Just this past week, Dana Milbank who writes for the Washington Post has admitted he was wrong when he predicted Donald Trump could and/or would never be the GOP nominee for president. Now that it is obvious Milbank was wrong, he has admitted his error and has offered to complete his mea culpa by eating the very words he wrote claiming his original belief - the ink, paper, lock stock and barrel. At least literally eating his own words may taste a bit better than eating crow. Perhaps. (See: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/get-ready-to-eat-it-as-trump-clinches-the-nomination-its-time-to-dine-on-my-words/2016/05/04/70b9b4a0-123b-11e6-93ae-50921721165d_story.html).
As an educator, I sometimes find myself tired and run down and susceptible to making an error in describing something. When I catch myself, I immediately apologize to my students. Amazingly, students "eat it up" when I admit I was wrong. Apparently, they have little experience with adults admitting mistakes. Which leads to my next point. Why is it increasingly so difficult for adults to admit making mistakes? For example - not too long ago someone posted on Facebook a meme of Obama demanding gun control in order to save a life of a school child from gun related violence, but on the bottom half it showed a Transgender with the statement but Obama will not protect rape victims by people wanting to use the Ladies Room! When I pointed out that rapists and pedophiles are generally not Transgenders, their response was immediate - "Even if it protects one rape victim - you must not care about them!" But here's the rub. The position against Transgenders using bathrooms is based upon the argument that a law was needed to protect women from them. Yet these are the very same folks that claim any laws restricting guns will only restrict law abiding citizens because criminals will get and use guns regardless of the law. Am I the only one to see the blatant irony and hypocrisy of these beliefs. If criminals can't be regulated by laws they routinely ignore, why would laws protecting women and children from Transgenders stop rapists and pedophiles? They won't. Yet while pointing this obvious fact out to them, they reject the argument and instead attack me as "gloating" and "a Far-Left Liberal" (anyone that knows my position on the military, capitalism and Israel would be extremely hard pressed to prove such a ridiculous statement). But admit they are wrong? NEVER!
Another error arose when the fake Planned Parenthood video was revealed by Carly Fiorina who was adamant that it was real. So adamant, the GOP immediately moved to curtail all funding for Planned Parenthood. So real, two of my friends "promised me" they could provide a copy of the tape because it was real. It was such a big deal, that Texans demanded a court of law investigate the group for wrongdoing - except the judge involved found the video to have been a fake and instead of indicting the group, indicted the video makers instead for fraud. I am still waiting on the two friends to admit the video was a fake and they were wrong. I guess hell will freeze over first. (See: http://www.politicususa.com/2015/09/30/cnn-david-daleiden-producer-doctored-planned-parenthood-videos-admits-fraud.html). (See also http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/266958-creator-of-planned-parenthood-videos-indicted-in-texas). I could come up with several others, but that would be overkill. Social Media has become a scourge in our society, not because it provides too much information, but because it provides too much MISinformation. Instead of reading and watching issues with a critical eye, Americans have become so lazy they rely instead on "talking points and narratives" that support their views (which were created by media in the first place). This
phenomena is known as Selective Perception, Selection Reinforcement and Agenda Setting. But could it be true? Prove that I am wrong and I will readily admit it. Otherwise, could we please drop the pretense of invulnerability and get back to working out our problems together? Everyone makes mistakes, only the smart one's admit it!
As President Franklin Roosevelt once wrote; "It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something." How about we try a little honesty for a change? HAPPY BIRTHDAY #26 TO MY SON NATHAN AND HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO (MY MOM, MOTHER-IN-LAW, WIFE, DAUGHTER) MOMS EVERYWHERE! Have a great week!