I find it interesting that as we approach Tuesday's elections, we are witnessing a flood of political campaign ads that are as far from honest as possible - from both sides of the political aisle. The only difference? There is none! If Democrats win, the Republicans will try to delegitimize the victory by claiming the election was tainted by fraud. If the Republicans win, the Democrats will blame GOP-led Gerrymandering, outside campaign financing, and well, a "stupid" electorate for voting while a "smart" electorate stayed home. Which gets to my point. Anytime voters stay away from the polls, they themselves are guilty of being "illegitimate, non-participating and stupid." How else can one expect change in our political system if we continue to allow those within the faulty system to remain in power? All politics are local and elections do have consequences!
As President Andrew Jackson once wrote; "Our government is founded upon the intelligence of the people. I for one do not despair of the republic. I have great confidence in the virtue of the great majority of the people, and I cannot fear the result." I wonder what Andy Jackson would say today knowing a vast majority of Americans are both apathetic, susceptible to political manipulation, and well, just plain unintelligent? I think Mr. Jackson would actually be in great despair and very fearful. Bottom line, stop complaining and start voting! And when the elections are over, suck it up and accept the fact that in America, a democracy is dependent upon an educated electorate. Like the old saying, "you get what you pay for", we Americans, get what we deserve when we fail to vote. Have a great week!