Now a long time ago, I learned in my college psychology class that what separates man from animal is "irritability." You see, we get emotional about things, and our emotions - so personal to each and every one of us, can either clarify or cloud our perceptions or judgments when it comes to our respective worlds. Unfortunately, our "respective worlds" is the same one we all live within.
With that in mind, I find it more important than ever to consider the "angle" folks take when expressing their positions on matters. I mean, are folks really concerned and expressing themselves after giving considerable amount of reflection, or are they simply regurgitating ideas espoused from others that have been cleverly designed to elicit emotions void of thoughtful judgment? Unfortunately, the latter applies to everything that occurs in our lives. It takes some very serious thought to really appreciate this reality. Is is fact? Is it fiction? Is it a talking point? Have I fallen victim to a narrative created solely to elicit a purely emotional response?
Without declaring where these human faults come into play in our current geopolitical world, I would prefer to leave it up to you, the reader, to decide how this affects each and every one of us and at least, at a minimum, accept the fact that we all fall prey to this reality - we are all, in fact human. So when folks around the world attempt to portray others as something other than, or less than human, they should be immediately rejected. Just food for thought!
Speaking of thought, I would be remiss not to point out that today marks the 34th year of my marriage to Shellie Goldstein Rubin. Although together since 1975, we decided then to grow old together and enjoy the ups and downs of life. Here we stand so many years later, with our children and grandchildren. Clearly older, but still excited to share many more years together as we certainly "grow older" together.
And what would a blog posting from me be without a presidential quote? As President Theodore Roosevelt once wrote, "Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you've got to start young." Happy Anniversary to my Shellie Fay, and may everyone in the World have a chance to grow old together! Have a great week!