"Could folks please stop posting photo-shopped photos of Obama
and Romney? They lead ignorant folks to believe them to be true
and these people vote based upon their ignorance. Can we please
just stick to an honest political discourse?
Can you begin to imagine the responses I received from making this simple request? Most were positive, but several caught my eye with the following sentiments; "When Obama stops photo shopping his birth certificate I will stop promoting photo shopped lies about him!" Or "When Obama stops his incessant lying, I will too."
Last year I received a message from a friend claiming an article in the Wall Street Journal by a famous columnist needed to be read by all Americans as it accurately depicted how many lies Obama had already told as president. When I read the article, I found several mistakes of fact. So I checked further and found that not only was the article never published in the Wall Street Journal, the columnist attributed to the article denied he ever wrote it. Seems a blogger lied and posted the article in an effort to stir up more hate towards Obama, knowing it was fraudulent. When I replied with this fact to my friend, her response was that the facts did not matter because Obama was destroying America. Huh?
It further amazes me when folks use any rationale available to justify purposely lying. Can they not appreciate that knowingly perpetuating and promoting misleading and untruthful photo shopped images renders themselves to be nothing more than liars themselves? Does one's ideology necessitate forfeiting their personal integrity in order to promote their political beliefs? Isn't this really the reason we have such a political mess in Washington D.C.? Has lying for some become so politically expedient that there is no longer any reason not to?
Some of these very same folks post pictures of the American flag and claim they are true patriots because they believe in AMERICA. If they truly believed in America, wouldn't they respect all opinions and views and wouldn't they agree that our great nation was built on repeated political compromise, not on rancor, distrust, distortions and lies. Was this not an important lesson taught us by the Founding Fathers and Framers? Is lying the new political standard?