Trump a question at the "presser", Trump lashed out by proclaiming CNN was "Fake News" and then took the question instead from a Breitbart staffer. Seriously. CNN reported the truth. They did not report any details because they admitted the sources of the particulars appeared "shaky." Bretibart is commonly known to be a "conspiracy oriented purveyor of fake news." So what gives? What CNN did report was accurate, (See: www.dailyherald.com/article/20170114/discuss/170119310/), but Trump supporters have been browbeat with so many false talking-points and narratives that they too now dismiss actual news outlets and instead rely upon actual fake news outlets. Which leads to a dangerous predicament. When the electorate only believes sources approved by the government, then they can be easily manipulated - often times in ways that are not only suspect, but outright dangerous to our democracy. It seems Freedom of the Press under the First Amendment is not nearly as important as others protected under the Constitution. As someone recently posted on social media, Mr. Trump and his followers (and some in the GOP) believe in a Cafeteria Style Constitution - only choosing to rely on the parts "they like". I have a real problem with this - as should ALL Americans!
Which leads me to my last point. We need to step back from the "political tribalism" that has corroded our faith in one another. We need to find common ground for moving forward as a nation. We need to appreciate the positions many take based upon their personal realities and experiences, and we need to recognize, that we are all in this together instead of fighting as political factions. I know I have worn this quote out, but it is still valid today. Political Parties "... serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another." The author of this statement? None other than George Washington in his farewell address of 1796. So why the numb and weak response to the potential threat that our democracy is being undermined by Russian influences? Why the lackadaisical response from Trump and many in the GOP when shown evidence exists that Russia did hack our institutions? And why is it seemingly okay to folks when Trump dismisses it all because "he won, get over it?" Yes, Donald Trump will be OUR 45th President. But that does not mean he is entitled to be above the law or without vigilant opposition when he engages in questionable behavior and policy. It is what our Founders and Framers demanded of us. Simply smirking and calling out fellow Americans that are concerned as "Pathetic Losers" is clearly not an educated or concerned attitude. We all want what is best for our nation. We hope and pray Mr. Trump can accomplish this in his tenure as president. But we shall remain alert and on guard, as "Ill-founded jealousies and false alarms" are not proper ways to run a nation. Have a great week!