Received today from "HUGE: Trump launching New Plan to Secure 2020. DEMS in a panic!" Although there is really nothing else mentioned about this headline in the body of the email, the following is:
"President Trump is already engaged in a bareknuckles (sic) fight with the Democrats..." "The Democrats' lead candidate, Joe Biden is in the middle of yet another huge gaffe controversy!" " and I know full well that Biden is one big problem; he's a liar!"
Another email received yesterday from TeaParty272 has the headline;
"In Wake of Mueller Witch hunt, Why is no one Paying Any Attention to Hillary Clinton and Ukraingate?" If that was not enough, they add: "The Sick Disguise Antifa Has Planned to Terrorize MAGA Patriots in Portland." Seems wearing all black upsets the Tea Party folks, who call themselves along with the Proud Boys "Patriots". But it gets better! Another email from these folks yesterday has the headline; "Obama Deep State Spy Lies About General Flynn Gets Dues - You Won't Believe his Defense!" It goes on to say' "Leftist Organizations have raised nearly a half a Billion!" And Soros's groups are setting aside millions more!" Why is it the Right can't seem to be straight with their followers? Why is it that they so desperately want to conflate the Trump nightmare with Hillary Clinton and a "Deep State" that was made up and now is the argument the Right clings too to discredit Mueller or anyone else that seeks to protect our Nation from foreign interference in our democracy? But it gets better!
From TEAPARTYPAC, I received the following; "BOMBSHELL - Top Dems Panic at Trump's Poll Numbers! Are you in?" There isn't a single reputable poll that shows Trump is not underwater in major electoral states. Not a single one. The only one they cite has Trump even with any Democratic Candidate - and that poll involved less than 500 voters with a margin or error as wide as the Grand Canyon. It is obvious Trump likes to boast and sell nonsense like the con-man he has always been - now the Right cant tell when they are being gaslit anymore - because the President has lied over 12,000 times since taking office. These organizations know it, so they can't help themselves when they promote lies to rile up their base - because when the economy starts to tank, there will be nothing left to support Trump. Huge deficits. A losing Tariff War. A country not divided like this since the 1850's and a president underwater in job approval! Yet another from TeaParty242 "Take a Look At Who Appointed The judges in the Epstein Cases..." This wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that the Right constantly has engaged in rhetoric blaming the Far Left of politicizing the judiciary- yet they do it on a daily basis and think nothing of it. Hypocrisy rules the day for the Far Right - and unfortunately, for most Trump supporters.
Now we have Trump saying publicly that the tariff war is hurting China more than the US because people are losing their jobs in China - except China employs virtually slave labor. Does anyone really believe that job loss is a real concern for China? At least Judicial Watch is more careful. When they make an outrageous claim, they couch it with "may be" or "might be" which gives them cover. Something like a trial lawyer telling the jury "I could say the defendant is a liar, cheat and a rapist, but I won't"- while the sentiment has been effectively passed to the jury anyway.
There are many former presidents I wish were alive today to blast the current GOP and Trump for their failure to appreciate our Constitution and the way the Presidency is supposed to work - but none more right now that Harry S. Truman, who famously said "It's plain hokum. If you can't convince 'em, confuse 'em. It's an old political trick. But this time it won't work." We can only hope thinking Americans have had enough with Trump, Trumpism and the GOP that supports his lies, racism and failed economic, environmental and social policies. Have a great week!