"Scolding Republicans." Is it even remotely possible for Fox to ever report anything on the President without interjecting something about the GOP? Apparently not! They then went to a "Special News Break" to report that there very own Ed Henry had just "obtained a hard copy of an e-mail sent to the GOP caucuses from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on the status of the Fiscal Cliff negotiations." Ooh, a "special news break" because McConnell has "spoken" in an e-mail. How can anyone not understand that Fox is the communication arm for the GOP? But many Americans do believe everything reported on Fox is "Fair and Balanced."
So what does Fox do after this "Special" news? They go right back to the Benghazi tragedy to squeeze more "blood" out of that dehydrated turnip. Instead of going right into the topic though, Fox put John Bolton on to see if he would back off his earlier comments that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was avoiding testifying by having her "suspicious" concussion. When asked directly if he would like to amend his comments based upon the news that Clinton has been hospitalized for a blood clot relating to that concussion, Bolton choose instead to talk about the poor security in Benghazi. When he finished his rhetoric (coincidentally the same rhetoric he has been spouting for weeks), the fill-in host asked him again whether he would like to revise his comments on Clinton. What does Bolton say? That Clinton used a "too cute by half approach" in explaining the tragedy and that now he is unsure "whether we get to the bottom of this (tragedy) is yet to be seen." Honestly, he made a fool out of himself with his asinine comments about Clinton's health and now when he had the chance to redeem himself he failed to do so. I was amazed that Fox even allowed such an opportunity to Bolton! What tag line does Fox run right after the Bolton comments? That they will have some of the best doctors reporting on how "serious Clinton's condition really is." Honestly, physicians that I know (and my Son in Law is one of them) will freely talk about the conditions and treatments, but would never express an opinion about a patient's condition or actual treatment without having first treated them. So what does bringing on these "best doctors" really provide the typical Fox viewer? Just more illusion that they are "Fair and Balanced."
So to all of my loyal readers, have a "Fair and Balanced" New year, whatever that means.