IF you are an American, each and every president has served as your president. IF you are an American, each and every president, those that served admirably or not -deserve our collective respect and admiration. Unfortunately, far too many Americans can not list our presidents in order of their service, let alone even name them. When looking at the following list of our presidents, think about the times in which they served our country, including the highs and lows. Please honor of those that have served as our President and Commander in Chief. Happy Presidents Day and thank you for your patriotic service to our great nation!
1. George Washington, President from 1789 - 1797.
2. John Adams, President from 1797 - 1801.
3. Thomas Jefferson, President from 1801 - 1809.
4. James Madison, President from 1809 - 1817.
5. James Monroe, President from 1817 - 1825.
6. John Quincy Adams, President from 1825 - 1829.
7. Andrew Jackson, President from 1829 -1837.
8. Martin Van Buren, President from 1837 - 1841.
9. William Henry Harrison, President from 1841 - 1841 (* Died in Office).
10. John Tyler, President from 1841 - 1845.
11. James K. Polk, President from 1845 - 1849.
12. Zachary Taylor, President from 1849 - 1850 (* Died in Office).
13. Millard Fillmore, President from 1850 - 1853.
14. Franklin Pierce, President from 1853 - 1857.
15. James Buchanan, President from 1857-1861.
16. Abraham Lincoln, President from 1861-1865 (*Assassinated in Office).
17. Andrew Johnson, President from 1865 - 1869.
18. Ulysses S. Grant, President from 1869 - 1877.
19. Rutherford B. Hayes, President from 1877 - 1881.
20. James A. Garfield, President from 1881 - 1881 (*Assassinated in Office).
21. Chester A. Arthur, President from 1881 - 1885.
22. Grover Cleveland, President from 1885 - 1889.
23. Benjamin Harrison, President from 1889 - 1893.
24. Grover Cleveland, President (again) from 1893 - 1897.
25. William McKinley, President from 1897 - 1901 (*Assassinated in Office).
26. Theodore Roosevelt, President from 1901 - 1909.
27. William Howard Taft, President from 1909 - 1913.
28. Woodrow Wilson, President from 1913 - 1921.
29. Warren G. Harding, President from 1921 - 1923 (*Died in Office).
30. Calvin Coolidge, President from 1923- 1929.
31. Herbert Hoover, President from 1929 - 1933.
32. Franklin D. Roosevelt, President from 1933 - 1945 (*Died in Office)
33. Harry S. Truman, President from 1945 - 1953.
34. Dwight D. Eisenhower, President from 1953-1961.
35. John F. Kennedy, President from 1961 -1963 (*Assassinated in Office).
36. Lyndon B. Johnson, President from 1963 - 1969.
37. Richard M. Nixon, President from 1969 -1974.
38. Gerald Ford, President from 1974 - 1976.
39. Jimmy Carter, President from 1976 - 1981.
40. Ronald Reagan, President from 1980 - 1989.
41. George H.W. Bush, President from 1989 - 1993.
42. Bill Clinton, President from 1993 -2001.
43. George W. Bush, President from 2001 - 2008.
44. Barack Obama, President from 2008 -
Each one of these men served our great nation with pride. Each one deserves our collective respect, including the man currently sitting in the Oval Office today, whether you voted for him or not. Despite the rantings of modern political pundits and a media created to divide us all, all Americans stand together. As President Abraham Lincoln famously wrote, "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedom, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Wake up America. It is time to once again act American! Stop listening to rhetoric designed to divide us. Stop reacting positively to politicians whose sole design is to seek the presidency (at any cost). On this Presidents Day, pay heed to the words of President George H.W. Bush when he said, "I'm not trying to get myself up a notch on the ladder by shoving somebody else down the ladder, whether it's a candidate for president of the United States or anybody else." Isn't it time we demand our politicians stop shoving fellow Americans down the ladder and instead give them a hand up? Happy Presidents Day America!