Reading further in the article, Mr. Will opines that the rapidly approaching “fiscal cliff” is really a strategy employed by Obama to pursue the “Democratic Party’s agenda.” Excuse me? The “fiscal cliff” came into existence when BOTH parties could not negotiate a compromise known as the “Great Bargain” because Speaker Boehner could not get his own Majority Whip to sell it to the radical TEA Party element within the Republican caucus. Does Mr. Will mention this fact? Of course not. According to Will, “Liberal activists, government employee unions-have advocated expanding government’s domestic reach by raising taxes and contracting foreign reach by cutting defense.” Really? Last I checked, NO taxes have been raised during Obama’s first term, none! Moreover, defense spending has continued to INCREASE under Obama. Now having his facts wrong is bad enough, by why does Will and others of his “ilk” seem to label Democrats as “Liberals” and “Activists” and Republicans as simply “Republicans.” Are there no Republican activists? If not, what label would you paste on the Koch Brothers, every reporter at Fox News, Rush Limbaugh or Grover Norquist? You see the words “Activist” seems dastardly and despicable so why not paint it with a broad stroke with “Liberal?” In fact, if you read Will’s article, he uses the label “Liberal” for Democrats no less than seven (7) times while painting Republicans currently obstructing Obama in Congress as simply following “a mandate-of its own.” He goes on to write “…at least 219 of the 234 House Republicans won in November by margins larger than Obama’s national margin.” Really? Aren’t playing with numbers fun? In reality, even Will has a hard time admitting that out of the 234 House seats maintained by the GOP, 15 of those are now held by Democrats! Some mandate huh?
Typical of the current Republican ideologues represented quite well by the attitude of the George Wills of America, turn a loss into a victorious mandate to pursue an agenda rejected by a majority of Americans. President Obama was re-elected by a significant electoral margin, and telling yourself otherwise will not change that fact. Claiming he is the most liberal president of the modern era is relative when comparing Ronald Reagan to the current TEA Party coalition in the GOP. After all, Reagan raised taxes every time he felt the nation needed additional revenue. George H.W. Bush was destroyed by his own party for reneging on his “Read My Lips No New Taxes pledge.” Earth to those thinking like George Will, it is time to start recognizing the trees from the forest, otherwise like Will, you will simply not be known to be living in reality, but like George of the Jungle instead!