Even since the end of the Korean War, the leaders of North Korea have maintained a massive propaganda campaign to convince their people that Americans - ALL Americans, spend every waking hour devising ways to destroy their country. By doing so, North Korea has an easier time subjugating their citizens to live in one of the most backward countries on the face of the Earth. Any look from space will confirm the country is literally in the dark when it comes to advancing human society (See: www.nasa.gov/content/korean-peninsula-seen-from-space-station). But as Americans, we know North Korea's propaganda is complete hogwash. Americans couldn't care less about the fate of North Korea, let alone consider it even remotely worthy of expending any military effort against her. So what does our president go and do? Seems North Korea's threats got under his skin and he simply couldn't take it anymore before engaging in what he does best - spiraling down the rabbit-hole of a fourth grade playground antic. "Stop saying nasty things about America or else I'll beat you up!" Except the threat is not made by a playground bully. It was made by the Commander In Chief of the most powerful military in the World! Would Trump actually engage in a battle with the "Hermit Kingdom?" If he did, what regional conflicts would it ignite (N.K. attacks on South Korea and/or Japan)? Are Americans really prepared to go to what could become the "Last War" because our president can't for the life of him ignore threats from an annoying foreign leader?
Yes, North Korea is a threat. Our responsibility is to minimize it without risking the ruination of the entire World. If North Korea does have significant nuclear capabilities, then our only option would be to seek a diplomatic solution. Weren't most of us taught by the eighth grade not to engage in battles we know we ultimately cannot clearly win. With North Korea, military action would NOT provide a clear winner, only losers. But, "but America is great again, we don't take $ht from anyone." Can adults take over the nuke codes...please?
So if his interaction with North Korea did not help to define his presidency, his public reaction to the Neo-Nazi/White Supremacist rallies in Virginia this weekend certainly did. It confirmed we have a weasel for a president. I do not take this statement lightly. As a historian and believer in our democratic system of government, AND a proponent of the Constitution, I am appalled that our president could not call out the most unpatriotic groups in our country for what they are. Treasonous scum! Anyone who believes they have an inherent right to rule above anyone else because of the color of their skin or religious beliefs should be publicly humiliated and shamed. What does our president do? Nothing. Oh, come on Rubin, he condemned violence from all sides! Get over it!
But how does one "get over" the fact that we went to a World War to defeat Fascism and Nazism? Would Tump now claim that both sides then were wrong for all of the killing and that Hitler, Mussolini, Franco and other fascists were only reacting to the violence from countries promoting democracy and freedom? And this is the problem with Trump and many of his supporters. A certain inability to see through their hypocrisy and inability to call out what is UnAmerican when it comes to their political supporters. Oh, and the Battle Flag of the Confederacy? When Fascists use it as their symbol of freedom, it is nothing short of treason to display it. After all, the Confederate States of America violently separated from the Union. It does not symbolize anything other than treason and racism. Why else would it be so proudly displayed by Neo-Nazis so opposed to the basic freedoms and liberty represented in the Constitution?
Yes, I know there are wackos on the Far -Left, but normal "Lefty Kumbaya Liberals" do not take up torches armed with weapons looking for a violent confrontation with those they disagree with. Not so with the "Alt.Right." These people are scum. Instead of seeking to educate themselves and better their own lives, after having been lied to for decades and reinforced by Right Wind Media that somehow everything would be better if not for all of those "other folks" that don't look or think like them. Freedom to this group apparently is spelled FREEDUMB! And when leaders of the Alt. Right and those at the Charlottesville Rally admit they simply are supporting the vision of Donald Trump? The man blames violence "on all sides." Yet when one side claims rights superior to others due to race, there is but one side to take. The side of Right against what is Wrong. And Trump still can't seem to tell the difference. Why? Could it be that a major portion of his 34% approval rating is from folks agreeing with the Neo-Nazis? Or that he harbors Alt. Right supporters in his White House (Bannon, Miller, Gorka, et. al.)? I mean, why jeopardize what little there is of his political base? And having White house staff "clarify" his statements does nothing to change how Trump actually feels. The man is always quick to show how he really feels. He does not need sycophants to "clarify" what he meant. Trump is what he is, and that is a Weasel.
And the hypocrisy! For many years, Donald Trump and the Far Right Media attacked Obama for allegedly refusing to publicly condemn groups under the label "Radical Islam." Yet, where is the outrage when domestic terrorists attack a mosque or hold rallies that threaten the fabric of America? (See: www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/08/08/trump-still-hasnt-not-condemned-the-minnesota-mosque-bombing-muslim-leaders-are-waiting/?utm_term=.3967ff11cdcf). Where is the outrage that our president, fully capable of calling out Muslims, North Koreans, even members of his own political party and Cabinet can't seem to attack the UnAmerican Alt. Right/Nazi/Fascists by name? If we are at a turning point in America, may it be now. May it be from this time forward that we demand political leaders, including the president, uphold the Constitution and the principles formulated in our Declaration of Independence - that ALL men are created EQUAL!
As President Dwight D. Eisenhower once wrote; "There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure." Let us all now engage in that faith and love in America, to defeat all those that promote hate for some ill-conceived personal gain. Have a great week!