Now I know many of those that dislike my opinions label me a "bleeding heart liberal" and think I am so far to the left, I am somewhere making further left handed turns than a NASCAR racer, but for those that really know me, they know I am neither a Liberal nor a Conservative. I am an Independent. And being an Independent, allows me to think freely without constraints many that align themselves with a particular political ideology cannot. One of my 'Un-Liberal" positions is that no one in America should donate a single penny to any charity designed to feed hungry children in the World until all American children are fed first! Ooh, sounds like I have become a nativist now hasn't it?
During the most recent presidential campaign, folks on the Political Right made it a point to complain about the rising number of Americans becoming "takers" and "moochers" because they have been receiving food stamps and other public assistance to help their families put food on their tables (if they even have no table upon which to eat from). Many Conservatives attempted to classify those receiving aid as somehow "less American" because they "take no personal responsibility for their lives" (See Mitt Romney's #47% comments). But unfortunately, many Americans, through no fault of their own have found themselves unable to make enough ends meet for their children to eat proper meals.
According to the World Hunger Organization, at least 1 in 7 American households cannot provide enough food for their families. In my own school district, approximately 50% of all students enrolled receive subsidized meals while at school (see Sarasota County Schools website). My point is simple. We are the richest nati0n in the World and folks continue to look down on the less fortunate in America. Yet they are willingly separating with "a few pennies a day" to provide food for those hungry around the World, yet make being poor and hungry in America something not to be recognized as a legitimate concern. As someone that has lived (and continues to live) the American Dream, I know first hand what it is like to come from little to achieve a lot. Although my family never received public assistance for food, my siblings and I did receive public assistance enabling us to obtain college educations and beyond, all the while taking personal responsibility for our lives. With a daughter, son-in-law and son having a total of six degrees (1 A.A., 1 B.S., 2 B.A.'s, 1 M.A., 1 M.D. and an M.S. on the way), I think assistance (has proudly) proved very much worthwhile for me.
As we sit down today to enjoy our Thanksgiving meals with family and friends, let us all be thankful that we have each other and a place to call our own with tables of food for us all to enjoy. While doing so, let's also consider all Americans today that have less of everything yet still remain thankful for what they have and for what their lives may become while maintaining the American Dream! Have a great, safe and Happy Thanksgiving!