President Obama was recently re-elected after a grueling campaign against the Romney/Ryan ticket. At the top of the GOP argument to win back the White House was the claim that the economy has been stifled by Obama's policies and that unemployment alone proved the President's economic efforts have slowed our recovery from the Bush era "Great Recession." Not much more than four weeks ago, the GOP was trying to convince voters that returning to "Trickle Down" economics...cutting taxes on the wealthiest Americans would lead to the creation of millions of jobs. Remember their tried and true claims that the wealthy are really the "Job Creators" and everyone else that holds a job should be beholden to them and that by making them rich, we all will eventually prosper with high paying jobs and wealth? That the jobs created by the wealthy would increase our Nation's revenues with higher spending and a broader tax base? Remember how they ran on the idea that cutting taxes and regulations was the only answer to solving our economic woes and that Obama's policies have ruined our country and have taken us down the road to socialism? Remember?
Even now, some folks rationalize that Republicans only meant to say that those that make things are better for this Country's future than those that take things and that we must begin to make those "takers" more responsible for their own lives instead of relying upon the government. But why is this narrative still being repeated in the media? Amazingly, many on the Right seem to have amnesia and cannot remember their Party's very own platform that was the focus of the election. Selective memory? "Romnesia" as Obama put it in his recent campaign? Remember when Fox News slammed Obama for using the term Romnesia claiming it was an out of bounds and "derogatory" statement about Romney? Haven't we heard worse from the Right about Obama though? And what has happened to Mr. Romney since the election? His Party and former avid supporters have run as far and as fast from his as possible. So much for the GOP having great faith in Mr. Romney. Guess their "strong beliefs" were not as strong as claimed! Hypocrisy anyone? For those that follow this blog, you know how often I railed against Mr. Romney for being "transparent" and without any real convictions. Perhaps after all, he was the right choice to lead the GOP! Why else would we now see the GOP doing its best to forget who Romney is?
But to the point of this posting! With unemployment dipping down to 7.7%, Obama's policies (without any GOP Congressional support) proves something is working, albeit we need more of it. Since the election, the GOP seems to be in a daze, traumatized to the extent that it can't seem able to figure out what exactly it's next move should be. Senator Jim DeMint, (R-SC), leader of the Tea Party wing of the GOP, has announced his sudden resignation to pursue the presidency of the Heritage Foundation (and for the $1 Million plus salary it brings). Dick Armey, leader of the Koch Brothers' supported FreedomWorks, abruptly resigned, taking with him an $8 Million buyout. Rush Limbaugh is sputtering, unable to comprehend that America rejected his Party's economic and social policies, and the two highest ranking Republicans in Congress can't seem to get their legs under them. Case in point - Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) introduced a Bill in the Senate to grant the President the exclusive authority to raise the debt ceiling as necessary. Why in the World would he do that? McConnell's plan (straight out of 2010), was to force the Democrats to vote against the President so that he could publicly proclaim that Obama had (so soon after the election) already lost support of his own Party in the Senate. So confident was McConnell, that he waived having the bill go through the Cloture Vote process and instead pushed the Bill to an immediate floor vote. Unfortunately for McConnell, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called his bluff and corralled the necessary 51 votes to pass the Bill! As soon as McConnell realized that the Bill would pass, the man put a HOLD ON HIS OWN BILL! Now let's get this straight...McConnell sponsored and proposed legislation in an effort to embarrass the President (even though all future Presidents would have the power granted under the Bill), streamlined it to a floor vote, only to then kill it with his own objection (hold) when he realized it would pass. Huh? Is McConnell serious?
Next we have House Speaker John Beohner (R-OH) who has agreed to negotiate the terms of a resolution of the Fiscal Cliff directly with the President. After a week of negotiations, Boehner has declared negotiations have "stalemated" and that Obama has claimed a "my way or the highway attitude" relating to his demands to raise the tax rates on the top 2% of Americans. But as I mentioned earlier, Obama ran on raising the top tax rates on the wealthiest Americans throughout the campaign, and has publicly declared his position on the topic since the Bush Tax Cuts were extended in 2010. Did I miss something here? Obama did win re-election didn't he? Polling has overwhelmingly indicated that close to 70% of Americans approve raising the tax rates, and if Obama was elected with 51.5% of the Popular Vote, are there not some Republican voters also agreeing to raise those rates? Of course there are! What does Boehner demand in return? Cutting deductions and "loopholes" (without specifying which ones to be cut), but keep the tax cuts for the rich "because raising them will have a negative effect on the economy." But whose economy?
The Congressional Research Service reported prior to the election (but it was suppressed from going public by, you guessed it, Mitch McConnell), that 65 years of data indicated there is no evidence that tax cuts on the wealthy have produced any jobs, and that all it has produced was more wealth for those receiving the breaks! McConnell knows this! Boehner knows this! Both know Obama WON re-election with the promise to raise taxes. Then how can we possibly explain the positions of these two Republican leaders? Frankly, they are clinging to positions taken in 2010 without regard to the strong message sent them in 2012. I could go on and on, but for brevity's sake, allow me to put it this way. Until Republican leaders (or any of our leaders for that matter) clear their heads, start thinking straight and working within reality to move this country forward, they should be recognized by all Americans as simply playing "Jokers Wild!"