As soon as I slam George Will for being clueless, he writes an article entitled "Unrestrain the Judiciary" slamming Romney for promising he would appoint "restrained" judicial candidates. Will explains the need for an independent judiciary and why the framers intended they stay above the political fray expected of politicians. Great job Mr. Will, except you left off one important factor... how the game of politics affects the nomination and confirmation of our judiciary since the days of Robert Bork! Politics plays a major role in the selection and confirmation of judicial nominees and BOTH parties use the process to ensure a nominee pursue their political ideology instead of the standard that justice is blind and that each case alone should determine judicial decisions.
Have a great Father's Day to all those fathers that have made a difference in their children's' lives and the World that surrounds them. Kids...the gifts that keep on giving. I know mine do...(can't wait now for Grandfather's Day, whenever that is)!