We already know ideological media has led to our country to be be torn into two factions, which is never healthy for America. George Washington warned about the emergence of factions in America, but he never would have considered the negative impact Super-PAC fueled interest groups and virulent electronic media have on the electorate. He also may never have believed Americans could become so intellectually shallow when it comes to American politics and history.
In addition to the many outside influences on our electorate, we have developed a "callused" or hardened view towards those not sharing our political views. Although this country was designed with compromise in mind, many political ideologues now refuse to compromise anything, claiming their "principles" do not allow it. What a crock! Principles of democracy demand compromise, and refusing to do so only leads to dissent and distrust. Hence our current political climate is fraught with distrust and hatred towards fellow Americans. With the polling indicating this presidential election will be very close, perhaps it is time to seriously consider (once again), that what is great for the victor may not be so great for the rest of the country that maintains an opposing view. It is my plea that despite the winner of this year's presidential election, that neither side, winners or losers gloat or pout, but get back to the business of governing and not impressing upon the rest of Americans an unpopular political agenda. Either way this year, there will no mandate and with no mandate, there is no way to govern without compromise. We seek leaders who must lead for us all. After all, it is the American way!