"At the end of the day, make no mistake about it, it was the president of the United States that shouldered the burden for this operation, that made the hard decisions, that was instrumental in the planning process, because I pitched every plan to him." According to the report, an Obama campaign official added "I think Admiral McRaven knows more about the President's role in the bin Laden operation than this group," the campaign official said."
Which gets to my point. Reasonable people can have reasonable disagreements. But having folks with absolutely no involvement with the Bin Laden mission, or with any of the matters they claim the White House has leaked, go and raise over $1 Million to slam the president during an election year and claim it is "Issue Advocacy" and not "Partisan" is ludicrous! Why you might ask? Because "Swift Boating" in this instance is totally without a basis in truth. How so? Many of you may recall that President Carter authorized a secret mission to rescue the hostages being held by Iran (let us never forget that dastardly deed). The secret squad of commandos never made it to Iran and instead their transporting aircraft crashed resulting in the loss of eight American servicemen. Carter took a huge gamble in an effort to rescue the hostages. The failure of the mission put the stamp of "loser" on Carter, a label he never recovered from. President Obama took a similar chance. Had the SEALS not been successful, his Administration would also have been labeled a "Failure" (even though the Republicans still claim it). But the mission succeeded and Bin Laden was killed! More importantly, Obama approved the mission prep. which included full scale pre-mission preparation. It also does not take into account the fact that as many as 60% of his advisors, including Vice President Biden and Secretary of State both opposed taking the risk from both a military and political standpoint. But Obama gambled his entire presidency on the mission. Yes, the Navy Seals did a great job executing their mission. Yes, the intelligence network employed also did their job. But by killing Bin Laden, he deserves the credit due.