Since we can all agree that hurricanes rotate in a way that brings damaging effects from direct opposite directions, we should recognize that Mitt Romney's statements on abortion, immigration, foreign policy, the deficit, Medicare, same-sex marriage and foreign trade have all hit us from opposite directions. For example; take Romney's position on abortion. Back in 2002 while running for Massachusetts Governor, Romney plainly stated "I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose." "A woman should the have right to make her own choices whether or not to have an abortion." "I do not take a position of being a pro-life candidate." Yet in 2007, Romney claimed "I never called myself pro-choice." In 2012, Romney went even further claiming he would support all anti-abortion legislation and would seek to cut off all funding for Planned Parenthood (note: It is already law that no Federal funds go to fund abortions). He further said; "That I would support appointing Supreme Court justices that will hopefully reverse Roe v. Wade and return to the states the authority of making the law with regards to abortion." (Further note, if the Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade, what type of law could the states enact on abortion? This statement is disingenuous). As we all should know by now, Romney favors the "Personhood" plank of the GOP Platform which parallels language in bills promoted by Todd Akin and none other than Paul Ryan. This "Personhood" notion would make it murder for In Vitro Fertilization and makes it a crime for all abortions, even in the event of a rape or if the life of the mother is in danger. Blowing hard from one side, only to swing through and blow back hard from the other. Hurricane Mitt strikes!
Immigration is another topic Romney has no problem being on all sides of. Romney claimed in the past that he would favor making life so miserable for illegal aliens that they would simply get tired of living under dreadful conditions in American and simply would "self-deport"...even though many have children born in the United States (since when does the U.S. have a policy of making peoples' lives miserable?). He also stated during the Republican primaries that he would veto any attempt to pass the DREAM Act, claiming to do so would legitimize the illegal entry of millions of aliens. But by summer 2012, Romney again began to blow back from the other side, claiming on October 2 that “The people who have received the special visa that the president has put in place, which is a two-year visa, should expect that the visa would continue to be valid." Hurricane Mitt Strikes yet again!
How about Mitt's Foreign Policy? Certainly he has a strong position that differentiates from President Obama? Before the debates and throughout the campaign, Romney attacked Obama claiming his failure to support the Iranian Street in 2010 is a reason Iran is "four year's closer to an atomic bomb" and that "Leading from Behind" in Libya is a show of weakness. He also continued to argue that Obama led an "apology tour" across the Middle-East (which every fact checker has verified is a LIE). But if Mitt has been consistent, how could he possibly be accused of blowing back on his positions? Because he did! During the last debate, Romney agreed with President Obama's policies on a variety of matters, including the killing of Bin Laden (even though he once said "I wouldn't move heaven and earth to catch or kill Bin Laden), Iran and the big blow..Syria. After criticizing Obama for his handling of the Syrian Civil War, Romney actually agreed now with Obama's policy of providing covert assistance to Turkey in an effort to keep US Troops out of that war. Blow Mitt, Blow mightily. WHOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHHH!
On the budget deficit, Romney demands we need to extend the Bush tax cuts and add some more so that the "Job Creators" have incentives to create and innovate. Unfortunately, this theory was implemented under George W. Bush and where are the jobs? Now Romney says he will not lower taxes on the wealthiest Americans. But doesn't he mean he will extend the Bush Tax Cuts and claim since they were already in place, he did not add new cuts? The Bush tax Cuts were an extension that had an expiration date (the only way the Democrats would agree to them). The Republicans knew all along they would never allow them to expire, after all, why would they after signing Grover Norquist's No Tax Pledge? The name at the top of Norquist's list? Mitt Romney! Let's not forget Mitt's big lie on the auto bailout. He said to let them die. End of story. Hurricane Mitt! Blow baby blow!
On Medicare, we see Romney claim he will do nothing to hurt the program, except he has already admitted to endorsing Paul Ryan's Bill to gut the program and reformulate it into a Voucher plan. By doing so, baby boomers just under the age of 55 will never have the advantages currently enjoyed by those over 65. Romney plans to privatize Medicare because he knows business does a better job of taking care of people than the government. Just look at his record at Bain Capital! Blow Hurricane Mitt, Blow!
I could go on and on, but by now you get my point. Mitt Romney and his Republican supporters think that by changing positions from being "a severe conservative" to being a moderate, Americans will all fall in line and vote them back into presidential power. The only problem is that like the Weather Channel, some Americans can plainly see the path of destruction Hurricane Mitt will bring to the country. Just like the path left by Bush, America after Hurricane Romney will have to be rebuilt from the ground up. Can we endure the pain of women losing their right to choose? Can we endure the selling of America to private interests? Can we endure cutting off 47% of Americans because our federal government sees giving breaks to corporations and the wealthy as more important than the needs of ailing Americans not fortunate enough to be born into a family of wealth?
Americans MUST consider the long term affects we will surely suffer if Mitt Romney wins the presidency. Right now as we face the upcoming election, Americans are in the eye of Hurricane Mitt, experiencing relative calm, sensing things with Mitt aren't really that bad. But the other side of the eye is coming! And the devastation can be catastrophic for America. American voters beware! Hurricane Alert! Hurricane Mitt is a Cat. 5 Storm!