Speaker Beohner further opined that the incident is also devastating to the family of an agent killed by the guns that were part of the "walk" portion of the "Fast and Furious" program. "The Terry family deserves answers about why their son was killed as a result of an operation run by the United States government," Boehner told his weekly news conference. I agree, they do deserve to know. What I can't understand is this though. With all of the ghastly murders going on and gun rights advocates claiming that restrictive gun laws will only keep the guns out of the hands of the innocent and not the hand of the criminal, wouldn't it then make sense then that if these guns had not been "walked," Agent Terry would have been killed by some other gun in the hands of the criminal instead? Are we dealing with Gun Walking, or Fast Talking?
Is Anyone Listening?

During his speech, Romney said "We should field enough Border Patrol agents, complete a high-tech fence and implement an improved exit verification system." Oops, we have the highest staffing ever patrolling the border (more than 18,000 agents on southern border alone). Gee, he preaches smaller federal government and cutting spending, but wants to increase the number of federal border agents? How would he propose to pay for this? Romney will let us know after he is elected. As far as the fence goes, we started building it under the Bush Administration and only got a small portion (about 53 miles worth) of it completed at a cost of about $1 billion. It was scrapped by Obama because it would be a colossal waste of federal money to complete a fence that would cover the entire southern border (covering about 2,000 miles)! Again, how would we pay for this completed fence in an era of deficit slashing and federal government downsizing? Just trust Romney, he will let us all know after he is elected. We know what we have with Obama and a GOP controlled House. What scares me is that by Romney's own admission, we do NOT know what we will really have in him as president until after he is elected. As a friend who used to be plugged in with the National GOP recently told me in disgust, "We couldn't have come up with anyone better than Romney?" Fast Talking, but is anyone listening?