Unfortunately, even in this pristine environment, some people refuse to acknowledge that human activity is having a direct negative impact on this land. Scientists have revealed that all fish living in the Pacific are irradiated to some extent due to the Fukushima nuclear plant melt-down. In addition to this tragedy, remaining glaciers in Alaska all bear signs of pollution, with dark soot existing on the vast surfaces of the ice.
Yet, after speaking with some folks that toured the glaciers, they were under the impression that the dark surfaces are “naturally” occurring and not the result of pollution. Of course, this flies in the face of universal findings that soot from pollution find its way across the globe to fall atop these high elevation ice fields. Not only does the soot dull the pristine beauty of the ice fields, but it also leads to a degradation of the reflectivity of the ice – one of the most important environmental benefits the ice caps play in reflecting both the sun’s heating rays, but also the waves of radiation we are bombarded with on a daily basis (See: news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/06/140610-connecting-dots-dust-soot-snow-ice-climate-change-dimick/).
So why is there the denial of man’s interference and the direct consequences of the said actions? The only way one can deny such realities has got to be more with one’s political ideology than one’s actual understanding of science. Case in point – someone that asked me why it would be a problem for California to be split into two states instead of the existing one. They said their objective was not to learn of the legal limitations of such actions, but the political necessity of splitting the state so that Conservatives could finally “have a say” in California politics. You see, political objectives seem to be the only guiding principal many follow – regardless of the scientific realities we are collectively facing as humans on our one planet – Mother Earth.
When I asked further why they would believe the Earth is just in a “normal cycle” instead of a man made caused slow-motion death march, their response was classic – “If scientists can’t agree, how can we?” At this point, what scientists no longer acknowledge the negative impact humans are responsible for causing the acceleration of global climate change? In reality, only scientists sponsored by the fossil fuel industry remain skeptical, while all others (98.5%) are on board with stern warnings that climate change is underway and it is becoming obvious from the frequency and intensity of stranger weather patterns. Droughts and heatwaves in the far corners of the World are being met with torrential drenching once thought to be “100 year rains” blanket the Midwest, now come and go on a regular basis throughout the year. Snow in Florida and Hawaii? Temperatures in the high 90’s in Europe?
Even though we may speak different languages, follow different customs and cultures, we all live on this one round planet. Climate Change is not a political issue, even though many may claim it to be so. As President Theodore Roosevelt once said, “There is a delight in the hardy life of the open. There are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness that can reveal its mystery, its melancholy and its charm. The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased and not impaired in value. Conservation means development as much as it does protection." And me? My home has gone 100% solar. Yep, you read that right. My wife and I have decided that talking about “Going Green” required us to actually “Go Green” , and we have. I’ll let you all know how much we are saving by using the renewable source of the sun for our electrical needs. So wake up people. We are harming our world and only we together can slow the problem and hopefully turn it around to protect Earth for our children and their children’s children. Have a great week and be well!