"President Obama announced Friday he will end the deportation of up to 800,000 illegal immigrants
under the age of 30, allowing them to stay in the U.S. and get work permits. Do you support the
President’s action? Yes 34.50%
No 59.69%
Undecided 5.81%
This is the part that truly amazes me. The part that fellow GOP members of Congress are pushing these polls out without understanding that alienating the Latino Community is NOT in their long term best interests. Jeb Bush is correct when he warns of this phenomenon.
Allow me to be the first to predict this about today's GOP: If Romney wins the White House, the Dems will employ all the obstructionist tools the GOP used for the next two years so that nothing Romney wants is passed into law and gridlock will continue. With nothing changed during the first two years of Romney's administration, the public will begin to demand more representative government and will seek this against BOTH parties in the 2014 Mid-Term Elections. Romney's failings will damage the long-term image of the GOP.
If Obama is re-elected, the GOP runs a HUGE risk of making itself irrelevant on the National level. Bear with me here... If Obama wins, the GOP and the Far Right will have lost their 4 year old argument...that "Obama is NOT one of us, has ruined the economy and has utterly failed as president" because the public retained him. Then, if the GOP continues to obstruct as the "Party of No" with the sole objective of defeating a re-elected president's policies, then the electorate may fatally kill the GOP in the 2014 Mid-Term elections. The further we go down the road, the more change will take place in our electoral demographics (and less White & Male the average voter will be). More African-Americans, more Latinos. The GOP needs to adapt NOW, or I believe render itself to a future of being only a fringe national political party. The GOP can't seem to realize they need support from Minorities!