The real problem for Trump is the fact that although Manafort resigned from the campaign once the criminal investigation zeroed in on him, Mr Gates continued to serve as the Trump Assistant Campaign Chair throughout the election. Moreover, Gates also worked with the Trump team throughout the post-election transition and even the inauguration. From testimony in the Manafort trial, it is obvious Mr. Gates is now working for the Mueller team in their efforts to look deeper into possible conspiracy with the Russians to interfere with our 2016 elections. But this does not stop Trump or his sycophants from claiming the entire Mueller investigation is a "Witch Hunt" and without any basis for continuing. But in reality, Trump's top two campaign chairs are crooks. Manafort had a direct role in selecting Mike Pence to be the Vice-Presidential candidate on the Trump ticket and guided the inexperienced team through the GOP National Convention. Not exactly "light weight" responsibilities. So how far will Trump's rhetoric go to distant himself and his family from the illegal activity of those surrounding his campaign? Apparently pretty far as his two main public relations campaign includes these top legal advisers, Jay Sekulow and Rudy Giuliani - both of whom have now repeatedly changed their stories about the Russian matter. They even spent time co-hosting Sean Hannity's show on Fox. Which makes me wonder whether they have exposed themselves to violations of the Code of Conduct for attorneys. I mean, although lawyers are to zealously represent their client's bests interests, they are prohibited from outright lying to protect their clients - especially in criminal matters. And it appears both men have engaged in repeated patterns of misdirection, misleading and false public statements - all in an effort to insulate Trump from legal trouble. One problem also exists - the reality that Trump and his family did engage in illegal activity with the Russians and have continued to cover-up all of their previous lies relating to same.
We know by now the GOP will do nothing to harm their fearless leader. We also know the GOP has abandoned virtually all of their traditional values and norms in an effort to secure and maintain control of each branch of our national government. We also see this phenomena happening on the State level as Conservative candidates are eager to step all over each other to claim higher loyalty and fealty to The Donald. What happened to requiring a loyalty to constituents first?
As historian H.W. Brands once wrote; "When the Constitution was written in 1787, there was this supposition that American politics would be above party. The people who would staff the positions in government would have the interests of the country, or at least their states and congressional districts, at heart, and so they wouldn't form permanent political parties." Clearly today's GOP is exactly what concerned the Founders and Framers. The solution, albeit temporary? Vote Blue and end the undemocratic efforts of the Republicans to steer our treat nation away from the values the majority enjoy - Freedom of Speech, Expression, The Press and the Right to Believe or not to. Have a great week!