Despite facts provided by the CIA that they in fact were never told to by Obama to "stand down" in providing security to the Benghazi consulate, and despite the fact that the CIA provided the intelligence relied upon by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice when making public statements within four days of the tragedy, Fox and GOP Leaders Sen. John McCain and Sen. Lyndsay Graham continue to make all efforts necessary to paint the two matters as really one huge scandal implicating President Obama. Fox also tried to claim Obama "ordered" CIA Director Patraeus not to testify to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's closed door hearings, even though Patraeus IS testifying and was never ordered not to by Obama. According to my scorecard, Fox, McCain and Graham have now struck out four times, otherwise known in baseball as wearing the "Golden Sombrero!"
Bottom line folks, Gen. Patraeus let down his wife, his family, his colleagues, his country and his fellow Republicans. As far as Fox and the GOP leaders go, perhaps the man should now be called General Betrayeus!?